Individual project in kindergarten "Why is it Raining"

Author: Khabibullina Ravilya Mirkhatovna, teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 69" Rainbow "in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, Republic of Tatarstan
Material description: I offer you an individual project "Why is it Raining" for children in preparation for the school group (6-7 years old). This material will be useful for teachers of senior and preparatory groups for school. The project is based on a problem, to solve it requires a research search in various directions, the results of which are generalized and combined into one whole.
Project type: research
Project timeline: 1 month
Project goal: to expand and clarify children's ideas about rain,
the reasons for their occurrence.
Project objectives:
- to teach a child to see and understand the relationships in nature (sun - steam-cloud-rain)
- the formation of the prerequisites for search activity, to create the necessary conditions for this
- development of the ability to acquire knowledge with the help of an adult, and then independently
- development of the ability to formulate and ask questions, draw conclusions and conclusions
- to promote the creative development of personality and communication skills
- attracting parents to participate in joint activities
- develop the ability to work as equals in a pair "adult - child"
- to educate the desire for knowledge, hard work, dedication and perseverance.
Relevance of the project:
The penchant for research is common to all children, without exception. The child strives for knowledge, and the assimilation itself occurs through the numerous "why", "how", "why". Subject-research activity develops and consolidates the child's cognitive attitude to the world around him. The child learns everything firmly and for a long time, when he hears, sees and does himself.
Liliana is an inquisitive child. She has a wide range of interests. Parents always support the interests of the child, broaden their horizons.
One of the objects of Liliana's attention was one of the natural phenomena. Watching the rain many times, she was interested in the question "Why is it raining." This is how our project came about.
Project content:

Stage 1 preparatory

Identifying the problem - why is it raining?
- project development, involvement of parents to participate in joint activities
- define the goals and objectives of the project
-collection of material on this topic (use of a dictionary, special literature, Internet)
- consultation for parents "Project activities in kindergarten"
- preparation of equipment and creation of conditions for conducting experiments at home

Stage 2 main (practical):

Observing the rain
- viewing paintings and illustrations about natural phenomena
- memorizing the poem "Rain" by O. Maslova
- reading of the fairy tale by Gianni Rodari "The Sun and the Cloud"
- learning the song "Rain" music and words by M.M. Eremeeva
- drawing "Big cloud"

- making riddles about the rain
- conducting experiments at home with parents

3 stage final

- result - video filming of experiments at home
Expected Result
- Liliana will acquire knowledge and ideas about a natural phenomenon - rain
- interest in research activities will increase
- learn to conduct simple experiments with parents, and then independently
- learn to plan the stages of their actions, analyze and draw conclusions
- parents are interested and active participants in the project, focused on the development of the child's need for cognition.
Formulation of a new problem:
Liliana wants to learn as much as possible about the amazing natural phenomenon - rain.
- What kind of rains are there?
- What kind of rain should not be on the ground?
- Do you need rain?

Description of experiments

(Experiments were carried out at home with the help of parents observing safety rules)
Experience number 1 Squeeze the dry ball of water tightly. Then put it in a saucer of water. The cotton ball will unfold and swell from the water. Carefully lift the top of the cotton over the saucer. If there is enough water, drops will start falling into the saucer.
Liliana's story: Imagine that I have a small cloud in my hands, it is saturated with water. There was a lot of water. Our cloud has turned into a cloud, the droplets cannot stay in it and begin to fall. It's raining.
Cloud, cloud, what are you carrying?
The cloud "Rain" answers. This is how rain appears.
Experience number 2 Required: metal pan, metal lid, gas stove
The course of the experiment: 1. Pour water into a saucepan, ask adults to put it on the stove. 2. When the water boils, cover the saucepan with a lid.
Water droplets have formed on the lid. Shake the lid and drops of "rain" fall. This is because water vapor is released from boiling water. On a cold lid, it cools down and turns into a liquid again (this is how the appearance of rain can be explained).

Used Books:

1. Magazine "Educator of preschool educational institution" No. 6, 2013
2. IE, Kulikovskaya, NN Sovgir, Children's experimentation, 2003
3.GP Tugusheva, AE Chistyakova Experimental activity of middle and preschool age, 2007
4. T.A. Korotkova Cognitive and research activities of older children, 2009
5. L. V. Kovinko Secrets of Nature - It's So Interesting M. 2004
6. Gianni Rodari Tales
7. Kullanma Balalar Bakchasynda methodology project eshchenlege Yar Chaly 2012

Description of the presentation for individual slides:

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Completed by: 1B class student of MBOU secondary school №26 Vilker Ekaterina Supervisor: Arestova S.V.

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Topic: Why is it raining? Problem: You've probably noticed that when the sky turns gray and the white clouds turn into heavy clouds, it starts to rain after a while. But where does this rain come from? Research hypothesis: it is possible that when rain falls, puddles are obtained, which are absorbed into the ground, and from the ground, drops fly into the sky. And when the clouds move together, the drops have nowhere to go and they begin to fall to the ground.

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Purpose: to find out what "rain" is and where it comes from. Objectives: To get acquainted with water from the history of the Earth. Find out what the science of hydrology studies. Find out what "rain" is and where it comes from To get acquainted with the physical properties of water and conduct experiments and observations on rainwater and snow. Research methods: Think for yourself; Use encyclopedias (books, internet); Ask an adult; Observation; Conduct experiments.

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About water from the history of the Earth In the history of our planet, water is very important. It plays an important role in the life of the flora and fauna of the Earth. Life is impossible without water, but water can exist without life. Therefore, our ancestors believed that water appeared on Earth before life began. Rain is precipitation that falls from clouds in the form of water droplets. Watching the rain fall, primitive man believed that all the water is in the sky. According to other observations, water appeared from under the Earth, where, according to legends, the abode of spirits and gods were located. Hence the veneration of springs, seas, lakes and other bodies of water.

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The water deity among the ancient Slavs was the Water One - a mythical inhabitant of rivers, lakes and streams. The merman was represented as a naked old man with a fish tail. Poseidon was the god of the sea among the ancient Greeks.

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The ancient Romans revered the god of the sea Neptune To influence the weather, that is, so that it would rain when necessary, the ancient people prayed and sacrificed to the gods of thunder: the Greeks and Romans - Zeus The ancient Slavs - Perun

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Science "hydrology" and the concept of "water cycle in nature". The study of the water cycle in nature, the influence of human activity on it, is the science - Hydrology. More than half of our planet's surface is covered with water. The water envelope of the earth is called the hydrosphere. It is divided into the following parts: 1. World ocean waters; 2. land waters; 3. groundwater. Water moves and unites with the help of the world water cycle. The world cycle is the movement of water from ocean to land and from land to ocean through the atmosphere.

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The sun's rays warm the earth and water bodies. As a result, the water begins to evaporate and rise high up in the form of steam. It is cold upstairs, so the steam begins to cool and turn back into small, small droplets of water or sharp ice crystals. When a lot of such droplets collect, a cloud appears, which we see in the sky. Clouds come in different shapes and colors. The wind carries them. When small water droplets have merged into large raindrops that can no longer stay in the air, they begin to fall down in the form of rain.

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The water from the reservoir went high in the sky in the form of steam and returned to the ground like rain. This is the water cycle in nature. If it is very cold at the top, then water droplets can freeze and turn into ice balls that will fall to the ground in the form of hail. Snow forms high in the clouds. Snowflakes are created when several ice crystals stick together or join a frozen drop of water. If the snowflakes falling down do not melt, then snow will fall on the ground.

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Properties of water From the school course, we are familiar with the properties of water: Water is transparent; The water is colorless; Water is a solvent; The water is odorless; Water flows (property - fluidity); Water expands when heated; When cooled, water is compressed.

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An experience. How does the water cycle occur in nature? To do this, we poured water into a saucepan, covered it with a lid and put it on the included stove. When the water boiled, some of it evaporated and settled on the lid. We shook the lid and the drops fell back into the pan.

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Observation. Using a microscope, we examined rainwater, puddle water, and melted snow.

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Observation 1. In October 2013, we collected raindrops in a saucer. We held the saucer in a canopy, sticking out our hand from the balcony of the second floor so that no foreign objects could get into the container. In the microscope, we saw a clear drop of rainwater.

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Observation 2. We became interested in what rainwater looks like close to the ground. In order to check this, in November 2013 we put an empty jar on the ground in the yard. When the rainwater got into it, we examined it carefully. She looked almost clean. Only a small blade of grass got into the jar. When we looked at a seemingly pure raindrop through a microscope, we saw that there were foreign particles in it. They were some kind of "rags" that looked like mucus. We also saw several sticks.

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Observation 5. In a jar where the dirty snow melted, we saw dirty muddy water. Sand settled at the bottom. The melted snow from this jar had an unpleasant smell. When we looked at a drop from this jar under a microscope, we saw a large amount of mucus, small stones, as well as many small round microorganisms moving in different directions.

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Output. Thus, we got acquainted with the ideas of ancient people about water and saw how they understood the mechanism of the water cycle in nature. We also got acquainted with the science "Hydrology" and learned what it studies. We studied how the water cycle occurs in nature. Experiments were carried out with rainwater and snow. And they came to the conclusion that there are bacteria in the puddles and snow. Therefore, you cannot take snow in your mouth and wet your hands in a puddle so that bacteria do not enter our body. The hypothesis we put forward at the beginning of our study was partially confirmed. We learned that water from bodies of water and land rises up in the form of steam when exposed to sunlight.

Place of work, position: -

MBOU "School No. 4 of Krasnoarmeysk, Saratov Region"

Region: - Saratov region

Description of the abstract:
Levels of education: - primary general education

Class (s): - 1st class

Subject (s): - The world around

Target audience: - Teacher (teacher)

Resource type: - other type

Brief resource description: -

Research work of 1st grade students

OU "Secondary school No. 4 of the city of Krasnoarmeisk, Saratov region"

educational research conference of students



The work was completed by students of the 1st grade

MBOU "Secondary school No. 4 of Krasnoarmeysk

Saratov region "

Ovsyannikova Olesya

Danila Terentyev


Sedova Oksana Yurievna

primary school teacher

MBOU "Secondary school No. 4 of Krasnoarmeysk

Saratov region "


  • Introduction …………………………………………………………… .3 - 4
  • What is rain and how does it form? ………………………………… .. 5
  • What kind of rain do you get? ……………………………………………… .. .6 - 7
  • Influence of rain on humans and nature …………………………… ... 8 - 9
  • When rain is bad ……………………………………………… 10
  • Acid rain: how to deal with them …………………………… 11 - 12
  • Rules of conduct in the rain …………………………………………. .13
  • Conclusion …………………………………………………………… .. 14
  • List of resources …………………………………………………………. 15
  • Appendix …………………………………………………………… .16
  • Introduction

    The music of the rain is gentle, melodic

    Rustles sliding, sometimes rhythmic,

    Drum rolls off zealously,

    That kisses us, drizzling foggy.

    The music of the rain gently caresses the ear.

    Thoughts, like birds, gathers in flocks.

    Beckons us to sleep, gives dreams,

    So that we don't have confusion in our souls ...

    (I. Lysikova)

    The object of attention of our research was one of the natural phenomena - rain.

    In autumn, spring and summer, we listen to the weather forecast every day to find out if it will rain today and whether it is worth taking an umbrella with us to hide from the rain and not get wet. Many of us like to walk in the rain, fall asleep under the sound of rain, while others, on the contrary, at the first drops of rain try to hide at home, cannot stand the slush and dampness that rains bring

    We have watched the rain a lot before and we have questions that we will try to answer in our research work. What is rain? How is it formed? What happens? And is rain always good?

    The theme of our work: "Is it always rain - a blessing?"

    Relevance: we believe that rain can be not only beneficial, but also harmful to the environment.

    The purpose of our research: learn as much as possible about this natural phenomenon.

    To achieve this goal, we set ourselves tasks:

    • Examine how rain is formed.
    • Find out what kind of rains there are?
    • Find out how people feel about rain?
    • What kind of rain should not be on Earth?

    In our work, we used the following methods:

    • Reading special literature (reference books, encyclopedias, fiction books).
    • Using the Internet with the help of adults.
    • Conducting polls.
    • Experiments.
    • Drawing up memos, rules, booklets.

    To accomplish these tasks, we did the following work:

    • collected material on what rain is and how it is formed;
    • collected information on types of rain;
    • conducted a survey among relatives, students and teachers of the school;
    • conducted experiments with the aim of: to find out how rain is formed and how rain can harm nature;
    • collected poems, riddles, sayings, drawings about rain;
    • have compiled reminders of the rules of behavior in the rain.

    What is rain and how does it form?

    In the dictionary Ozhegov S.I .:

    Rain - 1. Atmospheric precipitation in the form of water droplets, jets.

    In the dictionary of V.I.Dahl:

    Rain - water in drops or streams from clouds.

    In short, rain is, first of all, water.

    There are many oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, ponds and just puddles on Earth. The sun heats the water in them. The water evaporates into invisible vapor. This steam, together with the warm air, rises higher and higher, to where it is always cold. There, in the height, the steam turns into tiny droplets of water. When there are too many drops, they become a cloud. And now the clouds are floating above the ground, unable to retain moisture in themselves. Then it rains.

    In the classroom, we conducted the experiments "Convert water to steam" and "Formation of rain". (Appendix # 1) First, we poured water into a saucer and left it for several days. After two days, we noticed that the saucer was dry. Where is the water? Evaporated!

    Then, during the lesson, we independently "created" rain, observing how the water collects in a cloud (ordinary sponge) and rains back into the saucer. Now we can make it rain ourselves at home!

    What kind of rains do you have?

    Rains are classified according to two main characteristics:

    • intensity;
    • duration.

    By intensity:

    Few people know, but fog can also be roughly attributed to rain. During fog, the smallest particles of water not only evaporate from the surface of the earth, but also settle down from the clouds. In this case, the droplet diameter is up to one tenth of a millimeter. The rest of the types of rain can be distinguished as follows:

  • Drizzle - up to 0.3 mm;
  • Small - up to 1.3 mm;
  • Medium - up to 1.5 mm;
  • Strong - up to 2 mm;
  • Very strong - up to 3.5 mm.
  • The following types of rain are distinguished by duration:

  • Short-term - no more than three hours;
  • Periodic - repeated in intervals with breaks throughout the day;
  • Stormy - heavy rainfall with drops of up to one centimeter;
  • Prolonged - can pass without stopping for a day or more.
  • In addition, the following types of rain are known among the people:

    • "Blind" is the name for summer rain without clouds. It goes by the sun: you can hear it, but you can't see it. You will guess only by the footprints on the ground and water. Puddles and rivers respond to the blind rain in large bubbles. They are called “rain bubbles”.
    • "Mushroom" - fine warm summer rain. Strikes right into the ground! The mushroom picker soars. It smells like smoke in the air. The song of mushroom rain is the shortest. Listen to mushrooms and grow. To the song!
    • "Disputed" - fast, fast rain. It always pours strongly, vertically, approaching with an oncoming noise. The spore rain on the river is especially good. Like a glass ringing from the knock of drops. By the height of this ringing, you can guess whether the rain is gaining strength or subsiding.
    • "Covert" - rain in the form of rather large drops. You can't wait it out - it can rain for hours, days, sometimes weeks. Such rain is the least favorite for many people - there is nowhere to hide from it: a gray shroud of clouds captures vast spaces, sometimes thousands of kilometers.

    Unusual types of rain are of no less interest:

    • "Exotic" - wonderful, mysterious. Rains that, together with water, bring down various objects to the surface: coins, fruits, grain and even fish, spiders, jellyfish, frogs.
    • "Colored" - when the drops are colored in different colors: blue, red. How is this possible?
      The wind raises the pollen of plants high into the sky, and the pigment contained in the pollen colors the rain in different colors.
    • "Star" is a starfall, or rather meteoric bodies that fly into the atmosphere of our Earth and develop speeds of up to tens of kilometers per second. When rubbed against air, they heat up and begin to glow, and then collapse. This phenomenon can be observed at night, it seems that the stars are falling. People often make wishes when they see shooting stars.

      Influence of rain on humans and nature

    Rain is a beautiful and mesmerizing natural phenomenon that not only looks beautiful, but also has tremendous energy, which helps to balance all systems of the human body. In addition, this element can have an impact on the formation of some character traits of people.

    It is known that wet rainy weather has a negative effect on people with a weakened immune system: depression appears, the body begins to mope a little, etc.

    Drizzling weather usually causes drowsiness, depression and pessimistic moods.

    On the other hand, people with a romantic nature in the rain get some spirituality, inspiration for creativity and a general mood for positive.

    There is also the idea that spring rain is the most beneficial for humans. It is at this time of the year that, when it rains, the mood of most people rises, a lot of ideas and fantasies appear in creative life, the general state becomes optimistic.

    Having studied this information, we decided to conduct surveys (Appendix # 2) among relatives, classmates, students and school teachers on the topic “My mood in the rain”.

    It was found that out of 48 people: in 24 - the mood worsens, in 17 - it improves and in 7 - it becomes romantic.

    To the question "Rain for nature is ..." out of 48 people: 46 - answered "good" and 2 people think that it is "harm".

    In a word, the significance of rain for nature is great. Rain irrigates, moisturizes, nourishes, washes everything around.

    The rainiest place on Earth is considered to be Mount Waialeale, which is located on the island of Kauai, which is part of the Hawaiian Islands group. Rain is so common here that dry weather seems like a miracle. If Waialeale were not a mountain, then in a year it would be covered with water, the layer of which would correspond to a four-story building. This area also holds the record for the longest rain - 350 days.

    Chile's Atacama Desert does not boast a lot of rainfall. According to weather forecasters, it does not rain here for years! In such a climate, some areas of this desert resemble the surface of Mars and are very, very dangerous for humans and any living creatures in general.

    Imagine just for a moment what if there had never been rainfall? Rivers, lakes, seas would dry up. Plants would have burned under the sun. There would be no insects, birds, animals, of course - fish, and ultimately - and man himself. So it is not always worth frowning and angry if bad weather replaces clear weather, and it pours outside the window as if from a bucket. After all, moisture is a blessing!

    When rain is bad

    Moisture is a necessity for nature. But not all rains are beneficial.

    If the rain lasts longer than usual, the plants are not only saturated with moisture, but even fed up with it, they can rot. And too strong and long rain can cause a flood, which will also only harm the surrounding nature.

    There are also rains that shouldn't be on Earth! These are radioactive and acid rain. They appeared due to human economic activity and environmental pollution.

    Radioactive fallout is one of the most dangerous consequences of air pollution by humans. They arise as a result of a nuclear weapon test, a nuclear explosion or an accident at a nuclear power plant. The consequences after them are irreversible - diseases of internal organs, skin lesions, genetic mutations.

    Acid rain.

    Acid rain does not exist in nature itself. Normal rains become acidic. Why?

    There are two reasons: natural and artificial.

    Natural causes: volcanic eruptions, lightning, thunderstorms.

    Artificial: industrial production, exhaust from cars, planes pollute the air with harmful gases, which combine with water droplets to form acid. And acid rain falls on the earth, bringing only harm to all living things on Earth. Acid rain destroys plants, crops, ruins fish in water bodies.

    Acid rain: how to deal with it

    In the classroom, we conducted an experiment called "Exposure to Acid Rain on Plants."

    They took a leaf of a houseplant and dropped a few drops of sulfuric acid on it, which is part of acid rain. Five minutes later, brown dots appeared on the leaflet. The plant is burned! (Appendix No. 3)

    Acid rain is currently a problem in many countries around the world.

    In Russia, the highest levels of acid rainfall are observed in densely populated and industrial regions of the country - in the Central, Central Black Earth, North-Western, Ural, as well as in large cities - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Omsk, Norilsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk and others saturated with power plants and vehicles.

    Over the past five years, according to research, there has been a steady increase in rain acidity.

    Why is it dangerous?

    Scientists note that the effects of acid rain are very multidimensional, and are dangerous for people, animals, and plants... Among the main experts are the following effects:

  • Acid rains noticeably increase the acidity of lakes, ponds, reservoirs, as a result, their natural flora and fauna are gradually dying out there. In addition, as a result of such processes, the water becomes unusable for human use.
  • Acid rain leads to forest degradation, plant extinction. With constant exposure to water with high acidity, trees die.
  • Acid rains cause irreparable damage to architectural monuments, buildings, structures. The action of such precipitation causes accelerated corrosion of metals, failure of mechanisms.
  • Acid rain can cause direct harm to humans and animals. First of all, people in high-risk areas suffer from diseases of the upper respiratory tract, baldness and varying degrees of burns on the skin.
  • How to deal with acid rain?

    It is almost impossible to deal with the precipitation itself. H it is necessary to fight the causes of this phenomenon. Knowledge of the problems will improve the environmental safety of the world's population.

    Rules of conduct in the rain

    • Try to stay at home or in cover whenever possible.
    • Use personal protective equipment: umbrella, raincoat, boots.
    • If your clothes and shoes get wet, take them off immediately and keep warm.
    • Check the weather forecast for the coming days before going outdoors.
    • If you get caught in the rain in nature, try to quickly set up camp in a safe place, secure the tents securely, cover them with a waterproof cloth, arrange gutters around the tents.
    • In rainy weather, do not camp in a riverbed or on the bank of a mountain river.
    • If you are exposed to acid rain, take a shower immediately to prevent the consequences.


    Investigating this natural phenomenon, we made the following conclusions:

    • Rain is one of the unique natural phenomena that exists in nature.
    • We learned how rain is formed, and now we can independently "cause" rain at home.
    • All rains vary in intensity and duration, and there are also "unusual" - exotic, colorful and starry.
    • We found out where the rainiest place on the planet is and where it doesn't rain for years.
    • Everyone must follow the ecology and then dangerous rains will not fall on the Earth.
    • People have different attitudes towards rain, but they agree that rain is also good weather!

    Resource list

    Internet resources Rain and interesting things about rain Entertaining climatology

    Print resources

    Big book of questions and answers about the nature of things and phenomena, - M., 2004

    My first scientific experiments, "Content Publishing Group, 2003"

    Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Publishing house "Az", 1992.

    Tanaseichuk V. Ecology in Pictures. - M., "Children's Literature", 1989

    Wallard K. An entertaining book of questions and answers for smart people and smart people. Family Leisure Club, 2010.

    What? What for? Why? Big book of questions and answers. EKSMO, 2004.

    Other resources

    Great electronic encyclopedia "Cyril and Methodius"

    Children's electronic encyclopedia "Cyril and Methodius"

    File size: 909824 bytes.

    Terentyeva Alexandra
    MBOU "Uyarskaya secondary school No. 3" Uyar city, Krasnoyarsk Territory
    Head: R.V. Nepomnyashchaya

    Summer is coming, which means that precipitation will mainly fall in the form of rain. I watched the rain in summer many times and I had questions that I tried to answer in my research work. I'm wondering why is it raining? How does water rise to the sky to rain down on the earth? Why is rain different? Do you need rain? Are there dangerous rains?

    Water vapor, in contact with cold air, condenses and turns back into water. This is how the rains are born.

    But not all rains are beneficial. There are rains that shouldn't be on Earth. These are acid and radioactive rains. They appeared due to the economic activities of people, environmental pollution.

    Rain is also good weather!

    Purpose of work: to learn as much as possible

    about this natural phenomenon.

    Objectives: 1. Investigate the transformation of water into steam.

    2. Explain how steam becomes water again.

    Research methods - experiments, observations.

    Research site: school laboratory, home

    Research object: natural phenomenon - rain


    In order to learn more about the amazing natural phenomenon - rain, I had to turn to various sources of mass media: dictionaries, TV, special literature. In the course of collecting material, I visited all the libraries in our neighborhood, remembered the properties of water. The most exciting experiences for me were the experiments that I conducted with my parents at home.


    1. What is rain?

    Rain is, first of all, water. Ozhegov's dictionary says that "Rain is precipitation in the form of water drops, jets." And in Dahl's dictionary that "Rain is water in drops or streams from clouds."

    Rain - Precipitation in the form of raindrops. How does rain form? The evaporation of moisture from the ground and air, heating up, rises to a great height. Moreover, the more they heat up, the higher they rise. But at high altitudes, it's always cold. The humid warm air, rising to such heights, rarely cools down and falls down with a shower of raindrops. Rain is a type of atmospheric precipitation, a product of condensation of water vapor contained in the air, falling out of clouds in the form of liquid droplets. Raindrops are formed by the coalescence of the smallest droplets formed during the condensation process. However, in this way, rain can form, falling out of droplet clouds, the intensity of which does not exceed 1-2 mm / h. More intense rain falls from clouds consisting of supercooled droplets and ice crystals. In summer, they melt, passing through warm layers of air and falling to the ground in the form of large raindrops.

    2. How is it formed?

    Why is it raining?

    · How does water rise to the sky to rain down on the earth?

    There are many oceans and seas, rivers and streams, lakes, ponds and puddles on earth. The sun heats up the water. It evaporates, i.e. becomes transparent and invisible vapor. This light vapor, together with warm air, rises higher and higher from the earth - many kilometers up. It is always cold there, at the height. The warm steam above touches the cold air, and tiny dust-like droplets of water are formed from it. The droplets are still very small and light. The cold air pulls them down, and the warm air lifts them up again. So they move up and down above the ground until they merge into large drops.

    But there are already so many drops that all together they turn into a large cloud. The wind picks up the clouds and carries them around the world. Clouds float above the ground until heavy drops, unable to hold on any longer, rain down on the ground.

    The rain has passed. Until recently, there were puddles in the yard. But the sun came out, dried the water. She again turned into steam to form a cloud high in the sky and pour down on the earth as a graceful rain.

    At home, we can observe the formation of rain. I ran an experiment like this:


    Small saucepan

    Metal cover

    Gas stove

    Experience progress:

    1. Pour water into a saucepan, ask adults to put it on the stove.

    2. When the water boils, cover the saucepan with a lid.


    Water droplets have formed on the lid. Shake the lid and rain drops.

    This is because ...

    ... that water vapor is released from boiling water. On a cold lid, it cools down and turns into liquid again. This phenomenon is called condensation.

    Conclusion: Water vapor, in contact with cold air, condenses and turns back into water. This is how the rains are born.

    How steam becomes water again can be observed in the following experiments. Water is boiling in a saucepan, clouds of steam are visible. We bring a cold spoon to the stream of steam. First, it is covered with small droplets of water, and then the water will begin to drip from it. Tiny droplets of water merge together until they are large enough to be seen as a cloud of steam. The steam rises and comes into contact with the cold surface of the spoon. Tiny droplets cool down, settle on a spoon, merge into larger droplets and run off in the form of water.

    We can make it rain ourselves. Fill a saucepan with a handle with ice cubes and hold it over a large saucepan of boiling water. What will happen? Very humid hot air, saturated with steam, rises and heats the sides of the ice-cold saucepan. This vapor condenses, settling on its walls, merges into large drops and flows down. It's raining!

    3. What are the rains

    Rains are classified according to two main characteristics: intensity and duration.

    The heaviest rain is called downpour. The smallest rain is drizzle. But there are, very special, summer rains, short, funny. They walk in an amazing way - from a clear sky, in the light of a bright sun! There are no clouds in the sky, only a light white haze hangs in the air.

    This is water vapor. Low above the ground, it fell into a cold stream of air, turned into water droplets, they began to quickly merge, become heavy and fall to the ground in rare large drops.

    It passes quickly, this rain

    4. What kind of rain should not be on Earth

    But not all rains are beneficial. There are rains that shouldn't be on the ground. These are acid and radioactive rains. They appeared due to the economic activities of people, environmental pollution.

    Acid rain

    There are many substances in nature, including acids. Due to environmental pollution, acids began to form high in the sky. They often fall to the ground along with the rain. This is the so-called acid rain. Plants and all living things suffer from them, many buildings, including ancient monuments, deteriorate.

    Radioactive rain

    Radioactive fallout is one of the most dangerous consequences of air pollution by humans. They are dust and droplets of atmospheric moisture containing radioactive atoms.

    Radiation destroys living cells, weakening the body's defenses against various diseases.

    5. Do you need rain?

    What if there had never been rainfall?

    There would be no rain - rivers, seas and lakes would dry up, grasses and trees would burn. This means that there would be no fish, birds, animals and humans.

    Rain is the most important source for us.


    Investigating this natural phenomenon, I came to the conclusion that rain is one of the amazing phenomena that exists in nature. Only people should monitor the ecology of the Earth and then dangerous rains will not fall.


    1. Karagod S. "Encyclopedia of Natural Phenomena"

    2. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language" M., 1997

    3. I know the world: Ecology. - M., 1999