That sin to conceal, we are far from nature and very far away. And why then wonder that our body is not synchronous with her in their cycles? They themselves and to blame.

If you think about it, it turns out everything logically: Nature enters into a new phase, in new seasonAnd for us is stress, a sharp change, the difference. The biorhythms of the human body are violated, which leads to the unbalance of organs and systems. It also affects our winter closure in four walls with a disadvantage of oxygen, and our exaggerated winter immobility, and the food is rich and rich. And, of course, the lack sun heat, light and vitamins. In short, our entire winter stagnation leaves us sideways. The body perceives the shift of the season as a catalyst, a starting hook to a failure.

Law of Achilles Fif

Typical spring discomplications are rightfully related to: the decline of strength, chronic, apathy, kandra, mood swings, neurosis, depression.

But, okay, only that. But according to the law of the Achilles spot or according to the principle: where it is fine, there are torn, and all our chronic diseases are exacerbated. And I did not make a reservation - it was all. During this period, cores, hypotonics and hypertensive, rheumatics, all those who have a predisposition to migraine, insomnia, inflammation respiratory tract, and those who have problems with the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract.

Replaced the season - change the lifestyle

Complaints, like tears, we will not help, so the conclusion is one - decisive actions. And first of all, you need to change the lifestyle. At the beginning of spring, more than ever, you should bring your lifestyle to the correct one.

And first of all, it is walking on fresh air At least an hour per day. Moreover, notice - in the fresh air, so the road home on the dust gasized city does not count. Take time to walk at least the park.

Add normal physical Load. The more "seating" lifestyle lead, the more active and more significant it should be. And again clarification: work on cleaning the apartment - nothing to do with this. Start running in the mornings or do gymnastics or sign up for tennis, dancing, swimming - what you impresses more.

With the beginning of the spring, carefully follow the body to give a full-fledged vacation. This is 8-Michas, and alternating activities, and emotional fullness of life.

Cleansing without "problems"

It is very useful during this period to engage in cleaning the body. But only I do not welcome exhaustive cleansing procedures with long preparation, painful starvation, besides very intense. You can arrange cleaning and without any "problems".

Most importantly, put the use clean water. Drink 8 glasses during the day, that is, at least 2 liters. The first glass is important to drink an empty stomach.

From mucus, it cleaner well, turn on this seasoning with the addition of a lemon slice. Cleaning the joints is well carried out rice. Select one day a week when you will use only boiled rice. At the same time, feel joy from the effect of cleansing, and not disgust to the monotonous menu, otherwise spoil the entire useful effect.

"Killings" enough drink a glass of his special medical water. Who has a weak liver or gastrointestinal problems recommend the tincture of immortelle and chamomile. At clearing purposes, collapses of coltsfoot and field chewing are used.

Spring menu

Of course, April cannot be so diverse as we would like for the full provision of the body with useful substances. But in the spring it is necessary to include:
Fresh greens - dill, parsley, green onions and garlic
dishes with nettle soup, with the addition of eggs
Vegetable beet salad on vegetable oil
legumes - peas, beans, soybean, lentils
Chicken meat and seafood
1-2 apples
Compote from Rosehip

And finally ...

Start riding the city on weekends.

If you do not pay attention to your body throughout the year, then at least help him now. And the sooner you start, the Spring Affairs to manifest itself in you.

Julia Kidkhan
Women's magazine JustLady


Wonderful time of year - Spring! The sun shines everything brighter and brighter, warming us with magic warmth. Nature wakes up after winter sleep. The body and soul are tide of strength and energy. Even the spring slush and dampness do not spoil us the mood. A certain category of people will not agree with me. For them, spring - the time is unpleasant, and sometimes heavy Testsbecause during this period over them takes the top of the disease.

Who is bad in the spring?

Read more

Most often in the spring there is an aggravation of bronchial asthma, peptic disease stomach and 12-rosewood, gastritis, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, hypertension, migraine, sugar diabetes, thyrotoxicosis, rheumatoid arthritis, urticaria, neurodermita, psoriasis, many sexual disorders, as well as disorders of the menstrual cycle in women. Many of these diseases are considered psychosomatic, emphasizing the impact on their course of thoughts, feelings and emotions, writes

Psychiatrists celebrate in spring exacerbation of alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling. Special attention is paid to spring mood disorders. Seasonal mood fluctuations are found almost all people. Many people feel in the spring of strength, feel sluggish, survivors, they have a performance, irritability appears, sleep is disturbed. Often this condition is attributed to spring hypovitaminosis, take great amount Vitamin preparations, but well-being is improved only when changing the season. People with an overwhelmed mood is less likely cause alarm. At this time of year, they experience an extraordinary spiritual lift, tide of strength and emotions, are in the state of Euphoria, but then the freight is replaced by flares of anger and irritability.

All these states can be expressed to varying degrees: from light, incidental discomfort, to severe forms that significantly violate the normal course of life and the fulfillment of the most pressing tasks.

What does seasonality of exacerbations depend on?

Nature by evolution with natural selection Forced all living organisms on Earth to obey their laws and rhythms. They were forced to create biological clocks that synchronized the organism rhythms with natural conditions.

A failure in the work of these watches often prevented survival. In view of the special importance, their work began to be monitored at the genetic level and for many thousands of years was transmitted from generation to generation.

How do this watch work for a person?

The work of our biological clock is controlled by close "cooperation" of the Central nervous system With biologically active substances Liquid media of the body (blood, lymphs and tissue fluid). This regulation system is called neurogumoral. It depends on the obtained nerve signals and numerous specific and nonspecific products of metabolism (metabolites): tissue and gastrointestinal hormones, hypothalamic neurogormones, histamine, prostaglandins, oligopeptides - agents of this system.

A vivid example is a light control regulation. The light, perceived by the retina, through the retinogypotalamemic path, affects the cores of the epiphyse, where melatonin production is reduced or increased. Melatonin - there is one of the converters, setting internal biorhythms of man relative to rhythms ambient.

As a result of these mechanisms, in critical time years of organisms are in the most sustainable state. So, in early springWhen there is a deficit of the food and reserves of the body on the outcome, the metabolism is sharply slow down, the braking processes in the nervous system prevail, the state of parabiasis appears - half winter hibernation Bear). Then, with increasing length light day and an increase in ambient temperature, vegetation appearance, preparations begins active activities, reproduction and cultivation of offspring.

In this regard, the excitability of the nervous system increases, the formation of pituitary hormones increases, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, gastrointestinal tract, sex glands, the intensity of energy metabolism and growth processes is observed.

Does this watch always work right?

In case of mismatch biological rhythms The body with physical and social time sensors arises diskinchronoz. Spring is a transition season from a minimum level of general activity (biological winter) to the maximum (biological summer). Therefore, spring disinchronosis is most often found.

What causes spring disinchronz?

Progress in the development of environmental protection tools, except comfort, carries one of the causes of biodiversity of biological clock.

Rhythms social activity They become leading factors in the mismatch of seasonal biorhythms in humans, and less consistent with natural biorhythms. Rules manufacturing I. household activities Often goes by the clock with the clock.

Genetic factors. Perestroika internal annual rhythms occurs with great difficulty through whole line generations. It is quite possible, descendants feel the change of time belts with their ancestors. Therefore, some people when changing time zones are not only quickly adapted, but also feel much better.

Food. The emphasis on the deficit and disposal of nutrition, especially the shortage of vitamins and trace elements, is lowact. Diverse I. healthy foods Nowadays are easily accessible. Much more important eating habits And their compliance with the needs of the body. The biological clock was created by the "food calendar", which was made by the work of all organs and systems, synthesis of hormones and enzymes, metabolism. So, use large number Fats were associated with the opposition of the organism of the low ambient temperature, and the "food rest" - with a sharp decrease in physical and emotional activity. Diet or, on the contrary, " eternal holiday Stomach "often come against this calendar.

What to do?

In spring exacerbations, despite discomfort and suffering, there is one wonderful positive moment! Knowing about their approximation, you can prepare for them in advance. With properly selected measures, their manifestations can be significantly reduced or even avoid.

  • In this case, it is worth remembering the recommendations of the doctor in advance and begin to strictly adhere to them (diet, labor and recreation mode, reception of drugs).
  • Try to maximize the extension in the fresh air, preferably in combination with physical activity.
  • Power should be full and meet the needs of your body. It is recommended to focus on veatery foodBut the exclusion of meat from the diet can cause harm. Before observed post, consult your doctor. A wonderful product to replenish the necessary spring nutrients - germinated cereals.
  • In excess of emotions and energy in advance, find them worthy use. Preference is given to classes with increased physical activity, but art, crafts and other hobbies will also benefit.

Health to you and Spring Mood!

Winter begins to gradually take the position occupied several months, giving way to their long-awaited spring, which will undoubtedly bring many solar and warm days. The change of season has always leads to numerous changes in all the wildlife, is not an exception and human body.

Gradual warming awakens an instinctive desire to spend more time in the fresh air, as well as lead a more active lifestyle. The desire to hide the warm blanket and pass the evening before the TV is getting smaller, on the contrary - I want to catch everything overwhelming time when sufficient physical activity by virtue of of various reasons It was a very rare phenomenon.

However, one desire is often not enough, because the body devoid during the winter period is quite helpless and vulnerable to various negative impacts Environment. The exhaustion of the body is almost always manifested as follows:

  • increased fatigue;
  • general weakness;
  • constant feeling of lethargy;
  • unpredictable mood swings;
  • a tendency to colds.

All this indicates the need for preliminary preparation, which will allow our body without any problems to meet the new season. It is worth noting that the correct motivation will definitely play a major role, because the overall positive attitude will undoubtedly help to restore the strength lost in the winter. But let's first figure it out with the main reasons for the emergence of spring ailments, as well as get acquainted with his symptoms.

Causes of Spring Affairs

The main harmful effect on our body has stress provoked by a violation of bioriths, which occurs every time nature in again It goes into a new phase, simply speaking - when changing the time of the year. All this leads to a special disorder of the normal vital activity of all organs and systems of the human body.

An important factor is our lifestyle, because with the arrival of Spring, he changes with most people from the majority of people. In the cold season, we are much less common on the street, which leads to the limitation of our body in mobility, and the body in oxygen. All this in combination with regular use of oily and high-calorie food, lack of vitamins, as well as a disadvantage sunlight Promotes the development of spring ailments.

Spring symptoms

As a rule, at the very beginning of the spring, most people face the following and depressing sensations:

  • frequent mood change;
  • blues;
  • apathy;
  • feeling decline.

Against the background of accumulated fatigue, as well as permanent stay in neurotic and depressive states You can exacerbate your chronic diseases. therefore early spring Represents a certain danger to all people suffering from diseases of the following organs or systems:

  • liver;
  • kidney;
  • a heart;
  • airways.

All this greatly affects our appearance when skin covering It becomes gray, bags appear under the eyes, and the look acquires a faded look.

Prepare the body for the spring!

To avoid listed above trouble or at least make the offensive of spring more comfortable for its body, it should be pre-prepared in a certain way. To do this, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Physical activity. Execution of any exercise, Running or swimming will greatly help prepare the body for the spring. Engage morning charging, Sign up into the dance section, start visiting the pool, the main thing - forget about the sitting lifestyle!
  2. Full holiday. Best will provide it healthy sleepFor which you need to allocate at least eight hours per day. However, this figure is pretty conditional, because someone will be enough and six, and some are not even ten o'clock sleep. Just focus on your feelings, if the alert after sleep does not weaken - you definitely have a bad thing.
  3. Full nutrition. Nutritionists recommend when weather Begins to warm, gradually reduce the amount of food taken. It is also necessary to follow sufficient content in its daily diet of the necessary trace elements and vitamins, but from rich fir and food carbohydrates is recommended to refuse. Most specialists in one voice recommended to refrain from use in this period of strong alcohol.

If we talk more specifically, any nutritionist will advise the following products throughout the spring:

  • green apples;
  • walnuts;
  • fresh greens;
  • bean cultures;
  • chicken's meat.

If the amount of food received should be gradually reduced, then the amount of daily liquid is recommended to increase at least one third. In addition to clean water, it is advisable to drink compotes cooked from various dried fruits.

Proper attention must be paid to the first reception of food - breakfast, for it is the most important day for our body. To ensure a sufficient amount of energy in a sufficient amount of energy in transitional periodBreakfast should always be "dense" and enough calorie. Remember that a cup of coffee is capable of drinking instead of breakfast is capable of being a difficult and irreparable harm to it.

Spring is not time for diets!

Many people, especially leading low-moving image life faces a problem excess weightscored in the past winter. So it's not surprising that with the arrival of spring, when we all start to wear less clothes, most of them tried to improve their appearanceWhat begins to limit yourself in the necessary spring food in an attempt to reset the scored kilograms. This is not a completely rational approach, but if you really need to lose weight, a number of specific rules should be followed.

First, the lack of carbohydrates and proteins, as well as fats in dietary food, must be necessarily compensated by sufficient content of iron and vitamins B6 and B12 in it. It is important to note, the normal functioning of the body's life support systems will be very difficult without presence in food need quantity Vitamin E, which in excess is contained in legume crops and vegetable oils. Also, the body will be difficult to do without vitamin K, which is part of the following products:

  • beef liver;
  • egg yolk;
  • pumpkin;
  • spinach;
  • green pea.

Huge importance in the winter-spring period has presence in the diet folic acidwhich is contained in a sufficient need for the needs of the body in both white and cauliflower, as well as in fresh parsley.

As you can see, quite a lot of updates and changes in the world around us occurs with the arrival of spring, so to meet the upcoming warm days with healthy and vigorous, it should be changed in a strong way cold Winter In the habit of lifestyle. Seve off from the monitor and go to walk on fresh air, the first rays spring Sun. Able to deliver the tired organism a lot of pleasure. Do not forget that the sun is the richest source of vitamin D vehicle necessary for the body.

Observing the above prescriptions and recommendations, your body will be much easier to adapt to both what is happening in it and in all its environmental changes. Thanks to this, nothing can overshadow the joy of the upcoming arrival of the long-awaited spring.

Be healthy!


Wonderful time of year - Spring! The sun shines everything brighter and brighter, warming us with magic warmth. Nature wakes up after winter sleep. The body and soul are tide of strength and energy. Even the spring slush and dampness do not spoil us the mood. A certain category of people will not agree with me. For them, Spring - the time is unpleasant, and sometimes heavy tests, because during this period there is a sickness over them.

Who is bad in the spring?

Read more

Most often in the spring there is an aggravation of bronchial asthma, ulcer of the stomach and 12-rosewood, gastritis, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, hypertension, migraine, diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, rheumatoid arthritis, urticaria, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, many sexual disorders, as well as menstrual disorders Cycles in women. Many of these diseases are considered psychosomatic, emphasizing the impact on their course of thoughts, feelings and emotions, writes

Psychiatrists celebrate in spring exacerbation of alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling. Special attention is paid to spring mood disorders. Seasonal mood fluctuations are found almost all people. Many people feel in the spring of strength, feel sluggish, survivors, they have a performance, irritability appears, sleep is disturbed. Often this condition is attributed to spring hypovitaminosis, take a huge amount of vitamin preparations, but well-being is improved only when changing the season. People with an overwhelmed mood is less likely cause alarm. At this time of year, they experience an extraordinary spiritual lift, tide of strength and emotions, are in the state of Euphoria, but then the freight is replaced by flares of anger and irritability.

All these states can be expressed to varying degrees: from light, incidental discomfort, to severe forms that significantly violate the normal course of life and the fulfillment of the most pressing tasks.

What does seasonality of exacerbations depend on?

Nature by evolution with the help of natural selection caused all living organisms on Earth to obey their laws and rhythms. They were forced to create biological clocks that synchronized the organism rhythms with natural conditions.

A failure in the work of these watches often prevented survival. In view of the special importance, their work began to be monitored at the genetic level and for many thousands of years was transmitted from generation to generation.

How do this watch work for a person?

The work of our biological clock is controlled by closely "cooperation" of the central nervous system with biologically active substances of the body of the body (blood, lymphs and tissue fluid). This regulation system is called neurogumoral. It depends on the obtained nerve signals and numerous specific and nonspecific products of metabolism (metabolites): tissue and gastrointestinal hormones, hypothalamic neurogormones, histamine, prostaglandins, oligopeptides - agents of this system.

A vivid example is a light control regulation. The light, perceived by the retina, through the retinogypotalamemic path, affects the cores of the epiphyse, where melatonin production is reduced or increased. Melatonin - there is one of the converters, setting internal human biorhythms relative to the rhythms of the environment.

As a result of these mechanisms, at the critical time of the year, organisms are in the most sustainable state. So, early in the spring, when there is a deficiency of food and the reserves of the body on the outcome, the metabolism is sharply slow down, the braking processes in the nervous system prevail, the state of parabiasis appears - semit (like a winter hook of bears). Then, with an increase in the length of the daylight and an increase in ambient temperature, the appearance of plant food, preparations for active activities, reproduction and cultivation of offspring begins.

In this regard, the excitability of the nervous system increases, the formation of pituitary hormones, thyroid gland, adrenal glands, gastrointestinal tract, germ, increases the intensity of energy metabolism and growth processes.

Does this watch always work right?

In case of mismatching of biological rhythms of the body with physical and social time sensors arises diskinchronoz. Spring is a transition season from a minimum level of general activity (biological winter) to the maximum (biological summer). Therefore, spring disinchronosis is most often found.

What causes spring disinchronz?

Progress in the development of environmental protection tools, except comfort, carries one of the causes of biodiversity of biological clock.

Rhythms of social activity become leading factors in the mismatch of seasonal biorhythms in humans, and less consistent with natural biorhythms. The routine of production and household activities is often competent with the clock of nature.

Genetic factors. Perestroika internal annual rhythms occurs with great difficulty, through a number of generations. It is quite possible, descendants feel the change of time belts with their ancestors. Therefore, some people when changing time zones are not only quickly adapted, but also feel much better.

Food. The emphasis on the deficit and disposal of nutrition, especially the shortage of vitamins and trace elements, is lowact. A variety of useful products in our time are easily accessible. Significantly more important food habits and their compliance with the needs of the body. The biological clock was created by the "food calendar", which was made by the work of all organs and systems, synthesis of hormones and enzymes, metabolism. So, the use of a large amount of fats was associated with the opposition of the organism of the low ambient temperature, and the "food rest" - with a sharp decrease in physical and emotional activity. Diets or, on the contrary, the "eternal holiday of the stomach" often come against this calendar.

What to do?

In spring exacerbations, despite discomfort and suffering, there is one wonderful positive moment! Knowing about their approximation, you can prepare for them in advance. With properly selected measures, their manifestations can be significantly reduced or even avoid.

  • In this case, it is worth remembering the recommendations of the doctor in advance and begin to strictly adhere to them (diet, labor and recreation mode, reception of drugs).
  • Try to maximize the extension in the fresh air, preferably in combination with physical activity.
  • Power should be full and meet the needs of your body. It is recommended to focus on plant food, but the exclusion of meat from the diet can cause harm. Before observed post, consult your doctor. A wonderful product to replenish the necessary spring nutrients - germinated cereals.
  • In excess of emotions and energy in advance, find them worthy use. Preference is given to classes with increased physical activity, but art, crafts and other hobbies will also benefit.

Health to you and Spring Mood!

Spring malaise - How to help the body? The end of winter and the beginning of spring is a very difficult time for our body. He feels the consequences of a winter lack of vitamins, minerals and sunlight, and we feel that we are tired, weakened and unable to even perform simple tasks. Instead of enjoying the upcoming spring and with the energy to meet each new day, we barely stirred and in the mornings with difficulty climbing with, we are clearly lacking for us.

And although we are trying to "get together" and "take yourself in hand," little from it is obtained. Our body clearly sends the SOS signal.

Symptoms of spring ailments

The deficit of vitamins and minerals arising during winter months has its consequences. We become weak and sluggish. Iron deficiency causes the attacks of fatigue that turn us out suddenly, and do not give the opportunity to cope with everyday work.

We have too little vitamins, from here and frequent headaches, a grayish skin hue and reduced immunity. The lack of magnesium leads to the fact that we are unhappy, poorly carry stress, and at night we will be painful muscle spasms.

The unsatisfactory work of reflexes and physical weakness is the effect of potassium deficiency. In addition, we lack zinc, which causes both nail fragility. Nobody wants to feel so, and look like this. Therefore, the spring decline must be counteracting.

Causes of Spring Affairs

The shortage of nutrients that we found after winter is not the only reason Our bad well-being at the turn of winter and spring. At this time, the weather is very variable, there are sharp jumps of temperature and pressure, which leads to pain in the muscles, head pains, fatigue.

Our respiratory and cardiovascular systems, have problems with the need to change weather. On one day warm and sunny weatherbut already the next blow cold wind and it's raining with snow. In addition, our immunity is reduced and it is very easy to catch some infection.

Spring malaise - rest is simply necessary!

Rest will allow you to survive in this difficult period, without big losses. It is in March or April to plan a vacation so that the weakened organism be able to recover. Be sure to slow down a little pace, do not take on a lot of responsibilities so that in no case work at night.

We need a dream, also in order to restore our effectiveness immune system. Due to the weakening of the nervous system, it is necessary to avoid stress and stresses. But, the main thing to remember that rest during this period becomes more important than ever.

Movement is a cure for spring ailments.

Movement, especially in the fresh air, is an excellent answer to spring problems with well-being. At this time we need air and sun, we must wake up weakened muscles and translate the body into normal operation.

Riding a bike or walk is useful not only for our muscles and bones, but also for the cardiovascular and immune system. In addition, physical activity causes excretion in the brain of endorphins, and we very much need this strengthening after the winter period.

Spring malaise will facilitate meals

How to eat during spring ailments? Since one of the reasons for the spring decline is a shortage of vitamins and minerals - this effective tool Recovery and protection. Magnesium lack easily compensate, using pumpkin and sunflower seeds, nuts and bitter chocolate.

Thanks to sunflower seeds and grain compensate for zinc deficiency, for which hair and nails will be grateful. Salads (for example, from radish, alfalfa or cress) are priceless - they contain vitamins of group B, vitamins A, C and E, as well as zinc, calcium, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium. To avoid cold illness, Eat honey and every day at least one clove of garlic.

Drink plenty of water rich in minerals (at least two liters per day) to replenish the need for the body in liquid and clean it from toxins, and, by the way, receive additionally mineral components. After winter, we are often dehydrated, and it causes fatigue and recession of energy.

In the spring, definitely, it is worth abandoning alcohol, coffee and cigarettes. This will not only improve the condition of your body, but will also lead to the fact that the cellular nutrition of oxygen will improve. To clean the body from toxins, it is possible in the sauna. By the way, you get rid of all pathogenic microbes and infection.

Dress properly in any weather, nor too warm, and not too easy, because both supercooling and overheating is bad. It is better to wear several layers of clothing so that you can adapt to changes in temperature.

It is also necessary to temper, for example, taking a shower alternately in hot and cold water, or immersing legs in turn in hot and cold water. Go for walks in sunny days, and B. cloudy weather Use bright artificial.

Spring malaise will soon pass, the sun treats and anticipation of summer!