In the 90s, the Russian army was in a deplorable state. Gradually obsolete Soviet-era equipment, unattractive conditions of service in the army, constant reduction.

In recent years, the rearmament and modernization of the Russian army has begun. It is planned that by 2020, 70% of outdated equipment will be replaced with modern equipment developed in our time. They are talking about an amount of about 19 trillion rubles or even more - this is exactly how much is planned to be invested in the army under the new state program.

Prospects for the coming years

Our country is gradually moving from quantity to quality, planning to equip the army with the following in the next decade:

  • More than 500 different aircraft, including ultra-modern 5th generation fighters and airplanes long-range aviation.
  • More than 1000 different helicopters.
  • Modern ships of new projects.
  • More than 200 ultra-modern air defense systems integrated into the aerospace defense system.
  • New types of anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons.
  • 4th generation tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and others combat vehicles created on new platforms.
  • High-precision new weapons, including missiles and bombs equipped with satellite guidance systems.
  • New ballistic missiles designed for nuclear deterrence.

Work is also underway to create hypersonic missiles, equipped with a ramjet engine, based on aircraft.

The icing on the cake will be maximum automation and unification of all types of troops using automated systems management.

PAK FA fighter

The Russian Army must acquire the ultra-modern fifth-generation fighter T-50, about which more than one news has already been released. This will come before America commissions the F-35 project. PAK FA (Advanced Aviation Complex front-line aviation) entered the final stage of state testing in the fall of 2015, and its 30-mm cannon was tested in the fall of 2016.

The fighter is slightly less than 20 meters in length, its wingspan is 14 meters. Its speed reaches 2600 km/h, and its maximum altitude is 20 kilometers. Flight time without refueling is almost 6 hours. It is equipped with a 30 mm built-in cannon, and the bomb bays located inside the fuselage carry 10 guided air-to-air missiles and aviation bombs. The fighter can carry another 14 missiles on external slings.

Thanks to the shape of the fuselage, reflective coating and camouflage technology, the aircraft is practically invisible. At the same time, the T-50 itself can easily detect the enemy thanks to the Himalaya electronic warfare system.

The total cost of the project is from 10 to 30 billion dollars, the start of deliveries to the troops is planned for 2018.


In April 2014, Russia restored production of the Tu-160. Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said that it is necessary not only to maintain the long-range aviation fleet in working order and modernize it, but also to begin producing the Tu-160, a supersonic strategic bomber. The resumption of production is planned in 2023 or later, and the existing missile carriers are currently being modernized.

The first stage of modernization has already been successfully completed. The outdated Soviet electronics were removed and light and compact Russian-made ones were installed.

Now the Tu-160 is in the second wave of improvement. Radar, navigation and sighting equipment on missile carriers is being updated.


At the same time, work is underway to update the Tu-95 fleet. These huge long-range aircraft have seen war during their half-century of service in Syria and have long been out of production, but there are many options for modernization.

Despite their outdated appearance, these turboprop missile carriers are still very effective. Building up strategic nuclear forces is now a priority, so modernization strategic missiles the carriers are carried out continuously.

Project 22800

Soon we will have the newly developed ships of Project 22800. The first small corvettes of Project 22800 “Karakurt” will replace the multi-purpose patrol ships “Burevestnik”, which have been in the Russian Navy since 1968.

They are intended for patrol and convoy service, protecting bases and facilities located on the shore from air and underwater enemies.

Corvettes with a displacement of 800 tons, a length of 60, a beam of 9 and a draft of 4 meters are capable of developing 30 knots per hour and covering up to 3,000 nautical miles. They are planned to be armed with 8 Caliber missiles, artillery installation 76 mm caliber, 30 mm anti-aircraft gun and rocket and artillery system.

Submarine fleet

By 1980, the USSR occupied the first position in the world in terms of the number of submarine fleet. From 1992 to 1997, our fleet was halved, and the pace and volume of creation of new submarines fell. We began to noticeably lag behind the United States both quantitatively and qualitatively.

This trend was stopped; Russia is now armed with 14 strategic submarines, 9 nuclear-powered with cruise missiles on board, 19 nuclear-powered multi-purpose ones, 8 nuclear-powered special purpose submarines and 23 diesel ones. Of the 44 submarines of the Northern Fleet, 4 began service quite recently, and the Pacific Fleet received 2 more submarines. Another 23 submarines are undergoing modernization, where the main focus is on reducing noise.

Modern submarines already meet all the requirements, for example, the Borei makes 2 times less noise than the promising Virginia and 5 times less than the domestic Shchuka-B or Antey. Moreover, the Borei itself can detect an enemy submarine at a distance of 320 kilometers.

BTR Boomerang

The newest armored personnel carrier Boomerang passes state tests, it should replace in Russian army BTR-80 and BTR-82, the main disadvantage of which is considered to be low bottom protection, which is very important in local armed conflicts.

Finally, much attention was paid to the safety of the crew and landing party. The new product is protected by identical tank multilayer armor with ceramic inserts. The engine is located in the front of the vehicle, which increases protection against frontal fire and explosions with a high-explosive charge. The doors are located at the rear, and not on the sides, which increases the safety of the crew and troops disembarking.

The speed of the Boomerang on the highway is up to 100 km/h, the power reserve is 800 km. Water-jet propulsors are installed, allowing floating movement at speeds of up to 12 km/h. The weapons are located in an uninhabited combat module, which is controlled remotely, which again increases the protection of the crew.

The main armament is a 30 mm 2A42 cannon, operating in a temperature range from -50 to +50 °C. The gun has been in use for a long time and does not really correspond to the concept of modern. However, the modular design of the new technology makes it possible to easily replace the combat module with another, for example, one equipped with a 57-caliber cannon.

Auxiliary weapons are a standard Kalashnikov 7.62 mm tank machine gun with 2,000 rounds of ammunition. There is also a Kornet missile system with a target engagement range from 150 to 10,000 meters and automatic guidance with tele-orientation in a laser beam.

The armor penetration of the Kornet ammunition is up to 1300 mm, the equivalent for high-explosive ammunition is 7 kg. It is possible to simultaneously track and destroy two targets.

Serial production is expected in 2017, and the start of deliveries to the troops in 2019.

Today we can say for sure that, in addition to the armored personnel carrier, a wheeled infantry fighting vehicle and a light wheeled tank armed with a 125 mm cannon will be created on the same platform.

T-14 Armata

Weighing 48 tons, the new Russian tank is lighter than all Western modern main battle tanks and is the only production tank in the world with an uninhabited turret. It is worth clarifying that we are not talking about one tank, but about an entire platform on the basis of which a variety of combat vehicles can be created, for example, an artillery, anti-aircraft missile or surface-to-surface missile complex.

The designers of the T-14 Armata incorporated maximum automation to facilitate the work of the crew.

TOS-1A Solntsepek

A terrible weapon, which is a modernization of the TOS-1 Buratino. For 6, it fires 24 rockets at a distance of up to 6,000 meters, the affected area is up to 40,000 meters, the accuracy is 10 meters.

Thanks to high mobility and a short salvo time, so that enemy artillery is unlikely to have time to react and strike back.

This heavy flamethrower system leaves behind scorched fields, and enemies caught in its fire and surviving are often completely overwhelmed or even mentally traumatized.

Believed to be ideal for anti-terrorist operations, heavy flamethrowers are currently being tested in the field in Syria. There are no analogues in the world.

SAM Sosna

A new product that will undergo final state tests this year. Are used precision missiles 9M340 "Sosna-R", maximum range 10 kilometers, 12 pieces of ammunition.

The complex is fully automated, capable of operating under various weather conditions. The modular design allows it to be installed on any chassis with a carrying capacity of 3.5 tons, and a ship version is being developed.

The variety of installation media is not only convenient, but also interesting to potential buyers.


In 2012, the development of the Barguzin combat railway complex, carrying intercontinental ballistic missiles, began. A preliminary design of the complex has recently become ready; it is expected to appear in service in 2020.

An ordinary-looking refrigerated train carries 6 Yars intercontinental missiles, designed to hit targets at distances of up to 10,000 kilometers. The strength of this composition is approximately equal to a division with stationary mine complexes.

There are simply no analogues to the Russian BZHRK.


Introduced to the Army in 2009, the intercontinental ballistic missile is designed to be deployed in silos and on mobile platforms. Equipped with a split head. Tactical specifications are not disclosed, but the missile appeared as a result of the modernization of Topol-M.

The multiple warhead contains 304 warheads and 4 decoys; 7 successful launches have already been carried out.

At the beginning of 2016, the Russian army had 73 missiles, with another 20 expected to be delivered.

RS-26 Rubezh

Missile mobile complex carrying an intercontinental ballistic missile. Appeared as a result of the improvement of the Yars and received improved warheads, even better suited for breakthrough missile defense enemy.

The three-stage missile has a range from 2,000 to 11,000 kilometers, carries 4 hypersonic maneuvering warheads with a TNT-equivalent yield of 150 to 300 kilotons.

According to some experts, about 50 American SM-3 interceptor missiles will be needed to destroy the maneuvering warhead.

ICBM RS-28 Sarmat

5th generation strategic missile system based in silos. Equipped with systems to protect the mine and its suborbital trajectory. Combat units The Yu-71 is capable of maneuvering and moves at hypersonic speeds.

The two-stage heavy missile carries 10 warheads, each with an explosive yield of 750 kilotons.

On this moment The engine is being tested; tests of the rocket itself, according to the most optimistic forecasts, will begin in mid-2017.


Tests were completed in 2011, the model for export is called “Kornet-EM”. Equipped with two launchers, each of which consists of four containers with ready-to-launch 9M133FM-3 missiles inside. There are still 8 not ready for combat launch rockets.

Switching to a combat state takes 7 seconds, guidance is carried out using teleorientation inside the laser beam, moving targets are available, and remote launch is possible at a distance of 50 meters using a remote control.


A promising complex shown in 2009. Guided missiles are capable of hitting all sorts of targets, including aircrafts at distances up to 100 meters. An aviation version of the Hermes-A has been developed, the installation of which is planned for the Mi-28N and Ka-52 helicopters.


The grenade launcher system, tests completed in 2013, appeared in mass production in 2014 and entered service with the army of our country.

Its main purpose is to fight the enemy in close combat; its distinctive features are the ability to fire from enclosed spaces with a volume of 30 cubic meters or more.

The firing distance is from 25 to 950 meters, aiming with the help of an optical sight is carried out at a distance of up to 650 meters.

RPG-32 Longboat

Multi-caliber hand grenade launcher. Starting device with optical sight compatible with rocket-propelled grenades caliber from 72.5 to 105 mm. The export version was called "Hashim".

Used against tanks, armored vehicles, engineering fortifications and enemy personnel.

The advantage is identical ballistics of shots of any caliber, which has a positive effect on the ease of training soldiers.

Development planned anti-tank shell with self-aiming elements.


An amphibious assault rifle capable of operating underwater and on land. It has a bullup layout, fires standard 5.45×39 mm cartridges on land, and specially created needle-shaped cartridges under water.

The ADS is supposed to be a replacement for the AK74M, it is equally convenient for right-handers and left-handers, and is superior to the Kalashnikov assault rifle in terms of accuracy of fire.


Single shot sniper rifle, designed for ultra-long-range shooting. This new Russian weapon has a modular design that allows the use of cartridges of different calibers. Only domestic components and materials are used in manufacturing; the firing range is truly amazing, exceeding 2 kilometers.

Weapons are something that Russia has always been good at doing. And not at all because we love to fight so much, it’s just that we have never spared either money or other resources on defense. We will not judge whether this is good or bad, we will simply accept it as a fact that today in Russia a weapon that has no analogues in the world already exists and continues to be actively developed. We'll tell you about it in this collection.

Cruiser "Peter the Great".

Heavy atomic missile cruiser"Peter the Great" is the world's largest non-aircraft-carrying attack warship. Traditionally, the name “cruiser” is assigned to surface combatants capable of operating independently of the main part of the fleet. The basis of the Peter the Great's combat power is the P-700 Granit anti-ship missile system. A 10-meter cruise missile (and there are two dozen of them in the cruiser’s arsenal) is capable of reaching speeds 2.5 times faster than sound and delivering a 750-kilogram charge (including nuclear) to a range of over 600 km. It is the presence of such weapons that gives grounds to consider the TARK the main striking force for the destruction of not even ships - entire enemy ship groups, including aircraft carriers. "Peter the Great" is also equipped with launchers for the S-300F air defense system (vertical launch), the Osa-MA air defense system, the Kashtan air defense system, 130-mm universal automatic installations AK-130 and 30mm ZAK AK-630M. The ship also has powerful anti-submarine weapons, including depth charges with its own hydroacoustic guidance system. Ka-27 helicopters based on board the ship are capable of providing air strikes.

Self-propelled guns Koalitsiya-SV.

Unique double-barreled 152 mm self-propelled howitzer. The mass of the installation is 48 tons, ammunition - 70 shells, rate of fire - up to 23 rounds per minute. The maximum speed on the highway is up to 90 km/h, the range is 500 km. The firing range, depending on the projectile, can reach 70 km. The crew of the car is only 3 people. Conceptually, a new armored capsule for the crew is located in the front of the vehicle. This became possible thanks to the new automatic loader. The new multifunctional tracked platform "Armata" has a similar layout.

Visual-optical jamming station "Grach".

This station was created specifically to protect warships at night and twilight. According to the developers, a device that “blinds” manpower and optical instruments enemy, allows you to hide the landing, protect people and ships from targeted fire during military operations. The Grach station is intended for installation on surface ships, hovercraft, hydrofoils, and various boats. It is noted that with the help of high-intensity light radiation, the device suppresses visual-optical and optical-electronic surveillance and aiming devices. The device can also be used as a powerful searchlight device or for transmitting light-signal messages at meteorological visibility ranges.

Cruise missiles "Caliber".

Similar missiles were launched from Russian Navy ships based in the Caspian Sea. They hit ISIS militant bases located 1.5 thousand kilometers away. For military experts around the world, this came as a complete surprise: until recently they believed that the maximum flight range of such a missile was 300 kilometers. However, as real combat experience has shown, “Caliber” can hit enemy targets even at a distance of 2 thousand kilometers. And most importantly, this missile attacks a target at a speed three times the speed of sound at an altitude of only 10 kilometers. This means that air defense systems are powerless against it.

Promising PAK FA combat aviation complex.

In fact, this is the latest fifth-generation fighter, which is currently being successfully tested. As soon as the model goes into production, it will be called T-50. In appearance it resembles its predecessor Su-27. But its electronics, radars and weapons are completely new developments. The PAK FA is capable of flying at supersonic speed for a long time, without using afterburner mode, which usually consumes engine life very quickly. The maximum speed of the PAK FA is 2600 thousand km/h. The only fifth-generation fighter so far put into service, the American F-22 maximum speed- 2410 km/h. The PAK FA has a “smart skin” - one and a half thousand radio transmitters installed across the entire surface of the aircraft from nose to tail. Their sensitivity is so high that an aircraft can detect, for example, a passenger car at a distance of 100 kilometers. At any time of day and in any weather, it will not be difficult for him to track 60 targets on the ground or in the air and fire at two dozen of them.

Onyx anti-ship missiles.

In other countries, these missiles are better known as “Yakhont” or “BrahMos”. Unlike Caliber, they are completely universal. This means that missiles can be installed not only on ships and submarines, but also on aircraft and coastal launchers. You can strike with such a missile from anywhere, for example from an attack aircraft.

Unmanned glider Yu-71.

At the moment, designers are completing work on this most modern development in the field. domestic aviation. Yu-71 is a gliding unmanned glider capable of carrying nuclear weapons on board and maneuvering at speeds of over 11,000 kilometers per hour. Yes, yes, this is not a mistake: 11 thousand kilometers per hour. Moreover, the newest device can not only fly at such a speed, but also evade missiles along a broken trajectory, which is simply impossible to calculate, and therefore to shoot it down. According to experts, no missile defense system today is capable of not only calculating the trajectory of the Yu-71, but also achieving its speed.

Heavy intercontinental missile "Sarmat".

This rocket is also currently under development. According to the designers, Sarmat no longer flies ballistic trajectory, it maneuvers while in the upper layers of the atmosphere at altitudes of several tens of kilometers. At the same time, it is physically impossible to determine where this object is flying. It is expected that the Sarmat will replace the famous RS-20 Voevoda missile, which in the West was nicknamed “Satan” (pictured). The new missile will be able to carry more than 4 tons of nuclear warhead at a distance of up to 10 thousand kilometers. And if the Yu-71 is used as a carrier for this warhead, this will significantly increase the likelihood of hitting a target.

Mobile anti-aircraft missile system "Antey-2500".

The world's only mobile anti-aircraft system capable of intercepting ballistic missiles with a launch range of up to 2,500 kilometers. Distinctive Features of this complex are high mobility, a short time transfer from transport to combat position, as well as the ability to hit up to 16 ballistic missiles flying at speeds of up to 4500 m/sec.

T-14 tank with a 152mm cannon.

The world saw the T-14 Armata for the first time this year, during the parade dedicated to the Victory Day. The tank is equipped with the latest 152-mm 2A83 cannon, which has been successfully tested, including with new shells that are capable of burning through steel armor more than a meter thick. By far the most large caliber guns mounted on tanks are 125 mm, while the generally accepted one is 120 mm.

Experts spoke about developments that will completely change the military “alignments”

Russia is developing sixth-generation weapons that can change the nature of modern wars. Such a statement, close to science fiction, was made by Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, saying that the Russian Foundation for Advanced Research (analogous to the American DARPA) is now taking practical steps to implement 23 similar projects, and by the end of the year their number will increase to 40. “Each project is a foundation already sixth technological order,” the Deputy Prime Minister emphasized, adding that these weapons will ultimately lead to a new type of non-contact wars, in which there will be no combat losses in principle.

"MK", ​​together with military experts, tried to figure out what newest types weapons and military equipment will appear in the world in the near future.

It is still difficult to imagine sixth-generation weapons in detail, given that most Russian equipment and weapons belong to the third or fourth generation. Chief Editor magazine "National Defense" Igor Korotchenko told MK that sixth-generation weapons are, first of all, highly intelligent weapons systems that will implement the principle of non-contact warfare and automatic selection and destruction of targets depending on conditions combat use on the battlefield.

- This is an intellectual weapon. We are talking about all areas, starting from combat biological systems, biotechnical systems and ending with developments in the field of new means of high-precision destruction of targets, including under water,” Korotchenko explained. - Basic requirements - the ability to conduct network-centric warfare, artificial intelligence in weapons systems and military equipment.

"Electronic pilots" and "smart" missiles

Of course, sixth-generation weapons are still something from the realm of science fiction, and it’s too early to talk about when the first samples will be put into action, perhaps this will happen in 15-20 years. Now the armies of the world are switching to fifth-generation weapons, and here Russia already has something to boast about.

First of all, this is the newest fighter, which will begin to enter the Russian Air Force in 2016. The T-50 is a fifth-generation aircraft, which is equipped with a fundamentally new avionics complex that integrates the “electronic pilot” function and an advanced phased array radar. It is made using stealth technology, that is, it is hardly noticeable to radars.

The T-50 can also reach supersonic speeds without turning on the afterburner. At the end of April, the aircraft received one of the important elements - the Himalaya electronic warfare station.

The US Air Force already has a fighter in service F-22 Raptor, which is now the only fifth-generation fighter in service. Development of the “five” is also underway in China. In addition to the fifth generation fighter, Russia is developing a promising aviation complex long-range aviation (PAK DA).

— This is a new Russian strategic bomber of the fifth generation, it will be subsonic and is considered as a carrier cruise missiles, the launches of which will be carried out without entering the enemy’s air defense coverage area. The main task of the aircraft is to arrive unnoticed in the specified area and carry out a massive launch of highly intelligent cruise missiles, and the missiles for it will be adaptive, Korotchenko explained. “They themselves will analyze the formation of the enemy’s air defense based on the analysis of radar intercepts and determine the possibility of a breakthrough in order to be guaranteed to hit the target. According to data from open sources, the aircraft will be made according to the “flying wing” design, using stealth technology.

"Drones" - destroy the target, save the wounded

The newest unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), according to Korotchenko, fall into the category between the fifth and sixth generation. It is known that in the coming years the United States will begin testing a new “drone” ARES, which will have to perform various auxiliary tasks on the battlefield, such as: delivering cargo to remote garrisons or transporting wounded soldiers, and, of course, conducting reconnaissance of the area. In addition, it was stated promising project multi-purpose unmanned vehicle for the army.

If we talk about attack UAVs, then the United States still holds a leading position here. UAVs are currently in service with the American Army. MQ-1 Predator and new MQ-9 Reaper. By 2020, it is planned to create such a basic UAV platform that can be used in all theaters of military operations.

The new “drone” will stay in the air longer, will be able to perform tasks in difficult weather conditions, and automatically take off, land and enter the combat patrol area. In addition, it will be capable of intercepting air targets and providing close support ground forces, and carry out reconnaissance, conduct electronic warfare, as well as suppress enemy air defense systems.

Unfortunately, in Russia we can only dream of creating a UAV of this level.

“The Sukhoi company is building a combat drone using stealth technology, a number of design bureaus in Kazan are implementing the concept of attack drones,” Korotchenko said. - Over the past 20 years, we have fallen behind in many ways and now it is important to develop a base.

"Armata" - a command tank for robots

Where we are so far “ahead of the rest” is in the development of fifth-generation combat platforms “Armata”, on the basis of which next year should appear newest tank.

“The fifth generation tank is a combat platform on the basis of which a tank, heavy infantry fighting vehicle, repair and recovery and special vehicles will appear,” Korotchenko said.

According to some reports, the tank will have digital control, and the crew will be housed in an isolated armored capsule. The Armata will be equipped with a 125 mm cannon, which will be controlled remotely. The tank will be able to withstand any type of modern and promising weapons.

There are no similar developments underway in the West.

In this direction, in addition to Russia, China is working, which created the Type-99 tank, Korea - the K-1 tank and Japan with the newest Type-10 tank, - said MK military expert Viktor Murakhovsky. According to the expert, the newest tank can seriously change the balance of power in the modern theater of operations.

“First of all, this is a new layout, unlike any other tank, it increases the survivability of the crew on the battlefield by an order of magnitude,” says Murakhovsky. - Another important element: the tank has its own on-board information and control system, which automates many processes, for example, target tracking.

In the future, the crew of such a tank on the battlefield will be able to control several robotic platforms.

"Umbrella" from earth to space

Fifth-generation weapons also include anti-aircraft missile systems, which can also hit intercontinental ballistic missiles in space. S-500 belongs to a new generation of anti-aircraft missile systems“ground-to-air”, which are designed to intercept ballistic missiles with a flight range of up to 3.5 thousand kilometers and speeds of up to 5 km per second. According to the stated characteristics, the S-500 air defense system must detect and simultaneously hit up to 10 supersonic targets at a range of up to 600 km, that is, in near space. According to the military, these systems should appear in service as early as 2016.

According to Viktor Murakhovsky, the S-500 system itself is not capable of changing the balance of power.

— In the future, leading countries will create complex integrated aerospace defense systems, which will include ground-based detection equipment, including long-range ones, such as over-the-horizon missile attack warning stations. As well as satellites that combine optical tracking outer space, long-range radar detection aircraft,” said Murakhovsky. - Fire weapons will also be included in this combined unified system, and everything from portable anti-aircraft missile system and ending with promising anti-missile system A235 and S-500 air defense system. In this aspect, it will have a strong impact on the prospects for conducting combat operations in the future.

Riding hypersound

The weapons that will occupy the niche between the fifth and sixth generations are hypersonic missiles. Now the United States is testing the X-51A Waverider prototype, which, according to the stated characteristics, should reach speeds of up to 6.5-7.5 thousand km/h. After several unsuccessful launches, in 2013 this rocket flew 426 kilometers in six minutes, reaching a speed of about 5 thousand km/h.

The development of this miracle weapon, which in its significance is compared to the creation of an atomic bomb, was carried out by the Americans as part of the “prompt global strike” program, the main goal of which is to reduce the flight time of high-precision cruise missiles.

Similar developments are also underway in Russia, but they are at an earlier stage.

As told in July last year General Director of the Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation Boris Obnosov: “We still have rockets flying at hypersound, but we need not a short-term, but a stable flight of a rocket at hypersound in the atmosphere. We need to achieve long-term flight and not at low hypersonic levels.” Hypersound starts at speeds of Mach 4.5 and higher: it is necessary to create a rocket that would fly at speeds of 6 Mach, 10 Mach, 14 Mach.

The situation in the modern world is such that the Russian Federation, in order to maintain its sovereignty and play key roles in international arena, is forced to strengthen its combat capability. What is strengthening combat capability? This is, first of all, strengthening the Russian army with new weapons - classified types of weapons, and those that Russia sells to other countries.

This article will talk about the latest developments weapons in Russia. Some of these weapons are already in use by our troops, other new models are at the development and testing stage, and should enter service with the Russian army in 2018-2019.

Here it should be said again that Russia is currently developing and testing many types of new generation weapons, and testing new weapons in Russia is a secret matter. For obvious reasons, nothing can be said about such weapons yet. In addition, it is simply impossible to talk about all new developments in a separate article, so we will only talk about some of the most high-profile examples modern weapons Russia.

The latest weapons of Russia 2017-2018

Generally speaking, according to prominent arms experts and politicians, in the coming years the Russian armed forces should receive:

  • More than 600 aircraft different types: fighters, long-range aircraft, strategic bombers etc.;
  • More than 1000 of the latest helicopters;
  • More than 300 new super-air defense systems;
  • New generation ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads;
  • New nuclear weapons;
  • New high-precision weapons (bombs, missiles, etc.), as well as the latest guidance systems for such weapons, designed for high-precision shooting;
  • New weapons to destroy tanks and other ground vehicles;
  • The latest models of small arms and military equipment;
  • Various military equipment new generation, as well as other products of domestic arms manufacturers.

In addition, the Russian Armed Forces soon Troop control systems based on automation should arrive. Russia is also developing a new secret weapon. According to some information, the latest Russian small arms are currently being developed, the operation of which is supposed to be based on fundamentally new physical methods.

In addition, work continues on the creation of hypersonic missiles, which are supposed to be based not on the surface of the earth, but in the airspace. It is assumed that the speed of such missiles will be 7-8 times higher than the speed of sound. This, for obvious reasons, will be Russia's newest secret weapon.

In addition, work is underway in Russia on other types of superweapons. Some of these types of Russian superweapons will be discussed below.

Russian nuclear weapons

It is known that the main shield of our country is strategic nuclear weapons. Until now, well-known domestic examples of strategic nuclear weapons"Voevoda" and "Sotka". However, they are already being replaced with more advanced models (“Topol”, “Topol-M”).

However, in addition to those listed, Russia’s new secret weapons, that is, new models of strategic missiles, are now being actively and successfully developed and implemented. Here are just a few of them:

  • RS-24 Yars. The rearmament of the Russian army with such missiles is, in fact, already underway. According to the Russian command, missiles of this type will replace outdated models of strategic missile weapons (the same “Topol” and “Topol-M”);
  • RS-26 Rubezh. This complex is intended for use by intercontinental ballistic missile with increased shooting accuracy. In 2014, the complex entered service with the Russian army. It is assumed that this missile will in the future replace the Topol-M and Yars;
  • BZHRK Barguzin. Since this type of weapon is not yet used in the Russian army (it is under development), there is little information about it. This new Russian secret weapon is expected to be operational in 2018;
  • Vanguard rocket launcher. This is a fundamentally new weapon, its effectiveness compared to the same “Topol-M” can be 50 times higher. The warhead of this missile is capable of flying from 16 to 25 thousand km. The missile launcher is expected to be put into service in 2018;
  • Bottom missile systems. This is, in fact, rocket launchers, located on the seabed and, accordingly, launching missiles from depths of the sea. One of these complexes was named “Skif”. The essence of the action of such a complex is as follows. The rocket, located on the seabed, is in constant standby mode. When the command is fired, the missile fires and hits a surface ship or some ground target. The water column serves as a kind of shaft for the rocket. The first test launch of the rocket since White Sea was produced back in 2013. Bottom development missile systems carried out to this day;
  • Mobile missile systems. Based on the name, such complexes can be moved from place to place, which is their considerable advantage compared to stationary complexes. In Russia, work is currently underway on the creation of railway and sea mobile missile systems. One of the trial sea mobile missile systems was placed in an ordinary cargo container. The test launch of a rocket from such a complex produced a considerable effect among observers and experts.

We repeat: all this is just small part missile weapons, adopted for service in 2017 or planned to enter the Russian armed forces in the near future.

Anti-tank weapons

Concerning anti-tank weapons, then there are also unique samples that have no analogues anywhere in the world. Here are just a few of these samples:

  • Missile Kornet-D complex. This is a very effective weapon for destroying enemy armored vehicles. Since the complex is a missile system, it follows that the destruction of enemy armored vehicles is carried out by missiles;
  • Hermes complex. Its first version, called "Hermes-A", was intended to be destroyed using helicopters. The complex is attached to a helicopter, and in this way fire is fired at enemy armored vehicles. Currently, work is underway to create new variants of ATGMs, which are designed to expand and diversify the use of weapons. In particular, it is known that in the near future, missiles fired from the Hermes complex should be used from the Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile system;
  • MGK BUR. Essentially, this is a new and improved type of grenade launcher, which has a reusable launcher and one shot. That is, after each shot, the grenade launcher must be reloaded, as was the case in all previous versions this type of weapon.

Other types of anti-tank weapons that are currently being worked on are classified, and therefore there is no need to talk about them in detail.

New small arms

When speaking of “Russia’s new weapons,” it is impossible to avoid mentioning the new small arms produced in the country. Rockets, planes and ships are, of course, wonderful, but it’s weapon First of all, it is able to protect the most valuable thing - the life of a soldier. Here are just some of the new models of Russian small arms:

  • Double-medium ADS machine. This is a unique new Russian small arms that can fire both in the open air and under water. In addition, the machine gun is designed in such a way that it can be fired from both the left and right hands. Serial production of the assault rifle began in 2016, and it entered service with the Russian army in 2017;
  • SVLK-14S. This rifle is an exceptionally accurate Russian sniper weapon, which can effectively hit a target at a distance of up to 2 km. In addition, it is the most powerful small arms to date;
  • Lebedev pistol (PL-14). Domestic pistols are perhaps the weakest point of our small arms. The famous “Makarov” has long been outdated - both in terms of its fighting qualities and in other senses, there are also complaints about other domestic pistols. Against this background, the new domestic pistol, developed by designer Lebedev, looks very attractive. The pistol is very light and thin, it can be fired with both the right and left hand, it has little recoil, the accuracy of fire and the rate of fire are superior to existing domestic analogues. The pistol should enter service with both the army and the police. In addition, the designers also promise a sports version of the PL-14.

Currently, several defense enterprises in the country are working on the creation of a fundamentally new small arms, in no way similar to the famous Kalashnikov assault rifle. In particular, it is already known that such weapons impact mechanism and the butt will be in the butt, and such weapons are supposed to be fired with specially designed (innovative) cartridges. Such cartridges will have significantly increased accuracy and firing range, as well as destructive force. The first samples of such weapons have already arrived this year in the Russian armed forces. Massively new small arms will begin to enter the army and special forces in 2020.

Robots as Russia's newest weapon

It is clear that in the age of electronic technology, robots can (and must) also be weapons. Which is exactly what is happening. This year, Russia began creating special forces robots. According to the designers, such robots will be able to provide significant assistance to soldiers on the battlefield: helping snipers in choosing a target, delivering ammunition, and also performing the functions of orderlies - that is, finding the wounded, providing them with first aid and transporting them to medical facilities. Such robots are currently being tested.

Another combat robot (or rather a robotic military complex), which was given the name “Nerekhta”. It moves on tracks and is armed with a Kord machine gun. Initially, the robot was conceived as an artillery fire spotter, but the designers soon realized that for such a machine being just a spotter was not enough.

Currently, the Nerekhta robot can go on reconnaissance, quietly destroy an enemy pillbox, open fire with a machine gun, and thereby support its fighters. The robot is capable of moving up to 30 km per hour and is controlled via a remote control. Since the robot is equipped with an optical-electronic system, a thermal imager, a laser range finder and a ballistic computer, it is currently also successfully used as a guard for missile systems.

Currently, work is underway to improve the robot. Thus, this year an improved version of Nerekhta-2 was tested. Such a robot will be the fighter’s “squire,” that is, he will carry the fighter’s weapons and equipment. The robot can be controlled by voice and gestures. In addition, the robot will act in sync with the fighter it is serving. For example, if a fighter took aim and shot at a target, then the robot will also shoot at the same target with its weapon - for reliability and safety net.

Russian Federation were formed in 1992. At the time of creation, their number was 2,880,000 people. Today it reaches 1,000,000 people. Not only is it one of the largest armed forces in the world. The weapons of the Russian army today are very modern, developed, and have reserves nuclear weapons, weapons mass destruction, developed system countering enemy advances and redeploying weapons if necessary.

The army of the Russian Federation practically does not use foreign-made weapons. Everything needed is manufactured in the country. All military equipment and weapons are the result of the research of scientists and the functioning of the defense industry. The army is governed by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation through military districts and other governing bodies. Also, a General Staff has been created to manage the Russian Armed Forces, whose tasks are defense planning, conducting mobilization and operational training, organizing reconnaissance operations, etc.

Armored vehicles

Military equipment and weapons of the Russian army are constantly being modernized. This happens with vehicles such as armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles and infantry fighting vehicles. They are intended for combat operations on various types of terrain, and are also capable of transporting a combat detachment of up to 10 people and overcoming water obstacles. These vehicles can travel both forward and backward at the same speed.

Thus, at the beginning of 2013, the BTR-82 and BTR-82A entered service with the Russian army. This modification has an economical diesel generator set and is equipped with an electric drive with a stabilizer for controlling the gun and a laser sight. The designers improved reconnaissance capabilities, and the fire extinguishing and fragmentation protection systems were improved.

There are about 500 BMP-3s in service. This equipment and the weapons with which it is equipped have no equal in the whole world. equipped with mine protection, have a durable and sealed body, providing all-round armor to protect personnel. The BMP-3 is an air transportable amphibious vehicle. On a flat road it reaches speeds of up to 70 km/h.

Russian nuclear weapons

Nuclear weapons have been adopted since the times of the USSR. This is a whole complex that includes ammunition itself, carriers and means of transportation, as well as control systems. The action of the weapon is based on nuclear energy, which is released during the fission or fusion reaction of nuclei.

New today is the RS-24 Yars. Development on it began under the USSR in 1989. After Ukraine refused to develop it jointly with Russia, all design developments were transferred to MIT in 1992. The design of the Yars rocket is similar to the Topol-M. Its difference is a new platform for breeding blocks. The payload on the Yars has been increased, and the hull has been processed special composition, allowing to reduce the impact of a nuclear explosion. This rocket capable of performing program maneuvers and equipped with a complex to counter missile defense systems.

Pistols for the army

Pistols in troops of any kind are used for close combat and personal self-defense. This weapon has become widespread due to its compactness and light weight, but the main advantage was the ability to shoot with one hand. Until 2012, pistols in service with the Russian army were mainly used by Makarov systems (PM and PMM). The models are designed for 9 mm cartridges. The firing range reached 50 meters, the rate of fire was 30 rounds per minute. Magazine capacity: PM - 8 rounds, PMM - 12 rounds.

However, the Makarov pistol is recognized as obsolete, and a more modern model has been adopted. This is “Strizh”, developed jointly with special forces officers. According to their own technical specifications the pistol is superior to the world famous Glock. Another pistol that the army adopted new Russia in 2003, there was SPS ( self-loading pistol Serdyukov).

9-mm cartridges with small ricochet bullets, as well as armor-piercing and armor-piercing tracer bullets were developed for it. It is equipped with a special spring to speed up the change of the double-stack magazine and two safety valves.


The armament of the Russian Army in terms of aviation allows it to provide protection and attack on the enemy, as well as carry out various operations, such as reconnaissance, security and others. Aviation is represented by airplanes and helicopters for various purposes.

Among the aircraft, it is worth noting the Su-35S model. This fighter is multifunctional and highly maneuverable; it is designed to strike moving and stationary ground targets. But its main task is to gain air supremacy. The Su-35S has engines with higher thrust and a rotary thrust vector (product 117-S). It uses fundamentally new on-board equipment - the aircraft's information and control system ensures the maximum degree of interaction between the pilots and the aircraft. The fighter is equipped with the latest Irbis-E weapons control system. It is capable of simultaneously detecting up to 30 air targets, firing at up to 8 targets without interrupting observation of ground and air space.

Among the helicopters modern weapons The Russian army should note the KA-52 “Alligator” and KA-50 “Black Shark”. These two combat vehicles are formidable weapons; so far no country in the world has been able to create and oppose equipment that matches them in terms of tactical and technical capabilities. "Alligator" can operate at any time of the day or night, in any weather and climatic conditions. The “Black Shark” is designed to destroy various armored vehicles, including tanks, as well as to provide protection for ground facilities and troops from enemy attacks.


Equipment of the Russian army vehicles for various purposes and is large in scale. Automotive vehicles are presented in the form of highly mobile, cargo-passenger, multi-purpose, specially protected and armored vehicles.

The Tiger STS, which was adopted by the Russian army, has proven itself especially well. The vehicle is used for reconnaissance operations, monitoring the enemy, transporting personnel and ammunition, and patrolling zones increased danger, escorting mobile columns. It has high maneuverability, a large range, and good visibility for firing.

For the rapid transfer of equipment, ammunition and personnel in large quantities, the KRAZ-5233BE “Spetsnaz” is used. The vehicle is designed for work in harsh climatic conditions (from - 50 to + 60 degrees), has high cross-country ability - it can overcome water obstacles up to 1.5 m deep and snow covers up to 60 cm high.


Tanks are armored fighting vehicles and are used by ground troops. Today, the Russian Army uses the T-90, T-80 and T-72 models. Modern tank armament outnumbers that of the United States Army.

The T-80 has been supplied to the army since 1976, since then it has undergone several modifications. Used to support firepower to destroy people and various objects (for example, fortified firing points), to create defensive lines. It has multi-layer armor and increased maneuverability. Equipped with a 125-mm cannon coaxial with a machine gun, a Utes machine-gun complex, a smoke grenade launch system, as well as an anti-tank missile control system.

The T-90 tank, especially the T-90SM modification, can be safely positioned as the latest weapons Russian army. Equipped with an improved fire extinguishing system, an air conditioning system has been added, it is possible to hit moving targets with high accuracy while driving. In all respects it surpasses tanks such as the Abrams or Leopard.

Machine guns in service with the army

Most famous weapon the Russian army is And although they do not have grace or beauty, they have earned popularity for their simplicity and ease of use. This machine gun dates back to 1959, when it was first adopted by the USSR army. Last years, starting from 1990, AK-74M models with a mounting bracket were produced for the army various types sights. In it, the designers were able to realize the dream of a universal machine gun. But no matter how universal it may be, history does not stand still, and technology develops.

Today, the modern weapons of the Russian army in terms of machine guns are represented by the AK-12 model. It does not have the disadvantages of all types of AKs - there is no gap between the receiver cover and the receiver itself. The design makes the machine convenient for use by both right-handers and left-handers. The model is compatible with magazines for AKM and AK-74. It is possible to mount an under-barrel grenade launcher and various types of sights. The shooting accuracy is almost 1.5 times higher than that of the AK-74.

Grenade launchers in Russian troops

Grenade launchers are designed for various purposes and are divided into several types. Thus, they distinguish easel, automatic, manual, multi-purpose, under-barrel and remote-controlled. Depending on the type, they are intended to destroy enemy troops, moving and stationary targets, and to destroy unarmored, lightly armored and armored vehicles.

New small arms of the Russian army in this category are represented by the RPG-30 “Hook” grenade launcher. It is a disposable weapon and entered service with the troops in 2013. It is double-barreled and contains two grenades: an imitation grenade and a 105-mm live grenade. The simulator ensures activation of the enemy’s defense functions, and live grenade directly destroys the target left unprotected.

We cannot ignore such modern weapons of the Russian army as the GP-25 and GP-30 under-barrel grenade launchers. They are equipped with Kalashnikov assault rifles of the AK-12, AKM, AKMS, AKS-74U, AK-74, AK-74M, AK-103 and AK-101 modifications. Underbarrel grenade launchers GP-25 and GP-30 are designed to destroy living and non-living targets and unarmored vehicles. The target firing range is about 400 m, the caliber is 40 mm.

Sniper rifles

Sniper rifles, used as small arms by the Russian army, are divided into several types, or rather, have different purposes. To eliminate single camouflaged or moving targets, a 7.62 mm SVD is used. The rifle was developed back in 1958 by E. Dragunov and has an effective range of up to 1300 meters. Since then, the weapon has undergone several modifications. In the 90s was developed and put into service with the Russian Army (SVU-AS). It has a caliber of 7.62 and is intended for airborne units. This rifle has automatic firing capability and is also equipped with a folding stock.

For military operations that require the absence of noise, VSS is used. Despite the fact that the Vintorez sniper rifle was created in former USSR, SP-5 and SP-6 cartridges are used for firing (pierces a steel plate 8 mm thick from a distance of 100 m). The effective firing range is from 300 to 400 meters, depending on the type of sight used.

Russian naval forces

The naval armament used by the army of the new Russia is quite diverse. Surface ships provide support for submarine forces, provide transportation airborne troops and cover of the landing, protection of territorial waters, coastline, searching and tracking the enemy, supporting sabotage operations. Submarine forces provide reconnaissance operations and surprise attacks on continental and maritime targets. Powers naval aviation are used to attack enemy surface forces, destroy key facilities on its coastline, and intercept and prevent attacks by enemy aircraft.

The Navy includes destroyers, patrol ships of the far and near sea zones, small missile and anti-submarine ships, missile, anti-sabotage boats, large and small landing ships, nuclear submarines, minesweepers, and landing boats.

Defense production

After the collapse of the USSR, the defense industry experienced a sharp decline. However, in 2006, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved Government program weapons development for 2007-2015. According to this document, new weapons and various technical means to replace the old one.

The development and supply of new and modernized weapons and equipment is carried out by such enterprises as Russian Technologies, Oboronprom, Motorostroitel, Izhevsk Machine-Building Plant, United Aircraft Corporation, Russian Helicopters OJSC, Uralvagonzavod, Kurgan Engine Plant" and others.

Most research centers and design bureaus developing weapons for the Russian army are strictly classified, as are defense industry enterprises. But the defense industry today provides jobs for many large and medium-sized cities of the Russian Federation.