There are two of them: those that can be purchased and stored only in the presence of a special license, and are in relatively free sale. To the latest "weapon" legislation relates mechanical gaspeakers, aerosols with irritating and tear substances, devices for achieving the effect of electric shock, spark dischargers, as well as weak pneumatic weapons with dulb energy to 7.5 J, and caliber not exceeding 4.5 mm .


Reminding externally ordinary combat weapons, the pistol is not really so slightly as might think. In any case, the majority of security specialists consider pneumatics the most useless of all kinds of available weapons. The only advantage of such a pistol, rather common at the end of the twentieth century, can be considered "similar" to real combat weapons. By the way, the manufacturers who know about the low demand and focus on psychology are actively striving for themselves. Where more experts like the opportunity to use the iron analog of the gun as a kind of weightlifier when hit by hand.

Minuses, at least no less. In particular, the shot from can scare, perhaps, only a fly or a dog. But he will not hurt a person much harm. In winter, when people on the street are mostly dense clothes, shoot the robber attacked on you and does not make sense at all. Is that frightened or so stronger to pour it out. But in this case, there is a high probability that the villain will not only select the wallet and "", but also gives her my head.


Excellent and practical thing for self-defense, in particular, for weak girls. Compact, small size, the balloon fits perfectly into the handbag or pocket of the autumn jacket, not attracting foreign attention. Another plus, besides the possibility of easy and to buy, is quite high efficiency. By splashing in the face, especially "pertsov" or "blow," a potential victim may well have to escape. Or, if you allow strength and, give the criminal on the head and twist it.

A serious drawback is perhaps one: the canister is not recommended to be used in a closed room, in the apartment. And, if it is an aerosol, not an inkjet, then you need to take into account the strength and direction of the wind. Otherwise, it is possible to be a double victim - an attacker and own weapons. And in the heat of struggle for life or wallet about the wind, it is rarely thinking ...

Shocking discharge

It is very popular exactly as a subject of self-defense, the electric shock is considered. This is also a fairly compact device, only with electrodes that gives not very dangerous discharge current. Its main value is that, having received a discharge, especially in the open surface of the body, your opponent is not only for sure to fall into short-term shock and, being partially paralyzed, will cease to understand the essence of what is happening, but also literally freeze in place. Approximately the same as Brazil was frozen after their team in the semifinals of the 2014 World Supil Championship from Germany with a score of 1: 7. In addition, the shocking device has a good disguise, because it is released in the form of, for example, a flashlight, or the simplest lighter. Minus one - the discharge is badly punching winter clothes.

Cold in pocket

The license does not need and on such a fairly common look of cold weapons like a knife. But the use of it in a street conflict, even if the police and court consider you victim and victims, it is still fraught with punishment at once in several articles of the Criminal Code. There are athletes with your weapon. And this is not only a notorious baseball bat in the trunk, but also, for example, a rapier of a fencer, a hockey player's club on the grass, a hammer of an athlette or sports gun arrow. True, you will need another license, to get much more difficult, professional.

People who are accustomed to count only on their own strength, as a means of self-defense use various weapons. But for the acquisition of some of them requires a license for wearing. Therefore, in order not to break the law, before buying such funds, you need to get acquainted with the list of those of which you can store and apply without permission. In the Russian Federation, in order to self-defense, you can keep a gas can, a pneumatic gun, an electric shocker, sparkling, made by a domestic producer, a revolver, which does not exceed 7.5 J, and the bullet caliber is 4.5 millimeters. There are other types of self-defense funds that can be bought without a license, for example, cold weapons. Each submitted object for self defense has its own characteristics and individual characteristics that should be taken into account before purchasing.

One of the best self-defense funds that any adult person can acquire, a gas can be purchased. Such an assessment is caused by its efficiency, modest dimensions, simplicity of the mechanism. Gas cans possess the following characteristics:

  • the principle of a simple liquid sprayer is used;
  • cheapness;
  • easy application from a psychological point of view.

However, this subject has some drawbacks. He does not scare many criminals, because of which they can intensify their actions and not allow their victim to apply the sprayer. Therefore, many experts recommend using a gas can be immediately as soon as it was taken out of a pocket or bag. Also, the gas can not be used in closed rooms, as such sputtering can adversely affect not only the criminal, but also for the victim itself. When spraying under outdoor conditions, it is necessary to carefully aim, given the direction of the wind.

What a weapon without permission can be used on the territory of the Russian Federation: electric shocks

Electric shocker - a small device equipped with 2 wires that form an electric charge immediately after pressing the button. The power of the charge is able to derive an adult from equilibrium. During the choice of such a device, it is necessary to pay attention to its characteristics, as many manufacturers make a device that allows you to change the power.
Electrics allocate the following number of advantages:

  • the ability to quickly immobilize the attacker;
  • the ability to hit a person from a distance of up to 4 meters - in models with firing wires;
  • compactness.

The negative point in the use of the shocker is that they require direct contact with the attackers. Also, when using an electric shocker, it is necessary to constantly monitor the performance of the batteries, otherwise the non-working device will not help protect yourself from the gangsters. In winter, the electric charge of the shocker may not be enough to affect the human body through a thick layer of tight clothing.

In this video, it is described about what weapon should be bought if there is no permission.

Another type of self-defense funds that do not require a license for the purchase and storage is pneumatic. Its external signs is very similar to firearms, so the pneumatics are necessary for more to provide psychological impact on the attacker. In the process of combating bandits, it is possible to apply this tool freely, as it has low power and is not able to kill a person or make serious harm to his health.

Experts recommend to wear and store pneumatics in such a place from which it will be easy to get. Such a council is due to the fact that the use of pneumatics should be decisive and unexpected, in this case the pistol will have a psychological impact on the enemy, and he will retreat. In no case, when using pneumatics, it is impossible to show your excitement or fear to your opponent, since such behavior will only aggravate the situation.

In some cases, the use of pneuma in hand-to-hand fighting in order to enhance the power of the infused impact.

There are also other means of self-defense that can be stored, to buy without a license.

  1. Hit. This device is used to shoot an enemy with a liquid solution. It is a mixture of a pistol and a gas spray. Capsules refilled with liquid are inserted as an affecting element. The blow allows you to preserve the capacity of one charge for a long time: 2000 shots. The device works in various climatic conditions, in remoteness from no more than 5 meters. They can be defended in a closed space.
  2. Pistol Anti-Fog combines sound and light impact on man. With this subject, the enemy is stunning and blinded, as a result of which is derived from equilibrium. Antidog allows you to scare away a group of attackers. There is an analogue of this apparatus - the gun wasp, but a license is necessary for its use.
  3. Steel arms. Without permission, you can purchase knives, the length of the blades of which does not exceed 90 centimeters, which do not have the mechanism of automatic emission of the blade. It is worth considering that this self-defense means will become the best option only for people who have at least basic knowledge and skills in the field of martial arts.

In addition to the knife, do not require permission and the following cold weapons: Stiletto, Castet, Machete.

In order to stand up for their property or life, you need to have several types of items for defense. This recommendation is determined by the fact that, depending on the situation, it will not be possible to use a particular subject, in which case another device will come to the rescue. When using any weapon, it is necessary to make focus on the psychological factor, you should try to scare your opponent with one type of object, rather than apply it. If the situation has only to use the object of defense, it is necessary to carefully aim, to use it in the correct manner, otherwise, the misfire can play in favor of the attacker.

In this video, it is told about civil sillecochers. Do not forget to leave your questions, wishes and

Weapons over the centuries associated with death. But at the end of the twentieth century began to appear "peacekeeping" developments, which are able to stop a person, retaining his life. In today's review, it will be about the newest samples of weapons of non-fatal action, which can soon become popular means of self-erect.

Gas superballon

ARMA 100.Used by American policemen - an excellent alternative to shotguns and pistols. This weapon in size is somewhat more than ordinary pneumatics, but it shoots non-familiar cartridges, but a gas from disposable cans. ARMA 100 can be effectively used at a distance of up to 6 meters. It is enough to get into the attacker to secure it for a while.

Water gun with laser sight

Water pistols are another non-optical means of neutralizing the enemy. Their action is akin to Elekroke, but instead of hitting the goal with a current, the gun shoots into the goal of a strength of a strong stimulus. W. JPX Jet Protector A dual trunk, which allows him to simultaneously shoot two doses of an irritant substance at a speed of 430 km / h. The indisputable advantage of the JPX Jet Protector in front of the Elekrokener is its radius of action. JPX Jet Protector can be effectively used at a distance of up to 6.5 meters, while the electric shock can only be used if the striker is in close proximity. Share allows laser beam.

Middle Tactical Pens

Single melee weapon in this list - tactical handles. They are a simple tool intended for use during the contact battle. The principle of the action of the handles is about the same as in the Cartan sticks, they need to strike on the painful points of the enemy. Tactical handles are made of titanium, steel and aviation aluminum. In addition to using for self-defense, such knobs can be used and for direct purpose - for records in notepad.

Pistol with adhesive foam

Although foam Pistol It was developed in the mid-1990s, it was used only several times during the US intervention in Somalia. Witnesses of combat tests noted that it was very difficult to get from such weapons at a moving goal. The concept of a foam pistol is as follows: a backpack with a tank under high pressure filled with chemical foam is performed on the back. The tank connects to the nozzle that the operator sends to the target. After the foam falls on the object, it instantly hardens.

Panic Artillery Shell

The secret project under the codenamed XM1063 is currently under development. XM1063 - Artillery Shell Unattal action designed to suppress the enemy's live strength. The essence of the development is that in ordinary shells for 155-mm warm-up instead of an explosive, a chemical is charged, which, when the projectile hit the target is sprayed in the air. If you get into the human body, the chemical exercise cause panic.

Futuristic laser gun

Phasr. - a non-lethal laser gun intended for use both in wartime to defeat the enemy and in peaceful to neutralize criminals. Phasr looks like a futuristic rifle. This is a fully autonomous system that emits two laser beams blinding and disorientating opponents.

Armored aircraft with water

Turkish Toma Ungregat or Toplumsal Olylara Mudahale Araciwho passed the battle baptism during the riots in Turkey, is an armored car with a powerful waterman installed on it. And although the idea to use water homes to overclock the crowd is not Nova, Toma displays the concept to a completely new level.

A massive 5-ton truck can accommodate up to 10,000 liters of water, which beats a powerful jet to a large distance. At the same time, if the organizers of the disorders are selected too close, the vehicle can spray tear gas. The car is also equipped with its own sealing system so that the gas does not get inside.

Traumatic noise grenades

Pomegranates stingball Pretty widely used in prisons and to combat riots. Although they may seem rather dangerous, their design has several key features that avoid deaths. Unlike conventional grenades, StingBalls are made almost entirely of rubber. This ensures that fragments and rubber balls contained inside will not cause serious damage. Most stingball grenades explode with an outbreak of about 6 million Candell and a crucible capacity of 180 decibels.

Shooting cartridges

Taser Shockwave. - Installation consisting of a series of blocks in each of which 6 cartridges departing at different angles. Installation provides barracks due to the coverage of a large area. SHOCKWAVE can be attached on grilles from jeeps and other vehicles. The main purpose of Taser Shockwave is to stop suicide bombers from penetration into the crowd. However, as if this installation was not used, it will keep the people and not to apply deadly wounds.


Sound gun " Thunder Generator."It was developed by Israeli farmers to scare predators feeding on poultry. But later this invention began to be used against people. Thunder Generator is able to issue a series of ultra-screw sound shock waves propagating to a distance of up to 100 meters. These waves are knocked down a person with legs and stun. If Distance is less than 10 meters, sounds become deadly.

People were fought since ancient times, and preparing for war, they sought to create a weapon that would make them invincible. In continuation of the topic - Overview of.

Each week in the media appears the news that people were crumpled as a result of the use of traumatic weapons. Shelling each other, find out the relationships of motorists, young people shoot near the nightclubs, and it seems that our people, like the heroes of Westerns, are ready to fill in each other where it fell.

DG decided to figure out what a weapon for self-defense is now easy to death, how to apply it to apply and whether "our people" cannot be given a gunshot arms or these are journalists' horror stories. Dispelled myths and answered questions specialist "Hunter" store Vasily Zaitsev.


Vasily, increasingly sounds of calls to ban traumatic weapons. Even the Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin spoke in favor of banning "traumators", believing that the presence of such weapons in the population exacerbates a criminogenic environment. How dangerous "trauma" and what is it?

- Since 2011, the energy of the cartridge for weapons of limited defeat is limited to 90 joules. This is clearly insufficient digit to apply a serious wound. And it is even in the summer, and in winter, there is very little chances in winter. It turns out that the energy of this weapon is clearly insufficient to solve the tasks set in front of it.

- In addition, the serviceable gun itself can not shoot a good pistol. It shoots not a weapon, shoots the complex "Weapon-arrows", where the weakest part of this complex, of course, arrows. Lack of preparation, improper assessment of the situation, often just the desire to get into trouble - this is the characteristic of the average arrow.

- The cartridge is a horror soaring on the wings of the night. The cartridges manufactured by AKBS recently regularly cause weapons malfunctions. The bullet is stuck in the trunk, which leads to a shooting stop and often to damage the weapon. The most reliable part of this triple complex is a weapon. But there are spots in the sun. No sample has 100% protection from user-fool. Let's just say, in any course of study it is said: when you have an abnormal shot, you should stop shooting and inspect the weapon. What does a person do when there is something wrong? He clogs the next cartridge and clicks on the descent. It is often necessary to damage weapons due to the fact that the shot occurred with a blocked stem channel.

- The weapon itself, it is basically fruits, externally copy real weapons patterns. For example, a rubber copy of the Makarov pistol or remotely resembling an externally copy of the Glock of the 4th generation.

- In addition, such freaks are used for self-defense from the licensed, the frequent arms of self-defense. The thought was good, but it was able to sneak well. The fact is that the cartridges have electrical ignition of the capsule. The low-tech thing is generally plus our microprocessor equipment. As a result, we have a huge number of failures. He himself can not shoot, although theoretically there is a possibility from static electricity. But not to shoot contrary to the desire of the owner - easy.

"Needed Defense"

Classic scene of the Hollywood militant. The criminal driven by the most dark and shy motifs climbs into the house of an exemplary American family. Suddenly, the father of the family appears on the way. It stands in some colors of the national flag color, scratching the swollen from harmful hamburgers belly and shaking a huge shotgun on his shoulder. The criminal caught off by surprise, trying to escape, but in the United States of America, it is indecent to let guests without a gift. The grin curve on the owner's face, an outbreak, a shit, and a gangster, a stupid lead, flies a couple of meters along the corridor, breaks the railing and falls from the second floor to the glass table of the living room.

- We have legislation such that it is much easier and savory more savory than to defend. As for the fractional weapon, which is used for self-defense - most often buy tactical shotguns of this plan, this is a very rough mistake.

- This thing can not be stored in a ready-to-shoot state. It is simply technically impossible to do it. Theoretically, you can equip the store 8 cartridges and keep it separately. Legislative is not prohibited. But the box shop is very badly drawn with the cartridges of the 12th caliber. After 6-12 hours, depending on the type of cartridge, they will get a flattened appearance and will not be climbing to the cartridge to resign. Those cartridges that perfectly suitable for these stores released Barnaul in a steel soft sleeve, but they were removed from production due to lack of demand!

- You can use for self-defense shotgun with a tubular store. At the shooting shot, this thing is superior to a machine gun. But again, it is necessary to apply it correctly. We have problems with this, because we have many courses, but we have empty, no one goes. Very few people train, the filling of groups is sad. Instructors guys with tremendous experience, simply idle.

Passive security is much more effective and more efficient. You can not defend yourself from the attackers, and not go there where you can attack.

The classic option for the house is a shotgun without butt. Theoretically, it is possible from any shotgun with manual charging, as we say, pumping, remove the butt and put a pistol handle. But to shoot from the 12th caliber weapon without butt, you need to go through the relevant course. If you do not pass it, people have a few shots break their hands.

Having covered women and children and shooting from the attacker the crowd of inadequate drug addicts with chainsaws, a citizen can be calm that the law on his side?

- We have a very good law. There is a "necessary defense" article. According to this article, "Watering" can be right and left. But besides the law there are registered acts and law enforcement practice. We have traditionally developed: if a person in the defense of someone "piled up," he will be responsible for intentional murder. Or, if he was very lucky, for the "excess of the necessary defense." What is the meaning of this case? Most often, legal nihilism of the user itself. He believes that since he was defended, it means that everyone knows about it and he can fold the handles and wait for a fair decision. This does not happen in any country in the world. Even in America, which is used to refer to our "Ganofila", that is, weapon lovers, any case of self-defense, even if the armed group attacked you, leads to tremendous material temporary losses. A person is long sued to avoid responsibility, spends huge money for a lawyer that he is not subject to responsibility by law. About this we have many simply know.

There is an opinion that a person, to acquire a weapon, attracts the situations when he has to use "trauma".

- Not. A person can attract trouble in itself. If a person has an internal task to attract trouble, it will perform it with or without weapon. At the same time, I know a lot of weapons carriers that carefully avoid any trouble.

- Our defense of any entity consists of two parts - active and passive. And passive safety is much more effective and more efficient. You can not defend yourself from the attackers, and not go there where you can attack. Carlos Castaneda has this: "On the absolute warrior it is impossible to attack, because it will not be just where it can be attacked." But we have people can attract trouble at any time anywhere. For example, there is a man at night through the area, enjoying deserved bad glory. What does he do first?! First of all, inserts the headphones into the ears, turns the player in the footer, so as not to hear everything that happens around. That is, a person deliberately neglects the means of passive security. Instead of tracking the surrounding situation, he substitute himself.

- At the same time, if a person sees that a couple of migrant workers is approaching him with bad intentions, you can simply enhance. Put them in an awkward disadvantage. "And it's not worth the first blow to wait, because it may be such that it is to oppose very much," as Peter I said. There is, of course, the category of people who believes that by purchasing a gun, they have become steep and gained complete safety. At the same time, even learn how to shoot, they will usually do not deign.

Suppose a citizen still decided to acquire traumatic weapons, studied the legislative base and realized his responsibility. But with weapons you need to be able to handle.

- Before you purchase a weapon, you need to undergo a course of study. Unfortunately, in our country, the course of study is in the assembly of money. Education is: the instructor has worked what you need to know. Everything. Litished man or did not listen, it is his problems.

- Training is not to give some kind of knowledge, but to ensure the implementation of the necessary actions in the condition of stress. Teach your hands, housing, legs. We have this case ignored by law. If, after purchasing weapons, a person includes a brain and thinks that he needs to learn this thing to use, then in our city there is a Tir "Alpha". Please excellent instructors. There is a dir "Socrates", where veterans are veterans as instructors. Very good guys. At the same time, in the official dash, you can shoot your weapons. Shoot, feel in your hands.

For firearms need a license. It is long and still expensive. But there are more accessible tools for protection. For example, electric strokes and gas springs.

- What is the electric shock? I have not seen normal use in life. Is that during the mouth of sheep. As a slaughterhouse - a normal thing. Even the most string cow runs there, where it is necessary! But for the purpose of self-defense, I do not know successful examples.

- As for gas cylinders. "Tekhrrim" produces a huge amount. What they did earlier demolished the striker with the hooves very easily, moreover in any condition. Polywan, drunk - anyone. Now, for the protection of citizens, these poorest mixtures are prohibited. Part of the substances that were workers in self-defense cylinders simply brought out of turnover. For example, the IPC is a pelargonic acid morpholid, CN chloroacetophenone is the famous "cherry". Civil cans with them do not.

The use of a gas cylinder must be unexpected and address. In the face and respiratory organs. Best of all on the breath. This moment is tracked very easily. If a person is waiting for you to give in turnips, at that moment it needs to be pollinated!

- Now there are only three substances. This is oleoresin capsicum (OC), CR synthetic analogue of red pepper, and CS - orthochlorobenzalmalodinitril. This thing, let's say so, not very good. They say that gives genetic failures and so on. Nevertheless, it is permitted with us, but in such quantities so that no one could not be poisoned. A single dose in one package does not exceed 80 ml, which is very small for the needs of self-defense. Gas cylinders need to be able to apply, like any other weapons. Apply most often unqualified. That is, for the start, they show the whole white light that here I have a balloon in my hand, then start pouring where it fell. In fact, the application must be unexpected and address. In the face and respiratory organs. Best of all on the breath. This moment is tracked very easily. If a person is waiting for you to give in turnips, at that moment it needs to be pollinated!

Scotan must be!

Opponents of firearms and even "trauma" believe that our people have a special mentality and as soon as wearing real weapons will be allowed, the streets will be filled with blood and filled with mournful cries of widows and orphans.

- This is a complete nonsense. People are everywhere the same. In the post-Soviet space, not only in cultural Baltic States, but also in not the most prosperous Moldova, the wearing of short-barreled firearms by citizens are allowed. Kill from legal weapons regularly. But, compared with the shooting of criminal weapons, it is about 0.2-0.4%. Moreover, this figure is kept in any country in the world. An endlessly small percentage. In addition, it is necessary to consider that we usually ignore this aspect, the use of legal weapons very often avoids very serious crimes. The figure: for each criminal killed by police officers in America, there are two criminals killed by citizens with civil arms. For some reason, this aspect of the guardian of people's protection is somehow ignored. Of course, I understand that to calculate the number of crimes that or did not take place, or were prevented in the process with the help of legal weapons, it is very difficult. But ignore such a fact that legal weapons allows you to save life in many cases, somehow not worth it.

- In the very shooting country of the world, the firearms is interested in no more than 13% of the adult population. By country, this figure walks from 11 to 13%. The fact is a fact - about the same number of people are interested in firearms. Of course, there are some features. Comrade told: I drove into Texas to a friend, familiar turned out to be a pacifist. He is asked:

- You have a permitted open wearing anything. What do you go with?

- No, I have no weapon at all!

And in the corner next to the door there is a charged shotgun.

- And what's that?!

- Well, this is a shrong. Scotan must be! And I have no weapon!

You need a lawyer

So, suppose you still passed all the necessary procedures, passed the course of study and became the owner of traumatic weapons. Here is a small instruction on which a person should act in the event of an attack on him.

The main task of civil arms self-defense is the protection of life, health and property only in a state of extreme necessity or the necessary self-defense. Similar restrictions are fixed in art. 24 of the Federal Law "On Arms". In addition, certain restrictions are imposed by law on persons in respect of which weapons can be applied. It is not allowed to use weapons against people with disabilities, women, minors, if their age is obvious to defending.
The exceptions are cases of armed or group attack of persons in this category. For example, if a crowd of adolescents beats you, you can theoretically try to shoot.

Now about the use of weapons.

1. Warning. Exclamation "Shoot I will!" With a demonstration of weapons with witnesses is the perfect combination. If there is no time for this, and there are no uncommon situations, then the choice is often limited to the conditions - to live or sit.

2. Shooting. On any pack of traumatic cartridges there is a warning that it is forbidden to shoot at a person at a distance of less than one meter, as well as in his head. Each shot in the attacker is a gift for the prosecutor, so even if you attack the two-meter versil with a protruding syringe from Vienna and a huge Tesacian, you must show exposure and soberly assess the degree of bodily injuries applied by the attacker.

3. Report about what happened. On each case of the use of weapons, you must immediately report to the nearest ATS. Remember, for law enforcement officers you are not a victim, but a criminal applied weapons. You will have to prove your innocence, and therefore, call "ambulance" if the attacker cannot move, and if I fled, remember signs. Be sure to examine the witnesses if they are. Require them to wait for the police and left you their contacts. Your further fate depends on them. If possible, make a photo and video report about the incident right in place. Most modern phones have such an opportunity. Report the incident relatives and acquaintances. In place of the perfect crime, do not touch the evidence - the sleeves or body, God forbid.

4. All paper fill yourself And carefully read everything they give to signature. In explanation, write all: the moment of the attack, which was the threat of life and health, the validity of finding weapons from you, your actions to prevent the striker, the direction of the shots, achieved the result, your actions after reflecting the attack, witness data, if any. Never write with "samples" or under dictation, no matter how friendly employees were.

5. You need a lawyer:

Depending on the circumstances, any of the listed articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation can be applied to you.

Art. 105 "Murder" - imprisonment for a period of six to fifteen years with a limitation of freedom for up to two years either without any;

art. 107 "Murder committed in a state of affect" - punishable by correctional work for a period of up to two years or restriction of freedom for up to three years, or forced work for up to three years, or imprisonment for the same period;

art. 108 "Murder committed in exceeding the limits of the necessary defense either if the measures necessary for the detention of the person who committed a crime" is a limitation of freedom for up to two years or imprisonment for the same period;

art. 109 "Causing death by negligence" - shall be punished with correctional work for a period of up to two years or restriction of freedom for up to two years, or forced work for up to two years, or imprisonment for the same period;

art. 111 "Intentional causing grievous harm to health" - imprisonment for up to eight years;

art. 112 "Intentional causing moderate harm to health" - shall be punished by restriction of freedom for up to three years or forced work for up to three years, or arrest for up to six months, or imprisonment for up to three years;

art. 113 "Causing a grievous or moderate harm to health in a state of affect" - correctional work for up to two years or restriction of freedom for up to two years, or forced work for up to two years, or imprisonment for the same period;

art. 114 "Causing a serious or moderate harm to health if the limits of the necessary defense either have exceeded the measures necessary for the detention of the person who committed a crime" is punishable by correctional work for a period of up to one year or a limitation of freedom for a period of up to one year or forced work on time up to one year or imprisonment for the same time;

art. 213 "Hooliganism" - shall be punished with a fine in the amount of three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of convicts for a period of two to three years, or mandatory work for up to four hundred eighty hours or correctional work for a period of one year to two years or forced work for up to five years, or imprisonment for the same period.

Before purchasing traumatic weapons, think about how much you need it. Think about possible consequences and appreciate all responsibility. If the decision is made, do not approach the question formally - pass training, study the legislative base, regularly exhaust your skills in the dash so that in the event of an emergency to act quickly and competently.

Americans have a proverb: "Previously, people were divided into large and small - the first were offended by the second. But Mr. Colt came and equalized every chance. "

Weapons for self-defense is considered civil. It is a means of helping to equalize the forces between the attackers and protecting. It includes technical means allowing the owner of their legal use to protect their lives and health.

Civil weapons for self-defense

Civil weapons used for self-defense is that a person moves freely in the territory of the state, which he studied.

Weapons for self-defense may require a license. If it is needed, the citizen is obliged to take it with him to confirm the right to wear and storing weapons. Civil weapons excludes fire queues and can not have a boaram container exceeding 10 ammunition.

Smooth-bore short-barred weapons

The smooth-bore weapon for self-defense is considered the most powerful. It is divided into several types:

  • single-barreled one-time;
  • bivalve;
  • pompous;
  • semi-automatic.

For self defense, semi-automatic and pumping rifles are excellent. Determine which weapon is better for self-defense, by comparing its characteristics.

Types of smooth-bore weapons

IZH-43 K (jacket double bastard) is one of the simplest species. It is quite efficient. It can be stored even in a charged state, which is important for the defendant. With this double bastard just handle, and compared with semi-automatic and pumping guns, it is more reliable. This model refers to Intracurricular, where the outdoor jurisans - springs for the platoon, are not real triggers.

A small-sized multiply charged gun Tose-106 twentieth caliber has a bolt shutter. The model is compact, with a chromed shortened trunk and a folding butt. It has box quick-consuming stores. It is relatively inexpensive, but no good quality. When used, problems may arise due to the tight shutter, and when recharging it is possible and wagging the cartridges. Sometimes the store falls out when shooting. But all factory defects are easily corrected at home.

The tension-94 of the 12th caliber is also inexpensive and inherited from his prototype a good design. It is multipurpose, applied for self-defense, including. There are several of its modifications. A rifle with a good fight, but mechanisms do not always work reliably.

A semi-automatic rifle of the TZ-187 of the 12th caliber is a semi-automatic, which has little similarity with its prototype. There are also disadvantages: mechanisms do not always work reliably, because of this, a slight delay occurs during shooting. Therefore, for self-defense, the gun although it is allowed, but still fits little.

Pumping rifle Tzoz-194 12 caliber is more reliable than TOS-187 and TOS-194. It is more convenient and has a good design. And Pompous km and IL-81 are considered the most reliable. They are multipurpose and perfectly suitable for self-defense. At the IL-81 base, another good model was developed - MP-133, providing security when handling her.

The series "Saiga-12" guns is semi-automatic. They have high reliability, produced in many modifications: with folding butt; aiming plank that can be adjusted; dulky replaceable nozzles; trunks of different lengths.

Pumping rifle is very often used as a weapon for self-defense. It is multipurpose, with many modifications that differ in the length of the trunk, additional accessories, etc. It is considered expensive, but very reliable.


Curving weapon for self-defense was not previously distributed. But recently, the deputies have submitted to the issue of resolving its use by citizens and for these purposes. Experts note that the complexity of circulation of it and the remaining aspects do not affect the recognition of it as suitable for self-defense.


Pneumatic guns do not have high power, but nevertheless apply for self-defense. At the same time, they have an advantage, as gas-balloon guns can be purchased without a license, but provided that the citizen has reached the age of majority. However, there is a small obstacle to which you need to remember. Applying pneumatic weapons are not prohibited, but there is a ban on his wearing. In gas-ballon weapons, which are attached to the stacker. Basically, the balloon is under the barrel or in the handle.

While free selling, pneumatic weapons were originally intended for entertainment and sports shooting at short distances. And the pistols have a caliber of 4.5 mm, and mostly have a burglar energy to 7.5 j. But more powerful weapons do not sell without registration. At the same time, in each country there are restrictions on the parameters of this type of weapon. Pulks weigh quite a bit - about 0.5 g.

Pneumatic weapons for self-defense is inferior to traumatic pistols several times in the most important parameters: bullet mass and energy. The ball, which is released from pneumatic weapons, can not provide a strong blow, but nevertheless to break through human skin is quite capable. However, this is only provided that there is no tight clothing on site. The ball of pneumatics can cause a small pain, but it can suspend only a sober person. But in the state of alcohol intoxication - it is unlikely.

If the protective shoots, the skull's gas-balloon gun does not break, but if you miss and get into the eyes, for example, applying a hard injection, you can be in prison for the exceeding the necessary defense.

The pneumatic weapon is sometimes unreliable, as the gas is in the canister, which has a property to gradually lose the "charge". And with frost, pressure is also reduced. Pneumatic weapons can be compressor. In this case, the pressure in the pneumocamera is injected with the barrel shift when charging and the movement of the lever.

Permitted weapons

Allowed weapons for self-defense is what? This is primarily allowed by law for free storage and wearing. And different primary things, with which you can reflect the attack.

The weapon allowed for self-defense is divided into four main types:

  • inflexible firearms with gas, traumatic and light-sound cartridges, corresponding to the norms of the Russian Federation;
  • which includes: revolvers, pistols, cartridges for them, mechanical sprayers, various aerosol devices that contain tear and irritants permitted in the Russian Federation;
  • firearm smooth-bore weapons for self-defense, which includes models with traumatic cartridges that meet the norms of the Russian Federation;
  • electroshock devices, various spark arresters with output parameters that comply with the standards and norms of the Russian Federation.

Auxiliary weapons

A gunshot weapon for self-defense requires a license. However, you can use other options. Gas springs are the most common weapon for self-defense, thanks to a small size, low price and strong action. They contain irritants that, when entering the respiratory tract or eyes, cause tears, sharp cough and sharp pain. But for efficiency, it is necessary to get a jet from the canopy in the face of the attacker. And to reflect the attack, the attacker must be no further than two meters from defending.

Electrics - stunning weapons. It is mainly intended for contact fighting. Yes, and when protected, the electric shock must be fixed for a couple of seconds on the body of the attacker, which is often impossible.

How to choose a suitable weapon

What weapon to choose for self-defense? Traditionally, the best option is considered a pump. You can, of course, use any rifle, but still the optimal option is short-bore, as close as possible to pistols. Weapons for these purposes should be compact, easy, reliable and easy to handle. A rifle can replace the butt on a pistol handle, which will make it even more compact. But this can make some restrictions in accuracy of sight.

Pistols and revolvers are preferably chosen in such a way that they can fit into a small handbag (for example, female), without standing out and not attracting attention. Therefore, those models that are not triggered by themselves are very important, but have fuses.

A single-charged weapon for self-defense is not suitable, since the first shot, according to the law, is made in the air to prevent the striker. Pumping weapons - the optimal choice, as it is compact, undemandingly to the power of the cartridges, has the ability to recharge.

Gas cans, electric shocks, etc., should also be small, compact, with the possibility of rapid response in a critical situation.

Cartridges for weapons

It is best to select cartridges that will help to avoid the ricochet, since the first shot on legislation should always be preventive (in the air). Weapons for self-defense, charged with a small fraction, will be effectively at close range, the further - the more accuracy is lost. Cartridges for any weapon should not have a big punchy force.

Revolver Flaubert

One of the optimal options when choosing a weapon for defensive purposes is it has a classic form, it looks frightening and can scare away the attacker. It has different sizes and comfortably falls into a female hand. It is mainly manufactured from non-magnetic alloys, and this causes high quality products.

It is believed that among revolvers is the best weapon for self-defense. It has a good bullet mass and greater power. The sound of the shot does not differ from the fighting. Such revolvers can be purchased without registration and permission. They are easy to use.

Weapon that does not require license

Weapons for self-defense without a license - these are spray guns, electric stroke devices, pneumatic guns of small power and mechanical sprayers. Gas pistols also fall into the category of gas-sponsoring weapons. But they cannot be used in closed spaces.

Electric shepherds differ in power, in self-defense it is better to use models with a slight voltage. Pneumatic weapons also does not require a license, but nevertheless, it is close as possible to combat, gives a psychological effect, and the striker cannot immediately determine whether it is possible.

Obtaining a license

Nevertheless, most of the weapons will require a license. For self-defense, it is obtained separate. The difference is that the hunting and personal permission is required.

To obtain a license, it is necessary to undergo a survey in the psychoneurological, narcological dispensar, clinic, to make photos and contact the license department for ATC. Next - buy weapons and get permission. Sometimes it may be necessary to buy a storage safe. Weapon license is issued within a month after applying.

Gas revolvers and guns, informable firearms can only be purchased by persons who have reached majority, with mandatory registration of weapons within a 2-week term in ATC at the place of residence. The license admits no more than 5 units of registered weapons. It is also a permit for wearing and storage.