His origin rune Isa is obliged to the Kingdom of Morozov and the fogs Niflheim.

The value of the runes of Isa

The main value of this rune performs a rolling or in some interpreters, stalling is also present in different scenaries - a small pause before changes for the better. It symbolizes the stop in motion, or the promotion of some processes, such as career growth. In other cases, the value of the runes of Isa, can be interpreted as death, but nebawny, any action.

Depending on the divination, the rune is read differently. She can act as an omnation to what is worth waiting with the promotion of the mystery or undertaking. This time will not pass in vain, all the negative and useless will go away. Rune Isa makes it possible to think about important issues that are angry, and warns against spontaneous solutions. The accurate interpretation of the value of the Rune Isa is the element of the cold and ice, the rune of stagnation, it, in most layouts, means an insurmountable barrier.

Features of the runes of Isa

Features of the rune is that with all its coldness, it provides the resistance of the highest forces of nature. It does not help in promotion, but does not interfere. It is worth it to take it as it is, and leave for a while, all drawn things. People who believe in fortune telling on the runes, well know that it has a dual value, can eliminate internal human conflicts. If the situation has entered a dead end, Rune Isa shows that over time, everything will move in the right direction.

Inverted position of the rune Isa

Isa consists of three runes of delay. The main position of the rune, completely coincides with the inverted. Since Isa refers to irreversible runes.

Runa Isa in love

Often, the questions asked Runes belong to the love sphere. Runa Isa is a value that in this situation shows inaction and stopper. Calm, with relationships with your loved one, does not mean a complete break of relationships. If you wait a bit, the situation will start clarifying and the output will appear. Then it is necessary to solve further outcome for yourself, and while Runa Isa calls for waiting. In some Rune rows, she advises to complete the burdensive loving relationship.

Rune Isa in relationships

The rune carries the wing values. When you fortunate on family relationships, it stands in a dual sense. It may happen that the relationship between people is material in nature and when the Rune of Isa is falling out, it is necessary to immediately break such partnerships. They can lead to loss of capital.

If the family relationship occurred in family relationships, the rune can signal the waiting time as the seed that develops in the ground before giving sprout. But this must be considered with understanding, since the forced inaction in the family will lead to apathy. At the highest forces, marriage between two people is considered to be holy, it is not worth neglected. Rune Isa shows that everything will work out, just worth waiting for some time.

Runa Isa in fortune

Interpreters often associate a rune with a stop and strooping, depending on the question of a given question, the mystery of the runes has some differences. For a person who is inclined to self-criticism and has an explosive nature, is not a good sign to pull out the rune of Isa. And for patient people, she will serve as an overview of over, because it makes no sense to fuss. Time will put everything in its place.

The positive side of the rune of Isa in the fact that during peace, a person acquires the necessary wisdom to continue further action. Rune Isa is used in many scenaries. But dedicated people include her to fortune telling if needed to stop a negative person, freeze the undeveloped or unprofitable projects in the current form. The rune also gives a positive trend in strengthening the Spirit and Will Force.

Isa - the third rune of the second attita. This rune belongs to Niflheim (NiFL - fog and heim - refuge), the kingdom of frost and fogs, where only snow trolls could live. It is believed that this rune is static, but the ice can split the ship to the sea, which is why the ISS indicates the resistance of forces that do not harm, but do not help. This rune as a "lying policeman", which does not do anything in itself, but prevents moving because I want.

Isa refers to the water element in its most dense manifestation. And this is an important remark, because Water is movable, and the ice is static. Isa is the embodiment of the principle of preservation and confrontation. Without opposing strength and deterrent influence, the evolution would have come out of its borders and would rise like a cancer tumor. As a counterweight, the development that slows down changes, Isa is equivalent to the "protective circle".
The ice is the enemy to all alive, and the ancient scandinavians perceived it as a challenge that requires voltage of strength. Due to which they succeeded in the struggle for survival in adverse conditions. In the northern tradition of ice, along with fire refers to the creative element, and their confrontation and union and creates the world.

Runa Isa is a symbol of the struggle for finding material values. It thickens and compacted the Spirit, turning it in this way into matter. In the positive hypostasis, it is manifested as healthy individualism, the ability to survive in any conditions is a symbol of self-sufficiency and self-preservation. In a negative manifestation, this is the installation "Each for itself" and egocentrism.

IP is associated with the Norny Vardidi, which manages the present.

This rune represents the dark side of the goddess - not capable of childbearing. In Scandinavian mythology, this is the goddess Rind, which 3 times refused to win his son, who would revenge for Baldra, Sunny God and the complete opposite of the rune of Isa. In this myth, Rind is a declared land, which refuses to give way to the embrace of the Sun in the face of Wotan.

IP manages Etunheim - this is the world of the devices, which are the embodiment of the destructive forces of winter.

The energy of the Isa binds together and protects against decay, it is this energy that binds the electrons and the core of the atom. It crystallizes spiritual in dense and material. Isa retains always all that is exposed to its exposure.

ISS goes under the sign of Capricorn. Very easy to light up with high thoughts under the sign of Sagittarius. But the hour of Capricorn comes, and he says that any undertaking must pass the test. If she can embody, converting dense reality, then it really is worthwhile, and a man is a real conductor of this idea. Isa stops a person only when the implementation of his program did not go to the other side. Matter itself stops the conversion. The possibilities of the matter itself are limited, so the poet cannot do what the painter can, and the sculptor cannot create what the composer creates. If Isa stops a person, it means that he laid too much hopes, not aware of the specificity of the material and the relevance of this period of time, which was provided to him for the transformation. Capricorn failures are associated with a misunderstanding of the limited properties of the source material. And Runes ISS as a vertical expresses the resistance of matter.

Determine the rationality of occurring events, objectively assess the current length of the life path will help the Scandinavian rune of Isa. In this article, you will learn what the eleventh rune of the Elder Futark represents, its influence on human life, as well as tips and recommendations necessary for working with this symbol.

Runa Isa: basic meaning, interpretation of the symbol

The value of the rune of Isa does not depend on the resulting position when sampling. The main interpretation of this symbol is stopping current activities. To determine the duration of forced relaxation from everyday worries, it is recommended to carry out the alignment with several runes immediately - this will help objectively assess the current situation, finding alternative ways to solve it.

The general value of the rune lies in the ultimate recommendation to postpone far-sighted plans before the time most suitable for this. If the wondering will stubborn, forcing events, insisting on your own, you can achieve the opposite effect - the results achieved will be reduced to "no", so you have to do everything first.

Combinations of runes paired with the eleventh symbol of the senior found

  • - Isa: Means that it is desirable to enlist the support of a smart, experienced person who will help find a way out of complex, confusing situations.
  • - Isa: The outcome of current events is very favorable, if you wait a bit, keeping away from rampant, stupid actions
  • Inverted - Isa: A person is inclined to sacrifice himself as a sacrifice, therefore does not take any action for further self-realization in the work or other areas of life
  • - Isa: Features of the situation are forced to reveal the power of will, excerpt, it will help speed up the course of the desired events in your favor.

Stock Foto Runes of Isa Indicates that this symbol has no extended value. Show patience, wisdom, regardless of the difficulty of the situation, otherwise you risk earning a nervous or moral exhaustion.

Which means Runa Isa in fortune'y to work and business

If you are interested in the course of planned affairs at work, the symbol will indicate a possible recession of activity in the implementation of current projects. One of their values \u200b\u200bof this Scandinavian symbol is to stop the activities of the enterprise (organization, institution) for an indefinite period. The main thing is to make the right conclusion, wait for some time until the situation is to get out, or change the generation of the activity.

The most interesting combinations with Ruhnu Isa with fortunate on business

  • - Isa: Wait for the right moment, everything will work out. A high probability of resuming interrupted activity or even an increase in service. Another interpretation option is a temporary lack of mutual understanding with colleagues, work partners.
  • - Isa: Review the environment - it is possible that there is a person who interferes with the workflow. It is more influential than gone
  • - Isa: You have envious who are having fun on your success, ready to do everything to destroy your career or business activities
  • - Isa: This combination directly indicates an overlooking character of a person, directly or indirectly interferes with the promotion of its own business, fulfilling official duties. I advise you to reconsider the line of your behavior, putting contact with the surrounding people

Which means Runa Isa in fortune'y for love and relationship

The value of the rune of Isa in fortune-money on love and relationship means temporary cooling / fading of senses between partners. It can be expressed in different ways - slots, small household troubles, temporary breaking of relations.

Attention! The value of the rune is especially toughened when it falls out in conjunction with reversed runes. It symbolizes constant scandals, storm of evil emotions, parting "with a crackling", after which mutual consent is accepted never to hear each other.

The main combinations of runes associated with the love sphere

  • - Isa: Probably your partner decided to change you with another person
  • Inverted - Isa: symbolizes the gradual fuss of the senses to the second half. A person who asks groaving will soon lose interest to you or you
  • - Isa: If you are interested in the attitude of a woman, this couple symbolizes the appearance of a lover, which led to the loss of feelings relative to the questioning.
  • Inverted - Isa: This combination is more favorable for fortune-wing to the situation. So that the relationship has gotten yourself, you should simply wait a little, take a temporary break, looking at how a partner to you

What does Isa mean when you fortunate on health

If you are interested in the value of the rune of Isa in the diagnosis of general health status, note that the interpretation of this symbol indicates the disease of the senses. This can be attributed to the reduction of the sensitivity of the hands, legs, the deterioration of the perception of smells, etc.

Important! When the symbol falls out in the scenario, pay special attention to the vision (the presence of bright circles, poor color reproduction of shades). It may impose diseases of the hematopoietic system. You should listen to general well-being, skin color. A comprehensive examination in a specialized clinic is recommended.

How is it used in magic

Due to the features of the interpretation, the rune found a successful use in the magic sphere. The values \u200b\u200bof the runes of Isa in magic successfully can be used to treat chronic diseases, makes it possible to mitigate even the most difficult situation, ensures protection, and also stabilizes the emotional human background.

The main task of this Scandinavian symbol blocking / slowing unwanted phenomena, processes in all spheres of life path.

It is interesting! If you want to cool the feelings of an obsessive person, a combination of the rune of Isa with Gebo or Laguz is used. Such a ruffic thing can be applied right in the photo of the couple. To completely eliminate the opponent / rival, it is recommended to additionally use Hagalaz - the relationship will slowly come to "no".

The main element of this rune is a lot, which gives you the opportunity to use it as anesthetic, means of pulling itching, inflammation. Cases are recorded when this symbol slowed down the growth of unwanted hair on the human body.

Evaz - Algiz - Isa - Protection against Magic Impact

To protect yourself, their loved ones from possible magical impact, a combination of Rune Evaz-Algiz-Isa is used. Consider in more detail the meaning of each of them.

Exhibited at the beginning of this Runic Stava, will help the circumstances that you have long been waiting for, finally come. You will be enveloped by the stream of graceful energy, which will help the fate turn to your face. The probability of the emergence of a person who will help with a delivered council and sound assessment of the current situation. Wait for large changes for the better, stop worrying on trifles.

If the above symbol fell in an outdated position, you will have to wait a bit for the appearance of a "positive jet" by attaching a lot of effort for this. Some losses are possible, excessive concern about the current position of things.

Full interpretation of the rune can be viewed here. Briefly remind her meaning. It is important to show persistence in achieving certain goals selected by the behavior line. Be vigilant, listen to the voice of the mind, intuition, which will help to avoid many troubles.

The inverted position of this sign means the clarity, the thoughtfulness of actions. It is recommended to rely only on your strength without hoping for other people. Keep the clarity of the mind, not forgetting whether all this is doing. Remember that openness, sincerity is the key to success.

Isa, which occupies the third position of this combination, speaks of stability or rest. Can symbolize the empty costs of strength, time, emotions. The Council is easier to the situation, listen carefully to what the runes say.

Such a talisman is ideal for charismatic, active people, as it is able to stop any negative effects on the way. Great when resolving any ambiguous or conflict situations - will help keep emotions when communicating with the interlocutor, will give an exposure, wisdom.

Amulet from Isa will become an excellent defender, the keeper of a person, protecting the owner from all sorts of dependencies (psychological, physical, moral, etc.).

Remember! Mascot from Isa is excellent for personal protection, but not for cleaning the room - this can cause stagnation of events, provoke other negative manifestations - scandals, etc. I recommend to embroider a symbol on clothes, wearing it constantly with you.

Is it possible to make a tattoo with Isa

Do or not do a tattoo with Isa is your personal matter. You can try to apply a symbol to your feet, for example, caviar. If the result is like, - boldly stuff, but I would recommend to use temporary paints (HHU, etc.).

The main rule is not forcing the course of events. Think carefully, analyze everything and ... Temporarily go to the sideline - now an unfavorable moment for the conceived. Let some time goes, - you yourself will understand when it comes.

I hope this information was useful for you. I am sure that I helped the reader to avoid many errors. Watch for updates on the site. I wish you good luck and creative self-realization on the life path.

Video: Value Rune Isa

The rune of ice in the literal and figurative sense of the word. The main value of the rune is freezing, stagnation. However, it should be remembered that in the Nordic tradition of ice is, along with fire, one of the creative elements, the unity and confrontation of which the whole world gives rise to existence.

Name: ISA or IS - ice. Ice (Goth.), Ice (English), Ice (Nor.), Ice (Isl.)

Runic formula — ᛁᛋᚨ

Isa's action: ordering, crystallization.

Deity: Ice Giant IMIR. (I think it is wrong to compare with imir, although there is similarity, because all matter is created from the body of imir)

And peace, TJ. Brother (YMIR, "Stormy"): Ruleanika in Dr. Scandinavians, the 1st living creature, is called. Noflheim Ice and Flame Mural. Feed on milk the cow Audkhumbla, which arose simultaneously with it; There was a biscuit and gave rise to the Dynasty of the Giant Chrysmithors. Then, falling asleep, he swept, and because of this, his son and daughter grew up in his left armpit, and in his feet - the son of worklmir. Imir killed the gods alone, Vili and Be. Imir died, and from his wounds left as much blood that all chrysmores choke in it. Saved only Bergelmir. The same, Vili and Be took the body of the IMIR, placed in the center of the Ginnungapa and created our world.


Character: Magnetic rune.

Essence: irreversible rune. Niflheim. (Nilfheim)

Niflheim M (Dat.-Norv. Niflheimr, ancient. Nibelheim, from NiFL - fog and heim - shelter, refuge): "The kingdom of fog", invisible (underground) kingdom, the cold northern pole of the universe. Aged the world chaos (see Ginnunghap) long before the emergence of the Earth. In it, the source of Hverhelmir was formed, and 12 rivers were flowed into the abyss, referred to as the general name of Evyagar (cf. Dzh. The Underworld Rivers). In the occult, the image of the magnetic force, the "black hole", pulling everything in itself, the symbol of illusions, where the external forms correspond to the inner essence of the observer (K. Medosz). From a psychological point of view - an energy-effective personality (vampire), inability to control power benefits with the outside world, hence the feeling of devastation, powerlessness. "Look for where your boat takes place"

Images of the runes of Isa:

  • water freezes in the ice,
  • fog freezes in snowflake,
  • melted quartz freezes in glass,
  • salt solution crystallizes
  • the dough acquires a porous structure when baking,
  • man organizes his own observations,
  • the athlete "builds" your own body,
  • tree branches are located so as to minimize each other.
  • cells have their own organelles as functional as possible.
  • old house is rebuilt,
  • the company changes the internal organization,
  • the store rearranges showcases within themselves by workers,
  • computer filling is changing admin,
  • the collection is sorted in the desired procedure collector,

The value of the runes of Isa

Internal ordering. The internal structure is "axis", the basis of the existence of any figure, so it must be ordered.

Internal orderliness is constantly violated by the influence of internal and external factors. Insufficient internal order is an incentive to the action of Isaz.

The result of this action is the presence of a person in a certain way of an ordered internal structure.

Application of the runes of Isa in magic

Magic value: frozen, cold. Helps stop ka something An unfavorable process, illness, cool passion, "freeze" the situation to win time. This rune is dedicated to the giant imir, born ice and symbolizing the beginning or update after a long "period of stagnation" stagnation in affairs, obstacles; The fulfillment of desires is postponed.

- Saving, fixing.

The rune of ice in the literal and figurative sense of the word. The area of \u200b\u200bthe rune is very wide, and its main magical purpose is "freezing" of anything. With it, you can suspend (but not liquidate!) Negative process: disease (physical or mental), an outbreak of anger (not only one), ka something phenomenon in public life, etc. In some situations, it allows you to get the necessary respite.

However, it should be remembered that in the northern tradition of ice is not only a symbol of a frozen state, but also one of the creative elements participating in the formation and change of the world. The ice, like the fire, in this respect has its own current force, and this force can be used, for example, in magical practices associated with self-transformation, as well as - when creating protective spells.

Interpretation of the rune Isa in fortune

Mantic meaning: "freezing" situation, stop; the need to refuse active actions, stabilization, Taoist notion; Put before the start of a new stage, passivity, lack of movement forward.


The time of the internal stop, the events go as if too slowly, you absolutely do not notice their development. They themselves suspended, slowed down the usual image and the pace of life. This is not apathy, but some unwillingness in general contact with the outside world, something is actively involved, where to go. In fact, you are a passenger of the fast train, rushing through the night in the city you need. There is no one in your coupe, outside the window - it's dark and if you get used to the wheel knock (everyday, routine deeds), it will seem that you are generally standing in place, only sometimes the car shakes on the junctions of the rail - and you remember that the process goes, I'm going - but for a short time. And then again - silence, darkness, state of in-depth reflection.

Provided opportunities

the ideal opportunity to deal with you in a relaxed atmosphere. Now whatever you say, did not want, no matter how you tried to turn in our thoughts from the way - it will not affect the process of life. Time to accurately assess your strength, goals, tasks, build plans (which are most likely implemented), understand relations to other people, make decisions - and to follow them.

Caution Runes:

Do not tighten the period of Isa. You can not see how events develop - but they develop and very intensively. Your train is "fast." Do not get used to sit and do nothing. On the other hand, do not resist this period. Isa - ice, freezing of your personal active activity. And if you really want and you are trying to speed up the events, influence them - you will "freeze" forcibly, right up to hospital getting into the hospital, and even to another place of restriction of freedom.

reduce a circle of communication, any contacts, up to leave, turn off the phone, "escape" to the forest, mountains, unfamiliar city ... Read, Think, rate the living, sift what prevents, leave valuable experience, honestly deal with you and the outside world. Take care of yourself, workouts, repair - concentrate your strength and opportunities to gain new knowledge and skills.

Problems caused by RuNu

Situations are confusing and meaningless only for reason. When driving, everything is clarified. The spiritual life of Firenna, but not careful. We are accustomed to working on rude enchanting external vibrations. The test for a person is that in the imagination, he was able to find himself, because any stop, any stagnation is always illusory. Even if emotions are emotions, the mind is rammed, inside there is always fire, love, faith. Such external stops help manifest itself deeply, inner itself, which is spiritual. In the context of the runes of Isa, spirituality can be defined as the preservation of faith or channel to the spirit in any situation.

The spiritual person never feels abandoned. It is in principle vertical, and therefore does not depend on external situations. He understands that shells are a manifestation, the implementation of the vertical.

Isa frees it from clothes. He stays alone with himself. At first it is perceived as loneliness, left, ability. As the fire matches the fire, it turns out that a person has everything and no one and nothing needs. Maybe this is the most gravity of the test. Easy to fight with external events. But when all this disappears and the ringing silence comes, then staying by himself, not a wall and not complaining about the fate, nor on people, - this is this very difficult to achieve. It seems that nothing left of what you had and was striving for. And a person forgets that most importantly - he himself, his spiritual rod.

If a person breaks through the illusion of ice, withstands the snowy test, he is attended by deep, on weekdays, a unnoticed, but the real awareness of his own reality, the experience of its own individual being, in which he is inextricably linked to the Morning World. It is about finding an internal basis. If a person finds this basis, it is nicking any obstacles and constraints. Otherwise, success in external activity is dubious, because a person really creates only when it creates a spiritual beginning in it through it. It is connected with the body, with events. It manifests itself through the shell. However, it is albeit when the shells disappear. This start rings in emptiness and glows in the darkness.

In the situation of Isa, the most important thing is not to forget that you are, you are aware of feeling, alive. And the most important thing is impossible to take away. Of you can not be frowning. Isa navigates a person to this awareness when he does not wait for external assistance, external events, when he calms down even in search of meaning when he does not associate his internal being with anyone, but it is rejoicing that he is at all. This is very complex, cold, painful and at the same time higher test. Higher in the fact that another way to listen to myself, my conscience and mission simply does not exist.

The more active the external channels are stopped, the more decisively tied with reality with reality - for a week or a year - the more distincting a person is aware of what he does not take away anyone - himself. This awareness exists on top of everything, what people bake. It is self-sufficient and gectic. It is impossible forcibly to seek it.

It is very difficult to meditate on yourself when external events are twisted with the wheel. But when Isa comes, a person gets a vacation for searching for himself. He must not be insecured, and to rejoice in the fact that he was given the opportunity to sense himself out of connection with people, with success, with acquired and achieved. The awareness of itself is the highest value of man. The larger in the life of the Capricious hitters, stops, disappointments, longing, despondency, sadness, the greater the chances to find ourselves and go to the throne of their own consciousness.

Of course, it comes in due time. Neither the first nor with the fifth times will not work. First you need to just know about the values \u200b\u200bof the experiences of Isa. These experiences have real assistance to the spirit, when suddenly all the external noise is turned off and you can listen to yourself, feel that you are alive and staying in the eyelids. Because it is starting in you the beginning of anyone and without anything. It is still not even yours, your solutions. You can't even destroy him, because it is not from you. And when they listen so, it becomes more fun. You see that events unfold, and this inner witness is silent, smiles, sometimes rejoices. But overall it is still. He watches the world, and you watch with him.


  1. E. wheels, Torsten A. - "Runes. Futark Classic and Armal
  2. A. Platov, A. Van Dart - "Practical course of Roong Art"
  3. Oleg Xinko - "Runes: Prediction Practice"
  4. Konstantin Salchok - "Astrological interpretation of runes"
  5. T. Carlson - "Warque»
  6. Vladimir Smirnov (Haukwithr Gandwiki) - « Rug. Handbook of Values

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The kingdom of the cold, the water surface, composed of ice - this is probably the brightest symbol of this rune. The rune of Isa is present everywhere where the natural energy of the cold is spread, the stagnation reigns, the impossibility of life. Northern peoples, however, read the ice - for them it is also significant as the fire. In addition, the ice is patronized by creativity and creation.

Scandinavian rune Isa - meaning, description and interpretation

  • Title: (IS, ISA) - ice on the Gothic dialect, in Icelandic, Norwegian and other northern languages;
  • The effect of Isa: the water turns into a crystal, the molecules are ordered in the state of the ice;
  • Deity: IMIR, Ice Giant;
  • According to Legend, IMIR is one of the main ancestors of the "real" giants. It was believed that the whole earthly solid was made from the body of the Grand Cold Being. After a long sleep, IMIR died from the hands of the gods, Odina and other ASs.
  • Character: Magnetic;
  • Essence: irreversible;
  • Direct Association with the Kingdom Nilfheim.

Niflheim with Norwegian is literally translated as "the kingdom of fog." The kingdom occupies the North Pole of the world, and even the whole universe. On the ground, Nilfheim stretches ice and comprehensive darkness. This is a very gloomy place, the abode of the dead shower.

In psychology, under the image of the "Ice kingdom", the embodiment of a culture in culture, understand the embodiment of the dark side of the person. A man under the influence of ice is lack of life, his face is pale, the skin becomes stal. It is more like a vampire, a "vampire" type of person is formed when the patient is powered by the life forces of other people.

Questions of visitors and expert answers:

Images runes of Isa

  • Crystallization: Water turns into ice;
  • Wet fog forms a snowflake;
  • Salt settles from sea water;
  • A branched tree is arranged so that the branches do not overlap each other;
  • Cells focus to achieve quick exchange;
  • Quartz in a hot furnace freezes in glass;
  • The dough grows upwards, pores are formed in it;
  • The traveler streams the impressions of the diary;
  • Bodybuilder pumps each muscle making the perfect body;
  • Old house is rejected again;
  • Inside the company there is a redistribution structure;
  • The store changes showcases and goods through workers;
  • In the technique there is a replacement of the "filling" by the hands of the Master;
  • The collection is put in order to its owner.

Deep meaning of the runes of Isa

In the north they relate to ice strength, ice vertices can be very powerful. Ice boulders have the properties of the landscape, they are drawn or stitched, like a picture, sculpture. Therefore, the formation of the image of the creator was inevitable. With the help of frost, the water attaches form, brilliant facets are created.

Therefore, the connection of creativity and ice is an important meaning of the rune of Isa, which is one of the central. Transformation requires some creative, unique approach - as we know, there are many forms of snowflakes frozen droplets. All this hills the idea that once the deadly strength of the ice performs in a very soft, noble form.

Creating an internal rod, giving the thoughts of the structure. Classification, crystallization. The presence of a solid base within the leader. The axis around which personality is built. The lack of ordering is a factor provoking the effect of Isa.

The essence of the runes of Isa, meaning, description and their interpretation - the onset of cold weather. The work "freezes", the relationship between the leader and the people associated with it. Time stretches, cases are postponed until better times.

We can assume that if you do nothing and do not communicate with anyone, then you do not exist at all. Existential crisis is experiencing. There are only traces on the snow, for which you see, where they were yesterday, but they will soon notice the Purga. If the identity is withstanding the ice test, it acquires completely different qualities.

  1. First, you begin to live consciously, rely on the power of will, for thinking, planning. Because winter has taught you how to survive. When life appeals to the usual direction, you will already have tools for survival next winter.
  2. Secondly, Ice cleans. The shell cracks, you stay "without clothes." Personality, like masks, are lost as unnecessary - you are not in front of whom and nothing to play. The crystallization of his "I" is honest, without tricks.

Magician use

The effect achieved when working with a manual is the formation of internal order, crystallization of thoughts and images coming in the commissioning and analysis of any action. Runa Isa, meaning in relationships: an excellent opportunity to stop the conflict, reduce the passions of passions. The image of thoughts corresponds to the crystal clear look. There is a chance that obstacles will appear, won by the "freezing" time derete success.

Therefore, there are the following areas of use of ISA energy:

  • Recovery;
  • Stop adverse processes;
  • Smoothing conflicts;
  • Creation of diplomatic relations;
  • Creating opportunities for rest;
  • Maintaining philosophical, scientific, literary activities;
  • Return home, to a moderate tempo of life.

Calling the power of ice, you can make a lot of good deeds. Stop the disease (but not to cure it completely), relieve pain, remove the temperature. Get rid of the accumulated heat and anger. Association with rest in the fresh, frosty air is a chance of respite.

The timing of important and urgent cases is shifted. Or vice versa - staying on the slope of a snowy vertex, where he captures the spirit, maximum impression and concentration. Fasculating images are frozen in memory for many years. The ice saves from the unbearable heat, they are "treated" burns, meat ceases to rot, the decay process will slow down. Cold energy is used in oversets, protective spells.

The effect of Isa for all interested in Eastern practices is positively affected. Meditating is substantially easier to suspend the flow of thoughts, to fill the will on yourself. Agree that in the usual life there is no place neither absolute silence nor the absolute concern - you have to make a compromise. In the situation of the influence of Isa, you are getting closer to the rest, the true purity of thoughts.

Interpretation of the rune Isa at fortune

General value

Frost of time. Important events are postponed for later. The period of stagnation, stagnation. Such features are manifested as passivity, the absence of any act (as in the practice of Tao comprehension). Stability, suspension of stormy activity.

You do not see explicit changes in the way of life, nothing happens. Currently deprived of events, it does not come or a holiday nor mourning. You are not accustomed to this provision of things, it seems that winter has come right now. The energy goes inside, accumulates, does not feel that drowsiness, not that boredom.

Man becomes immersed in himself. For active spheres of life, it can mean full stagnation, and everything happens at the same time: the TV turns off at night, and silence comes. A deep night at the party muffled music, the personality is immersed in sleep, in the darkness, remains alone.

A negative aspect will be the loss of the volitional function. Loss of important contacts, finance drawdown. You do not spend a lot, but no money is added; House and transport require care and repair. New dating rather as a traveler, short.

You can estimate this position as a dream in a long road.

  • For some long trips are very tedious - after all, nothing can be done, except to read a book or boulevard newspapers;
  • Others are fully immersed in reflections, indulge in thoughts and fantasies that look like a dream.

The hidden inner world is gradually unfolded, appears as in the picture. Now it's easier to see both good and bad - all the same, your qualities are not involved in the stagnation period, so they can be pulled out, disassemble and evaluate them.

When you fortunate for the future

Quite a quiet and calm period. Not necessarily to fall into the hibernation, possible, thinking about further actions also uses energy. You are not devoid of either emotions, no joys of life, but now you feel that expression does not correspond to the situation. Slowly, but the future comes true - a chance appears to approach him with the mind.


Runa Isa in the fortuneway warns from:

  • The desire to escape from the ice block - do not "step over" a stagnant period;
  • Active actions - you will still return to the previous condition;
  • Hurry and running - no of these actions will be justified;
  • Ugly - stagnation is strongly associated, but does not lead directly to depression. Try to keep confidence;
  • Destruction - Create, but do not throw away. Again, it would be very active for cold weather;
  • Weakness. Form an exposure and perseverance.

The problem caused by Ruhnu is the wrong attitude towards the situation. Look for positive moments even in the cold. You know that, in spite of the frost outside, you remain so warm inside. Think what could make you in the shower. Reading, leisurely, thorough conversations go to the fore.

However, there is, where to make mistakes in an inexperienced person. Still, darkness delays. You get used to living in a measured pace, spend too much time for analyzing events. Sooner or later, even the most serious reflections, if they are not suspended, they are completed with self-confession and depression.

Consider love and faith as indisputable heat sources, something that will always be with you. Soon you will discover the potential of the situation through love, and the ice is melting.

A common problem is loneliness. According to themselves, such conditions as a dream, reflection, systematization is always made alone. You can observe, but only you feel everything that happens. Remember that the human spirit that is interested in the inner world will not be lonely even in the kingdom of ice.

Clean the circle of communication. Excessive meetings and contacts nowhere. Excessive activity will provoke opposition from ice strength. It is more correct to enjoy today's advantages. Strive to a calm, measured tempo of life. Someone helps to go to the mountains, to travel in the "wild" tourist area for a long time. Less radical will stay at home, repair something, to do health.

Helps awareness of the values \u200b\u200bof experiences of Isa. For those who do not first feel the effect of frosty jersey, they will perceive it as another vacation, the journey. For beginners, it is important to learn to adapt to the absence of some particular incentive, it makes sense to move and develop. You will have to choose the guidelines for this period of time.

But look, nothing is forever, by yourself "the eternal" ice is preserved in the small corners of the planet. This means that in a short time and this stage of life will come to the end.