Each person has its favorite season. Someone loves spring, and someone closer autumn. But all without exception is looking forward to summer. Bright emotions, bright colors, and vivid impressions. And so I want to keep them and extend. I propose to use the proven method. Let's keep your mood in the interior, with color. For this, the summer rainbow will help us. How? Easy, we just transfer the colors to your walls. Figure seven - as a symbol of beautiful. Seven notes, seven colors. And if you combine them with each other, we will get an endless source for creativity and inspiration.

But today I would like to dwell on the main "rainbow" colors. Yes, there are only seven. Do you remember them? And their sequence? And let's remember the mnemonic phrase together: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant is sitting," where the first letter of each word is a kind of code to color. Guessing the password, we get a sequence of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple. A smooth transition from one color to another forms many intermediate shades. In the aggregate allowing us to create interesting color combinations and use it with a combination of colors and shades in the interior.

With the right combination of the color palette, you can achieve a colossal effect. And this applies not only to the combination of bright, dark, as well as light and pastel tones. They can be combined with each other, playing with the shades of the rainbow, and you can create a monochrome interior, emphasizing your sympathy for a certain color, creating some kind of rigor or a riddle. But you should not think that the monochrome interior is boring and ordinary. On the contrary, the monochrome allows you to open a person, and already in color that prevails in the house you can determine the character of its owner.

Let's try to walk on the rainbow and see ... on us from the side.

Red in the interior will help create an explosive atmosphere indoors. It is suitable for self-confident people who in life go with the "proudly raised head" and are not afraid of views from the side. But consider one factor if you are easily addressed criticism and opinions around you, then most likely, the red color in the interior is not your option. In addition, when perceiving a red color, a person spends a significant amount of its energy, and therefore it is not worth waiting for charge from it. A self-sufficient color that is sharp and jealously transfers the environment of competitors. When using red in the interior it is worth being a ridiculous, even the smallest item can spoil the overall impression. Red color is truly cunning. And the huge number of shades and tones of red can "be crazy any" ...

Orange color turned out when mixing rainbow red and yellow. Is there an independent color ... or still a bright shade of yellow and red? One can say one thing, he took the best of these colors. Orange is a cheerful shade that fills the energy and "vitamin C", better than a juicy orange! Orange color in the interior is worth using dosage, observing the rules of "reception", and then you are not afraid of any depression and a bad mood. Natural antidepressant, which helps to reveal internal talents and creative start. With the use of orange color in the interior, you can, without visiting expensive psychologists, naturally and naturally raise your self-esteem, and get the charge of the "explosive" energy. But do not forget that the orange color is very spoiled and requires the relevant environment. But with regular "use", you do not threaten a bad mood, nor low self-esteem. Remember that orange color is a synonym for continuous movement and optimism!

Yellow - symbol of heat, joy and optimism. When using yellow in the interior, you should not forget both about the positive qualities of this color and about negative. Let's start with good. Yellow in the interior contributes to rapid perception of information, concentration of attention and taking some complex decisions in a short time. Therefore, yellow color is most often present in children's rooms and cabinets. But there are both the opposite sides of yellow. Strong and purposeful personalities who prefer yellow not only in the interior, but also in clothes, often so passionate about their thoughts and ideas that they do not notice anyone around. It is bad or well, already to solve you ....

Green appeared from the fusion of yellow and blue colors. Depending on which color prevails, the overall impression of the room is created. If in green the prevalence of blue, then the atmosphere in the room will be "cool" and restrained. Add to green more yellow, and you will immediately feel harmony and ease. Green is a symbol of safety, and moving forward. An illustrative example is the green traffic light signal. As for the use of green in the interior, it has a beneficial effect on the psyche and contributes to the growth, development and harmonious perception of reality. Green color can be "prescribed" to people with the suffering claustrophobia, because the predominance of green in the interior contributes to proper relaxation and calmness. This is especially true of monochrome interior. Green is a symbol of nature, calm and growth, both career and personal.

Blue color symbol of peace, calm and consent. In the interior, the blue color will help you to focus when making decisions or gain harmony with you and the outside world. Also blue color is a symbol of aristocratism, there is no wonder there is an expression "blue blood". People who surround themselves with blue are honest, decent and are responsible, capable of healthy to reason and make faithful decisions, despite the emotional state. Blue color took the calm blue and purity of white, filling with optimism your life and setting up to go boldly ahead, not looking back into my past. In addition, blue color in the interior contribute to full relaxation after a labor day and despite all fashion trends always looks relevant and fresh!

Blue color - symbol of heaven, eternity and kindness. The interior in the blue color contributes to the stabilization of the energy background in the house, and perfectly fills the energy spent after the working day. Depending on the color depth, it can affect the environment and surrounding. If we talk about the classic blue color, then it is most often associated with such qualities of character, as loyalty and constancy. Blue color in the interior will be an excellent background for creative natures and people who are engaged in mental activity. Blue color creates a special energy and atmosphere, but do not forget that it is not worth overloading the interior with blue. He supports strong personalities well, but can suppress weaker.

In order not to fall into the Handra and Spleen, dilute this color to other shades, or use blue as a contrast element in the decor.

And the last color in our rainbow is purple. The so-called "Pheasant", the final color in the spectral rainbow. Purple color is the most complex color. All shades from the brightest to deep and dark combine elegance, charm, but at the same time shrouded in mysticism and mystery. Purple color occurred from the merger of the "explosive" red and "cold" blue. Depending on the concentration of blue or red colors, it reaches the heat level of purple color. If red leveled over blue, then purple color in the interior will give a warm and cozy atmosphere, filled with nobility and luxury. If blue is a dominator, it will "extinguish" all the warm red and you get a colder and discreet purple. Cold purple colors in the interior of the authority symbol, but nobility at the same time. And in addition to about everything, I want to say that there is no indifferent to purple color. It either love or not. Violet color in the interior is independent of the shades and its quantity contributes to creative thinking, calm, helping to focus and avoid rash actions. True purple color - self-sufficient and "contempt" refers to the surrounding, so when using purple color in the interior it is worth carefully picking a companion to it.

When creating his interior, it is worth listening to your inner sensations, because in one or another period of life a person can burst "Favorite" color, and it coordinates not only all his wardrobe, but also the interior. Why? Just sometimes we need feeding from other colors, and when filling your "inner me", we can calm down. Therefore, combine different colors in your interior so that the energy balance is always normal.

Or be bold, and change the color of your "environment" according to your internal needs. Single or combined, bright or neutral, most importantly, in order for you to live comfortably in this interior. And lastly you want to add. If earlier the bright interior was a sign of "bad tone" and a beamless, today everything is fundamentally the opposite. Bright colors in the interior now is more sign of an extraordinary person, and a person who is not afraid to show his "inner" surrounding. In addition, modern elements of the decor allow us to embody even the most fantastic ideas.

Dare, and let the magic of color and the rainbow do not leave your home!


In many cultures there are legends and myths about the strength of rainbow, people devote to her works of art, music and poetry.

Psychologists argue that people admire this natural phenomenon, because the rainbow is a promise of a bright, "rainbow" future.

From a technical point of view, the rainbow occurs when light passes through water droplets in the atmosphereAnd the refraction of light leads to a curved arch of different colors to the usual form.

These are these and other interesting facts about the rainbow:

7 facts about rainbow (with photo)

1. Rainbow rarely can be seen at noon

Most often, the rainbow arises in the morning and in the evening. In order for the rainbow to be formed, sunlight should get into the rain-drop at an angle of about 42 degrees. It is unlikely to happen when the sun is higher than at an angle of 42 degrees in the sky.

2. Rainbow appears at night

Rainbow can be seen after darkness. Such a phenomenon is called lunar rainbow. In this case, the rays of light are refracted when reflected from the moon, and not directly from the Sun.

As a rule, it is less bright, as the brighter the light, the more multicolored rainbow.

3. Two people can not see the same rainbow

The light reflected from certain raindrops is reflected from other droplets with a completely different angle for each of us. This creates a different image of the rainbow.

Since two people cannot be in the same place, they cannot see the same rainbow. Moreover, even each of our eyes sees a different rainbow.

4. We will never be able to reach the end of the rainbow

When we look at the rainbow, it seems as if she moves along with us. This is because the light that generates it does it from a certain distance and an angle for the observer. And this distance will always remain between us and the rainbow.

5. We can not see all the colors of the rainbow

Many of us since childhood remembers the poem, which allows you to remember the 7 classic rainbow colors (every hunter wants to know where the phase sits).

Each is red

Hunter - Orange

Wishes - yellow

Know - Green

Where - Blue

Sits - blue

Pheasant - purple

However, in fact, the rainbow consists of more than a million colors, including colors that human eye cannot see.

6. Rainbow is double, triple and even quadruple

We can see more than one rainbow if the light is reflected inside the drop and divided into color components. Double rainbow appears when it happens inside the drop twice, triple - when three times and so on.

With a quadruple rainbow, every time the beam is reflected, light, and respectively, the rainbow becomes paler and therefore the last two rainbows are visible very weakly.

To see such a rainbow, you need to coincide several factors at once, namely an absolutely black cloud, and either a uniform distribution of raindrops, or pouring rain.

7. You can make the rainbow disappear

Using polarization sunglasses can be stopped seeing the rainbow. This is because they are covered with a very thin layer of molecules, which are located in vertical rows, and light reflected from the water, polarizes horizontally. This phenomenon can be seen on the video.

How to make a rainbow?

You can also make a real rainbow at home. There are several methods.

1. Method using a glass of water

Fill the glass with water and place it on the table in front of the window on a sunny day.

Place white paper sheet on the floor.

Water with hot water.

Adjust the glass and paper until you see the rainbow.

2. Method using mirrors

Place the mirror inside a glass filled with water.

The room should be dark, and the walls are white.

Enclose a flashlight into the water, moving it until you see the rainbow.

3. Method using a CD

Take a CD, and wipe it so that it is not dusty.

Put it on a flat surface, under the light or in front of the window.

Look at the disk and enjoy the rainbow. You can twist the disk to see how colors are moving.

4. Method of smoke

Use the water hose on a sunny day.

Close the hose hole with a finger, creating a haze

Direct the hose towards the sun.

Look at the haze until you see the rainbow.

Bright, cheerful, luminous rainbow since ancient times was considered a symbol of good luck and luck. If the rainbow breaks up in the sky, then the day will be happy and easy. And some even make a desire when they see this beautiful phenomenon of nature in the sky. It is believed how many colors in the rainbow sees a man, so much and desires he can make.

What is Rainbow

Rainbow is an optical phenomenon that occurs not only in the sky. In fact, this is the refraction of colors. Physics proved that the light has a certain spectrum of shades, and the rainbow clearly demonstrates it.

It arises due to the refraction of light in the smallest droplets of the water of the fog or rain, which soars in the atmosphere. The light is different in different ways in water droplets, from here and different shades occur.

Where she is observed

Rainbow can be observed not only in the sky. You can see a small rainbow if you sit next to the fountain and catch the refraction of the light near the jet of water. You can see it on a white sheet of paper, when you write a transparent handle on a sunny day. Also, the rainbow can be contemplated through the prism, if this prism is reduced to the solar rays or to a conventional electric light bulb.

But most often, of course, we are watching it in the sky.

How many colors in the rainbow

Science has proven that the rainbow has seven colors. It:

  • red;
  • orange;
  • yellow;
  • green;
  • blue;
  • blue;
  • purple.

In antiquity, there were still no so much accurate optical instruments to carefully consider how many colors have a rainbow. And the human eye does not always exactly determine the color gamut.

Aristotle, for example, allocated only three main colors - red, yellow and green. But in Japanese culture there is no traditional green color, so residents of the rising sun in the country believe that there are only six colors in the rainbow.

And the great mathematician Isaac Newton paid a lot of time to study the refraction of light and came to the conclusion that there are five colors in the rainbow. Then he also considered the sixth - orange. This number is six - it seemed to him imperfect for descriptions of nature phenomena, so he decided to add a blue color to the rainbow, which called Indigo.

We have 7 and they have 6

If you think that after the proven fact of scientists, how many colors in the rainbow, all people on the planet agreed with this statement, are deeply mistaken. In China, for some reason, it is believed that there are five colors in rainbow - exactly as much as the elements on the planet. Until now, in Germany, America, England, France and a number of other countries, children say that the rainbow consists of six colors.

Why is this happening? The fact is that blue and very similar among themselves, they are distinguishable only by the degree of depth. In addition, in a number of languages \u200b\u200b"Blue" and "blue" are called the same. In English, there is only one common word to describe these colors. Therefore, so far there is such confusion how many colors in the rainbow.

Remember simply

The order of flowers in the rainbow is always unchanged, it does not matter what we observe it and at what time of day, it is big or small, for a long time stood in the sky or flashed and went out in a few seconds. The first color is red, which gradually brightens and goes into orange. In turn, orange becomes still lighter and goes into yellow. Yellow gradually greasy, then the blueness appears, which goes into a juicy blue, and the last, the final color of the rainbow spectrum is purple.

Remember the order of colors in the rainbow is quite simple. You need to learn only one mnemonic phrase - and you can easily call, what flowers in the rainbow, without a stick. So, memorize this offer: "Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits." Simply and easily. And now you can only take the first letter of every word and call the color of the rainbow:

  • each - red;
  • hunter - orange;
  • wishes - yellow;
  • know green;
  • where - blue;
  • sits - blue;
  • pheasant - purple.

It was this phrase about the hunter and the sitting pheasant passed in Russian-speaking culture. Although there are some more successful suggestions that allow you to remember the rainbow spectrum. For example: "Somehow once Jean Ring of the city broke the lantern." More modern interpretations appeared: "Every designer wants to know where to download Photoshop."

Well, this is already as they say, choose your taste how to remember the location of flowers in the rainbow.

Warm or cold

The rainbow in the sky always seems bright, cheerful, alive and very warm. She shines and sparkles and, it seems that the whole consists of fiery colors. But, nevertheless, it has cold tones.

Let's figure out how much cold colors in the rainbow. All that is associated with blue refers to cold colors. Thus, in the rainbow three cold colors - blue, blue and green. But purple, which has the shades of purple, do not relate to warm or cold tones, it is transitional.

Accordingly, the rainbow three: red, orange and yellow.

This palette, which divides colors on warm and cold, use artists and painters. There are even a few that share a sunshine on warm, cold and intermediate shades.

Always against the sun

The rainbow arises always from the opposite side of the sun. Therefore, if you look at it, the sun will always shine from behind. Most often, the rainbow arises in the morning or in the evening, and this is also a completely reasonable explanation from the point of view of physics. When the sun is on the horizon, then the rainbow is the most complete and large. The higher the sun rises, the less the semicircle becomes. And when the luminaire rises to a height of 43 degrees in relation to the horizon, it is no longer possible to consider the rainbow. Because the corner for the refraction of light is inappropriate.

The red rainbow is always located in the outer part of the arc, and purple - in the inner. But! Very often there is a double rainbow when two arcs are in the sky. So, in the second rainbow the colors have a reverse location.

By the way, see two rainbows are considered even more successful than one.

The number of colors in the rainbow always remains unchanged, but the ideas about this beautiful optical phenomenon have changed over time. Ancient tribes, for example, shared a rainbow for two colors - dark and light.

The rainbow can be seen not only in the sun's rays, but also after the darkness occurs. Then the sun's rays begin to reflect the moon, and a rainbow may occur.

The rainbow does not freeze in place, and two people who are in different ends of the city will see it completely differently. It will seem for one that it hung over the river, and the other is that it is located right above the new buildings. That is why when the rainbow in one city is photographed at the same time, completely different pictures are obtained.

Not all people can see all seven colors of the rainbow. It depends on how sharpness you have eyesight. Some may notice in the Rainbow peach, and they do not come up with. After all, seven colors are basic classic colors. And the shades in the rainbow are really a great set, and some are impossible to catch the human eye.

The rainbow may disappear if you wear glasses with polaroid glasses. The coverage of these points is located so that the light is refracted vertically and the person simply does not see what they see the rest.

After the rain and adults, and the children peer into the sky: what if the rainbow will appear? People of any ages with trepidation and joy admire this unusual phenomenon - bright strips of 7 colors, stretching on all heaven all over the horizon. In the old days, people believed that the rainbow appears in God's will, as proof of its existence. Children think that the stripes in the sky arise from anywhere, as if in a fairy tale. But adult readers of the portal know exactly that the appearance of the rainbow is explained by the physical laws of nature and this is just an optical illusion.

How does the rainbow appear?

Physics, observing the refraction of light in water drops, with mathematical accuracy, derived the equations that reveal the mechanism for the formation of this natural phenomenon. Knowing optical laws made it possible to prove that it is important for the occurrence of rainbow not only the presence of rainwater droplets and the appearance of the sun standing low above the horizon, but also the location of the observer with his back to the luminaries.

Rainbow colors are in the right order. Drawing of Vasilisa Batmanova, 8 years, especially for

The stream of sunlight, reaching the surface of the water, is refracted and cleaves white sunlight in the color spectrum, and it consists of 7 main colors. Red, orange, yellow make up warm shades, green is boundary, and blue, blue, purple - cold. It is in this order that the rainbow colors are located.

The red color is external, and purple - internal. Often, depict the rainbow in the reverse order, but it is incorrect. Although, the reverse order of flowers is possible - in the Raduga-Dubler, which is slightly lower.

During the rain, the rain of the sun illuminates the rainy drop and penetrates her, refracted by the color of the spectrum. Water drop wall has a dense structure, reaching which the light stream is reflected in the opposite direction. It causes even greater refraction. The flow of a rainbow spectrum is broken from the penetration of the solar beam. Since the observer stands back to the luminous sun, and face to the rain, he sees the refracted sunlight, reflected by billions of rainwater droplets.

The colors of the rainbow in the reverse order characteristic of the "second" rainbow. Figure Margo Batmanova, 6 years, especially for

Sometimes in the sky can be observed simultaneously alone, but two rainbows. Moreover, the second is not as bright or barely distinguishable in the sky. Its colors also consist of 7 shades, but are located in an inverted state: from violet to red. The appearance of the "twin" is easily explained from the point of view of optics: the light rays are reflected in a drop of water again - and a rainbow-dubler arises.

A person is always interested in natural phenomena that are visible, but they can not touch: fog, evaporation of moisture, rainbow. They seem to be a manifestation of a miracle, something unusual, having divine origin, and in fact their emergence is proved by science.

At what age does the child know the colors?

In one and a half or two years old, the child is already well distinguished by colors visually. In the interval from two to three years, when the child begins to speak, it makes sense to begin to learn the names of the colors.

How to teach a child to distinguish colors?

A simple and effective way is to focus on colors in everyday life. While walking, playing, reading - pay attention to colors. Start with the most basic, avoiding shades. During the game with the child, mark that the machine is blue, a cube yellow, a ball of red. Ask him to submit one or another item defined. In the game form you can start searching in the room all the objects of green.

And what will help learn colors?

Multicolored cubes, balloons, crayons, colored paper or cardboard, pencils, educational books. With older children (about 4 years and older) you can paint the coloring with markers.

Anything else?

Engage with the child regularly. Affectionately correct his mistakes, mark the progress. Be patient and success will not wait long.

Rainbow colors for children

Rainbow - an incredibly beautiful natural phenomenon. It looks like a multicolored arc made up of flowers (from the outer edge: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple). These are seven colors that are made to allocate in the rainbow in Russian culture. Below are visual pictures for learning the child in basic colors.

The order of colors is easy to remember with the help of a mnemonic phrase: " TOage abouthad j.eleet z.nat g.de fromidit f.azan. There are other options: " TOaK aboutlady J.ak- z.vonar g.orodist frombroke f.onar. ( TOaK ABOUTlady J.an. Z.vonar G.tin FROMnes F.onar) "and" TOfrom aboutcase j.irafa z.ike g.ovubye fromshive f.ufaika. " In these suggestions, each first letter in the Word indicates the initial letter of the color.

Rainbow colors cards

The poem about colors

I'm a grandmother in the garden
Many red will find:
It's red raspberry
Near - Red Kalina,
And ripened at the fence
Two handsome tomatoes.

Orange apricot
On the tree grew.
Rose, ripe,
And I ate him.

These are yellow chickens.
Look, run somewhere.
Seen mom in the yard
The worm found in the grass.

Here are green frogs
And green grass.
On the swamp
A friendly "Kva-Kwa!" Is heard.

In the summer of the sky above you
Bells under it
Draw blue.

Blue ball over the track
Fit clouds.
Has her palm:
- Bye! Until!

Eggplant lies in the garden -
Purple barrel.
And inside plum sweet
The worm settled.