Municipal budgetary educational institution "Primary school-kindergarten"

G. Essentuki



Completed by students

1st class

Class teacher: Gabboeva Alla Issaevna

2015-2016 academic year


acquaintance with various types of edible and poisonous mushrooms; development of logical thinking, speech, memory;

education of love and respect for nature. develop the horizons of students


    to get acquainted with the distinctive features of edible mushrooms and twin mushrooms;

    show the danger to human life posed by poisonous mushrooms;

    together with the guys, deduce the rules for collecting mushrooms;

    contribute to the broadening of children's horizons and the development of the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships; the ability to work with additional material

    contribute to the formation of a caring attitude towards nature.

After completing the project, students will be able to:

      Know the secrets of poisonous mushrooms;

      Features of the structure of mushrooms;

      Edible and inedible mushrooms;

      Collection and storage rules;

      First aid for mushroom poisoning;

      To be able to distinguish the signs of mushrooms, to distinguish them from other kingdoms of living nature.

      Be able to distinguish edible mushrooms from non-edible

Introductory part

Mounting mushrooms

The structure of the mushroom

Edible mushrooms

Ditties to mushrooms

Poisonous (inedible) mushrooms

Scene "Election of the President"

Mushrooms of our area

Mushrooms in folk medicine

Mushroom picking rules

Folk wisdom

Mushroom dishes

Conclusion Conclusion

Introductory part

White, boletus, mushrooms…. This list can be continued for a long time, but try to answer the question: how much is all

there are types of mushrooms? It turns out that there are about one hundred thousand different species, but many of them cannot be seen with the naked eye. Mushrooms are amazing creatures, because they cannot be called plants or animals. They form a special independent kingdom and occupy an intermediate position between animals and plants.

Study mushrooms mycologists... It was they who established that the most important characteristics of fungi are that which are characteristic of the separate animal and plant kingdoms. Mushrooms grow everywhere, but most often on the ground, forest floor, rotting or living wood. Less commonly, they are found on garbage or manure heaps and at the site of fires.

Mushrooms need proper temperature and humidity to grow. Observations show that the mushroom grows well in calm, calm weather, light is not so important for them. The body of fungi or myceliums, being in the soil or in another nutrient medium, grows in all directions. The lifespan of mushrooms varies from one year to several decades. In nature, mushrooms perform an important function: they eliminate the remains of dead animals and plants. This contributes to the circulation of substances in nature. Man uses the beneficial properties of mushrooms in various industries. In the food industry, yeast and mold are used. In medicine, antibiotics are made from some mushrooms. Man from time immemorial began to pick mushrooms, which brings him pleasure and joy. And also delivers a delicious and nutritious product to his table.

Unfortunately, mushrooms are not only a source of joy, but also sadness. Recently, we hear about frequent cases of poisoning with certain types of mushrooms.

The consequences are very sad, there are cases of death. Therefore, we chose this project topic in order to get acquainted with the variety of mushrooms, to learn how to distinguish an edible mushroom from a poisonous one.

Mushrooms have long been known in Russia. In the old days, they were called lips for convex spongy caps. Fried, boiled, salted mushrooms did not leave the table on weekdays and holidays, in winter and summer.

Mushrooms can be found in a wide variety of places - in fresh and sea water, in the field and in the garden, in the meadow and in the mountains. Among them there are microscopic species, there are also giants. For example, in 1988, a mushroom of incredible size was found in Japan. It could not fit into any box, and a truck was required for delivery. When the giant was weighed, they were even more surprised - he pulled 168 kg.

Mushrooms that grow in the forests of our country have beneficial properties. They are often called forest meat and are quite nutritious. Equally important is the presence of fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and mineral salts in them.


Our teacher entered the classroom

And he asked slyly:

    What do we know about mushrooms?

    What are they needed for?

If a mushroom grows in the forest,

If it's edible

Everyone knows that his

Can be put in a bucket.

And coming home

Let's cook mushroom soup together.

In a red hat with a white foot, Amanita grows in a bush

Only you make him nervous

Save for the elk.

If biologists study animals,

And botanical plants,

Mycologists were found for the mushrooms,

Studying their diversity.

But there are mushrooms in nature

Different shapes, multi-colored,

Others are not visible.

So why are they needed?

A) The mushroom is useful, very important.

In Vietnam, for example, soy sauces are prepared using molds.

B) Penicillin is used in medicine - obtained from the mushroom


C) Some mushrooms help fight insects. D) Mushrooms - yeast is used in baking.

But not all mushrooms

So good.

And, of course, you need to know

What harm to expect from them.

The mushroom can harm the garden.

Can harm the book

Kill the plant

Due to inattention

To cause a disease in a person.

We did not perform for a long time,

We don't want to bore you.

You can't list all the mushrooms,

After all, mushrooms are everywhere with us.

We must take care of them and study them.

We will tell you a secret

It was not easy for all of us.

We have read many books

We learned about mushrooms.

You take a look

You will not regret it either.

The structure of the fungus and its mycelium .

With the help of the drawing, we showed all the parts of the mushroom and its mycelium.

Edible mushrooms

When mushrooms grow

Mushrooms grow everywhere: in forests and meadows, in gardens and parks, under hedges and bushes. They can be found at the very border of the forest, high in the mountains and in the lowlands, in the river valleys. They follow a person to cities and industrial centers, settling in tiny green areas in the middle of city streets and squares, in garbage heaps or factory areas, penetrating even mining mines.

The list of places where mushrooms are found is endless. The end of summer and autumn is the main season for mushrooms, when the number of their species and types becomes almost limitless. Late autumn also brings a good harvest

On the mushroom growth- both in terms of the period and in terms of their quantity - factors such as humidity and temperature have a decisive influence.

Oyster mushrooms feel at home in any deciduous forest. With special eagerness, she settles on dead dead trees. Oyster mushrooms are most often found on poplars, willows and larch trees. Probably, the number of these mushrooms near those farms where they are bred as "veal veal" is constantly increasing with the help of the wind.

The cap of the porcini mushroom (boletus) is brown and the leg is not entirely white.

But porcini mushrooms (boletus) always remain white - both in a frying pan, in soup, and in dried form. That's why they are white. The mushroom has a thick leg. Therefore, he looks important, pompous. Scientists identify about two dozen varieties of this mushroom.

"Mushrooms of our area ».

Brown birch trees.

Milk mushrooms.



Honey mushrooms

Blue legs



Chastushki about mushrooms

Put your ears on the tops of your heads, Listen carefully: Let's sing ditties about mushrooms Very wonderful.

    How old are you, morel? You look like a little guy.

Surprised the fungus me:

    My age is only two days.

And in the basket we have

Everything you need in mushroom soup: Honey mushrooms and boletus,

There is also a golden mushroom.

Multi-colored toadstools themselves climb into the meadows. We do not need any, Let's bypass them.

The goggle-eyed fly agaric sat sideways on the slope - Looks, smiles, Wants everyone to please.

We are called "chanterelles" for a reason - We are crafty sisters: Old yellow foliage

We took cover with our heads.

There are edible mushrooms, there are also poisonous ones.

We need edibles - We are lovers of them.

We sang ditties to you, Enlightened you for an hour.

And now - grab baskets, For mushrooms all in the woods!

The most dangerous poisonous mushrooms

The poem is read by a student.

Is mushroom deceit known among the people? Twin mushrooms exist in nature. Be careful when walking into the forest, do not forget: A mistake will end your life. Learn poisonous mushrooms, know

Recognize them unmistakably in the forest.

We must always remember that in addition to joy, mushrooms can also bring sorrow. Poisoning most often occurs when a person does not know how to recognize mushrooms or

does it casually. There are not so many poisonous mushrooms that cause fatal or severe poisoning compared to edible or harmless mushrooms. Therefore, anyone who wants to pick mushrooms for food must learn to recognize at least 20-25 species of poisonous mushrooms that can cause dangerous poisoning.

To make mushroom picking bring us joy and we would not be afraid for our health, it is always better to pick only a few types of mushrooms that we know well for food. It is very risky to pick mushrooms that we are not sure about. The pursuit of quantity can be fatal for many mushroom pickers. Unfortunately, there is no practical recommendation on how to distinguish edible poisonous mushrooms. In the past, there was a belief that a silver device or onion would turn black in contact with poisonous mushrooms, but this is not true. And it is also not true that all poisonous mushrooms sting the tongue and have a bitter taste and an unpleasant odor. On the contrary, the most dangerous poisonous mushrooms, such as pale toadstool. fly agarics have a smell and taste. It is also not true that the mushrooms that gnaw snails and eat insect larvae are non-venomous. The most poisonous mushroom is death cap and two similar species - fly agaricwhite andfly agaricsmelly These three species are the most common culprits in fatal poisoning. Most of all poisoning is caused by pale toadstool, as this is the most common type of poisonous mushrooms.

Poisoning toadstool it is very dangerous already because its first signs appear only 8-72 hours after eating mushrooms. In case of poisoning, nausea, weakness, headache, dizziness and cold sweat appear. Then there is severe vomiting and diarrhea, which last 2-3 days and completely exhaust the patient. After an apparent improvement, after a few hours, severe pains appear in the stomach and intestines, the skin turns yellow, the person loses consciousness and death occurs. In mild cases, the patient recovers very slowly and the consequences of poisoning make themselves felt for a very long time, not rarely until the end of life.

Much milder poisoning causes fly agaric and a related fly agaric royal. However, poisoning with red fly agaric is very rare, since almost everyone knows and shuns it. Amanita muscaria bright yellow and porphyry fly agaric are moderately poisonous.

It is highly poisonous pink plate poisonous... Signs of poisoning appear in 20-30 minutes, at the latest in 2-4 hours. The patient begins vomiting and severe diarrhea, stomach pains and headaches, a feeling of thirst and severe weakness. With mild poisoning, these accompanying symptoms gradually disappear, but finally disappear after a few days. At a higher concentration, the poisonous rose leaf can also cause death.

Of the spiderwebs, it is very poisonous cobweb orange red.

The first signs of poisoning with this fungus usually appear very late (after 3-14 days). Toxic substances of orange-red cobweb primarily affect the kidneys and liver. The first signs of poisoning are intense thirst, dryness and burning in the mouth. Then comes nausea, vomiting, headache and abdominal pain, constipation and chills. The symptoms of poisoning become more intense and death occurs in 2-3 weeks, sometimes even after several months. In case of mild poisoning, the patient's treatment lasts a very long time, from several weeks to several months.

Poisoning false foaming with Black and yellow can have more serious consequences. Several years ago, they added to the list of poisonous mushrooms pig t onkuyu, which in the mycological literature has been cited as an edible mushroom. Since 1963, many pigs have been poisoned and scientists have found that frequent consumption of this mushroom causes the destruction of red blood cells. False raincoat oh bull is poisonous only when it is consumed in large

quantity. And if you only eat two or three slices, nothing will happen. Well-known edible mushrooms can also cause poisoning if you use old fruit bodies found in the forest already spoiled for cooking. If there are any signs of mushroom poisoning, you should immediately call a doctor. But even before the doctor comes, it is necessary to induce vomiting in the patient in order to get rid of the food that caused the poisoning. To do this, you need to drink plenty of warm water. After vomiting, take a laxative such as castor oil or give an enema. The most dangerous of the poisonous mushrooms - death cap. It looks like a champignon. But in the champignon, the plates are pink, purple with age, and in the toadstool - pure white. The top of the cap of the pale toadstool is greenish.

It is almost impossible to save a person who has been poisoned by it.

Scene about mushrooms

Scene "Mushroom Talk. Presidential elections "

Once in the Podberezovaya Republic, mushrooms decided to choose

the president

Once a red fly agaric bragged to mushrooms: Fly agaric

    After all, I am only decorating the border, And everyone knows this very well.

How dressed I am, how clever!

And my hat, well, just a dream! They say to me "You are a fly agaric Among mushrooms toadstool"

But I am proud of my beauty And red panama.

I heard you kill flies And you feed the moose in the forest I know - I know that it is good

You don’t go to the basket.

There is little use in your outfit You are good-looking father

But you are very poisonous

Silence! Forest people I - take self-rejection.

You are both summer and autumn Meat you are even healthier You are boiled, salted, fried And praised at any dinner


I'm a pale toadstool

Besides, I’m not poor yet. I’m not used to

Honey mushrooms

And we honey mushrooms- very friendly guys We grow on stumps in the forest

Like freckles on my nose

Well, of course, we guys are too early for the presidency We are all together as soldiers Then we go to the deputies

Whoever eats me will be poisoned

What am I not for you? To the fly agaric

From a fox you breed Sly you are from nature

You are thin, slim, dressed with Poison, you are full at the same time

Chanterelle People are surprised They lead a wonderful round dance Red-haired sisters

Chanterelle mushrooms

No, now I understand everything I am withdrawing the candidacy


At the top of the head With red curls.

Modestly hid behind a bump, Hiding the top of her head under a leaf.

Shun the forest people

A wave for the presidency

No, I'm a redhead fungus Better jump into the box


I'm an easier fungus Growing in a birch grove

If you scold everyone in the forest and excite everyone with the President, you will not be


I am a boletus I grow under the aspens


As you wish for the presidency I will not go, I do not want


I'm not used to rule either

Let boletus become president


I am a white mushroom, I am a boletus, I am used to rule in the forest.

And I was the mushroom king. Apparently it's my turn -

I will become the first president. Well, people, I agree!

Old, important boletus The most important forestry. And mushrooms from all sides Give the white man a bow.

Mushrooms in medicine

People have always tried to find a universal remedy that will help cope with all diseases. Medicines derived from mushrooms can be one of such remedies. Mushrooms are of great importance in medicine. Even in ancient times, they began to be used in folk medicine along with herbs, fruits and berries.

People, who were popularly called healers, accumulated their knowledge in the field of healing, passed it on by inheritance, keeping

secret from strangers. When writing appeared in Russia, handwritten "Herbalists" played an important role. They contained interesting information about various means and methods of healing.

In folk medicine, they are quite widely used

fly agarics ... They prevent the development of cancerous tumors, treat angina,

rheumatism, tuberculosis, skin diseases, they rub the joints with tincture.

In folk medicine, other cap mushrooms were also used. For example, brick red and sulfur yellow mushrooms recommended as a laxative and emetic.

Pepper we load treated tuberculosis. autumn mushroom... This mushroom

used as a laxative, it helps better digestion of food.

In folk medicine, a decoction was widely used chaga. A decoction of chaga improves the condition of patients, promotes the treatment of gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, treats cancer, tuberculosis, and stops bleeding.

Mushroom saffron milk cap received a good medicine that inhibits the development of harmful bacteria.

Mushroom talker used in medicine for the treatment of tuberculosis of the skin and bones.

Medicine derived from mushrooms chanterelles, can treat purulent diseases, blood poisoning.

Honey mushroom Meadow proved to be useful in the fight against E. coli and other microbes, heals the thyroid gland

From champignons a new drug has been obtained, which is successfully used to treat typhoid and paratyphoid fever.

Widely popular among the people is tea mushroom.

The peoples of many countries of the world contain it at home. The infusion of this mushroom is drunk before meals to stimulate appetite or quench thirst throughout the day.

The medicine obtained from whitemushroom promotes rapid healing from frostbite, reduces pain in heart disease. The oil has been found to have a substance that helps with headaches.

Medicinal mushrooms

Fly agaric- treats angina, rheumatism, tuberculosis, skin disease, rubbing the joints with tincture.

Honey mushrooms - help digestion.

Milk mushrooms treat tuberculosis

Mushroomchaga- heals stomach, tuberculosis, cancer, stops bleeding.

Ryzhiki- kill harmful bacteria

Talker- cures tuberculosis of the skin and bones

Chanterelles- treat purulent diseases, blood poisoning

Champignons- treat typhoid

White mushroom (boletus) - heals from frostbite, reduces pain in the heart.

Tea mushroom- increases appetite

Mushroom picking rules .

It is necessary to remember these rules

      You need to go to the forest for mushrooms in comfortable clothes and shoes - a walk should bring you pleasure.

      Collect only mushrooms that are well known to you. If in doubt, consult a specialist. And if the specialist doesn’t, don’t take the dubious mushroom.

      You cannot pick mushrooms in the city, and outside the city along the highways.

      Do not use old, overripe mushrooms. Even in edible boletus, boletus, microorganisms poisonous to humans can multiply.

      Don't put your loot in plastic bags! The mushrooms in them crumple and break. In addition, the temperature inside the bag is so high that the mushrooms "suffocate and spoil."

      You need to process mushrooms as soon as you return home from the forest. Otherwise, the mushrooms will succeed in worming for a few hours.

      It is better to cut the mushrooms with a knife. But you can also gently twist it out of the ground. The main thing is not to stir up, not to rake moss, dry leaves, needles under the "root", not to destroy the mushroom.

      Do not knock fly agarics and toadstools, do not treadmill.

      Cut the mushroom off with a sharp knife.

      Don't touch unfamiliar and inedible mushrooms.

      Do not turn dry foliage and moss.

      Do not pick mushrooms that you don’t know.

      Do not knock down or trample inedible mushrooms.

      Do not pick mushrooms whose edibility there is even the slightest doubt. Continuously replenish your knowledge of mushrooms.

A game

Game "Edible - inedible"

The host throws the ball, calling mushrooms. If the mushroom is not edible, then the player must hit the ball, and if it is edible, then catch the ball.

Butter dish, breast, death cap , boletus, boletus, boletus,

fly agaric , saffron milk cap , false honey , champignon, chanterelles, honey mushrooms.

Game "Gather mushrooms"

The driver is blindfolded. Children-mushrooms run along the bottom. If a fly agaric comes in, the children shout: "Don't take it!" The winner is the one who "picks up" the most "mushrooms" in a certain time.

Folk wisdom. Puzzles

We are all familiar with this mushroom: With a lace collar, It stands on a white leg, Among the grass by the path.

Bright red panama

White fashionable peas ... I picked it for my mother,

But she said, “Oh!

Although your mushroom looks beautiful,

But for us it is poisonous! " (Amanita) Here are noticeable in the grass

Multi-colored hats. Remember their name

But don't eat it raw! (Russula) Very friendly guys,

Hemp lives ... (Honey mushrooms) White Panama,

Death cap)

The king of mushrooms on a thick leg The best for a basket. He holds his head boldly,

Because he is a mushroom ... (White) Under a pine tree at the edge

Preut red tops.

In the fragrant moss, two pigtails Hiding cunning ... (Chanterelles)

Crossword "Guess the mushroom by description" Horizontal:

5. This mushroom grows in a grove, among birches.


    This mushroom has an unremarkable cap, and in damp weather it shines as if oiled.

    This mushroom can have multi-colored caps: burgundy, yellow, pink, white. They grow up with families. Some of them may be raw.

    This mushroom has a bright orange color. The hat looks like a funnel. They grow in groups. The name is associated with the forest redbeast.

    The king of mushrooms. It is also called a boron.

    This mushroom grows up more.

Horizontally: 5. Boletus.

Vertical: 1. Oiler. 2. Russula. 3. Chanterelle. 4. White. 6. Honey mushroom.

Quiz questions.

Which forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees? (Squirrel)

Name the mushrooms, by the name of which you can judge the place of their growth. (Boletus, boletus, boletus)

For which forest dweller does amanita serve as a medicine? (For moose) Which of the cap mushrooms is the most poisonous? (Death cap)

What are the first mushrooms to appear in our forests? (Stitches and morels appear in the spring)

List ways to use mushrooms for food. (Dried, fried, boiled, salted, pickled)

What are the names of mushrooms that come in different colors? (Russula)

Does the squirrel eat fresh mushrooms? (No)

What kind of mushrooms does the summer end? (Again) What kind of weather portends a mushroom harvest? (Rainy)

Game "Mushroom box".

Teams receive a "basket" - a bag for "picking mushrooms", where there is a card with syllables:

NUSH - IK - KA - IN - PE - MOK - VOL - OV - O

and 8 blank leaves.

The teacher reads the condition of the game: Along the path in full spirit

A rooster rushes through the forest. He shouts: “Ku-ka-re-ku! Honor and glory to the mushroom picker! I filled my body

And I’ll run home quickly. ” The hedgehog shouted from under the tree:

"You shake all the mushrooms!"

The hedgehog is right - the rooster

There is one dust in the box:

KA - RO - MAS - LE - SY - EZH - VIK NOK - POD - AXIS - VIK - RY - KA - ZHIK KA - SICH - LI - POD - RE - BE - ZO –NO

NUSH - IK - KA - IN - PE - MOK - VOL - OV - O.

Connect the legs and caps of the mushrooms together. Do not be surprised if you do not find them nearby: they can be at the bottom of the basket or lie on top. Who will fill their box with mushrooms faster? "Mushrooms" are syllables from which it follows

"Collect" the names of the mushrooms.

Each group "puts mushrooms" in their box for two minutes and hands it to the teacher. (Butter dish, boletus, volushka, russula, boletus, mushroom, honey mushroom, chanterelle.)


Game "Experts of Proverbs"

The text of the proverb is cut. Who will quickly collect and explain the meaning:

Fungus to fungus - pick up a basket.

Game "Nimble mushroom pickers"

The mushrooms are placed on the floor, there are fewer of them than the participants in the game. Children dance to the music. When the music ends, every player rushes

"Pluck" the mushroom. Whoever was left without the fungus leaves the game.

Put the fungus on the floor. Show yourself in the dance. Finish playing the music, we must take the mushroom faster.

Game "Man's buff with a mushroom"

The players become ina circle.Some of them have a mushroom bell.shouldidentify this player by sound.

Conclusion. Conclusion

So our journey into the world of mushrooms ends. It is surprisingly large and diverse. Today we only visited the cap mushrooms, but there are also other types of mushrooms - mold. Each mushroom has its own characteristics, each is wonderful in its own way. And the amazing science is studying mushrooms - "mycology". And today each of you has become almost a real mycologist. I wish you continued success in your exploration of the mushroom kingdom.

The benefits of mushrooms

Fresh mushrooms also contain fat-soluble vitamins A and D, B vitamins, ascorbic (vitamin C) and nicotinic (vitamin PP) acids.

Mushrooms are also used for medicinal purposes; in scientific medicine, the importance of penicillin and other antibiotics contained in mushrooms for the treatment of infectious diseases is well known. Kombucha, which has anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties, is widely used in oriental medicine. In folk medicine, for the treatment of diseases of the nervous system, fly agaric is used, alcoholism - dung beetle, radiation leukopenia and tumors - birch chaga, other mushrooms.

About the dangers of mushrooms

At the same time, doctors more and more often fix mushroom poisoning.

The reasons are the inability to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms, the purchase of mushrooms on the spontaneous market, the lack of information about the impact of global human activity on the biochemical and species composition of mushrooms, etc. Often mushrooms are collected by destroying the mycelium. Overripe, wormy and softened mushrooms are not suitable for food, because can cause

gastrointestinal diseases. At the same time, they are a source of spores that renew mycelium.

It is important to remember that after cutting the mushroom, it must be processed as soon as possible, because after 3-5 hours, secondary metabolites accumulate in it due to the onset of the proteinaceous tissue of the fungus body at room temperature. Mushrooms can be kept in the cold longer, but no more than a day after harvesting.

Mushrooms of edible species can accumulate toxic substances, growing near major highways with busy traffic, military training grounds, chemical industries, zones of environmental disasters and in radiation-hazardous areas, each such situation requires special consideration.

Mushrooms are rich in proteins. This is the undoubted benefit of mushrooms. But protein is poorly absorbed and can cause indigestion. This is harm. Mushrooms contain vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Of course, "plus" in the piggy bank. We will not prove the harm of mushrooms that are poisonous. An obvious fact. The proteins of edible mushrooms can also cause allergies, which is not the best for the health of the mushroom eater. At the same time, due to the heaviness for digestion and low calorie content, mushrooms can be included in weight loss diets. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that mushrooms are useful, but you need to know certain rules for their use. For example:

    You need to know the poisonous mushrooms and collect only the "correct". It seems to be a simple rule, but every year people are hospitalized with severe mushroom poisoning. There are even deaths, so this is not a joke, but a very real threat to life.

    When using it, it should be borne in mind that mushroom protein is poorly absorbed even before bedtime, hard work, sauna, etc. it is better to eat something more easily for stomach.

    Before cooking mushrooms, boil them 1-2 times in clean water, boil them.

    It is advisable for children under 5-7 years old not to eat mushrooms, however, as well as to the elderly because of the heavy load on the gastrointestinal tract.

Moose, hedgehogs, squirrels, and mice feed on mushrooms in nature.

Always remember the main rule of the mushroom picker:

If you don't know - don't take it !


Literature: magazine "Primary school" No. 7 1989.

Mazin V.V., Shashkova L.S. "Mushrooms, Plants and People" - Moscow: Agropromizdat, 1986

Cherepanova N.P., Pshedetskaya L.I. "Mushrooms" - Leningrad: Lenizdat, 1990 - p. 93

Mushrooms are the most numerous living organisms on Earth. They are found - in soil, in water, and even in the air. Modern biologists know about 100 thousand species. With the word "mushroom", a basket of edible mushrooms familiar from childhood is immediately presented: multi-colored russula, red-headed boletus, mushrooms and chanterelles. But mushrooms are not only those that grow in the forest, other fungi, such as mold, are also found in nature. A gray coating has appeared on the crust of bread, the apple has deteriorated - all this is the work of mushrooms. This is the mushroom mucor, which forms mold. This mushroom often appears on bread and vegetables in the form of a fluffy white coating, which turns black after a while. Scientists believe that mold appeared on Earth 200 million years ago among the very first living organisms, despite numerous studies, it still remains unexplored. In my work, I decided to try to reveal a little the secret of "common mold". I was curious to know how mold appears. Why do people need molds and what benefits or harm do they bring?

The object of research is mold fungi. The purpose of my work is to study the conditions for the development of molds. My hypothesis: does mold belong to the kingdom of fungi, and what role does it play in human life? The relevance of this study is determined by the wide spread of mold on Earth, every year scientists discover new properties and characteristics of molds. I chose this particular topic because I am interested in understanding the importance of molds in our life and why they are needed.

Purpose of research: 1. To find out in what conditions the mucor mold multiplies. 2. On what kind of bread does the mucor mold reproduce better? Objectives: to get acquainted with the structural features and the way of feeding molds; to carry out experimental work on the cultivation of molds; to expand knowledge about the importance of mushrooms in human life and economic activity.

What is mold? This is a special kingdom of living nature, representatives of which have both similarities and differences with bacteria, plants, animals. Molds or molds belong to the class of oomycetes, imperfect or marsupial fungi. This fungus, although tiny, grows very quickly. It spreads through microscopic spores that fly through the air, looking for a suitable habitat.

Mukor mushroom. Mucor is an aerobic fungus, but in some cases it can live in anoxic conditions. The type of food is saprophytic. Mucor fungi are widespread in nature, they constantly live in the soil, develop on organic residues. Mucor often grows on feed, food products, causing spoilage and mold. When examining mucor through a magnifying glass or under a microscope, transparent branchy filaments are visible. The mycelium is one multinucleated branched cell, not divided by septa

Conclusions: 1. After conducting research, we found out that mold develops in a humid and warm environment. In plastic bags, moisture and heat are retained, therefore, it is not advisable to store bread in them. 2. Molds develop more slowly on rye bread than on white bread. 3. Homemade white bread is dry, no mold on it on the 5th day.

Proven scientifically…. Mukorovye fungi actively settle on bread - the main human food product, making it unsuitable for nutrition that the air, in an insufficiently or not at all ventilated room, contains a large amount of mold microspores, which "our filters" cannot cope with when breathing, due to which, this infection safely settles in our lungs and penetrates deep into the lung tissue. that some types of mold can cause allergies that develop into asthma and even diathesis in young children. Most of the molds activate the oncogene mechanism. That mold spores contribute to: migraines, otitis media, rhinitis, bronchitis and bronchial asthma, mycotoxicosis, food allergies and cardiovascular diseases.

Our recommendations 1. If bread is stored in a plastic bag, it is better in a cold place. 2. If you need long-term storage of bread, it must be dried. 3. It is more useful and environmentally friendly to store bread in a linen napkin, as our ancestors did. 4. Gray and black bread is more healthy and is more slowly affected by mold. 5. You can protect bread from the hated fungus as follows. We take a cotton swab, drip 5-7 drops of iodine on it, put it in a clean glass vial or test tube, plug it with a clean cotton swab and in a bag of bread. We tie the bag tightly. In this state, bread can exist for a week - mold is not afraid of it.

Elena Antonevich
Mushroom Kingdom Project

Project« Kingdom of mushrooms»

Age of participants the project: children 4-5 years old.

Compound project team: educators and children of the senior group, musical director, parents of pupils.

View the project: cognitive and playful.

Terms of implementation the project: 3-4 week of September.

Project split into four stage: each includes a daily activity plan.

Problem the project: children do not know enough about mushrooms growing in the forests of the Smolensk region.

Relevance of the topic the project:

Everyone should love and protect nature. And you need to instill love for her from early childhood. So in kindergarten, we constantly turn to this problem, considering it with children from all possible angles. In order for a child to have a desire to protect and preserve nature, he must learn to see its beauty and understand its value to humans. Not every modern parent goes to the forest with their children. But it is impossible to get to know nature closely enough without visiting the forest at different times of the year. The autumn forest is extraordinarily beautiful. September has come in our forests mushroom time... Many children with their parents went to the forest for mushrooms... And in the group they constantly asked questions about the appearance. mushrooms, their names, structure, constantly made sketches, talked about mushrooms... In my opinion, there was a need to give children deeper and broader knowledge about mushrooms... It was decided to purposefully deal with this topic.

That is why the guys and parents and I undertook to implement project« Kingdom of mushrooms» ... Stepping up the stairs to the finale project activities, the guys and I will learn a lot of new and interesting things about our native nature, get acquainted with various species mushrooms, the peculiarities of their growth and useful properties, both for humans and for animals, birds. Together with the parents, we will arrange exhibitions in a group and decorate our site.

The intended result:

Consolidation of knowledge and ideas of children about mushrooms;

Expansion and activation of the speech stock of children on the basis of deepening and generalization of ideas about the environment, as well as in the process of acquaintance with stories, poems, proverbs, riddles about mushrooms;

Application of the formed skills of coherent speech in various communication situations;

Reflection of knowledge accumulated in the implementation process the project, in various activities (visual, theatrical, mental, fictional);

The interest and active participation of parents in the educational process of the kindergarten.

Stage 1 - setting goals and objectives

Target: to expand children's understanding of the forests of their native land in general and mushrooms in particular, through the organization of various types of activities, create conditions for increasing the activity of parents' participation in the life of a kindergarten, a group.

Tasks the project:

Child development tasks nka:

Form children's ideas about mushrooms, about their structure, functions and purpose of parts, about their place in the forest community;

Develop logical thinking (composing riddles, inventing fairy tales about mushrooms)

Tasks of the pedagogical activities:

Introduce diversity mushrooms;

Introduce the properties of edible and inedible mushrooms;

To form the ability to receive information from various sources.

Stage 2 preparatory

1. Drawing up a plan for joint work with children, parents;

2. Development of OD abstracts;

3. Selection of material and equipment for ML, conversations, games with children;

4. Selection of artistic material;

5. Preparation of information sheets for parents on vocabulary topics

« Mushrooms» ;

6. Making folders - moving for parents on the topic the project;

7. Conversation with parents about the necessary participation of them in project, about a serious attitude to the educational process in the preschool educational institution.

3. Work plan with children for implementation the project« Kingdom of mushrooms»

Educational areas

Form of work with children


FCKM development « Mushrooms»

Di "Find a Pair"

Di “Find a similar fungus»

D / and "Collect edible (inedible) mushrooms»

FEMP “In the autumn forest - mushrooms»

Di "Which one?"

Di "Find the same amount"

Construction and manual labor "Borovichki"

Social and communicative development

Role-playing game "In the woods".

Target: develop children's independence in the game, teach to imitate adults; to clarify the features of behavior in the forest and the rules for collecting into the forest; teach collective play, attentive attitude to each other.

Board print lotto game « Mushrooms» .

Target: expand the horizons and enrich the vocabulary of children, develop coherent speech.

Word games "Continue the story", "Edible, inedible".

Target: expand children's knowledge about the world around them, teach them to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms, develop speech, memory.

Games - dramatizations: « "Under mushroom» (according to V. Suteev)

« Mushroom - boletus» (staged using theater from waste material)

Life Safety Conversation "Edible and inedible mushrooms»

Artistic and aesthetic

Development Constructing from natural materials "Brothers - mushrooms»

Applique made of colored paper and dry leaves "Autumn Guest"

Plasticineography « Mushroom basket» (various mushrooms: boletus, chanterelle, boletus.)

Drawing "Amanita", "Honey mushrooms"

Molding "Pyenek honey agaric"

Musical and theatrical activities.

Target: to learn to listen to music, to perform movements to the beat of the music as shown by the teacher and other children, to develop friendliness towards each other.


Development of P / i "At the Bear in the Forest"

Fizminutka "We are going to the autumn forest"

Finger gymnastics "We we collect mushrooms»

Speech development Reading and retelling of V. Kataev's story « Mushrooms»

P. Potemkin "Amanita"

N. Sladkov "Fly agaric"

Conversation: "Who are useful mushrooms» ,

"Rules of conduct in the forest",

"What are mushrooms» .

Reading proverbs and sayings about mushrooms, guessing riddles. Verbal games: “Describe in words mushroom» ,

"Autumn in the forest",

"Remember - name",

"One - many",

"Be careful"

Activities for working with parents:

1. Poster information for parents, consultation « Mushrooms» ;

2. Making a folder - moving on the topic "Poisonous mushrooms» (making crafts from natural material);

3. Familiarization of parents with information sheets on these topics;

4. Competition of family crafts made from natural materials « Mushroom glade» ;

5. Organization of exhibitions of children's works;

6. Joint creativity of children and parents in the manufacture of a book - baby;

7. Engaging parents in creating a photo newspaper "We mushroom pickers

4. Product project activities:

1. Family crafts made from natural material « Mushroom glade»

2. Photo exhibition "We - mushroom pickers»

Target: develop children's interest in collecting mushrooms, discuss the value mushrooms for the human body, to get acquainted with the family traditions of children, to involve parents in joint activities with children.

3. Exhibition of children's creativity "Everything mushrooms are good

Presentation the project:

1. Re-enactment of V. Suteev's fairy tale "Under mushroom» ;

2. Exhibition of crafts « Mushroom glade»

3. Photo exhibition "We mushroom pickers»

results project activities:

As a result the project in children replenished, systematized knowledge and ideas about mushrooms, about diversity mushrooms;

Based on the deepening and generalization of ideas about the environment, in the process of getting to know stories, poems, proverbs, riddles about mushrooms, in children, the speech reserve expanded and became more active;

There was a desire to independently engage in creativity - to compose your own riddles and short stories about mushrooms, illustrate them, work together on a common project;

Most of the parents took an active part in the implementation the project.


"Kingdom of mushrooms"

completed by students

5E class

2014-2015 academic year


    acquaintance with various types of edible and poisonous mushrooms;

    development of logical thinking, speech, memory;

    education of love and respect for nature;

    develop the horizons of students.


to acquaint with the distinctive features of edible mushrooms and mushrooms -


show what danger to human life is posed by poisonous


together with the children, deduce the rules for picking mushrooms;

contribute to the broadening of the horizons of children and the development of skills

establish causal relationships; ability to work with

additional material

contribute to the formation of a respectful attitude towards nature.

After completing the project, students will be able to:

    Know the secrets of poisonous mushrooms;

    Features of the structure of mushrooms;

    Edible and inedible mushrooms;

    Collection and storage rules;

    First aid for mushroom poisoning;

    To be able to distinguish the signs of mushrooms, to distinguish them from other kingdoms of living nature;

    Be able to distinguish edible from inedible mushrooms.

G and p about tez and:

Are all mushrooms

useful to humans?


    Introductory part

    Mushroom montage

    The structure of the fungus

    Edible mushrooms

    Chastushki about mushrooms

    Poisonous (inedible) mushrooms

    Scene "Election of the President"

    Mushrooms of our area

    Mushrooms in folk medicine

    Mushroom picking rules

    Folk wisdom

    Mushroom dishes


    Conclusion. Conclusion.

Introductory part

White, boletus, mushrooms ... This list can be continued for a long time,

but try to answer the question: how many types of mushrooms are there?

It turns out that there are about one hundred thousand different species, but many of

they cannot be seen with the naked eye. Mushrooms are amazing

creatures, because they can not be called plants or animals. They are

form a special independent kingdom and occupy an intermediate

position between animals and plants.

Mycologists study mushrooms. They found that the most important

the signs of fungi is that which is characteristic of an individual animal

and the plant kingdoms. Mushrooms grow everywhere, but most often on the ground,

forest floor, on decaying or living wood. Less often they meet

on garbage or manure heaps and at the site of fires.

Mushrooms need proper temperature and humidity to grow.

Observations show that the mushroom grows well in a calm, calm

weather, light is not so important to them. The body of mushrooms or myceliums, being in

soil or other nutrient medium, grows in all directions.

The lifespan of mushrooms varies from one year to several


In nature, mushrooms perform an essential function: they eliminate

remains of dead animals, plants. It promotes circulation

substances in nature. Man uses the beneficial properties of mushrooms in

various fields of industry. In the food industry

use yeast and mold. In medicine from some mushrooms

make antibiotics. From time immemorial, man began to collect

mushrooms, which brings him pleasure and joy. And also delivers him to

the table is a delicious and nutritious product. Unfortunately, mushrooms are not

only a source of joy, but also sorrow. Lately we've been hearing about

frequent cases of poisoning with certain types of mushrooms. The consequences are very

sad, there are cases of death. Therefore, we have chosen this

the topic of the project to get acquainted with the variety of mushrooms, learn

to distinguish an edible mushroom from a poisonous one.

Mushrooms have long been known in Russia. In the old days they were called lips for

convex spongy caps. Fried, boiled, salted mushrooms did not go away

from the table on weekdays and holidays, in winter and summer.

Mushrooms can be found in a wide variety of places - in fresh and

sea ​​water, in the field and in the garden, in the meadow and in the mountains. Among them there are

microscopic species, there are giants. For example, in 1988 in Japan

a mushroom of incredible size was found. He could not fit in any

box body, and it took a truck for delivery. When the giant was weighed

they were even more surprised - he pulled 168 kg.

Mushrooms that grow in the forests of our country have

useful properties. They are often called forest meat, they are enough

nutritious. Equally important is the presence in them of fats, carbohydrates, vitamins,

mineral salts.

Mushroom montage

Our teacher entered the classroom

And he asked slyly:

What do we know about mushrooms?

What are they needed for?

If a mushroom grows in the forest,

If it's edible

Everyone knows that his

Can be put in a bucket.

And coming home

Let's cook mushroom soup together.

In a red hat with a white leg

Amanita grows in a bush.

Just don't tear it,

Save for the elk.

If biologists study animals,

And botanical plants,

Mycologists were found for the mushrooms,

Studying their diversity.

But there are mushrooms in nature

Different shapes, multi-colored,

Others are not visible.

So why are they needed?

A) The mushroom is useful, very important.

In Vietnam, for example, molds are used to prepare soybeans


B) Penicillin is used in medicine - obtained from the mushroom


C) Some mushrooms help fight insects.

D) Mushrooms - yeast is used in baking.

But not all mushrooms

So good.

And, of course, you need to know

What harm can we expect from them.

The mushroom can harm the garden.

Can harm the book

Kill the plant

Due to inattention

To cause a disease in a person.

We did not perform for a long time,

We don't want to bore you.

You can't list all the mushrooms,

After all, mushrooms are everywhere with us.

We must take care of them and study them.

We will tell you a secret

It was not easy for all of us.

We have read many books

We learned about mushrooms.

You take a look

You will not regret it either.

The structure of the fungus and its mycelium.

With the help of the drawing, we showed all the parts of the mushroom and its mycelium.

Edible mushrooms

Where do mushrooms grow?

Mushrooms grow everywhere: in forests and in meadows, in gardens and parks, under

hedges and bushes. They can be found at the very edge of the forest.

high in the mountains and in the lowlands, in the river valleys. They follow the man

to cities and industrial centers, settling on tiny green

areas in the middle of city streets and squares, on garbage heaps or

factory territories, even penetrating into mountain mines. Enumeration of places,

where mushrooms are found, you can go on and on. The end of summer and

autumn is the main season for mushrooms, when the number of their species and types

becomes almost immeasurable. Late autumn also brings

good harvest.

On the growth of mushrooms - both in relation to the period, and in relation to their

quantities - factors such as humidity have a decisive influence

and temperature.

Oyster mushroom feels at home in any deciduous forest. With a special

hunt, she settles on dead dead treesOyster mushroom most often

found on poplars, willows and larch trees. Probably the amount of these mushrooms

not far from those farmswhere they are bred as "vegetable veal",

constantly increasing with the assistance of the wind.

Hat atporcini mushroom (boletus) brown and the leg is off-white.

Butporcini mushrooms (boletus) always remain white - both in the pan and in

soup, and dried. That's why they are white. The mushroom has a thick leg. therefore

it looks important, intense. Scientists identify about two dozen

varieties of this mushroom.

Mushrooms of our area

Birch trees

Milk mushrooms



Honey mushrooms

Blue legs



Chastushki about mushrooms

Put your ears on top of your head

Listen carefully:

Let's sing ditties about mushrooms

Very good.

How old are you, morel?

You look like an old man.

The fungus surprised me:

My age is only two days.

And in the basket we have

Everything you need in mushroom soup:

And mushrooms, and boletus,

There is also a golden mushroom.

Multicolored toadstools

They themselves climb into the meadows.

We don't need one

Let's bypass them.

Goggle-eyed fly agaric

Sitting sideways on a slope -

Looks, smiles,

He wants to please everyone.

We are not called "chanterelles" for nothing -

We are crafty sisters:

Old yellow foliage

We took cover with our heads.

There are edible mushrooms,

There are also poisonous ones.

We need edibles -

We are lovers of them.

We sang ditties to you,

Enlightened you for an hour.

Now grab the baskets

For mushrooms, everyone in the woods!

The most dangerous poisonous mushrooms

The poem is read by a student

Is mushroom deceit known among the people?

Twin mushrooms exist in nature.

Be careful when going into the forest, do not forget:

A mistake will end your life.

Learn poisonous mushrooms, know

Recognize them unmistakably in the forest.

We must always remember that in addition to joy, mushrooms can also bring sorrow.

Poisoning most often occurs when a person does not know how

recognize mushrooms or do it casually. Poisonous mushrooms that

are the cause of fatal or severe poisoning not so many

compared to edible or harmless mushrooms. So whoever wants

pick mushrooms for food, must learn to recognize at least 20-25

types of poisonous mushrooms that can cause dangerous poisoning.

So that mushroom picking brings us joy and we would not be afraid for our

health, it is always better to collect only a few types of mushrooms for food,

which we know well. It is very risky to pick mushrooms in which

we are not sure. The pursuit of quantity can be fatal for many

mushroom pickers. Unfortunately, practical advice on how to distinguish

an edible mushroom from a poisonous one does not exist. In the past there was

belief that a silver device or bow in contact with

poisonous mushrooms will turn black, but this is not true. And it is also not true that

all poisonous mushrooms sting the tongue and have a bitter taste and an unpleasant odor.

On the contrary, the most dangerous poisonous mushrooms, such as pale toadstool,

fly agaric do not smell and taste. It is also not true that mushrooms,

which gnaw snails and eat insect larvae are not poisonous.

The most poisonous mushroom is the pale toadstool and two similar to it

species - white fly agaric and smelly fly agaric.

These three species are the most common culprits in fatal poisoning.

Most of all poisoning is caused by pale toadstool, since this is the most

a common species of poisonous mushrooms.

Toadstool poisoning is very dangerous because the first

Signs appear only 8-72 hours after eating mushrooms in

food. In case of poisoning, nausea, weakness, headache appears,

dizziness and cold sweat. Then violent vomiting appears.

and diarrhea that lasts 2-3 days and is completely exhausting

sick. After a seeming improvement after a few hours

severe pains appear in the stomach and intestines, the skin turns yellow,

the person loses consciousness and death occurs. In mild cases, the patient

recovers very slowly and the consequences of poisoning make themselves felt

for a very long time, not rarely until the end of life.

Much milder poisoning causes fly agaric and related

Him a fly agaric royal. However, poisoning with red fly agaric is very

rare, as almost everyone knows and shuns him. Moderately poisonous

are bright yellow fly agaric and porphyry fly agaric.

Strongly poisonous is the poisonous rose leaf. Signs

poisoning occurs in 20-30 minutes, at the latest in 2-4


The patient begins vomiting and severe diarrhea, stomach pains and

headaches, thirst and great weakness. With lungs

poisoning, these accompanying symptoms gradually disappear, but

finally disappear after a few days. At greater concentration

poisonous rose-leaf can also cause death.

Of the cobwebs, the orange-red cobweb is very poisonous.

The first signs of poisoning with this fungus usually appear very late.

(after 3-14 days). The poisonous substances of the spiderweb are orange-red,

primarily the kidneys and liver are affected. The first signs of poisoning

are intense thirst, dryness and burning sensation in the mouth. Then comes

nausea, vomiting, headache and abdominal pain, constipation and chills.

Signs of poisoning become more intense and death occurs

after 2-3 weeks, sometimes even after several months. With lungs

poisoning, the patient's treatment lasts a very long time, from several weeks to

several months.

Sulfur-yellow false foam poisoning may have more severe


A few years ago, a thin pig was added to the list of poisonous mushrooms,

which in the mycological literature is cited as an edible mushroom. WITH

1963 there was a lot of pig poisoning and scientists

found that frequent consumption of this mushroom causes

destruction of red blood cells.

An ordinary raincoat is poisonous only if

when consumed in large quantities. And if you eat only two or

three slices, nothing will happen.

Known edible mushroom species can also cause poisoning if

use old fruiting bodies that have been

found in the forest already tainted.

For any signs of mushroom poisoning, you must immediately

call a doctor. But even before the doctor comes, it is necessary to

the patient to induce vomiting to get rid of the food that caused the poisoning.

To do this, you need to drink plenty of warm water. After

vomiting, a laxative such as castor oil or

put an enema.

The most dangerous of the poisonous mushrooms is the pale toadstool. She looks like

champignon. But the champignon has pink plates, with age

purple, and the toadstool has pure white Above the cap of the pale toadstool

greenish. It is almost impossible to save a person who has been poisoned by it.

Scene about mushrooms

Scene "Mushroom Talk. Presidential elections "

Once in the Podberezovaya Republic, mushrooms decided to choose

the president


Once a red fly agaric

Bragged to mushrooms:

Fly agaric

After all, I am the only one who decorates the pine forest,

And everyone knows this very well.

How dressed I am, how clever!

And my hat, well, just a dream!

They say to me “You are a fly agaric

Toadstool among mushrooms "

But I'm proud of my beauty

And a red panama hat.


I heard the flies you kill

And you feed the moose in the forest

I know - I know that it will come in handy

You don’t go to the basket.

There is little use in your outfit

You are good-looking father

But you are very poisonous


Silence! Forest people

I - take a rejection.

Honey mushrooms

And we are honey agarics - very friendly guys

We grow on stumps in the forest

Like freckles on my nose


You are both summer and autumn

You are even healthier than meat

You are boiled, salted, fried

And in any dinner they praise

Honey mushrooms

Well, of course we guys

It's too early for the presidency

We are all together as soldiers

Then we go to the deputies


I'm a pale toadstool

Besides, she's not poor yet

I'm not used to liking who eats me will be poisoned


You are thin, slim, dressed

You are full of poison at the same time


That I don't suit you?

I'm going to the fly agaric


The people are surprised

They lead a wonderful round dance

Red sisters

Chanterelle mushrooms


You are of the fox breed

You are tricky by nature


No, now I understand everything

I withdraw the candidacy


At the top of the wave

With reddish curls.

Modestly hid behind a bump,

Hiding the top of the head under the leaf.

Shun the forest people

A wave for the presidency


If you are in the forest

Scold and excite everyone

You will not be the president


No, I'm a redhead fungus

I better jump into the box


I am a boletus

I grow under the aspen trees


I'm a simpler fungus

I grow in a birch grove


How do you want for president

I won't go, I don't want

I'm not used to rule either

Let boletus become president


I am a white mushroom, I am a boletus,

I'm used to reigning in the forest.

And I was the mushroom king.

Apparently it's my turn -

I will become the first president.

Well, people, I agree!


Old, important boletus

The most important forestry.

And mushrooms from all sides

They bow to the white man.

Mushrooms in medicine

People have always tried to find a universal remedy that

will help to cope with all diseases. One of thesefunds can

become medicines derived from mushrooms. Mushrooms haveimportant

importance in medicine. Even in ancient times they beganapply in

folk medicine along with herbs, fruits and berries.

People, who were popularly called healers, accumulated their knowledge in

areas of healing, passed them on by inheritance, keeping secret from

outsiders. When writing appeared in Russia, a big role

played handwritten "Herbalists". They contained interesting information about

various means and methods of healing. In folk medicine, quite

widely usedfly agarics ... They prevent cancers from developing

tumors, treat angina, rheumatism, tuberculosis, skin diseases,

tincture rub the joints.

In folk medicine, other cap mushrooms were also used.

For example,

brick-red and sulfur-yellow mushrooms recommended as

laxative and emetic.

Pepper load treated for tuberculosis.

In folk medicine, it is usedautumn mushroom ... This mushroom is used

as a laxative, it helps better digestion of food.

In folk medicine, it was widely useddecoction of chaga ... Chaga decoction improves

the condition of patients, promotes the treatment of gastritis and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, treats cancer, tuberculosis, stops


Mushroomsaffron milk cap got a good medicine that slows down

the development of harmful bacteria.

Mushroomtalker used in medicine for the treatment of tuberculosis

skin and bones.

Medicine derived from mushroomschanterelle , can treat purulent

diseases, blood poisoning.

Meadow honey proved to be useful in the fight against E. coli and

other microbes, heals the thyroid gland

Fromchampignons a new drug has been obtained that is successfully used

for the treatment of typhoid, paratyphoid fever.

Widely popular among the people istea mushroom .

The peoples of many countries of the world contain it at home. Infusion

this mushroom is drunk before meals to stimulate appetite or appease

thirst all day long. The medicine obtained fromporcini mushroom

promotes rapid healing from frostbite, reduces pain in

heart disease.

Haveboletus found a substance that helps with headaches.

However, it is not recommended to treat yourself, it is necessary

consult your doctor first.

Mushroom picking rules.

We must firmly remember these rules.

You need to go to the forest for mushrooms in comfortable clothes and shoes - a walk

should please you.

Collect only mushrooms that are well known to you. If

if you have doubts, consult with experts. And if a specialist

not near, do not take a dubious mushroom.

You cannot pick mushrooms in the city, and outside the city along the highways

Do not use old, overripe mushrooms. Even in edible boletus,

boletus boletus can reproduce poisonous to humans


Don't put your loot in plastic bags! Mushrooms in them

crumple and break. In addition, the temperature inside the bag can be

so high that the mushrooms "suffocate and deteriorate."

You need to process mushrooms as soon as you return home from the forest.

Otherwise, the mushrooms will have time to become fermented in a few hours.

It is better to cut the mushrooms with a knife. But you can also gently twist out of

land. The main thing is not to stir up, not to rake moss under the "spine", dry

leaves, needles, do not destroy the mycelium.

Do not knock fly agarics and toadstools, do not trample with your feet.

Carefully cut the mushroom with a sharp knife.

Don't touch unfamiliar and inedible mushrooms.

Do not turn dry foliage and moss.

Don't pick mushrooms you don't know.

Do not knock down or trample inedible mushrooms.

Do not pick mushrooms that have even the slightest edibility

doubt. Constantly improve your knowledge of mushrooms.


Game "Edible - inedible"

The host throws the ball, calling mushrooms. If the mushroom is not edible, then

the player must hit the ball, and if edible, catch the ball.

Butter can, milk mushroom, pale toadstool, boletus, boletus, boletus,

fly agaric, saffron milk, volushka, false honey agaric, champignon, chanterelles,

honey fungus

Game "Gather mushrooms"

The driver is blindfolded. Children-mushrooms run along the bottom. If you get caught

fly agaric, children shout: "Don't take it!" The winner is the one who for a certain

time will "collect" the most "mushrooms".

Game "Mushroom box".

Teams receive a "basket" - a bag for "picking mushrooms", where

there is a card with syllables:

NUSH - IK - KA - IN - PE - MOK - VOL - OV - O

and 8 blank leaves.

The teacher reads the condition of the game:

Along the path in full spirit

A rooster rushes through the forest.

He shouts: “Ku-ka-re-ku!

Honor and glory to the mushroom picker!

I filled my body

And I’ll run home quickly. ”

The hedgehog shouted from under the tree:

"You shake all the mushrooms!"

The hedgehog is right - the rooster

There is one dust in the box:

KA - RO - MAS - LE - SY - Hedgehog - VIK



NUSH - IK - KA - IN - PE - MOK - VOL - OV - O.

Connect the legs and caps of the mushrooms together. Don't be surprised if you don't find

they are near: they can be at the bottom of the basket or lie on top. Who quickly

fill your box with mushrooms? "Mushrooms" are syllables from which it follows

"Collect" the names of the mushrooms.

Each group "puts mushrooms" in their box for two minutes and

hands it to the teacher. (Butter dish, boletus, boletus, russula,

boletus, mushroom, honey mushroom, chanterelle.) Mushroom dishes

Game "Experts of Proverbs"

The text of the proverb is cut. Who will quickly collect and explain the meaning:

Fungus to fungus - pick up a basket.

Game "Nimble mushroom pickers"

The mushrooms are placed on the floor, there are fewer of them than the participants in the game. Children

dancing to the music. When the music ends, every player rushes

"Pluck" the mushroom. Whoever was left without the fungus leaves the game.

Put the fungus on the floor.

Show yourself in the dance.

Stop the music playing

The mushroom must be taken faster.

Game "Man's buff with a fungus"

The players stand in a circle. One of them has a mushroom bell. Driving

should identify this player by sound.


Take the baskets

Let's go to the familiar forest

We are mushrooms now

We will certainly find

"Tell me a word"

Fun in my heart

And the sadness goes away

When in your basket

The first one got caught ... (lump )

Under the fallen leaves

Mushrooms hid together.

These are sly sisters

These are yellow ... (chanterelles )

Among the young pines

A wonderful mushroom grows ... (oiler )

Our hats are like rings

Like rings of waves by the river.

We are friends of russula

We are called mushrooms ... (waves )

Huddled together like chickens

Hemp has mushrooms ... (honey mushrooms )

1. I stand on a smooth thick leg

Under the brown hat

With a delicate velvet pad (White mushroom )

2. This is a smart mushroom

It grows with an aspen next to it

Put on the head

Bright red beret. (boletus )

3. It is a fungus -

Birch sonny.

Who will find him

Everyone puts in a basket (boletus )

4. Yellow-red sisters,

They magnify us ... (chanterelles )

5. Here is a bright red mushroom,

You found out. This is… (mushroom )

6. Near stumps and on the lawn

We always walk in a flock.

Very friendly guys

They call us ... (honey mushrooms )

7. Strong little fungus,

Oily as a pancake. (boletus )

8. And I am the most common mushroom.

You can find me in almost every forest.

My plate hats are pinkish

Burgundy, greenish.(russula )

We are all familiar with this mushroom:

With a lace collar

He stands on a white leg

Among the grass by the path.

Bright red panama

In trendy white peas ...

I ripped it off for my mom

But she said, “Oh!

Although your mushroom looks beautiful

But for us it is poisonous! " (Fly agaric )

Here in the grass are noticeable

Multi-colored hats.

Remember their name

But don't eat it raw! (Russula )

Very friendly guys

They live at the hemp ... (Honey mushrooms )

White Panama,

Pale ... (Toadstool )

The king of mushrooms on a thick leg

The best for a basket.

He holds his head boldly

Because he is a mushroom ... (White )

Under a pine tree at the edge

Preut red tops.

Two pigtails in fragrant moss

The cunning are hiding ... (Chanterelles )

Proverbs about mushrooms

Beans are not mushrooms: without sowing, they will not sprout.

To be afraid of wolves, to be mushroom-free.

There will be rain, there will be fungi; and there will be fungi, there will be a box.

To live near the forest - not to be hungry

They take every mushroom in their hands, but not every mushroom is put in the back.

The torn out mushroom has died forever, cut off under the root - gives the offspring a bag.

Forest pharmacy

Amanita - a beautiful mushroom, only very poisonous

Moose only eat it and at the same time say

There is no more reliable medicine, I ate it and there is no temperature

Cures whooping cough and bronchitis, ate and does not have a sore throat

Amanita is a healing mushroom, it is not poisonous for us.


Quiz questions .

-What kind of forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees? (Squirrel)

-Name the mushrooms, by the name of which you can judge the place of them

growth. (Boletus, boletus, boletus)

-For which forest dweller is the mushroom a medicine? (For moose)

-Which of the cap mushrooms is the most poisonous? (Death cap)

-Which mushrooms appear in our forests first? (In the spring

lines and morels appear)

-List the ways to use mushrooms for food. (Dried, fried, boiled,

salted, pickled)

-What are the names of mushrooms, which come in different colors? (Russula)

-Does the squirrel eat fresh mushrooms? (No)

-The appearance of which mushrooms marks the end of summer? (Again)

-What weather foreshadows the mushroom harvest? (Rainy)

The benefits of mushrooms

Mushrooms contain proteins (more than 5% of the mass of mushrooms), fats (about 1%),

carbohydrates (3%), as well as macro- and microelements necessary for a person -

potassium, calcium, zinc, copper, iron, cobalt.

Calcium contained in mushrooms, the daily requirement for which -

120mg, is a universal regulator of vital functions in

in combination with phosphorus, it is found in bones and teeth.

Fresh mushrooms also contain fat-soluble vitamins A and

D, B vitamins, ascorbic (vitamin C) and nicotine (vitamin

PP) acid.

Mushrooms are also used for medicinal purposes, in scientific medicine well

the value of penicillin and other antibiotics contained in mushrooms is known,

for the treatment of infectious diseases. Kombucha having

anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties, widely used

in oriental medicine. In folk medicine for the treatment of diseases

the nervous system uses fly agaric, alcoholism - dung beetle, radiation

leukopenia and tumors - chaga birch mushroom other mushrooms

Antineoplastic and tonic properties are also possessed by edible

porcini mushroom (boletus), better known for its taste. His

called the king of mushrooms. By correctly harvesting and processing mushrooms,

they can be used all year round.

About the dangers of mushrooms

At the same time, doctors more and more often fix mushroom poisoning.

Reasons - inability to distinguish between edible and inedible mushrooms, purchase

mushrooms on the spontaneous market, lack of information on the impact of the global

human activity on the biochemical and species composition of fungi, etc.

Often they collect mushrooms, destroying mycelium. Overripe, wormy and

softened mushrooms are not suitable for food, because can cause

gastrointestinal diseases. At the same time, they are the source

spores that renew mycelium.

It is important to remember that after cutting the mushroom, you need it as soon as possible.

recycle, because after 3-5 hours due to the onset of proteinaceous tissue of the body of the fungus at

at room temperature, secondary metabolites accumulate in it. Mushrooms

can be stored in the cold for longer, but no more than a day after collection.

Edible mushrooms can accumulate toxic substances,

growing near major motorways with heavy traffic

transport, military ranges, chemical plants, zones

environmental disasters and in radiation-hazardous areas, each

this situation requires special consideration.

Mushrooms are rich in proteins. This is the undoubted benefit of mushrooms. But the protein

poorly absorbed and can cause indigestion. This is harm. There are mushrooms

vitamins and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Of course, a plus in

piggy bank. We will not prove the harm of mushrooms that are poisonous. Evident

fact. Proteins from edible mushrooms can also cause allergies, which are not

has the best effect on the health of the mushroom eater. In the same time,

due to the heaviness for digestion and low calorie content, mushrooms can

go into weight loss diets. Based on the above, you can do

the conclusion that mushrooms are useful, but you need to know certain rules for them

use. For example:

You need to know poisonous mushrooms and collect only the "correct" ones. Like

would be a simple rule, but every year people are admitted to hospitals with

severe mushroom poisoning. There are even deaths, so

that this is not a joke, but a very real threat to life.

When consumed, it must be borne in mind that mushroom protein is bad

assimilated before bedtime, hard work, sauna, etc. better to eat

something lighter on the stomach.

It is also important to know the territory where you are going to hunt for

mushrooms. If it is contaminated, then the benefits and harms of mushrooms will be in

undesirable proportions

... Before cooking mushrooms, you need to boil them 1-2 times in

clean water, pour the broth.

It is advisable for children under 5-7 years old not to eat mushrooms, however, like

elderly people due to the heavy load on the gastrointestinal tract.

Moose, hedgehogs, squirrels, and mice feed on mushrooms in nature.

Always remember the main rule of the mushroom picker:

If you don't know - don't take it!

Conclusion. Conclusion

So our journey into the world of mushrooms ends. He's amazingly big

and diverse. Today we only visited the cap mushrooms,

but there are other types of fungi - mold. Each mushroom has its own

features, each is remarkable in its own way. And an amazing study of mushrooms

science is "mycology". And today each of you has become almost real

mycologist. I wish you continued success in your study of the mushroom



Literature: magazine "Primary school" No. 7 1989.

Mazin V.V., Shashkova L.S. "Mushrooms, Plants and People" - Moscow:

Agropromizdat, 1986

- p.208

Cherepanova N.P., Pshedetskaya L.I. "Mushrooms" - Leningrad: Lenizdat, 1990 - p. 93

North-Eastern District Education Department

Department of Education of the city of Moscow

State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow


"Forest meat."

Biology project


student 5 "G" class

GBOU Gymnasiums 1577

Patrakeev Matvey


Biology teacher

Deulina I.Yu.

Moscow city

    Introduction 3 pp.

1) Hypothesis 3 p.

2) Goal 3 p.

3) Objectives 3 p.

4) Methods of collecting information 3 pp.

    Main part 4 p.

1) Classification of mushrooms 4-5 p.

A) Edible

B) Conditionally edible

C) Inedible

D) Poisonous

2) Mushroom picker rules 5 p.

3) Sociological survey of schoolchildren 5-6 pages.

4) Results of the survey 7-8 p.

5) How to distinguish false mushrooms from edible ones? 9 pp.

6) Interesting facts 10p.

    Conclusion p. 10

    Literature p. 11

1. Introduction.

Forest meat.

The choice of the research topic was determined in the "Biology" lesson, when we studied the topic "Mushrooms". We got acquainted with mushrooms. We talked about what mushrooms we saw or collected this summer. Then the question arose: "Are mushrooms a part of living nature?" Then they decided to conduct their own research.

Hypothesis: Edible mushrooms are a popular food product from which a variety of delicious and healthy dishes are prepared.

Target : To form knowledge about mushrooms, their importance in nature and human life.


    Learn to recognize edible and inedible mushrooms.

    Formulate the rules for picking mushrooms.

    Purposefully foster emotional responsiveness to nature.

Information collection methods:

    Biology lessons.

    Internet information resources, books, encyclopedias.

    Excursions to the children's, school library.

    Sociological survey of schoolchildren.

2.The main part

1.Classification of mushrooms.

Our meeting with mushrooms begins in spring, when lines and morels appear among last year's grass, and summer is the time for a real mushroom hunt.

Mushrooms grow everywhere, but most often on the ground, forest floor, rotting or living wood. Less commonly, they are found on garbage or manure heaps and at the site of fires.

1) Edible mushrooms.

Edible - can be eaten immediately after cleansing.

In summer and autumn, many mushrooms appear in the forest. The porcini mushroom is especially good. He has a sturdy brown hat and a solid thick leg. If you come across such a mushroom, you must definitely look nearby.

It's nice to find a boletus in the forest. The cap of such a mushroom is elegant, bright orange - the color of red and orange aspen leaves.

But more often than other mushrooms in the forest there are russula with caps of pink, green, yellow.

From time immemorial, man began to pick mushrooms, which brings him pleasure and joy. And also delivers a delicious and nutritious product to his table. Mushroom pickers with baskets go to the forest early in the morning. The autumn air is cool and fresh, smells of falling leaves.

People return home with full baskets. At home, the collected mushrooms are dried, fried, soup made, salted. Mushrooms are tasty in any form. Wild animals also eat mushrooms. The squirrel dries mushrooms for the winter, putting them on thin twigs.

2) Conditionally edible

Conditionally edible - first you need to boil, dry or soak, only after that you can fry, stew, etc.

3) Inedible mushrooms

Inedible — Has an unpleasant odor, taste, or hard flesh.

But not all mushrooms are equally good for humans. There are inedible mushrooms. Some inedible mushrooms are poisonous. The most poisonous mushroom is the pale toadstool. Amanita is also poisonous.

Never take mushrooms you don't know. This is dangerous! Do not pick or shoot mushrooms in vain: many animals feed on mushrooms. And with some mushrooms, animals and birds are treated. This is their medicine. For example, moose sometimes need fly agarics - they eat them.

4) Poisonous.

Poisonous - poisonous after processing.

Don't touch bright fly agarics!

There is no need to shoot down or pluck big old mushrooms in the same way. We do not need them, and many young mushrooms grow in the forest near them.

2.Rules of mushroom picker:

1. You need to go to the forest for mushrooms in comfortable clothes and shoes - a walk should give you pleasure.

2. Collect only those mushrooms that are well known to you, do not take a dubious mushroom.

3. You can not pick mushrooms in the city, and outside the city along the highways.

4. Do not take old overripe mushrooms. Even in edible boletus, boletus, microorganisms poisonous to humans can multiply.

5. Don't put your loot in plastic bags! Mushrooms in them crumple and break. In addition, the temperature inside the bag is so high that the mushrooms "suffocate and deteriorate."

6. You need to process mushrooms as soon as you get home from the forest. Otherwise, the mushrooms will have time to become fermented in a few hours.

7.Mushrooms are best cut with a knife. But you can also gently twist it out of the ground. The main thing is not to stir up, not to rake moss, dry leaves, needles under the "root", not to destroy the mycelium. Sprinkle the hole where the mushroom was sitting with fallen leaves and needles. Do not tear the ground around the mushroom you find, this will prevent other mushrooms from growing in this place.

8.Do not knock fly agaric and toadstools, do not trample underfoot.

3.Sociological survey of schoolchildren:

The purpose of the survey: to find out the knowledge of schoolchildren about edible and inedible mushrooms, their purpose, rules of collection.

1. What edible mushrooms do you know?

2. Boletus

3. Boletus

4 white lump

5 chanterelle

6 rump

8 the flower

9 nose

10. Oiler

2. What kind of edible mushrooms do you collect?

Select all that apply

1.White 8.Wolf

2. Boletus 9. Snuff

3. Boletus 10. Butter

4.White lump 11.Others

5 chanterelle

6 rump

3. Why do you use edible mushrooms as food?

Select all that apply

3.Rich in protein

4.Give dishes a unique taste and aroma

4. Do you know the rules of compulsory processing of mushrooms when preparing them?

3.Not quite sure

5. What kind of mushroom dishes can you cook? Please write their names. Maybe share a recipe?

4. Results of the survey.

6. Interesting facts.

1.In the Yoruba tribe in southwestern Nigeria, unknown mushrooms are tested for edibility simply: they crumble and give chickens. If the chickens bite them, it means that the mushrooms are not poisonous.

2. The plush webcap (Cortinarius orellanus) is extremely poisonous. The insidiousness of this fungus lies in the longest incubation period: the poisons begin to act two or even three weeks after they enter the body! In this case, it is enough to eat 30 grams. mushrooms - this is even less than that of a pale toadstool! And then a long agony begins, ending fatally ... Kidneys are affected and fail. But the cobweb is rare and tastes bitter.

3. The French physician Pierre Bastienne ate it in August 1981 to demonstrate his method of detoxifying the poisons of the pale toadstool. In a quantity of 70 gr., Fried in oil in front of live TV cameras. After 2 years, Bastien repeated the experiment. After the first signs of poisoning appeared, he underwent treatment, which consisted in the intravenous administration of large doses of vitamin C, drinking plenty of potassium and disinfecting the intestines with ercefuril and the antibiotic abiocin. But it was not possible to convince the skeptical doctors and they still have a negative attitude to this experiment.


As a result of the work done, I learned that mushrooms are part of wildlife. They are necessary on Earth, although they bring both benefit and harm to humans. A person, like a good owner, must learn to use the beneficial properties of mushrooms. In the future, when picking mushrooms, I will be more careful. I will teach others how to navigate the world of mushrooms, going on a "quiet hunt".


1. L.V. Garibova. In the kingdom of mushrooms. M., 1998. Second edition.

2. Children's encyclopedia.

Reader's Digest, printed in France, 2005.

4. “Mushrooms. Determinant."