Alcoholism is a serious disease that affects the person himself and the people around him. Terrible behavior, sudden attacks of aggression, inability to control oneself - all these signs arise spontaneously and bring continuous problems to others. The harmful effects of ethyl alcohol breakdown products on the body lead to the development of pathologies that will be impossible to cope with. But alcoholism can be cured if the patient’s condition is not allowed to become extremely serious.

It is simply impossible to overcome the disease on your own. Narcologists use various treatment methods. It is often practiced to insert different torpedoes into the subcutaneous layer, effective tablets and solutions, . But there are also folk remedies, some of which are very effective.

Coprinus is a dung mushroom. This is the popular name it received. Many believe that this mushroom is a truly miraculous remedy that helps fight alcoholism.

And this is not far from the truth, because in fact, coprinus turns out to be much more effective than a variety of medications that can only be taken under the supervision of a doctor. All kinds of tablets have many contraindications, unlike the dung mushroom.

This folk remedy helps:

  • Reduced craving for alcohol.
  • Withdrawal alcohol addiction.
  • Stopping prolonged drinking and binges.
  • The emergence of a persistent aversion to alcohol-containing drinks.

Coprinus can be considered a completely safe mushroom. The only thing is that it is prohibited to use it in combination with alcoholic drinks. Then the reaction can be extremely negative. Dung mushrooms are quite tasty and nutritious. Simply eating it will definitely not cause any harm. There are many varieties of coprinus.

The effective action of this folk remedy observed due to the fact that the dung mushroom contains a component that causes aversion to alcoholic beverages. This substance called coprine leads to the oxidation of alcohol in the human body. As a result, acetaldehyde is formed, which is a toxic substance.

Acetaldehyde leads to:

  • Increased heart rate.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • The occurrence of severe dizziness.
  • Speech inhibition.
  • Temporary visual impairment.
  • Heartburn, nausea and vomiting.
  • Disturbances in the digestive system.

If an alcoholic eats dung mushrooms for some time, acetaldehyde will accumulate in his body, causing an aversion to alcoholic beverages.

This effect of coprinus in most cases leads to a positive result - the person stops drinking.

The more alcohol a person drinks, the more sensitive the body becomes to it. If drinking alcohol in excessive quantities continues for a long time, a person becomes an alcoholic. In this case, it will no longer be possible to avoid addiction to alcohol.

Many medical experts believe that it is methyl salsolinol, which appears in the body due to the consumption of alcoholic beverages, that leads to alcohol dependence. This means that treating such a disease is quite possible.

When using dung mushroom, a person will be able to give up alcohol after a while. You won’t be able to get rid of the bad habit right away, but the effect of coprinus will gradually have an increasingly greater effect on the body, causing an aversion to alcohol. The person will think that it is alcohol that is to blame for such a difficult state of health and will gradually give up drinking.

The course of treatment with dung fungus can last from one to three months. It all depends on:

  • The severity of the disease.
  • Individual physiological characteristics of the sick person’s body.

Treatment must necessarily proceed anonymously - this is precisely its whole point. An alcoholic should not realize that coprinus is being added to his food.

Some people grind their own mushrooms, while others buy them at the pharmacy. The dosage should not be less than two grams per day. If within a few days it is not noticeable positive result, you will need to increase the dosage.

During treatment with coprinus, it is not recommended to scold the patient for drinking. It doesn't hurt to even offer the alcoholic a drink. Within one or two weeks, the patient himself will give up alcohol, as he will be extremely frightened by such a negative reaction of the body and terrible health.

But this is not a reason to stop adding dung mushroom. If you interrupt the course of treatment, after some time the person will take up the bottle again. If the treatment is continued, he will again experience the unpleasant sensations of alcohol and stop drinking.

Nowadays, it is not difficult to purchase dung mushroom at a regular pharmacy. It is sold already crushed. But such a powder will be less effective than fresh mushrooms collected independently or purchased.

To treat alcoholism, you should choose one of four types of dung mushroom. For example, gray coprinus is the most effective. It causes speech and vision disturbances, severe dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

A person will not have such a violent reaction to eating other varieties of dung beetles. But they can also be used to treat alcoholism.

It is recommended to begin preparing the medicine almost immediately after collection. Fresh mushrooms should not sit for more than three hours. The fresher the coprinus, the more expressive its effect. This mushroom has a very negative appearance, but on it taste qualities this is not reflected in any way. It is quite suitable for food. Coprinus is a nutritious and useful product. You can safely eat it without fear of harm to the body. But the mushroom does not combine at all with alcohol.

There are two main methods for preparing dung mushroom. It all depends on when you plan to eat it. It’s better to prepare more coprinus in advance for future use so you don’t have to do it every day. But there are times when you urgently need to a large number of this mushroom. Then you should use the recipe for immediate preparation.

Instant recipe

Dung beetle is nutritious mushroom with excellent taste. It is somewhat reminiscent of champignons, so preparing coprinus quickly will not be difficult.

It is necessary to heat the frying pan thoroughly and put a few tablespoons of butter or vegetable oil on it. Mushrooms should be washed and the caps separated from the stems. Then the caps need to be thrown into the frying pan, salted and simmered over low heat. There is no need to add water, since the dung beetles themselves are very juicy. They will stew in own juice. In about forty minutes the dish will be ready. These gentle and delicious mushrooms can be eaten hot with sour cream or served with soups, stews and other dishes.

To prepare the medicinal potion, you will need to carefully grind the coprinus pulp and fry it in a shallow frying pan. Simply drying them will not work due to the unusual structure of the mushroom.

During the frying process, it is necessary to constantly stir the pulp. Cooking may take a little longer as you need to wait until the liquid has completely evaporated. Then the resulting mass will need to be cooled and ground into powder. After this, the drug is put into a dark glass jar and closed with a lid.

You can add a small amount of the medicine to the food or drink of a person suffering from alcohol dependence. He will not even feel any taste and will not guess about the anonymous treatment.

A very long time ago, people wondered: dung beetles are mushrooms that should not be eaten under any circumstances, or delicious natural product, requiring proper heat treatment. This type has been used for writing for a very long time. Interesting feature The fruiting body of the dung beetle literally dissolves immediately after ripening, leaving a dark stain similar to ink, giving it its second name.

A very long time ago, people wondered: dung beetles are mushrooms that should not be eaten under any circumstances, or a tasty natural product.

IN scientific literature this mushroom is called coprinus. There are up to 25 species of dung beetles. Most of Of these, they are not eaten, since mushrooms contain substances that are poisonous to the body. But several names are recognized as conditionally edible. This means that they can be eaten if you follow all the rules of heat treatment and know how to cook.

Mushrooms got their main name from the fact that they can grow on manure. This species loves well-fertilized soil. Therefore, it tends to grow in places where there is a sufficient amount of organic matter in the soil.

In a forest belt, these can be damp areas with a large layer of fallen, rotting leaves and grass. Man-made beds into which humus has been added in advance are ideal for dung beetles. Favorite place These mushrooms are compost pits. Coprinus can grow here in large groups several times during the season.

The fruiting period lasts from May to October with favorable conditions. One of the main features of dung beetles is that the development of this species occurs rapidly. A young, fast-growing mushroom, after its appearance, reaches full maturity and dissolution in 2-3 hours. This makes collecting coprinus very difficult.

Considering that dung beetles are not stored fresh or frozen, their processing must meet certain requirements, the main one of which is to choose the right moment for collecting mushrooms and immediately begin preparing them.

Despite the fact that coprinus is divided into dozens of species, they are all united by some similarities in the structure of the fruiting bodies. These mushrooms are very fragile, have a hollow, elongated stem, reaching a length of 5 to 15 cm. The caps of dung beetles are covered with small scales. The pulp is almost completely absent.

Young mushrooms are characterized by a light, almost white color. This distinctive feature of young species, when the dung beetles begin to age, the cap opens and gradually acquires a pinkish tint. Then it darkens and dissolves, turning into mush. This process is called autolysis.

Only young mushrooms can be eaten. After the color changes, the fruit body is unsuitable for preparing any dishes. If the processing technology is followed, then dung beetles can become a source of vitamins and microelements contained in the pulp of their caps. They are used in cooking.

  • vitamins C, E, K1, D, B;
  • 8 essential amino acids (up to 17 types in total);
  • thiamine, riboflavin, tocopheron, betaine;
  • iron, zinc, selenium, copper, calcium, magnesium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus;
  • fructose and glucose;
  • coprine is a special substance incompatible with alcohol;
  • folic, pantothenic and nicotinic acids;
  • other important proteins and fats that are beneficial for humans.

In the scientific literature this mushroom is called coprinus

Dung beetles can be used as an antitumor agent. They are included in various drugs to combat cancer. This type reduces sugar, normalizes arterial pressure, has hemostatic, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Coprinus extract is a natural antioxidant.

Since storing this type of mushroom is very difficult due to the autolysis process, they begin to be processed immediately after collection. To do this, the fruiting bodies are cleared of debris, then quickly washed, slightly dried and fried in a frying pan without adding oil. After all the liquid, which makes up 90% of dung beetles, has evaporated, the mushrooms are ground into powder, turning into a food additive, or served with a side dish as an independent dish.

White dung beetle (video)

Common types

The common dung beetle is one of the most common species. It is a thin-bodied mushroom with a hollow thin stalk 0.5 cm wide and up to 10 cm long. The cap of a young dung beetle has the shape of a cylinder and numerous white scales. As it ripens, it turns black and opens up, becoming like a wide bell.

The surface of the common dung beetle is heterogeneous, covered with small wrinkles. Mushrooms can grow singly or in small groups. You can meet them at different regions countries where there is enough fertile soil for their growth and development.

The white dung mushroom looks very beautiful in appearance. Young species have a delicate snow-white bell-shaped cap covered big amount scales. It can reach a diameter of 7-10 cm. The thin leg grows from 15 to 30 cm.

With age, the mushroom acquires a gray or brown tint with a brown spot in the center. The pulp of white dung beetle has a delicate taste. This coprinus grows most often in small groups. It is almost impossible to find single mushrooms of this species.

Unique properties of gray coprinus

Gray dung beetle is widely used for preparing seasonings and medicines. This is what they call ink. The fruit body has a sweetish-tasting pulp. In young species, the thin, hollow stalk has a centric ring that disappears over time.

The cap is gray with a small dark seal in the middle. Initially, it resembles the shape of an egg, then gradually opens up to the shape of a bell and acquires the color of ink. It can reach 10 cm in diameter.

The gray dung mushroom has a description similar to poisonous species. However, properly prepared coprinus is not dangerous to the body. The only substance with which these mushrooms are incompatible is alcohol. By interacting with it, a special substance contained in the fruiting bodies causes a strong food poisoning. It cannot be the reason fatal outcome, but is quite difficult to tolerate. Therefore, many people use the dung mushroom for alcoholism. Numerous reviews confirm its effectiveness.

Treatment of alcoholism (video)

A remedy for alcoholism based on coprinus

It is the gray dung beetle that is most often used as a cure for drunkenness. It contains the most substance incompatible with ethanol called coprine. This unique compound prevents alcohol molecules from binding in the body, thereby causing an acute eating disorder, accompanied by a number of unpleasant symptoms:

  • vomiting;
  • bowel dysfunction;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • dizziness;
  • migraine;
  • the appearance of red spots on the skin.

These manifestations of mushroom poisoning are quite long-lasting, but do not threaten human life. The treatment method is based on the fact that when drinking alcohol, the patient constantly experiences a severe eating disorder, which gradually develops a persistent aversion to alcohol-containing drinks.

Dung beetles can be used as an antitumor agent

The patient may not even realize that fungi called dung beetles are to blame. They can be added to an alcoholic's food in powder form. For those who drink recently, 2 tsp is enough. daily for 14-28 days.

For experienced drinkers, the dosage can be increased to 4 tsp. In complex cases, the course of treatment can last several months. The main thing is to carry out mushroom therapy during a binge, because the effect of taking dung beetles occurs only when interacting with alcohol.

However, before using this natural remedy It is better to consult a doctor, because mushrooms are not recommended to be used if the patient’s medical history includes severe heart, liver or kidney diseases.

Fruit bodies ground into powder should be stored in a dry and cool place. It is better to use a glass jar as a container. At the slightest manifestation of individual intolerance or symptoms of acute cardiac, renal or liver failure, you should stop taking dung beetles and seek medical help.

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Most mushroom pickers prefer to avoid this representative of the kingdom of wildlife. The reason for this is both the dubious name - dung beetle, and the habitat - compost heaps. In addition to this, few people know that the dung beetle, or coprinus, edible mushroom. But in fact, about this representative of eukaryotic organisms knowledgeable people speak only in laudatory tones. What's the secret here? Let's figure out why the dung mushroom is so good, recipes and properties of this mushroom.

Coprinus growth stages

The rumor that the dung beetle is inedible did not arise by chance. The fact is that this is a quick-ripening mushroom, which means it is edible only a few hours from the moment it hatches. To understand this, you need to look at the growth stages of the dung beetle. So, at the first stage, a small white ball hatches from the ground. At the second stage, the mushroom sharply stretches upward, it has a thin long leg and a bell-shaped cap, dotted with small scales on top. At the third stage, the mushroom cap rapidly darkens and falls off, taking on the appearance of a pulp. The dung beetle becomes inedible. That is, the mushroom is suitable for eating only in the first two stages. Moreover, after harvesting these mushrooms, they need to be very quickly peeled, washed and boiled, because coprinus very quickly loses its appearance, turning into mush. These mushrooms are eaten boiled, fried or pickled. This mushroom grows from spring until the coldest weather, but the dung beetle bears fruit most abundantly in the fall.

Beneficial properties of dung beetle

Probably most mushroom pickers would not pay attention to this unsightly-looking mushroom, if not for one circumstance. The fact is that from time immemorial coprinus has been a person’s assistant in the fight against such a common disease as drunkenness. And even modern doctors note the powerful and even cruel effect of this mushroom. The dung beetle is officially recognized by medicine and is often the basis of medications designed to combat alcohol addiction.

It is known that overcoming the addiction to the “green snake” is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, because in addition to physical addiction, an alcoholic also has a stronger one – psychological. Therefore, there is no hope that a person addicted to alcohol will give up his addiction once and for all. In this case, the dung mushroom comes to the rescue, the action of which is based on the powerful toxic substance. This substance oxidizes the alcohol in the blood, causing symptoms. According to knowledgeable people, healthy person the dung beetle will not cause harm. But if you eat a mushroom and drink alcohol after some time, the person will experience the most unpleasant consequences: his face turns red, his body becomes covered with purple spots, a fever appears and his heartbeat quickens. The person begins to suffer from severe thirst, nausea appears, turning into vomiting, speech deteriorates and vision problems appear. After some time, these symptoms will disappear, but for many alcoholics they completely discourage the desire to touch a glass.

Recipe for making the product

Finely chopped mushroom pulp is placed in a frying pan and fried in its own juice until the liquid has completely evaporated, stirring constantly. As soon as the water has evaporated, the mushroom mass must be dried and then ground into powder in a coffee grinder.

You need to fight alcoholism with coprinus in the following way. The powder is added to the drinker’s food every other day, 2–4 grams. At the same time, you should not inform an alcoholic about treatment, just as you should not prohibit drinking alcohol. After spending literally a few days with such unpleasant symptoms, a person himself will begin to avoid alcoholic drinks. Usually the duration of treatment is 14 days, but can be extended up to 3 months.

For consumption, mushrooms are prepared as usual: soup is boiled, fried with potatoes and onions, stewed with sour cream or pickled. Only combine tasty dish Not even with low alcohol drinks.

Having learned what the dung mushroom is, the recipes and properties of this mushroom, you are unlikely to ignore it when you meet it. Good health to you!

What is a dung mushroom and how does it help fight alcoholism, where does it grow, how to collect and cook, medicinal properties mushroom and how to use it correctly to get rid of a bad habit.

The content of the article:

The dung mushroom is a conditionally edible agaric, which owes its unique name to the fact that it grows on well-manured lands, where it appears in large colonies. Since ancient times, it has been successfully used to combat alcoholism, and today we will talk about how to prepare a miracle cure for addiction to alcohol based on dung beetle.

Description and distribution area of ​​the dung fungus

The dung mushroom is very unique in appearance; moreover, it often grows on garbage lands, because ignorant mushroom pickers mistake it for a toadstool. Producers do not really value it and classify it only in the 4th category.

The dung mushroom (Latin Coprinus) belongs to the Champignon family (Agaricaceae). The two most common varieties are white and gray, although scattered and flickering dung beetles are also found. They are all similar in appearance, but there are some differences.

The white dung beetle, the largest of the entire family, is also called the shaggy mushroom. When it ripens, the cap unfolds, its edges tear and become disheveled. A kind of shaggy thing on a high white leg with a fibrous ring and a thickening at the base. With snow-white, juiceless, and sweet-tasting pulp.

Gray looks neater - the edges are not frayed at all, but smooth. Appears in familiar places growing much later than its white counterpart, in fact, it is an autumn variety of Coprinus. The cap can be gray, silver-gray or brownish in color, the leg is white, cylindrical, tuberous at the base.

An overgrown dung beetle has black plates, which is why its second name is ink or tar mushroom.

All types of dung beetles contain a large amount of useful substances. These are vitamins B, C, E, D1, D2, K1, amino acids necessary for the body, nicotinic acid, glucose and fructose, calcium, iron and phosphorus, fiber and much more. Proteins and carbohydrates per 100 g - 46% and 49%, respectively. There is very little fat - 5%. Calorie content - from 16 to 22 kcal.

Widely distributed in Europe, Asia, and can be found on other continents. Grows from June to October.

Where the dung mushroom grows - its very name says. This homebody settles not far from humans in places rich in humus. You can see it on garbage and manure heaps near stables and farms, under fences and even in the garden. He is one of the fastest growing among his fellow mushroom kingdom. Only puffball pellets can compete with it in height.

It is familiar to all rural residents, but they are disdainful of taking it, since it cannot be compared with a real fragrant mushroom from a birch or pine grove. Hence the disdainful attitude towards it: if it grows in a place other than where a real mushroom is supposed to, it is a toadstool; the appearance also does not inspire much confidence.

Although it is in vain that inexperienced lovers of “quiet” hunting have formed such an opinion. “Unfortunate” habitats of the dung fungus do not at all affect its taste. Italians, Germans, and French are not embarrassed by the “dung” name; they treat the mushroom with respect and appreciate its delicate taste.

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Features of the use of dung mushroom for alcoholism

The dung mushroom was used for alcoholism back in ancient times. It had a very strong effect on drunkards; if they drank alcohol after a meal with this delicacy, they became ill: their faces turned red, nausea and vomiting appeared. This state quickly passed, but I wanted, say, to drink again in the morning, and the poisoning repeated.

Noticing this unusual property of dung beetle, sorcerers and healers began to add dried mushroom in various specially prepared potions, and wives quietly added it to the dishes of their husbands, suffering from an uncontrollable craving for strong drinks. This unusual property of Coprinus was later noticed by doctors and introduced it into their practice. For example, in the last century, the dung mushroom was effectively used for alcoholism in Czechoslovakia.

It should be noted that the gray dung beetle is more toxic than its white counterpart, and therefore is much more effective. And today it has not lost its importance; in many countries it is used to treat not only those addicted to alcohol, but is also included in many medicines for other diseases.

Those who still want to treat alcoholism with Coprinus at home should know some of the features of its use, which can be short-term and long-term. The short course lasts 2 weeks, and if alcohol has been consumed for a long time and the consequences of the “libations” are severe, the duration of the procedure increases to 3 months. Mushroom powder in a small amount (2 g) should be added to food; if the effect is not noticeable, the dose can be increased to 5 grams.

There is a common belief that treatment should be carried out in secret from the patient, and he should be given mushroom powder for food. He, as usual, takes a glass before eating, and this is such an unexpected reaction for him that, in the end, it will scare him away from alcohol.

This is fundamentally wrong, treatment should be carried out consciously, otherwise, when a person realizes that he was simply “fooled”, a completely opposite effect from such “underground” healing may occur - scandals in the family, relationships will only worsen. As if in revenge on his loved ones, the “recovered” person will continue drinking in the company of his friends, telling with indignation “how they wanted to poison him.”

Another statement that the ink mushroom that has already been subjected to heat treatment loses its anti-alcohol properties is also erroneous. After all, for a therapeutic effect, it is added to hot first and second courses.

If you can’t assemble and prepare it yourself medicinal mushroom, in pharmacies you can buy drugs that contain dung fungus. This is the well-known “Coprinus” (powder, drops, extract) and a newer medicine Russian production"Fungo-Shi Coprinus." For treatment with these medicines At least three packages are required, provided that you take it once a day with meals.

The instructions for Coprinus indicate that the contraindications are: increased sensitivity to the drug, diseases of the cardiovascular system, pregnancy and lactation - when the mother is breastfeeding.

There is no one hundred percent certainty that a drunkard will stop drinking, but you can count on some success, since the anti-alcoholic effect of the dung mushroom remains in the body for a long time even after stopping its use. If a patient with alcoholism is treated consciously, there is hope that he will develop a persistent aversion to alcohol and will return to healthy image life.

Note! The opinion that dung mushroom can be secretly added to food is not very correct. Such a dangerous initiative can harm the health of a Bacchus lover.

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How to collect dung mushrooms

First of all, you should definitely find out what the dung mushroom looks like at different stages of its growth, if you do not want to get poisoned. You need to have dexterity to collect these quick-ripening mushrooms.

A small white egg suddenly appears on the humus, grows rapidly, and on the 2nd day turns into a ball, which stretches into a tall, thick bell with snow-white brittle plates. The stem can grow up to 35 cm, the bell-shaped cap can grow up to 10 cm in volume and up to 15 cm in height. And now a tall mushroom with a dense funnel-shaped cap and darkish white (gray) scales on it flaunts on the humus.

This is the time of collection, only for a very short time. You need to collect dung mushrooms when the cap has not yet unfolded and its plates are white.

On day 5, the bell-shaped cap unfurls and the plates turn pink. The mushroom itself gives a sign to the collector that it can no longer be taken. It has outgrown, it has accumulated toxic substances, which means you can get poisoned. The dung beetle quickly ages, self-destruction begins, the plates and ring film become inky.

Already at home, the mushrooms need to be sorted, even in a basket they quickly turn black, if more than 2 hours have passed after picking, they turn into mucus. Mushrooms with pink and blackened plates should be thrown away, you should leave only the caps that are intact with the lower white color, remove the film and carefully clean the stem.

Recipes with dung mushroom for alcoholism

Preparing dung mushroom is quite a troublesome task. This is also one of the reasons why it rarely hits the table. But well-cooked dung beetles are very tasty; it is not without reason that the French and Swedes consider them a delicacy; Germans and Italians readily eat them.

Fried dung mushrooms

There cannot be an unambiguous recipe here, because there are no comrades according to taste and color. Everyone adds herbs they like. The easiest way to prepare it is by frying.

Ingredients for fried dung beetles:

  • Mushrooms - 500 grams;
  • Vegetable oil - at least two tablespoons (34-40 g);
  • One large onion, more is possible;
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste.
First you need to wash it thoroughly, separate the stem from the cap and cut it into several parts. Very young ones are fried whole on sunflower oil, you need very little of it, since during the stewing process the mushrooms themselves release juice.

Pour a little vegetable oil into the frying pan, when it is heated, add mushrooms, chopped onions, pepper and salt. There is no need to add water, the dung beetles release juice. Simmer, stirring, over low heat, after 45-50 minutes the dish is ready. You can serve it as a separate dish, or if for treatment, add small portions to the first or second course.

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✓ common dung beetle
or ash-gray dung beetle
✓ white dung beetle
or shaggy dung beetle
✓ gray dung beetle
or inky dung beetle
✓ flickering dung beetle
or mica dung beetle

- conditionally edible mushroom

✎ Affiliation and generic characteristics

dung beetle(lat. Coprinus), and in science - coprinus- a genus of conditionally edible mushrooms of the champignon (agaricaceae) family (lat. Agaricaceae) and the large order agaric (lamellar) (lat. Agaricales) with hat-footed fruits of small or medium size (in individual species- large sizes).
The genus of fungi Coprinus was first described by the Dutch scientist, botanist-mycologist Christian Heinrich (or Christian Hendrick) Person, who significantly supplemented the Linnaean taxonomy of fungi with his work.
In the first half of the 20th century, the genus of fungi Coprinus became the type genus of the dung beetles family, which included several more genera that were similar in many features of the structure of the fruiting bodies or the ecology of their development.
But phylogenetic studies at the end of the 20th century revealed heterogeneity in large family dung beetles, and their genera, originally included in this family, began to be distributed among other families. Thus, most species of the genus were transferred to the family Psathyrellaceae (lat. Psathyrellaceae), and the rest were assigned to the family Agaricaceae (champignonaceae).
Dung mushrooms got their name for their ability to grow where the soil is well fertilized with animal manure: pastures and meadows, barnyards, compost pits, garbage heaps, garden beds, flower beds, or even house basements. These mushrooms are very unpretentious and grow so quickly that on the second or third day after their birth they become overgrown.
And in total in the genus of dung mushrooms (according to the latest data) there are about 50 specific species, about 25 of which live in Russia and most of them are considered inedible due to the small size and thin pulp of the fruits, or (possibly) even mildly poisonous and this:

  • willow dung beetle;
  • domestic dung beetle;
  • dung beetle;
  • snow-white dung beetle;
  • downy dung beetle;
  • scattered dung beetle (widespread);
  • resinous dung beetle (variegated, magpie);
  • crown dung beetle;
  • dung beetle;
  • dung beetle narcotic;
  • dung beetle;
  • dung beetle ephemeral;
  • golden dung beetle,

However, among them there are edible (more precisely, conditionally edible) mushrooms, and these are:

  • common dung beetle (ash-gray);
  • white dung beetle (shaggy);
  • dung beetle gray (inky);
  • shimmering dung beetle (mica),

Dung mushrooms have one amazing feature: they cause poisoning only in people who are intoxicated or after it (with a hangover), and vice versa, who Not abuses alcohol, they do not cause any harm.
Considering this characteristic feature dung beetles, in Rus', they were often used by the wives of alcoholic husbands as a “coding” means to discourage their spouses from the “green serpent”.
Some open sources classify all dung mushrooms as poisonous mushrooms, while others classify them as less dangerous - inedible. In fact, this is not so, mushrooms are quite edible and very tasty, only if you follow the cooking rules! Then our wise ancestors would not have poisoned themselves with some kind of toadstool. Just remember forever that eating even suitable dung mushrooms, together with alcohol, can lead to very serious poisoning!

✎ Dung beetles are conditionally edible

Common dung beetle(lat. Coprinus cinereus), in other words - ash-gray dung beetle- cap-footed mushroom of the genus Coprinus (lat. Coprinus), the champignon family (lat. Agaricaceae) and the order agaricaceae (lat. Agaricales), first elliptical, covered with a white felt coating, and then bell-shaped, with uneven edges cracked into separate fibers cap, gray, gray-gray color, with a brownish tip. In Russia it is unpopular, is considered a toadstool and is almost never used.
White dung beetle(lat. Coprinus comatus) and also - shaggy dung beetle- a cap-footed mushroom of the genus Coprinus (lat. Coprinus), the champignon family (lat. Agaricaceae) and the order agaricaceae (lat. Agaricales) with a white, grayish or brownish cap very densely covered with fibrous scales and a wide brown tubercle at the top. In Russia it is unpopular and is considered a toadstool, but in some European countries In countries such as the Czech Republic, Finland and France, it is highly valued and is even considered a delicacy.
Gray dung beetle(lat. Coprinus atramentaria) or inky dung beetle- cap-footed mushroom of the genus Coprinus (lat. Coprinus), the champignon family (lat. Agaricaceae) and the order agaricaceae (lat. Agaricales), first with an ovoid, then with a wide bell-shaped cap of pure gray or grayish-brown color, with cracking edges and small, darkish scales. It is also unpopular in Russia and was mainly used to make ink that was used to protect documents national importance or large bills of exchange.
Dung beetle flickering(lat. Coprinus micaceus) or mica dung beetle- cap-footed mushroom of the genus Coprinus (lat. Coprinus), the champignon family (lat. Agaricaceae) and the order agaricaceae (lat. Agaricales) with an ovoid or bell-shaped cap, yellowish-brownish color with a more intense color in the middle, with a grooved surface and very small granular scales with a mica-like sheen. In Russia it is also unpopular and is collected exclusively for natural scientific purposes.

✎ Similar species and nutritional value

Dung beetles are very similar to each other and differ only in color, and they also look like many grebes. So confuse them with deadly poisonous mushrooms very simple. And this, by the way, only diminishes their already small advantages. So dung beetle is a mushroom more for exotic use or for research, and not for food use.
However, according to consumer, taste and nutritional value, dung mushrooms belong to the conditionally edible mushrooms of the fourth category. The reason for this is their excessive fragility, sometimes very small size and very similarity to inedible and poisonous mushrooms, which are also found among dung beetles. So, they are not at all popular among mushroom pickers.

✎ Distribution in nature and seasonality

Dung beetles are saprotrophs, grow on substrates very rich in nutrients: on heaps of manure (coprophilous fungi), humus, on fertile, humus-rich soil, rotting wood or plant debris, so they can be found everywhere, in forests of any type, as long as the soil It allowed them to do this and was with established humus. Therefore they are well distributed in all climatic zones and corners of our planet. And their active fruiting begins at the beginning of summer and continues until late autumn.
- The common dung beetle (ash-gray) lives on richly fertilized soil after rains, in fields, vegetable gardens, orchards, on garbage heaps, in open forests and along forest roads, in grass and litter, in small groups (and in the forest as a rule singly) infrequently, but annually, from the last ten days of May until almost mid-September.
- The white (shaggy) dung beetle is widespread throughout the northern temperate zone and is found on loose soils, rich organic fertilizers- in pastures, in vegetable gardens, gardens or parks, and it bears fruit in large groups throughout the summer and autumn.
- Gray dung beetle (ink beetle) is cosmopolitan and grows in manured, humus-rich soils, in fields, in vegetable gardens and orchards, in landfills or near stables, manure and compost heaps, in forests and clearings, near tree trunks or stumps hardwood, and it is found quite often and in large groups in the northern temperate climate from May to October.
- The flickering dung beetle is a saprotroph that decomposes dead forest wood and is found both in forests and on wood deciduous trees, and in city parks, courtyards, on stumps or roots of old and damaged trees in northern temperate climates, appearing in groups and clumps from May to November, bearing fruit several times per season.

✎ Brief description and application

Dung beetles belong to the section lamellar mushrooms and the spores by which they reproduce are found in their plates. The plates are frequent, white, turn black with age. The cap is at first ovoid, bell-shaped, conical or convex in shape and rarely opens to a flat one; its surface may be bare, but more often it is covered with scales or flakes; later the cap becomes broadly bell-shaped and in:
- common dung beetle it is gray-gray, with a brownish tip and a white felt coating,
- white dung beetle it is white, and at the top with a wide brown tubercle and fibrous scales,
- gray dung beetle it is gray, with cracking edges and small, dark scales,
- flickering dung beetle- brownish-yellow, darker in the center, with small brown scales.
The leg of dung beetles is smooth, cylindrical, very elongated, hollow inside, white or whitish in color and has:
- common dung beetle- with a root-like process,
- white dung beetle- with a silky sheen,
- gray dung beetle- often strongly curved
- flickering dung beetle- fragile and slightly silky.
The pulp in the cap of all dung beetles is thin and fleshy, and in the leg it is fibrous; V at a young age- white, sourish taste and without a distinct odor.

When consuming dung beetles, only young mushrooms are used, until they have the slightest darkening (before their plates begin to stain and no later than 2 days after their birth). Only in this case are they edible and edible. Otherwise, poisons begin to accumulate in them, which are completely impossible to remove from them.
Therefore, even young mushrooms, just in case, must be subjected to short heat treatment.
And they are eaten either pickled or even fresh, but only Not with a glass of alcohol!!! And Not mixing them in cooking with other mushrooms!