On the 50th day after Easter, Orthodox believers celebrate the Day of the Holy Trinity, or Pentecost. This is one of the 12 christian holidays. We tell about the history of the Trinity, the meaning and traditions of this day.

Holiday date

The Day of the Holy Trinity is celebrated on the 50th day after the Holiday of Christ's Resurrection. Therefore, Pentecost is the second name of this day. As the date of Easter floating, the Trinity falls on different dates. In 2018, the Day of Holy Trinity falls on May 27th.

Meaning and history

The holiday is celebrated by believers since 381 years. It was then that at the second Ecumenical Constantinople Church Cathedral approved the doctrine of the three hypers of God: father, Son and the Holy Spirit. On the same day, the fullness of the Holy Trinity was also revealed.

According to the New Testament, in front of the kingdom of Heavenly Jesus Christ promised to his disciples, the apostles that the Holy Spirit will send them to the consolation. After the Ascension of Christ, the apostles gathered daily at the Zion Gornice in Jerusalem for prayers and reading the Holy Scriptures. For the tenth day after the Ascension of Christ (50th after the Resurrection), being in the Hube, at the third hour of the day the apostles heard noise. There were fiery languages \u200b\u200bthat they wished on each of them. So, the students of Jesus were fulfilled by the Holy Spirit and began to speak different languages, addressing the sermia to representatives of different peoples.

The day of the Saint Spirit is considered the day of the creation of the Christian Church, which began to spread throughout the world throughout the world.

Who celebrates

From the XIV century, Catholics, the Trinity Holiday does not coincide with Pentecost - the Day of Source on the Apostles of the Holy Spirit. In the Catholic Church, it is celebrated a week later and is associated with the glorification of the Holy Trinity. However, this year, the Catholic Trinity coincides with the Orthodox and will be celebrated on May 27.

Traditions celebration from Orthodox

On the eve of the Day of the Holy Trinity in churches, a vigil vigil is committed. The Trinity Feast itself in Orthodox churches is made one of the most solemn and beautiful services in the year. After the liturgy serves a great evening, glorifying the descent of the Holy Spirit, and three prayers are read with the crankshaft of clergy and parishioners. So the post-slip period is completed, during which the knees and earth bows are not performed in the temples.

The Trinity has a custom to decorate the temples by branches and grass that symbolize the updates of people thanks to the Holy Spirit. Priests put on green clothes. Green symbolizes the life-giving and renewing power of the Holy Spirit.

The next day after the Trinity there is a perfume of the day, which is devoted to the glorification of the Holy Spirit.

Trinity and folk rituals

Before the adoption of Christianity in the Slavic calendar at the end of May, a semic, or green shints, was celebrated - the transition from spring by summer. The Trinity Holiday adopted many rites of this holiday. The main components were rituals associated with the cult of vegetation, the girl's walking, the commemoration of the dead. On Troitskaya (Semitskaya), the girls of 7-12 years old broke the birch branches and decorated with them the house outside and inside, the children dressed in a birch, drove round dance, sang songs, arranged a festive meal.

On Saturday, the eve of the Day of the Holy Trinity was made to remember the departed. This day is called the "strangled Saturday", or parental day.

The Holy Trinity is a theological term, reflecting the Christian doctrine of triipostasy. This is one of the most important concepts of Orthodoxy.

Dogmat about the Blessed Trinity is the foundation of the Christian religion.

God is one of the merits, but three in the face: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, the Trinity is unique and inseparable.

The word "Trinity" of non-biblical origin itself, in the Christian vocabulary, was introduced in the second half of the II century, Feofil Antioch. The doctrine of the Blessed Trinity is given in Christian Revelation.

Dogmat about the Blessed Trinity is incomprehensible, it is a mysterious dogma, incomprehensible at the level of reason. For the human reason, the doctrine of the Most Holy Trinity is controversial, because it is a mystery that cannot be expressed rationally.

Not by chance about. Pavel Florensky called Dogmat about the Holy Trinity "Cross for Human Thought." In order to take the dogmat about the Blessed Trinity, the sinful human mind must reject his claims to the ability to learn everything and rationally explain, that is, to persuade the mystery of the Blessed Trinity, it is necessary to reject their understanding.

The mystery of the Blessed Trinity is comprehended, and only partly, in the experience of spiritual life. This comprehension is always associated with a ascetic feat. V.N. Slovsky says: "The apaffular ascent is climbing in Calvary, so no speculative philosophy could have to rise to the mystery of the Blessed Trinity."

The Trinity is distinguished by Christianity from all other monotheistic religions: Judaism, Islam. The doctrine of Trinity is the basis of the whole Christian loor and moralization, for example, the exercises about God Savior, about God consecrated, etc. V.N. Slovsky said that the doctrine of the Trinity "not only the basis, but also the highest goal of theology, for ... To know the mystery of the Blessed Trinity in her completeness - it means to enter the Divine Life, in the very life of the Blessed Trinity. "

The doctrine of the TRIMINA of God comes down to the three provisions:
1) God is Troic and Trochnaya is that there are three persons in God (Ipostasi): Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

2) Every face of the Blessed Trinity is God, but they are not the first of God, but the essence of a single divine creature.

3) All three persons are distinguished by personal, or hypostasic properties.

Holy Fathers, in order to somehow bring the doctrine of the Most Holy Trinity to the perception of a person, enjoyed various kinds of analogies borrowed from the world of creature.
For example, the sun and the light and heat outgoing from it. The water source originating the key and, actually, flow or river. Some see the analogy in the arrangement of the human mind (St. Ignatius of Bryanchanin. Ascetic experiments): "Our mind, the Word and Spirit, on the lump sum of its beginning and on their mutual relations, is the way of Father, Son and the Holy Spirit."
However, all these analogies are very imperfect. If we take the first analogy - the sun, outgoing rays and heat, then this analogy implies some time process. If we take the second analogy - the water source, the key and flow, then they differ only in our representation, and in reality it is a single water element. As for the analogy associated with the ability of the human mind, then it may be an analogy of the image of the revelation of the Blessed Trinity in the world, but not in any way of intraochy existence. In addition, all these analogies put the unity above the trocherity.
St. Vasily Vasily the most perfect from the analogies borrowed from the tweak world considered a rainbow, because "the same light and continuous in itself and multilyvet." "And in multicolor, a single face opens - no middle and transition between colors. It is not visible where the rays are distinguished. Clearly see the difference, but we cannot measure the distances. And in the aggregate, multicolor rays form a single white. A single entity opens in a multicolor radiance. "

Brief history of dogmat about the Blessed Trinity

In the fact that God is one essentially, but three in the persons, Christians always believed, but the dogmatic doctrine itself about the Blessed Trinity was created gradually, usually due to the emergence of various kinds of heretical delusions. The doctrine of Trinity in Christianity has always been associated with the teachings of Christ, with the teaching about the awareness. Trinitarian heresy, Trinitarian disputes had a Christological foundation.

In fact, the teaching about the Trinity became possible due to the awareness. As they say in the path of the Epiphany, in Christ "Troic worship". The doctrine of Christ "for Jews is temptation, but for ELLINOV madness" (1 Cor. 1, 23). Also, the teaching about the Trinity is a stumbling block and for the "strict" Jewish monotheism and for the Hellensky Polyteraism. Therefore, all attempts to disrete to comprehend the mystery of the Blessed Trinity were brought to delusions either the Jewish, or Ellensky.

The first to dissolve the faces of the Trinity in a single nature, for example, Savellyan, and others reduced the trinity to three unequal beings (Ariana). The condemnation of Arianism occurred in 325 on the first universal cathedral with Niii. The main act of this cathedral was the compilation of the Nicene Symbol of Faith, which included non-biblical terms, among which the term "Omoxios" was played a special role in trinitarian disputes of the IV century - "Uniform".

To reveal the authentic meaning of the term "Omoxios", the great efforts of the Great Cappadocians were needed: Vasily the Great, Grigory Theologian and Grigoria Nis.
Great Cappadocians, first of all, Vasily Great, strictly delimited the concepts of "entity" and "Ipostasi". The varyism of being and deigns belong equally to all three and best practices. Father, Son and the Holy Spirit The essence of her manifestation in the faces, of which everyone has all the completeness of the Divine Entity and is in an inseparable unity with her. The same hypostasis among themselves are only personal (hypostasic) properties.
In addition, Cappadocians were actually identified (first of all two Gregory: Naziazine and the Nis) The concept of "IPOST" and "face". "Face" in theology and philosophy of that time was the term belonging not to ontological, but to a descriptive plan, i.e., the face could be called a mask of the actor or the legal role that a person was performed.
Having identified the "face" and "Ipostaska" in the Trunk theology, Cappadocians, thereby transferred this term from the plan of descriptive to the plan on the plan. The consequence of this identification was essentially the emergence of a new concept, which the ancient world did not know: this term is "personality". Cappadocians managed to reconcile the abstractness of Greek philosophical thought with the biblical idea of \u200b\u200ba personal deity.

Differences of Divine Persons by Hitness Properties

According to the teachings, the IPostasi is the essence of the individual, and not impersonal forces. At the same time, the hypostasis possess a single nature. Naturally the question arises how to distinguish them?
All divine properties relate to the general nature, they are characteristic of all three and therefore, the differences in divine persons themselves cannot express. It is impossible to give the absolute definition of each hatchet, using one of the divine names.
One of the features of Personal Being is that the personality is unique and unique, and therefore it cannot be determined, it cannot be brought under a certain concept, since the concept always summarizes; It is impossible to lead to a common denominator. Therefore, the personality can only be perceived through their attitude to other personalities.
This is what we see in, where the idea of \u200b\u200bdivine persons is based on the relationships that exist between them.
Approximately starting from the end of the IV century, it is possible to talk about the generally accepted terminology, according to which the hypostasic properties are expressed by the following terms: the father - the saint - the son is Birth (from the Father), and the discharge (from the Father) in the Holy Spirit. Personal properties The essence of the intrinsic properties, always remaining unchanged, solely belonging to this or another of the Divine Persons. Thanks to these properties, the face varies from each other, and we learn them as special hypostasis.
At the same time, there are three hatching in God, we confess the Trinity of a unique and inseparable. Uniform means that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are the essence of three independent divine persons with all divine perfections, but these are not three special separate creatures, not three God, but a single God. They have a single and inseparable divine nature. Each of the Trinity Persons has a Divine Nature perfectly and fully.

The Day of the Holy Trinity is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, so this one is also called Pentecost. Pentecost holiday, or the day of the Holy Trinity passed. On the tenth day for the ascension of the Lord Jesus Christ, on the day of the Jewish holiday of the first harvest, when the disciples and with them Virgin Mary were in the Zion Gornice, a strong noise was heard in the air in the air, as during a storm. In the air appeared bright trembling languages \u200b\u200bof fire. It was a fire not real - he was one nature with a fertile fire, which annually comes off in Jerusalem for Easter, he shone, not burning. Welding over the heads of the apostles, the languages \u200b\u200bof fire dropped on them and overtake. Immediately, together with the external phenomenon, there was an internal, which was performed in: "Executive VSI Holy Spirit." - And the Mother of God, and the apostles felt an extraordinary force in them in that moment. Just and directly, he was given over the new graceful gift of verb - they spoke in languages \u200b\u200bthat did not know before. It was the gift required for the preaching of the Gospel around the world.

In memory of this event, the feast of Pentecost is also called the Day of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, as well as the Day of the Holy Trinity: In the phenomenon of the Holy Spirit, the sacrament of the Unity of the Holy Trinity revealed the saint of the Holy Son's God. The name of Pentecost, this day received not only in the memory of the ancient holiday, but also because this event had to fiftle the day after the Christian Easter. As Easter Christ, Christ replaced the ancient Jewish holiday, and Pentecost put the foundation of the Church of Christ as the Union in the Spirit on Earth.

About the Holy Trinity on "Legal":

Trinity. Icons

One of the first in the iconography of the Trinity appeared the plot of the phenomenon of Three Angels Abraham ("Hospitality of Abraham"), set out in the eighteenth chapter of the Bible Book of Genesis. He tells about how the plants of Abraham, the ancestor of the chosen people, met Mamre's three mysterious wanders from the Dubrava (in the next chapter they were called angels). During the meal in the House of Abraham, he was given a promise of the upcoming wonderful birth of the son of Isaac. By the will of God, the "People Great and Strong" should have happened from Abraham, in which "blesses ... all the peoples of the Earth."

In the second millennium, the custom arises to add the plot "Hospitality of Abraham" with the words "Holy Trinity": such an inscription is available on one of the miniatures of the Greek Psalti of the XI century. In this miniature, the head of the middle angel is crowned with a cross-nimber: he turned to the viewer is frontal, while two other angel are depicted in three-hard turnover.

The same type of image is found on the doors of the christmas temple of the Virgin in Suzdal (approx. 1230) and on the fresco of Feofan Greek from the Novgorod Temple of the Savior Transfiguration on Ilyin Street. The cross NIBE indicates that the central angel is identified with Christ.

It is known that the iconographic version of the Trinity without the forefast existed to the Rublev in the Byzantine art. But all these compositions do not wear an independent nature. Andrei Rublev not only gives the image one-piece and independent character, but makes it the finished theological text. On a light background, three angels are depicted around the table, on which there is a bowl. The middle angel towers over the others, behind his back is depicted a tree, behind the right angel - Mountain, behind the left - chambers. Angels heads are inclined in a silent conversation. Their liks are similar, as if the same face is depicted in three versions. The whole composition is inscribed in the system of concentric circles, which can be carried out on the nimbam, on the abis of wings, on the movement of the angelic hands, and all these circles converge into the epicenter of the icons, where the bowl is depicted, and in the bowl - Taurus head. Before us is not just a meal, but the Eucharistic meal in which the redemptive sacrifice is performed. The Trinity of Andrei Rublev is a symbolic image of the territy of the Divine, which is already indicated by a stallal cathedral. After all, the visit to Abraham in Three Angels was not the phenomenon of the Blessed Trinity, but it was only the "prophetic vision of this mystery, which during the centuries will gradually open the believers of the church." In accordance with this, both the father, the Son and the Holy Spirit appear in the icon of Rublev, but three angels, symbolizing the forensic council of three sacred trinity. The symbolism of the ruble icon in something is akin to the symbolism of early Christian painting, hiding deep dogmatic truths under ordinary, but spiritually significant symbols.

Trinity temples in Russia

One of the first temples in Russia was dedicated to the Trinity. He was built by Princess Olga in his homeland, in Pskov. The wooden temple, erected in the X century, stood about 200 years. The second temple was stone. According to legend, he laid in 1138, the saint bold prince Vsevolod (in the baptism of Gabriel). In the XIV century, the arch of the temple fell and a new cathedral was erected on his basis. But before our time and he was not preserved, he suffered greatly in 1609 during a fire. To date, the fourth cathedral has been preserved, built in the same place and still the name of Holy Trinity.

Basil's cathedral is blissful that in the Red Square in Moscow, built on the site of the Trinity Temple, near which another seven wooden churches stood - in the memory of the Kazan victories they were consecrated in the name of those holidays and the saints, when decisive battles took place. In 1555-61 At the site of these temples, one stone was built - nine-billive. The central throne was consecrated in honor of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin, and one of the adhesions devoted the Trinity. Until the XVII century, the cathedral was so worn by Troitsky.

The most famous Russian monastery is devoted to the Blessed Trinity - Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra. Settling on Makovtsy in 1337, Rev. Sergius built a wooden church in the name of the Holy Trinity. In 1422, at the place of the previous wooden church, the student of St. Sergius, Igumen Nikon, laid the stone Trinity Cathedral. With its construction, the relics of St. Sergius were acquired. The Cathedral of the famous masters Andrei Rublev and Daniel black painted. For the iconostasis was written the famous model of the Old Testament Trinity.

In the name of the Holy Trinity, Holy Trinity Markov Monastery in Vitebsk was founded. The founding of Markov Monastery is allegedly refer to the XIV-XV centuries. There is a legend about the founder of the monastery - a certain brand, which retired on the land belonging to him and built a chapel there. Soon the like-minded people joined him. The monastery existed until 1576, after was abolished, and the Trinity Temple was turned into parish. The monastery was renewed in 1633 by Prince Lvom Oginsky, in 1920 closed. For a long time, militia and other institutions were located on its territory. All buildings, except the Holy Casan Church, were destroyed (including Trinity Cathedral - one of the best samples of wooden Belarusian architecture). The Kazan Church in the period of the Great Patriotic War was damaged, but then partially restored. This is the only church in Vitebsk, which in the postwar years did not close. The chief throne of the temple is consecrated in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, and the side of the face - in honor of St. Sergius Radonezhsky. The monastery was revived in 2000.

In honor of Holy Trinity, Holy Trinity (Troychansky) Monastery in Slutsk (Belarus) was founded. The founding time of the Holy Trinity Monastery is unknown. The first mention of it dates back to 1445. There was a monastery near the city, downstream the river. People began to settle around the monastery, the suburb forces were formed, and Troychansky began the street from the city to the monastery. The monastery had a diploma of the Polish king, confirming his Orthodox Statute. From 1560 under the monastery there is a spiritual school in which theology, rhetoric, Slavic and Greek grammar studied. It is also known about the Little Library of the Monastery: in 1494 there were 45 books. In 1571, the abbot of the monastery was Archimandrite Mikhail Ragoz (mind. 1599), the future Kiev Metropolitan. At the monastery, the Orthodox seminary opens, which was led to 1575 former Igumen Trinity-Sergiyev Lavra Artemy (? - The beginning of the 1570s). At the beginning of the XVII century, the seminary was no longer there. Again she arises in the XVIII century. In the first world war in the monastery was Lazaret. In the summer of 1917, the structure of the monastery, where 13 monks and 13 novices lived, transferred to the Belarusian gymnasium, the rector, Archimandrite Athanasius in the evening, was expelled. On February 21, 1930, the monastery was closed, relics were transferred to museums. Finally monastic buildings were destroyed in the 1950s. Subsequently, his place was a military town. In 1994, a memorable cross was installed at the place of the monastery.

In 1414, on the banks of the Nurma River, the Trinity Pavlo-Obnorsky Monastery was founded on the territory of the modern Gryazovetsky district of the Vologda region. The founder of the monastery was a student of St. Sergius Radonezh - Pavel Obnorsky (1317-1429). In 1489, the monastery received from the Grand Duke Ivan III diploma about the endowment of the monastery by the forest, villages and freedation from the filings. The privileges of the monastery were subsequently fixed by Vasily III, Ivan IV Grozny and their successors. The monastery is built by the Cathedral Temple of the Trinity (1505-1516). In the middle of the XIX century, 12 monks lived in the monastery. In 1909, the monastery suffered from a strong fire. The cross was melted in the fire, received by Rev. Paul from Sergius Radonezh. Before the revolution, about 80 statements lived in the monastery. The monastery is closed in 1924 by solving the Gryazovetsky district executive committee of the RCP (b). In the 1920s, a Trinity Cathedral with adjacent temple buildings, a bell tower and a fence were destroyed. An experienced pedagogical station, a school, orphanage was located on the territory of the monastery. In 1945, a children's sanatorium opened, then the regional sanatorium and forest school. RPC returned in 1994.

In the name of the Holy Trinity, the Ulyanovsky Trinity-Stefan monastery is consecrated. Located in the village of Ulyanovo Ust-Kulvsky district of the Komi Republic. According to legend, the monastery was founded in 1385 by St. Stephen Perm (1340s. - 1396) in order to spread Christianity on the upper exhaust. But this construction existed not long. According to local legends, the Ulyanovsky monastery was named after the girl of steady, which, not wanting to get into the hands of the enemy, decided to be drowned in the river. Opposite this place a monastery was built. During the years of Soviet power, the Ulyanovsky monastery was closed, and his property was looted. Many monks were repressed. The Trinity Cathedral was completely destroyed, most of the economic buildings were in a deplorable state. Objects seized from the Ulyanovsky Monastery were in the National Museum of the Republic of Komi. In 1994, the monastery was transferred to the ROC.

In the name of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Trinity Ipatiev Monastery was founded in Kostroma. The monastery for the first time in the chronicles mentioned in 1432, but it was possible, it was much earlier. According to the generally accepted version, the monastery was founded for about 1330 by Tatar Murzo. Chetom, the attitude of the genus Godunov and saburov, who fled from the Golden Horde to Ivan Kalita (approx. 1283/1288 - 1340/1341) and adopted baptism under the name of Zechariah. In this place he was the vision of the Mother of God with the upcoming apostle Philip and the Sacred Martyr Ipaim Gangrsky (mind 325/326), which was the result of his healing from the disease. In gratitude for healing, a monastery was founded for healing. The church of the Holy Trinity was originally built, then the christmas temple of the Virgin, a few kesels and a powerful oak wall. There were residential and economic buildings around. All buildings were wooden. After the death of Prince Vasily and the abolitions of the Kostroma Principality, the monastery fell under the patronage of the genus Godunov, elevated in the middle of the XVI century. During this period, there is a rapid development of the monastery. After the October Revolution, in 1919, the monastery was abolished, and its values \u200b\u200bare nationalized. A museum was located on the territory of the abode for many years, part of the exposition of which is there and now. In 2005, the monastery was transferred to the ROC.

In the name of the Trinity, the Stefano Makhrishchsky Holy Trinity Monastery was founded. Located on the milk river in the village of Mahra Alexandrovsky district of the Vladimir region. Founded in the XIV century Stefan Makhrishchsky (mind. July 14, 1406) as a male monastery. From 1615 to the 1920s was attributed to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Closed in 1922. Re-opened in 1995 as a female monastery.

In the name of the Holy Trinity in 1520, the Trinity Antoniyevo Siy Monastery was founded. He founded the abode Rev. Anthony Siy (1477-1556). In Dopererovsky, the Siek Monastery was one of the largest in the Russian north centers of spiritual life. Such unique manuscripts are taking place from the monastery book assembly as the Siya Gospel of the XVI century and illustrated sacraments. After the revolution, the vintage documents were with the monks of the monks and were transferred to the Arkhangelsk Regional Archive, from where in 1958 and 1966 were transported to Moscow (now - in Ragada). The monastery was closed by the Decree of the Emetsky West Committee of June 12, 1923 and the decision of the Presidium of the Arkhangelsk Gubspolcom from July 11, 1923. The territory was used for the needs of the labor commune, collective farm. In 1992, the monastery was transferred to the ROC.

In the name of the Trinity, the monastery in Astrakhan was consecled. The story of the Trinity Monastery in Astrakhan begins from 1568, when the king John Grozny, sending the head of Kirila here, commanded him to arrange a common monastery in the city of Nicholas. By 1573, Igumen Kiril was built: "The temple of the Alpine Trinity, to which a meal of six southeng was dugged, and Kelarskaya about three seedlings, 12 kesels, two tribrians with Sushils, Gleb, and Cook." All the buildings were wooden. By the time of the death of Hegumen Kirila in 1576, they were built in the monastery two more wooden temples: in honor of the introduction of the Most Holy Mother of God and Nikola's Wonderworker. The monastery itself, originally referred to as Nikolsky, later received the name of Trinity, in honor of the Cathedral Temple of the Library Trinity. In the 90s of the XVI century, the new Hegumen Feodosius was engaged in the restructuring of a wooden monastery in Stone. On September 13, 1603, the new stone Trinity Cathedral was consecrated. A little later, it was attached to him in honor of the holy passion recorders of the princes of Boris and Gleb. In addition, during the igumen of Feodosias, the stone bell tower with the temple of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker under it and the wooden temple of the origin of the honest trees of the Cross of the Lord with the attack in honor of the introduction into the temple of the Most Holy Mother of God. In the Soviet years, the abode was arranged archive, and the shrines were committed to cringe.

In the name of the Trinity, the monastery was founded in Murom Vladimir Region. The monastery is founded in the second quarter of the 18th century (1643 years old) by the Murom merchant Tarasius Borisovich Colunov, according to a number of local history - on the site of the so-called "old settlement", where originally was located in the period of the XI-XIII centuries, a wooden cathedral in honor of Saints Boris and Gleb, And later there was a wooden holy Troitsky temple. In 1923 the monastery was closed. In 1975, a wooden temple was brought to the territory of the monastery in honor of the St. Sergius of Radonezh from the neighboring Melenkovsky district, which is a monument of wooden architecture of the XVIII century. Opened in 1991. The main shrine of the monastery is the relics of the Holy Prince Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, transported from the local museum on September 19, 1992. Until 1921, the relics won in the city christmas cathedral.

Also in the name of the Holy Trinity, Alexander-Svir Monastery, Zelestsky-Trinity Monastery, Klopsky Monastery, Yeletsky Troitsky Monastery, Belopesotsky and Trinity Boldin Monasteries, Monasteries in Kazan, Sviyazhsk, Kalyazin, Pereslavl-Zalezsky, Tyumen, Cheboksary and other cities.

In honor of the Holy Trinity, the monastery is based in Serbia, Georgia, Greece, Palestine, Finland, Sweden.

In honor of the Trinity, the temple in Veliky Novgorod is consecrated. The temple dates back to 1365. Built by order of Novgorod merchants who traded with Ugra (to the Urals). The largest damage to the Church of the Trinity received during the Great Patriotic War. Along with other monuments of Novgorod architecture, it was renovated in 1975-1978, although actually work continues until now.

Also in honor of the Trinity, the Church of the Dukhov Monastery in Veliky Novgorod is consecrated. The church of the Trinity with the Food Chamber was built about 1557 by order of ions. It is located almost in the center of the territory of the monastery. On the first floor of the refectory there were a cook, bread and two kai cellas; On the second floor - the refectory and keel. The church seriously suffered during the Swedish occupation of 1611-1617, as well as from a strong fire that happened in 1685.

In the name of the Trinity of the Liberal consecrated temple in Moscow - in the fields. First mentioned in 1493 in the Resurrection Chronicle. In 1565, a stone church was built. In 1639, next to the stone Trinity temple with Nikola's chambers of the Wonderworker and Boris and Gleb, built by the boyar M. M. Saltykov (the cousin of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich), was built a wooden temple in honor of Sergius Radonezh. The Trinity Church was destroyed in 1934. The speed of demolition did not allow to carry out a detailed study of the architectural monument. Square was broken in her place, a monument to the forefront was put on the place of refectory, Ivan Fedorov.

In the name of the Trinity, the temple in Nihniki (Moscow) is consecrated. Back in the XVI century, there was a wooden church in the name of the Holy Martyr Nikita (the mind is approx. 372). In the 1620s, she burned down, and by order of the Nicknikov, who lived near the Yaroslavl merchant, in 1628-1651, was built a new stone church in the name of the Holy Trinity. Sources mention construction work in 1631-1634 and 1653. The South Anchita of the Temple was devoted to Nikita Martyr, the honorable icon of this holy from the burnt church was also postponed. He served as the tomb of the Templedator and his family members. In 1920, the temple was closed for worship services and in 1934 was transferred to the State Historical Museum. In 1991, the Temple returned the ROC.

Zhukovsy Vinnitsa region. Belokrinitsky parishes in Romania in, p. Pashkan (Romania) and Vasluju also celebrate a temple holiday.

The community of the Russian Holiday Church in (Romania) celebrates the temple holiday today.

Many and Pomeranian temples are devoted to the Holy Trinity: in

For several centuries, before his son, Jesus Christ was crucified on Earth, the Lord, through the Prophets, hesitated to people that the Holy Spirit will be sent to help.

"I will introduce my spirit inside you and I will make what you will go to my commandments and my charters will be observed and performing" (Ezekiel, 36:27).

Jesus Christ also promised his disciples:

"The comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of everything I told you" (John 14, 26).

Therefore, the apostles together with the Most Holy Virgin Maria after and Christ did not go home, but remained in Jerusalem, waiting for the fulfillment of the promised.
They were in the Zion Gornice, where everyone was prayed to the Lord. In this hubby, after his resurrection, the Savior has already twice appeared to his students.
When fifty days after the resurrection of Christ, for the tenth day after His Ascension, the words of the teacher were fulfilled. On this day there was a big Jewish holiday - giving God to the Prophet Moses of the Ten Commandments, which he received on Mount Sinai, so there were a lot of people in Jerusalem. Pilgrims arrived not only from the Jews itself, but also from other countries.
In the morning

"Suddenly there was noise from the sky, as if from the carriage of the wind, and filled the whole house where they were" (Acts.2,2).

Following this, fiery flames have emerged in the air, which froze over each of the apostles. The fire of these languages \u200b\u200blisted, but did not burn. The prophecy of St. John the Baptism of the Fire Baptism of the Apostles came true:

"He will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and Fire" (Matt3.11).

This wonderful property takes place every year and is currently on the convergence of the fertile fire in Jerusalem. On the Great Saturday, on the eve of the Orthodox Easter - during the first few minutes the fire really shines, but does not burn.
Each of the apostles felt an extraordinary tide of spiritual forces - this is God, through fiery flame languages \u200b\u200bhanded the strength of the apostles so that they can preach and glorify the teachings of Christ.
Hearing a strong noise, pilgrims began to gather at the Zion Torny, and the apostles went down to the people and

"They began to speak in other languages, as the spirit gave them to walked" (Acts.2.4)

The miracle was that each of the people heard in his own language, so the people were very surprised by such a phenomenon.
Many knew the apostles as ordinary poor people who were not trained in sciences and, accordingly, were not trained by oratory.

The people spent, tried to explain what happened by the fact that the apostles " sweet wine drunk"And in response to this accusation, the most hot in the nature of the apostle Peter, unexpectedly for everyone and, above all for himself, began the first to sermon in his life.
Now, the mouth of a simple poor man, Peter, spoke to the Holy Spirit himself. The apostle preached them about the life of Jesus Christ and his martyrdom. The words of the Apostle Peter fired deeply in the soul.

"What should we do?" - asked him. "Repent, and yes, each of you is baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins; And get the gift of the Holy Spirit "(Acts 2,37-38).

After his sermon about three thousand people believed and became Christians.
Thus, the Lord handed 9 special gifts to his disciples:
The gift of wisdom and knowledge, the gift of prophecy, the ability to distinguish between spirits, gifts of shepherds, faith, healing and creatures of miracles, gifts of knowledge and interpretation of languages.

The apostles were literally reborn - became people of strong faith, the unusual power of the Spirit. From his teacher, they knew that their life would be not easy, there would be ahead of their bowl of suffering ahead, their life would be full of ridicule, bullying, beatings and conclusions in the dungeon. And indeed - they almost all died or were executed.
To overcome these suffering, the ascended Jesus Christ sent his Holy Spirit of the Comforter. And now neither the crucifixion on the crosses nor the burning of fires, nor death under the country's stones could no longer be forced to stop the God's apostles in the preaching of Divine exercise around the world.
Zion Torny.After the convergence of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and Mother of God who were in it, began to be considered the first Christian temple. And this day began to be called the feast of the Holy Trinity, in honor of the fact that the Lord revealed himself to people in three horseshoes - the god of the Father, the God of the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The value and meaning of the holiday of the Trinity

The Day of the Holy Trinity is one of the great Orthodox holidays. On this day, the Holy Spirit came to Earth and the people of God were shown to the people: the god of the Father - the Creator, the God of Son - Jesus Christ, who appeared to people for the redemption of sins and God of the Holy Spirit. This day of the Trinity is considered the feast of the Birth of the Earth Church.
Trinity is celebrated on the fiftieth day after the resurrection of Christ, because of this, it is also called the Holy Pentecost. The holiday itself consists of two parts. Sunday (first day) is the day of the Blessed Trinity, and the second day (Monday) - the Day of the Holy Spirit.
« Glory Father and Son and the Holy Spirit"- Any Christian has repeatedly uttered these solemn words, while making folded together three first fingers of which express our faith in the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit as a unique and inseparable Trinity.

And what could be more reliable for a person than faith in God, in his defense and patronage:
"Hope my father, refuge my son, the cover of my spirit Holy: Saint Trinity, thank you."

Trinity holiday - a bright holiday, which is penetrated by the sunlight, the birth of life in nature after the winter, when it seems to us that God's grace spreads everywhere and everywhere, in every ray of the sun and in every green leaves, when all the circle blooms, it blooms, it comes to life and begins New Tile of Life!
On this day, temples are decorated with flowers, greens are a symbol of the birth of life in spring as a symbol of the birth of the church.

Special reverence is connected on this day, first of all with a birch, the heyday of the greenery is accounted for for a holiday of the Trinity. In the people, it is associated with good, with defense against unclean strength and with a tree, expelled diseases (birch juice, birch kidneys and, of course, brooms for a bath).
Her branches, as well as young trees, the temples and churches in Russia were decorated with young trees.

People who come to the festive service bring with them and keep birch twigs in their hands, flowers that are sanctified during worship.
In honor of this great holiday, the priests usually are climbing in a green championship, and church utensils are often decorated with light green tissues and ribbons.
On the day of the Holy Trinity, during a special prayer, everyone in the temple is laid (as far as possible) to kneel. The Trinity is considered the first permissive day after Easter for the crankshaftful prayers in the temple. This crankshake is a litrolery feature, a highlight of this holiday.


Major, exorbitant Christ and honor of the spirit of your spirit, the earther of your father sent the Divine student of yours.

Video film

Trinity is a very important holiday for Orthodox Christians. Another name is the Travel Day of the Holy Spirit. Just from the second name and should, with what kind of event is a holiday is connected. The phenomenon of the Holy Spirit on the Earth, which was predetermined by Jesus, is exactly what religious people call the trinity of God, that is, the existence of three persons in the merits of God - Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Orthodox Christians are very believe in it.

The Trinity also has the third name - Pentecost. Such a name has a logical explanation: it is celebrated on the 50th day after the Easter holiday. And this is not strange, as many Orthodox holidays are tied to the Great Resurrection.

Since the date of the date of Easter is not and the date hesitates every year, the Trinity is celebrated on different days in different ways. Troyza in 2018 falls on May 27.

History of Trinity

Orthodox Christians believe that this holiday was installed apostles, which were students and followers of Jesus. Simply put, they just wanted people to celebrate the 50th day from the date of the resurrection of Jesus and remembered him.

The Holy Scripture explains that on this day the Holy Spirit descended just to these apostles, which by the time for exactly fifty days in a row prayed in the Zion Gornice, which, as is known, later became the first Christian temple.

Religious people believe that the life of the apostles after the Descent of the Holy Spirit: they began to see future and heal, and they received these skills, as well as knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200bso that they could preach worldwide. After what happened, the apostles parted the world, with the aim of telling people, about the life of Christ and his flour for human sins.

What is the official consolidation of the Trinity, it happened in 381. It was in Constantinople during the II of the Ecumenical Cathedral, on which the teaching about the Trinity was formed in the version in which we know it. Then I decided to decide on the trinity of God.

But Slavs began only after the baptism of Russia, to celebrate the Trinity.

Traditions of the holiday Trinity

Since this holiday is celebrated Christians, he does not cost without church service. It consists of liturgy and evening.

On the trinity of the temples are decorated very beautifully: on the floor, freshly adhesive grass, flowers are decorated with icons and young twigs.

Homes people also love to decorate greens, wild flowers, branches. In the churches, small homemade bouquets are sanctified, bark branches to leave them later in their homes. People believe that they protect from evil and house, and its inhabitants.

The main attribute of the holiday is birch, it is the symbol of the Holy Spirit.

On this day, it is customary to gather with family and close on the feast or go to the picnic, the rich tables were covered, and rest. There is even a major dish - a loaf, which for many years symbolizes this beautiful bright holiday.

Previously, this day was noted brightly and loudly: with festivities, in the evening they sang, danced and drove dance. And it's nice that such traditions are still alive.

There is also one interesting tradition for Easter. Taken on this day to wrap. The ancestors believed that it was to wander on this day, get married to the cover, the family life would be very happy.