In 1998, by the decision of UNESCO, this territory at the junction of Central Asia and Siberia was declared an object of the World Heritage.

In this region there are Altai State Natural Biosphere Reserve and the buffer zone of Teletsk Lake, Katunsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve, Natural Park "Cocke" and Beluha Natural Park. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe protected area is 1.64 million hectares.

Landscapes, Flora and Fauna Altai

The geological history of the region, represented by rocks of different periods of land formation, was reflected in the unusual form of the relief of these places.

It is both the high terraces of Katun, striking by their greatness, and the highest peak of Siberia Belukha (4506 m above sea level), topped with glaciers and snowballs, and deep narrow canyons of Altai rivers.

There are few places in the world with the same contrasting combinations of various landscapes on such a small space. Here are all natural zones of Central Asia: deserts, steppes, forest-steppe, mixed forests, mountain darkened taiga, subalpine and alpine meadows. On the territory of the plateau of ocke, a tundrov-steppe landscape with rare plants and mshami was formed, many of which were listed in the Red Book of Russia.

Separate attention deserves the unique fauna of Altai: 70 species of mammals, over 300 species of feathered, including such rare birds, such as Altai Ular, Black Stork, Sapsan, Berkut, Borodach, Orlans (Belochvost and long-standing), Baloban, Eagle-burial ground, Skop. Among 20 species of fish - Harius, Taimen, Lenok, Osman.

The diverse landscape of the Golden Altai Mountains has contributed to the emergence and preservation of endemics (plants and animals common only in certain territories). Among the rare mammals - Irbis, or Snow Bars, and the Altai Mountain Baran Argali.

Uniquely and Teletsk Lake - the largest lake of Altai and one of the largest lakes of Russia, he is called the younger brother of Baikal. The maximum depth of the lake is about 330 m, there are more than 70 rivers and streams in it, and only one river flows up. According to the old legend, in ancient times in Altai was hunger. One Altais, who had a big goldst ingot, wanted to exchange it on food, but, by going around the Altai, and could not buy anything. The annoyed and hungry "rich" poor man threw his ingot into the lake and died himself in his waves. Since then, in the language of Altaians, the lake is called Altyn-Kohl - "Golden Lake".

History of Altai

Not only nature is interesting, but also the history of these places. It is believed that the first settlements appeared here almost a million years ago. The best archaeologists have studied the valley of the Katun River. The monuments of all epochs were found here - from Paleolithic parking of an ancient person to the ethnographic burial of the Altaians, and the Scythians who lived here left behind the stone pillars of mengirs, numerous petroglyphs, decorations and weapons.

In 1993, a plateau of ocke, located at an altitude of about 3 km above sea level and has long been considered a sacred territory, found a mummy of the girl, called the "Altai Princess". The burial chamber discovered six horses under the saddles and with a dressing, as well as a wooden deck of larch, capened by bronze nails. According to Chinese mythology, such horses were called Cylin (heavenly) and had to be associated with the transcendent altitudes. The burial turned out to be in an ice lens, so well preserved.

In August 2014, the Council of Elders of the Republic of Altai decided to get buried Mumia. Many residents of the republic considered it from the Kurgan caused by natural disasters, which collapsed on the mountain altai in recent years, including strong floods. Currently, the remains of "Princesses" are in a special sarcophage with climate control, in the National Republican Museum named after A.V. Anokhina. So far, the decision is not fulfilled, since the study of mummy is of great interest to science.

The uniqueness of Altai in geological, geographical, cultural treatment makes scientists of the whole world seek to expand the protected area. In the near future, the UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site "Golden Altai Mountains" can be international, expanding to neighboring countries - China, Mongolia and Kazakhstan.

Summary of other presentations

"Ecology of the Astrakhan region" - the area of \u200b\u200bland engaged in landfills. Motor transport. Ways to solve the problem. Municipal solid waste. Environmental problems of the atmosphere of the Astrakhan region. Pollution of atmospheric air. Air pollution level. Sources of pollution. Industry. Priority substances polluting air.

"South Africa Geography" - President of South Africa. Economy. Coat of arms of the Republic of South Africa. George Pemba. Domestic regions of South Africa. A variety of climatic zones are presented in South Africa. Animal world of South Africa. Religion. Interesting facts about South Africa. Industry of the national economy. Thomas Baines. Capital. Population. Plant world South Africa. Art. History. Geography. The words of the anthem South Africa. South Africa Republic.

"Arizona" - climate. Economy. A significant part of the state of the state falls on the mountains, plateau. Arizona. Geography. History. Content. Colorado. Population. Etymology.

"The protection of Kazakhstan's nature" is a value. Types of animals. Plants. Scientific importance. Forest resources. Tiger. Protection of the animal world. The number of vertebrate animals. Endemics. Red Book of Kazakhstan. Problems of protection of plants and animals in Kazakhstan. Nature of Kazakhstan. Protection measures. Forest. Protection of plants. Reducing species.

"Coal" - the age of the most ancient coals is estimated at about 350 million years. The largest promising deposits. Artificial graphite is obtained from stone coal. In England, in 1735, they learned how to pay cast iron on Coke. The use of stone coal is diverse. Coal. Brown coal. The combustion (hydrogenation) of coal with the formation of liquid fuel is very promising. Coal. In 2004, mining was: SUEK - 74.5 million tons.

"Wedding traditions of Tatars" - the rite of catching. Display of the bride. House decoration ceremony. Soup. Features of the wedding. Tests for the groom. Tamada. Wedding traditions of the Tatar people. Offers. Chuck-Chuck. Matchmaking. Nicky. Sounds pancakes. Engagement and conspiracy. Redemption of the bride.

"Mountains of Southern Siberia" - goat. Most of the territory is located in the depths of the mainland at a considerable distance from the oceans. The climate is sharp continental. Ob. Argun. Natural resources. Birds. Winter cold - 32, in the basins - 48 ° C. Relief. The precipitate decreases from the west to the East - from 600 mm to 400 mm. Geographical position.

"Caucasian Mountains" - in the foothills of the Caucasus. The region offers unique opportunities for lovers of outdoor activities. Better the mountains can only be mountains .... Mountain chains of the Caucasus. Active rest at any time of the year. Calm Caucasian Mountains "Greukasis", which means "white snow". Pearl of the Grand Caucasus - Elbrus. Corner for connoisseurs of mountaineering and skiing.

"Mountains of the North Caucasus" - a peculiar axis of the plain is the Kuban River. Alpine daw. The Caucasian Rivers are divided into plain and mountainous. Beech forests. Rivers. The average temperature of July from +20 to +8 degrees. Caucasian Mountains are the highest mountains of Russia. The area is famous for the high crops of wheat, sunflower, sugar beet. Caucasian mineral waters.

"Ural Mountains" - Ural Mountains. Mountain chains stretching for more than 2,000 kilometers end on the shores of the Northern Ocean. Ural mountains in the old days were proud. European part from Asian.

"Caucasus Mountains" - consolidation. Caucasus climate. In the Caucasus there are mountains -not consisting of volcanoes. .. Sites and lesson tasks. Mountains are located south of Russian plains. Equipment. Why the Caucasus are the highest mountains? Multi-test. Wind formation - boron. Animal and vegetable world of the Caucasus. Wide forests. The average temperature of January here is positive + 3-6c.

"Mountains of the Urals" - parts of the Urals. A. Tvardovsky. Here traces of glaciation are visible quite clearly. The average height of the Northern Urals is about 900 meters. Stone belt of the Russian land - Ural. Hercino folding. The Ural Mountains stretched from the coast of the Arctic Kara Sea to the steppes of Kazakhstan. The edge of the West Siberian Plate.

Total in the subject of 10 presentations