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One of the main tasks is the ability to preserve wildlife by establishing rules of behavior in nature. Awareness of existence environmental problems, knowledge about what wild animals live in our region, which are on the verge of extinction and need our protection and conservation.

An important aspect of the lesson is careful attitude to living beings, to surrounding nature. By awakening children's interest in their Earth and native land, we create a sense of involvement in what is happening in our common house- planet Earth.

The children developed a desire to help animals, not only for the purpose of rescue, but also to improve the life of the animal. The children began to understand that helping animals is our duty, which everyone should do.

Children learned to work with scientific literature, reference books, and the Internet. We learned to highlight the main thing in a large amount of information, analyze, and draw conclusions. Were issued research papers and abstracts, bird feeders were made, animals were sculpted from clay, bas-reliefs from cold porcelain, fairy tales were composed. This lesson was a good incentive for further work.

Target: introduce children to rare and endangered species of wild animals of the Khabarovsk Territory and the Red Book in which they are included, awakening a sense of responsibility for life on the planet.


  • Educational: to give an idea that new species of animals are emerging that are on the verge of extinction and need our protection and conservation.
  • Developmental: promote the development of the ability to characterize nature conservation measures; repeat the rules of behavior in nature.
  • Educating: cultivate a caring attitude towards living beings and the surrounding nature; awaken in children interest in their Earth and native land, a sense of involvement in what is happening in our common home; help children learn the basic rules of environmental behavior in nature.

Lesson type: learning new material.

Methods and forms of training: explanatory and illustrative method, frontal and individual forms of training.

Resources used:

Educational Resources:

  1. Alekseev V.A. 300 questions and answers about animals. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997.
  2. Red Book of the Khabarovsk Territory: Rare and endangered species of plants and animals: official publication / Ministry natural resources Khabarovsk Territory, Institute of Water and Environmental Problems, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. – Khabarovsk: “Priamurskie Vedomosti”, 2008. – 632 p.: ill.
  3. On the environmental situation in the Khabarovsk Territory and measures to improve it // EGBO. – 2009. – No. 2. – P.5-10.
  4. Brining S. and others. Animals. M.: “Astrel”, AST, 2001
  5. Educational PowerPoint presentation 1.
  6. PowerPoint 2 training presentation used as illustrations
  7. Song “Request” music by A. Pakhmutova, poetry by R. Rozhdestvensky. The song's playing time is 3 minutes 39 seconds.
  8. Exhibition of children's abstracts: mandarin duck, white-breasted bear, goral and other abstract presentations by children from various groups. (Application);

Lesson plan

1. Organizational part – 3 min.
2. Message educational material- 10 min.
3. Main part of the lesson – 10 minutes
4. Physical exercise 1–2 min.
5. Independent activity of students – 15 min.
6. Completion of the lesson - 5 min.


1. Organizational moment

Our ears are on top of our heads,
The eyes are well open.
We listen, we remember,
We don't waste a minute.

2. Exhibition of abstracts and their review. Updating knowledge

Teacher: Children, look at our exhibition. You have worked hard and submitted the best abstracts. It turns out there are so many animals that need protection and protection. This is what we will talk about today. The topic of our lesson: “Wild animals of the Khabarovsk Territory”

3. Introduction to the topic

- Guess this riddle:

She speaks silently
But it’s understandable and not boring.
Talk to her more often
You will become four times smarter

- What is this? (Book)

– You correctly said that this is a book (slide 2). Look and tell me what color is its cover? This book is not quite ordinary.

Teacher: Who knows what the Red Book is for?

Children: It is needed in order to know which plants and animals need protection and protection.

Teacher: Why do you think it was called the Red Book?

Teacher:(summarizes answers) « The Red Book is simply a list of all animals and plants that are on the verge of extinction due to very small numbers.” It also contains information about the main reasons for the extinction of specific species of animals and plants and ways to save them. The red color of the book, like a red traffic light, warns: “Attention! Something irreparable may happen.” On our planet Earth there were many different types animals and plants. People used them for their own needs, indifferently and mercilessly destroyed them, thinking that they would live forever. Some species of plants and animals disappeared without a trace. No one and nothing will return them to Earth.

Teacher: Why do you think the Red Book is constantly being republished?

Children: New species of animals appear that are on the verge of extinction.

Teacher: Listen to the poem that Nastya Morozova will read to you.

4. Reading a poem. "Protect the environment" .


Close eyes,
Imagine this,
How scary it will be on Earth,
When suddenly there are no more trees,
Animals and forests will disappear,
And when you go out into the field, you won’t see
Not a spikelet, not a cornflower.
Empty, naked Earth.
How scary it will be
Did you imagine?
And so that this doesn’t happen,
Let's be nature
Love, pity and respect.
Do not light fires in the forest,
Do not offend animals and birds!
In the shady enter the forest,
Be a friend!
Pick mushrooms and berries.
Inhaling fresh, fresh air,
Thank the trees!
Nature is a generous mistress,
Take what you need
She doesn't feel sorry!
And don't forget that she is waiting
The same kindness from us!

– What does the poem say? Why does nature appeal to man so much? What should we do to preserve wildlife?

5. Show a slide show with musical accompaniment.Song “Request” music by A. Pakhmutova, poetry by R. Rozhdestvensky. The song's playing time is 3 minutes 39 seconds. (Presentation 1 . Slides 3 to 12).

6. Conversation

Teacher: Look at this earthly beauty on the screen and listen to the song “Request”, music by A. Pakhmutova, poetry by R. Rozhdestvensky.

– What is the song about? What conclusions can be drawn after listening to this song?
– How do pictures of nature make you feel? Where would you like to be or meet this beauty? Why? What animals would you like to meet or see?

Teacher: Mostly animals became extinct due to the fault of humans. Some animals have been completely exterminated by people, and some are in danger of extinction and, if they are not protected or helped, they may disappear from the face of the Earth forever.
For example: beautiful Amur tiger, who lives in the Far East, there are approximately 200 left!!! Animals such as the Amur forest cat, Amur steppe polecat, red wolf, Amur leopards and many other animal species.

7. Abstract presentations of children based on clarity

Element of theatrical performance: pre-prepared children tell information about wild animals (mandarin duck, white-breasted bear). The illustrations are attached to the board. (See website links. Applications )

Fizminutka(slide 13)

We're walking, we're walking
We raise our hands higher
We don't lower our heads.
We breathe evenly, deeply.
Ahead, from behind a bush,
The sly fox is watching.
We'll outwit the fox
Let's run on our toes.
And over bumps and over bumps,
Let's jump boldly on our toes.
Every day - always, everywhere,
We are in the game.
Let us boldly stand up for defense,
And then back to business...

8. Teacher: So, let's continue our lesson (slides 14 to 17). Animals such as the eagle, golden eagle, crane, swan, and many others have become rare. What role do you think they play in nature?

Children: Without them, many plants would not be able to reproduce and spread.

Teacher: Why do you think people need animals?

Children: We eat them, some have valuable furs, they help us dress. They help us survive. A person not only dresses, but also eats at the expense of animals.

Teacher: How do you think the State protects the animals of our region?

Children: Our country has adopted the Law on the Protection and Use of Wildlife. Nature reserves, sanctuaries, and zoos have been created.

Teacher:(these facts are posted on the board in the form of a poster).

IN 1948 year the world's scientists created International Union for Conservation of Nature. On the instructions of this union, zoologists, botanists, and ecologists began to study which plants and animals of the planet should be helped first. Made lists. Then the lists were published in book form. They called it “The Red Book of Facts. October 17, 2011 The Red Book of the Khabarovsk Territory is an official document ... objects of flora and fauna listed in the Red Book of the Khabarovsk Territory. On October 21, 2012, 167 species of plants and fungi and 127 species of animals were included in the Red Book of the Khabarovsk Territory.” (These facts are posted on the board in the form of a poster). View application.

Teacher: Do you think animal life depends on plants?

Children: Animals and plants are connected by a food chain. For example:
By saving frogs, you will save the life of the heron that feeds on them, etc.

Teacher: We also need all animals because all animals are very beautiful and interesting. We can admire them. Man, unfortunately, brings a lot of harm to nature. Leading economic activity By cutting down forests, polluting rivers and seas, people destroy many animals. And for animals, forests, rivers and lakes are home. Therefore, we must take care of the animals’ home as well.

Teacher: Let's also listen to your comrades' messages about animals that are very beautiful, are on the verge of extinction and need protection.

9. Abstract speeches of children.(Goral, life of the Ussuri kharza).

Element of a theatrical performance: pre-prepared children tell information about wild animals (the illustration is attached to the board).

Teacher: What should people know to avoid harming animals?

Children: Rules of behavior in nature.

Each child is given a color image of nature paintings with rules of behavior in nature. Children express their opinions. ( Presentation 2 )

Teacher: Let's get acquainted with these rules.

What you “cannot” do in nature:

1. Pull mushrooms and bushes by the roots.
2. Destroy birds' nests;
3. Squash insects, destroy anthills.
4. Take animals home from the forest.
5. To offend or crush forest insects.
6. Do not pick wild flowers, collect large bouquets.
7. Pick and throw rare flowers.
8. Catch butterflies and dragonflies.
9. Make noise in the forest.
10. Light a fire in the forest without adults.
11. Leave trash in the forest.
12. Break glass.
13. Carve messages on trees.
14. Pull out bushes by the roots.
15. Knock down fly agarics and other toadstools.
16. Kill frogs and offend snakes.
17. Break branches of trees and bushes.

10. Summarizing speeches

– What do you need to do to be a true friend of nature?
– What can you and I do to prevent the extinction of rare animals?
– What animals will people help if they protect the trees in the forest?
– What harm can you do to animals if you don’t know the rules of behavior in the forest?
– Explain why it is necessary to protect not only the animals themselves, but also the places in which they live?
– Explain why animals in nature reserves have favorable living conditions?

Conclusion: By how you treat nature, you can understand what kind of person you are: kind or evil, caring or indifferent.

11. Crossword(slides 18 to 56)

Teacher: And now, to consolidate your knowledge about the animals of our region, I suggest you solve riddles and fill out a crossword puzzle. When you guess them, two main words will be revealed. This is a cry for help, a mandate, an appeal to people, to you and me. We will read them at the end of the lesson. This will be a competition. A prize awaits the winners.

(18-20 slide).

Lives in a hollow, lives in a nest,
Hazelnut, carries mushrooms.
And at a considerable height
The fluffy tail flashes like a ray. (Squirrel)

(21-23 slides)

This animal is dark brown in color and has a white tie on its chest. His image is on the coat of arms of the Khabarovsk Territory. (Bear)

(24-26 slides)

Of the felines, a toothed beast,
Like a vest, striped.
There's no time to play with this cabin boy!
This is a large predator (tiger)

(27-29 slides)

He can lie down all day
He is not at all lazy to lie down. (Seal)

(30-32 slides)

He reminds me of a goat
Lives in the forest and grove,
Afraid of the wolf, eats grass,
It's easier to find it there. (Goral)

(33-35 slides)

Enemy of voles, birds and squirrels,
Will not miss everyone who is shallow.
The color is chestnut, shiny.
This is nimble... (Marten)

(36-38 slides)

This beast is very serious,
And he hunts at night.
And usually on a tree
He hides his prey.
He has spots on his skin.
It's less noticeable this way. It's clear?
I saw the prey, start!
On the hunt... (Leopard)

(39-41 slides)

From the bovid family,
The subfamily of bulls
He is one of the few
What came to us from centuries. (Bison)

(42-44 slides)

A relative of the domestic pig,
At least there are erect ears.
With a piglet. Big. Omnivorous!
He is also wild and gregarious. (A wild boar)

(45-47 slides) This animal feeds only on lichens. It is also characterized as releasing musk. By appearance it resembles a deer, but unlike it does not have antlers. Sometimes it is called water deer. (musk deer)

(48-50 slides)

He doesn't hurt others.
Eats grass, walks in the forest,
But with branchy horns
Can handle wolves! (Deer)

(51-53 slides)

Red-brown, gray-brown,
Stripes along the back.
Loves grain crops
The silence of the forest depths. (Chipmunk)

(54-56 slide)

The fur is thick and velvety,
Brown, belly – silver.
The tail is scaly and with a keel,
Searches for food in deep mud. (Muskrat)

Teacher: Look at the highlighted text. What happened? I hope that our lesson will not pass without a trace for you. Each of you will take only good things for yourself. There will be no evil or indifferent people among you.

12. Reflection

-What new did you learn?
– What did you think about during the lesson?
-What surprised you?
– Is there anything left unclear?
– Why might this knowledge be useful to you?

The region is rich natural world, due to the fact that vast territories are occupied by light-coniferous taiga. In addition, over 60% of the region is occupied by mountain slopes and ridges. The relief is predominantly mountainous. The landscape is picturesque, represented by many species rare plants.

The Khabarovsk Territory is characterized by rich natural diversity, moderate climatic conditions and attractive forests. This is influenced by the fact that the region borders Amur region. There are many in the forests various types mushrooms There's enough here Cold winter, but the summer is long and hot. Land winds sometimes blow from the west, but they also last for a very short time.

Flora of the Khabarovsk Territory

Taiga forests Here they occupy vast areas and extend for several kilometers. Huge territories occupy coniferous forests, in which there are Daurian larch, cedar, spruce. There are rich pine forests, which amaze with the majesty of the trees. A small share is allocated and deciduous forests, they grow such species as lotus, Manchurian walnut, aralia, ginseng, Amur velvet, Daurian rose, Chinese lemongrass.

It is noteworthy that such species as maple, fir, oak and elm grow in these areas. Among the rare plants with extraordinary beauty, Daurian rhododendron, Eleutherococcus and pointed yew can be distinguished.

There are many mushrooms growing in densely forested areas, e.g. yellow mushroom, larch moss, ilmak, milk mushrooms, alder, May mushroom, flywheel, oiler. All these species typically inhabit the forest from May to September, some of them can be found in October.
About 155 species of mushrooms and plants that are at the stage of extinction are listed in the Red Book. These include ferns, mosses, mosses and lichens. Also, very little remains in the Khabarovsk Territory angiosperms, over 15 species of mushrooms need protection.

Fauna of the Khabarovsk Territory

The main forest representatives in Khabarovsk: fox, wolf, lynx. The Amur tiger is a particular source of pride in these parts. Also in the forests there are moose, roe deer, deer, musk deer and wild boars. There are also fur-bearing animals, including weasel, muskrat, squirrel, otter, and wolverine. Siberian weasel lives near the sea. There is also a variety of birds in these areas, for example, hazel grouse, wood grouse, nutcracker, waxwing, and partridge live in forest areas, and pheasant lives in some areas. Among the waterfowl, the region is inhabited by geese, mergansers, and ducks. Slightly less common are the Indian cuckoo, Ussuri pheasant, blue flycatcher, black grouse and blackbirds of two types: gray and stone.

Larger forest dwellers include the Manchurian hare, wapiti and roe deer. The brown bear is also found in these parts, and there are also more rare view- Himalayan bear, whose numbers are gradually increasing.

So many river fish: burbot, pike, grayling, crucian carp, catfish, carp, yellowjacket, mackerel, flounder.

There are animals of the Khabarovsk Territory listed in the Red Book. This is a ground beetle, an Amur cat, a white-cheeked tern, Amur snake, white owl, and gray crane. There are very few of these representatives left, they need protection. The Japanese grass snake is unique.

Climate in the Khabarovsk Territory

The climate in the Khabarovsk Territory is moderate. On natural conditions influenced by the proximity of the sea and the nature of the relief. Autumn here is quite long, as is winter. average temperature in January from -18 to -25, in some areas it can reach -38 degrees. In the southern regions, the temperature in winter can drop to -47 degrees; winter here is long and cold. In summer the temperature ranges from +17 to +25 and is warm. IN summer time air humidity usually increases. Spring begins at the end of March, the main peak occurs at the end of April and May, temperatures reach +10-15 degrees. Precipitation per year is approximately 700 mm.

Khabarovsk Territory is part of the Far Eastern federal district Russia. It borders with the Magadan Region in the north, with the Jewish Autonomy in the west, as well as China, with the Primorsky Territory in the south. Available coastline along the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Sea of ​​Japan.

Compared to other regions of Russia, it is one of the most sparsely populated. The Khabarovsk Territory appeared in reference books relatively recently - on October 20, 1938, when the Far Eastern Territory was divided into Khabarovsk.

The territory of the Khabarovsk Territory is a beautiful pristine nature, mountainous terrain and diverse forested areas. By diversity natural forms, landscapes, number of rivers, lakes and a very rare combination of plants and animals, the territory of the region is unique.

Flora and fauna

In the Khabarovsk Territory, as already written, there is a lot of taiga and forests. In the Amur Lowland there are larch and oak-larch forests. Larch, spruce, oak forests occupy half the territory. Significant areas of the same Amur and Evoron-Tugur lowlands are occupied by swamps.

Taiga is full of animals: musk deer, reindeer, elk, brown bear, lynx, wolves, otter, sable, fox and other valuable fur species. Eat mixed forests, where roe deer, wapiti, and wild boar live. There are over 100 species freshwater fish. In coastal sea ​​waters— Pacific herring, flounder, smelt, halibut, pollock, navaga, mackerel, chum salmon, pink salmon; of marine animals - beluga whale, seal, sea lion.

To preserve and strengthen natural beauty In the Khabarovsk Territory, several nature reserves have been organized - Bolshekhehtsirsky, Botchinsky, Bureinsky, Dzhugdzhursky and Komsomolsky.


The Arctic Circle is not far - about 430 km from the very northern point the edges. That is why the winters here are cold, severe, long and with little snow. Cold period lasts at least six months, and summers are hot and with frequent rainfall. The concept " tourist season"is present, but is associated with the period August, September. It is then that the climate becomes most stable, and the weather is clear and sunny.

Khabarovsk Territory and active recreation

Tourism in the region is developed. Various types of it are offered, from extreme and water to cultural, educational and ethnographic. In Khabarovsk Territory great opportunities for rafting on numerous rivers (difficulty category from I to V). Rafting is usually carried out accompanied by experienced guides rubber boats or rafts, best time: end of summer - beginning of autumn.

River rafting can be quite leisurely, depending on which river you choose. But there will be an opportunity to admire picturesque nature, and maybe go fishing. For such purposes, you need to choose large and deep rivers of the Khabarovsk Territory - Uchura, Mae Aldanskaya, Khora, Anyyu, Turuga, Bureya.

To put it in a completely European way, go on a cruise tour along the Amur River. The banks of this river are rich in archaeological and historical monuments, for example, Neolithic settlements in the Khabarovsk region, the villages of Voznesenskoye and Mariinskoye.

For those interested, representatives of the indigenous population will probably be offered a train to the settlement. These are the so-called small peoples North - Nanai, Udege, Ulchi, Oroch, Nivkh, Negidal, Evenki and Evens.

The largest transport hub in the region is Khabarovsk. The airport is also located here. Another large air harbor awaits you in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Two main railway lines ran through the territory of the region: Trans-Siberian and Baikal-Amur.

Zavarukhina Irina 3rd grade

Talks about rare animals



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Research work on the topic: Rare birds and animals of the Khabarovsk Territory was carried out by 3-B grade student Irina Zavarukhina under the guidance of N.V. Platonova. 2014 Municipal educational institution average comprehensive school No. 16 with in-depth study of individual subjects

Plan Introduction. Relevance of the topic. The concept of “rare animals”. Rare birds of the Khabarovsk Territory. 1.1. Far Eastern stork 1.2. Mandarin duck 1.3. White-tailed eagle 2. Rare animals of the Khabarovsk Territory 2.1. Himalayan bear 2.2. Amur forest cat 2.3. Amur tiger Conclusion. What can we do to protect nature? Bibliography.

Rare animals are species that are not currently in danger of extinction, but occur in such small numbers or in such limited areas that they may become extinct due to exposure. unfavorable conditions, natural Disasters(earthquakes, floods, storms, tornadoes, etc.), due to sudden temperature changes, abundance atmospheric precipitation and other reasons, as well as under the influence active work people in one or another habitat of animals and plants, without preserving their shelters and food supplies, as a result of displacing animals from the territories they occupy, destruction of nesting sites, improper use of pesticides and mineral fertilizers. Great importance There are also factors disturbing animals, unregulated hunting and, of course, poaching.

The Red Book of the Khabarovsk Territory, published in 2008, mentions 77 species of animals and 81 species of birds in the Khabarovsk Territory, which are rare and also endangered.

Far Eastern stork Order Aciformes - Ciconiiformes Family Storks - Ciconiidae Its hallmark is the black color of the beak, while white stork he is red. The Far Eastern stork is somewhat larger than its European counterpart, and also does not settle in populated areas and everywhere avoids the proximity of humans. Endangered. Included in the Red Book of Russia, protected by law in Japan, China, Mongolia and the Republic of Korea. The Far Eastern stork is one of the most rare birds Far East Russia.

Mandarin duck Order Anseriformes Family Anatidae Mandarin duck - a small beautiful duck. The color of the mandarin duck's plumage is striking in its beauty and brightness. But only male tangerines have very bright colors. She nests in tree hollows and screams to lure her ducklings out of the hollow, and they jump - or rather, fall - from high altitude to the ground and run to the water. Mandarin ducks are a rare species of duck. Hunting them is prohibited. Mandarin ducks are listed in the Red Book of Russia and South Korea.

White-tailed eagle Order Falconiformes Family Accipitridae This bird of prey from the hawk family lives in most of Russia. In 1998, 70 individuals of the sea eagle were identified, but the population is currently declining due to poaching and a decrease in the amount of fish on which they feed. Listed in the Red Books of Russia, Japan, and South Korea. The white-tailed eagle at the Priamursky Zoo is called Lori. Beautiful bird of prey. She ended up in the zoo along with other pets who were brought from the Annunciation Zoo.

Did you know that the white-tailed eagle... Like all birds of prey, they are excellent parents. To prevent other predators from finding the chicks, they constantly clean the nest of toadstools, shells and food debris. Although fish plays a significant role in the diet of the white-tailed eagle, it never dives for it, but grabs it at the surface of the water. In the Caspian Sea, it was noted that the eagle flying around clusters of water birds sometimes scared, imitating an attack in order to identify weakened or freezing ones, which could become easier prey. The white-tailed eagle was chosen as the bird of 2013 in Russia. Throughout the year, as part of the Bird of the Year campaign in support of the white-tailed eagle, many events were held in which everyone took part. During this period, they did a lot of useful things for the study and protection of this bird.

Himalayan bear Another subspecies of the Himalayan bear - the Ussuri white-breasted bear - was listed in the Red Book of Russia until 1998, now - hunting species. In terms of body size it is inferior brown bear and differs from him in his more slender physique, thin muzzle, very big ears. The color is always shiny black. But their main distinctive feature– the presence of a large white or macular spot. The Zoo is home to the Himalayan bear Kuzya, who was taken away from poachers as a baby, as well as female bears Frosya and Sonya, former circus performers. One of them, Sonya, most likely “lost” her ear somewhere in the process of sorting out relations with a relative. This is how they are distinguished: with two ears - Frosya, with one - Sonya.

Amur forest cat Not much is known about this animal. Included in the Red Book of Khabarovsk Territory. Externally similar to domestic cats, differs significantly large sizes, the structure of the skull and characteristic color, and the character is more severe. There are two individuals of the Amur forest cat in the Zoo: Marquis and Voltaire. Not so long ago there was also Milady, but the years take their toll. Milady was not young and was caught stealing chickens (and regularly), so they sent her to the Zoo. She gave birth to charming offspring three times. Forest cats In general, secretive and unsociable animals, but Milady’s mother turned out to be wonderful.

Amur tiger This is the only tiger that has a layer of fat 5 centimeters thick on its belly, protecting it from the freezing wind at the most low temperatures. The body is elongated, flexible, the head is round, the legs are short, a long tail. The ears are very short, as it lives in cold areas. The Amur tiger distinguishes colors. At night he sees five times better than a human. Since 1998, the federal target program “Conservation of the Amur Tiger”, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, has been implemented. Listed in the Red Book of Russia. There are three Amur tigers living in the zoo: Rigma, Volya and Velvet. Order Carnivora - Cornivora Family Felidae

The topic we chose for our presentation this year is not new, but it always remains very relevant. Its relevance is primarily due to the fact that the nature of the Far East, the Khabarovsk Territory, is unique, it is loved and admired. We studied the literature on the research topic and found out which animals and birds are rare. We realized that if no one does anything to protect and defend such animals and birds, and to protect nature in general, then such birds and animals may disappear completely. What can we do for such animals? Firstly, tell your friends, comrades, adults about them - convince them not to kill them and do everything in our power to preserve their habitat. Secondly, many animals die because they have nowhere to live - Forest fires They destroy the habitats of animals, so it is necessary to protect the forest. Thirdly, you can write to newspapers and magazines about nature so that those around you do not remain indifferent. We all must remember that it takes a lot of time to eliminate the consequences of damage to nature and wildlife. Conclusion

List of used literature Reserves of the Far East. V.E. Sokolova. Protection and use of wildlife in the Khabarovsk Territory. Roman Shchukin.