The walrus is an arctic animal belonging to the family of the walrus, a group of lobs. The family consists of one kind and one species, which is divided into 2 subspecies: Atlantic and Pacific walruses.

The habitat of walrus is huge, it covers most of the water of the Arctic Ocean. These animals live in Iceland, Greenland, on Svalbard, in the Red Sea and on the New Earth.

A large walru population is concentrated in the Chukchi Sea in the area of \u200b\u200bBering Strait. In addition, the burf roaming can be found along the northern coast of East Siberia, on the Islands of Wrangel.

The native habitat of walrus is also Alaska and a sea of \u200b\u200bbootfort. The Anadyr Bay, Norton Bay and Bristol Bay of the Bering of the Sea bay, did not pay their attention. In Bristol Gulf, the walkers are going in summer.

The walruses are migrant animals, in the summer they live at 79 degree north latitude, and in winter they move south. In the south, they chose for themselves the southern coast of Alaska and the northern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula. In the spring and autumn time, the walror is equipped with the Western shores of Alaska in Anadyr Gulf. This behavior is characterized by Pacific Laszham, which are much more than the Atlantic.

Walruses - herd animals.

The population of Atlantic walruses has more than 20 thousand individuals. Such a small amount, in no way corresponding to the extensive survey of the Arctic, they achieved people, as they mercilessly exterminate these poor animals.

Separately, it is worth considering Laptev's walrus population. These walles live in a strictly defined zone - Western and central areas of the sea of \u200b\u200bLaptev, Delta Lena, Island of Big Lyakhovsky, Kola Island and boiler island. They are also found in the eastern part of the Kara Sea, the western regions of the East Siberian Sea and on the island of New Siberia. The number of "Laptev" population varies within 10 thousand individuals, which, of course, is a small number for such a huge territory.

This is a mammal - a resident of the North.

Exterior of the Morzha

Frungs - strong and large animals. Some individuals in length reach 5 meters, and weigh to 1.5 tons.

The average sizes of males: 3.5 meters - body length and 1 ton - weight. The females are slightly less than males, the average length of their body is 2.8-2.9 meters, while they weigh 700-800 kilograms. Adult individuals have fangs protruding from the mouth. Each fang weighs about 3 kilograms, and its length is 60-80 centimeters.

The walruses have a very wide face, long, thick mustes, which are called vibrassami on its upper lip. In appearance, they are similar to the brush. These mustache help the crushes to search for underwater mollusks.

The eyes of the walrus are small, at the same time visually impaired. Bad vision compensates for an excected developed sense of smell. There are no outer ears in walrus.

The skin of the young is covered with yellow-brown hair, which with age disappear. The elderly features a body completely naked. The skin of these animals is very durable and thick, its thickness on the chest is 4 centimeters, and on the stomach - 8 centimeters. The skin for a walrus performs a thick protective shell function. The leather of males is covered with peculiar beatings, which is a secondary sexual sign.

Lasts of walruses are also noteworthy. Their front cans of corn, very movable and flexible. And the rear flashes only in the heel joint, thanks to this, the walrus relies on them when moving on the ground, ice and stones.

Widham have 2 throat bags. When the walrus fills these bags with air, the neck swells and resembles a soccer ball. The muscles of the esophagus are reduced and does not produce outward air. With the help of thorns, the walrus turns into a real float. Bags do not give the animal to drown and maintain it in a vertical position at the surface of the water. The wallets inflated the thorny bags and calmly sleep in cold water, and only the head and bloated neck of the walrus can be seen above its surface.

Frungs - owners of formidable fangs.

Behavior and Food Walrz

The wallery lead the stade lifestyle. The habitat of walruses are coastal waters whose depth is no more than 5 meters. It is such a depth that is optimal for these lobs.

The walrow find themselves food at the seabed with their sensitive Vibribs. The basis of the diet is mollusks. The walrus lies with fangs in or farm and up a large number of seashells rises. Walrgg seashells lags with its large corn lashes and splits the shell. The shell falls at the bottom, and the bodies of the mollusk remain in the water, the wargo remains only to swallow them. So that the walrus is saturated, it should consume at least 50 kilograms of mollusks daily.

In addition, these animals feed on crustaceans, various worms and padals. Representatives of this species do not like fish, but if there are no other food, they are reluctant to eat it. In some cases, large walkers attack and. But all representatives of the species are capable of such bloodthirsty behavior. Most of the walrus do not practice this.

The main food of these animals is mollusks.

Laszham is also not peculiar to cannibalism. These animals, on the contrary, are very friendly among themselves. If there is a danger, the wersery always come to each other on the revenue. To the kids these large animals are trembling and affectionate. Mothers are ready to sacrifice the life for their kids. If the mother is dying, then the other females take her cub under their custody.

Flooring of a walrus is a very interesting sight. On the stones is a huge number of bodies, tightly pressed to each other. Some individuals are passed into the water, while others return to the rookery. In such a huge mass, both separate clashes are tied, and friendly relations are tied.

The peace of wine is guarded by interchangeable hourly. In case of danger, the hourly roar, and massive carcasses are instantly thrown into the water. In such a pressure, kids may die. But more often the mother can save offspring, closing it with its strong body.

The walruses arrange fokers not only on land, but also on the ice floes. For these purposes, Pakaya ice does not fit, only females give birth to offspring.

Reproduction and life expectancy

Growing in walrus is slow. Animals reaches puberty only for 5 years. The marriage starts in April-May. At this time, fights regularly occur between males.

Pregnancy in females lasts 340-370 days. Basically, the mother gives birth to one kid, and in extremely rare cases there may be twins. The length of the body of a newborn baby reaches 80 centimeters, and it weighs about 30 kilograms. Mother feeding a young milk for more than a year. On the second year of life, the cubs can grow up, and he begins to independently extract himself to feed.

The kids do not leave their mothers to a two-year-old age. When the cub leaves his mother, she is not in a hurry to pregnant again. Folder's females give birth 1 time in 4 years. In general, about more than 5% of all females will be pregnant annually.

These animals are growing for 20 years, and the average duration of their life is 30 years. Morzha is waiting for up to 35 years. But there is an opinion that some individuals can live to 40-50 years.

Enemies of Morzha

In the huge Arctic lands, these strong lastonods have only three enemies. The first place among them is occupied by people, the second - and a third - Kosyokki. A man hunts on the walrus for the sake of their meat, fangs, fat and skins. In the last decade, humanity laid an end to the reckless extermination of walrus.

Today, the law identifies various rules and restrictions on the salts of these lastonovi, which allows at least to some extent to nature the minimum damage. Only indigenous inhabitants of the Arctic are eligible for walrus - Eskimos and Chukchi. All other citizens hunting for walruses is prohibited. Similar actions are regarded as poaching.

Although it is a formidable predator, but it can not cope with the walrus. These lastonous are better adapted to the marine elements, so in the fight the bear always remains the loser. On land, the bear is also difficult to cope with the walrus, so predators, mostly choose the young or old and sick individuals. In any case, white bears do not often enter the frying fry. Only a strong hunger can make a polar bear attack the walrus. And if there are many seals around there, the bear ignores the walrus and prefers easier prey.

Walruses - the object of poachers.

Also carry a threat to a walrome. The tales can grow to 9 meters in length. These marine mammals have strong jaws and sharp teeth. Fanging walrus can not have decent resistance to this fierce predator, because the groove is almost 3 times more walrz and 4 times harder. Walror can be saved only in one case - if you have time to quickly get to the land. In the open sea, a flock of a quantifier consisting of 1.5 dozen individuals, lung copes with 50 walrows. The tactics of hunting by the quarrels one - they are crashed into a flock of walrus, break it into separate parts, surround one part and eat.

These are all the enemies of walrus, more than these fanging giants in the extensive lands of the Arctic, no one can harm.

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Catures, sea lions and walruses - oceanic mammals in the group of lobs (seals). The connection with water in seals is not as close as the whales. Seals need mandatory vacation on land.

Ties are interconnected, but are located in different taxonomic families.

  • The so-called courageous (true) seals are members of the family of the PSO - Phocidae.
  • Sea lions and seams are members of the Otariidae family (silence).
  • Walrings refer to the family of walrus.

The main difference between madness and eared seals is their ears.

  • Sivuchi have external ears flaps. These folds of the skin are designed to protect the ear from the fall of water when the seal floats or dives.
  • There are no external ears in the "true" seals at all. Need to To approach them very close to see the tiny holes on the sides of the smooth head of the seal.

Another distinction of seal groups are their rear flips:

In real seals, the rear flippers are not bended and not turned forward, but only back. It does not allow them to "walk" on the ground. They move on land with wave-like body movements.

Syvuchi (sea seals and sea lions) can move on land, using their hind legs (flippers).

Third difference:

Fourth difference:

  • Sea lions are noisy animals.
  • Real seals are much quieter - their vocalization resembles a soft grunt.

There are 18 species of real seals and 16 species of eared seals.

The largest representative of real seals is the Southern Sea Elephant. Massive male, weighing up to 8,500 pounds. (3 855.5 kg). The females of the sea elephant are much smaller, but still weigh more than a car in 2000 pounds (907.18 kg).

Men are measured in length about 20 feet (6 meters), the length of the female body is about twice as shorter.

The smallest representative of the true (Beehood) seal is nervous. At the nerve, the average body length is 5 feet (1.5 m) and weight from 110 to 150 pounds (this is 50 - 70 kg). Unlike other seals, males and female nerve is about the same size.

Nerpea is the most common type of seal in the Arctic, in accordance with the study of national administration of oceanic and atmospheric phenomena (NOAA).

Of the 16 types of eared seals, seven are views of sea lions.

One of the most famous species, in accordance with the NAAA, is considered the California Sea Lion. In the wild, these animals live along the western coast of North America. They can often be seen as they heat on the beaches and marins.

Males are an average of about 700 pounds (315 kg) and can reach weight over 1000 pounds (455 kg). Females on average weigh 240 pounds (110 kg).

Natural Wednesday Seal (Seal)

Real seals usually live in the cold waters of the Ocean of the Arctic and the coast of Antarctica.

Harp (Greenland seal), Ringah Nerpe (Akiba), Icelandic Cherley-Hochlach, Sea Hare (Lahtak), spotted seal (Larga), Bearded walrus and winrs - live in the Arctic.

Cabobed, Weddell, Marine Leopard and Ross Tylena - live in Antarctica.

Marine seals and sea lions live in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean between Asia and North America, and from the coast of South America, Antarctica, Southwestern Africa and South Australia. They can spend about two years in the open ocean before returning to their spawning.

Some seals make caves in the snow. Others never leave the ice and singe the breathing holes in the ice.

What do seals eat?

The seals are mainly hunting for fish, but they also eat eel, squid, octopus and lobster.

Sea leopards are able to eat penguins and small seals.

Gray seal is able to eat up to 10 pounds (4.5 kg) food per day. He sometimes misses food for several days in a row, and lives due to the energy of the accumulated fat. And often completely stops feeding - during the marriage season it does not eat within a few weeks.

All lastonodii - from real seals (madness) to eared seals (silence) and walrus (with Odobenids bevines) - are carnivores. Their relationship is associated with dogs, coins, foxes, wolves, skins, outstands and bears.

How do the faces appear?

When the marriage season comes, the males of seals will make profound gentle sounds to attract the attention of females. The male seal also calls other males to the duel with sounds.

Seals are very territorial animals when it comes to mating. They will fight for the right to mate, strike and bite each other. The winner gets the opportunity to mate with 50 females of his area.

Females pregnancy lasts about 10 months. When they feel that it is time for childbirth, some of them make nests in the sand, where they appear cubs. Other seals, lay out their children directly on Iceberg, on snow.

Belki, so called puppies of seals.

Catures and sea lions have only one puppy per year. Belkov Mom will feed on Earth until they turn to waterproof fur. It may take about 1 month.

The females will fall and pregnant again as soon as Her Belok will go back from his chest.

The males are not capable of mating, until the age of 8 years have reached, because they need a fairly big growth and enough strength to win the battle against the right of mating.

Several other facts about seals

All laston-related - seals, sea lions and walrles are guarded in accordance with the law on the protection of marine mammals.

Most seals are not considered a threat to the disappearance, in accordance with the Red List of the International Nature Conservation Union (IUCN).

However, there are several exceptions.

Caribbean seal declared extinct in 2008.

  • Kitty Galapagos and Monk Tylene - both are under threat of disappearance.
  • Some local groups, such as gray seals in the Baltic Sea, also in the risk group.
  • Northern Sea Cat and Hochlach are also vulnerable.

Northern Nerches, Neros Baikal and Ursula Narely - also are vulnerable animals. They are trying to breed in the aquarium of New England in Boston.

Cabribed seal, among species of seal, has the largest population in the world. According to their estimates to 75 million individual individuals.

The sea elephant has what is called "blood smokers" - in his blood the same amount of carbon monoxide, like a person who smokes through 40 or more cigarettes per day. Scientists believe that this high level of gas in the blood protects them when they dive into deep ocean levels.

Greenland seals can remain under water up to 15 minutes.

Weddell's seals are even more impressive. Their record remains under water - 80 minutes. They only pop up for air capture when they find holes in the layers of ice above the ocean.

Farallon Bay (Farallones) of the National Maritime Reserve California is a house for one fifth of the seal of the whole world. These marine mammals believe that they found safe refuge within the reserve.

In addition to dolphins and whales in the sea there are mammals who have partially preserved wool, and the legs turned into fins, but in the flippers that allow moving and on land. One of them is, the inhabitant of the Far North. This is an animal, sometimes weighing almost 2 tons, can overturn the boat, but the first attacks rarely.

Long fangs-toddles are the main decoration of the walrus. With their help, they cut holes in ice and get out of the water, clinging to the ice, and still fight with rivals. Wiza-Vibrassas are visible over the bivheshes. These sensitive hair helps to find on the bottom of the mollusks. True, the walrus does not refuse fish.

The walrus is very thick, up to 10 cm, leather. And the layer of fat for them reaches 15 cm

TO eared seal relate sea lions. They have wool, a little reminiscent mane. True, to see this mane, you must carefully look at the animal. But the voice of the marine lion is a hoarse roar - heard well. To change the wool and remove the offspring, these animals are arranged on the 6epegu of the root.

To get to foke, sea lions swim up to 9,000 km, which is a little more than between Vladivostok and the Australian port of Sydney. They can swim with a speed of 40 km / h, stopping, only to sleep.

South Sea Lion, inhabiting from the coast of South America

In addition, these lastonous are beautiful divers. A man when immersed under the water can close the eyes and mouth, and the nostrils head their hands. Nautical Lviv has no hands, but by having inhaled on the surface, calmly closed the nostrils with special skin valves and dive. Water does not fall into the respiratory tract, and the animals remain at a depth until they end the air in the lungs.

Real Tyulani.Unlike walrus and sea lions, almost nothing like ground animals. Their ears are just holes, and the rear flippers are not bent, so the seals crawl over the ground, relying on the front flippers. But in the sea, the animals are beaten by the back of water, and the front work as steering oars.

Among the real seals are largy, greenland Tyulani. and tyuleny monks. The latter was named so because on the shore they hide in the caves and grottoes, and these brownish color seals, which resembles the color of the monastic rode. True, the skin of the Hawaiian monk is sometimes green due to tiny seaweed.

Cabeadians are the most numerous seals: they are numbering 10-14 million. Here are only crabs, despite the name, they do not eat, but feed on Antarctic Creen

Who is Belok?

Young seals called puppies. Many species have newborn puppies white color, so their name is also the faces. Only a month later, Belok acquires his "adult" color.

Earlier behind the fares were hunted for a long time

Eared relatives of bears

Sea lions and quotes have an outer ear sink. Therefore, they are believed to eared seals. And the eared seals themselves now belong to the bearish, because in the structure of the skull they resemble the ancestors of modern bears. Who would have thought that the brown teddy bear had such an amazing naval family!

Large pretty face with expressive eyes, a smooth body, a strong tail and paws - who does not know the seal who has not seen him at least in the picture or on TV! They are often confused with the walrus, and meanwhile it is completely different animals. What are their features and how many types of seals exist?

Who is so seal

Seals belong to the class of mammals living predominantly in the panlarium. These are animals with flippers instead of the limbs, it is for this reason earlier seals (as well as their relatives of the walrus) called lastonous. Now this name is not used, believed to be obsolete.

Among the seals, two families are distinguished - real and eared seals.

Walrus and seal

Many are confused by walrles and seals. It is worth clarifying what the difference between these animals. So, firstly, the seals are many species, the walrus is one. It is greater than the seal in size and by weight - at least twice. Washa has big fangs - in other words, the appearance, with the help of which these animals mined food, fight and just survive. In the seal there is no such.

The walrus have no ears (this is such a rhyme), and in eared seals (you can guess about it according to their name) the ears are present. Vibrisians in walrus are thick and wide, and in seals - thin and narrow. The first almost no hair cover, the second it has.

The wallets of peace-loving in relation to each other are always held by bunch. Besters happen between seals (for example, for the territory in the marriage), they often prefer the withdrawal. At the same time, seals are more "conversations", you can always hear any sounds. Frungs are silent.

Beardless and eared: what's the difference

As already mentioned above, previously seals were called lastonous, but not now: according to some researchers, in real and eared seals, a different origin. This is their main difference.

The first are the closest family kun. That is why they have an elongated body as spine, which is comfortable to control in water, and short (applied to the body) limbs. In water, these seals were for the first time in the north of the Atlantic Ocean. But the eared their counterparts (like walruses) occurred from ... Bear! Little head, fragrance of fur brownish color, tiny ears - all this indicates belonging to a bearish family. They came from sushi in the Pacific Ocean.

There are differences, among other things, these types of seals and their flippers. Eared capable of attacking the hind limbs, walk by them on the ground, the present is deprived of such an opportunity: when they move on land, the flippers are simply dragging behind them. But these animals actively use the rear flippers in water, swimming with them. For the eared feast, the favors are the forelimbs, and they use the rear as a kind of "steering wheel". Another difference between these seals is that there are no past shells (for this peculiarity there are sometimes sometimes calling them.

Origin of species: controversial issue

The version of the various origin of the seal has its opponents. So, some scientists argue that the laston-related appeared approximately fifty million years ago, when neither the Kunih family, nor the family of bearish had no longer existed. Such researchers tend to assume that the real, and the eared seals still occurred from the general ancestor, belong to the family of the lastonovichi and enter into the cross-shaped arctic predators, which, in addition to them, also entered raccoon, ping, kuni and bearish.

Real Seal: Features

In addition to the already mentioned characteristics of the appearance of the real seal, it is necessary to say about a short neck and the same tail, the first at the same time is minor. Vibriss is usually up to ten pieces, they are hard enough. It is Vibrisians that help themselves to navigate in the water: they do not rely on sight, but with the help of the mustache, they collect obstacles and successfully cope with their overcoming. The front flippers of these animals are even shorter than the rear, and are closer to the head. The size and weight of the real sealer ranges from one and a half to six and a half meters and from the ninety to three and a half thousand kilograms.

Some types of seals do not have hair cover, usually it is rough, not fluffy, diverse color. For seals, a seasonal molting is characteristic. The kids are born with thick, often white and very soft fur, which is replaced in three weeks. Pregnancy in females lasts from two hundred seventy to three hundred and fifty days, and the reproduction (like molting) occurs on the ice. The peculiarity of the real selence is that the mothers stop feeding the young milk rather early, and for several weeks, the kids are powered by only accumulated fat reserves (since they themselves are not yet able to provide themselves with food). In general, real seals absorb fish, crustaceans, mollusks. Some species are hunting even on penguins.

Representatives of the real sealer

The following types of seals, names and photos of individuals are indicated. Suphim seals include 13 genera:

These thirteen genera include, in different information, from eighteen to twenty four different types. The most ancient is Pueil, who dwells in the Canadian Arctic.

Eared seal: features

Speaking about the appearance of eared seals, it should be noted, first of all, that females and males can be easily distinguished in size: Men's individuals grow up to three and a half meters, women - only to one. Weight, compared with the real seals, these species are quite small - from one hundred and fifty to a thousand kilograms. The color of the wool, as already mentioned, brown, the hair itself is hard, rough. Neck long, tail, on the contrary, short. On the hind limbs there are claws, the front do not have any. At the same time, they are large enough - a quarter from the entire size of the body of the animal.

Eared seals are active enough. They do not love ice, and to lift, and prefer to multiply on the shore, but winter - in the sea. The pregnancy of females is approximately the same for the duration, as well as real seals, but they feed the kids with milk longer - about four months. After that, the cub himself is able to take care of his impregnation. Eared seals, by the way, almost do not eat crustaceans - mostly their diet is fish, mollusks, krill. Some species are able to eat young other seals, penguins, birds.

Types of eared seal

The list of types of seals of this type has fourteen and fifteen (data differ) points, which are seven genera of two subferences. They are as follows (I will list a few):

  1. Sea seals (Northern, South American, subtropical, and so on).
  2. Sea Lions (Sivuch, New Zealand, Galapagos and Others).

Previously, there was another type of seal - the Japanese Sea Lion, but now it is considered to be extinct, since a global hunt was conducted on cats and lions for a long time.


Real seals love cold and moderate water. Basically, they are found in the amateur latitudes, but the monk seal prefers the area of \u200b\u200b"Rosierchaya" - it is found in the tropics. In addition, it is among the true of all types of seals in the world there are freshwater, which live in Lake Ladoga, Baikal and Finland.

As for "Eashastikov", they live exclusively in the Pacific Ocean - this is if we talk about the northern hemisphere. But in southern them can be found in the south of South America, as well as in Australia - in the Indian Ocean.

Types of seals in Russia

From the real seal of the fauna of our country, the nine species boasts nine species (here does not apply to the disinteresting monk: in the Black Sea there is only ten pairs). Eared seals in Russia are represented only by two species: this is the Northern Sea Cat and Sivuch (another name - Northern Sea Lion).

Only Baikal Nerpen, Spotted Seal (Largu), Sea Hare and Greenland Twelly (all of them - real) can be produced in our country of seals.

Protected types of seals

Many seals, unfortunately, exist on the verge of extinction. Therefore, they are listed in the Red Book and are particularly protected animals. Among the real seals of such species two are sealing monks and the Caspian seal. The first at the same time is generally marked as the disappearing - there are no more than five hundred pieces in the world today. As for their eared fellow, it is rare now Syvuchi, whose population is no more than seventy thousand.

Although the eared and crawled seals are much different from each other, they have both similarities, features characteristic of these animals.

  1. Beardless seals are inherent in the ground, but perfectly feel in water - they are able to develop speed up to twenty-four kilometers per hour. Eared seals are movable and on land, and in water; Their maximum speed is twenty-seven kilometers per hour.
  2. Are predators. Fish do not chew, but swallowed entirely. Maximum - can break into large pieces (they have very sharp teeth).
  3. Do not have the tear glands, but they know how to cry.
  4. Baikal nerve - sealing sealing in fresh water.
  5. To find out how many years deceased seal, they consider circles at the base of the fangs.
  6. With the help of seals, they retain good buoyancy.
  7. Sealing pulse in the usual condition - from fifty to one hundred twenty blows per minute, and when diving - only four to fifteen shots.
  8. Have excellent hearing and very weak eyesight.
  9. Thanks to the white infant poach, newborn seals are called fabric. Belek is the object of hunting poachers due to softness and density. Every year, for this reason, a large number of tunnels of kids die.
  10. Calm odors at a distance of up to several hundred meters.
  11. We multiply once a year.
  12. To get rid of wool with a molting, the nerve helps each other: scratch backs.
  13. In seals a very sensitive dream.
  14. The name of the eared seal gave the British Zoologist John Gray at the beginning of the nineteenth century.
  15. The most numerous species of sealer is seabied.
  16. On the ground, the eared seals go "a rotational".
  17. Can "accidentally" swallow stones together with food - in the stomach of dead animals found up to eleven kilograms of stones.

We all die, seeing seal - especially if they came to the dolphinarium. But, rejoicing the meeting with this cute animal, you do not need to forget what we are, people, we are the reason for reducing its population. So, in our power to do everything so that this does not happen.



A type:Chordovy






Distribution and migration

The walrus is the inhabitant of the Arctic Waters, where almost round-polarly occurs in coastal shallow water. Inhabited Bering, Chukotka, Beaufort, East Siberian, Laptev, Kara Sea and partly Barents Sea. Permanent inhabitant of the coastal waters of the islands of Franz Joseph, Spitsberegin, Greenland, as well as the Strait of Davis, Labrador and some regions of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. The northern border of the range can be considered 72-74 ° C. sh., But in favorable years, the walles can enter even 80 ° C. sh.

Walurs make regular seasonal migrations. The beasts of the Atlantic subspecies, inhabitants in the waters of the Soviet Union, the winter months spend on the ice of the southeastern part of the Barents Sea, and for the summer they go to the Kara Sea across the Karsian gate and around the new land (Cape of desire), where they are held in the area of \u200b\u200bdrifting ice. Sometimes coastal seeds are formed. In the fall, the same ways are walroring return to the places of wintering.

Migration of walrus, inhabitants of Greenland and the waters of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, have not been studied.

Pacific walruses winter on the ice of the southeastern part of the Bering Sea, where the spring is migrating in the sea Chukotka and Befort through Bering Strait. Some of the males spends the summer in Anadyr Gulf and the Bering Strait. In the fall, the whole population is once again going to the places of wintering in the Bering Sea.

Laptev sea wals lead a more set lifestyle. Winter they spend on floating ice in the northern part of the sea in permanent wormies, and for the summer moved to coastal water, where they form a large number of coastal fokes. In the fall, with the formation of a dense ice cover, the wallets are again conjugated to the north, in the areas of permanent wormies and breed.

The deadlines for migration are largely determined by the time of movement of drifting ice, on which the walles are usually moved. Spring migrations occur in May-July, and autumn - in September-October. In winter, animals are usually moved actively regardless of ice drift.

The number and area of \u200b\u200bthe walrus in many places decreased. So, in the Pacific Ocean, the wallery, apparently, even in the northern part of the Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk, inhabited the water of the eastern coast of Kamchatka, met in the Bay of Alaska. In the Atlantic Ocean pool, they were known in the White Sea, in the Bay of Maine from the American coast and in some other places the south of the border of the modern range. Separate goats are far south of the boundaries of the area are sometimes observed now.

Description and structure

All the walruses on the zoological classification belong to the family of the walrus, a detachment of lastonovih, that is, possessing instead of legs with flips. Dimensions of a walrome If it makes it an average of 3-4.5 meters long, the female of the Morzhi is slightly smaller - they have 2.6-3.6 meters in length. The weight of the shruza of the male is 1.5-1.8 tons, females are slightly lighter, they weigh "just" 700-800 kg.

Externally, the walles are also somewhat similar to their relatives - eared seal. The body of a walrus, although very massively, nevertheless, is distinguished by unexpected plasticity and mobility. The rear paws of the walrus are capable of bending in the heel joint, can be edited under the body and take part in the movement of these animals.

But the main honors from the walrus, both from other laston-either, and in general other animals, their "branded business card" is, of course, a pair of long fangs or a beer sticking out of the upper jaw towards land.

In females, the length of the fangs-toddles on average is 30-40 cm, whereas in males they can reach up to 80 cm. Why are the faddles? In fact, fangs to them serve for different practical purposes, first of all for self-defense from potential predators and for clarifying relationships among themselves - the males of walruses happen to each other because of the females, and then their fangs are going to move. And with the help of their fangs, the walles can climbing the ice floes.

In addition to the fangs, the wallers have sensitive hair on the face - vibrations, the thickness of the vibribass of adult walrus, approximately, such as the wire.

Visor's vision is developed weakly, but this lack of interest is compensated by an excellent sense of smell, so the walruses may well teach, including the smell of a person, by retreating before its approach.

The skin of the walker is thick and rough, with the insignificant shelters of woolen cover, essentially vibraisa are the only hair on the body of a walrus. The color is brown, but the old individuals sometimes are noticeable pinkish spots on the skin are traces of numerous scars and scratches, surrounded by trouble life.


The aralog of walrus extends the ring around the North Pole.

Depending on the habitat, the modern classification allocates 3 fools:

  • Pacific Morzha(Lat. Odobenus Rosmarus Divergens) lives in the northern part of the Far Eastern region. Common in the waters of Chukotka and Bering Seas and the islands along the coast of Kamchatka. The most numerous population dwells on the island of Wrangel. Representatives of the subspecies are the largest walrus on the planet. The average length of the body of males reaches 3-4 m with a body weight from 1.7 to 2 tons. The average weight of the females can reach 900 kg. The tales of males grow up to 80 cm, females - up to 40-60 cm. Pacific Berzha was nicknamed Eastern walrus of Eurasia, and Divergens walrus got his Latin name thanks to the animals located much wider than that of representatives of the Atlantic subspecies.

  • Atlantic Morzha(Lat. Odobenus Rosmarus Rosmarus) is found in the Kara Sea and in the eastern part of the Barents Sea, sometimes entering the White Sea. As a result of uncontrolled extermination, the modern population includes about 20 thousand individuals. The most numerous herds were found in the bays and coves of the archipelago of the Land Franza Joseph. Atlantic walrus is the smallest subspecies: the average body length of males is 2.5-3 m, females are much smaller. The wave of males have a length of 34 to 38 cm, in females - from 27 to 33 cm. The subspecies received the name of Western Warf of Eurasia and is listed in the Red Book of Russia as rare and subject to reduction.

  • Laptev Morzha(Lat. Odobenus Rosmarus Laptevi) is the most small group, the independence of which is still questionable as a subspecies. Isolated winning population yearly dwells in the central and western parts of the sea Laptev, in the eastern part of the Kara Sea and on the west of the East Siberian Sea. Laptev walruses are resting on the shores of East Taimyr, in the Delta of the Lena River and Novosibirsk Islands. According to the sizes of the body, the subspecies occupies an intermediate position between the Pacific and Atlantic relatives. The length of the body of males can reach 4.1 m, the females - 3.7 m. The wave of males can have a length of 65 cm, the females grow to 58 cm. Laptev walrus is listed in the Red Book of Russia, like a rare and vulnerable subspecies.

Behavior and nutrition

The walrus is a herd animal. Its habitat is applied to coastal water, where the depth does not exceed 50 meters. It is such a thickness of water that is considered optimal for him. Food is lastone-legged on the seabed. His sensitive Vibrisians help him. The priority undoubtedly use mollusks. An animal "plows" with fangs or the soil and many shells rises up. The laston-legged giant shall overwhelm them with their front powerful corpules and thus splits the shell. It settles on the bottom, and the cuisy bodies remain swimming in the thickness of the water. Animal eats them and again stuck fangs in marine soil. For a day, he needs to eat at least 50 kg of mollusks to be satisfied.

The frying frys are exciting spectacles. On the rocky shore lie, closely clinging to each other, hundreds of huge bodies. Someone crashes into the water, someone returns to land. In this lively mass, there are also separate clashes between males, and tender friendship is tied. There are interchangeable hourly. They guard the ahead of herd and in case of danger raise a loud roar. Massive carcasses immediately crawl into the sea. It happens that young boosters die in a pressure. But more often the mother save them by closing their bodies. In addition to sushi, these laston-erected fokers and small ice floes. Packed ice for such purposes is not used. On it, females only give birth to cubs.

Features of the Frazha

The walruses live in coastal waters at depths of up to 50 meters and their food is looking at the bottom with the help of sensitive vibrass. The basis of the diet is mollusks. The walrus, as it were, "plowing" with its powerful beaws of the soil and shells at the same time rise. An animal shall overwhelm their front flips to split the shell, which then settles on the bottom, and molluscs are floating in water and the walrus eats them. On the day, adult wargo requires about 50 kg of mollusks.

In addition, the walrus can feed on various worms, crustaceans and padal. Fish eating extremely reluctantly and rarely, only if there is no other food. Large males can attack Nerpen and Narla. But such cases are rare. Cannibalism is not characteristic.


During the period of breeding, the wallers are going to rookers. Haremovs they do not form, hold by family groups of 3-6 animals, consisting of male, females and a young different age. Unlike other lastonous walruses on fokers, they try to lay down as close as possible to each other, and they do it not from the lack of space, but quite consciously. Even in the presence of a free area, the flock of walruses is not dispersed on the coastline, and it keeps himself boringly - like the animals behave in zoos.

The pace of breeding in walrus is extremely low. Pregnancy lasts up to 16 months, and the female only gives birth to one young about 1 m long and weighing 60 kg times in 3-4 years. The color of the Morzhatka is darker than adult walrles. The female is very tied to his young and always actively protects it. The baby from the first days of life knows how to swim and, in case of danger, leaves the ice clock together with the mother. If the cub for some reason can not do this, the mother stays next to him, even if it threatens a mortal danger.

If the Morzhatok is tired, the mother often "rolling" him on his back. Even learning to swim, the troubles do not refuse such a wonderful transport and continue to ride the mother on the back or the camp, holding it with flippers. The female feeds a young milk for a very long time - up to two years. Only when the Morzhatka has long tails, it moves to independent meals, but continues to keep in touch with his mother for about a year.

Enemies of Morzha

In turn, the walrus can be prey for lightening at sea, polar bears on land, and their third enemy (in any element) is, of course, a person. The indigenous peoples of the North: Chukchi and Eskimos, sincecorable hunted on the walrus (as well as on seal), but they never killed them more than it was necessary to feed them. Everything changed the white man - the barbaric extermination of the beasts by the beasts and poachers in the past and before last before The face of the disappearance.

Use by man and the current state of the population

In the 18th and 19th centuries, the walrus was seriously exploited from the American and Avropian fisheries. This led to a sharp reduction in the number, which, in turn, almost led to the complete destruction of the Atlantic Warragian population. Commercial frying of walrus is currently prohibited by law in all countries where it is common, despite this in a limited amount of fishing is allowed to indigenous peoples, the existence of which is closely associated with the extraction of this species. Among them Chukchi and Eskimos.

The hunt for walrus goes closer towards the end of summer. Traditionally, all parts of the mining worker are used. Meat is often preserved and is an important source of proteins for a long winter. The flippers quiss and stored as a delicacy to spring. Fangs and bones are historically used as tools, as well as a diverse material. Threaded fat is used for heating and lighting. Durable skins are used as rods and for building housing, as well as for plating boats. From the intestines and the stomach make waterproof capes.

Meanwhile, both modern technologies are replaced by many aspects of the use of walrus, the walrus meat is still the necessary part of the diet of indigenous peoples, as well as crafts from the beer constitute the most important part of the folklore for many communities. The hunt for walrus is regulated by environmental and resource distributing organizations in Russia, USA, Canada and Denmark, as well as representatives of hunting communities.

It is estimated from four to seven thousand Pacific wallers is mined in Alaska and in Russia, including a significant part (about 42%) damaged or lost in animal hunting. Several hundreds of individuals are annually withdrawn near Greenland. The impact of this level of fishery on the population is difficult to assess, since by the present time the population is not defined enough. At the same time, such important parameters like fertility and mortality rate are unknown.

The impact of global climate change on the walrus population is another factor that needs to be considered. In particular, the reduction in the length of the length and thickness of the packing ice is well documented. It is on this ice that the boosters form a rooting during the reproductive period for childbirth and mating. As hypothesis, it is assumed that the reduction in the thickness of the packing ice in the Bering Sea led to a reduction in suitable places of recreation next to optimal food areas. As a result, the duration of the absence of a mother near the farewell is increasing, which, ultimately, leads to food stress or a decrease in the reproductive contribution of females. However, so far, scientists have a minor data volume, which prevents the reliable conclusion about the impact of climate change in the trend of changes in the population number.

  • During the last icebreaker, the walruses were spread to 37 degrees of northern latitude. This is told by the found remains dated by age 28 thousand years. Near San Francisco in the USA. On the same latitude is the northern border of the African continent, Greece, Japan, Turkey.
  • Despite its large sizes, the walkers are sometimes exposed to the attack of the groove.
  • With a strong stream, the walruses are cling to the edge of the ice, while holding under water. Also they help animals to climb on high ice. Such use of the beer gave a lungal name Odobenus Rosmarus.What is translated from Greek as "teeth".
  • The stomach of the walrus is so big that the peoples of the North made themselves waterproof capes.
  • In cold water, the blood vessels of the animal are much reduced, which makes the skin of the animal of almost white.
  • The walruses, more precisely, the Morzhi are so caring mothers that when they needed not only for their young, but also someone else's.
  • When the two booster bumps are filled with air, his neck becomes like an inflated ball. The abbreviated muscles of the esophagus do not allow air to go out, and the walrus becomes a kind of float. His body is capable of vertically at the surface of the water for quite a long time. In this way, the animal sleeps right in the water, and only his nose and neck is visible above the water.
  • The animals surrounded in water selflessly protect themselves and their relatives to the very death: dive under the boats and break into them the bars, and also turn the boats with their powerful testers.
  • In the times of Captain Cook, the navigaters in a dense fog could determine the proximity of the shore on the roar of pairing wallers, heard a few km, and due to this they often saved from collision with ice floe.