Modern science about 250 thousand are known various types mushrooms growing on our planet. But only some of them can be eaten without fear for your health. Rizhik is an edible mushroom that can be found in almost every corner of Russia. This mushroom has excellent taste and provides health benefits. Forest animals can easily distinguish edible mushrooms from poisonous and dangerous. They have a highly developed sense of smell, taste buds and even special shape intuition working on the instinct of self-preservation. But when people go mushroom hunting, they don’t have to rely on intuition - they need to have certain ideas about the mushroom, know exactly what it looks like and where exactly to look for it. Let's look at the description and characteristics of saffron milk caps and find out where it grows.

Mushroom saffron milk description.

Ryzhik is common name several varieties of edible mushrooms that are part of the genus Lacticaria. Saffron milk caps are also popularly known under other names - spruce saffron, chanterelle (due to the peculiarities of their color). There are different varieties of saffron milk caps, very similar in appearance to each other, but differing in some nuances and the area in which they grow. What does a redhead look like?

  1. The mushroom cap can grow from 5 to 15 cm in diameter. The largest overgrown mushrooms, whose cap diameter is higher than the given average value, are extremely rare. It is important to pay attention to the fact that the edges of the cap are slightly bent inward. The cap is slightly depressed in the center, but in some varieties it may simply be flat. The surface of the cap is slightly sticky, smooth and can be colored from light yellow to bright orange. There are species with a greenish-blue cap. The plates on the mushroom cap are frequent and very narrow, fused with the stem.
  2. The mushroom stem grows maximum from 7 to 1 cm. It is cylindrical in shape, very loose, colored and characterized by emptiness inside. Can be painted white Orange color, yellow, fawn shade.
  3. It is important to pay attention to the flesh of the mushroom and its color. When cut, the mushroom will be orange in color, but if exposed to air for a very long time, the flesh may oxidize and change color to bluish. Rizhik is also distinguished by the presence of resinous milky juice, which has a sweetish taste and is yellow in color.

Different varieties of saffron milk caps differ slightly, but in general, they are all similar and belong to the first category. Pine saffron milk is considered a delicacy, as it has a very rich taste and indescribable aroma. Let's look at what types of saffron milk caps there are.

  • Red saffron milk cap- common in conifers and deciduous forests. It is distinguished by a rich, orange-red color and the appearance of silver-green spots in old mushrooms. The color of the spore powder is ocher.
  • Pine mushroom– this variety is recognized as a delicacy, as it differs significantly in taste, which is not lost during the process of cooking, canning, salting and drying. Present mainly in pine thickets, it is distinguished by an orange-gray color, but over time it can change color to cream.
  • Spruce saffron milk cap It is distinguished by a pronounced funnel-shaped cap and a noticeable bluish spot in its center, which appears over time in old mushrooms. When cut, the pulp contains yellowish juice, orange-white in color. After half an hour, the cut area takes on a wine tint.
  • Milky red saffron milk cap– common in all types of forests, characterized by a change in shade along the edge of the cap to red-orange. The pulp is orange in color, but at the cut site it may turn red from the milky juice.

Where and when do saffron milk caps grow?

You can find various types of saffron milk caps throughout Russia and in nearby countries. Largest quantity saffron milk caps can be found in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests middle zone, in Belarusian green spaces. Camelina is a special mushroom that prefers shaded areas; it is almost impossible to find in open meadows that are well lit by the sun.

As a rule, saffron milk caps hide in thickets of grass, under last year’s fallen leaves and grow in groups of 5 or more. This mushroom prefers to grow in acidic soils. A delicacy variety, pine saffron saffron, is most often found on sandy soils among pine trees and in mixed forests. Start mushroom season The season for collecting saffron milk caps begins in July and ends in mid-October. A plentiful mushroom harvest can be harvested after long, but not heavy rains.

Precautionary measures.

Science does not know a dangerous analogue of this mushroom, but you should still remember to be careful when collecting, preparing and consuming mushrooms. If there is any doubt regarding edibility collected mushrooms, it is better not to use them. In addition, we must not forget that even edible mushrooms can accumulate substances hazardous to health - radionuclides and heavy metals, so you should not collect them in areas with poor ecological conditions.

The benefits and harms of camelina.

Saffron milk caps are considered one of the easiest mushrooms to prepare, which are also quickly absorbed by the body and bring benefits. At all times, saffron milk caps served not only as a fragrant delicacy, but also as a useful medicine. In the 20th century, an antibiotic was made from an extract of this fungus, which to this day helps people overcome this terrible disease like tuberculosis.

Camelina is rich in antioxidants, saturated with vitamins A, B1, B12, B2, C, PP, and others, presented in small quantities. In addition, the mushroom contains minerals such as magnesium, iodine, selenium, calcium, potassium and sodium. Mushrooms are contraindicated only for small children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as those people who have an individual intolerance to this product.

Ryzhiki have a very delicate taste and a subtle, pleasant aroma. They can be cooked different ways, and at the same time their benefits do not decrease. In addition, camelina is considered the only mushroom that can be eaten after pickling after 14-20 days.

Mushroom saffron milk photo.

Outside - mushroom time, therefore, it’s time to talk about where saffron milk caps grow and when to collect them. As with many other mushrooms, not everything is so simple here, because there are several types of saffron milk caps - they differ not only in appearance, but also grow in different forests and prefer different conditions. I intend to describe each variety in detail in this article, with the obligatory indication of the places and timing of mushroom fruiting.

Camelina mushrooms: common features and unique properties

In total, about a dozen saffron milk caps are known. They are part of a family Syroezhkov and belong to the family Milky - which, by the way, also includes noble ones. Saffron milk caps are united by one common feature- they all have an orange color with some variations in one shade or another, and their milky juice is usually also orange or reddish.

Almost all saffron milk caps form mycorrhizae with various conifers.

Photo 2. Coniferous forest - typical biotope where saffron milk caps grow.

An old Russian proverb says: “Ryzhiki grow generously there, where there are spruces, pines, fir, and cedars.”

Only one mushroom prefers to enter into symbiosis with broad-leaved tree species. True, he is somewhat far-fetched for saffron milk caps.

Photo 3. Mixed birch-spruce-fir forest is another place where saffron milk caps grow.

As for the taste, saffron milk caps have excellent taste; moreover, in many countries these mushrooms are considered a true delicacy. I cannot disagree with this, because I myself adore saffron milk caps - especially when salted. By the way, pickling - The best way cook them. You can, of course, marinate, fry, stew, cook soup, but it is in the salted form that their unique taste is fully revealed. Yes, almost all saffron milk caps do not require pre-soaking or boiling - unlike most other milk mushrooms, whose juice is very caustic, if not completely poisonous.

Dried saffron milk caps can be finely ground in a meat grinder or coffee grinder - it will work mushroom powder. It is added to soups, purees, salads and other dishes - as a seasoning or as the main ingredient.

In addition to their excellent taste, saffron milk caps are also known for their energy qualities - being processed, they significantly outperform beef, chicken, herring and chicken eggs. In addition, saffron milk caps contain a number of valuable proteins and amino acids, which is why they can replace meat and fish for a certain period of time. The content of some vitamins in them is also increased, especially a lot of carotene-A (this vitamin, by the way, provided them with a characteristic color - like the same carrot). Therefore, saffron milk caps are not only very nutritious, but also good for health.

But this, as it turned out, is not all of what these mushrooms are famous for. Some types of saffron milk caps contain lactriovioline- a powerful natural antibiotic that suppresses the development of many bacteria and fungi, including tuberculosis bacillus. Camelinas have long been used in folk medicine; they are also used to make medicines industrially.

It has been scientifically established that the juice from fresh fruiting bodies of camelina has antimicrobial properties (will be described in detail in the next chapter). Half a milligram of this substance is equivalent in its medicinal strength to 0.01 mg of penicillin.

That's how wonderful they are. And now it’s time to consider each of the saffron mushrooms separately.

The saffron milk cap is real

Photo 4. Here it is - a real saffron milk cap, the standard of taste among other saffron milk caps. Photo credit: Electrostatico.

He is an ordinary saffron milk cap. Very recognizable due to its bright orange color and spotted cap. It also has other names - autumn, pine, pine forest, delicacy, noble. It is clear that the mushroom received some of these epithets for its excellent taste. And indeed, many mushroom pickers are inclined to believe that real saffron milk cap is the best among its fellows. The author of these lines is of the same opinion. In my opinion, properly washed, salted and aged pine saffron milk caps are simply cool snack. If you chop them with onions and season with vegetable oil or sour cream, you will get a wonderful salad that goes very harmoniously with crumbly boiled potatoes.

The true camelina is quite widespread and is found in both the European and Asian parts of the continent. This fungus, of course, forms mycorrhiza with pine. Therefore, you need to look for it where this tree grows. However, the presence of pine trees in the forest is not the main condition. The pine saffron milk cap loves warmth, so it is most often found at the edges of clearings, in clearings, clearings, along the sides of forest roads - where the sun warms the ground well. But it grows especially en masse in young pine forests, where the trees are about 4-5 meters high. Loves mossy or grassy places.

Photo 5. A young pine forest is a place where saffron milk caps grow densely and gather in large quantities.

In such forests, saffron milk caps grow together, and sometimes so densely that from one square meter You can get at least a medium bucket of them.

I remember once I was collecting saffron milk caps in a similar pine forest that grew up on the site of an abandoned village in the distant Bashkir wilderness. The forest was about 10 years old - the height of the trees did not exceed 4 meters. The pine trees grew quite densely and at their feet there were thick layers of sphagnum moss. And on top there was a real mushroom “Klondike” - a real carpet of saffron milk caps, which here and there stood in dense, numerous herds. I remember how I greedily pounced on mushrooms, how I cut hundreds of them, filling baskets, bags, a jacket, a sweater - everything I could carry. And this despite the fact that I chose only more or less young mushrooms, because there were twice as many old, overgrown burdocks growing there. On top of everything else, a good third of the mushrooms turned out to be wormy - they had to be thrown away. Somehow I overcame my own greed and stopped in time - otherwise I would hardly have been able to drag collected mushrooms from the forest. But I’m sure - if I had a team and more containers then - I could have taken a hundred buckets from that fishing line. By the way, a river flowed not far from it - I immediately suspected that this could be one of the positive factors that ensured such a breathtaking yield for saffron milk caps in that place. Subsequent observations in other forests only confirmed this.

The period of fruiting of the true saffron milk cap is very extended. Its fruiting bodies are found both at the beginning of June - together with the first boletus, and at the end of October - before the first stable snow cover. However, its most massive “waves” are observed in mid-summer and early autumn.

Spruce mushroom

He is a green saffron milk cap. This mushroom is very similar in appearance to the previous one, but seasoned mushroom pickers never confuse them, unlike inexperienced mushroom pickers. Spruce saffron milk cap differs from pine saffron primarily in that it is smaller and more fragile; in addition, its cap is more monochromatic and paler. Also, on its upper surface there is almost always a bluish-greenish coating; the older the camelina, the more clearly it manifests itself.

Well, it’s clear - spruce saffron grows not under pines, but under fir trees. You can meet it wherever these trees exist - in real dark urmans and in mixed forests, where in addition to spruce trees, pine and birch trees also grow. And of course - young artificial spruce plantings or self-seeding in the fields.

It is very noteworthy that the preference to form mycorrhiza with spruce did not in any way affect the taste and nutritional qualities of the mushroom - they are completely consistent with its previous, pine fellow. Spruce saffron milk cap is also very good when salted. Some gourmets claim that there is a slight difference in taste between both mushrooms.

It’s strange, but abroad the spruce saffron milk cap is not appreciated and is considered bitter and inedible. Why this is so is unclear. It is likely that there it may be confused with some similar milkweed that has caustic juice. In Rus', this mushroom has been eaten for centuries.

Spruce camelina is also widespread. It begins to bear fruit in early August and ends at the end of October.

Red saffron milk cap

The color of this mushroom differs from that of other saffron milk caps - it is more uniform and usually has a very noticeable reddish tint. Spots or concentric zones on its cap, as a rule, are not pronounced. The mushroom looks paler than the usual saffron milk caps and looks more like a pink saffron (from which it can be easily distinguished by the smooth surface of the cap - the saffron has a “fluffy” appearance). But the best way to identify red camelina is to look at its stem - it always has a light powdery coating. And the milky juice that appears on the cut is more likely not orange, but red, even (as some mushroom pickers claim) - actually cherry.

This mushroom is one of the three most common saffron milk caps. Mycorrhiza forms with Scots pine and Siberian pine, and therefore is found wherever these trees grow - in Europe, the Urals, Siberia and even in the Crimea - in its mountainous part. Found in small groups, sometimes occasionally, but in some places very often.

In terms of nutritional qualities, it is somewhat inferior to the best saffron milk caps, but not so noticeably that one should refuse it.

Fruits from July to November.

Semi-red saffron milk cap

He is the red pine saffron milk cap. To avoid confusion, it is worth considering in great detail the distinctive external signs of this mushroom. First of all, it is milky juice. When cut, it is orange or carrot-like, but quickly darkens and becomes wine red. Also, its cap usually has a pronounced greenish tint on top, this is especially evident in mature fruiting bodies, while young mushrooms are usually orange. On top of everything else, it almost always has a pattern of clear concentric circles.

This mushroom is found throughout the temperate zone of the continent - in pine and mixed pine forests. In some places it is quite common, but in some places it is rare or not found at all.

In terms of taste, it is on a par with the best saffron milk caps, although some mushroom pickers are inclined to believe that real saffron milk cap is still tastier than it.

Semi-red camelina bears fruit from mid-summer to mid-autumn - from July to October.

Alpine camelina

But this mushroom looks the most impressive and photogenic of all saffron milk caps. It has a rich bright orange color (it also has the largest cap, the diameter of which often reaches 20 cm). For its striking appearance, it received a second name - salmon saffron milk cap, because the color of the flesh is very reminiscent of the meat of noble breeds of fish.

In terms of taste, it also did not disappoint and stands on a par with the best saffron milk caps.

Salmon saffron milk cap is widespread to the west of the Urals - in the northern part of Europe. Mycorrhiza forms exclusively with fir, therefore it is found only in those forests where this tree exists.

Finnish saffron milk cap

Photo 10. Finnish saffron milk cap. Pay attention to the flesh, which has acquired a bright color when cut. Blue colour- this is the main one hallmark mushroom. Photo by: Irene Andersson.

He is a blue saffron milk cap. It grows in the very north-west of our country - in Karelia, it was also found in Arkhangelsk region. It is notable for the fact that it turns blue when cut, but not just any other way, but a rich indigo color. On top, it is colored more modestly than real saffron milk caps - it is mainly brownish or olive, with a slight reddish tint. However, the plates of this mushroom are quite bright, orange.

In terms of taste, it is in no way inferior to the standard - delicious camelina, although in terms of consistency it is more loose.

The Finnish camelina forms mycorrhiza with spruce, preferring well-lit places such as forest edges, clearing boundaries, etc.

Fruits from August to October.

Japanese saffron milk cap

He is also a fir saffron milk cap. This fungus is a kind of “exotic”. Found on Far East- in the very south of Primorsky Krai, in some provinces of China and in the northern part of the Korean Peninsula. It is also available in Japan. You can distinguish this mushroom from other saffron milk caps not only by the place where it was cut, but also by its paler color, and it is very similar to an ordinary saffron milk cap.

This fungus forms mycorrhiza exclusively with whole-leaved fir (other names for this tree are black fir, black Manchurian fir), therefore it is found only in those forests where this tree grows.

In terms of taste, it is quite good and stands on a par with the best saffron milk caps.

It bears fruit in the fall - in September and October.

Dark saffron milk cap

It differs from other saffron milk caps in the color of its cap - it is by no means red on top, but rather gray-gray (it can sometimes vaguely resemble a milk mushroom), perhaps with a barely noticeable orange tint. But the plates under the cap are usually orange. Another distinguishing feature is the milky sap. When cut it is orange, but over time it slowly changes color to green.

The habitat of the dark camelina is very extensive; these are pine and forests mixed with pine in the northern part European territory continent. However, this mushroom is quite rare.

In terms of taste, it is quite good, although some gourmets claim that in some ways it is inferior to real saffron milk cap.

Fruits from August to October.

Camelina wine

I remember that during my next mushroom hunting trip, I came across several pink mushrooms, and not just pink - but wonderful purple, with a very rich color. The mushrooms were so beautiful that you couldn’t even raise your hand to cut them. One could admire them endlessly. But what’s interesting is that these mushrooms had a lilac-pink milky juice, and the caps were smooth - which is completely unusual for the mushrooms, with their white juice and fleecy surface. Moreover, the concentric circles on top and depressed spots on the stem rather indicated that the mushrooms I discovered were more reminiscent of saffron milk caps. But where did such a wonderful color come from? I remember that I even had the assumption that I was dealing with some kind of mutants, or even “”.

Only very recently it was found out that the mushrooms found then were not trumpet mushrooms, but saffron milk caps. Yes, there are some. Not at all redheads, but saffron milk caps. Their color usually varies from magenta to lilac, but mushrooms do not always have such a rich color, and more often they are quite pale and dark on top. By the way, the younger the fruiting body, the brighter its color usually is, but in older mushrooms it fades.

The distribution area of ​​saffron milk cap is quite wide - it’s all Northern part temperate zone of Eurasia, but it is extremely rare. Mycorrhiza forms with Scots pine, so you need to look for it in the appropriate forests.

In terms of taste, this mushroom is slightly inferior to real saffron milk cap, however, as gourmets who know a lot about it say, this does not mean that it should not be collected.

Camelina bears fruit from July to October.

Oak saffron milk cap

And here, finally, is the same “saffron milk cap”, which, unlike the rest of its fellows, is a symbiont of deciduous trees. And it is put in quotation marks for a reason, because saffron milk cap is its colloquial nickname, but the true name of this mushroom is oak milk mushroom.

That’s all true - it’s really closer to milk mushrooms than to saffron milk caps. Mycorrhiza forms with such species as oak, beech, and hazel. In addition, the flesh is light, the milky juice is white and acrid - everything is like real milk mushrooms.

Oak camelina grows on clay soils and is common in middle lane and in the south of our country. The taste is quite good; it is consumed salted - after preliminary soaking or boiling.

Fruits from July to September.

Conclusions or signs of camelina spots

The only conclusion that can be drawn from everything read above is that any mushroom picker can purposefully look for places where saffron milk caps grow, and there is nothing complicated about it. So, the main signs of camelina spots:

  1. Availability coniferous trees , especially pine trees. This is the main condition that should be taken into account when choosing a specific forest to search for mushrooms.
  2. Increased illumination. Saffron milk caps are very reluctant to grow in heavily shaded places, so you need to look for them where the forest is still low or is not a dense thicket. It is worth inspecting the boundaries of clearings, edges, clearings, etc. very carefully.
  3. Substrate that retains moisture. Pay attention to the ground you walk on. If there is moss or grass on it, then there is a very high chance that there is a mycelium here, which means there may also be fruiting bodies.
  4. Availability of nearby ponds and rivers. It has been noticed that if the forest is close to water, even the smallest stream, then there will be a lot of saffron milk caps in it. These mushrooms do not like frankly damp, swampy places, but they don’t grow very well in dry ones either. However, much indicates that regularly falling dew is a favorable factor for the development of mycelium.

Among all the mushrooms that grow in our forests, pine saffron milk cap is one of the most delicious. This mushroom has been known for many years. Its orange color caused this interesting name. Moreover, this mushroom was almost never called by other “nicknames”.

Housewives make a lot of pine mushrooms from delicious dishes. There are many variations on this theme. To collect it correctly, you need to know its main features and areas of its growth. This knowledge will not hinder any person on a walk in the forest.


Saffron milk caps, descriptions of which can often be found in various sources, are characterized orange hats. It's theirs business card. If the saffron milk cap is young, its cap will be flat or slightly depressed. The older he gets, the more he top part becomes like a funnel.

The diameter of the cap is 3-12 centimeters. Its surface is smooth. There are quite a few shades of pine saffron. These include orange (light or dark), rich copper and even green-bluish tones. Concentric circles, spots and stripes are visible.

The plates under the cap are also orange in color. Pine camel has a resinous odor. Its top is meaty. The juice is orange in color, but may turn green when exposed to air. The leg may also be orange. There are grooves and stripes on it.

Types of mushroom

In total, there are two forms of saffron milk caps. There are other varieties, but they are rarer. Pine or bog mushroom is the most common type of this mushroom. The cap reaches 5-10 centimeters in diameter. Mushrooms prefer sandy loam soil. Their color (even in cross-section) is bright orange. Copper-red shades may also predominate. Incision for a long time does not lose this color.

The second variety of mushrooms presented are spruce saffron milk caps. They are slightly smaller than their pine counterparts (the cap reaches a size of 5-8 cm), but their appearance is also quite bright. True, their color may be dominated by blue or greenish shades. This is especially true for the center of the cap.

The cut is also bright orange. But in the color of the legs and cap, more muted shades can be distinguished. Due to the small size of these mushrooms, they can be pickled even in a bottle with a narrow neck. Many housewives use this technique.

Rare varieties

Among the representatives of this group of mushrooms there are also rarer saffron milk caps. Their description will be interesting for mushroom pickers to study. Red saffron milk caps are slightly larger in diameter - 6-12 cm. It can have a color from orange-pink to a dirty salmon tone. Concentric circles are clearly visible on the cap. When exposed to air, the cut takes on a wine-red hue. The flesh of the mushroom can be described as brittle and yellowish-white in color. The mushroom does not have a pronounced odor.

Another rather rare variety is the milky red saffron milk cap. Its cap can reach from 3 to 10 cm. Its color is orange, but not bright. Zoning is expressed at the edges. The juice of the mushroom is characterized by an orange color. But from being in the air it turns red or burgundy. The leg is brittle. It's hollow in the middle. The smell of camelina in this group is also neutral. Its flesh is fragile and orange in color.

Inedible double

The varieties considered are edible saffron milk caps. They are eaten and subjected to various processing technologies. But they can be confused with another mushroom. This is an amber milky. The characteristic color makes this almost impossible for experienced mushroom pickers, but those who do not often go into the forest should take note of this information.

Saffron milk caps do not have poisonous doubles. Therefore, they can be collected even by inexperienced mushroom pickers. The amber milkweed has a reddish or yellowish-red color. Its difference can be easily determined by cutting the mushroom. The juice will be watery. It dries quickly in air. The juice tastes either sweet or bitter.

The difference is also in the smell. It looks like chicory or even a bouillon cube. IN fresh The amber milkweed is not eaten. But in dry form it can be used as a seasoning.

Where and when does camelina grow?

It is also necessary to know where and when pine mushrooms grow. They prefer shallow forest. From the name of the mushroom it is clear that they prefer pine or spruce groves. They grow in groups. They can be big or small.

Saffron milk caps appear in mid-summer. Sometimes they can be found in the forest even in mid-June. But this is rather an exception. A large harvest is harvested in August-September. In October, saffron milk caps can be found, but much less often.

This mushroom is not afraid of frost. In summer, saffron milk caps can be described as more watery. In the fall, when it starts to get colder, they become stronger. Mushroom pickers believe that it is in cold period saffron milk caps are the most delicious.

How to collect saffron milk caps?

You should look for the noble pine camelina in well-lit groves, along long ditches. Mushrooms are very well camouflaged, so finding them is not so easy. Bright colors should not be misleading. Sometimes you can tell that there are saffron milk caps here only by the crunch you hear under your feet. They begin to grow under the moss. Therefore, at first only a small bump is visible. Many mushroom pickers simply step on them without seeing the bright cap.

If you take a good look and find the treasured saffron milk cap, you need to pick it correctly. You can't cut it. This will damage the mycelium, and new individuals will not appear here. The right thing to do would be to just carefully pick the saffron milk cap. You can even unscrew it and then sprinkle the area with pine needles or moss. Drying out has a bad effect on the mycelium.

How to cook

Pine mushroom is delicious mushroom. Its taste has been appreciated for a long time. This mushroom can be pickled, fried, salted or stewed. Mushrooms retain their bright color even after processing.

In terms of their taste, they are superior even to boletus mushrooms. According to the description, they are somewhat reminiscent of russula. They can be eaten even after just a few hours of salting, right in the forest.

If the housewife plans to fry saffron milk caps, only a few minutes are devoted to heat treatment. This variety is significantly different from other mushrooms.

It is believed that the smaller the mushroom cap, the higher its selling price. Rizhiki are even exported to nearby countries, to Europe. Some types of medicines are obtained from them.

Having become acquainted with such a mushroom as pine saffron milk cap, everyone can go into the forest for it. The day off will leave a lot of positive impressions. Prepare harvested possible in various ways. This is a very tasty and healthy mushroom.

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Or gourmet (Lactarius deliciosus), counts first-class mushroom first category. It is not for nothing that it is called the “royal” mushroom. There are many legends and traditions associated with saffron milk caps. Few of the lacticiferous mushrooms can be pickled so in interesting ways. For example, there are calibrated tiny saffron milk caps that fit into the narrow neck of a bottle. At all times, vigorous saffron milk caps, salted in birch bark dishes.

The name of the mushroom is very accurate. This is both the red (or carrot) color tone and the emotional perception of the saffron milk cap. It is interesting that saffron milk cap either has no popular synonyms, or very few of them. Its “main” name is so colorful and succinct.

Real saffron milk cap (photo from Wikipedia)

Description of saffron milk cap

Hat. The cap of young saffron milk caps is flat or slightly depressed. Its edge looks down. Over time, the cap takes on the shape of a funnel. The diameter of the cap is from 3 to 12 cm. It is smooth. The color is rich in colors and their shades: orange, light orange, copper-red and bluish-green, copper patina, etc. Concentric stripes, grooves and spots are clearly visible on the cap. The skin of old mushrooms often turns green. The attached plates descending to the stem are orange; when pressed, they turn green. Their arrangement is dense.

The flesh of the cap is orange. It has a resinous smell. milky juice It cannot be called caustic, it is rather sweetish with some bitterness. The juice is orange, after a while it turns green when exposed to air.

Leg. The color of the cylindrical hollow stem of the saffron milk cap matches the color of the cap. There may be grooves on the leg, their color is darker.

There are two forms of real (delicious) camelina: pine camelina and spruce camelina. According to another classification, this is individual species saffron milk cap

Pine (hog) saffron milk caps

These are strong, elegant mushrooms, the color of which is dominated by bright orange or copper-red tones. They have a strong, stocky leg. The cut of the boletus saffron remains bright orange for a long time. Judging by the fact that I often had to clean sand from these mushrooms, pine saffron milk caps often grow on sandy loam soil.

Spruce saffron milk caps

This form of saffron milk cap is somewhat smaller and has a less bright appearance. Spruce saffron milk caps are recognized by their color, which has more green tones and bluish tints. Sometimes you want to compare the color of the cap to copper covered with patina. The central part of the cap surface may be greenish-brown. The plates are grayish-orange or brown. There is a certain mutedness of the colors that are present in the color of the cap and stem of the mushroom. Sections of spruce saffron milk caps are red in color.

Spruce saffron milk cap (photo from Wikipedia)

Real (delicious) saffron milk cap is not the only type of saffron milk cap. There are several other edible, rarer species.

Inedible counterpart of camelina

Saffron milk caps have such a characteristic appearance, that only “with very great desire» you can find a vague resemblance to inedible amber milky (Lactarius helvus), what I am doing. An adult mushroom has a velvety skin on the cap. Its color is reddish-ocher or yellowish-reddish. The milk of the amber milkweed is watery and dries quickly when exposed to air. Taste descriptions range from sweet to bitter. Ocher colored plates. An adult mushroom has the smell of chicory or... a bouillon cube. Therefore, dried amber milkweed can be used as a seasoning. The mushroom is not eaten fresh.

Where and when does camelina grow?

Saffron milk caps often grow in spruce and pine forests. Especially in small forests. It also appears in deciduous forests if at least a few pines or fir trees grow there. This mushroom is usually found in large or small groups. Some mushroom pickers first look for saffron milk caps on the north side of the trees. They believe that this is where the largest real saffron milk caps grow.

Speaking about it, we need to remember the same young pines or grassy edges of older ones pine forests, on which oil pine trees also grow. These are companion mushrooms. Where in June, July, and August you collect strong boletus, there in September and October look for vigorous saffron milk caps, like young carrots (V.A. Soloukhin “The Third Hunt”).

The saffron milk cap appears in mid-summer. In some years they are found at the end. The largest harvests occur in -. From the end of September, these mushrooms become smaller as well. We once picked a lot of wonderful, strong saffron milk caps in September, although that year there was frost on the grass in the mornings. Saffron milk caps are found in summer and autumn, but the mushroom has a reputation autumn mushroom. It is not afraid of autumn frosts, which are not an obstacle to growth. Summer saffron milk caps are more watery, autumn ones are stronger, they are vigorous and the most delicious.

IN Lately saffron milk caps in the Moscow region began to be found less and less often. Find them - great luck. But in the old days:

Once I went to pick mushrooms in Barki, I thought, I’ll walk among the Christmas trees and look. I went behind the first Christmas tree, and there were flocks of saffron milk caps, rows in all directions, you couldn’t even walk. It’s a shame to go mushroom hunting. I will kneel down, choose around me, take one step. I crawl like this between the fir trees, but the saffron milk caps are not decreasing. I cut and cut, and there is no end in sight. The more I cut, the more saffron milk caps spill out around me. I got tired and went home to get my horse. Well, life was simple then. I harnessed Lenya (that is, my father Alexey Alekseevich) Golubchik and put the box on the dray. I picked up a whole box of saffron milk caps. I still remember these saffron milk caps. You will kneel down, and they will be around in lines, flocks in the green grass (from the memoirs of V.A. Soloukhin’s eighty-four-year-old mother).

Rizhik and medicine

Common camelina and red camelina contain substances of the azulene series, therefore they are raw materials for the production of the antibiotic lactarioviolin. It inhibits and stops the growth of the tuberculosis bacillus and the development of a number of pathogenic organisms. Some azulenes are antioxidants. In addition, saffron milk caps contain a lot of carotene.

This is very delicious mushroom, however, it is not without interest to know that after eating it, the urine can turn the same color as its milk.

Pickling saffron milk caps

Rizhik - which can be salted, pickled, stewed and fried. Pulp pine saffron milk caps denser than the pulp of spruce saffron milk caps. The bright color of pine saffron milk caps is preserved even when pickled.

Few people have not heard about how good salted saffron milk caps are. We tried them for the first time in hiking conditions. Before our eyes the saffron milk caps were wiped paper napkin, then with a dry cloth, the stem was separated, and the cap was cut into several parts. The small caps were left intact. After this, the caps were placed (plates up) in a small bowl on a thin layer of salt. Some of the salt was poured onto the plates of the cap. The bowl was covered with a plate on top and left for a couple of hours.

During this time, the saffron milk caps gave juice. Excess salt and juice were removed with a paper napkin. After that, everyone began to eat saffron milk caps and praise their taste. Of course, it was a little scary, because we had to eat a completely raw forest mushroom. Its taste seemed interesting, a little spicy. We not only survived, but since then we began to pickle saffron milk caps in this way.

Ryzhikov in forests near Moscow less and less, so sometimes it is possible to pickle only a few mushrooms, putting them in a separate container in the forest. Many mushroom pickers pickle saffron milk caps in an accelerated way. They sprinkle the plates of the caps with salt, keep them “under the salt” for half an hour, and then eat them with black bread. They say that this snack is better than pickles.

I put carefully selected, without a single worm hole, without a spot, and only the youngest specimens of the caught saffron milk caps on a plate, salt them and eat them right away. I didn’t notice, but for children’s taste there is not only bitterness in raw saffron milk caps, but a spiciness, a pungency, as if they had been lightly peppered. I find this food not only unusual in taste, but also very healthy, and every year I can’t wait for the time when I can pick up fresh saffron milk caps and enjoy them raw (V.A. Soloukhin “The Third Hunt”).

Strongly salted saffron milk caps turn out great in tubs. A forester once shared this recipe with Vladimir Alekseevich Soloukhin. I take the liberty of retelling it based on the text of the work “The Third Hunt”.

1. First of all, you need to prepare the tub. It is washed and impregnated with the spirit of juniper, i.e. Place juniper branches in it and pour boiling water over them. The tub with juniper is covered with a cotton blanket and left for a while. The blanket is lifted several times and hot stones are thrown into the water to create a lot of steam. At the same time, the process of disinfecting the tub occurs.

2. The saffron milk caps are cleared of debris, wiped with a dry cloth and placed in a tub in layers. Between the layers there should be herbs (horseradish leaves, dill), oak and cherry leaves, garlic, etc.

3. Place a wide bag (made of gauze) with coarse salt on top of the mushrooms so that it can cover the entire surface. The bag of salt is pressed down with a wooden circle with a weight (stone).

4. When the circle with the stone begins to sink and mushroom juice comes out on top, some of the liquid needs to be scooped out.

5. Mushrooms are eaten after two months. You can do it earlier, but aged saffron milk caps taste fantastic. During this time, they are not only well salted, but also slightly fermented.

Saffron milk caps, pickled in bottles

You can read about tiny saffron milk caps, which are pickled in bottles. works of art. Here is one such description:

Saffron milk caps, like their companions in young pine forests, never grow alone, but always in flocks and ribbons. And the secret is that there will be incredibly fungi on the plate later. small size. Of course, you would never see such a mushroom in isolation in the grass. But when you cut a string, along with the big ones, the little ones also come under the knife. Where there are a lot of saffron milk caps, in the Nizhny Novgorod or Vyatka forests, they like to pickle saffron milk caps in bottles. The whole point is that only those mushrooms that are able to fit into the narrow neck of the bottle go into pickling. In general, saffron milk caps in northern places, for example, Vologda region, most often salted in birch bark dishes, in large and small containers (V.A. Soloukhin “The Third Hunt”).

These saffron milk caps, the size of a three-kopeck coin, are pickled without any spices. Without dill, garlic and horseradish leaves. Just mushrooms and salt. They are kept in the cold. The taste of mushrooms salted in this way may be disappointing at first. But wait a few months, and the tart aroma of the autumn forest will appear.

Pickled saffron milk caps also very tasty. They don’t need a lot of table vinegar, but it’s better to add more sugar and spices (cloves, allspice, bay leaf, cinnamon). Mushrooms are cooked for a very short time, 5 - 10 minutes.

Fried saffron milk caps

Saffron milk caps are special Forest mushrooms. They are fried differently from other mushrooms. Main difference The advantage is that it only takes a few minutes to fry. There are many recipes. I like caps of saffron milk caps fried in a frying pan (covered) on both sides over medium heat. After this, they need to be salted (to taste). Can be eaten with herbs and garlic. The saffron milk caps are cooked together with the rest of the mushrooms.

The other recipe is also good. Its essence lies in the fact that the caps of saffron milk caps are pre-cooked for two to three minutes in salt water. After this, they are rolled in breadcrumbs, flour or batter and fried on all sides until a crust appears. The legs can be cut into rings, fried and served along with the caps. I was told that the most delicious are saffron milk caps, which are fried in a batter containing flour and beer. The result is saffron milk caps with a crispy crust.

V.A. Soloukhin, whom I quote a lot today, recalled how as a boy he fried raw saffron milk caps on a fire, impaled on a thin twig.

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Rizhik is a very tasty and common mushroom. In terms of quality and nutritional value, it ranks second after white. It is also called the royal mushroom. Roasted and salted saffron milk caps are eaten. After salting, they can be eaten within two weeks.


Saffron milk caps grow on the sand in coniferous forests, under spruce or larches. They never grow alone, but as whole families. Usually saffron milk caps are located from the north side of the trees: this is where you can find the largest and good mushrooms. Every self-respecting mushroom picker knows what saffron milk caps look like.

Varieties of saffron milk caps

Rizhik belongs to the mushrooms of the genus Milky. There are seven known subspecies. For example:

  • red;
  • fir;
  • salmon;
  • Alpine;
  • real;
  • spruce;
  • pine;

Description and appearance

The cap of a mature specimen has diameter up to 15 centimeters, it is pressed in the center, the edges are folded. The colors vary: light yellow or bright orange, which gives it its name. Sometimes you come across mushrooms that are red or greenish in color.

The yellow milk that appears on the cut has a sweetish taste. At the top of the mushroom, the cap is slightly sticky and smooth to the touch. If the flesh is cut, it takes on an orange tint, but then when exposed to air it turns greenish. The frequent plates on the mushroom cap grow together with a stalk, the length of which is 7-10 centimeters. It is hollow inside and has the shape of a cylinder. When squeezed it is easy to crumble. Fresh saffron milk caps have no odor, and their taste is bitter and tart.

Habitats of saffron milk caps - Russian forests. Sometimes these mushrooms are found in America and Asia. When picking mushrooms, it is better not to take questionable specimens, since inedible mushrooms can cause poisoning, sometimes even fatal.

Mushroom ripening begins in July and lasts until October. They disappear with the first frost.

Description of different types of saffron milk caps

The hat has diameter from five to ten millimeters, rather fleshy structure, its edges are initially tucked with smooth and even edges. The surface of the skin is moist and smooth, and has an orange color. Old mushrooms take on a creamy color and the caps are visible over the entire surface. dark circles. The plates are frequent and have a reddish-orange color. Orange juice does not change color when exposed to air when cut. The leg in the form of a hollow cylinder breaks easily and may have small gaps. The pulp has a pungent taste and is odorless.

The hat has diameter from five to eight centimeters, fleshy, pressed in the form of a funnel, the edges are tucked in at the beginning, straight and smooth at the end. Otherwise, it is almost no different from its pine counterpart. However, spruce relatives have a thinner cap. Pine is energy donor, it ranks second after oak and shares second place with birch. And the Christmas trees are energy vampires, they absorb energy from the space around them, therefore spruce saffron milk caps are weaker than pine ones and have fewer beneficial properties.

The very valuable nutritional and taste qualities of mushrooms have earned the respect of gourmets. They can fry, salt, marinate, freeze. It has been used in folk medicine to treat the respiratory tract.

The salmon cap has a pink color and faint circles on the surface of the cap. There are no other differences.

Almost all species are edible, and there are no false variants.

Mushrooms contain beta-carotene, which gives them their reddish color. Eating these favorite foods improves vision. Fiber has a beneficial effect on intestinal functions. High calorie content is close to meat products. Raw saffron milk caps contain a minimum of calories, which makes them dietary. Fried mushrooms become more caloric.

The composition contains the following useful substances:

These powerful antioxidants strengthen the immune system and lower cholesterol. Fungal tissues have been proven to contain B vitamins (riboflavin and thiamine), ascorbic acid and minerals, namely iron, calcium and phosphorus.

Also noted in mushrooms biologically active substance - fungin. It normalizes the secretion of gastric juice.

Below you can see what the saffron mushroom looks like. Photo and description:

There is no consensus on this issue. It all depends on the recipe.

Can be boiled for ten minutes and frozen. Before cooking, the saffron milk caps need to be sorted, cleared of soil and washed thoroughly. If they are fried, it is recommended to cook them for five to seven minutes before frying. Cooking options for the winter: pickling or pickling.

After canning saffron milk caps change orange to green or brown. This does not affect taste qualities. Particularly pleasant taste salted saffron milk caps. However, if you dry them, you can use them for cooking in winter. mushroom soup, the aroma of which cannot be compared with anything.

By the way, saffron milk caps are very similar to volushki. What is the difference? On the cap of the wavefish, circles or patterns in the form of spheres are clearly visible. They also vary in color and size. The volnushka has a pinkish color and is smaller in size.

There is a traditional opinion that mushrooms should not be picked, but must be cut with a knife so as not to damage the mycelium. However, the advice of experienced mushroom pickers is as follows: mushrooms need to be pulled out, and then cover this place with pine needles and moss so that the mycelium does not dry out. After all, it is damaged precisely for this reason.

Camelina mushrooms