For years, the debate over whether global warming is a myth or a reality has distracted us from the hard facts. Although many are still ambivalent about this problem, it can no longer be denied that global warming is a real problem caused by the careless actions and harmful influence of people. Here are a number of facts that will help everyone understand the seriousness and danger of the current situation for the future of our planet.

More than 90% of scientists recognize the real threat of global warming

Despite the enormous evidence base, people still continue to doubt the threat of global warming. However, the overwhelming majority of scientists recognize not only its reality, but also its inevitability.

Since the mid-20th century, humans have been the main cause of climate change

What scientists today call anthropogenic warming is the result of the harmful influence of humans on the environment and, in particular, the atmosphere of our planet.

Numerous local weather changes are a result of overall global warming

The result of global warming directly depends on the specific climate. In some places it rains more, in others, on the contrary, frequent droughts occur. But these are all different consequences of the same problem.

The greenhouse effect traps solar energy in the atmosphere

The sun's energy heats the earth, which is good, but our atmosphere and the surface of the world's oceans have the reflective properties necessary to avoid overheating. Greenhouse gases reduce the reflectivity of the atmosphere and keep solar energy, preventing her from going into space.

The US, China and India produce the most greenhouse gases

Being developed or intensively developing countries with rich industry, these states are responsible for most of the greenhouse gases that negatively affect the atmosphere.

Global warming is increasing the temperature of the world's oceans

The increase in the Earth's temperature is most noticeable in the waters of the world's oceans and poses a huge danger for them.

Over 30 years, the earth's temperature has increased by 0.5 °C

It may seem like a small change, but our planet is a fragile, interconnected ecosystem where even the slightest changes can greatly affect its harmony.

Global warming is a reality you can't escape from

The main danger of climate change is that rising ocean temperatures cause Arctic and Antarctic glaciers to melt; this raises sea levels. For those who want to challenge the reality of global warming, sea levels have risen 15 cm in the last 100 years.

People living in coastal areas are at risk

A significant part of the world's population lives in areas below sea level. In addition, melting ice reduces fresh water supplies.

40% of greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere when generating electricity

Consuming more and more electricity radically increases greenhouse gas emissions.

It is impossible to accurately measure global warming

Weather changes are the result of a complex interaction between air, water and land surface temperatures. They are influenced by seasonal changes. In addition to the difficulty of measuring weather changes, another challenge is determining the amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere.

The effects of global warming will continue

Unfortunately, many people do not realize that anthropogenic change climate, like a snowball, the longer it moves, the bigger and faster it is. Even if the harmful influence of humans on the environment stops now, the effects of the harm caused will be felt for a long time.

Earth's temperature will remain high for hundreds of years

Proof of the snowball effect: even if we reduce emissions carbon dioxide 80%, the results will appear only after centuries.

In the USA, the temperature increased by 1°C

Over the past 50 years average temperature V North America rose twice as high as the Earth's temperature during the same period.

An increase in temperature leads to an increase in humidity

The higher the temperature, the more evaporation, and therefore the more rain. But the scary thing is that precipitation will not fall evenly. While some regions will be flooded, others will suffer from drought.

The weather will become extreme

We are expected to be abnormally high temperatures in summer and low in winter, as well as more frequent and destructive natural disasters.

Arctic wildlife will be the first to suffer

Already suffering. Melting ice wipes out species of living beings and their habitats from the face of the Earth. Get ready to say goodbye to polar bears.

Complete melting of ice is expected by 2030-2050

Despite the difficulty of forecasting weather and temperature changes, some scientists predict complete melting of sea ice in the Arctic region in 2030-2050.

The global warming debate began in 1957

For more than 50 years, we have watched the debate evolve regarding the significance of temperature changes and human influence to the atmosphere.

Basic facts and theories about global warming were formulated 50 years ago

Planet Earth is unable to absorb and process the amount of carbon dioxide that we produce, a direct consequence of which is an increase in CO2 levels in the atmosphere. And we have known this since the middle of the last century.

Global warming is accelerating

The more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the more the environment and ecology of the planet changes. Melting eternal ice becomes an additional cause of CO2 emissions, and ongoing logging tropical forests reduces the planet’s ability to process harmful gases.

The ten warmest years on record have been since 2000.

The same snowball effect - every decade after the 70s was warmer than the previous one.

Many facts about climate change remain unknown

The earth's ecosystem is so complex and interconnected that it is impossible to study it completely using current limited technology, so our understanding of global warming is only partially available to us.

We started global warming, we must stop it

Today's picture of the future is bleak, but we can do everything we can to reduce the impact of global warming on the planet. Then, perhaps, future generations will be lucky enough to see the Earth as beautiful as we see it.

There are many groups and organizations opposing global warming

And they all need help and support. If you care about the future of the planet, then there are plenty of opportunities to change it for the better.

Global warming does not mean warming at all everywhere And Anytime. Such warming occurs only if the temperature is averaged over all geographical locations and all seasons. So, for example, in some area the average summer temperature may increase and the average winter temperature may decrease, that is, the climate will become more continental.

According to one hypothesis, global warming will lead to a stop or serious weakening of the Gulf Stream. This will cause a significant drop in average temperatures in Europe (while temperatures in other regions will rise, but not necessarily in all), as the Gulf Stream warms the continent by transporting warm water from the tropics.

According to the hypothesis of climatologists M. Ewing and W. Donn, there is an oscillatory process in the cryogenic era in which glaciation (ice age) is generated by climate warming, and deglaciation (exit from the ice age) by cooling. This is due to the fact that in the Cenozoic, which is a cryoera, with the thawing of the polar ice caps, the amount of precipitation increases in high latitudes, which in winter leads to a local increase in albedo, with a subsequent decrease in the temperature of the deep regions of the continents of the northern hemisphere, with the subsequent formation of glaciers. When the polar ice caps freeze, glaciers in the deep regions of the continents northern hemisphere, not receiving enough recharge in the form of precipitation, they begin to thaw.

The danger of climate warming.

As a result of the combustion of various fuels, about 20 billion tons of carbon dioxide are released into the atmosphere annually and a corresponding amount of oxygen is absorbed. The natural reserve of CO2 in the atmosphere is about 50,000 billion tons. This value fluctuates and depends, in particular, on volcanic activity. However, anthropogenic emissions of carbon dioxide exceed natural ones and currently account for a large share of its total. An increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, accompanied by an increase in the amount of aerosol ( fine particles dust, soot, suspensions of solutions of certain chemical compounds) can lead to noticeable climate changes and, accordingly, to a disruption of the equilibrium relationships that have developed over millions of years in the biosphere.

The result of a violation of the transparency of the atmosphere, and therefore the heat balance, may be the occurrence of the “greenhouse effect,” that is, an increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere by several degrees. This could cause the melting of glaciers polar regions, rising sea levels, changes in its salinity, temperature, global climate disruptions, flooding of coastal lowlands and many other adverse consequences.

Emission of industrial gases into the atmosphere, including compounds such as carbon monoxide CO ( carbon monoxide), oxides of nitrogen, sulfur, ammonia and other pollutants, leads to inhibition of the vital activity of plants and animals, metabolic disorders, poisoning and death of living organisms.

"Greenhouse effect" . According to the latest data from scientists, in the 80s. The average air temperature in the northern hemisphere has increased compared to late XIX V. by 0.5-0.6 "C. According to forecasts, by the beginning of 2000, the average temperature on the planet may increase by 1.2" C compared to the pre-industrial era. Scientists attribute this increase in temperature primarily to an increase in carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide) and aerosols in the atmosphere. This leads to excessive absorption of the Earth's thermal radiation by the air. Obviously, the heat released from thermal power plants and nuclear power plants also plays a certain role in creating the so-called “greenhouse effect”.

Climate warming can lead to intensive melting of glaciers and rising sea levels. The changes that may occur as a result are simply difficult to predict.

This problem could be solved by reducing carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere and establishing balance in the carbon cycle. The generally accepted estimates of meteorologists show that an increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere will lead to an increase in temperatures almost only in high latitudes, especially in the northern hemisphere, where “quite recently there was a giant glaciation.” Moreover, most of this warming will occur in winter. According to a specialist from the Institute of Agricultural Meteorology of Roskomhydromet, doubling the concentration of CO 2 will lead to a doubling of the economic usable area of ​​Russia from 5 to 11 million km2. In terms of economic usable area, Russia now occupies a modest fifth place in the world after Brazil, the USA, Australia and China. The greatest effect from warming will be in Russia, where the western border runs approximately along the January isotherm of 0° C.

Domestic “greens” mechanically repeat about the dangers of global warming, not realizing that they live in cold country. With the expected warming in most regions of Russia, the climate will become very favorable, close to subtropical. The non-black earth, low-productive zone of central Russia will become fertile, the length of the agricultural year in it will triple, the Kuban will turn into a savannah, frosts will stop in Siberia, and cotton will be grown there, and the northern sea route will be freed from ice and will become the most economical sea route between Europe and the Far East . It is important that warming due to rising temperatures will occur mainly in winter. Summer in Russia will remain almost the same, relatively not hot. Moreover, this temperature increase will occur over several years following an increase in CO 2 concentration, since continental ice long gone, and the heating time of the atmosphere does not exceed two months. In the climate of low latitudes, doubling the concentration of CO 2 will have practically no effect, unless the north wind in winter will not be as cold there as it is now. Before the onset of the last ice age, the average temperature of the Earth was 5-6 ° C higher, and walnut forests grew in the Yakutsk region.

Global warming- a side process of human existence on this planet, which began with the industrial revolution. Typically, global warming refers to processes that cause human actions on the planet (burning fossil fuels, accelerating the greenhouse effect, melting glaciers and, as a consequence, increasing temperatures on planet Earth), leading to overall growth temperature. But let's not forget that the Earth has experienced global warming from time to time in its history without human intervention - it seems quite natural process which we cause through our unnatural actions. The fight against global warming is high on the world's agenda, and if we don't want our blue planet has turned into Venus useless for life, it is necessary to change the course of the global party.

With the rapid development of technology artificial intelligence(AI) in last years many began to wonder how these same technologies could help solve one of the most serious threats, which is - global change climate? A new paper from some of the world's leading artificial intelligence researchers and online repository attempts to answer this question by offering several examples of how machine learning will be able to prevent the decline of our civilization.

Considered one of the most probable causes destruction of life on Earth. Scientists are observing dramatic changes in the planet's climate and believe that a rise in temperature is inevitable. IN Lately the problem has become so acute that researchers from Harvard University have proposed a very risky method of reflecting excessive solar heat from the surface of the Earth. If it doesn't work, life could be destroyed much faster than previously thought.

Article about global warming. What is happening in the world now on a global scale, what consequences may be due to global warming. At times it is worth looking at what WE have brought the world to.

What is global warming?

Global warming is a slow and gradual increase in the average temperature on our planet, which is currently being observed. Global warming is a fact, it is pointless to argue with it, and that is why it is necessary to approach it soberly and objectively.

Causes of global warming

According to scientific data, global warming can be caused by many factors:

Volcanic eruptions;

Behavior of the World Ocean (typhoons, hurricanes, etc.);

Solar Activity;

Earth's magnetic field;

Human activity. So-called anthropogenic factor. The idea is supported by the majority of scientists, public organizations and the media, which does not at all mean its unshakable truth.

Most likely, it will turn out that each of these components contributes to global warming.

What is the greenhouse effect?

The greenhouse effect has been observed by any of us. In greenhouses the temperature is always higher than outside; The same thing happens in a closed car on a sunny day. On a scale Globe all the same. Some of the solar heat received by the Earth's surface cannot escape back into space, since the atmosphere acts like polyethylene in a greenhouse. Without the greenhouse effect, the average temperature of the Earth's surface should be about -18°C, but in reality it is about +14°C. How much heat remains on the planet directly depends on the composition of the air, which changes under the influence of the factors described above (What causes global warming?); namely, the content of greenhouse gases changes, which include water vapor (responsible for more than 60% of the effect), carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide), methane (causes the most warming) and a number of others.

Coal-fired power plants, car exhaust, factory chimneys and other human-made pollution sources together emit about 22 billion tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere each year. Livestock farming, fertilizer use, coal combustion and other sources produce about 250 million tons of methane per year. About half of all greenhouse gases emitted by humanity remain in the atmosphere. About three-quarters of all anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions over the past 20 years have been caused by the use of oil, natural gas and coal. Much of the rest is caused by changes in the landscape, primarily deforestation.

What facts prove global warming?

Rising temperatures

Temperatures have been documented for about 150 years. It is generally accepted that it has risen by about 0.6°C over the past century, although there is still no clear methodology for determining this parameter, and there is also no confidence in the adequacy of data from a century ago. They say that warming has been sharp since 1976, the beginning of rapid industrial human activity and reached its maximum acceleration in the second half of the 90s. But even here there are discrepancies between ground-based and satellite observations.

Rising sea levels

As a result of warming and melting of glaciers in the Arctic, Antarctica and Greenland, the water level on the planet has risen by 10-20 cm, possibly more.

Melting glaciers

Well, what can I say, global warming really is the cause of the melting of glaciers, and better than words The photographs will confirm this.

The Uppsala Glacier in Patagonia (Argentina) was one of the largest glaciers South America, but is now disappearing at a rate of 200 meters per year.

The Rown Glacier, Valais, Switzerland has risen 450 meters.

Portage Glacier in Alaska.

1875 photo courtesy H. Slupetzky/University of Salzburg Pasterze.

The relationship between global warming and world disasters

Methods for predicting global warming

Global warming and its development are predicted mainly using computer models, based on collected data on temperature, carbon dioxide concentration and much more. Of course, the accuracy of such forecasts leaves much to be desired and, as a rule, does not exceed 50%, and the further scientists aim, the less likely the prediction will come true.

Ultra-deep drilling of glaciers is also used to obtain data; sometimes samples are taken from depths of up to 3000 meters. This ancient ice stores temperature information, solar activity, intensity magnetic field The lands of that time. The information is used for comparison with current indicators.

What measures are being taken to stop global warming?

A broad consensus among climate scientists that global temperatures will continue to rise has led to a number of governments, corporations and individuals attempting to prevent or adapt to global warming. Many environmental organizations advocate for action against climate change, mainly by consumers, but also at municipal, regional and government levels. Some also advocate limiting global fossil fuel production, citing the direct link between fuel combustion and CO2 emissions.

Today, the main global agreement to combat global warming is the Kyoto Protocol (agreed in 1997, entered into force in 2005), an addition to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The protocol includes more than 160 countries and covers about 55% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

European Union should reduce emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases by 8%, the USA - by 7%, Japan - by 6%. Thus it is assumed that the main objective- reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 5% over the next 15 years will be achieved. But this will not stop global warming, but will only slow down its growth slightly. And this is in best case scenario. So, we can conclude that serious measures to prevent global warming are not being considered or taken.

Global Warming Figures and Facts

One of the most visible processes associated with global warming is the melting of glaciers.

Over the past half century, temperatures in southwest Antarctica, on the Antarctic Peninsula, have increased by 2.5°C. In 2002, an iceberg with an area of ​​over 2,500 km broke off from the Larsen Ice Shelf with an area of ​​3,250 km and a thickness of over 200 meters, located on the Antarctic Peninsula, which actually means the destruction of the glacier. The entire destruction process took only 35 days. Before this, the glacier remained stable for 10 thousand years, since the end of the last ice age. Over thousands of years, the thickness of the glacier decreased gradually, but in the second half of the 20th century, the rate of its melting increased significantly. The melting of the glacier led to the release large quantity icebergs (over a thousand) in the Weddell Sea.

Other glaciers are also being destroyed. Thus, in the summer of 2007, an iceberg 200 km long and 30 km wide broke off from the Ross Ice Shelf; a little earlier, in the spring of 2007, an ice field 270 km long and 40 km wide broke away from the Antarctic continent. The accumulation of icebergs prevents the release of cold waters from the Ross Sea, which leads to a disruption in the ecological balance (one of the consequences, for example, is the death of penguins, who were unable to reach their usual food sources due to the fact that the ice in the Ross Sea lasted longer than usual).

An acceleration of the process of permafrost degradation has been noted.

Since the early 1970s, the temperature of permafrost soils in Western Siberia increased by 1.0°C, in central Yakutia - by 1-1.5°C. In northern Alaska, temperatures in the upper permafrost layer have increased by 3°C since the mid-1980s.

What impact will global warming have on the world around us?

Will greatly affect the lives of some animals. For example, polar bears, seals and penguins will be forced to change their habitats, as the current ones will simply melt away. Many species of animals and plants may simply disappear without having time to adapt to a rapidly changing environment. Will change the weather on a global scale. An increase in the number of climate disasters is expected; longer periods of extremely hot weather; there will be more rain, but the likelihood of drought will increase in many regions; increased flooding due to hurricanes and rising sea levels. But it all depends on the specific region.

in the report working group The Intergovernmental Commission on Climate Change (Shanghai, 2001) presents seven models of climate change in the 21st century. The main conclusions made in the report are the continuation of global warming, accompanied by an increase in greenhouse gas emissions (although, according to some scenarios, by the end of the century, as a result of bans on industrial emissions, a decline in greenhouse gas emissions is possible); increase in surface air temperature (to end of XXI century, an increase in surface temperature of 6°C is possible); rising sea levels (on average by 0.5 m per century).

The most likely changes in weather factors include increased precipitation; higher maximum temperatures, an increase in the number of hot days and a decrease in the number of frosty days in almost all regions of the Earth; at the same time, heat waves will become more frequent in most continental areas; reduction of temperature spread.

As a consequence of these changes, we can expect stronger winds and an increase in intensity tropical cyclones(a general tendency towards intensification was noted back in the 20th century), an increase in the frequency of heavy precipitation, a noticeable expansion of drought areas.

The Intergovernmental Commission has identified a number of areas that are most vulnerable to expected climate change. This is the Sahara region, the Arctic, mega-deltas of Asia, small islands.

Negative changes in Europe include increased temperatures and increased droughts in the south (resulting in a decrease water resources and a decrease in hydroelectric power generation, a decrease in agricultural production, a deterioration in tourism conditions), a reduction snow cover and retreat of mountain glaciers, increasing the risk of severe floods and catastrophic river floods; increased summer precipitation in Central and Eastern Europe, frequency increase forest fires, fires on peatlands, reduction in forest productivity; increasing soil instability in Northern Europe. In the Arctic - a catastrophic decrease in the area of ​​glaciation, a reduction in the area sea ​​ice, increased coastal erosion.

Some researchers (for example, P. Schwartz and D. Randell) offer a pessimistic forecast, according to which already in the first quarter of the 21st century a sharp jump in climate in an unforeseen direction is possible, and the consequence could be the onset of a new ice age lasting hundreds of years.

How will global warming affect humans?

Scared by shortage drinking water, increasing number infectious diseases, problems in agriculture due to droughts. But in long term expects nothing other than human evolution. Our ancestors faced a more serious problem when temperatures rose sharply by 10°C after the end of the Ice Age, but this is what led to the creation of our civilization. Otherwise they would probably still be hunting mammoths with spears.

Of course, this is not a reason to pollute the atmosphere with anything, because in the short term we will have bad times. Global warming is an issue where the call must be followed common sense, logic, do not fall for cheap stories and do not follow the lead of the majority, because history knows many examples when the majority was very deeply mistaken and did a lot of trouble, even to the point of burning great minds, which, in the end, turned out to be right.

Global warming is modern theory relativity, the law of universal gravitation, the fact of the Earth’s rotation around the Sun, the sphericity of our planet during their presentation to the public, when opinions were also divided. Someone is definitely right. But who?


Additionally on the topic “Global Warming”.

Greenhouse gas emissions by top oil-burning countries, 2000.

Forecasting the growth of arid areas caused by global warming. The simulation was performed on a supercomputer at the Institute space research them. Goddard (NASA, GISS, USA).

Consequences of global warming.

People began to talk about such a problem as global warming in the middle of the last century. Until now, this issue has been the subject of numerous discussions, the topic of international symposiums and stories. documentaries. Even a person far from environmental disciplines knows what global warming is. It is expressed in an increase in the average climate temperature over the past 100 years.

But is global warming as dangerous as scientists and the media make it out to be? When will it start? What changes will happen to the planet due to climate warming? What awaits humanity in the worst case? Is it capable global community solve the problem of global warming?

What indicates climate warming?

Documentary recording of temperature has been carried out for 150 years. Behind last century it increased by an average of 0.5°C. Sharp warming climate change occurred in the 1970s, when industrial activity increased. Not only the air temperature, but also the water temperature has increased.

Global warming has led to an intense decrease in snow cover, melting and retreat of glaciers in Antarctica, Greenland and on high mountain peaks. The consequence of this was a rise in sea level by about 10 cm. These and other phenomena prove that global warming is a real environmental problem.

What caused the warming?

Global warming is directly related to the greenhouse effect. It consists of increasing the temperature lower layers atmosphere relative thermal radiation of the Earth. This phenomenon occurs due to water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane and other gases that absorb and trap solar energy, contributing to heating earth's surface. The facts are that the main natural springs greenhouse gases are:

  • Forest fires (during them, great amount carbon dioxide, moreover, is destroyed big number trees that convert it into oxygen through photosynthesis).
  • Permafrost (from soil located in the area permafrost, methane is released).
  • The world's oceans (reservoirs are the main source of steam).
  • Volcanoes (when they erupt, a colossal amount of carbon dioxide is released).
  • Fauna (organisms that exhale carbon dioxide significantly increase its concentration in the atmosphere).

However, on its own Greenhouse effect does not pose a threat - without it, the average temperature of the Earth would be -18°C. The point is that human activity over the past few decades has led to a significant increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases, and, consequently, to an increase in climate temperature.

There are a number of other hypotheses that explain the occurrence of global warming on Earth. Satellite data suggests that the rise in climate temperature is caused by increased solar activity, which is not typical for previous years. However, scientists do not have a complete understanding of the changes in the activity of the star to make specific conclusions public. Basic facts indicate that the causes of global warming lie precisely in anthropogenic activities.

Factors that significantly increase the concentration of greenhouse gases:

  • Heavy industry (the main source of carbon dioxide emissions is the extraction and combustion of oil, gas and other minerals).
  • Agriculture (when the soil is intensively fertilized and treated with insecticides, it releases nitrogen dioxide, a greenhouse gas).
  • Deforestation (destruction of the “lungs of the planet” leads to an increase in the concentration of carbon dioxide).
  • Overpopulation (to meet the needs of the Earth's population, a huge amount of natural resources is required).
  • Landfills ( most of no waste recycling, but is burned or buried, which leads to a fundamental change in the biological system).

Despite the fact that humans have significantly contributed to climate warming, some scientists still prefer to divide the causes of global warming into natural and anthropogenic.

What does the future hold for the planet?

Global warming will not only lead to a further increase in the temperature of the earth's surface, but also to other changes. As a result, greenhouse gas emissions will increase. The level of the World Ocean will rise by half a meter in 100 years, in addition, the salinity of the water will change. The air will become more humid. Precipitation will begin to fall more intensely, its distribution will change, and the threshold for maximum temperatures will increase. The melting of glaciers will accelerate.

Global warming will affect the flow weather phenomena: winds and cyclones will become stronger and more frequent. Natural disasters, for example, floods and hurricanes, will occur more regularly, and their scale will increase significantly.

Ecologists identify several regions of the earth that will be particularly affected by the effects of global warming:

  • Sahara Desert;
  • Antarctic;
  • Deltas large rivers Asia;
  • Small islands.

Less rain will fall in the tropics and subtropics. As a result of global warming, the Earth's arid regions and deserts will increase in area, and permafrost will move further north.

Habitats will shift due to climate warming biological species, which in turn will jeopardize the safety of living beings, there will be serious danger extinction of organisms.

One of the controversial consequences of global warming is global cooling. Changes in the density of ocean waters caused by climate warming will lead to the fact that the pattern of sea currents will become similar to that of the Ice Age.

An increase in the number of industrial enterprises, landfills and waste disposal, and the development of oil and gas fields will lead to an irreversible change in the composition of the Earth's air envelope.

According to the optimistic scenario, according to which greenhouse gas emissions will remain at the same level, a critical situation will occur on the planet in 300 years. Otherwise, irreversible consequences will be observed within 100 years.

Global warming will lead to changes not only in the biosphere, but also in economic activity and in society. The expansion of drought areas will lead to a reduction in cultivated areas, Agriculture will fall into decay. The developed countries will face the problem of hunger and lack of drinking water.

Is it possible for humans to solve the global warming problem?

No matter how pessimistic the scenarios for the development of global warming may be, humanity is still able to take measures to ensure that the Earth does not become like Venus. Two main directions in the fight against global warming are considered the most promising today:

  • enhanced emissions reductions;
  • use of environmental technologies.

However, it is not entirely clear which method will be more likely to avoid the catastrophic consequences of climate warming. Moreover, the effectiveness of both measures has been repeatedly questioned.

Radically reducing emissions will become increasingly difficult as economic activity increases developing countries. Ensuring rapid growth of GDP requires colossal energetic resources, the source of which is oil, gas and coal. Combustion of natural resources is the main cause of emissions large quantities carbon dioxide. Due to the scale and financial costs, it is not possible to refurbish old industrial enterprises according to modern environmental standards. International agreements, in particular the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to control greenhouse gases, are failing.

The second direction to combat global warming is related to the use of bioengineering technologies. Currently, installations are being created to pump carbon dioxide into special mines. Scientists are working on creative solutions, such as using aerosols to change the reflectivity of the upper atmosphere to increase. Whether this will be effective is still unknown.

Combining the two methods in the future will make it possible to achieve best results. Improving converters and fuel combustion systems in cars will not only reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also reduce pollution environment heavy metals. The use of alternative energy sources will help reduce emissions significantly, but this moment these technologies require large financial investments. An important fact what remains is production solar panels and windmills is also accompanied by colossal emissions.

Smaller, but no less significant measures to eliminate global warming include:

  • increase in green spaces;
  • use of energy-saving devices and appliances;
  • recycling;
  • attracting public attention to the problem.

If international control and large-scale environmental projects seem far from Everyday life, then the above methods apply to all inhabitants of the planet. Bike ride and vegetarian diet it will not harm you (rather, it will be useful!), and the involvement and concern of those who call the Earth their home will help prevent the consequences of global warming. Just like people once with common effort“disturbed the natural balance, and now, if everyone is interested, it will be possible to avoid catastrophic changes.

Global warming, caused by natural and anthropogenic causes, is a truly large-scale problem of our time. A person should not remain indifferent to it and miss ways to prevent climate change!