When they talk about updating weapons and military equipment, they almost first of all mean military means this type of troops. Divisions electronic warfare– innovations come here first. Suppression of radio and electronic control, communications and reconnaissance, protection of one’s systems from the same impact from the enemy - all this requires more than just modern equipment, but also the most reliable, capable of working in combat conditions. Open and destroy During the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus, the author of these lines had to deal more than once with the results of the work of our electronic warfare units. Suppression of activity in militant radio networks, targeted radio interceptions, blocking signals from radio fuses of explosive devices - all this was the scope of the tasks of specialists of this type of troops. It was from an intercepted satellite phone signal that in April 1996 it was possible to detect the militant leader Dzhokhar Dudayev, who was hiding from federal troops in mountainous regions Chechnya. A targeted airstrike was instantly launched at the established coordinates. As a result, that contact turned out to be the last in his life for the Ichkerian leader...Not so long ago, the United Instrument-Making Corporation, as part of a large-scale program for re-equipping the Russian armed forces, completed the first stage of deliveries of the Borisoglebsk-2 multifunctional electronic warfare system. It is intended to equip tactical units: electronic warfare companies included in the staff of motorized rifle brigades. The complex can be used for radio reconnaissance, suppression of HF and VHF communication lines, and can be used not only for ground-based, but also for aviation communication sources. “Borisoglebsk-2” also easily jams subscriber lines cellular communication, blocks radio navigation systems, works in wide range radio frequencies. It independently and automatically scans large areas, revealing both entire radio networks and single communication sources. The number of tasks simultaneously solved by Borisoglebsk exceeds three dozen! The powerful tracked base of MTLB transporters, on which the stations of this complex are mounted, and the armored body allow Borisoglebsk to work in areas as close as possible to the front line, without fear of off-road conditions or coming under fire. The deployment time of the stations after the march does not exceed 15 minutes. The United Instrument-Making Corporation emphasizes that the latest technical solutions have been implemented in the Borisoglebsk-2 complex. The emphasis is placed on automation: thanks to it, in particular, it was possible to more than double the range of reconnaissance and suppressed frequencies. “For the first time, the operation of all means is ensured according to a single algorithm,” emphasizes chief designer electronic warfare equipment of the United Instrument-Making Corporation Mikhail Artemov. – This allows, for example, to identify the most important objects radio-electronic means enemy and concentrate efforts on them. I'll say that to my tactical and technical characteristics"Borisoglebsk-2" not only matches the best foreign analogues, but also significantly exceeds them in a number of parameters. Today our complex is capable of suppressing all modern means radio communications of the world." Invisible "Mercury" The Rtut-BM electronic warfare system is not so universal, but its importance on the battlefield cannot be overestimated. The system is tailored to solve a specific problem: disabling radio fuses of ammunition and explosive devices activated remotely. In fact, the complex acts as an element of protection for armored vehicles, as well as shelters and engineering structures. He neutralizes artillery shells even before they come into contact with the target. Monitor the operation of “Mercury” in the mode combat use unreal. This is beyond the reach of human senses. Suffice it to say that the time to determine the frequency at which the radio fuse of a flying projectile operates does not exceed a microsecond, and the formation of a response signal is milliseconds. At the same time, “Mercury” is capable of overcoming even the protected control system of ammunition flying towards the target, sending signals to detonate it. It looks fantastic, but it is a fact: for the operation of the complex, human participation is practically not required or is reduced to a minimum. The stations automatically scan the area, working both in standstill mode and on the move. "Mercury" can also be used as a reconnaissance device, revealing enemy radio frequencies without giving away its scanners. A special feature of “Mercury” is the ability to detonate ammunition during salvo or rapid fire, and to destroy shells from MLRS systems. According to experts, one “Mercury-BM” complex is capable of covering the area where troops are located with total area up to fifty hectares. The complex can also be used to jam frequencies on which the enemy conducts radio communications: the number of suppressed lines reaches up to six. The system, like the Borisoglebsk, is mounted on a light armored MTLB tracked chassis, thanks to which it can handle any roads or the absence of them. The combat crew consists of two people, and the deployment time of the complex does not exceed ten minutes. In real time Over the past three years, domestic manufacturers have supplied the troops with 22 Rtut-BM complexes, and by the end of this year the armed forces will be replenished with another 21 complexes. The number of Borisoglebsk-2 systems delivered to the Russian army during 2014–2015 exceeds ten. As the deputy notes general director"United Instrument-Making Corporation" Reserve Lieutenant General Sergei Skokov, a full-fledged update of equipment in the electronic warfare forces is happening for the first time in 20-25 years. Moreover, according to Sergei Ivanovich, the geography of the current renovation is quite wide: “from Blagoveshchensk to Kaliningrad.” Naturally, the new equipment is not in connections and military units in the form of exhibits. Thus, during the recent large-scale strategic control command center “Center-2015”, about 150 military and military units were involved in carrying out practical tasks. special equipment electronic warfare, as well as various complexes airborne electronic warfare and ground-based. According to the press service of the Central Military District, about half of the attracted military and special electronic warfare equipment was the latest designs, which entered the troops in 2014–2015. “The widespread use of promising models of electronic warfare equipment made it possible to solve problems of conditionally covering troop groups during marches from aerial radar reconnaissance, targeted air strikes and radio-controlled mine-explosive devices of a mock enemy,” the headquarters emphasized Central Military District. By the way, at the Center-2015 exercise, an automated command post for an electronic warfare brigade was deployed for the first time. New forms and methods of electronic warfare were tested, such as electronic strikes and electronic information blocking of terrain areas. To protect against radio-controlled land mines, operators mobile complexes radio suppression carried out continuous scanning of the routes of advance of military columns. The army today is preparing specialists for itself to work on the new equipment. Thus, the Interspecific Center for Training and Combat Use in Tambov last year trained more than a thousand specialists to work on four dozen types of electronic warfare and integrated equipment. technical control. One of the main features of this issue was training specifically for the operation of new electronic warfare systems - “Rtut-BM”, “Borisoglebsk-2” and others. Another element of the training was the “Electronic Frontier” field training competition held in the electronic warfare troops. Since last year, funds from the Borisoglebsk-2 complex have been involved in its stages.

On the air of one of the TV channels this year, for the first time publicly showed the newest combat vehicle SPR-2M "Rtut-BM", which is designed to reduce the impact damaging elements artillery shells and explosive devices.
One fighting machine capable of ensuring the safety of troops on an area of ​​50 hectares.

SPR-2M “Rtut-BM” is a modern modernization of the SPR-2 radio jamming station for ammunition using new equipment.
The reliability of the system has been increased, and the functionality has been expanded. Added function to suppress radio communication lines on VHF frequencies.

The Rtut-BM vehicle is an electronic warfare device and is designed to reduce the impact of the damaging elements of artillery shells on friendly troops and armored vehicles by influencing the operating mode of the radio fuse.
SPR-2 is capable of detonating a projectile at a safe height or switching the radio fuse operating mode to contact.

The Rtut-BM complex is capable of counteracting not only radio fuses. If necessary, it can be used to jam the frequencies on which the enemy conducts radio communications.
The main place of use is first-echelon troops, command posts, troop concentration areas and launchers.
Also, "Rtut-BM" can be used to cover moving objects at crossing points.

It was developed on the basis of the BTR-70 armored personnel carrier.
Subsequently, the SPR-2 equipment began to be installed on a more advanced chassis - the BTR-80 armored personnel carrier.
VNII Gradient developed a modernized version of the Rtut-BM station based on the MT-LB tracked chassis.

This provided the station with high mobility, as well as the ability to conduct combat work on the move. Thus, it became possible to use the station to protect stationary and mobile military facilities, including during combat operations. In addition, these properties determined the high survivability of the station in conditions of electronic and fire counteraction from the enemy.

The “Rtut-BM” complex has been developed and produced at KRET enterprises since 2011 and is one of the most modern systems EW.

The combat crew consists of two people, and the deployment time of the complex does not exceed 10 minutes.
In service Russian army There are already several dozen such complexes.





At the international aviation and space salon MAKS-2015 in Zhukovsky, KRET holding demonstrated a radio jammer station artillery ammunition 1L262E "Mercury-BM".
SPR-2M "Rtut-BM" is a modern modernization of the SPR-2 radio jamming station for ammunition using new equipment. The reliability of the system has been increased, and the functionality has been expanded. Added function to suppress radio communication lines on VHF frequencies.
The Rtut-BM combat vehicle is a means of electronic warfare and is designed to protect manpower and equipment from artillery fire. mass application, equipped with radio fuses, by interfering with them in order to prematurely detonate at a safe height or block them (transition to impact action).
SPR-2M "Rtut-BM" is used to cover first-echelon units, command posts, starting positions launchers, areas for concentration of troops and military equipment in crossing areas, as well as covering mobile objects.

Tank destroyer "Javelin"

The West has succeeded in creating high-precision strike systems. Indeed, the winged Tomahawks, launched, for example, from warships somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea or Indian Ocean, having flown thousands of kilometers, find their targets in the territory of Afghanistan, the Balkans, Iraq and hit the target with an accuracy of up to a meter. Throughout the flight, they are guided by the “smart” electronics of the guidance head, which maintains constant communication with AWACS long-range radar patrol aircraft and satellite constellations. Such a missile cannot miss. And its blow is crushing for the enemy.

Once upon a time, infantry on the battlefield suffered heavy losses from shrapnel shells. Then the infantry began to actively maneuver, took cover behind the armor, and the effectiveness of the shrapnel sharply decreased. But now there is a reincarnation of old ammunition.

Electronic devices are inserted into shells filled with fragments and arrows, which carry out detonation not just above the trench, but precisely in the place where this moment unprotected manpower is concentrated. And anti-tank guided missile The Javelin, approaching the target, makes a maneuver that results in a strike not just on the tank, but on the turret hatch cover.

It would seem that there is no salvation. But, as our defense specialists say, for every tricky thing we have... well, in general, a worthy answer.

Caution: "Mercury"

Imagine the scene: a combat Ka-52 is in the sky, and an Igla or Stinger MANPADS is hitting the helicopter from the ground. Hitting the target seems inevitable, but upon approach the missile suddenly abruptly changes direction and goes to the side. The reason is that there is a system installed on board the helicopter that forms a kind of impenetrable dome around it, which cannot be penetrated by enemy attack weapons. The name of this system is “Vitebsk”.

No less amazing is the “Lever” complex, also installed on board helicopters. It is capable of “blinding” the enemy at a distance of hundreds of kilometers, creating an invisible shield around our equipment on the ground.

And here is another means of protection, until recently strictly classified. This is the Rtut-BM electronic warfare complex. The last two letters mean that it is located on a combat vehicle. This could be a car, an armored personnel carrier, or the widespread MTLB armored artillery tractor.

The essence of the protection is as follows. A vehicle with the Mercury complex is installed in a place where an enemy artillery and missile strike is likely. The front line of defense is covered with a kind of cloud of radio-electronic radiation. There is one more subtlety. If electronic warfare systems are turned on, then they themselves unmask covered positions with their radiation. But "Mercury" turns on for milliseconds at the moment of an artillery attack. The electronics of the system, which is domestically developed, by the way, almost instantly determines the operating frequency of an enemy radio fuse.

The interference, emitted for a fraction of a second, nevertheless creates a signal that provides such an impact on the radio fuse that it fires prematurely. The same “Javelin”, the cost of which is 30 thousand dollars, once in the coverage area of ​​“Mercury”, loses all its “mind” and flies along an uncontrollable trajectory - wherever the curve takes it. The enemy's radio monitoring systems simply do not have time to “grab” and somehow counter the work of the “Mercury”. In addition, the complex is mobile and changes its position very quickly. And its deployment takes no more than 10 minutes. During operation, one Rtut-BM electronic warfare vehicle can protect troops over an area of ​​20 to 50 hectares. One car is serviced by only two people.

According to the Radioelectronic Technologies concern, where these complexes are developed and produced, the need of the Russian armed forces for Rtut-BM is estimated at 100 vehicles.

"Avtobaza" on guard

One could argue that everything is smooth on paper. But when it comes to real application... So, domestic electronic warfare systems are for last year marked at least twice.

On March 13, 2014, an American-made MQ-5B reconnaissance and attack drone was intercepted in the sky over Perekop. Judging by the side markings, it was part of the 66th American Brigade. military intelligence with its main location in Bavaria.

In March 2014 American intelligence officers from this brigade were spotted in the Ukrainian Kirovograd area. It was from there, according to experts, that drones began making reconnaissance raids towards Crimea.

March 13 electronic warfare system with nothing a telling name Avtobaza severed the connection between the drone and its operator, and then forced the drone to make an emergency landing on the territory of Crimea. After which, MQ-5B flights over the peninsula ceased. It is believed that even earlier, in 2011, the American secret drone RQ-170 Sentinel was successfully landed in Iran with the help of the same “Avtobaza”.

In the spring of 2014, the American destroyer Donald Cook entered the Black Sea. A Su-24 flew past him, on board of which the Khibiny electronic warfare system was operating. And the entire control system on the destroyer failed, including blindness and deafness anti-missile system"Aegis". The crew was confused: the sailors did not understand how to continue to control the ship and what to do when all the monitors went out. There was panic on board...

So, not every “Raptor” with Tomahawks at the ready will fly to Russia, colliding with “Avtobaza” or “Khibiny”.


S-500 anti-aircraft missile systems will appear in 2017. The complexes, the development of which is in full swing, belong to a new generation missile systems"earth - air". The S-500 missile will have a destruction radius of 600 km. The S-500 will repel not only air raids, but also an attack ballistic missiles. One complex will be able to detect and simultaneously hit up to 10 ballistic targets flying at speeds of up to 7 km/s, and even shoot down hypersonic aircraft.

Under the leadership of the commander of the 58th combined arms army of the Southern Military District, the active phase of bilateral company tactical exercises with units of the Russian military base took place.

A mixed squadron of helicopters performed combat training missions in the interests of company commanders army aviation Mi-28N " Night Hunter" and transport and combat Mi-8AMTSh "Terminator", as well as attack and operational-tactical aircraft of the Air Force and Air Defense Association of the Southern Military District Su-25, Su-30SM and Su-34.

In accordance with the decision of the commander of the Southern Military District, Colonel General A. Dvornikov, formations and military units of the combined arms formation stationed in the North Caucasus, and aviation units of the Air Force and Air Defense Association carry out combat training tasks according to a single plan at combined arms training grounds located on both sides Caucasian ridge. More than 2 thousand military personnel take part in the joint exercises and about 400 units of military equipment are involved. This is stated on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Defense. In Abkhazia, under the cover of "Alligators" with air support Russian landing conducted exercises.

Operators of man-portable anti-aircraft missile systems (MANPADS) "Igla" of the Russian military base in Abkhazia as part of a bilateral company tactical exercise hit more than 10 small-sized air targets of a mock enemy. Also, for the first time, the exercises in Abkhazia involved the latest complexes electronic warfare "Rtut-BM", with the help of which military personnel destroyed guided missiles naval artillery of a mock enemy right during their flight.

“At the coastal training ground of Gudauta, using modern electronic warfare systems “Mercury”, specialists detected salvoes of guns and, influencing the radio fuses of guided projectiles with high-power interference, forced them to explode in the air,” says the official statement of the Southern Military District.

What does work look like? electronic warfare complex“Mercury” was previously featured in one of the news releases on the Russia 24 TV channel, dedicated to the rearmament and modernization of the Russian army. The story shows the operation of the complex during exercises near Chelyabinsk.

As the correspondent noted Russian newspaper Nikolai Grishchenko, military maneuvers in Abkhazia are taking place during the appearance of the American missile destroyer Carney in the Black Sea. A US Navy ship equipped with the Aegis missile defense system poses a potential threat to Russia's military infrastructure. His cruise missiles Tomahawks can be aimed at Russian military bases, and therefore exercises using electronic warfare systems are more than relevant.