10 most unique phenomena nature, which are included in the top this list, represent ten remarkable wonders created by nature, biology, physics, chemistry and other fields. You can personally see and experience all these wonders. To do this, you just need to go to a specific area of ​​our beautiful planet called Earth.

Present in our world great amount miracles created in natural natural conditions, some of which can cause an ocean positive emotions and admiration. 10 natural phenomena and phenomena distributed throughout the world create an unsurpassed atmosphere, immersed in which a person experiences great pleasure from the world around him.

(10 photos of natural phenomena and phenomena + video)

One of the most exciting and unique natural phenomena that can be observed near the North and South Poles (around the Arctic and Antarctic Circle) is the Northern Lights. It arises from charged atoms and particles in the upper atmosphere, which predominantly arise in these areas of the Earth. To put it simply, this phenomenon occurs when the solar wind comes into contact with the Earth's magnetic field. Undoubtedly, one of the best places to observe this wonderful phenomenon is Lapland (Northern Finland). At this point you will encounter wildlife, uninhabited areas in which clear, transparent skies, devoid of city lighting, air pollution and telecommunications signals, create unique conditions for observing this natural phenomenon. Aurora Borealis is a romantic wonder because it is born on high altitude and represents multi-colored (yellow, green, blue, red and purple) rivers flowing among countless stars.

If you want to immerse yourself in the world of illusions and dreams, and feel a sense of inspiration, tubular clouds of unusual shape will help you with this. The unique shape of these clouds is somewhat like huge tubes with different shades (from white to darker). The color of such clouds depends on their thickness. Tube clouds can be seen in many places where thunderstorms begin to form. Their indescribable beauty is especially noticeable at sunset, when they are formed into groups of balls with a smooth structure.

The most beautiful creature on Earth is definitely the Monarch butterfly. They can only evoke feelings of love and admiration. These butterflies will show you the vibrant interweaving of black and orange flowers. They are most often found in Mexico, the USA and Melanesia (north-eastern Australia). The best place to see Monarch butterflies is the United States during their migration from Canada to Mexico and back. While walking through California parks, you may witness tree leaves and branches turning black and orange as they are completely covered in Monarch butterflies.

Have you ever observed strange formations of snow and ice that look like pillars up to 2 meters high? These amazing pillars are called penitentes. They can be observed in the area of ​​the most high places(up to 4,000 meters high) of the central Andes in the area between Argentina and Chile. You can see these wonderful natural phenomena while hiking in the mountains. Excursions of this kind will help you learn more and explore for yourself a unique phenomenon of the Andes - penitentes.

IN national park Called “Death Valley” in California, you can observe such a natural phenomenon as moving stones. In this park, among an unusual mountain landscape, you can see one of the most mystical and picturesque dry lakes, Racetrack Playa. The main feature of this lake is the stones moving along its dry bottom. Traces of stones are clearly visible on the desert surface. This phenomenon is one of the geological mysteries, which, according to scientists, is created by winds and other natural factors. If you managed to visit this unusual place surrounded by dramatic mountain peaks with shapeless clouds floating above, you can count yourself truly lucky.

An equally striking phenomenon are the Supercell clouds. These thunderclouds can appear almost anywhere where it is present humid climate characterized by frequent thunderstorms. Some of the most famous places Supercloud sightings are in the central US, part of Tornado Alley. The plains of Nebraska and Dakota allow you to fully appreciate this natural phenomenon. The natural change in daylight will mesmerize you as you watch the Supercells at sunset. Pay attention to the selection beautiful photos, in which it is revealed amazing world these clouds.

The most beautiful and elegant fire phenomenon, which is created with the help of vertical vortices, is a fire tornado. However, one should not forget that Amazing beauty This natural phenomenon is simultaneously fraught with danger and destruction. This natural phenomenon can be observed in a fire or a burning forest, where a tornado is born, the wind speed of which is over 160 kilometers per hour. This is enough a rare event, which is both magnificent and tragic. Fire tornado is a landmark for photographers and extreme sports enthusiasts.

The natural phenomenon of sandstorms is quite common in some areas of the Earth. Sandstorms are created using strong winds and storms that predominate in dusty, arid climates. During such storms, sand particles are picked up by strong winds, which accelerate their movement in the atmosphere. Some of the most famous places where you can observe such natural phenomena are situated in northern Africa(Sahara Desert), as well as deserts in Asia. Without exaggeration, this phenomenon can be called surprising. However, fierce storms are quite dangerous because small particles of sand penetrate almost everywhere. There is no more inspiring landscape than watching sandstorms in the area of ​​the Great Pyramids of Egypt.

A natural phenomenon, a rainbow can give everyone colorful emotions. Rainbows are one of the most common natural phenomena, which can consist of both small arcs with thin multi-colored layers, and huge arcs stretching for hundreds of kilometers. The double-arch rainbow is a majestic yet inspiring optical illusion. This natural phenomenon occurs due to small tiny particles of water and the rays of the sun and is most often observed after rain, when water evaporates under the bright rays of the sun. Most often, this natural phenomenon can be observed in the area of ​​water basins - lakes, rivers and other bodies of water.

Here are the most interesting natural phenomena that surprise, amaze, impress and are remembered for a lifetime.

Fire Rainbow

The term "fire rainbow" is a bit misleading; correct term- round-horizontal arc. This is a rare optical effect in the atmosphere, which manifests itself in the appearance of a horizontal rainbow against the background of light cirrus clouds. That is, the rainbow with its own bright colors colors patches of clouds - an unreal sight! By the way, the phenomenon is not as rare as you might think, although it does not appear everywhere - it all depends on the latitude. In the USA, for example, such a miracle can be seen several times during the summer, and every year in the same place, but in Central and Northern Europe such a rainbow is an infrequent visitor.


This is a funnel-shaped vortex of air and water, which is very similar to a regular tornado, but it forms only over the surface of a large body of water. Most often, this phenomenon occurs in tropical latitudes and, unlike an ordinary tornado, a waterspout swirls for no more than half an hour, the funnel is smaller in diameter, and the rotation speed is two to three times lower. Sometimes similar high tornadoes, “resting” on cumulus clouds, form on the western coast of Europe and in some areas of the Mediterranean. Moreover, such water tornadoes can form not only over seas and bays - sometimes they can be seen over lakes and rivers. For example, cases of waterspouts were recorded over the Great Lakes, as well as over the Volga in 2010.

Moving stones

Unique natural phenomenon, an unsolved mystery. Sliding stones weighing up to several hundred kilograms were discovered on the dried-up Racetrack Playa lake in Death Valley in the United States. And these stones... move, leaving traces up to several tens of meters long and up to 30 cm wide. Who moves the cobblestones? One theory is that when it rains over the desert heavy rains, the water flows down the dolomite hills surrounding the lake, filling the lake. But because high temperatures(and Death Valley is one of the hottest places on the planet), the water quickly evaporates, leaving a layer of soft and sticky mud at the bottom. That is, strong winds move stones at precisely this time, over a thin layer of mud, which acts as a lubricant. However, it was later proven that some stones move and some do not. Moreover, those that move sometimes disperse in different directions– this makes the wind theory not entirely suitable. In addition, the stones are too heavy to be moved air masses. Latest Research proved that a layer of ice locally grows around each boulder on cold nights, and streams of rainwater turn the stones from side to side, slowly moving them.

Morning Glory

It's rare meteorological phenomenon, a type of cloud that forms most often over the Gulf of Carpentaria in northern Australia. This phenomenon is best observed from Burketown from September to mid-November. Clouds resembling long pipes can stretch 1000 kilometers in length, most often 100-200 meters above the ground. This phenomenon is very dangerous for air transport.

Earthquake lights

This is an unusual light phenomenon that occurs in the sky over areas of tectonic stress, seismic activity or volcanic eruptions. Moreover, very for a long time these lights were something of a local tale until they were captured on film during the 1965 Japan earthquake. There are at least three theories for the appearance of such white, blue or purple tints in the sky.


Otherwise known as a supercell thunderstorm, this phenomenon is a continuously rotating updraft that can last for several hours. It can bring hail, rain and winds, and sometimes even tornadoes. Supercells can form anywhere in the world, but they are more common in the Great Plains region of the United States.

Columnar basalts

As lava flows cool, they often shrink and crack perpendicular to the direction of the flow, forming a series of pillars. One of the most famous examples– Giant’s Causeway, in the northeast Northern Ireland, although the largest example is Devils Tower in the state of Wyoming, in the USA: the monolith with a relative height of 386 meters even appears in Steven Spielberg’s film “Close Encounters of the Third Kind”.

Ice circles

Scientists believe that these smooth circles are formed as a result of the rotation of a large piece of ice. As a result, the other pieces of ice are distributed relatively evenly around the edges - creating a perfect circle. Ice circles with diameters of more than 150 meters are found in nature.


These ice formations are sometimes also called “penitent snows” or “penitent monks.” Calgaspores are ice blades that stick out at an acute angle, most often in the mountains and can reach 30 meters in height. These ice needles are formed as a result of cyclic thawing and freezing of water in conditions low temperatures. For climbers, such natural phenomena are a difficult obstacle, although on the other hand, small calgaspores can even make movement easier, because they form something like steps.

Nature is amazing and multifaceted. Some of its phenomena are not amenable to any scientific theories and explanations. A person can only admire what he sees.

Northern lights

The Northern Lights are an unusual glow that is formed due to the interaction of the upper layers of the atmosphere with charged particles from the sun. The higher its activity, the greater the likelihood of radiance. An amazing sight can only be observed at high latitudes, near the poles. The duration of the northern lights is from two to three hours to several days.

Falling stars

At night, in clear weather, you can often observe luminous points moving quickly across the sky. And although they are called shooting stars, they are just small rocks, particles of matter. A bright flash occurs as they invade earth's atmosphere. At certain periods of the year, meteors fall in a continuous stream. This phenomenon is called “star rain”.

Ball lightning

One of the most mysterious natural phenomena. Such lightning has the shape of a ball, but sometimes its outline can resemble a pear, a drop or a mushroom. The color is most often warm shades - orange, yellow, red, but can be black or transparent. The dimensions of ball lightning also vary over a fairly wide range - from 5-6 cm to several meters. Ball lightning is characterized by unpredictable behavior and short duration of action - usually only a few seconds.


Halo is a common phenomenon. A circle of light around the sun in mid-latitudes can occur once every few days. The appearance of a halo, unlike many other unusual phenomena, has a scientific explanation. The circle of light is formed as a result of the refraction of the sun's rays in ice crystals contained in the clouds. In addition to luminous circles, “false suns” may appear on either side of the sun.

Mother of pearl clouds

Mother of pearl clouds are an extremely rare phenomenon. They are formed at an altitude of 15 -25 km in the cold parts of the stratosphere. These thin transparent clouds, painted in pearlescent colors, cannot be confused with anything else. They can be observed in northern countries either immediately after sunset or before sunrise.

Lenticular clouds

These clouds are often shaped like a flying saucer. They look like a biconvex lens. Often formed before a hurricane. Scientists believe that unusual shape clouds are explained by ice crystals that form under the influence external factors(for example, emissions from a passing aircraft).

Fish and frog rains

Precipitation from living creatures is not such a rare occurrence. In ancient times it was explained simply - as a gift or punishment from the gods. Modern scientists tend to see the reason in tornadoes or tornadoes, which first lift living creatures into the air and then transport them over long distances. But it is not clear why frogs and fish fall in a strictly limited area.

This is how a person is designed, that he always tries to find logical explanation any unusual phenomena. In ancient times, every manifestation of nature was often attributed divine origin and thus people found an explanation for everything that science could not explain. Sometimes it even reached the point of absurdity - sacrifices were made to fictitious gods to cause rain, and anyone who tried to explain the phenomenon from a scientific point of view risked being burned at the stake.

It would seem that today science has stepped beyond the horizon of the possible, providing answers to questions of many millennia, but this is not entirely true. The more answers appear, the more new questions arise. Moreover, even some phenomena that have been studied for a long time still cause surprise and inspire fear of the power and unknown nature of nature.

The fantastic term, coined by the king of horror Stephen King, has become the definition of a phenomenon inexplicable by science - spontaneous human combustion. Evidence of similar cases, when a person suddenly caught fire and turned into a handful of ashes in a matter of minutes, was mentioned in ancient times. In the old days, paranormal phenomena were called devil fire. It was believed that this happens to a person who has entered into an agreement with the prince of darkness and violated it. Later, in the 16th century, another version appeared that explained what was happening, and the cause was attributed to alcohol allegedly accumulating in the body.

Most scientists rejected the phenomenon itself and considered it a falsification until the incidents began to be officially recorded in police reports in the 18th century. The most amazing thing is that the fire occurred without external source fire, and when burned, bodies, clothing and flammable surrounding objects remained without much damage from the flame.

In Russia, only one recorded case of pyrokinesis occurred in 1990 on the border of the Saratov and Volgograd regions. The shepherd, sitting down to rest on an armful of hay, suddenly burned alive, but his clothes and even dry grass remained intact.

While science cannot explain the unusual phenomenon, the alcohol version has been refuted. The most plausible assumption is the hypothesis of accumulation of acetone in the body as a result of ketosis. The main reason for the breakdown of fat cells into ketones, one of which is acetone, is a lack of glucose, which often occurs with diets and depressive states. However, even this version assumes the presence of an external ignition source. According to scientists, such a source could be a static voltage discharge.

There are many more versions associated with other little-studied phenomena, but they have no scientific basis and are subject to harsh criticism. For example, the impact on humans of geomagnetic waves, fictitious subatomic particles - pyrotons, or still inexplicable ball lightning.

A rare phenomenon in the form of a luminous formation floating in the air was not found scientific explanation, recognized in the scientific community. The study of ball lightning is complicated by its spontaneity and is based only on eyewitness accounts. There are also photographs and videos that were taken by random witnesses at a great distance using low-quality photographic equipment (cameras) mobile phones), which does not give scientists an accurate idea of ​​the nature of the phenomenon.

The glowing ball has floating borders and can be different sizes. In some cases the ball has a tail, and in others it does not. The appearance and disappearance of the ball is also of a different nature. Sometimes it descends from the sky, flies into the open window of the room, and sometimes it suddenly appears out of nowhere and disappears into nowhere. The trajectory of movement also raises many questions to which there are no answers yet. It is unclear what caused the sudden change in the direction and speed of the ball, what does it react to? It is only known that computer equipment and communication devices located in close proximity freeze or fail.

Usually witnesses who happened to observe ball lightning from close range, experienced strong fear, so they could not adequately assess the situation and pay attention to details. As a result, all the evidence does not give researchers a complete picture of the unusual phenomenon, and some of the evidence generally raises doubts about its reliability.

Simultaneously in two places

This seems impossible, but it is a fact. In addition to what we see and what we know about, there is a microworld, and the science that studies it is called quantum mechanics. Surely many have heard about Jung’s famous experiment, which was even demonstrated in physics lessons. Light from one source was passed through two diffraction slits. As a result, a diffraction grating appeared on the screen. Nothing unusual, because the phenomenon of diffraction and interference has long been studied. But how surprised the scientists were when they repeated this experiment with electrons.

Presumably, the flow of electrons, having passed through two slits, should have left two stripes on the screen, but no - interference occurred. This led to the discovery that electrons can behave like waves. What happened next was even more interesting: electrons began to shoot out one at a time. It would seem that one particle should pass through only one slit and leave one point on the photosensitive screen. Here the researchers were in for a real shock: the electron seemed to split into two and pass through two slits at the same time, and then colliding with itself led to interference. How is this even possible? And scientists, deciding to find out the nature of what was happening, installed instruments that recorded the particle before the slits and after.

The attempt to “peek” at the behavior of the electron became the main secret, for which there is still no answer. When the devices were turned on, the electron began to behave like a particle, passing through one slit, as originally intended. When they stopped “snooping”, interference occurred. It seemed that the electron knew that it was being watched and simply did not want to reveal its secret to humanity.

The first assumption was the theory that the particle was influenced by the instruments with which it was recorded, and in order to refute this version, the experiment was repeated, but with some additions. The experiment was repeated many times with “peeping”. In this case, the results of instruments and screens wrapped in paper were not examined immediately, but were sealed in envelopes. After this, the envelopes were mixed and divided into two equal piles. The envelopes of one of the stacks were opened and the instrument readings were destroyed without looking, while the other stack was left as is.

After studying the results, the scientists were in Once again stunned. In the first stack, where the instrument data was destroyed, there was interference on all screens, but in the second there was no interference. How did the electron, being in two places at the same time, “know” that it was precisely these results of the instruments that a person would destroy and not see? Until now, science is silent, and the experiment remains a mystery.

This may not sound very scientific, but the most unusual, although quite logical, version was put forward by bloggers. In their theory they were based on the principle of operation computer games, where, in order to reduce the load on the hardware, the machine reproduces only that part of the location that the gamer is looking at. They admitted that everything in this world does not happen as we assume and see, and everything that we observe is just a created interpretation intended for human perception. We create virtual worlds, but where is the guarantee that our world is not virtual, not created by someone or ourselves.

Glow of Saint Elmo

For the first time, sailors began to notice an unusual phenomenon when flickering lights in the form of bunches or tassels appeared on the tops of the masts. In those days, the coronal glow was explained as a good sign sent by Saint Elmo, the patron saint of sailors in Catholicism. This is where the name of the phenomenon comes from. In fact, the phenomenon most likely foreshadowed a thunderstorm, and its appearance on the sharp ends of objects arose due to the high electric field strength in the atmosphere.

IN modern world Elmo lights were often observed on the wings of aircraft approaching a thunderstorm front. The phenomenon also occurred high in the mountains, when climbers' hair stood on end and lights began to flicker. The glow itself is not dangerous. In addition, it can be observed at home. To do this, you need to take a synthetic sweater that you just took off in one hand, and in the other - sewing needle. Going into dark room, the needle should be slowly brought to the sweater. As a result, at a certain distance, a short-term coronary flicker will begin to appear at the tip of the needle.

Behind this romantic name lies deadly danger, in which a person does not try to save himself, but, on the contrary, takes his own life. The unusual phenomenon was first noticed by workers at marine hydrometeorological stations. Many of them noticed that in close proximity to an unmanned weather balloon strong headache. Academician Shuleikin began studying the phenomenon and, after conducting a series of experiments, published a work in 1935 devoted to the essence of the origin of this phenomenon.

The reason turned out to be not the probe at all, but the “voice of the sea.” This is the name given to infrasonic waves, inaudible to the human ear. Sound vibrations were characterized by a frequency from 0.1 to 7 Hz and a sound pressure of 75-85 dB. The lack of coherence indicated a significant extent of the source. As a result, it was found that the sound comes from the formation of vortices behind the wave crests when exposed to strong winds.

Later, Academician A. Krylov joined the research, who noted that when the voice of the sea appears, all birds leave the sound propagation zone, and jellyfish abruptly go deeper. US scientists began studying the sea voice in earnest in 1939 and found that sound vibrations of this frequency cause a person to feel anxiety, fear and unbearable headaches.

After being studied, the unusual phenomenon was allegedly considered the cause of unexplained incidents that occurred from time to time on sea ​​vessels. For example, in 2003 in Pacific Ocean near o. An Indonesian-flagged cargo ship was discovered drifting in Norfolk. When the Australian border guards boarded the ship, they did not find a single crew member, although the ship itself was fully operational, and there were plenty of water and food supplies. In 2007, the situation repeated itself with a sailing catamaran. There were also no people on the ship, all electronics, radio and on-board computer were working, but what struck the police most were the plates of food on the table. Such cases are not uncommon, and according to statistics, every year hundreds of sailors voluntarily commit suicide at sea, and sometimes the suicides are collective.

So far, the involvement of the “voice of the sea” in such cases is only an assumption. There's still a lot left open questions, since in most incidents on board no traces of panic were found, as if the sailors, turning into “zombies”, were simply thrown overboard on command.

Today there are still many unexplored and logical phenomena in the world - Bermuda Triangle, connecting rod waves, Dyatlov Pass and other phenomena. Perhaps in the future some of them will be able to be solved by science, and some will remain a secret forever. And maybe this is for the better, because once you open Pandora’s box, the consequences will become irreversible.

It's hard to believe, but there are natural phenomena that scientists still cannot explain. Such as balls of electricity appearing in the sky, or the random movement of rocks without the help of man or animal. Will we ever be able to find out the answers to these mysterious questions? May be! But now, these 25 unusual natural phenomena remain a mystery to science.

Solar corona

Millions of kilometers in space belong to the corona, which acts as an aura of plasma and surrounds the Sun. This is something that scientists cannot explain. And why does the solar corona have high temperature than the visible surface of the Sun. While average temperature The surface of the Sun is about 5800 Kelvin, the corona reaches a burning temperature of one to three million Kelvin.

Animal migration

Animal migration occurs in almost all large groups animals, including birds, mammals, fish, reptiles and insects. Scientists are puzzled by the fact how these animals dare to make such amazing journeys without going astray? There have been many theories about this natural phenomenon, but the real reason remains unknown.

Sound anomalies or abnormal sound phenomena in nature

There are several locations known for humming, a phenomenon described as a persistent and invasive low-frequency hum, rumbling, noise, or buzzing sound from an unknown source. The one in Taos, New Mexico is probably the most famous. Even more puzzling is the fact that only 2% of local residents Taos can hear him. Regardless of the origin of the strange sound, it is extremely disturbing to those who can hear it.

Jellyfish have disappeared from Jellyfish Lake

Located on the island of Eil Malk in Palau, Jellyfish Lake is a marine lake that connects to the ocean through a network of cracks and tunnels. Every day millions of jellyfish migrate through the lake, and between 1998 and 2000, all golden jellyfish disappeared from the lake. There are many theories regarding this phenomenon, but scientists are still not sure of the exact cause.

Ice circles

Also known as ice discs, ice rims are a very rare natural phenomenon that occurs in slow-moving waters at freezing temperatures. Scientists don't know exactly how ice circles form, but they are believed to form in vortex flows where plates rotate thin ice and gradually freeze together. The diameter of the circles can vary greatly from a few centimeters to 15 meters or more.

Big Foot

For decades, people have been observing the large, human-shaped, hairy creature known as the Yeti or Bigfoot. While the vast majority of scientists are skeptical of its existence, there are a few experts who believe that Bigfoot does exist. Supporters speculate that this could be a relict population of Gigantopithecus, a giant ape that lived 9 million years ago.

Hurricane on Saturn

In 2013, a huge hurricane was spotted on Saturn by NASA spacecraft orbiting the planet. The eye of the storm was about 2,000 kilometers in diameter and crossed the clouds at a speed of 530 km per hour. On Earth, hurricanes are fueled by warm oceans, but on Saturn there are no oceans that could create such a giant storm.

Monarch Butterfly Migration

We've already talked about the miraculous migrations of animals, but there is one animal whose annual migration is especially impressive. The monarch butterfly only lives for half a year, which means that the butterflies that return are the children of those who made the first migration. Having never migrated, how can they know where to go? Researchers have proposed many theories, and a team of researchers has identified the butterfly's antenna as a vital body part for successful migration. However, the accuracy of this theory remains to be determined.

Rain of animals

There have been several recorded in history strange cases, animals falling from the sky. For example, in the summer of 2000 in Ethiopia, it rained millions of fish, some of them dead and others still struggling to move. Most of this "animal" rain occurs during tornadoes or other types of strong storms, capable of lifting and carrying objects and water, but there is one amazing fact- usually the rains come from one type of animal. It could only be raining herring or special type frogs.

Naga fireballs

Like ball lightning, Naga fireballs are an unusual natural phenomenon. They have been unconfirmedly seen on the Mekong River in Thailand and Laos, where glowing reddish orbs are supposedly rising from the water. There have been several attempts to scientifically explain Naga fireballs, but so far, there is no definitive explanation for this phenomenon.

Silence zone

Mapimi "Zone of Silence" refers to a desert patch in Durango, Mexico, and is extremely quiet place where they take place strange phenomena. In 1970, a test rocket launched from a US military base near Green River, Utah lost control and fell in this area. Parts of the booster used for the Apollo project also disintegrated and landed in the same area, as well as the world's largest carbonaceous chondrites. Or maybe this is a coincidence?

Flashes of light during an earthquake

For centuries, people have observed strange, mostly white or bluish flashes that precede major earthquakes. The lights typically lasted only a few seconds. The first photographs of this phenomenon were recorded after the 1960s. Since then, scientists have begun to take this phenomenon seriously and have created many theories about the origin of light flashes, involving piezoelectricity, frictional heating and electrokinetics.

Volcanic light

Scientists have discovered that similar volcanic light is observed before an earthquake and occurs in areas where a large volcanic eruption is about to occur. Recent research shows that light can be caused by elements that awaken natural electric charge rocks, making them sparkle and glow.

Moon illusion

We have all noticed that when the Moon is on the horizon, it appears much larger than when it is high in the sky. But try doing a small experiment (with a coin, for example) at arm's length with one with one eye closed, place it next to a high moon, and then with a large moon on the horizon, and you will see that the size of the moon relative to the coin will be the same in both cases.

Synchronized flashing of fireflies

Living in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, synchronous fireflies are the only fireflies in America that can synchronize their blinking. Fireflies glow synchronously for several weeks each year, but the reason for this behavior remains unknown.

Cat purring

Did you know that a cat's purr is one of the most mysterious sounds in the animal kingdom? Scientists study not only the origin of sound, but also its causes. Cats often purr when being petted or resting, but they also purr while eating and sometimes even while giving birth. Thus, the main reason why cats purr remains unknown.

Singing humpback whales

Male humpback whales can produce long and very complex "sounds" that were once thought to be necessary to attract females, but research has shown that the sound often attracts other males. In addition, individuals can recognize each other's songs and spread them to other populations. So the singing of humpback whales remains a mystery.

Emergence of the Universe

In the modern world, theory Big Bang is the prevailing cosmological model of the birth of the Universe. She states that about 14 billion years ago, all of space was contained in a single point from which the universe emerged. However, the theory does not provide any explanation of the initial conditions of the universe - it only describes and explains general evolution The universe that began from this moment. But what existed before this? We do not know.

Bermuda Triangle

If there is a place known for the occurrence of mysterious phenomena and strange events that scientists cannot figure out, it is the Bermuda Triangle. In this region in the western part North Atlantic, a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared during mysterious circumstances. Scientists tend to attribute disappearances to several coincidences, such as terrible weather, ocean currents, human error, and even methane bubbles.

Loch Ness monster

The Loch Ness Monster is a mystery somewhat similar to Bigfoot. There have been many sightings of the creature, but most of them have been found to be false. However, there is some speculation that the Scottish loch may be home to a relict plesiosaur, an extinct marine reptile believed to have died around 66 million years ago. Plesiosaurs were once abundant in what is now Britain, but the likelihood of some surviving in secret is close to zero.

Witch circles

Found in the arid grasslands of western South Africa, witch circles are circular patches of barren land. Usually found with monospecific herbaceous vegetation, the circles vary in diameter from 2 to 15 m. The origin and history of fairy circles has long been a puzzle and even today, scientists do not know exactly how they appeared. One favorite assumption is that termites are responsible for the circles, but the area of ​​the phenomenon is much wider than that of termites.

Moving stones

Also known as sliding or creeping stones, they are referred to as amazing geological phenomenon, in which stones move and create long paths along a smooth valley without human or animal intervention. There have even been cases where stones have flipped over, turning sides and changing direction. The origin of this phenomenon is uncertain, but scientists speculate that the movement may be caused by strong wind which pushes the stone across a thin layer of clay.

Whales are broke

Every year, up to 2,000 whales wash up on beaches, and in most cases die. It is also known that they have been using this strange method of "suicide" for at least thousands of years. Numerous theories have been proposed as to why they do this, but none have been convincing enough to be true.

Ball lightning

Ball lightning is probably the best known unexplained electrical phenomenon. The term refers to glowing, spherical objects that range in diameter from a pea to several meters. Ball lightning is commonly associated with thunderstorms, but lasts significantly longer than regular lightning. The phenomenon has been the subject of research since 1834, the English physician and researcher William Snow Harris introduced the concept into scientific field, but even now there is no generally accepted explanation for ball lightning.

Lights of Hessdalen Valley

Since the 1940s or even earlier, a strange light has been recorded in the Hessdalen Valley, Norway. This is a natural phenomenon of white or yellow color and is of unknown origin. Between 1981 and 1984, the lights were observed up to 20 times a week, but since then, activity has decreased and the lights are now observed about 10-20 times a year. Despite ongoing research and numerous working hypotheses, there is no convincing explanation for the origin of these lights.

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