Coniferous therapy has been a proven method for thousands of years to combat many diseases, as well as their timely prevention.

It’s not for nothing that there are legends about the health of Siberians. But “Siberian health” and longevity are largely due to unique climatic features region, which is also called " green lungs planets." This honorary title Northern part Eurasia owes the evergreen northern beauty - pine.

Fortunately, pine oases are found not only in the tundra and taiga; in Ukraine there are also pine forests available for recreation and recreation. Dozens of holiday boarding houses, tourist centers, holiday camps for children have been built in the territories of pine forests, and often people, relaxing in these unique areas, do not even think about the benefits of such a holiday.

Healing pine

It is calculated that in one cubic meter coniferous forest contains no more than 300 bacteria, that is, the air here is practically sterile! Air disinfection in a pine forest occurs due to phytoncidal volatile substances that are dispersed by pine trees. Besides, essential oils Pines, when oxidized by oxygen, emit ozone, which has healing properties.

The unique pine air is especially useful for people with various diseases respiratory tract up to pulmonary tuberculosis. Living in a pine forest helps normalize breathing, the amount of sputum in patients decreases, and cough calms down. It can be said that Pinery is a kind of giant natural inhaler.

By the way, our ancestors also determined that pine air promotes a speedy recovery and therefore generously laid out pine branches in the room where the patient was. They also did not forget about preventive measures during epidemics - the pine needles in the house neutralized the evil bacteria.

We should not forget about the experience of previous generations of people with respiratory diseases. And parents whose children have the status of “frequently ill” are simply obliged to think about a trip to a boarding house or sanatorium located in a pine forest. Hundreds of children who were not affected by any medications, were cured thanks to the natural pine environment.

Forest treatment

Your aim - improve health, “harden” the bronchi, get rid of cough? Go to the edge of the pine forest. It is best in the warm season, when pine air is most beneficial. Grab more clean towels, T-shirts, T-shirts and start the procedures. Throughout the day, dry yourself every hour with a damp towel and change into a clean T-shirt. By the end of the day, you will notice that your cough will subside and your breathing will become much easier. Repeat the procedure several times (for example, for 10 days) and you will forget about your illness for a long time, and perhaps forever.

What else does pine heal?

When choosing a boarding house located in a pine forest for treatment or recovery, be prepared to get the maximum benefit from this unique gift from nature to man.

Nervous system. Pine air is a sure remedy for the treatment of nervous diseases and an excellent natural antidepressant. Walking pine forest, inhaling the resinous smell of pine needles and listening to its rustling, a person gains peace of mind, inner harmony, distracted from everyday worries. It is not without reason that pine aroma is used in aromatherapy and is an excellent relaxant, and pine needle baths are an excellent remedy for nervous diseases.

Remedy for vitamin deficiency. Scurvy is a popular disease among seafarers; it is what killed famous Bill Barents and Vitus Bering. The disease is caused by a lack of vitamins, but hundreds of lives would have been saved if the great discoverers of the northern lands had known about the saturation of pine needles with vitamins. Just imagine: pine needles contain as much vitamin C as black currants and sea buckthorn! The indigenous Siberians, knowing this, ate young needles and did not even realize from what terrible disease brave sailors are dying.

Pelvic diseases. To those who are of their own kind professional activity you have to sit a lot, you often have to deal with lumbar pain, hemorrhoids, etc. The cushions on the chair are made of fallen, but clean pine needles, as well as spruce or fir trees are simply irreplaceable for such people. If you constantly sit on such a pillow, the disease will gradually recede (of course, you should not rely only on the pillow - it is part of general therapy).

Treatment of teeth and gums. Again, this method of treatment and prevention was known to our ancestors and was widely used in the emerging dental practice. Decoctions and infusions from pine needles and fir cones are still used as a remedy for the treatment of dental diseases and bleeding gums, as a general tonic and prophylactic. Today, extracts from pine needles are included in many toothpastes, medicinal ointments and gels.

A pine here, a pine there...

In general, it is difficult to find an area in medicine where pine would be useless. At correct use It is effective for rheumatism, joint diseases, and diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system.

But, of course, pine is most useful in its natural habitat a habitat. So find an opportunity and go for health: physical and mental.

Walking through each person experiences delight and pleasure. It is pleasant to be in these places thanks to the clean air and picturesque trees. But what are coniferous forests for humans, and what role do they play in the ecosystem?


Everyone knows that trees are very important for feeding our planet. healthy air. They make a huge contribution to the purification of oxygen. They are capable of producing such active substances, as phytoncides, which have a depressing effect on pathogenic microorganisms. So, they can defeat the tuberculosis bacillus.

If you consider the benefits coniferous forests bring through the production of phytoncides, it becomes clear why most health resorts are located in these places. Most often, people suffering from tuberculosis are referred for such treatment. These places will also be useful for smokers and people experiencing constant stress.

It was estimated that one cubic meter The air of a coniferous forest contains on average 200-300 bacteria. Compared to the composition of city air, this number is so insignificant that pine oxygen is considered almost sterile. Thus, everyone who walked in the forest for at least an hour could see for himself what benefits coniferous forests bring. We can briefly conclude: the state of oxygen in these places is such that people simply need them to preserve life.

Gifts of the forest

They are the most important suppliers of wood and other materials. These include cones and pine needles, which are widely used in medicine and cosmetology.

Benefits brought coniferous forest, concerns not only humans, but also the animal world. Many animals and rodents live here. They feed on the seeds of cones, which are generously given by coniferous trees. Birds, many of which are considered rare species, have found refuge in these places.

Ecology and climate

Benefit from coniferous forests is also related to the climate of our planet. Absorbed through photosynthesis a large number of carbon, which prevents temperature rise. Of course, because of this ability in last years was significantly reduced. The temperature on the ground is also affected by the humidity of forests.

In addition, coniferous forests are important for the environment. For example, the land in these places absorbs huge amounts of rainfall, thereby preventing soil erosion. Rain, passing through all forest layers, is filtered and flows into underground streams, replenishing the planet with drinking water.

Human health

But what benefits do coniferous forests bring to human health? If you feel very stressed, tired or depressed, you need to go for a walk in a coniferous area. The ions of this clean air have a beneficial effect on the human central nervous system.

But what to do if there is no such thing nearby, and there is no opportunity to go on a trip yet? We must remember that we have at our disposal the gifts of the forest - cones, needles and all kinds of extracts.

Needles include important components. These include vitamin C, E, P, K, H, B1,2,6. Some prepare tinctures and decoctions from pine needles, which successfully replace pharmacy multivitamins.

Recipe for vitamin deficiency

People who add young pine needles to their diet can avoid vitamin deficiency and the symptoms associated with this condition. In order to prepare a vitamin complex, you need to take four glasses of pine needles and fill them with three glasses of pre-boiled and cooled water. Put in dark place for three days. You need to drink the medicine strained every day. Half a glass in the morning and the same amount in the afternoon.

If you have overvoltage

But what benefit do coniferous forests bring if you feel very tired and the nearest pine forest is very far away? To relax and improve your tone, you can prepare a pine bath, immerse yourself in the water, close your eyes and relax. Relief will come immediately.

To prepare, you will need 100 ml (or grams) of liquid or dry. It is diluted in water at a temperature of 37 degrees. But immersion in such a bath is only allowed so that the area of ​​the heart is not in the water. The relaxation procedure lasts up to 15 minutes. You can do such sessions every other day for a month. This method can not only relieve fatigue, but also alleviate the manifestation of dystonia, neuroses and insomnia.

During a cold

Since ancient times, our ancestors knew the benefits of coniferous forests, so during periods of epidemics, in order to disinfect, they decorated their houses with spruce and pine branches. They had to be enough to have a detrimental effect on pathogens.

Today, during a cold or other infection, you can do pine inhalations. To prepare the infusion, you can take fir cones. They need to be crushed and steamed in boiled water(1:5). Put on fire and boil for half an hour. The cooled broth is filtered. For inhalation, 20-30 ml is used at a time. But first the medicine is heated to a temperature between 60 0-80 0 C.

About beauty

In addition to health, coniferous forests and their products contribute to feminine beauty. Thus, science has long known such an antioxidant as quercetin. It is able to protect us from free radicals. Dihydroquercetin is a component that scientists can obtain from coniferous wood. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it can rejuvenate the skin. And in addition to its contribution to beauty, dihydroquercetin actively supports the immune system, normalizes cholesterol levels, and has a preventive effect against cardiovascular diseases. Also, thanks to this component, normal metabolism is restored.


Of course, the benefits of a coniferous forest for humans are simply invaluable, and those who regularly visit it are aware of this. That is why everyone needs to at least sometimes go for a walk or vacation in a pine forest or forest. By staying in these places for a couple of hours, we enrich our cells with important microelements, kill harmful microbes, relieve our lungs and get other beneficial effects.

In addition, when we look at the majestic trunks of pines or cedars, watch the rays of the sun break through the paws of fir trees, listen to the singing forest birds and wind, an indescribable feeling of harmony and tranquility arises in our soul. And this state is necessary for the nervous system to relax and return to normal after everyday stress.

But people who suffer from heart ailments and those with hypertension should be careful about walking in coniferous plantations. The fact is that they may experience heart pain, tinnitus or shortness of breath. The best way out for this category of vacationers are walks where people can also get satisfaction from what they see.

Nowhere will you breathe as easily as in a coniferous forest. At the very first breath of this most fragrant air, you will feel a surge of energy and immediately forget about “urgent” city affairs. The healing properties of coniferous forests have been known for a very long time. During epidemics, our ancestors placed spruce and pine branches in their homes for the purpose of disinfection.

The fact is that coniferous trees release biologically active substances into the air that destroy various bacteria. These substances are called phytoncides. Trees that release phytoncides most intensively are pine, maple, birch, viburnum, poplar, jasmine, magnolia, and willow. The amount of phytoncides released by trees depends on weather conditions: V sunny days They stand out much more than on cloudy days. Largest quantity Trees release phytoncides in early summer.

It’s not for nothing that all holiday homes and sanatoriums are built near coniferous forests. Here the air is maximally saturated with oxygen, has a pleasant aroma that has a beneficial effect on the body, mood, general health. This air promotes healing from huge amount diseases related to the respiratory system, including tuberculosis. Many studies talk about the sterile microflora of pine and cedar forests, claiming that the trees in these forests are capable of killing the tuberculosis bacillus.

When it comes to relieving stress, tension and chronic fatigue, coniferous forests prove to be an indispensable medicine in the fight against these very common ailments. The ions of forest air cope perfectly with them, positively influencing the human body, calming it nervous system, bringing back to normal arterial pressure, improving lung ventilation.

The very contemplation of tall slender pines and firs, lush bushes, contemplation of all the beauty of the forest, the shimmering sun rays among the tree branches intertwining above your head, the sounds of the wind lost in the foliage - all this can create peace within you and open the way to inner harmony.

However, heart patients and hypertensive patients in a coniferous forest may experience breathing problems, tinnitus, headaches or heart pain. Such people are recommended to walk in a mixed or deciduous forest.

Two-hour walks in the forest are an excellent way to prevent myopia. In the forest, you are always looking into the distance, unlike situations at home or at work, where your eyes are constantly tired of computer monitors and focusing on nearby objects when cooking, repairing, sewing, etc. By focusing on distant objects, you allow your eyes to relax. Green color Forests promote greater relaxation and calmness for both your eyes and your nervous system.

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It is one of the main sources of oxygen on planet Earth. The air in such a forest is saturated with biologically active volatile substances. Proof of this is the coniferous forest in Siberia, which is called the lungs of our planet.

Scientists say that the air in plantings contains more than two hundred useful components. By inhaling such air, a person not only increases the body’s resistance to negative factors and performance, but also stimulates the thought process, psyche and the work of the heart and blood vessels. After walking through a coniferous forest, the pulse rate returns to normal and the condition of the bronchopulmonary system improves.

Phytoncides released by coniferous forests suppress the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. It has been found that afternoon walks in a coniferous forest consisting of pine, fir and spruce are most beneficial. Air rich in beneficial volatile substances has a positive effect on blood circulation and breathing. The presence of negative ions in it promotes intense gas exchange, creating conditions for the treatment of the respiratory system.

The dense coniferous forest is filled with a resinous aroma. When exposed to excess oxygen, essential resins oxidize and release ozone into the atmosphere. As a result, people's fatigue disappears, muscle tension is relieved, nervous system disturbances subside, and lung capacity expands. For those people who suffer from insomnia and nervous agitation, coniferous forest is highly recommended as the most effective remedy.

Proponents of natural healing systematized research and developed special treatment regimens for diseases by walking through a coniferous forest. They recommend that people with medical conditions spring months When nature is reborn and the air becomes warm, take more frequent walks between coniferous trees. As a result, mucus accumulations will be better cleared. However, during pine pollination, which occurs in the second half of May, therapeutic walks should be abandoned. Inhaling pollen can cause allergies and suffocation. In winter, coniferous forests are very useful for those who suffer from heart disease. The combination of plant phytoncides with frosty air stimulates the functioning of the cardiac system and gives a feeling of vigor.

Residents of megacities should be warned that they should not suddenly enter or remain among the trees for a long time. After all abrupt change living conditions can lead to shock. A sudden increase in oxygen levels in the blood can lead to dizziness. Elderly people who have not breathed for a long time clean air, sometimes they faint from its excess. This is why we must not forget about self-control. Walking should be started at very short intervals. Walk at a relaxed pace. Monitor your feelings and don’t overload yourself. At first, you can just sit on a bench under a fluffy pine or fir tree.

After a while, when the coniferous forest ceases to be a mystery to you, you yourself will begin to feel in it as if you were at home. Then it will be possible to come every day and gain good health in the forest.

Among natural factors The most powerful means of human health is the forest. It is the largest producer of healing air and its unsurpassed purifier. Forest air, saturated with ozone, filled with healing aromas, extremely purified from dust and harmful impurities, is a powerful means of ensuring high labor productivity, a source of inspiration, health and active longevity.

Each of us, being in a forest or park, felt how easy it was to breathe in the shady cool of the trees. It is hardly possible to contrast anything with the forest, which evokes so many pleasant sensations and elevates a person’s performance and mood.

Forest air contains more than 200 biologically active, volatile substances. They significantly improve mental and physical performance, the functioning of all body systems (including the cardiovascular), increase the body’s resistance to various infections and toxins, the hemoglobin content in the blood, normalize the pulse rate, and improve pulmonary ventilation.

The forest enchants with its beauty and variety of colors. The forest landscape is pleasant and not at all tiring even after prolonged contemplation.

The silence that reigns in the forest, the variety of bird sounds and color tones, and the predominance of calm green and blue colors evoke positive psycho-emotional reactions. The blue of the sky, combined with the emerald attire of grass, flowers, trees and bushes, awakens spiritual and physical elation in a person.

In the morning, when the wind is weak and the air is warmer and drier, conditions for relaxing in the forest are most favorable. During the day, although the forest air is cooler than the city air, it is quite heat combined with high humidity and weak air movement creates less comfortable conditions for a person. The birch forest and grove are especially pleasant for a walk. Deciduous forests with a sufficiently closed crown of trees, they are protected from direct sunlight. This is especially useful for elderly and elderly people who do not tolerate heat well. It was noted that the microclimate of deciduous and mixed forest softer and more beneficial for the body than pine.

In the process of their life activity, tree leaves and various plants absorb carbon dioxide and release free oxygen. On a sunny day, 1 hectare of mixed forest absorbs an average of 180-220 kg from the air carbon dioxide, releasing the same amount of free oxygen. On an area of ​​1 hectare, a forest absorbs an average of 8 kg of carbon dioxide in 1 hour, i.e. the amount that 200 people exhale during this time. A 20-year-old pine forest with an area of ​​1 hectare absorbs 9,350 kg of carbon dioxide daily and emits 7,250 kg of oxygen. And 1 hectare of 60-year-old pines releases about 10 tons of oxygen per day, i.e. a little more than mixed. The most active suppliers of oxygen are poplars. 1 hectare of such trees releases 40 times more oxygen into the atmosphere than 1 hectare of spruce plantations.

Lack of oxygen in the body (hypoxia) leads to the progression of aging and atherosclerosis, the accumulation of harmful under-oxidized metabolic products in the blood (lactic and pyruvic acid, urea, etc.), promotes thrombus formation, respiratory and circulatory disorders.

The forest significantly reduces noise. Noise is one of the strongest enemies of human health. People who stay for a long time in an area of ​​strong noise acquire, in addition to hearing disorders, neuroses, circulatory disorders, gastrointestinal diseases. Strong noises (above 70dB) mainly affect the autonomic nervous system, weaker noises (below 60dB) affect the central nervous system. The higher the pitch of the noise, the higher the frequency of sound vibrations, the more harmful it is to health.

Loud noises are caused by numerous pathological changes in the human body. The most important of them is the narrowing of the lumen of arterial blood vessels.

Complete, absolute silence that a person experiences in a pressure chamber. It is just as unacceptable to him as prolonged noise. The sounds of the forest are not annoying with their monotony. Forest noise, like noise sea ​​waves, has healing properties. It stimulates human creativity, calms the nervous system, and actively influences emotional sphere, invigorates and makes a person happy.

The forest delays and absorbs not only noise, but also wind speed. In winter it decreases in the forest by 60%, in summer - by 90%. The following dynamics of wind speed in the forest is observed: above the tree crowns it decreases, inside the crowns it subsides, and near the soil surface its speed approaches zero.

Wood has good dust-collecting properties. It can capture up to 70% of dust particles from the air. Dust settles on tree trunks, branches, leaves, and sticks to the resinous substances of pine needles. Dust that falls from the upper layers of the air onto the trees goes into the soil with rain.

The dust-proof properties of trees vary. Coniferous trees filter the air throughout the year. The crowns of 1 hectare of coniferous forest annually retain 32-36 tons of dust, oak - 56 tons, and beech - over 63 tons. The forest also filters radioactive particles from the air and can retain up to 50% of such dust. By maintaining moisture, it prevents the soil from drying out and the formation of dust particles.
The forest has medicinal properties. It has been noticed that the percentage of sick people and the number of days of disability due to illness are much higher where there is less vegetation.