The raw materials in our country are deservedly considered among the most numerous groups of fungi. However, do not everyone understand, the cheek is edible or not? To shed light on this question, let's figure it out in more detail.

Why cheese?

Sreezhka is very often found in our forests. They make up to 45 percent of the mass of all mushrooms. Source mushrooms received its name for the reason that some varieties can be eaten with raw food. Syrozhka, perhaps, the most mysterious mushrooms. Regarding them there are always many questions. And the most important of them: Mushroom Syroezhka - edible or not? It is worth noting, meet both inedible and edible specimens. Many have the opinion that such mushrooms could not be poisonous, because the name "Syroezhka" says that they can be eating raw. But it is not so. In nature, there are a variety of types of cheesecakes. Some of them can be eaten, while others are not.

Syroezhkov family

Syrozhka - that's plastic mushrooms Family of raw materials. They have prolific fleshy bodies. Learn them in the forest just enough for bright colors of multi-colored colors, which in diameter can reach from 2 to 20 centimeters. Hats can have a bell-shaped shape, spherical and semi-shaped. White mushroom flesh inside. Cheese hats are very fragile and break quickly, it reduces economic significance Mushroom. As the hat grows, the hats change the form, they can become straight, funnel, twisted. And disputes can have any shade: from white to yellow.

Syrozhka begin to appear in July. But mass growth is observed in August and September. So still, edible or no cheese mushroom? Most family species are edible. However, there are both types that are not suitable for food due to light poisonousness, unpleasant odor And taste. Of course, the raw materials cannot be poisoned as, for example, mumers, because they do not have so much poison. But still it is worth being attentive when collecting mushrooms.

Cheese can be frying and marrying. They are included in the third category of edible types of mushrooms, in which mushrooms having medium flavoring qualities are collected. Some specialists relate to them even to even lower category, believing that they do not have a nutritional value.

Where grow raw food?

Any novice mushroom is interested in the question, under what trees such mushrooms grow. Often raw materials are found under the plants hardwood: oak, alder, birch, pine and fir. This type of fungi contains a considerable amount of useful substances, including vitamins. For example, in a kilogram of mushrooms there are 264 mg of vitamin B, as well as 6 mg vitamin PP.

Some believe that for food it is better to use those crops that have caps of green, blue or yellow, but it is better not to use mushrooms with red hats.

Types of cheesecakes

Syrozhzhka are found in America, East Asia, Australia and Eurasia. As a rule, they grow in coniferous and deciduous forests. About 275 species of such mushrooms are known. In our article we will consider only the most basic varieties. Sometimes the differences between interspecific groups are so insignificant that chemical analysis is needed to accurately determine the species. In nature, there are raw materials false and real.

Belbow white, or dry ground

Belbow white refers to edible varieties. It appears in mixed and coniferous forests from July to October. It can easily be determined on a white hat, which can have yellow splashes, and slightly pubescent. The shape of the hat is gradually changing from the convex and to the funnel. Mushrooms have a short leg, a narrowed down book, white or a bit of brown shade. What do with raw materials? In cooking this species Use for cooking soups, they are fried and marinated. However, it is necessary to take into account that dry ground has a caustic taste.

Outwardly, the priests are very similar to the germ. The fungi has the same hats, sometimes it is almost impossible to distinguish them. Avoid mushrooms With great pleasure collect such sweets, as they grow boring. As a rule, they are hiding under foliage, so they have to literally refuse.

Using the similarity of mushrooms, the sellers often issue only an experienced person for the difference between these mushrooms. Podrugs in the home are solid and marinate, but their plates are very caustic, so the pulp need to be processed more carefully so that the dish has a good taste.

Pribrats are a conditionally edible type of mushrooms. Despite the fact that they have excellent taste. They can only be salted and marine.

Yellow crude

Yellow raw materials grow in wet brorane and pine and birch forests. You can collect them from July to October. At first, the mushroom has a semi-like yellow hat, which gradually becomes straight, and then funk-shaped. In diameter, it can reach 5-10 centimeters. Characteristic sign It is erasing on the edge of a peel hats. The mushroom has old legs and plates, which over time become gray or pale yellow. The flesh is usually gray.

Yellow Syruzhka - Mushroom (Description is given in the article), which refers to the third category, so-called edible mushrooms. She has no caustic, but sweet taste. Yellow cheese tested in salty and fresh form. Such a mushroom inexperienced mushroom can easily be confused with extremely poisonous mumorom Lessellashoid. To avoid such a misunderstanding, you need to remember the main distinctive feature. There are white flakes on the mandate hat, and on the leg - a fringe with a greenish ring. There are no such signs for such signs.

Sight cheese

Another variety of family is blue. They grow in basically they are found in the spruce. The most common blue raw materials in the Baltic States and the European part of Russia are the most common. You can collect them from August to September. The mushroom hat in diameter can reach 10 centimeters. Initially, it has a convex shape, and then over time it becomes flat, and in the center of the depressed. It is worth noting that the color of the hats may not be quite uniform. In the middle, as a rule, the color is more rich, and in the edges brighter. Skin is very easy to peel off the hat. White mushroom leg, its height is 3-5 centimeters.

The pulp is quite strong and white, it does not have the smell. What mushrooms are blue? These are edible mushrooms, but according to the assessment of taste, as well as other representatives of the family, they are attributed to the third category. However, in the cooking, they found enough wide application. Mushrooms have a good taste. What to do with raws? Yes, anything - salt, fry, cook, stew and even eat fresh. They are perfectly combined with vegetables. But salted mushrooms are generally a delicacy. Salted blue raw materials are fully combined with other varieties of mushrooms.

Sying Blue rich in vitamins PP and B2. Such mushrooms are very good for people with gastrointestinal illnesses. In addition, raw materials reduce the risk of thrombus. Malokalorian mushrooms, but it is very nutritious, so the organism is quickly saturated. The crude milk is well reduced, as a result of which a delicious milk product is formed, which recommended people with cardiovascular diseases.

Other colored raw materials

Continuing the conversation about edible mushroom Syroezhka or not, it is worth remembering about other color varieties of this extensive family, which relate to conditionally edible species. Prefers to dwell in deciduous or coniferous forests. It can be determined on a yellow-green hat, the diameter of which is about 10 centimeters. Externally, the mushroom has a completely unattractive look, but it is very good for taste. It is boiled, fry and sued.

It is necessary to collect such mushrooms very carefully because they can be confused with pale toes. The cheese makes no thickening at the base of the leg and the ring on it.

Food raw materials include edible species. The mushroom hat has a very attractive - red color with gray spots. White and smooth leg and smooth leg. You can collect mushrooms since July and until the end of September. Food cheese Prefers forests - coniferous and deciduous.

Wildly cheesecake appears at the very end of summer or at the beginning of autumn. It grows in deciduous forests. The mushroom hat is painted in dark green and dark brown color. And the white leg has brown splashes at the very bottom.

Inedible cheesegings

As we have already mentioned, there are sroxes of false and real. All previously given views belong to edible. Now it came to talk about and inedible. In direct understanding in nature does not exist poisonous cheesecakes. The categories of false got those species that have a caustic or burning taste. But among them can come across toxic, and weakly-poisonous varieties. Such mushrooms are able to cause irritation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity or a very minor stomach or intestinal disorder. Externally, such representatives of the family are very similar to their edible counterparts. It is for this reason that they are false.

There is a red, pink, caustic, brittle, kebel to non-toxic inedible mushrooms. Let's Pogram about them in more detail.

Red cheese

Red variety prefers to grow in pine bodies. There are such raw materials at the end of summer or in early September. Their caps are not so large as other representatives of the family, in diameter they reach only six centimeters. Syrozhka is very pleasant, but at the same time they have a very caustic taste. Their bright color always attracts people. Sometimes hats can fade, making fungus is similar to other varieties.

Red crops grow not only in Europe, but also in North America. In addition, this species is also known in South America and Australia. As a rule, mushrooms grow in forests, but sometimes they can be found on open spaces, prefer sandy and acidic soils.

Pink mushroom

Rose cheese has a semi-rounded hat with a velvet and dry surface. In the wet periods there may appear mucus. The pulp of the legs though dense, but very fragile. Rose cheese amazing manner Able to change the shade of his hat from red to light pink. And the white leg, in turn, can become pink. Such mushrooms are incredibly distributed in the forests North America and Eurasia. The most loved by raw materials deciduous forests, but they are found in coniferous.

TO inedible cheesecakes Believe Mushroom Kel. He has a small hat that changes the form at different stages of development. Its color varies from red and before the burgundy. And the leg, as a rule, has a purple shade. The mushroom has a very pleasant smell, but he is acute to taste.

Syrocery breaking, for sure, familiar to you. She meets in perfectly any forests, forming large groups. Mushroom has a flat hat with reddish skin. His flesh fragile and acute taste.


There is another group of cheese mushrooms - Ryzhik. True, it is true, he is milente. In Russia, such a mushroom was "prince". It was believed that he was only a little inferior to white mushrooms with its taste properties. In those days, the Ryzhikov grew a lot in the forests. The merchants overlooked mushrooms and sent them to distant edges, including in France, where they were worth quite expensive.

This Ryzhik - Elovik - first has a round-convex hat with curved edges. Gradually, it straightens and can reach 17 centimeters in diameter. Hat painted in bright orange or yellow-pink color. Sometimes there are mushrooms greenish and of blue color. The flesh of the hats is orange, but in the air it is incredibly quickly oxidized and greener. But the juice of the mushroom is yellow and thick, sweet taste. Large mushrooms Often damaged by worms that adore this species of raw materials. The legs are hollow and have a cylindrical shape, they grow to 9 centimeters in length. Outside, they can be covered with orange specks.

In Russia, there are six varieties of spruce, real, red, fir or Japanese, alpine, pine. Spruce have a mustache in taste, and during the billet they acquire a greenish tint. But the real rhyger has a denser leg, and when the workpiece is well saved its color. BUT fir mushrooms Inexperienced mushrooms are constantly confused with pink waves. You can distinguish these two mushrooms in the color of the plates and juice.

Ryzhiki grow in the Urals, on the European part of Russia, on Far East And in Siberia. Mushrooms prefer sandy soil. They need to be sought in coniferous forests under young pines, larches, in pine Bor. Or in spruce among fallen needles. IN mixed forests They are hiding under coniferous trees, on moss and in thick grass.

Despite the bright color, they are not so easy to find, they are well hiding from people. Collect mushrooms from the beginning of July and until October. If you did not hit frosts, you can and much later go to the forest for them. Ryzhiki is not just edible mushrooms, but also delicious. They have vitamins A, B1, amino acids, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. The rims are not very poisonous, so they can be tasting with raw. Mushrooms have a lot positive qualities. All the rims have medicinal properties. They contain a natural antibiotic, which is effective in combating bacterial infections, Including with tuberculosis. Ryzhiki is useful for strengthening joints, bones, hair and teeth. In addition, mushrooms are very dietary.

Ryzhikov are suitable for break, pickles, marinate them, fry, dried, dried, and also added when preparing the first and second dishes.

Instead of pre-school

In our forests, mushrooms are very often stray, similar to the crown. In order not to get into the unpleasant situation, it is necessary to at least understand such mushrooms. In our article, we tried to tell about the main species that the readers are most common to have the idea of \u200b\u200bhow the sweet and real raise look like.

The end of the summer-beginning of autumn brings some sadness: the end of the warm pore, the onset of rains and cold weather. But the place with this begins the most pleasant time for mushrooms when you can do a quiet hunting.

Enjoying the smells of the forest and singing birds, we carefully find fungus for fungus. And then all this variety carry home. The aroma of fried with the deceased fresh fungi and boiled potatoes as long as flowing in the air. However, not all so simple.

It is important that these goodies do not lead to sad health disorders. Therefore, it is worth posing some knowledge of the varieties of mushrooms, their edible and dangerous representatives.

The most popular and early mushrooms are birchoviki and raw materials! There are about 270 species in nature, from here a variety of intricate names: a swamp cream, a raging, cheesery yellow, lilny, wavy, innocent, unpleasant and others.

Syroezhka - one of the most popular mushrooms

They are divided into certain groups of edacy:

  • edible (excellent);
  • edible (good);
  • conditionally edible;
  • inedible (non-toxic);
  • toxic.

Obviously, it's hard to remember that great amount Varieties of mushrooms. Yes I. ordinary person This is nothing. It is enough to know their basic varieties, how to distinguish some kinds from others. It is necessary to have a general idea of \u200b\u200bthose that are safe to eat, and those that are poisonous for a person.

Edible and inedible - fairly conditional separation of these mushrooms. False cheerful - so called inedible mushroom, which can be dangerous to eat. it common name For all types of this family, whose representatives can bring harm to human health.

False cheese. Be careful!

What a cheesery looks like

Surely, many know. It can be found in almost any terrain. It does not hide as birchoviki or chanterelles under the leaflets of trees and grass, but on the contrary, the coquettiously exposes himself to everyone. This fungus can be distinguished from the rest on a slightly convex, flat or funnel-shaped often bright haat, which can have a variety of color. Shades options: Red, blue, green, gray ...

The option of the shape of the cap depends on the age of the mushroom: begins to grow with a ball-ball, then gradually the hat turns away. Upper bright skin can be removed in whole or in part. The leg is usually straight, dimensions, compared to the rest of mushrooms, medium.

Despite the prevalence and variety of species, it is this mushroom that people often leave without attention in the forest. Although the cheese mushroom is most of its good taste. Some are especially tasty. And there are those that are even considered delicacies.

Edible or not edible?

What is deadly to poison them is impossible, is partly true. From a scientific point of view, among them there are no fungi, which fully in specific characteristics can be attributed to poisonous. That is, this mushroom cannot be fatally dangerous

By toxicity for a person, all mushrooms can be divided into three types:

  • causing food poisoning;
  • causing violations in the work of the nervous system;
  • deadly poisonous.

Syroezhka can cause food poisoning

The toxicity of any representative of this kingdom is determined by one or another chemical substancewhich causes violations in the human body. And ours false species Maximum can only be attributed to the first group. Despite this, there are some species on which it is worth focusing. When assessing them should be extremely attentive.

Syroezhka Zhghead (she is a raw raw) (Russula Emetica)

This is a representative from the group of false, it contains an alkaloid muscarine, toxic to humans. Its content is low, but sufficient to cause a violation of work gastrointestinal tract. It has an orange-red or pale red hat with rounded edges. You can feel her fruit smell.

Red or bloody red cheese (Russula Sanguinea)

It has a bright red color hats, which can overwhelter over time. Thin leg. The peculiarity is that the skin is practically not removed. It can have a fruit fragrance, but it tastes eco-bitter and can cause indigestion.

The bloody-red cheese has a bitter taste and can cause indigestion

Russ fragilis (Russula Fragilis)

It has a rather diverse flower palette on the hats. From olive to lilac blue and pink. Thin, fragile. The taste is very bitter. Syroda brittle can cause light poisoning. It can be eaten only for marinization. It should be prepared, before carefully fighting.

Russula Aeruginea, as well as Scaly (Russula Virescens)

These mushrooms have excellent taste. Green cheese has a greenish-gray hat with a shape of a hemisphere in a young mushroom. At the mature - the hat is straight with twisted a little ripped edges in mature. The danger of mushrooms having a green cave woman, lies in the fact that they very much resembles an externally poisonous pale refining. They are difficult to distinguish, especially when it is young mushrooms. And, accordingly, you can easily be mistaken. In Lukoshko, it may not get a green crumpled. And pale refining poisoning is deadly for a person.

Green cheese make easily confused with pale

So you can eat?

Most of the rest of the representatives of this family can be safely eaten. The main thing is to remember the correctness of processing and preparation, to reduce the likelihood of income into the body of unhealthy substances. The most common species that are safe and with pleasure can be brought to the table are described below.

Food cheese (Russula VESCA)

One of the most common: pink-brown cap, semicircular or flat, depending on the maturity of the mushroom. The leg is dense. Grows all summer and autumn. Food raw food is not in vain, there is such a name, because it is very tasty (it has a nut aroma). No wonder she is one of the most frequently used foods.

Food cheese - very tasty mushroom

Bolotnaya raw (Russula Paludosa)

Otherwise, it is called - the populah, has a red more dark in the center a wavy hat with slightly raised edges. White leg like a spindle. Edible, however, no high taste. The swamp is very common in coniferous forests, grows late in summer and autumn. Despite its name - the savage of the marsh - it grows not only on the swampy terrain, but it is found in places that sworn moss.

Golden Russula (Russula Aurea)

It has a rich color hats from brick to copper. The hat itself from slightly convex to a slightly concave. It has a smooth fleshy leg, which becomes porous with age. Golden raw rarely occurs. However, it has good taste.

Russula Claroflava (Russula Claroflava)

Mushroom An ordinary semicircular or flat hat, but differs in saturated yellow color. She is tight, white. Grows in summer and autumn under the birches. Do not be afraid that the cheerful is yellow on a break and changes white color on gray, and with cooking at all on dark gray. Such a phenomenon is the normal property of this mushroom.

Yellow Syroezhka - Edible Mushroom

Russula Xerampelina)

It has purple color A more dark in the middle of a hat with a slightly convex or slightly concave with the presses in the center of the form. It tastes pleasant, but the smell has a specific one. The raw racking is named so due to the fact that during damage to the leg, its color from the reddish shade becomes brown, unlike other fellows, the color of which during a break remains the same color or a little sulfur. Interestingly, the raw rudeness is considered a delicacy in some countries.

Blue Russula Azurea

A mushroom with a semicircular to concave with a pressing in the center of a gentle piss cap to amethyst-blue with a well-removable spout. It has a pleasant fragrant taste.

Edible blue cheeseing

Why can you choose?

The reason for poisoning with these mushrooms is most often use of false (inedible) species without the necessary heat treatment (cooking). Assembled, washed, fucked, ate. Voila! Hi Food poisoning, pelvis and toilet.

When poisoning, raw materials requires a doctor's help

Mushroom Syroezhka, which refers to edible, may well be used in food and without cooking. However, it is not completely raw. You can, for example, fry, sleep or pickle. If there are doubts and excitement about a particular mushroom, recommended or cooking (extinguishing) or completely abandon use.
How much can cook raw food to safely use? The answer is simple. Cooking is necessary in two waters: first bring to a boil in one container, then move to new boiling water and cook there for about 20 minutes.
If nevertheless, after use, signs of food poisoning (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea) appeared, it is recommended to clean the stomach and intestines from residual foods using vomiting and enema, take enterosorbents. But if you feel the need to turn to the doctor.


Watch an interesting video about the green raw duct of pale zeadstock.

For young raw materials, the presence of a spherical, semi-like or bell-haired hat, which in the process of growth and the development of the mushroom acquires an open, flat or funnel shape. The edges of the hats can be as wrapped, so straight. The surface is covered with dry or wet, matte or gloss, occasionally cracking the skin of a variety of staining. Depending on the species features, the peel can be easily removed from the pulp or to be an increase.

Plates of the surprised and laid type, may be descending or free. Often there are views with Wilic Branch, as well as with stupid or pointed edges.

The leg of the cylindrical shape, dense, with the cavity inside, can sometimes have thickening or acopeition to the base. The main staining is white. The flesh of a dense consistency, fragile or spongy type.

A feature of the family is the brittle fruit body of mushrooms, which may make it difficult to collect and transport. More adult copies often have a change in the color of the pulp and the presence is not soft, and relative to the caustic taste. The opinion is widespread that the pulp of raw materials is suitable for use, after a day after a mustol, so, so that the whole family of these popular mushrooms in our country received its name.

Raw: Features of Collection (video)

Photo Gallery

Common views

The popularity of raw materials in our country is due to their worthy taste and widespread. A significant part of the species of this kind refers to edible, but some have a pronounced bitter taste, which, however, quickly disappears as a result of soaking and subsequent beaming.

Name of type Latin name Characteristic hats Description legs Features of meakty
Black cheese Russula adusta. Basic-prostrated, in the central part of the depressed, brown staining, adhesive Tight, light brown, cylindrical shape Sweet, with sharp aftertaste, blushing on a cut
Green cheese Russula Aeruginea. Convex, flattened or depressed shape, herbal-green staining, smooth Cylindrical shape, white dyeing Yellowish-white, sweet, without pronounced flavor
White-black cheese Russula albonigra Convex, indulged or funnel-shaped, with the surface of whitish staining, dark with incision Cylindrical or inverse, strong, dirty and white staining Flesh with mint flavor, raging under the influence of air
Skin cheese Russula alutacea. Semi-shaped, flat or depressed shape covered with purple red or red-brown skin Cylindrical shape, white with pink or yellow tint White color, without pronounced flavor and taste
Yellow cheese Russula Claroflava. Semi-shaped, convex, flattened or weakly depressed shape with furillary edges Cylindrical or narrowing bowl shape, yellowish-white Strong, White, with Floral Fragrance, Sweet

Varieties having a burning caustic pulp belong to the category of inedible. Some quiet hunting lovers call such types of "false crops". Uncomplicable mushroom species not too much.

Name of type Latin name Characteristic hats Description legs Features of meakty
Syroezhka caustic birch Russula Betularum Fleshy and brittle species, flattened or weakly pressed form, with severe waviness Wrinkled, white or yellowish color, with cavities Fragile, white, with caustic taste
Syroezhka Prystie Russula Amarissima. Bright red or pinkish-red, skin is easy enough to remove Loose white color, often with cavity inside Fragile, white, with an unpleasant caustic taste
Rash cheese Russula Fellea. Convex, with a tubercle in the center and a weak ribbon of edges, straw yellow or light-ohloque Spindle-shaped or male-shaped It has the aroma of geranium and strong burning taste
Raby cheesery Russula Fragilis. Flavored, from pale purple to reddish-purple shade Cylindrical smooth or pin-shaped Sweetish aroma and pronounced bitter taste
Raw wavy Russula undulata. Fleshy and very strong, pronounced red-raspberry Shortened species, strong enough, white with a pink tint With a caustic taste and weak soutor aroma


Sreets grow almost everywhere. RUSSULA ADUSTA prefers acidic soils of pine forests, where it is fruit from mid-summer until October. View of Russia Aeruginea has been widespread in deciduous and mixed forests, where forms mikuriza with birch. Russula Albonigra can occur not only in conifers, but also in deciduous forests, forming mikuriza with birch and pines. Russula Alutacea distribution area are wide forestswhere fruit bodies grow both single and small groups. Light yellow cheese products are characterized by the formation of mycorrhiza with birch and most often grow on the marshy areas of the forest.

The inedible view of Russula Betularum, similar to edible types of raw materials, is most often found on wetlands or raw prolescas. Russula Fragilis is widespread in conifers and deciduous forests. Also, the species often occurring in conifers include Russula Undulata. Special attention is required to have a cheesery of the mayor or Russula Mairei, which refers to the category of poisonous fungi, and threatens when eating serious health problems.

Beneficial features

Despite the fact that the crowns are not among the most popular mushrooms of noble mushrooms, there are no doubts about their benefits. The pulp contains vitamins B1, B2, PP, C and E, and also characterized by a sufficient amount of dietary fibers, unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, monosaccharides and disaccharides. The high content of potassium and phosphorus is marked. Caloriciness per 100 g of product is only 19.0 kcal.

Methods of cooking

Syryzhka is good in boiled, fried, pickled and salty. Them can be prepared a significant amount of delicious and useful dishes. Preparation should always be started with the preparation of fruit bodies that need to be thoroughly cleaned, and if necessary and soak or pre-boil.

Preparing marinated raw materials for the winter are recommended as follows:

  • 1 kg of clean and sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms pour water in an amount of 0.45 liters and boil for 15-20 minutes;
  • merge the mushroom decoction and add a teaspoon of sugar into it, a tablespoon of salt, a bay leaf and pepper pepper;
  • bring marinade to boil, add a glass of 9% table vinegar and pour the decoction of mushrooms;
  • peel mushrooms for five minutes, and then pour into clean banks and roll.

Raw cottage: Winter blanks (video)

Also very good raw, saline "rustic". You need a pair of kilograms of raws, two tablespoons of salt and fresh garlic. Purified and well washed raws should be put in clean dishes caps down, speaking layers of mushrooms with a mixture of salt and crushed garlic. Saline raw materials should be placed in a cool place. Mushrooms will be ready for use in about a week. Such a cold snack perfectly retains the fragrance of forest mushrooms and is very well suited for any festive feast.

Today we will talk about the most common mushrooms in our country - Sreezhka. They have excellent taste, useful properties, they are used everywhere in cooking.

Description and appearance

Syrozhka refers to the nature of the plates. Family - raw malls. It includes about thirty varieties. Today's hero is deservedly called the most common edible mushroom. It is difficult to find a person who would not try or at least not heard about the cheek.

Grow mainly in coniferous and deciduous forests. Appear in June, but the most best Period For collecting is from early August to September.

Hats mushrooms differ, as it depends on the view. There are pinkish rashes, yellow, green and so on. Let's study the species of the mushroom more detailed.



This is an edible mushroom with easily removable by skin on a 2/3 hats. HAT HAPP SAME HAPPY HAPPY CAN BE A PURPOSED OR CONNECTED, the surface is adhesive. Cylindrical leg, almost completely white. At the edges of the groove hats. The pulp is broken, white, has a characteristic bitter taste. Before use, it is recommended to boil that to get rid of bitterness. You need to collect young individuals, who are lowered by the edges.


The hat has a bright yellow color, dry surface, flat or convex form. The leg is white, but as the mushroom groves it. The pulp is reminded by the structure of wool, white. Under the skin orange-yellow, after cutting darkens. Edible variety of raw materials, which is better to boil or saline. After cooking, the pulp becomes dark. It is recommended to collect young mushrooms, which have edges lowered.


The skin is removed on 2/3 of the caps. The hasshes itself can have a dry or adhesive surface, in the center of green or brown, and in the edges of purple-gray predominantly. White flesh, but may have a purple shade, apparent. The taste is not caustic, the structure is strong. White leg, dense, but over time it becomes a hollow. Perhaps the best variety of raw materials in taste quality. It is recommended to cook, saline and marinate

Inedible zagucho-caustic

This is an incredible type of mushroom. The hat has a convex shape, a little depressed, red shades and brilliant. The leg at the base is predominantly pink. The young mushroom hat is spherical. White flesh, brittle, taste of burning. An unpleasant taste is the cause of failure. Plus can cause a digestion of the gastrointestinal tract.


The edibility is definitely not defined, because salting is allowed, but only after very long soaking. The hat has a convex form, then the center is pressed, the color is straw-yellow. The edges of the mushroom have originally a smooth structure, but over time they get stripes. The flesh is pale yellow, burning and caustic.


It has a barrel shape leg, a strong structure, a whitish shade with an admixture of brown. Hate smooth, oath yellow. At first, the form is convex, but over time it becomes prostrate. The pulp of dense structure, white, brittle, is a little darker on the cut. Taste is pretty caustic. This is a conditionally edible variety of raw materials, which is boiled and salty.


The leg is pinned, solid, but sometimes it can be a hollow. Color pink or white. Hat fleshy, convex shape, slightly siled in the middle. The edges are stupid. The flesh of white, in young mushrooms is dense, but over time it becomes loose. It has a characteristic fruit smell. This is an edible view, which is boiled and sued.


Extended leg to base, first solid, then hollow. Structure legs brittle, color whitish or yellowish. The hat is originally convex, but then it becomes prostrate. Color brown and gray or yellowish gray. White flesh or yellow colorbroken. The edges of the hat rumbled, thin. Edible view.


Hat has a wine-red color, orange or black. The surface is shiny. First, its semicfer's form, but with age becomes an indulged. White leg, pinwood. White flesh with a characteristic fruit smell and breaking structure. Edible view.


It has a dense, white leg. Flat-convexed hat, can have a pink, reddish or drowned uneven color. The pulp is dense and white, the taste is absolutely not caustic. Perhaps one of the most delicious raw materials that are boiled for further use is perfect for drying, marinations, pickles and preparation of second dishes.


The leg has a white color, at the base of brownish scales. A ripe mushroom hat becomes prostrate. Before that matte, fleshy, semi-haired. The flesh of a white shade, dense structure, can be a bit acute, but not a cold for taste. You can safely call one of the most delicious varieties of cheesecakes. Suitable for the pickling, marinion, drying.


White leg, can have a reddish tide. As he grows it becomes brownish. The hat of young individuals is semi-shaped, and the senior wide, brown or burgundy color. The center is usually darker. White flesh, has a characteristic smell of shrimp or herring. Before use, it is necessary to digest well to eliminate the unpleasant smell. Suitable for Solving and Marination.

Where it grows

This mushroom grows in almost all forests. Loves the neighborhood with moss, edges, glades. But most often grows on the side of the roads. Collecting crops begin in June, and the peak of the season is August-September.

Today, science distinguishes about 30 varieties of this mushroom, which grow in Russia.


I would like to tell about some features and facts related to this mushroom and its varieties.

  • There is one of the theories according to which the mushroom was named. It is based on the fact that in the caring of mushrooms quickly becomes suitable, while the rest of the fungi requires at least a few days. In this regard, the cheese can be used allegedly in the raw form.
  • Finding mushrooms need in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests. There are not rarely found on the swamps. You can go for them in May, and finish the season in October. The main condition for the possibility of their search is rain.
  • On the inside of all the cheese makes there are plates of white, and all the legs are white. They do not have rings, films and scales. After cutting, the mushrooms remain white.
  • During the collection, it is important to take into account the feature of the fungus. They are extremely fragile. Therefore, they collect them, as a rule, separately from other types of fungi.
  • To make it easier for the process of cleaning the cheesecakes, overlapping them with boiling water before processing.
  • Film with a mushroom to remove easily, but it is not always worth doing. It is explained by the fact that the film will not allow the mushroom during the cooking during the cooking.
  • If the taste of the mushroom turned out to be bitter, you have a caustic cheese. To eliminate this taste, you need to sprinkle them with salt, put in the refrigerator for the night, and the next day to peel.
  • The bitter taste after cooking speaks of the need to remove the films from the Hat. Even if it did not help, drain the water, pour the new one and negotiate the mushrooms for another 20 minutes.

How to choose and where to buy

You can buy such mushrooms, perhaps for private owners, mushrooms that came to sell harvest. The most important thing is to learn how to choose them.

The fact is that the raw cheating is confused with a pale grass. Now we will tell you how to make such a mistake.

The real cheese has a smooth, white shape legs. The membrane is absent, inside the leg is dense or hollow. The pulp is extremely fragile, on the cut it extremely rarely can change the color, to darken. If on the hat you will see the specks of red or purple, do not take such a mushroom: the soon enough, this is a false cheese.

Choose the most dense mushrooms, avoid drying and old individuals. The best in terms of quality are yellow and blue-green crops. This is perhaps a real delicacy. Many believe that it is these varieties that are suitable for consumption in raw.

See the following video about mushrooms of raws, how to better collect them and what of them do.

Storage methods

Once you have collected mushrooms, be sure that they do not lose their properties in the next 24-48 hours. But do not care, soak the crown in this case, and immediately place it in the refrigerator.

Saline and pickled mushrooms can be used for 12 months. Dried are able to serve more than a year.

It is extremely important that even after drying, the cheese does not lose so important alimentary fiber and amino acids. Only protein leaves about 30-40% of the initial number

Nutritional value and calorie

It's all interesting and useful here. it dietary product, From which, nevertheless, you can get significant benefit.

Per 100 grams of the product have:

Chemical composition

These mushrooms are very rich in useful elements, vitamins and minerals. This causes an abundance of beneficial properties, as well as pleasant taste.

Of the main vitamins, useful for humans and those present in the raw materials, can be allocated:

  • Vitamin RR;
  • Vitamins B1, B2;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Vitamin E.

As for minerals, it should certainly be noted:Fe, K, P, Na, Mg, Ca.

Beneficial features

  • It so happened that nature was chosen by raw materials to enrich them with vitamins PP and B2. They have great value For human health and the functioning of our body.
  • Zhughs-caustic and purple cheese products affect the antibacterial agent, help to cope with the bastards.
  • They are very helpful to use those who faced serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Due to the low calorieness, the fungi, he is superbly suitable for those who fight over weight.
  • Souring nutritious, create a feeling of saturation, after them do not want to eat. As a result, they help in the fight against obesity.
  • They are recommended to eat to prevent the formation of blood clots, as well as provide protection against blood thickening.
  • With the help of raw materials, milk is equipped, creating an incredibly useful milk product. It is useful to people who suffer from heart problems and vessels.

Harm and contraindications

There are several contraindications for people who do not need to use these types of fungi. Namely:

  • Individual intolerance to the components of the fungus man;
  • Serious violations in the work of the heart, kidneys, liver;
  • It is not recommended for children under the age of 12;
  • Contraindicated pregnant women, as well as women in the period breastfeeding Child.

In general, many doctors believe that cheese can be given to children after 7 years. But in limited quantities and only the most delicious and safe views.

As for adults, they also should not be overly abused raw materials - no more than 150 grams per day. Delicious and high-quality types of cheesegles are no exception.


In cooking

Perhaps it is the sector of cooking that allows you to fully appreciate all the taste of this mushroom. Yes, it has excellent useful properties, but make some kind of dish from the cheese makeup, and you will no longer refuse it. It will be your favorite mushroom.

Please note that before using fungi necessarily flooded with water and withstand several hours. Before the main processing processes, that is, hot, pickling, pickling, it is advisable to slaughter them for 5 minutes. This will eliminate bitterness.

Now we will share with you several recipes for cooking raw materials. Namely, we will tell you how to solo them correctly, marinate and how to bore it correctly.


Take a set of the following ingredients:

  • One small bowl;
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • 3 garlic teeth;
  • 1 kilogram of fresh edible cheesecakes;
  • 4 tbsp. stone salt;
  • Several blueberry leaves.


Clean mushrooms from dirt, rinse, place in a saucepan, add some salt. Clean the garlic, cut it into small plates and place to mushrooms. Cover the mushrooms with branches from the blueberries and place 12 hours in a dark and cool place. Now, plump the chopped onions on top, add the oil and mix everything. Place mushrooms on prepared banks, close. As mushrooms, add more cheesegles to banks to banks, until the bank is filled. After about 30 days, mushrooms are ready for use.


Mary of the cheese can be in several ways. Now we will be described them.

Recipe with vinegar

  • Clean how mushrooms should be removed if you need to remove the film from the hat, cut short legs.
  • Cut the water, pour with its help mushrooms. Place on fire, bring to a boil, turn off and leave cool.
  • Meanwhile, prepare banks.
  • Throw mushrooms after cooling on a colander.
  • In the harvested banks, leave the leaves from currant or cherries, although you can also be used. Also put laurel leaves, umbrellas from dill. To improve taste, add some sprigs of Tarkhun. Spread mushrooms on banks.
  • Make a marinade at the rate of 250 ml of water - 50 ml of vinegar and 25 grams of rock salt. Make the brine at the rate of the amount of mushrooms available.
  • Capture marinade, Pour it into jars with mushrooms.
  • Poster jars in a wide saucepan with water to shoot. After boiling water, keep the jars of 20 minutes on fire.
  • Remove the containers, tighten the covers. Mushrooms are ready.

With garlic

Consider, at the rate of 1 kilogram of the cheese makes you need a large tablespoon salt. Garlic can use at your discretion. Mushrooms in this way of marinization will be kept shortly, but you can hardly resolve so as not to eat them all right away.

So, cook by this recipe It is necessary as follows:

  • Rinse mushrooms, remove all dirt;
  • Clean garlic, cut it on thin plates;
  • In a jar or pan, place mushrooms, but necessarily a hat down;
  • The layers are sprinkled with salt with the addition of garlic;
  • You need to withstand mushrooms for 14 days, placing banks in a cold place;
  • After 2 weeks can be served to the table. It is perfectly combined with vodka, has a sharp and rich taste.

With onions

You will need such ingredients:

  • Purified water - 400 ml;
  • 1 kilogram of raw materials with solid hats;
  • 250 ml of vinegar;
  • Several carnation boutons;
  • 300 grams on Luka.;
  • Lovers leaflets;
  • Fragrant pepper (polka dot);
  • 1 tsp. Sahara;
  • 1 Large tablespoon of stone salt.


Clean the fungi, fill them with water and negotiate for about 15 minutes, then throw off on a colander so that all the glass fluid. Pour water in a saucepan, add the specified spices, salt, sugar, small bulbs. Bring the mixture to a boil, then pour vinegar. In this marinade, lower the welded raw materials and negotiate for 5 minutes. Hot mushrooms distribute banks, and pick up the brine let out on fire for another 2-3 minutes. Russe bulk to banks and close their lids.

How to cook

Now we will tell you about how to make these mushrooms correctly.

  • Before boaking, they need to be rinsed, to go through to find the strongest instances.
  • Clean them from pollution, put in a saucepan. Now fill cold water At the rate of 1, the volume of mushrooms for 2 volumes of water.
  • Put the saucepan on the middle fire, bring to a boil, then make a flame quieter.
  • Next, follow the formation of a foam, which in the course of the cooking must be removed. After that, add some salt, laurel sheet and black peas.
  • After boiling water, mushrooms are filled with 30 minutes.
  • In no case do not use the water that remained after the cooking of the cheesecakes.

Choomed chops

Not many are solved to fry crops. And in vain. They are very tasty. Served as an independent dish or used with a side dish. Some manage to even fry chops from cheese makers.

To make chops, take purified raw, choose the largest and flat hats, put them in salty cold water for a while. After that, skip on the colander.

The hat should be dipped into the cooked par. Next, mushrooms are sprinkled with breadcrumbs. It is necessary to fry quickly, the fire should be strong. Then, put all the cheesegings together in the pan, pour the Clar to there, which was supposed to stay. Now dear your mushrooms, but already on a small fire. It will take about 15 minutes.

For the preparation of soup, the cheese is not very suitable, because because of it is created a characteristic bitter taste.

Syroezhka is a kind of plate mushrooms related to the family of raw materials, among which there are many delicious edible species, as well as those that are not suitable for intake. In total there are 275 varieties of cheesecakes. This is the most common mushroom in Russia.

About 60 species are growing in this country. You can meet them in coniferous forests, on forest edges, along the roads and in the undergrowth. All varieties of this mushroom differ in the view of the hats, the condition of the skin and the color of the argument. Also, all kinds grow in different places and at different times. However, it happens that the differences between the species are almost invisible. Even experienced micols can hardly distinguish them, and ordinary people need to be particularly attentive.

General signs

All edible raw materials are the following signs:

  • hate from 2 to 12 cm in diameter;
  • the mushroom skin has a red, which over the years it becomes darker;
  • the upper skin has small spots;
  • dry hat;
  • plates white or yellowish;
  • white leg, fleshy, without ring;
  • elusive smell, gentle, bitter flavor.

Beneficial features

TO useful properties You can attribute:

  1. The presence of vitamins B1, B2, C and E.
  2. The presence of potassium, magnesium, sodium, iron and calcium.
  3. These mushrooms can be used to clean the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, these mushrooms look unusual, and dishes with them are just tasty and fragrant. Often they are dried or used for salting.

Edible cheesecake

Tasty and edible view is a raw wavy. It possesses purple-burgundy. The hat from this mushroom is pressed down. The leg has a white-cream color.

Green cheese, or scaly, grows in oak and birch forests. It is also an edible kind of raw. This mushroom has a gray-green hat and a white leg. Edible species are the crumpled, swamp, geraneyevoral, fading, cheesery of Velenovsky and many others.

Raw, which is better not

Despite the fact that the cheerful is the edible mushroom, there are some varieties that are not recommended to eat. First, they are not delicious, but, secondly, some of them can cause problems with the stomach. Such varieties include:

  1. Cheerful burn-caustic. This mushroom has a red hat with which the skin is very easily removed, the pulp under which is also red. As a rule, this species grows in coniferous forests and swamps. You can meet it from July to October. The flesh of this mushroom can cause irritation and pain in the stomach. In addition, this mushroom is very bitter, so it is not eaten.
  2. Blood red cheese. This mushroom has a red and a hat, and leg. It is considered inconsiderable, as the flesh of the fungus has a very bitter taste.
  3. Ravy cheese. This mushroom has a burning flavor. He possesses a ocher-brown haired and grows in coniferous forests.
  4. Smash dark purple and chromium. These are very bitter mushrooms that are not suitable for admission to food and look absolutely inedible.

Syrozhka, which is eating raw food

Mostly cheesegings need to be prepared. Raw food only a blue-yellow variety is eaten. This species prevails in mixed and pine forests. This mushroom has a greenish or brown in the middle of the skin and a dense pulp. Before there is this cheese, you need to cut it into parts, salt and leave for a while.

Differences of raw materials from pale

It is very important not to confuse the edible cheese glass with a pale grass. Alas, it has repeatedly happened that people, poorly dealing with mushrooms, trembled pale urbanThey took for raw food. It is important to know that the pale looting has a leg with thickening at the base. Under the hat of this poisonous mushroom White film. It happens that there are covers hanging hanging on the cheekbone. Here you need to be particularly attentive and not to confuse this mushroom with a scaly raw. In addition, adults have disproportionate legs.

Raw: Collection and Processing Rules

Collect these mushrooms is recommended in August or September. Syroezhka, like chanterelles, brewer and other types of mushrooms, you need to cut off neatly a knife, leaving the remaining legs in the ground. It is very important that the fungry remains untouched. Thanks to this, she will continue to give the fruits. Before putting the mushroom in the basket, you need to extort it from the ground and garbage.

Before going to the forest for mushrooms, it is important to carefully examine all kinds of fungi, learn to distinguish them by appearanceSince ignorance can lead to very serious consequences, and in some cases even to death.

Cheeseing after collecting you need to rinse right away right away, clean off the ground and cut damaged places. It is best to fry or stew. They are also suitable for salting and marinade.

It is noteworthy that there are conditionally edible raw materials that need to be carefully processed before use. Basically, they first be bore well, and then extinguished or fry. For salting, such varieties are not suitable. Moreover, the decoction after the conditionally edible cheese makers cannot be used, as it remains toxic substanceswhich are available in these mushrooms.

It should be noted that raw materials are far from all people can be used. Despite the fact that they have medicinal properties, they are contraindicated some. It is important to know that these mushrooms are pretty hard. For the night there is not recommended. People suffering from cardiovascular failure, this type of contraindicated. Also, the raw materials cannot be used by yazuvenes and people who have problems with the stomach and with assimilation of food. Moreover, doctors advise that mushroom data in a very limited amount.

It is impossible to ride with raws. It is desirable that one portion does not exceed 150 grams. Children under 7 years old are better not to give. In general, children are better limited from receiving mushrooms, since this product is very hardly absorbed.