Chanterelles and false mushrooms - how to distinguish them from each other? The false chanterelle does not pose a danger to life, since it is not poisonous, but it can cause digestive upset in sensitive people, and the taste is very different from its edible relative.

Chanterelle mushrooms grow in moss, among grass and under fallen leaves.

When picking mushrooms, it is best to put safe and tasty mushrooms in the basket, not dangerous doubles, capable of causing harm to the body, even minor.

The main differences between false chanterelles and real ones

Difference false mushrooms from real ones:

  1. Coloring. False ones (popularly “talkers”) have a bright orange color, sometimes turning into copper-red. Edible yellow chanterelles.
  2. Hat. A real fox cannot have a round, even hat. Usually it is oval with a wave around the edges. A hat in the shape of a circle should alert you.
  3. Leg. The edible mushroom has a thick, fleshy stem that smoothly turns into a cap. The spores on the plates are yellowish in color. The false stalk is thin, hollow, the color of the spores is white.
  4. Smell. The mushroom aroma of a real chanterelle will leave no doubt that this is an edible mushroom. The talker has unpleasant smell. You just don't want to put it in the basket.
  5. Grow in certain places. A real one will never grow on a fallen tree - this is the place of a talker. The habitats of real ones are often deciduous forests, moss, fallen leaves, grass.
  6. Real chanterelles grow in families, often occupying entire clearings. It is simply impossible to pass by them - they immediately catch your eye. An encounter with a single mushroom should alert you.
  7. Pulp. Fake ones have a flesh color that is uniformly orange or bright yellow. The edible flesh has a yellowish tint, and the center of the mushroom is white.

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Additional differences between false chanterelles

What are the differences between false chanterelles and real ones?

The color of talkers is brighter than that of chanterelles.

Talkers are dangerous and can easily mislead with their bright colors. Like edible chanterelles, they have the original coloring. But experienced mushroom pickers They know that regular chanterelles are slightly yellowish with an orange tint along the edges of the cap. It is necessary to distinguish what signs mushrooms have.

The talkers have a very bright orange color. Many representatives have a fox, copper-red color. The spores are white.

Representatives of these species can also be distinguished by smell. The aroma of talkers is unpleasant, it irritates the sense of smell. You simply don’t want to take this mushroom with you. False mushrooms are usually eaten away by insects. The entire body of the mushroom is in wormholes. Real chanterelles contain chitinmannose, which destroys capsules with the larvae of all arthropods and helminths.

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Where can you find false chanterelles?

Not real fox grows only in deciduous and mixed forests. Moreover this type prefers the surface of old fallen trees, moss formations and litter of rotting leaves. There are also representatives that can grow near old anthills. Edible mushrooms very rarely grow alone, but there are such specimens. Due to the large structure of the mycelium itself, they develop in large groups. If you come across a separately located red mushroom, you can be sure that it is a talker. If we compare the habitat of false and edible mushrooms, then the latter will in no case choose old trees and rotting stumps for growth. They prefer moss litter and foliage. They grow in groups.

There was an opinion that false chanterelles were used in folk medicine. They were believed to be able to fight diseases affecting the liver, and in some cases they were used in the fight against hepatitis. But this information has not been scientifically confirmed. These mushrooms should not be used as medicine on their own.

False chanterelle is a non-poisonous mushroom. At proper preparation, which includes prolonged soaking and boiling, it can be eaten. There will be no poisoning. But you won’t feel the taste that accompanies real mushrooms. The talkers are soaked in a large container for three days, and the water is changed 2 times a day. After this, they are boiled for at least 30 minutes. After cooling, you can start preparing the dish or preserving it.

These mushrooms also help liver cells regenerate and restore its protective functions for the body. Due to the content of microelements such as copper and zinc in chanterelles, when consuming preparations from mushrooms, vision can be restored, diseases such as night blindness can be cured, and prevented. inflammatory processes eye.

Due to the presence of polysaccharides, chanterelles have an antitumor and immunostimulating effect, and increase the body's resistance to infections.

They say that chanterelles help cleanse the liver, remove radionuclides from the body and feed it with vitamins. But often, instead of nutritious and tasty ones, they end up in the basket poisonous doubles. Unfortunately, even experienced amateurs quiet hunt in many cases they rely not on knowledge, but on intuition. Let's figure out how to distinguish false chanterelles and what to do if you are poisoned by them.

Where and when to look for them

The chanterelle season starts in the summer and largely depends on weather conditions. Often in June on forest edges between and deciduous trees you can find single mushrooms. And already in July their mass appearance begins.

Did you know? Latvian mushroom pickers begin collecting chanterelles from the end of May, and this season lasts until frost. IN Lately when winters differ abnormally warm temperatures, you can stumble upon a random find even in December and January.

When there are heavy rains, the chanterelles do not rot; during a long absence of precipitation, they do not dry out, and in the heat they simply stop growing. They are loved for excellent taste and the ability to maintain juiciness and freshness in any conditions. In addition, there are never wormholes in these forest gifts. These are one of the few mushrooms that do not spoil during transportation. During the harvest season, chanterelles can be collected in bags, and at the same time they will not lose their attractiveness and value.

Experienced mushroom pickers advise go searching in birch groves. In places where chanterelles grow, there may be damp and dry, shade and sun, deciduous soil and mosses. Feature The thing about these mushrooms is that they never grow alone. Therefore, if you find one specimen, look around, look under the fallen branches and leaves - perhaps there is a whole family there. But before you cut the mushroom, carefully inspect the find. We will talk about natural signs of authenticity that you need to pay attention to below.

Unlike real ones, false chanterelles, which are popularly called “talkers,” can live on dead trees, old rotting stumps and broken ones. In addition, single mushrooms are very common.

Did you know? Chanterelles that grow in our latitudes have caps with a diameter of 2 to 8 cm, and in other countries they can be much larger. These mushrooms grow largest in California. For example, one of the giants weighed up to half a kilogram.

Main differences: how to avoid falling for a false chanterelle

As it turns out, chanterelles are very tricky mushrooms, so let’s look at the photos and descriptions of real and false specimens in detail.

Shapes and hat

External signs Both mushrooms seem exactly the same only at first glance. In fact, there are many differences. Just by the color and shape of the hat you can tell who is who.

This mushroom is characterized by light yellow tones, sometimes they can flow into cream and yellow-orange colors. And here The deceiver fox looks very bright. It is distinguished by its red, fiery orange color, which is often mixed with brown shades. It is characteristic that the edges of its cap are always lighter than the core.

It is easy to distinguish between the common chanterelle and the false chanterelle by the surface structure and shape of their caps. For a “fake” it is slightly velvety with smooth, neatly rounded edges, up to 6 cm in diameter. But for a real one it is slightly large sizes, smooth, irregular shape, with a wavy edge.

Important! In both mushrooms, the center of the cap, during the initial periods of growth, is slightly raised, and as it matures, it bends in the form of a funnel. Therefore, this sign should not be taken into account to distinguish between edible and poisonous specimens.

Mushroom pulp

Inside the “talker” is yellow, tasteless with a loose porous structure. In addition, it has a strong unpleasant odor. If you press hard with your fingers, the color of the pulp will not change.

When you cut into a real chanterelle, you will see yellowish edges and a snow-white center. The mushroom is very dense, with a pleasant aroma, slightly sour in taste. When pressed, scarlet marks remain on it.

Differences between legs

Knowledgeable mushroom pickers, when picking chanterelles, always look at the stem of the mushroom. If it is thick and strong, then you have an authentic specimen in your hands. It is distinguished by a smooth transition of the stem into the cap, uniformity of color, smoothness of the surface and density of the structure. The conical shape of the leg tapers slightly towards the bottom.

But in a fake, this part is very thin, bright orange-crimson in color; in old mushrooms, it is hollow inside. It is characteristic that the bottom of the “talker” is always darker than the top. Its leg acquires a uniform cylindrical configuration and is clearly separated from the cap.

Important! Don't forget that mushrooms, like a sponge, absorb everything around them. So avoid« quiet hunt» in places close to highways and industrial enterprises. It is better to go deep into the forest to find chanterelles.


You can also recognize a true chanterelle by its yellowish spores. In the false mushroom they are white.

Eating mushrooms

Some naturalists believe that nature is completely subject to man. Consequently, even poisonous mushrooms will become edible after special processing. Let's figure out whether this is true, whether such dishes are healthy and, in general, what can be prepared from chanterelles.

How to eat chanterelles

Along with good transportability and the absence of worms, chanterelles have one drawback - they cannot be kept warm for a long time. That's why harvested must be recycled immediately. The process is simplified by the fact that the mushrooms do not need to be peeled. They are freed from leaf particles and washed, after which they are put into the culinary process.

This variety is suitable for stewing, frying, boiling in soups and baking as a filling for pies and pizza. During the process of preparing them, there is a very pleasant aroma in the kitchen, which encourages improvisation. As a result, there are many dishes using chanterelles. They are rarely served in their pure form. Often combined with fried “roast”. It will take about half an hour for the forest delicacy to reach its readiness.

Did you know? H Worms do not grow in real chanterelles due to the chitinmannose they contain, which has an antihistamine effect. The larvae that get on the mushroom die after some time.

Some housewives practice freezing chanterelles after frying them in sunflower oil. In winter, such a product needs to be re-fried or boiled, depending on the dish you plan to prepare.

Is it possible to eat false chanterelles?

Speaking in scientific terminology, then These mushrooms are classified as conditionally edible. You should not eat them, especially since during the same period you can collect real tasty and healthy chanterelles.

Some lovers of “silent hunting” share their experience of preparing false specimens. At the same time, they are pre-soaked for 3 days with a daily two-time change of water. Then it is boiled with onions for 20 minutes and only after all these manipulations do they begin cooking.

Chanterelle mushroom photo and description which are discussed in this article, has tasty and aromatic pulp. Mushroom pickers also appreciate the fact that this species is not affected by insects or worms. This is possible thanks to chitinmannose, a substance that affects helminths and their eggs.

Chanterelles are collected by many lovers of “silent hunting” also because they grow in large groups. If you come across one or two mushrooms on the way, then you should look carefully; the rest of the representatives of this colony are most likely hidden under the moss or fallen leaves.

So let's consider appearance this delicious and healthy mushroom, study their habitat and learn to distinguish representatives different types chanterelles.

What do chanterelle mushrooms look like?

Representatives of this species have one structural feature: the cap and leg are a single whole. There is no classic fit of the cap on the detachable stem. The color of the cap and legs is approximately the same: from light sunny to rich red or even orange.

The mushroom cap is flat and can reach 5-10 cm in diameter. It has curved and wavy edges. You can compare the shape to an umbrella that is turned inside out. The structure of the mushroom itself is dense and smooth; the skin is difficult to separate from the pulp.

The edible part of the mushroom is yellowish, sometimes with a white tint. The taste of the pulp is slightly sour, but some say there is a slight taste of dried fruit. The surface takes on a slight red tint if you press lightly on it.

The leg has the same shade as the cap. Sometimes it may be slightly lighter. Its length is 5-7 cm, and its thickness is up to 2 cm. The structure is smooth and dense, and the shape of the base is uniform, slightly narrowed downward.


You can meet chanterelles in different places. Like cockerels, they can grow in forests, spruce or deciduous forests. Most often, chanterelles are found in small-leaved and coniferous plantations with a sufficient amount of moss. They prefer to grow in the shade, but if the weather is not hot and rainy, then they feel great in open areas.

Like their counterparts of other species, chanterelles like to grow in groups. Moreover, their groups are numerous and appear en masse after thunderstorms. Mushrooms must be collected carefully, cutting them off so as not to damage the mycelium.

Important! Mushrooms that grow not far from the road cannot be used for food. Even if they look quite appetizing, such fruits will do more harm than good, because they tend to accumulate harmful substances and heavy metals.

When to go “hunting” for chanterelles?

The collection of chanterelles begins at the end of May, but they grow most in early July and until the end of September. But it is still generally accepted that the optimal time for collecting chanterelles is summer: July and August.

Beneficial features

Chanterelles are popular among mushroom lovers. But besides taste, they are valued for beneficial features. They contain a lot of carotene, which provides bright color mushroom, there are other useful substances.

Chanterelles contain more manganese than other mushrooms, about 1/5 of daily norm needed by the body. There is also a high content of vitamins:

  • RR ¼ of the daily value in the raw product;
  • A – about 15%;
  • beta-carotene – 17%.

Contains the following:

  • trace elements: selenium, zinc, copper;
  • macroelements: phosphorus, sulfur, calcium.

But there are some substances that make this mushroom special:

For those who limit the amount of calories they consume, chanterelles will be a godsend.

100 g of chanterelles contains:

  • 19 kcal;
  • 1.5 g proteins;
  • 1 g each of fat and carbohydrates;
  • 7 g dietary fiber.

These mushrooms are good for digestion and are quite appropriate in the diet of those who are on a diet. They contain 89% water, so during the cooking process they decrease in volume by 3-4 times.

Edible types of chanterelle mushrooms

In mushrooms unusual taste, which makes them very attractive to mushroom pickers. Although all mushrooms have General characteristics, There is different kinds one mushroom.

Ordinary (real)

The common chanterelle is found in summer, from June to August, most often in deciduous or coniferous forests.


The variety is quite rare and does not occur very often. But these mushrooms are very tasty. Therefore behind them really the hunt is on, getting such a trophy is not easy.


Chanterelle grows in small groups in deciduous or mixed forests. It is collected from July to September.


  • Most often found in forests North America. The body of the mushroom is dark orange, funnel-shaped, 3-10 cm in diameter.
  • The top resembles a hat, the edges of which hang down in waves.
  • The pulp is dense, but brittle, and has a pleasant aroma.
  • The leg reaches 2.5 cm in length. You can find groups of these mushrooms or single specimens. Collect faceted chanterelle summer, until mid-autumn.

The faceted chanterelle is of particular value because of the pattern in its composition. Therefore, this species is valued above other mushrooms and even some vegetables.

In addition, faceted chanterelle is often used in medicinal purposes. It is taken by obese people. Substances from the juice of this type of mushroom fight acute inflammation. Has immunostimulating and antitumor effects.

Tubular (funnel)

This species is found in temperate climates, in coniferous forests. Prefers shade or damp places. This type of fox is often hidden among moss and foliage, making it difficult to find. The collection takes place in August – September.

This species is considered a rare delicacy. Aromatic soup and dry powder are prepared from it, they are fried, pickled or frozen for the winter.


  • It's rare edible species chanterelles.
  • They have a velvety cap 4-5 cm in diameter. In small fruits the cap resembles a convex dome, in adults it resembles a funnel.
  • The leg is slightly narrowed at the ground, reaches a height of 2-3 cm, sometimes it can stretch up to 7 cm.
  • The mushroom appears curly due to the wavy edges of the cap. The shades of the tops are different: from light yellow to bright orange or red.
  • The pulp is very tender and velvety. The aroma is pleasant, but the taste is a little sour.

This lamellar type mushrooms, whose thick and dense plates are interconnected by veins. This mushroom is very picky and selective to soil and climate.

The velvety fox has extraordinary taste. She is highly valued for her excellent taste qualities and healing properties.


  • The caps of this species are yellow-orange or a bright shade of egg yolk.
  • The tops reach 5-10 cm in diameter, depending on age they can be convex, elongated or flat.
  • The flesh is dense, the same shade as the dome. The edges are rounded, the skin is smooth to the touch.

The taste is slightly different from other representatives of this species. Yellow chanterelles have a pungent taste with a spicy forest aroma. The processed spore powder is yellow.

Mushrooms grow in mixed and deciduous forests, often hiding in moss or grass, and can be found in damp places. The harvest season begins in June and can last until the coldest weather.

How to distinguish false chanterelles from edible ones

False chanterelle mushrooms may look similar to the real ones, but in fact they are not related to them. Previously, false chanterelles were considered poisonous, but now they are classified as conditionally edible.

Foreigners consider them edible, but compared to ordinary chanterelles, false chanterelles have much worse taste. The false chanterelle is commonly called the Kokoshka.

If you prepare false chanterelle correctly, it will not cause harm to the body. Restriction only for those who have digestive problems. They may feel a heaviness in their stomach.

Somewhat false mushrooms look like chanterelles ordinary.

  • Compared to the real one, the false fox is always brighter. It is most often bright orange or orange-brown, lighter at the edges than in the center. The surface of the coco is velvety.
  • A real chanterelle does not have such bright colors and its color is always the same and uniform, and its surface is smooth. Its colors are lighter and calmer: from whitish to yellow-orange.
  • The diameter of the caps of false chanterelles reaches 3-6 cm, the edges are smooth and rounded. Young representatives have a convex cap, and mature ones have a funnel-shaped cap. The edges of the caps of real chanterelles are irregularly shaped and wavy. They can be up to 12 cm in diameter. The shape of young true representatives of the species is convex, and with age it becomes flat.
  • False chanterelles are distinguished by frequent, branching, thin plates orange color, which pass into the leg. The plates of real chanterelles are dense.
  • The pulp of false mushrooms is tasteless, loose, yellow color with an unpleasant aroma. Its color does not change when pressed. Real chanterelles have a pleasant-tasting and fragrant flesh that is white in the middle and yellow at the edges.
  • False chanterelles stand on thin red-orange legs. They are cylindrical in shape and darker at the bottom. Adults have hollow legs. Their caps are clearly separated. In real chanterelles, the legs are always full, smooth, and match the color of the cap, from which they are not separated.

Often in nature false species grow next to real ones.

Watch the video! False and real fox

Can false chanterelles be eaten?

Scientifically false chanterelles are considered conditionally edible. But, given that at the same time you can collect real chanterelles, it is not recommended to collect false ones.

Many people still eat false options, so let’s talk how to cook false chanterelles:

  • They are soaked for 3 days, changing the water twice a day to remove the bitterness.
  • Then boil with onions for 20 minutes.
  • After all the manipulations, the actual preparation of the dish begins.
  • But the end result is not worth it. The taste is far from real chanterelles, bad smell remains, and the structure of the mushroom does not look appetizing after a long stay in water.

It is important to know! And real chanterelles can provoke poisoning if you cook old fruits. They differ from young ones in their bright orange hue.

How to cook real edible chanterelles

Chanterelles can be fried, boiled, or frozen.

Chanterelles fried in sour cream

First of all, you must soak them in water for 30 minutes. Then boil in boiling water for 10 minutes. In a frying pan, fry the onion in sunflower oil, chop the finely boiled chanterelles and fry everything for another 15 minutes. Add sour cream. Serve with potatoes.

You can also cook mushroom mushrooms from chanterelles, but first soak them for 30 minutes.

First aid for mushroom poisoning

1.5 hours after consumption inedible mushrooms the first symptoms of poisoning appear. Vomiting and nausea, diarrhea with pain, and indigestion appear. The pulse becomes weaker, the extremities become cold, but the body temperature rises. The gastrointestinal tract becomes inflamed, hallucinations and delusions appear. Sometimes, in a difficult situation, insanity sets in in the mind.

If at least one of the listed symptoms appears after eating food, it is necessary to call ambulance. What can you do before she arrives?

  1. Put the victim to bed.
  2. Give plenty to drink, water or iced tea.
  3. Give activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of weight).

Watch the video! Chanterelles fried in sour cream

You should be careful not to pick mushrooms that cannot be eaten. Now, armed with the knowledge that what do chanterelle mushrooms look like?, you can safely go hunting.

In contact with

False chanterelle is a mushroom that resembles a real chanterelle, but is actually not related to it. Previously, false chanterelles were classified as poisonous mushrooms, but now they have been assigned the category of conditionally edible mushrooms.

In many foreign publications, these mushrooms are classified as edible, but it is noted that they have lower taste qualities in comparison with ordinary chanterelles.

The Latin name of the mushroom is Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca.

In everyday life, the false chanterelle is called kokoshka.

With the right culinary processing There is no risk of poisoning with these mushrooms, but if there are problems with digestive system There may be a feeling of heaviness, so their use is not recommended.

Description of the false chanterelle

The false fox has a brighter color compared to the real fox. Its color is most often orange with a brown tint, the edges are always lighter than the center. The surface of the cap is velvet. The color of the cap of a real chanterelle is light yellow, sometimes it can be almost white, but it can reach yellow-orange. A real fox can never be as red as her double. In addition, the color is the same both in the central part and along the edges, and the surface is smooth.

The edges of the caps of false chanterelles are smooth and neatly rounded. The diameter of the cap does not exceed 3-6 centimeters. In young mushrooms, the shape of the cap is slightly convex, while in mature ones it becomes funnel-shaped. The edges of the caps of real chanterelles are wavy and their shape is irregular. The diameter of the cap can reach 12 centimeters. Young true chanterelles have a convex cap, then it becomes flat.

The plates of false chanterelles are thin, often located, not extending onto the stalk, branched, and orange in color. But in real chanterelles the plates are denser, they go down to the leg.

The flesh of false chanterelles is yellow, loose, tasteless with an unpleasant odor. If you press on the pulp, its color remains the same. In real chanterelles, the flesh is white in the middle and yellowish at the edges; its taste is sour and has a pleasant aroma.

False chanterelles have thin, red-orange legs. In adult specimens the legs are hollow. In the lower part the color of the legs is darker. The shape is cylindrical. The cap is clearly separated from the leg. The legs of real chanterelles are not hollow, they are thicker, there is no demarcation from the cap, dense, smooth, narrowed downwards, the same color as the cap. False chanterelles have white spores, while real chanterelles have yellow spores.

Where do false chanterelles grow?

These mushrooms can be found in mixed and coniferous forests. They are found on rotting wood, in moss, among dead wood. The peak yield is observed from summer to autumn. False chanterelles can grow singly or in groups. Real chanterelles also grow in forests, but they do not settle on old trees.

False chanterelles often grow next to real chanterelles. Another difference between these similar mushrooms is that real chanterelles never harbor worms, which is due to the content of chitinmannose in their composition. This substance has an anthelmintic effect. Insect larvae die under the influence of this substance. False chanterelles do not produce chitinmannose, so their fruiting bodies can be affected by worms.

Are false chanterelles poisonous or not?

False chanterelles can be eaten, but they are not particularly tasty mushrooms. Like the rest conditionally edible mushrooms, false chanterelles need to be pre-soaked for 3 days. In this case, the water must be replaced with new water in the morning and evening. After soaking, boil the mushrooms for 15 minutes. The false chanterelles can then be marinated or fried.

As a rule, experienced mushroom pickers do not pay attention to false faces, since at this time more tasty mushrooms grow in the forest. It should be remembered that in people with a weak digestive system, eating false chanterelles can cause digestive disorders.

If false chanterelles are cooked incorrectly, signs of poisoning occur: nausea, dizziness, vomiting, weakness, upset stool, abdominal pain and cramps. If these symptoms occur, you should immediately call an ambulance.

The mushroom season in our country begins at the end of summer and continues until late autumn. Thousands of pickle lovers go to the forests and happily indulge in a surprisingly calm and pleasant pastime - picking mushrooms. True, the statistics of poisonings during this period deteriorates significantly. And all because there are not many truly experienced people in this matter. The vast majority are an army of amateurs who often cannot distinguish real mushroom from its very successful “fake”, which is created by Mother Nature herself. How to avoid becoming a victim of her surprises? Today we will learn to distinguish such famous mushroom, like a fox, from her unfriendly sister - false.

First, let's get to know these inhabitants of our forests.
Real fox- it is also called the common chanterelle. Belongs to the chanterelle family. Usually lives in symbiosis with various trees, but most often with pine, spruce, oak or beech. Prefers temperate climate, mixed or coniferous forests, wet moss, grass or litter. Chanterelle season is from August to October. Her hat and leg are a single whole, without a noticeable border. Color can vary from orange to light yellow. And when pressed it may turn red. The caps are usually about 2-12 centimeters in diameter and have a characteristic wavy edge or irregular shape. This distinguishes them from many other mushrooms, whose caps are geometrically regular: round or oval. On the surface of the chanterelle you can see a smooth matte finish, and the skin is difficult to separate from the pulp. Mushroom pickers love them for their dense fleshiness and special sour taste with the smell of roots and fruits.
False chanterelle(orange talker) - has a funnel-shaped golden-yellow or orange cap. It is characteristic that the pulp of this mushroom has an unpleasant odor. Like his ordinary relative mushroom kingdom, also inhabits coniferous forests, often appearing among moss or on dead wood, rotting trees.

Comparison of real and false chanterelles

In fact, distinguishing a real chanterelle from a fake is not so difficult. To begin with, you should pay attention to the color. In false chanterelles, unlike real ones, it is especially bright orange in the transition to copper-red. And the ordinary ones are just exactly yellow.
Next we look at the hat. If you notice very smooth edges, you should be wary. A real chanterelle has a wavy decoration on this part of it.
The legs of a real chanterelle are thick and not hollow. The spores are yellowish. But her false sister has the opposite: the leg is thin, and the spores are white.
Take a sniff. It was already said earlier that the difference between a true mistress of the forest is her fruity or woody smell. But you are unlikely to want to put the talkers in the basket after such a check.
Each variety has its own growing habits. If you notice that a small family of foxes is located on a fallen tree - be careful! Real mushrooms would prefer a mossy stump.
Mushrooms do not like to grow alone. Usually this is a whole family united by a common mycelium. But false chanterelles have just such a feature. They are often found in a single copy. For this reason alone, you should be wary.
Look at the color of the pulp. The real one is yellowish and white in the middle. The fake one is distinguished by a solid orange or yellow color.
Lightly press the flesh with your finger. Common fox will blush modestly, but the false one will remain calmly monochromatic.
Real chanterelles are rarely worm-bearing, since they secrete chitinmannose and the larvae die under its influence. But orange talkers do not have chitinmannose, so the larvae can infect them.
The chanterelles are real
False chanterelles

What to do if you eat a false chanterelle?

It is now believed that the false chanterelle is not poisonous, but its edibility is still conditional. In sensitive people, this mushroom can cause stomach upset. In any case, it is better to collect good, tasty and safe mushrooms. determined that the difference between real and false chanterelles is as follows:

The coloring of real chanterelles is calm and light, while false ones prefer brightness.
The edges of the caps of real chanterelles are wavy and irregular in shape. But the opposite is a sign of a false one.
The legs of the common chanterelle are thick and the spores are white, while the false chanterelle has white spores and thin legs.
Smell good mushroom pleasant, which false chanterelles cannot boast of.
False chanterelles can grow on fallen trees, but real chanterelles love mossy places.
If you come across a lonely growing fox, it is better not to take it. Real ones love nepotism.
The common chanterelle has yellowish-white flesh, while the false ones are solid yellow.
When you press on the flesh, real chanterelles turn a little red, but false ones do not.
Worms will not eat real mushrooms. But the false one is fun.