Woodlands of trees different breeds occupy a third of the surface of the continents of our planet. Throughout their lives, they produce oxygen necessary for breathing for humans, animals and other living things. Each tree has its own period, from the appearance of a sprout to drying out and death.

Also important factor, affecting the lifespan of a tree is its location - whether it is a natural area or urban planting. Urban environment with her high level pollution significantly shortens the life of plants.

In addition, fruit trees live much shorter than their non-fruit-bearing counterparts. This is especially true for cultivated plantings – gardens.

It would seem that care and care should prolong life. But in practice the opposite happens. Man planting fruit tree, expects from him quick results– high yield. By artificially accelerating growth, he ensures that the tree expends its maximum reserve of strength in a short time and weakens ahead of time, stops bearing fruit or dies. Errors in the choice of soil for planting, fertilizers used, and frequency of watering also have an impact.

IN middle lane Russia's cultivated fruit trees live relatively short lives:

Apple and pear trees can grow up to 50 years old;

  • – up to 20 years;
  • – up to 30;
  • Sea buckthorn – up to 25;
  • Peach – up to 15.

Only the nut is long-lived - it can live 200 years. Trees grown from seeds are stronger and live longer. In grafted trees grown from cuttings, the lifespan is reduced by 5-10 years. Southern trees(apricot, peach) in warmer climates can live 20-30 years longer than in our latitudes. But a wild pear or apple tree lives up to 100-150 and even 200 years.

Deciduous trees that make up forests live an order of magnitude longer. At maximum favorable conditions:

  • Gray alder and aspen can live up to 150 years;
  • Black alder, elm, birch – up to 300;
  • Ash – up to 350;
  • Beech – up to 500;
  • – up to 1500.

IN normal conditions these trees live 100-200 years less.

Statistics show that the lifespan of trees depends not only on the species, but also on the growing conditions. Therefore, data on the lifespan of trees is very relative.

Lifespan of coniferous trees

It is believed that the lifespan of representatives of coniferous species is much longer than their deciduous relatives.

This is explained by the fact that they can more easily tolerate harsh weather conditions and are undemanding to the soil - they grow mainly in sandy and clayey soils poor in nutrients.

Conifers have endurance due to their structure. They have a shallow and highly branched root system that allows them to absorb more water from the soil. Since coniferous trees are evergreen, their leaves - needles - even in winter do not stop producing nutrients. Each needle has a very small surface area and is covered with wax, which allows it to retain more moisture.

The shape of the crown allows each tree to receive maximum amount solar energy, despite the fact that in coniferous forest the trees grow very densely.

The lifespan of coniferous trees is impressive:

  • – up to 200 years;
  • European larch – up to 500;
  • Spruce, Scots pine – up to 600;
  • Siberian larch – up to 900;
  • European cedar pine – up to 1000;
  • Sequoia - up to 5000.

It can be seen that various coniferous trees have different durations life, which also depends not only on the breed, but also on the growing conditions.

Long-lived trees

Of everything forest area covering our planet, the old-timer trees stand out. Their age is estimated at thousands of years, and people's respect for them is so great that they receive proper names. Here are just a few of them:

  • Norway spruce Old Tikko – 9550 years old, Sweden;
  • Intermontane bristlecone pine Prometheus – age 4862 years, Mount Wheeler (Nevada, USA);
  • Intermountain bristlecone pine Methuselah - 4842 years old, Inyo County (California, USA);
  • Sequoiadendron CBR 26 – 3266 years old, Sierra Nevada (California, USA);
  • Western Scofield juniper - 2675 years old, Sierra Nevada (California, USA);
  • Ficus sacred Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi - 2299 years old, Anuradhapura (North Central Province, Sri Lanka).

There are several dozen more trees, whose age ranges from 1000 to 3000 years. Some of them were cut down or died, some are still alive.

While watching the video you will learn about the oldest trees.

Thus, it is clear that different trees have different life expectancies, which depend on many factors: breed, weather conditions, growing areas. Despite unfavourable conditions, some specimens show miracles of survivability.

When we look up at this or that tree, we don’t think about how much it has already seen in its lifetime. But sometimes the question still pops into my head about how long it has been standing here. And in general, how many years do trees grow or live?

After all, not only humans or animals were assigned their own “limit” of stay on Earth. Each tree has a certain life expectancy.

But you can go through their varieties and types endlessly, so let’s try to answer the question regarding the most common trees: birch, oak and linden. How long do they live?


A primordially Russian beauty, praised in songs, mentioned in proverbs and Russian folk tales. But it grows not only in our vast expanses; you can find birch in American and Chinese forests. The slender tree is easy to recognize by its color: the white bark is crossed by black stripes.

In early spring, when the buds are just beginning to swell on most trees, birch trees are already covered with the first green leaves. In two weeks, a birch forest from dark forest turns into a colorful grove.

How many years does a birch tree live?

It is worth noting here the fact that it is difficult to reliably answer this question: it is impossible to keep track of the second, tenth or hundredth tree. In addition, birch has a bunch of various types and subspecies, each of which has a number external features and its life expectancy.

Known to many Karelian birch It lives for a relatively short time, compared to other trees: only 30-50 years.

But its common “relative”, drooping or warty, is capable of living up to 120. But along with them, there are also long-livers, whose age dates back to the fourth, or even the fifth century.

If we talk about “average” values, they fluctuate around 100-300 years. But this is not the limit: during all this time, the birch tree is diligently developing, stretching in height and growing long branches. And when growth stops, the movement of nutrients in the trunk begins to gradually slow down - in this state the tree can live for more than one year.


Nowadays it is not so often possible to find an oak grove in Russia. But if you happen to visit one, you will immediately realize all the mystery and majesty of these trees. Maybe they don’t sing songs about them, but they make up legends. Oak is the personification of strength, wisdom and longevity.

It grows mainly in and territories located in the northern hemisphere. Starting its journey as a small and slender tree, over the years the oak acquires its inherent massiveness: the spreading crown can reach 40 meters in height, and the circumference of already “established” trunks is 9 meters, which is also quite a lot.

The tree is also known for its healing properties: a decoction of oak bark has good anti-inflammatory properties and is used in folk medicine. And acorns are an excellent component for relieving spasms, swelling and inflammation.

How many years does an oak tree live?

This is a tree is considered one of the longest living. And it’s not easy - oak can survive fire and water, reaching up to two thousand years! But it’s worth making a reservation: the average life expectancy of one of the “representatives” of the oak forest ranges from 300 to 450 years. And only under favorable conditions these years can stretch for tens of centuries.

During the first 100-150 years, the oak tree actively develops, blooming only by 20 or even 30 years. But the diameter of its trunk increases throughout its life, becoming overgrown with new layers of bark.

There are two particularly old and therefore remarkable trees on the planet:


We are all familiar with this seemingly unremarkable tree. Botanists and scientists count about 45 species of linden and more than 100 of their hybrid varieties. It gained popularity thanks to its inflorescences and linden honey, one of the most delicious and healthy.

Interesting fact: in June 1848, the Czech Republic recognized the linden tree as its national symbol.

The tree has a spreading crown, stretching up to 30 meters high. The power of an oak trunk cannot be compared with that of an oak tree, but it cannot be called “slender” either - its diameter can reach three meters. The leaves are predominantly oval or closer to a “heart” shape. But linden blossom is much more interesting: the yellowish flowers of this tree are fragrant, they are brewed with tea and added to medicinal preparations.

How long does a linden tree live?

Not everyone would call this tree a great long-liver, but the linden tree is capable of growing and living for quite a long time. Average duration life span is 300−400 years, and this is almost half a millennium. However, in good conditions or with artificial planting with proper care, certain varieties of linden can easily survive the milestone of 1 thousand years.

Among its species there are also wonderful rarities:

Birch has long been considered the most favorite tree of poets, artists and ordinary people. They wrote poems about it, sang songs, painted it, and used it in medicine. This beautiful tree with interesting colors, tasty juice and medicinal pollen. Throughout its life, people use healing branches, leaves, buds, and bark. It seems to people that the birch tree lives forever.

Birch. Types and lifespan

There are about 120 species of birch, 64 species are found in the forests of Russia. The average lifespan of a birch is about one hundred years and depends on living conditions. In principle, this is an unpretentious tree that can live well in any soil. The main thing is that it is wet, since birch loves water and consumes up to 250 liters per day.

In Russian forests, birches live no more than 120 years, with the exception of iron birch, whose lifespan is almost 400 years.

Just 100 years ago, birch was more rare tree, than now. It grew mainly along river banks and in forests in place of fallen coniferous trees. So she grew up in different places of the taiga. For more than 150 years, the birch tree did not stay in one place.

The birch tree has permanent places a habitat. On the border of the forest near the Arctic Circle there grows twisted birch, in the Pamirs - Pamir birch with pink bark, in the Caucasus - Radde birch, also with pink bark, in Transbaikalia - black birch with shaggy bark.

On Far East Stone birch grows. Its age is 3-4 times greater than white birch and is 500 years old. Its trunk is more like an apple tree, the only difference is in the bark. The color of the bark is neither like a birch nor an apple tree. This is a pink-gray bark that lags behind the tree itself and hangs down in long strips.

Warty birch or silver birch are widespread. She grows quite quickly, starting from the age of 10, she grows by 75-90 cm per year and lives 50-60 years.

Application in medicine

In folk medicine, they use everything that birch can provide. It is an excellent immunostimulating, cleansing and vitamin remedy. Bath brooms are made from branches and leaves, which, under the influence of hot air in the bath, release essential healing oils that have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and the entire human body.

Helps well with many diseases Birch buds, because they contain essential oils, tannins, resins, grape sugar, flavonoids and ascorbic acid. It is a good antiseptic and expectorant, which is used to treat organ diseases. respiratory system. In addition, they are used in the form of lotions or dressings for various wounds soft tissues.

Birch leaves have a bactericidal effect, help cope with headaches, rheumatism, and disorders nervous system. Decoctions and infusions are used in the upper respiratory tract, arthritis, gynecology and dermatovenerology.

These are not all the diseases that birch treats.

Grow a birch tree yourself

Any gardener dreams of having a long-lived birch tree on his plot. It is not difficult to grow. You can purchase ready-made ones, preferably with a ball of earth on the roots.

Dig a fairly deep hole and add a mixture of garden soil, humus, sand and peat.

If planting occurs in the spring, you can add a complex fertilizer, in the fall - phosphorus-potassium fertilizer in the amount of 200 grams. The distance between seedlings should be at least 4 meters, since root system Birch trees are actively developing and require a lot of space.

You can grow birch from seeds, which are sown in shallow holes and covered with a layer of humus. Before planting, they must be kept in the cold for a month, then dried at room temperature. Seeds are sown at the beginning of winter in already frozen soil or in early spring, immediately after the snow melts.

This is a healing tree; it is important to pay attention to the control of weeds that can interfere with the development of the plant. You need to weed the soil regularly, but not deeper than 3 cm, so as not to damage the roots. In order to prevent fungi and various pests, the tree crown must be sprayed with fungicides and insecticidal preparations every year.

Having grown a birch tree on your site, you will be able to use it throughout your life. healing properties. She will become an indispensable assistant in the fight against many diseases. Thanks to its impressive life expectancy, birch will be useful for more than one generation.

Like every living organism on Earth, they have their own age. In the bustle of the city, we don’t often think about the lifespan of certain trees, and certainly not everyone knows which tree lives for 1000 years or more. Our article will help answer these questions: who knows, maybe a long-lived tree lives in your yard.

What does the life of trees depend on?

The maximum age is largely determined by their type: the most short-lived are fruit trees, deciduous and are the basis of “evergreen forests”. How long a plant will live also depends on the conditions in which it grows.

The mild climate contributes to the long existence of plants, and severe cold and winds quickly deplete even the most powerful plantings. For high life expectancy, conscientious care plays an important role.

Cleaning dry branches, treating pests and fertilizing significantly increase the chances of long life ornamental trees.

Popular cultures

It is difficult to imagine familiar streets without green spaces. Almost all deciduous (summer green) species of oxygen “producers” are common in our region. Walking around the city, you can count about 20 species of fruit, deciduous, and in some places coniferous trees. Let's look at the growth features of some of them.


  • In its genus, it unites about 600 plant species. The height of the oak tree reaches 50 meters, and the lifespan of the oak tree is the envy of any plant on the planet. Oak is easy to recognize thanks to its wide leaves and fruits - acorns, which are widely used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. Oak wood is highly valued in furniture production, and red oak products are considered a sign of luxury.

  • Hornbeam grows throughout Europe and is found in Asia Minor and Transcaucasia. The wide crown of the hornbeam prefers to hide in shady deciduous forests and grows slowly, gaining a width of up to 8 meters. Hornbeam is a member of the birch family, and just like her, it blooms with catkins. Young hornbeam leaves are used as livestock feed, and oil is extracted from the fruit.

  • has a branched and spreading crown about 30 meters high, which speaks of the wealth it can bestow on a person. After all, linden has many beneficial properties. The yellowish-white linden blossom is very popular in health and cosmetic procedures. Linden wood is easy to process, its soft fibers lend themselves well to carving.

Did you know? The linden tree has been recognized as a national symbol of the Czech Republic since June 1848.

  • Beech is widely represented in European forests. The smooth beech trunk reaches two meters in width and 30 meters in height. Beeches grow slowly, but live long. Acorn-shaped fruits appear on the tree after 40-60 years of life. Beech nuts are edible and have properties that regulate metabolic processes and are responsible for the normal functioning of the heart.

  • got its name thanks to its crown: spreading branches with sparse foliage allow a lot of sunlight, so it’s always light under the tree. In the spring, the ash tree takes on a purple hue and forms winged fruits that will fall only in winter. The wood of 30-meter trunks is particularly durable, which is especially valuable in construction and facing work. In medicine, the bark, leaves, and fruits of ash are used, and tree sap is also extracted. Despite medicinal properties, ash is considered a poisonous plant, therefore, without knowing the exact dose calculation, it is better not to abuse decoctions. Ash can live up to 300 years, while the trunk width is rarely more than 1 meter.

  • usually reaches 40 meters, although some species grow as. A young elm tree has a particularly smooth trunk bark; with age it becomes rougher and flakes off. The leaves of the elm are large and oblong; winged fruits are visible on the tree in the 7-8th year of life. Elm is an unpretentious plant; it can be found both in shady areas and in the middle of a plain or on the top of a hill. Elm grows up to 300 years.

  • Poplar is a plant with a columnar trunk up to 35 meters in height, and has small rounded leaves. The fruit has the shape of a box. Glue is collected from the blossoming poplar buds, which is processed into. Poplar has the ability to absorb radiation and harmful substances Therefore, you can often find poplar plantations in areas of factories and various industries. Also Poplar fluff is an allergen. Unlike many other trees, poplar is a dioecious plant: the female does not have grains in the flower, while the male does.

Important! When choosing a poplar for planting, take into account the peculiarities: after flowering, only the female is capable of spreading “poplar fluff”.

  • Maple is especially noticeable in autumn: leaves on different branches of the crown can become different colors. Maple plantations are low and reach an average of 15-20 meters. The leaves have serrated lobes, which distinguishes the maple from many deciduous trees. Maple fruits are capable of dispersing seeds over long distances, since the two-winged fruit rotates when falling and is picked up by the wind.

  • Birch reaches 45 meters in height, and the trunk can reach 1.5 meters in girth. Birch also has dwarf subspecies. The birch tree acquires its usual color in the 8th year of life; before that, its trunk is light brown and smooth. The leaves are shaped like a rounded triangle with jagged edges. It is impossible to say with certainty how many years a birch tree lives, since there are many species: some grow up to 150 years, others can exist for 300 years.

  • - a tree reaching 35 meters in height, has a lush crown. Age can reach 300 years. The leaves look like 7 petals located on the cuttings opposite each other. In May, the chestnut tree blooms; its cone-shaped inflorescences are pale pink or white in color. Chestnut fruits ripen in autumn and are round boxes with thorns, inside of which there is a nut. The seeds ripen in it. Medicines based on chestnut fruits have analgesic properties.

Among the popular deciduous crops, fruit trees cannot be ignored.

  • In its own way it has both wild and edible varieties. The tree grows to a maximum of 15 meters in height, and some species form low-growing shrubs. Any of the varieties needs care and certain conditions that must be created for the apple tree to be highly fruitful. There are heat-loving varieties and frost-resistant, moisture-loving and drought-tolerant varieties. Choosing an apple tree is not difficult if you know the characteristics of your site. This will ensure the longest life of your tree and a rich harvest.

  • Today there are about 60 species and more than 3,000 varieties. Growing up to 20 meters, this tree can bear fruit for up to 50 years. The pear, like the apple tree, does not grow well in high places groundwater. Therefore, if you want the pear to last as long as possible, choose a place to plant it on a hill. To extend the life of your favorite plant, you need to feed it and treat it from pests.

Did you know? The leaves on pear trees grow in a strictly defined order, being at an angle of 135 from each other.° . This allows you to get maximum moisture and sunlight.

  • It is distinguished by early fruiting - already in the 3rd year of life it is able to produce a harvest. Unlike pear and apple trees, plums love soil with high humidity, but at the same time the place should not be blown. Caring for plum trees is not much different from caring for other fruit trees. If you want a long-lived plum tree on your property, loosen the soil near the trunk, destroy it, treat it against pests and apply seasonally appropriate fertilizer.

  • Cherry does not grow higher than 10 meters, so if you want a compact fruit tree on your site, choose it. At its peak, one tree can produce about 20 kilograms of cherries per tree. IN the right conditions Once grown, cherries can delight you with their berries for 25 years.

  • or bird cherry is the undeniable taste of summer. Unlike cherries, it has a larger and fleshier berry. It is also more whimsical, as it has special requirements regarding heat.

  • also differs in average height and crown circumference. In warm climates, apricots grow for an average of 100 years and begin to bear fruit early, from 3-5 years. Most apricot varieties are frost-hardy, drought-tolerant and can germinate in areas with minimal rainfall.

Important! The difference between dried apricot fruits is that apricots-apricot, dried directly with the pit, and dried apricots- dried apricot from which the pit has been removed.


  • - a symbol of the New Year, reaching a height of 50 meters. The conical shape of the crown is formed over many years, since in the first years the spruce directs all its forces into growth. Depending on the species, the splendor of the branches and the length of the needles differ. Cones spread seeds in the 20th year of spruce growth. The green beauty can be found in different corners world, although there are species that are found in a particular area.

  • Pine as a plant exists in three types:
  1. Tree.
  2. Bush.
  3. Stlanik.
Pine plantations are very photophilous and moisture-loving. Otherwise, pine is an unpretentious tree and is long-lived. The active phase of pine growth is observed at the age of 5-20 years, then growth slows down.
  • - a light-loving tree, resistant to drought, sudden temperature changes, etc. Anyone can envy the longevity of juniper coniferous plant. The oils that juniper produces heal the air and saturate it with phytoncides. Among the decorative coniferous plantings on the site, juniper is most often chosen because of its unpretentiousness to moisture and soil, which ensures its longevity.

Like every living organism on Earth, trees have their age. In the bustle of the city, we don’t often think about the lifespan of certain trees, and certainly not everyone knows which tree lives for 1000 years or more. Our article will help answer these questions: who knows, maybe a long-lived tree lives in your yard.

The maximum age of plants is largely determined by their type: the shortest ones are fruit trees, while deciduous and coniferous trees are the basis of “evergreen forests”. How long a plant will live also depends on the conditions in which it grows. The mild climate contributes to the long existence of plants, and severe cold and winds quickly deplete even the most powerful plantings. For the high life expectancy of fruit trees, conscientious care plays an important role.

Cleaning dry branches, treating pests and fertilizing significantly increases the chances of a long life for ornamental trees.

Popular cultures

It is difficult to imagine familiar streets without green spaces. Almost all deciduous (summer green) species of oxygen “producers” are common in our region. Walking around the city, you can count about 20 species of fruit, deciduous, and in some places coniferous trees. Let's look at the growth features of some of them.


  • Oak in its genus unites about 600 species of plants. The height of the oak tree reaches 50 meters, and the lifespan of the oak tree is the envy of any plant on the planet. Oak is easy to recognize thanks to its wide leaves and fruits - acorns, which are widely used in medicine, cosmetology and cooking. Oak wood is highly valued in furniture production, and red oak products are considered a sign of luxury.

  • Hornbeam grows throughout Europe and is found in Asia Minor and Transcaucasia. The wide crown of the hornbeam prefers to hide in shady deciduous forests and grows slowly, gaining a width of up to 8 meters. Hornbeam is a member of the birch family, and just like her, it blooms with catkins. Young hornbeam leaves are used as livestock feed, and oil is extracted from the fruit.

  • The linden tree has a branched and spreading crown about 30 meters high, which speaks of the wealth it can bestow on a person. After all, linden has many beneficial properties. The yellowish-white linden blossom is very popular in health and beauty treatments. Linden wood is easy to process, its soft fibers lend themselves well to carving.

Check out tips for growing linden trees.
Did you know? The linden tree has been recognized as a national symbol of the Czech Republic since June 1848.

  • Beech is widely represented in European forests. The smooth beech trunk reaches two meters in width and 30 meters in height. Beeches grow slowly, but live long. Acorn-shaped fruits appear on the tree after 40-60 years of life. Beech nuts are edible and have properties that regulate metabolic processes and are responsible for the normal functioning of the heart.

  • Ash got its name thanks to its crown: spreading branches with sparse foliage let in a lot of sunlight, so it is always light under the tree. In the spring, the ash tree takes on a purple hue and forms winged fruits that will fall only in winter. The wood of 30-meter trunks is particularly durable, which is especially valuable in construction and facing work. In medicine, the bark, leaves, and fruits of ash are used, and tree sap is also extracted. Despite its medicinal properties, ash is considered a poisonous plant, therefore, without knowing the exact dose calculation, it is better not to overuse decoctions. Ash can live up to 300 years, while the trunk width is rarely more than 1 meter.

You will be interested to learn about the nuances of growing common ash.

  • Elm usually reaches 40 meters, although some species grow as a shrub. A young elm tree has a particularly smooth trunk bark; with age it becomes rougher and flakes off. The leaves of the elm are large and oblong; winged fruits are visible on the tree in the 7-8th year of life. Elm is an unpretentious plant; it can be found both in shady areas and in the middle of a plain or on the top of a hill. Elm grows up to 300 years.

Find out about beneficial properties elm

  • Poplar is a plant with a columnar trunk up to 35 meters in height, and has small rounded leaves. The fruit has the shape of a box. Bees collect glue from the blossoming poplar buds, which is processed into propolis. Poplar has the ability to absorb radiation and harmful substances, so you can often find poplar plantations in areas of factories and various industries. Poplar fluff is also an allergen. Unlike many other trees, poplar is a dioecious plant: the female does not have grains in the flower, while the male does.

Important! When choosing a poplar for planting, take into account the peculiarities: after flowering, only the female is capable of spreading “poplar fluff”.

  • Maple is especially noticeable in autumn: leaves on different branches of the crown can take on different colors. Maple plantations are low and reach an average of 15-20 meters. The leaves have serrated lobes, which distinguishes the maple from many deciduous trees. Maple fruits are capable of dispersing seeds over long distances, since the two-winged fruit rotates when falling and is picked up by the wind.

  • Birch reaches 45 meters in height, and the trunk can reach 1.5 meters in girth. Birch also has dwarf subspecies. The birch tree acquires its usual color in the 8th year of life; before that, its trunk is light brown and smooth. The leaves are shaped like a rounded triangle with jagged edges. It is impossible to say with certainty how many years a birch tree lives, since there are many species: some grow up to 150 years, others can exist for 300 years.

  • Chestnut is a tree reaching 35 meters in height and has a lush crown. Age can reach 300 years. The leaves look like 7 petals located on the cuttings opposite each other. In May, the chestnut tree blooms; its cone-shaped inflorescences are pale pink or white in color. Chestnut fruits ripen in autumn and are round boxes with thorns, inside of which there is a nut. The seeds ripen in it. Medicines based on chestnut fruits have analgesic properties.

Learn about the rules for planting and caring for chestnut trees.

Among the popular deciduous crops, fruit trees cannot be ignored.

  • The apple tree has both wild-growing ornamental and edible varieties. The tree grows to a maximum of 15 meters in height, and some species form low-growing shrubs. Any of the varieties needs care and certain conditions that must be created for the apple tree to be highly fruitful. There are heat-loving varieties and frost-resistant, moisture-loving and drought-tolerant varieties. Choosing an apple tree is not difficult if you know the characteristics of the soil in your area. This will ensure the longest life of your tree and a rich harvest.

Find out about best advice for caring and planting apple trees.

  • Today there are about 60 species and more than 3,000 varieties of pears. Growing up to 20 meters, this tree can bear fruit for up to 50 years. The pear, like the apple tree, does not grow well in areas with high groundwater levels. Therefore, if you want the pear to last as long as possible, choose a place to plant it on a hill. To extend the life of your favorite plant, you need to feed it and treat it from pests.

Did you know? The leaves on pear trees grow in a strictly defined order, being at an angle of 135 from each other.° . This allows you to get maximum moisture and sunlight.

  • Plum is distinguished by early fruiting - already in the 3rd year of life it is able to produce a harvest. Unlike pear and apple trees, plum trees love soil with high humidity, but at the same time the place should not be blown. Caring for plum trees is not much different from caring for other fruit trees. If you want a long-lived plum tree on your property, loosen the soil near the trunk, destroy weeds, treat it against pests and apply seasonally appropriate fertilizer.

  • Cherry does not grow higher than 10 meters, so if you want a compact fruit tree on your site, choose it. At its peak, one tree can produce about 20 kilograms of cherries per tree. In the right growing conditions, cherries can delight you with their berries for 25 years.

You will be interested to know about the largest varieties of cherries.

  • Sweet cherries or bird cherries are the undeniable taste of summer. Unlike cherries, it has a larger and fleshier berry. It is also more whimsical, as it has special requirements regarding heat.

  • Apricot also has medium height and crown circumference. In warm climates, apricots grow for an average of 100 years and begin to bear fruit early, from 3-5 years. Most apricot varieties are frost-hardy, drought-tolerant and can germinate in areas with minimal rainfall.

Important! The difference between dried apricot fruits is that apricots-apricot, dried directly with the pit, and dried apricots- dried apricot from which the pit has been removed.


  • Spruce is an evergreen symbol of the New Year, reaching a height of 50 meters. The conical shape of the crown is formed over many years, since in the first years the spruce directs all its forces into growth. Depending on the species, the splendor of the branches and the length of the needles differ. Cones spread seeds in the 20th year of spruce growth. The green beauty can be found in different parts of the world, although there are species that are found in a specific area.

  • Pine as a plant exists in three types:
  1. Tree.
  2. Bush.
  3. Stlanik.

Pine plantations are very photophilous and moisture-loving. Otherwise, pine is an unpretentious tree and is long-lived. The active phase of pine growth is observed at the age of 5-20 years, then growth slows down.

  • Juniper is a light-loving tree, resistant to drought, sudden temperature changes, pests and diseases. The longevity of juniper can be the envy of any coniferous plant. The oils that juniper produces heal the air and saturate it with phytoncides. Among the decorative coniferous plantings on the site, juniper is most often chosen because of its unpretentiousness to moisture and soil, which ensures its longevity.

Check out popular juniper varieties.
Important! The bactericidal properties of juniper needles are unparalleled.

  • Fir can be easily recognized by its vertically growing cones. Fir needles do not fall off even when the branches dry out, which makes it evergreen. Average age fir is 150-200 years old, but its height can vary depending on the species.

  • Thuja are evergreen trees and shrubs that rarely grow above 11 meters. Thujas are distinguished by soft, needle-like needles, which become darker and intertwined with age. Thuja is not difficult to care for, it is cold-resistant, and certain species tolerate even frosty winters well.

Life expectancy table

So how long do trees live, what is the maximum age of a maple, how long does an apricot last and how many years does a pine live, this table will answer.

What tree lives 1000 years?

For some trees, 1000 years of age is far from the limit. There are breeds that live over 1500 and 2000 years. If juniper can live up to 1000 years, then cedar pines, berry yew, oak, baobab and redwood trees have been around for over 3,000 years. Did you know? Methuselah- oldest person, whose age is indicated in the Bible, famous for his longevity. He lived 969 years. An example of a long-lived tree is pine, which is already over 4850 years old! This pine grows in the White Mountains of California, in National Nature Reserve, however, Methuselah's exact location is not revealed to protect him from the public. Methuselah is recognized as the oldest tree on planet Earth.
No matter how much time is given to a tree on earth, it is worth remembering that from the moment of germination to the very cutting down or withering, plants perform the most important function - they enrich the planet with oxygen. The lifespan of green spaces largely depends on the people themselves: it must be remembered that breaking a tree takes a second, but growing it takes years.