Hygrophorus (lat. Hygrophorus) is a genus lamellar mushrooms from the Hygrophoraceae family, order Agariaceae.


Many mushroom pickers and lovers of walks in the forest come across mushrooms from the Hygrophoraceae family, which have their own characteristics, which are worth talking about in more detail. This genus typical lamellar mushrooms, as a rule, have fruiting bodies of medium (less often large) size and classic mucous and slightly convex caps of white or other not very bright color. Usually the caps reach a diameter of 4.0-10.0 cm, the legs are cylindrical, dense, the same color as the cap, and have a solid shape. In addition to the white color, there are varieties with grayish, yellow, olive and reddish colors. The plates of these mushrooms are thick, sparse, and waxy. They are usually white, but sometimes pink or yellow are found. Disputes among the Gigroforovs white.

There are approximately 40 species in the represented genus, of which most of- quite edible, but poisonous varieties not yet identified. The most common types are white, pinkish, late, fragrant, larch, golden, reddish and early. It is worth dwelling in more detail on some species from the Hygrophoraceae family, which have many similar features, but also have individual characteristic features.

Main types

This conditionally edible mushroom has caps with a diameter of 4.0-11.0 cm, which in young specimens have a white-pink color, and later a rich purple color. It has a conical or slightly convex shape. At the same time, its edges are slightly curved inward and pubescent. The hats are somewhat sticky.

Hygrophorus Russula

You should know that this mushroom has a double - hygrophorus russula, which has a larger cap and grows exclusively in classical deciduous forests.
The legs are quite thick, cylindrical in shape, have a height of 4.0-10.0 cm - white in color with characteristic pink splashes. But the plates are rare and thick and have a pinkish-white color. This mushroom is often found in coniferous forests from mid-July until the end of September. In its raw form, it is bitter, so it is recommended to eat it pickled or salted.

This edible mushroom has a cap with a diameter of 4.0-10.0 cm, which has a gray or brownish color. Moreover, its edges are lighter than the center. It is quite smooth, and in some cases- somewhat sticky. In young mushrooms of this species, it has a certain convexity, which becomes flat over time.
The legs are cylindrical in shape and reach heights of 4.0-12.0 cm. They also gray, but somewhat lighter than the caps. The plates of this mushroom are white or grayish in color, rather thin and sparse, in some cases branched. The flesh of the aromatic hygrophorus is white or gray, sometimes with an olive tint. It is quite soft, loose and watery. This mushroom has a fairly strong almond smell. This mushroom is often found in pine and spruce forests from the end of August until the beginning of October. Many people recommend consuming it pickled or salted.

Hygrophores late (brown)

This edible mushroom has a classic cap with a diameter of 3.0-7.0 cm, having an olive-brown or brownish-brown color. It has a slightly convex shape and slightly turned inward edges. Usually its surface has a certain amount of mucus, and the edges themselves are slightly lighter than in the center. The legs are cylindrical in shape and can reach a height of 4.0-12.0 cm. They have a yellowish or olive color. In some old mushrooms it may have a cavity inside. Young specimens of such mushrooms have a special ring that disappears over time. Its classic plates are yellow or light orange, quite rare, but thick. Its flesh is fragile and has no particular odor. This mushroom is often found under pine trees, and it grows from the second half of September until almost the end of November. The nutritious mushroom has a rich taste and is often used in the preparation of various main courses and soups.

The presented edible variety often has names such as olive-white, sweet, etc. Typically, the cap of such a mushroom grows to a diameter of 4.0-11.0 cm and has a grayish-olive or grayish-brown color. Its surface is usually smooth and has fibrous edges. Young representatives of this family of mushrooms have a hemispherical or bell-shaped shape, which over time transforms into the classic prostrate shape. In some cases, the hat has slight pubescence or a mucous covering.
The legs are cylindrical in shape and can reach a height of 4.0-12.0cm. the leg is usually white and has scaly bands. The flesh of this mushroom is tender, white, delicate and quite fragile. This mushroom can be found in spruce trees, pine forests from mid-August to early October. This mushroom tastes sweet and very nutritious. Many of those who have collected such mushrooms strongly recommend eating exclusively young specimens.

This mushroom, which has characteristic yellow spots, is classified as conditionally edible and has a cap with a diameter of 4.0-8.0 cm. In young specimens it has a convexity, which over time will become prostrate. The legs are 4.0-7.0 cm high and have a cylindrical shape - quite dense, sometimes curved. They often have yellowish scales along their entire length. The plates of this variety are quite thick, but sparse and have a classic cream color. The pulp is white in color and has a rather specific and quite unpleasant smell. This mushroom can be seen in oak and linden forests from the beginning of August until mid-October. It can be eaten as usual fresh, as a separate ingredient in individual soups, but it is quite specific in taste, so not everyone will like it.

Now hygrophores different types They are readily used for food, since they have proven themselves in modern cooking, but you should be careful when collecting them so as not to confuse them with other varieties of mushrooms.

Kira Stoletova

The mushroom Gigrofor has unique properties, which have a positive effect on the human body. Studying the characteristics of a plant allows you to enjoy the harvest and benefit from consuming the crop.

Description of appearance

The mushroom is a lamellar plant, belongs to the Hygrophoraceae family. Externally, it has a convex cap with mucus, cream, olive color, its diameter reaches 5-13 cm. The leg grows to 3-6 cm, is presented in the shape of a cylinder. The plates are descending, with a diverging layer.

Types of mushroom

The Gigrofor mushroom has about 40 varieties. They grow among trees and grass, forming a joint root system. The most famous types of the Hygrofor mushroom are:

  • larch;
  • early;
  • late;
  • fragrant;
  • white (sweet tooth, olive-white);
  • black;
  • Russula;
  • beech.

They grow in spruce and birch areas, where a layer of moss predominates. Distributed throughout Asia, North America, Europe.


Larch hygrophorus has a light yellow cap with a diameter of 3-7 cm, with mucus. The leg of the edible species grows up to 3-8 cm, is cylindrical in shape and thickened at the base; there are rarely mucous threads that connect the leg and cap.

Larch Hygrofor has white or yellowish flesh. The fungus is common under larches in the south European countries from August to September.


Early hygrophorus grows in the spring, as soon as the snow melts. They grow in small families in last year's foliage and old pine needles. Description of the mushroom:

  • the cap is white in a young species, there are convex places, with a crooked part;
  • the pulp is odorless, tender and white;
  • short, fleshy leg;
  • an adult mushroom dries and turns out gray, less often black;
  • white plates.

Early Gigrofor has a pleasant taste; soups and other dishes are prepared from them.

Late (brown)

The late Hygrofor mushroom begins to grow in the fall and reaches small sizes before snow falls. Brown hygrophorus - a mushroom hiding in moss thickets, is found in large groups. This species has a small brown or light brown cap with a smooth surface, its diameter is up to 4 cm. The stem of the Hygrophora mushroom is of a late brown color, thin and long.


Fragrant hygrophorus is found from late August to November in shady areas where there is spruce and moss. Forms small groups, which in damp weather have a persistent anise-almond aroma.

The cap is gray-brown, gray-green, reaches a diameter of up to 8 cm. The pulp is tasteless, loose, and smells of anise. The plates are thick, sparse and gray in color, located under the cap. The leg is light gray with a dense structure, 5 cm high.

White (sweet tooth, olive-white)

You can meet families of Hygrofora white, olive-white in the fall; they form large colonies. The sweet mushroom begins to grow from September until the end of October. Hygrophor white has the following description:

  • the hat is white and convex, after a while it becomes yellow and smooth. diameter 2-8 cm;
  • the pulp is white, bitter, has no odor;
  • the leg is high and cylindrical in shape.

In humid weather, mucus appears on the surface. This species is popular among mushroom pickers.


Hygrofor black has the following description:

  • the cap is convex, over time turns into depressed, with wavy edges, up to 12 cm in diameter;
  • the flesh is brittle and white;
  • the leg is in the shape of a cylinder, covered lengthwise with grooves;
  • plates are white and blue.

Black Hygrofor grows in damp autumn among mosses and is a delicacy.


Russula hygrophorus is not common in forests. This species is larger than others, the cap is burgundy, dark pink, with mucus, 12 cm in diameter. The pulp has no smell. The leg is dense, grows up to 10 cm.

Hygrophorus russula is an edible species.


Beech Hygrophorus is characterized by a thin elastic cap, smooth skin, sometimes sticky when damp. The leg is fragile, cylindrical in shape, covered with plaque, the plates are thin. It is an edible species, not very popular due to its small size and volume of pulp.

Beneficial features

Eating these mushrooms will improve metabolism and improve function. thyroid gland, digestive, immune systems, normalize well-being.

The beneficial effects of Gigrofor are as follows:

  • normalizes the gastrointestinal tract - food is absorbed through the gastric walls, peristalsis is normalized, the mucous membrane becomes elastic;
  • blood microcirculation accelerates - neutralization of inflammatory processes;
  • control acid-base balance– the lymphatic system works better, wrinkles are smoothed out, aging slows down;
  • prevents the development of diabetes;
  • improves kidney and liver functions;
  • tones the body - stimulates metabolism, develops resistance to inflammatory processes;
  • helps fight excess weight;
  • sedative properties - reduces nervousness.


Not everyone is allowed to use Hygrofor. The mushroom is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • individual intolerance to the components of Hygrofor - manifests itself in the form of nausea, vomiting, yellowness in the sclera of the eyes, salivation, stomach cramps, increased temperature, internal hemorrhage;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • epilepsy – headache, nausea, confused thoughts, pressure changes, temperature rises, complexion changes.

Use in cooking

Hygrophores have a delicate taste. They are used for pickling, pickling, boiling and frying. Before cooking, remove mucus.

Cabbage and mushroom pie

For preparation you will need:

  • 250 g minced meat;
  • 200 g mushrooms;
  • 700 g cabbage;
  • 2 onions;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 50 g flour;
  • sunflower oil;
  • salt;
  • greenery.

Wash the mushrooms, clean them, cook for 15-20 minutes, salt the water. Onions are fried, mixed with minced meat, mushrooms, salt, and spices. The cabbage is chopped finely, eggs, flour, herbs, and salt are added to it. Place half the cabbage in the pan, mushroom filling on top, then the rest of the cabbage. The pie is fried on both sides until cooked. Before serving, you can decorate with herbs.

Black hygrophorus - Hygrophorus camarophyllus. Late autumn mushroom.

Hygrofor - a tasty and edible mushroom, in the late November forest for an experienced mushroom picker

Application in medicine

Gigrofor contains minerals and vitamins. Thanks to its composition, the mushroom is widely used to treat colds and illnesses, relieves inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Hygrophores have antibacterial and antifungal effects and are used to prepare a strong antibiotic.

Growing methods

Hygrofor can be grown at home by sowing mycelium. One package per 1 m². The seeds are mixed with soil or sand. Planting is carried out under trees at any time of the year; the soil requires loosening for deepening.

The mycelium is placed on a loosened area and covered with forest or garden soil. The planting is watered at the rate of 10 l/m². Harvesting is carried out 4 times a year: 2 times in spring and autumn. It is possible to improve the planting yield with the help of humus fertilizers not during the growth period.

Hygrophores can also be grown indoors; the yield with this method is low.


Hygrofor - tasty and healthy mushroom. Proper Use Its properties in medicine and cooking make it possible to obtain benefits for the body.

The main characteristics of these varieties are:

  • the formation of a mucous membrane, convex, quite often with the presence of an elevation in the central part, a dimly colored cap in white, gray, olive, yellow and reddish tones;
  • the formation of a cylindrical, fairly dense, mucous, one color with a cap, solid leg;
  • the formation of sparse, thickened, waxy-type, descending, whitish, yellow or pinkish colored plates.

The spore powder of such varieties has a very characteristic whitish color.

Where to collect hygrophores in the fall (video)

Edible species of hygrophores

The genus Hygrophorus includes about four dozen species, many of which are edible, tasty and beneficial to the human body.

Нygr.marzuоlus – early edible species, also known as March or snow mushroom. Forms a thick, fleshy, centrally located or eccentric cap of a convex or flat, rarely slightly depressed shape. The surface part has a very uneven curvature and wavy edges, covered with a smooth and dry skin with slight fibrous pubescence, light gray, whitish, lead-gray or blackish in color with numerous spots.

The pulp is edible and fairly dense in consistency, white or with a slight grayish tint, and has a weak and pleasant mushroom aroma. A solid leg of a shortened type, quite thick, unevenly cylindrical or slightly curved, often thinning at the bottom. The color of the leg is white or grayish.


The edible species is also known as late hygrophorus with a classic cap of olive-brown or brownish-brown color, slightly convex in shape with slightly turned inward edges. The surface part has a mucous coating, lighter edges and a dark colored central part.

The leg is cylindrical in shape, with a yellowish or olive color. Young specimens have a special ring that disappears with age. The classic type is yellow or light orange, relatively sparsely spaced, but thick plates. The soft part is fragile, without a pronounced mushroom smell.

Conditionally edible species of hygrophores

Some conditional edible varieties have unique and very high taste characteristics that are not inherent in even the most “noble” mushrooms of the edible category. However It is strictly not recommended to consume such fruiting bodies raw for food purposes.

Hygrofor olive-white

Нyg.olivaseoalbus - conditionally edible basidiomycete, characterized by cap-pedunculated and relatively thin-fleshy fruiting bodies. The cap area of ​​such a mushroom can be hemispherical, blunt-conical, convex and flattened, rarely with a slight depression or elevation in the central part. The surface part, covered with a mucous layer, is grayish-brown or olive-brown in color, with a darker central part. Rare waxy-type plates grow to the stem and descend slightly downward; they may have branching or intertwining appearance, white or cream coloring.

The soft part is white, sometimes with a yellowish tint. In the stem area, the pulp has pronounced fibrousness. Mushroom aroma or taste is completely absent or weakly expressed. The leg is centrally located, cylindrical or fusiform in shape, with the presence of a general mucous or private fibrous covering, which then opens quite quickly and forms a mucous type, short-lived ring. The spores are pure white in color and elliptical in shape.

Olive-white hygrophorus in the forest (video)

An edible variety with a grayish or brownish convex or flat cap covered with a rather smooth or slightly sticky skin. The leg is cylindrical, grayish in color. The pulp is white or grayish in color with an olive tint, relatively soft, loose and watery consistency, with a pronounced almond aroma. It grows on the soils of pine plantations and spruce forests from the last ten days of August until the onset of October. The fruiting bodies are used for pickling or pickling.

Нyg.russula is a basidiomycete belonging to the genus Hygrophorus and the Hygrophoraceae family. It is characterized by fleshy pulp and a soft pinkish color. The fruiting bodies of this variety are quite widespread in the territory of broad-leaved forest zones Northern Hemisphere. The species belongs to the category of cap-footed mushrooms. The cap is hemispherical, convex, depressed or flattened, sometimes with rolled edges. The surface is smooth, with fine scaling, sometimes sticky-mucous, whitish-pink in color, with pinkish spots. central part pinkish-red or wine-red color.

The plates are often located, adherent and slightly descending type, lilac-pinkish in color. The pulp is of sufficient density, white in color, turning pink when pressed, having a weak and mealy aroma, in the absence of special taste qualities. Leg with a very characteristic central location, with a very slight narrowing in the lower part. Some specimens have a club-shaped or spindle-shaped leg, with an almost white surface and the presence of pinkish-brownish spots. The spores are white.

Hyg.agathosmus is a species of basidiomycetes belonging to the genus Hygrophorus and the Hygrophoraceae family. The fruit bodies are cap-pedicle type, with sufficiently fleshy pulp. The cap is of medium diameter, convex or flat-convex in shape, with rolled-up edges and a sticky or slimy, greyish, yellowish-brown or dirty-whitish surface, with an olive tint. Rarely arranged plates waxy type, stalks adherent to the surface, whitish or slightly gray in color.

The soft part of the fruit body is whitish or pale gray in color, relatively soft in consistency, with a strong mushroom aroma and subtle notes similar to bitter almonds, celery or anise.

The taste characteristics of the conditionally edible variety are quite mediocre, since the taste of the pulp of the fruiting bodies is most often bland. The leg area is centrally located, cylindrical in shape, with a dry or somewhat moist, but not mucous surface, white or grayish in color. The surface may have partial pubescence in the upper part, and is also often characterized by the presence of a powdery coating or a fine scaly pattern. Spore powder has a characteristic white color.

A conditionally edible variety, distinguished by a whitish-pink or purple cap. It is characterized by the formation of a conical or slightly convex cap with slightly inwardly curved and pubescent edges. The surface coating of the cap has slight adhesiveness.

Places and features of collecting hygrophores

A significant part of the varieties grows in pine plantings, forming fruiting bodies from the second half of the first autumn month and until the onset of stable autumn temperatures. Many species begin to bear fruit in early spring, which allows mushroom pickers to diversify their table with tasty, healthy, nutritious mushroom dishes.

Almost all edible varieties of this family belong to the category of highly nutritious mushrooms and have very rich taste characteristics and are often used in the preparation of various soups, hot and cold appetizers, as well as main courses.

Features of hygrophores (video)

Useful and healing properties of hygrophores

Almost all fruiting bodies formed by hygrophoric fungi are characterized by a large number useful properties and medicinal characteristics. The mushroom pulp of such varieties is extremely rich in increased amounts of vitamins, amino acids and microelements, including vitamins “A”, “PP”, group “B” and ascorbic acid.

The main minerals are phosphorus, calcium, potassium, sulfur, sodium, manganese, zinc and iodine. Among other things, these fruiting bodies belong to the category of very tasty, but low-calorie products, therefore they help reduce body weight and effectively remove toxins of various origins from the human body.

Hygrophores are lamellar mushrooms, used in cooking for preparing first courses, side dishes and fillings for baked goods. Before cooking, some types need to be boiled in a small amount of water with added salt, as they are classified as conditionally edible.

Hygrophora fruits belong to the species of lamellar mushrooms of the Hygrophoraceae family.

Hygrophora fruits belong to the species of lamellar mushrooms of the Hygrophoraceae family. As a rule, in this type includes many other subspecies that have a dense convex cap of medium size with a dull whitish color. Some of the mushrooms are edible, others are conditionally edible, but poisonous fruits do not exist in nature.

All hygrophores have a cap with a diameter of five to ten centimeters. As a rule, its surface is covered with a mucous membrane that matches the color of the fruit. The plates located under the cap are sparsely arranged and quite thick. They can be yellow, pink or white.

The color of the cap can be white, brown or brown, and also have yellow shades. Mucus is secreted in cool weather due to high humidity air. The pulp is white, does not change color when pressed or damaged, and remains dense. Hygrofor has a characteristic mushroom smell, without additional impurities.

Mucus is released in cool weather due to high humidity

Places of growth and collection season of hygrophores

The mushroom is not afraid of frost, so it feels good in forests located in temperate climates. climatic zone. It can also be found in coniferous forests and mixed forest belts. Likes to settle around oaks, beeches and places with a lot of moss.

The fruiting season begins in August and lasts until the end of October. Hygrophorus often grows in whole groups, so you should not collect single mushrooms.

The benefits and harms of hygrophores

The beneficial properties of fruits are due to their content active substances, amino acids, vitamins A, B, PP, C, as well as microelements: zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, iodine, potassium, sulfur, sodium. Hygrophores contain a large number of protein, and how can they compete even with meat products.

Regular consumption of mushrooms will help:

  • improve the condition of the hair and nail plate;
  • remove swelling under the eyes;
  • improve skin color, even out tone and get rid of acne;
  • improve the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • lose weight by burning fat reserves in the body;
  • remove toxins.

Features of hygrophorus mushrooms (video)

Low calorie content allows you to consume mushrooms in any quantity, use during special system nutrition or diet.

In China, a tincture is created from milk from hygrophores, which is considered a real delicacy. and is taken to improve health, relieve stress, and prevent insomnia. Hygrophoric enzymes will help you recover faster from colds, various infectious diseases and lung diseases. Besides they naturally increase immunity, strengthen the walls of the heart, improve memory.

Hygrophores cannot cause much harm to the human body if they are properly prepared and eaten.

Important! Please note that they contain fiber in large quantities. The stomach has a hard time digesting it, so excessive consumption can cause heartburn or diarrhea.

Hygrophores are poorly absorbed by fragile children's bodies, so children under 14 years of age should limit the portion. The consumption of mushrooms is prohibited for those who suffer from individual intolerance.

Gallery: hygrophora mushrooms (42 photos)

Edible species of hygrophorus mushrooms

The Hygrophoraceae family contains about forty species, the most popular of which are aromatic, black, fragrant, oak, spruce, as well as early, deciduous, and russula.

Hygrofor early

The name of this species was given for a reason: the first fruits begin to appear as soon as the snow melts from the ground. The mycelium is located in the thickets coniferous trees, hiding in the thickness of old needles. IN mixed forests You can find the fungus in fallen leaves. It grows in groups and has no duplicates.

The cap of the early hygrophore is white, convex in shape with a slight bend along the edge. The flesh is also white and the stem is short and thick. It has a pleasant mushroom aroma and taste, suitable for preparing first courses.

Hygrofor early

Hygrophorus late

This species is represented by small-sized fruits with a cap diameter of up to five centimeters. Appears in coniferous and mixed forests in mid-September and bears fruit before the onset of severe cold. The mycelium is located so that mushrooms can be collected in whole groups, finding fruits in thickets of moss or last year's leaves. The cap is brown and covered with mucus. The pulp is very tender, and the fruit itself is very fragile, which is why it needs to be collected in a solid container. The leg is long, thin, and also covered with mucus.

Hygrophorus blushing

Another name for the mushroom is reddened or reddish hygrophor. The fruit cap is small in size and white or pink in color. In a mature species, it evens out a little and becomes covered with yellow spots.

You can find this species in coniferous and mixed forests in August or September. Can be adjacent to spruce and pine. It does not have the smell or taste characteristic of the Hygrophoraceae family. The closest “relative” is the Russula hygrophorus.

Hygrophorus blushing

Hygrofor olive-white

The leg of this species has a regular cylindrical shape and is quite thin. Covered completely with mucus and sticky to the touch. The plates are wide and are a continuation of the legs. The cap is small, brown in color with green veins. Fruits from late summer until autumn, found in mixed forests adjacent to pine and spruce trees.

Golden hygrophor

This type of mushroom has a convex cap with a bumpy surface. In young fruits, the edges are slightly bent inward. The skin is smooth, slightly sticky, covered with small scales. The plates below are wide and sparse.

The pulp is white, has no foreign odor with a barely distinguishable taste. Combines with other mushrooms and grows in coniferous and deciduous forests under oak trees and on hills. The ripening period is August-October.

Golden hygrophor

Hygrophorus spotted

The spotted hygrophobe has a small hat - about three centimeters, convex in shape, slightly concave towards the center. In young fruits it is covered with small scales. When the air humidity is high, mucus appears on the skin, and the mushroom may look a little lighter than it is. The flesh of the mushroom is white, fragile, and has no smell or taste.

Spotted hygrophobe is common in conifers, since the moth grows only in symbiosis with spruce. It bears fruit in groups, the ripening season begins at the end of September and lasts about two months.

Hygrophorus snow-white

The species is represented by small fruits with a convex cap with a diameter of about three centimeters. In mature mushrooms it is pressed inward and has a wavy edge. In this case, rare and wide white plates appear. The leg is cylindrical, smooth, slightly expanding upward. It is about 4 millimeters thick and contains transparent spores. The mushroom is completely edible grows in meadows and grass thickets.

Hygrophorus snow-white

Hygrofor black

Black hygrophorus belongs to delicious mushrooms and is often found in places where moss grows and dampness occurs. Most often it can be found in Southern Finland. The hat is wide, has a dry and smooth surface, with terry around the edges. It reaches 12 cm in diameter. It is located on a cylindrical stalk, slightly narrowed at the base. The wide plates are sparsely spaced and have a white or bluish color. Fruits in the autumn.

When to collect hygrophores (video)

Hygrophores are perhaps the only mushrooms that can be collected in the cold season. The first fruits appear as soon as the snow begins to melt. The fruits have no doubles, so even a beginner can pick them.

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This mushroom is in no hurry to grow early - its fruiting period begins only late autumn. Brown hygrophorus is replacing other representatives of the mushroom kingdom, already disappearing due to the coming cold weather. Is it possible to eat it, where does it grow and what does this mushroom look like?

Brown hygrophorus (Hygrophorus hypothejus), also called woodlice or sweet tooth, belongs to the Hygrophorus family, genus Hygrophorus. This is a lamellar edible mushroom, which has another name - late hygrophor. The reason for this name is simple - this representative of the mushroom kingdom begins to bear fruit very late.

  • The cap is small, only 2 to 6 cm in diameter. In young fruiting bodies it has tucked edges, slightly convex or flat; in mature ones it becomes funnel-shaped with a small tubercle in the middle. It is smooth and sticky to the touch, the mucous layer is quite thick, especially in small mushrooms. The skin color is olive, yellowish-brown or olive-brown with lighter edges. The olive tint is especially noticeable in young mushrooms;
  • the leg is solid, cylindrical in shape, often curved, thin and long, 0.5-1 cm in diameter, 4-7 cm thick, sometimes reaching a height of 10 cm. The surface is mucous, dry under the cap. Color yellowish;
  • The pulp is tender, thin, whitish in color. Does not have a pronounced taste or aroma;
  • the plates are sparse, thick, fork-shaped, descending relatively deep along the stalk. The color is various shades of yellow. In young fruiting bodies, the plates are covered with a fibrous flocculent cover;
  • The spores are white.

Distribution and fruiting period

This mushroom lives in coniferous and mixed forests of the northern temperate zone, forms mycorrhiza with pine trees. Favorite places growth - areas of soil among lichens, mosses, heather. Often the mushroom is hidden in them up to the cap.

The fruiting period begins in the second half of September and lasts until the very beginning of winter. The mushroom is not afraid of frost and the first snow. It bears fruit in groups, and, if conditions are favorable, quite large groups can be found.

Similar species

Brown hygrophorus, like most other mushrooms, has doubles in mushroom kingdom. IN in rare cases it can be confused with the edible larch hygrophorus (Hygrophor uslucorum). But this mushroom differs from the hero of the article in the yellow color of the cap and the symbiont tree - it forms mycorrhiza with larch.

Also, brown hygrophor can be confused with the edible olive-white hygrophor (Hygrophor usolivaceoalbus). The latter differs only in the characteristic pattern on the leg - it has dark stripes on the surface.


Hygrophorus brown can be eaten - it is a little-known edible mushroom. It is pickled, salted, prepared into soups and fried without prior boiling. It is also suitable for drying.

Brown hygrophorus is especially valued knowledgeable mushroom pickers for your late period fruiting - many other species no longer grow, and the hero of our article does not care about cold and frost. And if you find a large colony of mushrooms, you can additionally provide yourself with food for the winter. In addition, it is very pleasant to collect it - it is easily separated from the mycelium without damaging it.