Negative emotions always seem to shout on you, and positive emotions are more like a whisper. This creates that the most asymmetry between positive and negative, inclining our attention more to the negative (and in some cases leads to a complete inability to experience positive emotions). And this is not an individual feature, so the human brain is arranged: all the negative sounds louder for us, warning about danger. This secret is well-known media: the fastest, reliable and, most importantly, a cheap way to attract our attention is a spark of fear (after all, all our "fearless" ancestors extorted, and without evolving, is not it?).

Good news, friends!

"Friendship" with 10 positive emotions will help you to cope with negative!

Barbara Lee Frederson

Of the man I consider my guide to positive psychology, name is Barbara Lee Fredrickson (Barbara. LEE Fredrickson.), she is the head of the laboratory of positive emotions and psychophysiology, president of the International Association of Positive Psychology. This outstanding woman stood at the origins of the study of positive emotions and remember the time when these studies considered meaningless, as well as the positive emotions themselves and their importance in human life. In his lectures on the varieties of positive emotions, Dr. Frederson deliberately forbid the word "happiness"Since it is because of too frequent use, it has a rather generalized value and does not transmit all possible emotional overflows.

  1. Joy. This feeling, when something really is well addressed for you, maybe even better than expected. We estimate the situation and the world as a safe, familiar and all the time improving. The feeling of joy causes the need to be playful. But it is during the game that we are learning. So, in case of a sense of joy, the acquisition of skills is most often.
  2. Thanks. This is a calmer emotion that is more connected with society. She is perceived not just like something good, what happened to you, but as if someone deliberately came down from his way to make this good deed for you. We feel it as an altruistic gift that we want to somehow compensate. Therefore, gratitude leads to distance (at the same time, to the search for the creative way of return), and the result of gratitude is social connections and skill of intimacy and love. A characteristic feature of gratitude, in its normal flow, is the duration and cyclicity of this feeling, when the exchange of good actions continues between people.
  3. Calm. It feels like the fact that your current circumstances in life are so correct that you want to extend this feeling. Many believe that calm leads to passivity and laziness. Yes, the condition of serenity is accompanied by a sense of security, confidence and low activity, but the main advantage of this feeling is the ability to enjoy, make a moment and integrate experience in yourself. The result of a feeling of calm is the change of their I, worldview and alignment of life priorities.
  4. Interest. Yes, few people consider interest in positive emotions, and even to emotions in general. But this is his rightful place. You feel that people around you, items, circumstances are safe, but they have a novelty element, something that you still do not know something mysterious. So interest provokes research activities and the result of this emotion is new knowledge and fullness of energy.
  5. Hope. Unique positive emotion, which is born in circumstances that cannot be called positive. You feel that the following emotion may be despair; This is the fear of the worst and desire for the better, which contributes to the development of our ingenuity, increases sustainability during and in difficult times.
  6. Pride. Already I hear the dissatisfied grumbling ... in no case can be confused with pride and indispensable! Pride is always associated with socially significant achievements. This is not just what you did well, but this is something good, which is valued in your culture, which unites people. You can be proud of your actions, as well as actions of members of your family, friends, colleagues, fellow citizens. This is not boasting. This feeling that inspires you and makes you dream about great. So the result of pride is new achievements (and new reasons for pride).
  7. Fun. Is a pleasure begun not from fun? It is associated with frivolousness, easy social inappropriateness. Your misses leads not to self-vaccination and condemnation, but to joint fun, laughter, strengthening connections. Exodus of fun is not so insignificant - this is the creation of friendly connections, the development of creativity. Agree, the sake of this can afford to make a little nonsense!
  8. Inspiration. This emotion wakes up in us when contacting with human perfection. At the same time, the emotion of inspiration is more related to interpretation: when you see that people know how to do something very well, talented, you tell yourself "that's great! I would like to be like this man, do the same! ". That is, this is a kind of combination of desire for their own perfection and the ability to see and positively assess the superiority of another person. What makes inspiration? Of course, to acquire new skills, creativity and the development of own morality.
  9. Awe. This emotion looks like inspiration, but it is more personal. You feel silent by the greatness, feel tiny compared to the incredible what happens next to you. The reverence opens your heart and mind to perceive the new and the result of this emotion is the feeling of a part of the Great whole.
  10. Love. This is one of the most positive emotions. Its feature is that it accumulates all other positive emotions: this is joy, and serenity, and gratitude, and inspiration, and pride for a loved one, etc. But this is also not an individual experience - this is a joint experience of two people. A positive sense of routine, which allows and dreaming, and explore, and enjoy, and play. Love gives a feeling of solid connection, trust, generality and health in general.

And at the end of another couple of words about asymmetry between positive and negative: bad more good, as negative emotions should shout to save us life. Therefore, we often notice the negative than positive. But: actually positive events are more frequent than negative! In confirmation there is respectable scientific data. There is a lot of good in our lives. But whether we allow positive events to turn into positive emotions - this is the question of choosing and upbringing in the family. But, you want to or no, you all the time feel these soft positive emotions throughout the day, although most often we call them medium or neutral. Neutral emotions are positive emotions that we do not recognize or are not aware of this minute. And if you recognize them, start noting them - you will strengthen them and give them a field for their magic inner work!

I have already affected the topic of the importance of energy in our life. Especially in the mini-book "". Today I would like to talk about it more deeply.

I tried to describe the maximum energy sources and techniques for quickly obtaining it.

Of course, we will go without artificial energy (coffee, sweet, energy drinks, alcohol, drugs, etc.) that cause more harm than good.

1. Positive emotions

Positive emotions are a very important source of energy. Here you can get its limitless reserves. Everything that we like and brings joy to our lives - gives us a good charge of energy.

Do what you like. Make your favorite business source and keep them all.

Laughter is perfectly charged us. We joke more, come to life with a smile, having fun as a child.

Rejoice in life and changes in it, surprise its versatility and thoughtfulness, enjoy every moment.

Life is a great gift that is given to man. Thank the universe for this gift.

Communicate with pleasant people. And also with those who have already achieved that you are striving for.

Listen to the vigorous music that makes you go to dance. And let's go to the dance. It will bring even more joy.

Do you regularly have sex. If a person is not satisfied in this regard, he spends a lot of energy for the desire to resolve this scope of life. Sex takes the energy short-term, but even more gives it in general.

Technique "Downtrend Fun". You just start running, jump, scream, laugh. Out of the blue. Get the injection of positive emotions and energy.

Technique "Curve Mirror". Just come to the mirror and begin to curry, build yourself scary and funny face, laugh, smile to ears. It is at the same time warm-up for the face muscles and an excellent positive charge.

Application "Gratitude". Think about what you live and you can feel the world around you. About what was in your life of good. Thank the world and the people who surround you, for this invaluable gift. Immediately feel perfectly.

2. Physical Loads

In a healthy body healthy mind. Is not it? Do your body and be sure to feel the tide of energy.

Pleasant fatigue after a workout indicates an increase in your potential. And gives you positive emotions that we talked earlier. During sports, we spend a small charge of energy to get significantly more in the perspective.

Do charging sutra. Mind, perform a number of exercise, make a stretch. Run in the mornings of a coward if it allows circumstances.

Also make the workout during the day. If you work at a computer, get up several times a day and walk, drink water, pull the muscles, you can make a pair of exercises.

We walk more on foot and climb the desired floor on the stairs. Why not walk a couple of stops on foot instead of trash in public transport.

Take the yoga, sign up in the gym, do some kind of sports discipline (for example, gymnastics).

Take care of martial arts (for guys) or dancing (for girls). It is not only useful, but also interesting and carries a huge amount of positive. Constantly practice this and develop your body.

Sleep correctly. Lower early and get up with dawn. Be sure to pour. After waking up, we must feel the tide of strength, and not a break.

Technique "Heat". Quickly and energetically massage the muscles of the hands, legs, chest, neck. Expand the blood on the body. Massive the face, head, sort the ears. And blood arrogantly to the head. This simple technique provides a sharp tide of strength.

3. Clean

The feeling of cleanliness also carries a certain energy. You feel fresh and ready for action.

Be sure to take sutra shower. Preferably with washcloth. So you clean your body from crumbling skin and dirt, open the pores, allow the body to breathe. So it is to get energy directly from the air.

Pouring with cold water or the contrasting souls will give you energy more several times more. Provocating this small stress, you order your body and build up its potential. And of course charging energy. Blood sticks to the skin.

Also take a shower before bedtime (it will improve your sleep) and during the day after loads and walks (this will allow you to enter the usual rhythm of life).

It is also useful sometimes to pass more intensive cleansing procedures. For example, walk once a week in the bath. And carefully attacked, jump into the pool with cold water.

Equipment "refreshment". It is always great. It is not necessary to take a soul of sutra. Do it when you want to recharge the batteries. It is desirable cold or contrasting shower.

To be continued…

It is only 3 of those 12 sources of energy that I wrote on a sheet of paper today. And it means there will be many more interesting and useful blog. To get the best materials, subscribe to and newsletter

In order to raise yourself the mood and get positive emotions, sometimes it is enough to do something pleasant for yourself or other people. And it is not necessary to spend a lot of effort and time on it. Even the usual smile of an unfamiliar person can improve the mood and give a positive attitude. Here are some tips, with which you can easily get positive emotions.

1. Bouquet of fresh colors

A bouquet of fresh colors can be decorated at home, bookcase or window sill in the bedroom. Inhalation of a pleasant fragrance and admiring the beauty of the flower bouquet will easily improve the mood, remove stress, will give positive emotions, they will feel the light inside. This is a very affordable and pleasant way to recharge your positive energy. Even just a campaign itself in a flower shop or a garden with blooming plants can bring a lot of pleasant sensations.

Tie a scarf or make something with your own hands for loved ones, to compose verse for a friend, treat colleagues with sweets, help the elderly man go to the street or give children balloons - such little things easily raise the mood to others, and it will be warmer on the soul. It is advisable to try to make at least one good deed every day. And it is not so important which scale it will be. The main thing is that people have benefited and joy.

3. Jumping exercises

Daily exercises have a beneficial effect on mental and physical human abilities. But even if you fulfill them regularly, the moment of fatigue occurs when the energy retreats. In such cases, you can try to make simple jump exercises. They will help quickly raise the tone and mood.

Execution technique:

  • Put legs on the width of the shoulders, the hands are lowered along the body;
  • At the expense of times in the jump dilute the legs on the width of the shoulders, at the same time straighten both hands on the sides;
  • Then join legs and hands above his head, making cotton;
  • At the expense of three return to its original position.

For better effect, repeat the exercise about ten times. No less useful jumping with an ordinary jump. Such is a wonderful training for the heart, weight control and cheerfulness charge for the whole day.

4. Morning bath

Evening and night baths are able to reduce stress after a hard work day. But morning baths are also helpful: they give a feeling of cheerfulness and charge of energy for the whole day. It is enough to take the morning baths two or three times a week for 15-30 minutes using a sea salt or aromatic essential oil. When the body is immersed in the water and enjoys her warmth, a man is well relaxing, forgets for the time about problems and takes away a little from reality. Such procedures not only awaken pleasant, but also useful for health as a whole.

5. Acupuncture

Many people, taking regular acupuncture sessions, note that over time their mood is improving. They also note that they become calmer, balanced, confident in their abilities and think more positively. This is a very good antidepressant, which is recommended by many sociologists and psychologists. But it is extremely important to choose a highly qualified specialist who has the necessary documents for cheering acupuncture.

6. Creating lists

Lists are useful to create in many spheres of life. For example, for planning workers and homework, important meetings, books for reading, shopping. The creation of such lists helps better organize activities, increasing the self-discipline. When things are under control, a person is more balanced, it is less concerned about negative emotions ,. Lists help combine life fragments into one thing, which has a beneficial effect on the psychological health of a person.

Some people can remove the tension with tactile sensations. To do this, you can use special anti-stresses balls sold in any souvenir or sports store, or use a balloon filled with something loose, for example, rice or semi. Tactile sensations from compressing such a ball or a ball with fingers give people the opportunity to get rid of negative energy. Such exercises recommend psychologists to their customers to remove stress in difficult situations.

8. Collection of music

It has been scientifically proven that correctly chosen music improves the mood, reduces anxiety and has a positive effect on general well-being. Favorite melodies from their collection can be listened both at work for creative lifting and at home for relaxation. Music, especially classical, charges the necessary energy and helps to enjoy life.

9. Positive messages and letters

Many people in their bookmarks keep the letters that came to them email filled with good words or just positive meaning. They are good to read in difficult moments to raise the mood. It may be letters from children or from parents, letters of sincere gratitude from colleagues or from a school teacher who reports the success of the child. Many scientific research on this topic showed the effectiveness of this method: most people have significantly increased performance and mood.

10. Charity

Sincere charity classes, even if minor, such, for example, as a distribution of chocolate or toys, although a little improved someone's life. The joy of these people has a very beneficial effect on charity themselves.

11. Different socks

Some psychologists in order to get positive emotions, advise to wear different socks on their feet. This is not necessary to report anyone. Such a small funny mystery, helps to weld at any time: It is worth remembering about it. And if this remarks someone from others, it will be undoubtedly will be enjoyed. So you can reduce stress due to intense schedule.

12. Photographing beauty

Most of the sociologists argue that the actions that increase the mood often relate to the awareness and contemplation of the beautiful. Many photographers admit that they feel very happy when photographing something beautiful, happy and sincere.

Hello, friends! Positive or positive emotions for most people are the basis of their life happiness. And of course, such emotions need to be able to carve as a spark in themselves, and even better so that they continuously fondan in man). And without positive emotions - life becomes sad, the person is in despondency, flows into depression, hysterics, etc.

An even more powerful option, when in a person, along with a whole range of positive emotions, lives and high. In this case, the condition of happiness can approach the maximum!

Before viewing which positive emotions are and from where to take them, I recommend to get acquainted with the basic concepts:

Positive (Positive) Emotions

For positive emotions and feelings there is one united basis - it! It is joy and as an emotion, and as a feeling, is the degree of all other positive states, emotions and feelings. If there is no joy in man, all other positive emotions and feelings quickly fade and die, and his life turns into solid.

All other positive emotions, by and large, are derived from joy. It should also be noted that many people confuse positive emotions with feelings. For example, respect and gratitude are feelings, not emotions, although they can be expressed quite emotionally. Let me remind you that the feelings are given to a person over and they live in the spiritual heart (c), and the emotions produce people themselves and their place is (lower chakras).

But positive emotions and high feelings have a single base - this is, as mentioned above, joy and positive attitude in something. Exactly positive attitude It is the basic basis of positive emotions.

for exampleIf you hate people, then you have almost no chance to experience positive emotions while communicating with them. And on the contrary, if you love someone, sympathize with some kind of person - you will experience positive emotions when communicating with him.

And so in everything. Love ice cream - you get pleasure to drink it). Hand the foam of boiled milk - you are disgusted from one of the views of this foam. Etc.

What is a positive attitude?

A positive attitude towards something is not a spontaneous phenomenon "That's how it happened that I hate people ...". A positive attitude is a set of representations and beliefs of a person about something or or someone. By and large, this is the knowledge acquired by him, which turned into life attitudes and images, in its ideas about the world and alone. Accordingly, negative beliefs and ideas are formed a negative attitude, positive beliefs - positive. Negative attitude in turn is the main for any.

The conclusion is obvious: To experience more positive emotions and feelings, you need to form as many positive beliefs and ideas about the world around you, about yourself and your destiny. A negative attitude (beliefs and presentations) - you need to remove, replacing it with a positive.

This is the way to happiness! What happiness is and what is its exact formula!

What are the positive emotions?

In essence, positive emotions are the joy of different strength with hundreds of shades:

  • Emotion of joy.
  • Emotion of babysitting.
  • Emotions of pleasure (there are many types and quality).
  • Emotion of pride (if pride without joy is already).
  • Emotion of admiration.
  • Emotion of the attraction (attraction).
  • Emotion of anticipation (something good).
  • Other positive emotions.

Many emotions, such as bordering the feelings, they possess more spiritual people, with an open spiritual heart and a clean soul.

Where to take and where to draw positive emotions?

Certainly surrounding the world is an endless source of positive impressions, but if a person himself is put down with a solid negative, his nothing in this world will be happy and will not satisfy. On the contrary, even something good around him will be angry and annoyed.

Therefore, the main source of positive emotions and happiness in your life is you yourself, your inner world: all your knowledge and beliefs, all your personal attitude to what is happening around and inside you.

It says - this is attracted to the like. Thinking about debts and diseases, you attract them into your life. When you are experiencing positive emotions - Even more positive comes to you. And this is true in all areas of human life.

If you constantly worry that you have no money, you are afraid that you can't pay debts - you will not be able to achieve an abundance state.

If you are constantly waiting for you to quarrel with a person close to you - so, most likely, and will be.

If you are experiencing negative emotions, then you are in a state of stress, and therefore your health is inexorably suffering.

And what happiness can we say if you are in captivity of negative emotions?!

Preparing for the next lesson "Master of Positive Emotions"in the book Jerry and Esther Hicks "ask and get" I found an illustration of an "emotional scale".

Your thoughts create feelings, feelings create vibrations, vibrations embody thoughts into reality. If your thoughts are negative, they will cause negative emotions and negative energy, which leads to stress and disease. Positive thoughts will create positive energy and lead to health, harmony and abundance.

Positive emotions lead you on a spiral up. Negative emotions - run the drop process down. Using this scale easily can be understood where you are in different moments of life, and in what direction you are moving - to health and success, or to stress and problems.

Positive emotions

Main types of positive emotions:

  • Stream, inspiration, creativity, open thinking, initiative
  • Humor, enthusiasm, surprise
  • Gratitude, respect, recognition of others
  • Love, friendship, awareness of the highest destination
  • Forgiveness, understanding, sympathy
  • Joy, fun, enjoying the moment
  • Generosity, ministry, kindness

What to do, what would increase positive vibrations, climb up the spirals?

Positive emotions help to relax, be in a state of harmony, find creative solutions and easily achieve the goals.

Numerous studies have shown that there is a direct connection between thoughts and the body, which leads to a state of long-term health. In recent years, development has received the direction of science - psycho-monoimnunology, which studies how thinking acts on the health and condition of the body. Scientists have confirmed that the emotions "include" various diseases and lead to violation of body organs.

Exercises and practices that lead to relaxation and harmonization of cerebral activity, such as meditation, visualization, positive thinking, the technique of emotional liberation lead to the change of emotions with a negative on a positive, and act on the human immune system.

How to get positive emotions

This is one of the easiest but stunningly efficient method that acts quickly and unnoticed, the results exceed expectations.

The effectiveness of the Emotional Liberation technique makes it one of the fastest growing methods of self-control and personal growth. It is not by chance that the majority of teachers from the movie secret love this technique and use it regularly to manage emotions, achieving goals, obtaining a state of harmony, health promotion. Joe Vitaly, Jack Canfield, Louise Hay - all of them very highly respond about the meridional clutch.

Doing daily exercises with meridional clutches that will help you maintain positive emotions you can constantly be in a state of harmony, the feeling of joy and happiness. You will be in the stream, which means health and well-being will become your faithful friends.

Having mastered the technique of emotional liberation, I fell in love with her at first glance! After that, I read tens of books, having reviewed hundreds of hours of video recordings, finished the best courses from leading practitioners, took part in the training of Pamela Bruber in the USA. Now the process of obtaining new knowledge has enriched at my own experience. After all, more than 200 people have been trained on my programs "Forward, to the Dream" and "Laser Marketing".

Each of my programs is unique! In addition, I use my rich life experience and knowledge, only on the author's program of Katerina Kalchenko, you are so deeply and fully familiar with the technique of emotional liberation. And I proudly say that I am the first Russian-speaking expert to achieve success with the technique of emotional liberation.

In April 2013, at the request of graduates, I opened

- Commonwealth of people who want to continue to support their thoughts and emotions in a positive state, moving along the spiral up. After all, in the company of like-minded people it is much easier and more fun.

A month passed, and the results are impressive of all participants! Now they can control their happiness with the tips of the fingers!

If you want to learn how to manage your emotions and move up, fortunately and joy - then in our « » Always be happy!
You can join from the beginning of each month.