The porcini mushroom, popularly called the noble beauty and the king of mushrooms, is ranked among the forest products with the best taste qualities. You can prepare many dishes from the fragrant forest product: soups, solyankas, roasts, pies, pickles and marinades. In nature, there are about two dozen species of porcini mushrooms, differing in color and place of growth.

The porcini mushroom, popularly called the noble beauty and the king of mushrooms, is ranked among the forest products with the best taste.

Boletus is distributed on all continents except Australia. Prefers to settle in deciduous (birch, oak) and coniferous (pine, spruce) forests.

Depending on the age of the place of growth, the fruiting bodies of porcini mushrooms differ. If it grows in an oak forest, then the cap is light in color and the leg is elongated. In birch forest, the caps are also light, but the legs are tuberous in shape. When settling near fir trees, they are placed on long legs dark hats. If the mushroom grew in a pine forest, it has a brownish-red cap and a short thick stem.
Porcini mushrooms begin to bear fruit singly, closer to autumn period heap. Grows in seasons:

Although the porcini mushroom is a light-loving plant, it can grow in places shaded by dense crowns. If in summer there are low daily temperatures and high humidity, the harvest can only be harvested in open, well-lit and warmed meadows. If the summer is favorable, the growth of mushrooms does not depend on the light. Optimal temperature for fruiting: 15-18°C in summer and 8-10°C in autumn.

How to quickly find a porcini mushroom in the forest (video)

Rules for collecting porcini mushrooms

Since boletus is very sensitive to temperature conditions, it grows very quickly under favorable climatic conditions. The duration of the period from the beginning of growth to full maturity is several days. In just 7–10 days, the mushroom ages, losing its taste and accumulating toxic waste products from the pests that have settled in it. In view of this feature, the mushroom picker must prepare in advance for harvesting so as not to miss the very peak of its growth.

Mushrooms grow especially quickly after rain. 2 - 3 days after precipitation, you can go in search of boletus mushrooms. As autumn approaches, it becomes cooler and the growth of forest inhabitants slows down.

It is important to know the places where porcini mushrooms grow. Having discovered at least one individual, you should carefully examine the nearby territory, examining possible areas of their appearance. It is recommended to cut the mushrooms with a knife, but if you don’t have one, you need to carefully swing the mushroom and twist it out of the ground.

In order not to cause harm to health, It is important to adhere to some rules:

  • any mushrooms are natural sorbents that absorb toxic substances, therefore they are prohibited from being collected in environmentally unfavorable areas;
  • since the product is useful only until the end of the growth period, it is not recommended to use it after the start of the decay period;
  • edible mushrooms have inedible doubles or similar poisonous mushrooms, so you can’t collect unfamiliar specimens.

Porcini mushrooms have white and dense flesh, practically tasteless, but with a pleasant aroma. They contain substances beneficial to the body. The plant product is widely used for culinary purposes, but they must be properly processed before use.

It is important to know the places where porcini mushrooms grow

Time and place for collecting porcini mushrooms in Russia

IN northern regions In Russia, porcini mushrooms begin to bear fruit from the beginning of summer, in the south - from mid-May. Fruiting dates may vary depending on temperature conditions.

Mass collection harvest starts in the middle last month summer. It is at this time that mushroom pickers go on a quiet hunt and return with full baskets. IN Siberian forests mushrooms grow in the taiga, in other districts in forests with a predominance coniferous species or mixed. Experienced mushroom pickers advise looking for mushrooms around deciduous trees aged from 50 years and pine 20 - 30 years. The soil should be sandy, sandy loam and loamy. Mushroom pickers have nothing to do in swampy areas, since mushrooms practically do not grow there.

Where and when to look for porcini mushrooms in Belarus

Mushrooms are a traditional and favorite delicacy of Belarusian cuisine. The republic has ideal mushroom conditions: availability mixed forests and swamps. Unique climatic conditions have a beneficial effect on growth various types mushrooms The first edible mushrooms begin to appear already in the first spring month, but the exact timing depends on weather conditions. The Minsk and Vitebsk regions are considered the best mushroom grounds. A large harvest can be harvested in forest areas located in the Vitebsk direction.

It is recommended to look for white mushroom among coniferous trees. He prefers to settle in clearings and forest edges. On hot days summer days Most often it hides in shelters under trees, and in cool autumn it basks in open sunny areas, especially on moist soil.

In order not to miss the hidden fungus, It is important to look very carefully at places along the paths. Experienced mushroom pickers advise not to pass by small, half-dried forest streams and hillocks. It is especially difficult to find it in fallen leaves.

After haymaking (usually from the second half of July), a second layer of mushrooms appears. After 2 - 3 weeks there is a lull. Then comes the most abundant mushroom layer, which continues until frost. During the summer, the mycelium grew, and the soil warmed up, which contributes to abundant fruiting.

Season and places for collecting porcini mushrooms in Ukraine

Not many Ukrainian residents show interest in early mushrooms. The massive harvest of valuable harvest begins at the end of the spring period. Except warm weather, one more a necessary condition For mushrooms to appear, the presence of a moist top layer of soil is necessary; otherwise, if there is a lack of moisture, there will be no harvest.

You can go looking for porcini mushrooms at any time throughout the entire summer period. There are especially many of them growing in forests western Ukraine. These territories are characterized by the presence tall trees, which helps maintain the required level of moisture, stimulating the growth of fungi.

Autumn is also a good time for collecting forest gifts, since this time is characterized by heavy rainfall. Experienced mushroom pickers note the high productivity of the Tsyuryupinsky region, where in addition to white mushrooms, others grow no less delicious mushrooms, for example, boletus and truffles.

Porcini mushrooms are found before the temperature drops in October, although they can be collected in the Carpathians all year round. The product is known for its nutritional and healing properties. Despite the fact that pests are often observed inside the fruiting body, they do not lose their value.

Collection of porcini mushrooms in Germany

There are at least five thousand in Germany known species mushrooms The third part is edible. Porcini mushrooms, actively used in German cuisine, can be harvested as early as May. They appear in rare young oak plantings, clearings and row-spacings. A little later, umbrella mushrooms and chanterelles begin to appear. The peak is in autumn. In regions located to the south of Lake Constance, even black truffles, which are classified as gourmet foods, are found.

Before going in search of a harvest, in Germany they suggest finishing training courses, including theoretical studies and practice. In order not to confuse useful forest beauties with poisonous individuals, it is recommended to download a special application to your electronic device, which describes each type of mushroom in detail and with pictures.

But even experienced mushroom pickers cannot collect as many mushrooms as they want, since limited collection is allowed by law. If you abuse natural gifts, you can receive a large fine.

How to collect porcini mushrooms (video)

You can make broth from porcini mushrooms, beneficial features which is considered higher than that of traditional meat broth. It contains a large number of vitamins that promote proper operation thyroid gland and improving the condition of hair, nails and skin.

Experts do not recommend eating freshly prepared porcini mushrooms, as they contain quinine, which interferes with the absorption of healthy proteins. In order for the quinine to evaporate, the product must first be dried. In dry form, they will be used to prepare vegetable soups.

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MK found out where it is best to hunt mushrooms this summer

The first summer residents with mushroom buckets appeared in the capital's markets, which means that connoisseurs of the delights of “silent hunting” can safely prepare forays into the forests of the Moscow region. True, there are not so many professionals among mushroom pickers; more and more are amateurs. And sometimes you have to pay for an amateurish approach to business bad mood and poor health. What edible “hats” are becoming more and more dangerous to health every year? With what soul should one go into the forest? Why are experienced mushroom pickers attacked in the Moscow region? The administrator of the international Mushroom Pickers Club, Alexander KUZNETSOV, who has more than 40 years of experience as a “quiet hunter,” agreed to tell MK readers about all this. And the author of books about mushrooms, Sergei KLITSOV, almost convinced us that even... fly agaric can be edible!

Mushrooms love "Resurrection"

“I started collecting mushrooms at the age of six, and I’ll tell you without bragging, I know all the forests near Moscow by heart and, if necessary, I will lead you along the most winding paths,” Alexander begins our conversation.

“We don’t need tortuous ones.” We need mushrooms!

— And we’re also doing well with mushrooms. True, the further you get from the Moscow Ring Road, the better.

Alexander knows what he’s talking about - from each campaign he brings 15-20 kilos of “boot.” He himself explains his luck by two factors: firstly, good knowledge of the forests, and secondly, his ability to find an approach to mushrooms. “You won’t believe it, but they hear me,” says Alexander. “I used to walk through the forest and not see a mushroom.” I start saying: “Come on, guys, help me, show up from the grass.” And right there on the way one “came out”, another, a third... Sometimes, depending on the mood, I sing them songs of the “Resurrection” group, and they “respond”, they begin to flash more often. And it’s also important that I go into the forest with with an open soul. My goal is not to fill the bucket full, but first of all to relax, recharge with energy, and calm my mind. Mushrooms themselves begin to gravitate toward a calm person, while they prefer to hide securely from an agitated person! This has been experimentally confirmed more than once.”

Alexander’s enviable “mushroom” experience allows him to easily do comparative analysis meanwhile, as it was in forests near Moscow in the last century and how it became in the present century.

He recalls that in the 1980s it was difficult not to step on a frog in the forest. Now these amphibians are almost gone. Finches and titmice are being replaced by crows and seagulls, which are not so whimsical ecological condition green areas.

Well, the saddest thing is that everyone closest to settlements and highways, forests are wildly littered and turned into spontaneous dumps.

“I have a dacha in the Dmitrovsky district, in the village of Iksha,” says Alexander. — Earlier, I went outside the outskirts and picked mushrooms for my health. And now, 10-15 kilometers away, forests are just beginning, free from anthropogenic “marks” - tin cans, packs of cigarettes, tires...”

But, oddly enough, on the contrary, there have been more mushrooms over the years. Perhaps because there are not as many mushroom pickers nowadays as there once were. About 10 years ago, crowds of “quiet hunters” combed the woods near Moscow, constantly bumping into each other, but now you can walk 10 kilometers without ever meeting anyone. This type of recreation is gradually falling out of the mass consciousness, and people prefer to buy mushrooms in stores and bazaars. Another question is that they don’t know what quality the product is being sold to them, otherwise they probably wouldn’t risk eating it.

By the way, in the 70-80s, the mass mushroom season opened in July, and in the 2000s it shifted to the middle and even the end of August. What is this connected with? Alexander suggests that climate change is to blame.

Where do “glitches” grow?

“I’m not a ‘chauvinist’; I put everything I can find in the basket: boletus, chanterelles, russula, boletus,” continues Alexander. “But my favorite mushrooms are porcini and boletus.”

Concerning consumer preferences, then the most widespread and popular mushroom among the capital and Moscow region “quiet hunters” is pigs. IN last years Alexander is increasingly hearing about cases of poisoning by them, but it is difficult to say what this is connected with. Ecologists and mycologists also have no official conclusions on this matter. But with another very appetizing representative mushroom kingdom the situation is more obvious. We are talking about the now fashionable umbrella mushroom. Not only is it delicious, but it also looks very elegant. But here’s the problem: the umbrella is incredibly similar, both in profile and in front, to a pale toadstool, and only a professional mushroom picker can distinguish these “twins” with 100% accuracy. Alas, even amateurs strive to collect umbrellas, for which they later pay with sore stomachs.

“In general, our mushroom literacy is below par,” sighs Alexander. — Tourists, as I call them, go into the forest and collect everything: fly agarics, pale toadstools, confusing them with russula and champignons. How many times have I, seeing pale toadstools, turned over the baskets of amateur “hunters”, and for this I was not only thanked, but beaten! They beat me because I was saving their lives! What kind of mushroom pickers are these?”

But such disappointments are rather an exception. Immeasurably more often occur in the forest pleasant meetings. For example, last year Alexander came across the largest specimen in the entire 40-year history of the hobby - a 25-centimeter white mushroom, which was carefully cut, photographed and solemnly used for its intended purpose - from it an excellent soup was made that same evening.

A special article is hallucinogenic mushrooms. “Every year, lovers of hallucinogens come to mushroom forums and ask to be told where to collect this or that species. They promise money for help. But no self-respecting mushroom picker will help them, says Alexander. - We have different worldviews. We cultivate communication with nature, not with glitches.”

Alexander knows a lot about mushrooms.

Where to go?

Alexander is sure that there are mushrooms where they are looked for. This statement is even more true for the Moscow region, where more than 200 different types of mushrooms are found. Attempts to compile a mushroom map of the Moscow region are very arbitrary, since in almost any forest you can find all the most popular representatives of the edible part of the mushroom kingdom. Truffles are extremely rare, but they (can you imagine?!) are also found in our green areas. And several times Alexander came across them.

Nevertheless, we will try to give you some general recommendations. An area up to 30-40 kilometers may be poorer in mushrooms, since instead of trees, cottage and dacha settlements are increasingly growing here. The farther you are from the Mother See, the more freedom you have for the mushroom picker.

In the south of the Moscow region there are an order of magnitude more mushrooms than in northern regions. And the mushroom season opens for residents of Serpukhov and Ozertsy two weeks earlier than for residents of Taldom and Dubna.

On Paveletsky direction prevail deciduous forests: birch, aspen, oak, linden. Here, porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms and boletus mushrooms will often be asked to be included in your boxes. Railway stations that enjoy authority among mushroom pickers: Barybino, Velyaminovo, Privalovo, Mikhnevo, Stupino.

Getting on the train next to Kursk direction, keep in mind that you are traveling to the region of deciduous and mixed forests, where porcini mushrooms, boletus, aspen, russula (for those who love them), nigella, chanterelles, and boletus grow. Your stations can be Grivno, Lvovskaya, Kolkhoznaya, Stolbovaya, Sharapova Okhota.

Along Kyiv direction- mixed forests, and, as elsewhere, all types of mushrooms grow in them. But this route is especially respected by the fans. You can go on the Alabino, Selyatino, Rassudovo, Zosimova Pustyn platforms.

Belarusian direction- these are birch, spruce, aspen and, as a result, a slight predominance of boletus, aspen and porcini mushrooms. You can try your luck in the forests located near the stations Tuchkovo, Dorokhovo, Sushkinskaya, Portnovskaya, Shalikovo.

The Volokolamsk direction is famous for its boletus and boletus. The composition of the forests is spruce, pine, birch and aspen. Your exit is on the Opalikha and New Jerusalem platforms.

Leningrad direction It is represented mainly by deciduous, mixed and coniferous forests. The mushroom harvest is very good, there are all types of mushrooms. Try looking for them near the stations Radishchevo, Povarovo, Golovkovo.

When departing by train from Savelovsky station, remember that good reviews Mushroom pickers were enlisted by such stations as Morozki, Iksha, Tourist.

In the direction of Yaroslavl there are mixed and coniferous forests, in which there are a lot of porcini mushrooms, saffron milk caps, honey mushrooms, and boletus mushrooms. The final stations of the route can be Zelenogradskaya, Kalistovo, Abramtsevo.

The Kazan direction is one of the most abundant. IN mixed forests you can find generous myceliums of porcini mushrooms, boletus, boletus, and boletus. Take a closer look at the stations Donino, Grigorovo, Gzhel, Ignatyevo.

By the way, according to Alexander, it is better to collect porcini mushrooms and saffron milk caps in the south - they grow there more aesthetically attractive. In particular, they have a more reddish cap compared to their “northern” brothers. In addition, among the “pine” mushrooms (and again there are more pine trees in the south), worm-like ones are less common.


In the West, there is a very wary attitude towards wild mushrooms due to their ability to absorb toxic substances from the soil and atmosphere. So if you ever find yourself in a Spanish or French forest and come across a mushroom picker, rest assured that he is our man, a native of Russia, Ukraine or Belarus. A funny situation is developing in Israel. Local residents believe that the mushrooms growing in nature are not real. And the real ones are those that are cultivated in greenhouses. And the Israelis buy themselves excursions to such artificial beds with the right to take home a couple of kilos of champignons.

Every mushroom picker knows where to pick mushrooms and prefers to do it in his own favorite places. One collects them at the edge of the forest, the other picks up the large paws of spruce trees and finds porcini mushrooms there. And the third one knows all the mushroom places, so he goes straight to them and doesn’t walk through the forest in vain.

When you go on a quiet hunt, you need to know where it is best to pick mushrooms and what kind of mushrooms grow in given time of the year. For example, when the summer is humid, they should be looked for where there is less moisture, namely in elevated dry places, well warmed by the sun, in clearings, edges, away from trees. And in dry and hot summers, on the contrary, they grow in the shade of trees, in thick grass, under spruce paws, on slopes - where moisture is sufficiently retained.

When harvested, the mushroom harvest is placed in a basket with the caps facing down. And it is advisable to place mushrooms that have long legs (boletus, porcini, aspen) on their side. Picked or cut mushrooms are cleaned of soil and debris so that they do not contaminate other mushrooms and the basket.

Concerning lamellar mushrooms that go to salting, their legs should be cut off. They are preserved only in chanterelles, saffron milk caps, hornworts and russula. Basically, all edible mushrooms are collected in one basket and sorted at home according to the method of further use or according to certain species. By the way, sorting the collected catch (for salting, drying, pickling) gives a real mushroom picker no less pleasure than picking mushrooms itself.

Where is it prohibited to pick mushrooms?

Every experienced mushroom picker will tell you where you should never pick mushrooms.

First of all, it is undesirable to conduct a quiet hunt within the city limits, near industrial enterprises, as well as near busy highways.

In addition, it is prohibited to collect mushrooms near chemical fertilizer warehouses, cemeteries, cattle burial grounds, as well as along the edges of plantings near agricultural fields, since they are being processed mineral fertilizers or pesticides.

The porcini mushroom is rightfully considered the king among all other mushrooms. It has many popular names: belovik, boletus, cow, bear cub, pechura. Every real mushroom picker considers it his duty to bring as many porcini mushrooms as possible in a basket, since they have excellent taste and have an irresistible appearance.

Boletus is characterized by a brown velvet cap, which has a rounded convex shape, and an approximate diameter of 25 cm. Its cap is spongy below and smooth on top. Distinctive feature Boletus mushrooms is that even after some time on the fractured cap it remains White color. The stem of such mushrooms is thick and strong. On average, its thickness is 10cm and height is 12cm.

So, where to collect porcini mushrooms and when is the best time to go for them? As a rule, they grow in spruce and pine forests next to the trees. In addition, this mushroom can grow in birch forests and even next to juniper thickets.

Boletuses prefer to grow when it is humid and warm. They can often be found in a sparse forest, in a clearing warmed by the sun, or at the edge of a forest.

Experienced mushroom pickers will tell you where to pick mushrooms and what time is best to do it. Porcini mushrooms grow all summer and until mid-September, it is at this time, especially after rain, that boletus mushrooms grow as if before our eyes. But they are not always visible to the mushroom picker, since they can hide in mosses, fallen leaves, or behind decaying brushwood.

When you see a boletus and take it into your basket, do not rush to go far from this place. Look around carefully and see if there are more mushrooms nearby, since boletus mushrooms prefer to grow in families.

Where else to pick mushrooms? In addition to trees, there are other noticeable places in nature that indicate the close proximity of boletus: anthills, red fly agaric, white grass. Often they are the companions of the porcini mushroom.

Having decided where you can collect mushrooms, you need to consider how to carry out a quiet hunt.

Experienced mushroom pickers know where it is best to pick mushrooms and how to do it. They advise starting to collect mushrooms even before sunrise, because in the absence of bright sun rays they are easier to notice. You should walk through the forest slowly, carefully looking at all the places where you can pick mushrooms. Having found one mushroom, it is advisable to look around, since many mushrooms grow in families.

Experienced mushroom pickers advise cutting the mushroom with a knife as low as possible in order not to harm the mycelium. It is necessary to take mushrooms without signs of rot or wormholes, and not overripe ones, since substances dangerous to humans quickly accumulate in them. You should not take very young mushrooms, since their morphological characteristics are not yet clearly expressed, and you can easily make a mistake by picking out a poisonous mushroom.

In addition, you should not take mature mushrooms that have an unnatural thickening on the stem. It is important that containers for mushrooms are made exclusively from natural materials, backpacks, plastic buckets and plastic bags are not suitable for this. It is especially undesirable to collect mushrooms in galvanized or aluminum containers.

In addition, the mushroom catch must be processed as quickly as possible: pickling, drying, salting. They need to be washed, peeled and boiled immediately. If you do not have time to process the mushrooms for 3-4 hours, then as a last resort, pour salted boiling water over them and then after a few hours you can return to them.

Having considered how and where to collect mushrooms, it is important to learn to distinguish edible mushrooms from inedible ones. Therefore, before a quiet hunt, it is very useful to read literature about mushrooms, look through colored atlases and refresh your knowledge, so that from a trip to the forest you will only have pleasant emotions and tasty, healthy mushroom dishes!

The mushroom season in the forests near St. Petersburg is considered to be from August to November, but edible mushrooms can be found Leningrad region almost all year round.

And so - you gathered your courage, stocked up on tools, got acquainted with and even learned! Let's figure out whether you got ready for the forest on time. We look at the mushroom picker's calendar according to the most popular ones edible mushrooms known in the forests of the Leningrad region.

Mushroom picker calendar
Collection month Types of mushrooms Features of collection
January Oyster mushroom For mushroom pickers, this is the emptiest month; there is practically nothing to look for in the forest. But if the winter is warm, you can find fresh oyster mushrooms. Oyster mushrooms usually grow on trees, the cap of such a mushroom is one-sided or rounded, the plates run down to the stem, as if growing to it. Distinguish oyster mushroom from inedible mushrooms It’s not difficult - it has a cap that is not leathery to the touch at all.
February Oyster mushroom, tree mushrooms If there is no thaw, there is practically nothing to look for in the forest
March Oyster mushroom, tree mushrooms, talker There are practically no mushrooms, but at the end of the month the first snowdrops may appear.
April Oyster mushroom, tree mushrooms, govorushka, morel, stitch Snowdrop mushrooms – morels and stitches – are quite common
May Morel, stitch, oiler, oyster mushroom, raincoat Most mushrooms can be found not under trees, but in clearings, in thick grass.
June Oiler, boletus, boletus, oyster mushroom, morel, honey fungus, chanterelle, porcini mushroom, puffball In June, mushrooms of the highest category begin to appear.
July Oiler, boletus, boletus, oyster mushroom, morel, puffball, honey fungus, chanterelle, porcini mushroom, moss mushroom There are already quite a lot of mushrooms - both in the clearings and under the trees. In addition to mushrooms, strawberries and
August Oiler, boletus, boletus, oyster mushroom, morel, honey fungus, chanterelle, porcini mushroom, moss mushroom At this time, mushrooms can be found almost everywhere: in the grass, under trees, near stumps, in ditches and on trees, and even in city squares and on the sides of roads. In addition to mushrooms, it is already ripe, and appears in swamps.
September Oiler, boletus, boletus, oyster mushroom, morel, honey fungus, chanterelle, porcini mushroom, moss mushroom, oyster mushroom September is the most productive month for mushrooms. But you need to be careful: autumn is coming to the forests, and in the bright foliage it is difficult to see the multi-colored mushroom caps.
October Valuy, oyster mushroom, camelina, honey fungus, champignon, boletus, porcini mushroom, milk mushroom, moss mushroom, russula The number of mushrooms in open areas - clearings - begins to decrease. In October, you need to look for mushrooms in closed places - near stumps and under trees.
November Butterfly, greenfinch, oyster mushroom, tree mushrooms. The weather is getting worse, there may be frosts in full swing, and there is a high probability of finding frozen mushrooms.
December Oyster mushroom, tree mushrooms There are almost no mushrooms, but if it is fantastic Warm autumn, and even if you’re lucky, you can find leftovers from the autumn mushroom harvest.

Let yours silent hunt it will turn out well, and dinner in good company and at home or at a recreation center will be a good reminder of our northern nature.