Talk about climate or, more broadly, geophysical weapons is not unfounded, and the issue itself deserves close attention. By the middle of the 20th century, scientists had made great progress in the study of atmospheric and other natural processes and discovered a source of energy of unprecedented power - nuclear reactions. People have the opportunity to influence environment, and not only with good intentions. And if climate weapon was created, it could bring a lot of trouble to humanity.

The latter has always strived to become less dependent on climate and weather, to master the elements and direct their forces to their benefit. For this, the pagans resorted to rituals and the help of sorcerers. These rituals are known to have survived to this day - for example, in Africa. But beliefs are one thing, and science is another. Observant people have noticed that after severe forest fires it often rains. Precipitation also accompanied artillery battles. It was later experimentally proven that water vapor contained in the air turns into cloud droplets due to the presence of condensation centers or nuclei.

These enter the atmosphere from different sources. Crystals sea ​​salt end up in the air with splashes sea ​​water. Droplets of nitric acid are formed during thunderstorms and forest fires. Fires and chimneys release smoke particles into the air, as well as sulfuric acid salts - sulfates, and the wind lifts grains of soil from the ground. It is on these particles that water droplets or ice crystals grow in clouds.

Precipitation most often falls from mixed clouds consisting of both water droplets and ice particles. In this case, condensation and freezing of droplets (crystallization), and the transformation of water vapor into crystals (sublimation) occur simultaneously in the cloud. Depending on the relationship between these processes, different precipitation may occur. For example, with the intense growth of solid ice particles in a cumulonimbus cloud, hail forms.

It was the discovery of the mechanism of cloud and precipitation formation that formed the basis for methods of influencing the weather. Having gone from experiments to implementation in practice, they have proven their worth and are successfully used in different countries and areas of life. From past centuries, evidence of numerous attempts to cause rain has reached us. Outright deceivers, swindlers, eccentrics, and enthusiastic researchers worked in this field. Someone lifted on balloons powder charges, someone invented chemical mixtures burned in large vats, someone heated the air with large fires. One of the most famous “rain sellers” was the American Charles Hatfield. He achieved such authority that he concluded an agreement to fill a reservoir in the city of San Diego with rainwater, after which a flood occurred. He is also credited with saving Italy from drought in 1922.

In the middle of the last century, the influence on the weather received a scientific basis, experiments were carried out and technologies for causing precipitation, dispersing fogs, and combating hail were developed. Large-scale research were carried out in the USSR, USA and other countries. The essence of precipitation management is very simple: to prevent precipitation over a certain area, you need to provoke it to fall over another. As active substances artificial condensation nuclei (usually silver iodide or lead iodide) and refrigerants (solid carbon dioxide) are used. Airplanes or projectiles are used to seed clouds with reagents. In the cloud, the processes of formation and enlargement of droplets are accelerated, resulting in precipitation. The same technology is used to artificially increase precipitation.

An effective and well-organized system for dealing with hail was created in the Soviet Union. Today, Roshydromet continues to work in this area. In the southern regions of the country, where hail causes great damage every year agriculture, there are militarized units of the hydrometeorological service equipped with special rocket launchers for delivery of reagents to thunder cloud. Just one projectile fired into the sky introduces trillions of reagent particles into the cloud, which become additional crystallization nuclei. Competing with natural hailstone embryos, they take some of the water from the cloud. As a result, ice particles do not reach large sizes and fall to the ground. Along the way, they often manage to melt, turning into rain.

Today, many countries are successfully regulating precipitation: Russia, the USA, France, Australia, Syria, Iran and others. For these purposes, Roshydromet is armed with a special laboratory aircraft based on the Yak-42; similar vessels are used abroad.

It should be noted important feature described technologies: precipitation can be caused or prevented only over a limited area, that is, locally. In addition, the water balance is not disturbed, and clouds over the city can be dispersed only by shedding rain over its surroundings. From the history recent years the following fact is known: some Arab countries technologies were used to artificially increase precipitation, and neighboring countries experienced rain deficits.

The military could not help but pay attention to these fairly effective technologies, and history knows cases of the use of meteorological weapons. It's about about Operation Popeye carried out by the United States during Vietnam War from 1967 to 1972. American planes sprayed silver iodide into the clouds during the monsoon season, and rainfall increased three times the normal amount. As a result, rice fields and roads were washed out, as well as the Ho Chi Minh guerrilla trail.

However, the weather large areas depends on processes of a large, synoptic scale, that is, on the movement atmospheric vortices- cyclones and anticyclones, air masses with different properties and separating them atmospheric fronts. Intervention in them requires enormous expenditures of energy and money. For example, the energy of one cyclone is comparable to the power of several atomic bombs. Currently, no state has the resources and technologies for such large-scale impacts on the atmosphere.

Although the mastery of atomic energy at one time inspired great hopes among the military and militaristic politicians. In addition to direct nuclear strikes against the enemy, atomic weapons could serve as a tool for influencing natural processes in order to cause natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and floods. Experimental nuclear explosions V different environments were carried out in both the USA and the Soviet Union. But the test results were not encouraging.

At the same time, building nuclear weapons caused scientists to sound the alarm. According to their calculations, the result of a large-scale nuclear conflict nuclear winter was supposed to begin. Ash from multiple fires would cause a sharp reduction in inflow solar energy to the surface of the Earth. This would lead to a cooling of the atmosphere for many years. This is a real climate weapon against the entire planet!

There are all sorts of rumors floating around this complex. He is credited with the ability to disable communications and electronics, cause natural and man-made disasters and even influence the psyche of people from a distance. All this is supposedly carried out through the creation of plasma formations (plasmoids) in the ionosphere, which serve to specifically reflect flows of energy and radiation (but a similar project, by the way, exists in Russia - this is the Sura complex in the Nizhny Novgorod region).

In response to this, experts argue that the impact of a complex of radio transmitters on the ionosphere is incomparable with the amount of energy it receives from the Sun. Modern science there is no evidence that such small disturbances in the ionosphere are capable of significantly changing the state of the lower layer of the atmosphere - the troposphere, which is the “weather kitchen”.

Scientists have not yet figured out the entire complex set of interconnected processes occurring in the earth’s shells in order to achieve the desired effects through small, targeted influences. A number of studies suggest the existence of such mechanisms that play the role of a trigger (they are also called trigger mechanisms). But science has made little progress in this direction.

There is also something else. It is obvious that the country that would have mastered the technologies of large-scale influence on weather and climate would have prevented the emergence of natural Disasters on our territory, and we do not see this today. Nevertheless, research continues, and humanity will certainly someday achieve great success in weather control. How it will dispose of them is not yet known.

Australia Albania Algeria Argentina Bulgaria Brazil Great Britain Germany Egypt Israel India Iraq Iran Canada Kazakhstan China North Korea Mexico Myanmar Netherlands Norway Pakistan Russia Romania Saudi Arabia Syria USSR USA Taiwan France Sweden South Africa Japan

Climate weapons (weather weapon) - a hypothetical weapon of mass destruction and destruction of the economy of a single country or group of countries, using as a damaging factor an artificial impact on the natural resources, weather and climate of a single territory, country, state, continent, continent. Various technologies and means, artificially created man-made disasters that entail ecological disasters and, as a result, creating economic problems(crises).

It is one of the types of geophysical weapons.

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    The Americans are known to have influenced the upper reaches of the Mekong during the Vietnam War in order to disable the “Ho Chi Minh Trail,” a road system along which the guerrillas of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam were supplied in South Vietnam (Operation Popeye). Although the Americans managed to cause torrential rains and partially paralyze the partisans’ supplies, this required enormous material costs (silver iodide, dry ice, etc. are used as active substances), and the resulting effect was short-lived. The UN adopted a resolution in 1977 that prohibited any use of environmental modification technologies for hostile purposes. This led to the emergence of a corresponding agreement.


    To influence synoptic objects hundreds and thousands of kilometers in size, such as cyclones, anticyclones and atmospheric fronts that determine the weather over a period of time from tens of hours to several days, enormous technological resources are required, and the effect of the influence is unpredictable and not guaranteed due to the inaccuracy of the forecast the consequences of this impact.


    Most of Experts in this and other fields agree that the possibility of creating climate weapons is greatly exaggerated and is, for most superpowers, a kind of “distraction maneuver” from factors that can really influence the overall picture of climate and temperature on our planet - such as industrial emissions.

    A striking example may serve as a quotation: “According to our assumption, after the precipitation of such particles in the region of the poles of our planet, the strong impact on the local air masses, and this, in turn, would provoke climate change. However, I can say with absolute certainty that this project remains only on paper - we have not even started the first stage of experiments. And, probably, it’s for the better. Therefore, now the only “climate weapon” is the exhaust from factories going directly into the atmosphere. That is, all the unwanted by-products of civilization. And I saw what it looks like when I flew to China, whose industry still runs mainly on coal - these are rows of tall chimneys spewing all sorts of nasty things into the sky. Other climate weapons in modern world fortunately does not exist."

    Humanity has long tried to use the power of nature to destroy the enemy. It turns out that developments to create climate weapons have been successful. Unofficial sources claim that the arsenal has already been prepared and has been used repeatedly.


    In the mid-50s, scientists studied climate. Ultimately, it was possible to artificially create clouds and cause rain, as well as disperse clouds. But the research didn't end there. The US military first used its arsenal during the Vietnam conflict. They sprayed over a small area chemical elements which caused heavy rains, blurring the partisans' communications. The effect was short-lived, but the costs were enormous. John Von Neumann developed a weapon that could create hurricanes in enemy territory. The UN adopted a resolution in 1977 banning the use of climate weapons.

    American HAARP and Russian "Sura"

    In Alaska, in the early 90s, the Americans built a HAARP complex that occupies 13 hectares. According to official data, the object studies the planet’s ionosphere. The Russian "Sura" is studying electromagnetism in the layers of the atmosphere. All information about the activities of the complexes is kept in the strictest confidence. According to unofficial sources, the HAARP complex is capable of causing earthquakes and tsunamis, but the creators deny this fact. A scientist from the United States accused Russia of creating Hurricane Katrina using the Sura installation, but the Russian side completely denies this fact.


    Climate weapons are a reality of our time. There is no doubt that there are more powerful developments that create earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes and tsunamis. It is very risky to use such installations on a large scale, as they can cause irreparable damage to the aggressor’s infrastructure. Fully control the climate and weather conditions humanity cannot yet. Developments in this area have been going on for decades, but there is no talk of creating effective weapons yet. Hundreds of weather balloons monitor the climate, and the use of climate weapons will not go unnoticed, which will cause a wide resonance in the global community.

    More frequent natural disasters and weather anomalies have fueled rumors that some countries already possess top-secret climate weapons. And it is these treacherous countries that cause weather anomalies in other regions. But is this really so? Pravda.Ru, together with experts, looked into this difficult and controversial issue.

    It should be noted that this is not even a matter of climate weapons - for some reason, the majority of ordinary people are confident that in any country in the world there are two parallel sciences (and with them a corresponding set of technologies). One of them, the most advanced, is “military”, which is strictly classified. And the other is “peaceful”, she always lags behind her formidable “sister”, which is why all the achievements that we owe to her appear in everyday life later than their analogues in the military sphere.

    Some, having become so convinced of this myth, even believe that “military” science has long discovered unknown laws of nature and created absolutely mind-blowing technologies of the future, but from “ ordinary people“All this is carefully hidden - just in case.

    In fact, such a representation is, of course, clean water delusion. Let's look at history - there is not a single example where military technologies are much ahead of their peaceful "namesakes." In general, it would be more correct to say that for war and peace in general the same technologies are used, which emerged from the discovery of successive laws of nature. Moreover, peaceful use often goes in parallel with military use - just remember the atomic programs of all countries that have nuclear weapon, because in parallel with missiles and bombs, both nuclear power plants and radiation medicine appeared in them.

    Of course, it also happens that technology developed for military purposes is first used for its intended purpose and then becomes peaceful - for example, the Internet for a long time was a secret way of communication between military departments, and only a few years later it became the “World Wide Web”, which could be accessed by anyone with a computer and a modem. But there are other examples - for example, the laser was used for a long time exclusively for peaceful purposes, and it became a weapon much later. The same is with the installations that appeared two years ago that generate electromagnetic “pain rays” - they are no different from those in microwave ovens, which humanity has been using for decades.

    Why am I talking about this - but to the fact that it is quite difficult to imagine a state that owns climate weapons, but does not use these technologies for peaceful purposes at all. Let's take the United States - let's imagine for a moment that they really have such weapons, and the employees secret services can cause hurricanes, rains, frosts and droughts in other countries with a simple press of a button. Introduced? Fine! And now we urgently turn on the logic - why, in this case, cannot these same specialists prevent annual hurricanes, droughts, rains and everything else on the territory of the United States itself? After all, not only ordinary Americans, but also large corporations constantly suffer from these natural disasters - fires in California alone bring them billions in losses every year! And not only for them - liquidation of consequences a heavy burden falls on the state budget, which is already almost empty.

    One can think differently - there has never been a case in history when the emergence of a new weapon was ahead of the scientific and technical base that existed at that time. For example, nuclear weapons appeared only when physicists finally figured out how the atom works. It is logical to assume that since climate weapons exist, it means that some (apparently that same “secret”) part of humanity knows almost everything about climate. But why in this case the most accurate forecast Is it still always the one that was done the next day, and can you trust anything longer than that with great caution? After all, if we knew everything about climate, then we could easily predict the weather for a month or even a year with 100 percent accuracy (after all, nuclear scientists can predict the decay mechanism of any unstable atom with such accuracy)!

    So, as you can see, it seems that in the question of the reality of the existence of climate weapons, we should not be like Dr. Watson, to whom Sherlock Holmes rightly pointed out that he “first endows the criminal with a very rich imagination, and immediately denies him this property.” However, have there been any attempts to create technologies that can be used to specifically influence the climate? Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Igor Ostretsov, in a conversation with a correspondent of Pravda.Ru, said that there were such attempts - and some of such technologies were developed in the USSR.

    “From my point of view, rumors about climate weapons are greatly exaggerated,” says Igor Nikolaevich. “True, in the 70s of the last century I had the opportunity to participate in one research project, which could lead to the creation of one. We assumed that the Earth's climate could be controlled by influencing the magnetosphere of our planet. By the way, there were many such projects, but ours was the most effective - we were going to inject very powerful plasma flows into the magnetosphere. These flows would begin to collide with particles trapped in space in the Van Allen belts, and they would, figuratively speaking, fall down due to a change in the direction of their velocity vector (from longitudinal to transverse).

    According to our assumption, after the precipitation of such particles in the region of the poles of our planet, there should have been a strong impact on the local air masses, and this, in turn, would provoke climate changes. However, I can say with absolute certainty that this project remains only on paper - we have not even started the first stage of experiments. And, probably, it’s for the better. Therefore, now the only “climate weapon” is the exhaust from factories going directly into the atmosphere. That is, all the unwanted by-products of civilization. And I saw what it looks like when I flew to China, whose industry still runs mainly on coal - these are rows of tall chimneys spewing all sorts of nasty things into the sky. Fortunately, there are no other climate weapons in the modern world."

    So, as we see, everything is completely obvious - there are no climate weapons, other than the one mentioned by Igor Nikolaevich (and which cannot be considered a weapon in the literal sense of the word). However, I will not deny that people already have technologies for influencing the weather - just remember the technique of forced concentration of water vapor in clouds, popularly known as the “cloud acceleration” technology. And sometimes its use can accidentally create an effect similar to the use of climate weapons - although not purposeful, but accidental. A senior lecturer at the Department of Meteorology and Climatology, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, meteorologist Pavel Konstantinov, told a Pravda.Ru correspondent about this episode:

    “There was one case in the mid-90s of the last century - then our specialists entered into a contract with one of the countries in the Middle East and, as part of this contract, presented them with the technology of “decanting” rain. This is the same as the notorious “dispersal of clouds” - in In rain clouds, a substance is dispersed, the crystals of which serve as condensation nuclei for water vapor, that is, they cause rain exactly where it should fall.

    And so this country began to successfully deposit precipitation over its territory, while its neighbors, whose harvests depended on the same air masses, no longer received a drop. As a result, they started having crop failures and all this resulted in a real international scandal with a bunch of lawsuits that were also brought against us. Since then, we have become more cautious in disseminating such technologies on the foreign market."

    It can be assumed that cases similar to that, which Pavel Igorevich spoke about, was quite a lot, but they are not talking about the use of some special climate weapon, but about the careless use of completely peaceful weather control technology. Perhaps it was these situations that gave rise to the myths that climate weapons exist. However, this is a difficult question - many people are interested in spreading rumors about such weapons. This is beneficial both to employees of meteorological departments and rescue services, who “missed” the next weather disaster, and to officials who did not have time to prepare for it and organize evacuation, and, finally, to the military - often myths about non-existent weapons are a good disguise for real ones. secret developments in a completely different area.

    Unprecedented heat in Central Russia, which is observed this year, forces scientists to intensively search for the causes of the unique phenomenon

    Former military weather forecaster, retired captain of the second rank Nikolai Karavaev put forward an extravagant hypothesis about possible application against Russia so-called climate weapons, using as damaging factors natural phenomena that are initiated artificially - hurricanes, droughts, showers, floods, cyclones, anticyclones, tornadoes, etc.

    — Does such a weapon really exist or is it still from the region? science fiction?

    — There are many real theoretical developments about climate weapons. They are based on the achievements of civilian departments in the field of artificial influence on climate and weather. We are already accustomed to the phenomenon of Luzhkov dispersing the clouds. There are also far-reaching ideas - for example, the creation of a giant zone high pressure with the help of powerful lasers launched into near-Earth space.

    Anticyclonic impact (when the atmosphere is cleared of cloud cover, and a breakthrough of heated air from adjacent areas is provoked into the impact zone) leads not only to demoralization of the population and troops, loss of crops, but also to purely applied military problems: heated air increases the flight range cruise missiles, damage from aircraft and missile strikes etc.

    — But this is still at the level of assumptions. Is there any documentary evidence of the development of climate weapons?

    — Officially, climate weapons are prohibited, but there is no ban on developments to influence the weather in the interests of civil organizations. The military keeps these developments under its control. Not long ago it was published in the world press on English language analysts' report air force USA “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Mastering the Weather by 2025.” It describes the possibilities of influencing climate and weather for combat purposes. Summing up their analysis, the authors write that it would be nice for the United States to withdraw from the Convention on the Prohibition of Military Impact on the Environment, and believe that in terms of their significance, climate weapons will make the same revolution in the world as the first atomic bombs.

    The lack of global regulatory documents on this topic increases the likelihood of the emergence and hidden use of such weapons, as well as their use by terrorist and antisocial groups.

    - Could you bring concrete facts testing or using climate weapons?

    — Here is a selection of press reports different years. In August 1952, 230 millimeters of rain fell in the British county of Devon in 12 hours—tens of times more than the average for that month in other years. As a result of the flood, the village of Linemat was washed away. 35 people died. The press claimed that this was the result of an Air Force experiment to create artificial rain. In 1972, 400 mm of rain fell in South Dakota in the USA in 6 hours. The water washed away 750 houses. About 250 residents died. There have never been floods here again.

    September 1977, USSR. “Petrozavodsk phenomenon” - residents of Karelia observed a huge luminous clot in the sky, similar to a jellyfish, for four minutes. The anomaly was also visible from Finland - video recordings reached the West. The Washington Post newspaper commented on several reputable scientists who suggested that the phenomenon was related to military weather experiments. In 1978, days of heavy rains drowned two dozen villages in Wisconsin and caused $50 million in damage. Proponents of the “climate wars” theory explain the cataclysm as a military experiment that got out of their control. In 1981, California was experiencing a strange drought. Climatologists call it the most unusual natural phenomenon throughout the history of meteorology in the United States.

    For unknown reasons, a high pressure area arose in the atmosphere, preventing cyclones from reaching the mainland. Pacific Ocean. American geophysicist Manuel Cereyo claims that this is the result of the work of a Soviet weather control station located in Cuba. During the bombing of Yugoslavia in Southeast Europe stood unusually good weather. And rumors appeared that the Americans were supporting it artificially. The Belgrade newspaper Politika wrote: “On the evening of April 5, the sky over Nis was cloudy, we were waiting for it to rain. The rumble of an airplane was heard, after which the sky suddenly turned red, the clouds began to curl up and disappear, and the sun came out. That night Nis was bombed. In the evening of the next day the same thing happened over Negotin and Prakhov.”

    A well-known fact from the American-Vietnamese war. Operations “Roman Plow” (200 bulldozers with special knives) and “Farmer’s Hand” (90 thousand tons of herbicides sprayed from the air) were carried out. On an area of ​​65 thousand square kilometers in Vietnam, all vegetation was destroyed and the top soil cover was removed. The result is swamping of the area, local change climate. After these “peacekeeping” activities, the UN developed the “Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Means of Impact on the Natural Environment.” The countries that signed it pledged “not to cause harm to another state party to the convention by deliberately managing natural processes Earth, including its hydrosphere and atmosphere." The USSR and the USA joined the convention in 1977 in Geneva. But both countries used a “loophole”: after all, the convention does not prevent “the use of means of influencing the natural environment for peaceful purposes.”

    - Well, how about the current one? abnormal heat in Central Russia do you associate it with climate weapons?

    - Let's turn to the facts. First. Weather reports show: at that time in Moscow the heat reaches 35-36 degrees, in Berlin -18, in Warsaw - 25, in Vienna -20, in Paris - 20 degrees Celsius. That is, the attack acts locally and purposefully. Second. The cause of the multi-week heat wave was a giant anticyclone hovering over European part Russia and “pumping” hot air from the Mediterranean and Central Asia. Such anticyclones have never hung here before. Third. In the zone of the anomalous anticyclone, according to scientists, part earth's atmosphere simultaneously decreased by record values ​​over 43 years of observations. The cataclysm took place in the thermosphere - a rarefied layer located at an altitude of 90-600 km. It protects the planet from ultraviolet radiation.

    There are no natural explanations for this reduction. Fourth. World media reported that on the eve of the current weather disaster in space new American drone launched spaceship X-37B, capable of carrying powerful laser weapon. The X-37B mission is considered highly classified, and the duration of the flight is also not reported. According to some reports, the automatic ship will spend at least 270 days in space, after which it will independently land at one of the US Air Force bases. A comparison of these facts leads to the idea of ​​the possibility of testing a new climate weapon over Russia.

    There is one more fact that is well known to relevant specialists. In Alaska, in an area prohibited for civil aircraft flights, 180 antennas, each 24 meters high, are installed, capable of causing a magnetic storm with corresponding consequences over the territory of any single country. On the official website of this project, a very ambiguous phrase is displayed as the motto: “September 11, 2001. We are united, we are determined, we will never forget!”

    We must not forget that whenever the most powerful newest weapons, it was immediately used against “opposing” countries for the purpose of intimidation.