It seems that the influential Russian businessman Vladislav Doronin will soon become a father. His girlfriend, model Christina Romanova published on his page in "Instagram" New Selfie. In the frame, it demonstrates the Cardigan, who has tied her own sister. However, attention is attracted by no means fashionable thing, but Christina's tummy, which she covers this very cardigan. Given the fact that the girl has a model appearance, and she simply cannot have any excess weight, it remains to be assumed only one thing - she is pregnant.

On another picture, posted by Romanova previously, it is clear that it is hot to kiss Vladislav Doronin in one of the clubs of Ibiza. On the nameless finger of the girl there is a massive ring. Does this mean that the Russian oligarch made his girlfriend a sentence - as long as it remains. Obviously one thing - lovers experience strong feelings to each other. This confirms the signature of Christina to the photo "True Love", which is translated as "True Love."

Both photos of the 21-year-old model caused a discussion among its subscribers on the Internet. Some criticized the girl for a novel with a man who comes to her fathers: in November, Doronin will be 53 years old. Others supported these relationships, hinted that thanks to the state of Vladislav Christina will provide a peaceful life for themselves and their future child. Thirds just wrote that they would pray for her. Moreover, such comments in the "Instagram" Romanova turned out to be the most.

It is noteworthy that Vladislav Doronin has been chosen by the models for many years. In the early 2000s, the oligarch met with the Swedish model of Karen Schonbakhler. Then in 2008 at the Cannes Film Festival, he met the top model Naomi Campbell. The feelings of Vladislav to the star of the podium were so strong that he made her a proposal of his hand and hearts. The wedding was constantly postponed due to the fact that the official wife of Businessman Ekaterina did not want to give him a divorce. Documents were signed only after Doronin paid the spouse of ten million dollars. By this time, the passion for Naomi dull, and the engagement was broken. In 2013, Vladislav appeared a new passion - the top model of Chinese origin Lo Zielin.

Well, now the vacant place of the companion Doronin occupied Russian - Christina Romanova. According to the site, an entrepreneur and model have been found for more than a year, and at the moment the girl is about the fifth or sixth month of pregnancy.

Vladislav Doronin on the one hand is a world-class businessman with global business interests when it is impossible to remain unnoticed. On the other hand, he still follows the instruction of the first teacher in business Mark Richa - to remain "Low Profile". Doronin is the first developer who brought to Russia a foreign architect.

Childhood and youth

On that part of the biography of the oligarch, which preceded the climbing on the stairs of success, nothing is known. Vladislav Yuryevich Doronin was born in November 1962 in St. Petersburg, then Leningrad. Who were parents - unknown. But in an interview with Doronin said that his father was attending, often drove abroad, brought clothes and magazines. The weekend was spent in museums and at exhibitions, where Vladislav was given an understanding of beauty.

After graduating from high school, Doronin entered Moscow State University. Then he concluded a marriage with Citizen Switzerland and left the country. There he received a degree of MVA, which allowed the future oligarch to explore the nuances of international business.


In Zurich, familiar led Vladislav to Marc Rich + Co (later Glencore). Rich in the eighties traded the grain with the Soviet Union, and the specialist speaks in Russian by the way. Doronin has achieved both success in sharing and personal confidence of Rich. They were friends with their families before the death of Mark in 2013.

After canceling a monopoly on foreign trade, Mark Rich switched to oil and metal rolling. The amounts of transfinion transactions were calculated by hundreds of millions of dollars. Then Vladislav and met the businessmen Pavel Tyo and Edward Bermann, his future many years of partners.

In 1991, Doronin founded a Capital Group in Moscow, which occupied by non-ferrous metals and oil. Shares in the company suggested Tё and Berman.

The first partnership project was the purchase in 1992 the building on the Ozerkovskaya Embankment. "Capital Group" conducted his reconstruction and rented the Moscow branch of IBM Corporation. The project was very successful. Doronin decided to develop the real estate market. After IBM in 1999, the office leased the Institute.

Working with these companies helped Doronin to understand which requirements presents modern Western business. In addition, Mark Rich provided powerful financial support. With the help of his money, "Capital Group" redested and built buildings on Ostozhenka, Degtyar alley and other prestigious areas of Moscow.

In 2004, Doronin stopped cooperation with Glencor. First, because "Capital Group" has already increased its own multi-million capital. Secondly, Mark Rich preferred only business squares, receiving income from renting. And the company Doronina began to invest in the construction of housing.

When the 2008 crisis broke out, Doronina's company led 42 projects. Bremen hung Sberbank's loan at one and a half billion dollars, issued to the construction of the "City of Capitals" complex in Moscow City. "Capital Group" managed to fulfill the obligations and maintain a reputation as a reliable partner. What price is a secret left. By the way, the penthouses in the two towers of the "city of capitals" belong to Doronin and Berman.

In 2009, Vladislav Doronin was awarded the title "Businessman of the Year" from RosBusinessConsalining. Oligarch hit the top ten of the largest developers according to the BUILDING agency. In 2010, Doronin was recognized as one of the best leaders of Russia in the construction business. In 2013, Capital Group awarded the title "Developer of the Decade". Forbes called Doronin "King of Russian Real Estate."

"Capital Group" is the leading developer of Moscow. The list of objects to which a company is somehow involved is infinite. Among them is the Tower "Oko", the TRC "Aventura", "The Legend of Colored", "Constellation Capital", "Plaza Capital", "Pokrovsky Dvor", "Yakht City", "Airbus". In 2015, Moscow spent 20 billion rubles for repair of urban roads, of which 4.5 billion rubles. Received Affiliated Capital Group Specstroy.

In 2016, Vladislav left the post of board of directors, departed from the operational management of "Capital Group", but remained co-owner. The right to adopt strategic decisions passed to Paul Teh. Doronin focused on the development of personal projects and a hotel business, which has been investing his own funds for several years.

Personal life

With his wife Catherine, Vladislav was familiar from 16 years. In marriage, officially launched 24 years, daughter was born. The girl is also called Katya.

According to rumors, the last 10 years of living together the wife was in London, watching the adventures of her husband. Doronin met exclusively with models. In 2008, a novel with black beauty.

The lover of rich gifts got an apartment on color boulevard, houses on Rublevka and Brazil. Naomi declared an emergency wedding and willingness to have children. But in 2012 they broke up.

In 2013, Vladislav saw in Miss China-2011, Top Models Luo Zilin. And in 2015, Vladislav began to meet with a compatriot.

In January 2016, a joint daughter Jasmine appeared in Miami. The fact that the successful model was not afraid to give birth to a child on the rise of the career, Christina announced in Instagram, where the corresponding photo was put up.

Vladislav Doronin now

In June 2016, Vladislav Doronin presented his favorite brainchild - the network of exclusive hotels in Aman. For the first time in one of these hotels, Doronin visited 28 years, when he arrived on a business trip to Thailand and was shocked by the level of service and concept. The luxury hotel chain spread over Asia, in the USA, the Caribbean, Europe and Africa. Doronin bought it in 2013 for the former co-owners of Adrian Zeki, Omar Amanat and Yohan Elias.

In 2014, the scandal associated with the rights of ownership broke out. Vladislav demonstrated an uncompromising, tough business manner, received over the years of work in "Glencore". Then Zeka, being a member of the Board of Directors, threatened to leave the company, if the internal conflicts do not stop. The next day, the ance was fired and even dissolved a housing lease agreement.

In 2016, the settlement agreement was concluded, Doronin belongs to full control over hotels. First of all, a businessman changed the leadership and poured investment. Only 1.5 million dollars spent on the update of the site. It offers a cruise yacht, a private aircraft, even spiritual practices. Moreover, 4 new hotels are open.

In 2017, Doronina Company OKO Group LLC is engaged in a mining of the Crown Building skyscraper in New York. Vladislav bought from 4 to 24 floors back in 2014. An 83 rooms will open in the famous American altitude. In addition, there will also be an apartment at cost from 6 million to 26 million dollars. The plans also featured a spa, swimming pools, music club, a cigar bar, a few cafes and a club of AMAN members.

The company "OKO" sells three more complexes with a total value of 1 billion dollars in Florida. In the construction of the first - 57-storey tower worth $ 350 million - the Italian fashion house Missoni is involved. The skyscraper will wear his name.

Apartment buyers view Biscane's bay, in which a square meter costs $ 900, Doronin sees mostly foreigners.

Oligarch is known as a patron. Doronin supports the construction of religious objects, finances research in the field of oncology. On his initiative, the Capital Group Art Foundation Art Foundation Foundation is formed.

Hobbies Vladislav - InterView magazine, based. Doronin collects products of pop art and modern Russian art. Friends with and Julian Snabel. A good physical form must be qigun and oriental martial arts.

State assessment

In the ranking "Earls -2017", compiled by the Forbes, "Capital Group" rose from the 25th to 12th place with a rental income of $ 180 million dollars. As for the state of Doronin himself, the amounts vary from $ 220 million to 2 billion dollars. But in the ranking of the richest businessmen of Russia, the name Doronina does not appear.

Vladislav Doronin is a well-known Russian businessman whose name in recent years is increasingly appearing in the press. He is successful, the smart, it is beautiful, and therefore it is not at all surprising that modern Russian media often present it in the image of a real fabulous prince.

As if confirming this comparison, our today's hero often surprises the public with news of their new novels with the first beauties of the planet. But we will not immediately disclose all the secrets, laying out on the table in one fell, all available cards. All the most interesting about life and career Doronina are looking for further in our article.

Early years and the first steps of Vladislav Doronin in business

Vladislav Doronin was born in Leningrad (St. Petersburg) on \u200b\u200bNovember 7, 1962. However, this fact is practically the only reliable news from the childhood of the Russian millionaire. On the early years of the life of Doronin is not known almost anything. That is why many media representatives often nominate a version that the entrepreneur allegedly hides all the data as they relate to his past. These messages indirectly refute only the former spouse Doronina, noting that Vladislav "from the intelligent family."

In turn, the official biography of our today's hero begins from the moment of its move to Moscow and the subsequent receipt to the Moscow State University named after Lomonosov. In this educational institution, the entrepreneur studied for several years, but later left Russia and moved to Switzerland, where he later received the degree of MBA (Master of Business Administration).

However, at the very beginning of his professional career, Vladislav Doronin was engaged in a somewhat different activity and worked mainly in the field of real estate sales. When doing this type of business, our today's hero managed to be a good capital, which subsequently formed the basis of his future commercial success.

Success Vladislav Doronin in business

In 1989, Vladislav began working at the international company Mark Rich & Co, which operated in the field of trade. During this period, our today's hero began a close acquaintance with Edward Berman and Uzbek businessman Pavel Tyo, who subsequently became his business partners. In 1991, Doronin founded and headed by the famous company "Capital Group", which subsequently became a prominent player in the Russian market.

During the first years after his appearance, Doronin was mainly engaged in office construction, removing exclusively office buildings and business centers class A and B +. In this regard, it is especially to note the participation of the company in the Moscow-City project, as well as the construction of the two most impressive buildings - the Moscow and St. Petersburg towers.

Doronin bought for Campbell the most expensive apartment

Since 1997, Capital Group also implements projects in the field of residential real estate, engaged in the construction of suburban premium cottages and entire residential complexes. In addition, since 2002, the company has been successfully engaged in the construction of shopping centers and retail space. One of the first projects of Doronin's company in this regard was the Moscow TC Metromarket.

Oligarch Doronin today

Currently, Capital Group is one of the largest developers working in the Russian capital market. The company cooperates with leading architectural agencies of old and new light, and therefore all the projects of Vyacheslav Doronin and its partners are always distinguished by high aestheticism and the adjacent details.

At the moment, the most impressive complexes built by the company of the Russian millionaire can be attributed to the Capital Tower Business Centers and Pushkin House, Country Residence Barvikha Hills, Multifunctional Complexes "The Legend of Color" and "City of Capitals", as well as residential complexes "City Yacht, "Avenue 77", "Eco" and many others.

Interview with Vladislav Doronin

Since 2007, the Capital Group is also included in the Capital Group Commercial Division, which is controlled by commercial assets. Currently, various editions evaluate the state of Vladislav Doronin in different ways. In different years, various media called amounts from $ 2 billion to 6.7 billion. Currently, our today's hero is firmly among the richest people in Russia.

Personal life Vladislav Doronin

Even in his youth, Vladislav Doronin was combined with a marriage with a girl named Catherine. In marriage with her, businessman lived twenty-one year. During this time, their joint daughter Katya appeared.

However, despite the long term of the official marriage, this love alliance existed for a long time only on paper. Even in the early 2000s, the entrepreneur began to meet with the Swedish supermodel Karen Schonbakhler. Despite the fact that all this time Doronin was officially married, this novel existed for about five years.

Subsequently, the press was actively discussed by the details of the Roman of the entrepreneur with another model - American Naomi Campbell. For the first time to appear together, lovers decided at the opening ceremony of the Cannes Film Festival. Subsequently, the Russian and American women were practically inseparable.

During the novel with Naomi Doronin, even decided on a legal registration of a divorce that could easily do to him half of his condition. However, after long negotiations with the former spouse, it was limited to a much smaller amount - $ 10 million.

The divorce was legally decorated in 2009, but, despite this, for three years later, Vladislav Doronin and Naomi Campbell officially broke up. In this context, it is worth noting that the former wife of Vladislav, as well as almost all of his relatives, have repeatedly accused a black model in the mercenary nature of the relationship with a businessman.

Kristina Romanova is a model that captured its beauty the attention of foreign representatives of the fashion industry. Despite its young age, it can already boast of cooperation with many world companies. Represented a large number of brands on podium shows. Also, the well-known model of Christina Romanova is building an actress career. Removed in the video for the song "Wake Me Up", which was performed by Swedish DJ by name Avicii. At the moment, all the attention of the public is riveted to her person, because Millionaire Vladislav Doronin and the model of Christina Romanov are in relationships. They managed to start heiress and happy together.

Kristina Romanova (model): biography, early years

The future world-famous girl in model circles was born on June 11, 1994. The whole family of Christina lives in Volgograd, she was also born in this small town. Since childhood, she was a bit not like that, in the good sense of the word. The girl was distinguished by unusual beauty, unique appearance. When people looked at her, she could be awesome by their loved one. But, according to Christina herself, she never considered himself a special and noticed abundant attention to her person. As a child, Christina Romanova (model) dreamed of becoming a teacher and carry good people. But to an important decision to become part of the model business, close friends were pushed into a part of the model business. They considered this crime to hide such beauty from the public. It is clear that with such an appearance it was possible to conquer the whole world.

Carier start

She urged to go to castings in a modeling agency. Following persuasion, she fell into VG Models. This project is actively developing in its hometown of Volgograd. But she failed to work for a long time in his homeland, as representatives of the agency sent her photos to New York, and foreign designers and photographers were very interested in beauty from Russia.

Rapid takeoff

Christina Romanova (model) says that all events related to the beginning of a career occurred so rapidly that she was not even able to finish school because of the interesting proposals received. She understood that another chance in life could not be. Therefore, so as not to suffer from missed opportunities syndrome, I decided to finish the school course externally. Since 2010, she began the conquest of American podiums.

Real estate, shooting and shows

Famous designers sought to get agreement to work with her. Christina Romanova (model), the biography of which was not previously decorated with a large number of overseas trips, was shocked by such attention. For the first time as a mannequer Podium, she appeared on the show in New York under the auspices of BCBG Max Azria. This debut turned out to be triumphal: the demand of the model grew in geometric progression, and the sentences fell as if out of the horns of abundance.

Long-term cooperation with Ralph Lauren

Kristina's personal pride is a long work with the famous Ralph Lauren brand. She starred for the lucons of new collections, took part in creating advertising throughout 2012 and 2014. For such shooting, the model girls get the most worthy fees, so the famous brand helped a young girl to settle in the new city. In addition to the money, participation in advertising campaigns brought her even greater fame among representatives of the model business.

Shooting for glossy magazines

Podium work for the model is only part of career growth. Kristina Romanova (model) is developing in all directions of the selected life path. One of them is to cooperate with popular glossy magazines. She flashed many times on the pages and covers of the world famous Vogue, Krasota Style, L'Officiel and others.

Face of products

Those models that have the right proportions of the shapes and the features of the podium standards are traditionally offered to become a person face for a certain period. Christine managed to be the main representative of the brand repeatedly.

  • 2011 was marked by the shooting for Akiabara.
  • 2013 - the face of the new perfume campaign from Vera Wang.

Clip Swedish DJ Avicii on the song "Wake Me Up"

Kristina famous for the whole world woke up after the release of the Popular DJ clip. She got the main role, so she was remembered by the viewer. The natural beauty of the Russian girl and the original sound of the musical composition even more rooted the interest of the public to the Personality of Christina. She began to attend various events with the participation of eminent stars, started acquaintances and just had a good time.

Family life

Model of Christina Romanova, whose personal life has become one of the most discussed topics, is a serious relationship with the influential Russian oligarch. Despite his young age, the heroine of the article is confident that I found my fabulous prince. Vladislav Doronin and the model of Christina Romanov met in 2015. Before that, the beloved models were considered a guy the subject of condemnation was the almost thirty-year difference in the age of Christina and Vladislav.

Birth of the firstborn

The novel of the beloved developed with incredible speed. No one could assume that Christina Romanova (model), growth, whose weight is perfect numbers (178 centimeters, 50 kilograms, parameters 82-58-86) will decide on the birth of the baby. But she was not afraid and at the peak of his career in February 2016 gave birth to a daughter. Find photos of babies unreal. Kristina and Vladislav hide their child from the cameras and journalists.

Was there a wedding?

There are no accurate information about the event in the press, the newly-made parents are also intriguing silent. However, attentive subscribers in social networks noticed in the photographs sparkling ring on the nameless finger of the model.

Slimming after childbirth

The model is not going to return to podium shows in the near future. But also carefully monitors his figure. She quickly achieved weight loss, returning their previous ideal parameters. She advises carefully to engage in her body before the birth period. In this way, you can lose weight as quickly as possible after having a baby. Christina has always been engaged in sports and limited its food. During pregnancy, he did not give up in culinary preferences. Recommends to be active during an excellent kid waiting process, go to yoga classes and make long walks. Probably her wonderful figure and natural charm played a decisive role in the choice of Vladislav. He preferred one girl out of a million models, which was not frightened and gave him a child. Happy mom devotes his daughter all his time, postponing work for an indefinite period.