Plan-abstract Node in acquaintance with unconventional equipment drawing "Drawing for a fork".

Description: An abstract classes is focused on medium and senior preschool age. The occupation corresponds to GEF. The material can be useful for dow, young professionals and students.

Purpose: To introduce children with a new creative activity technique - drawing for a fork.


- educational. Teaching children methods and techniques of non-standard drawing techniques.

- developing. Development of creative thinking and imagination when creating a picture by an unconventional method.

- educational. Education accuracy, independence, care when working with gouache and fork.

Priority educational area. Artistic - aesthetic development.

Integration of educational areas. Artistic - aesthetic development, cognitive development, physical development.

Activities.Informative - research activities, visual activities, communicative activities, motor activities.

Material and equipment.

- sheets of paper A4

- paper sheets ½ A4

- gouache

- feltolsters

- Disposable plastic plugs

- slippet.

- Cups - Unpoleviki

Node's move.

Educator.Guys, today we have a creative occupation. We will draw on a free topic. What does it mean to a free topic?

Responses of children.

Educator. That's right, we will draw the drawing that you yourself will come up, showing your fantasy and fiction. Take a look at your tables. Are we ready for creativity?

Responses of children.

Educator.Yes, there is a gouache, but there are no tassels. Not order. Now correct. Where do we have tastes here?

The teacher looks into the locker with the Office and discovers the loss of tassels.

Educator.Guys, tastes disappeared !!! What will we draw? Let's look together!

The educator and children are looking for tassels in the group. In the game kitchen cabinet discover the cup of from the brushes, but in it forks.

Educator.Well, well, well. Someone decided to swear above us and changed our tassels on the fork. What do we do?

Responses of children.

Educator.And what if we try to draw forks?

Responses of children.

Educator.Okay. Just need to prepare our fingers to unusual drawing.

Fingering workout.

To draw beautifully

Need to play with fingers

Here is big, this one is medium

Unnamed and last

Our little girl-baby.

U-y-y index forgotten.

We will show goat horns

And deer horns even

Bunny's ears will not forget

We will drive my finger.

To draw beautifully,

You need to play with your fingers.

Educator.Then let's start our experiment. Take a large sheet of paper. Dry the plug into the jar with paint, just like the silent taste. And now let's spend a straight line on a sheet.

Educator.Was it?

Responses of children.

Educator.Rinse the plugs in the cups with water and wipe the napkin. Now let's get another paint and carry out a wavy line. If the paints do not have enough for the entire line, do the plug into the paint again.

Educator. Well done. We rinse the plugs in the water and wipe the napkin. For the third time, pick up paint and draw small straight lines.

The educator makes this stage of work on the board, then children on sheets.

Educator.Umnichki, so we learned to draw fork. Tired?

Responses of children.

Educator. Let's break a little.


Time - climb, pull out

Two - burn, get risen,

Three - in your hands, three cotton,

Head three nodes.

Four - hands wider,

Five - to wave,

Six - in place quietly sit down.

Educator. And now it's time to return to the subject of our classes. Who remembers what topic?

Responses of children.

Educator. Right, today we draw everything we want, i.e. Figure on a free topic. So let's not lose a minute and proceed to drawing.

Children proceed to drawing. The educator comes up to each child and asks the subject of the picture, if difficulties arise, tells, directs. Signs how with the help of markers you can add a picture.

Educator.What wonderful drawings you got! You are all great well done! Who wants to tell about her drawing to all the guys?

Children take turns and talk about their drawing. The teacher helps a storytellor with questions.

At the end of the occupation, the teacher, together with the children, analyzes the work done and summarizes the classes.

Educator.Guys, did you like our new brushes? What did you like? What did not like? What was hard to do? What new did you know about the fork? Would you like to re-draw forks?

Responses of children.

Educator.Here with such unconventional drawing technique - drawing for a fork, we met today. Now we know that the plug is not only a cutlery, which is eating the cutlets, but also an unusual taste for drawing, which you can create such wonderful paintings!

Several examples of drawings.

Demin Ekaterina Aleksandrovna

Abstract Node on drawing for the senior group
"In the world of good"

To deepen the presentation of children about kindness, as a valuable, integral as a person, to encourage the desire of a child to make good actions. Improve communicative skills (ability to listen to comrades, express your opinion, show friendlyness to the judgments of other children). Teach children productive skills.

Tasks:Continue to educate interest in the visual activity;
Consolidate technical skills (consolidate the ability to hold the right tassel);
Cause a positive response to the results of his creativity;
Develop creativity, the ability to work independently, to educate accuracy in work.

Integration of educational areas:
Socio-communicative development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development, physical development (in accordance with GEF).

Methodological techniques:
1. Artistic word.
2. Musical accompaniment.
3. Explanation of the educator.
4. Monitoring the work of children.
5. Analysis of work as an educator and children.
6. Psychological play with a psychologist.

Material and equipment:
Artificial flowers, ball, computer, one big, balloon, envelope with letter, multicolored pieces of pictures (puzzles), decorations for a multicolored country of kindness (flowers, autumn leaves), landscape sheets ½ for each child, gouache, tassels, water cups , stands for brushes, large, soft sun-toy, geometric shapes from multi-colored cardboard, toy - Ladybug, pink and purple cards on each child, paper hearts, helium balloons for each child.

Preliminary work:
Reading the story of V. Mayakovsky "What is good and what is bad"
Consider illustrations, the organization of children as an educator for didactic and speech games, discussion of the actions of heroes.

- Travel course:
(Children along with the educator enter the bedroom become a semicircle.)

Educator: Guys, I want to introduce you to our guests. To us today came educators of kindergarten "Star". Greet them.
(children greets).
And now, guys, please tell us about yourself.

We are all friendly guys
We guys dososzolat
No offense
How careful we know
I do not throw anyone in trouble
We will not be offended, but ask
Let everyone be fine
Will be joyful, light!

Educator: Guys, please look out the window. Sun, blue sky, green grass. When does it happen? (in summer)
Please note how many colors lies on the windowsill.
Do you like flowers? (yes) (distributes one flower, pronouncing)
What can be done with flowers? (admire, sniff, give ...)
Such wonderful flowers are pleasantly smelling, I suggest you breathe their smell. (Music number 1. Medical gymnastics: Children with closed mouth breathe, then exhale through the mouth. 3-4 times.)

Educator: How many do you have Vikafloweries, and you Egor? (one…)
And if we all connect flower together, how much will they be? (lot…)
And when many colors, what is it? (bouquet)
That's right, well done, of course a bouquet. I offer our bouquet to give our guests. (gives one child)
Cute children, you all beautiful in the world: Sergei -friend
Nikitaflame Milanochka-cake I. Nella laughter ...
Guys, I suggest you play the game "Affectionate Word." (takes the ball, children stand in a semicircle ... Educator: Nikita I like you because you are brave ...., And Alina has a beautiful smile, etc.)
Do you think children, nice to talk affectionate words? (Yes)And evil? (not)
I invite such good, coming on a journey. Want to? (Yes)
Think and tell me, what can you travel? (on the car, steamer, plane, balloon ...) (balloon flies)
Educator: Miracles guys, the air ball flew to us! Yes, there is also a letter !!! (opens in-th, gets)
What is this letter? I read it! (We read: Dear guys! I suggest you to make a fascinating journey through an extraordinary "Multicolored country of kindness!")
From whom the letter? Who invites us? Here in the envelope some multicolored pieces ... what to do with them?
Children: (collect)
(collected, found out the front of kindness)
Educator:Who sent a letter is now clear! This is the owner of the "kindness"
Well, here you can go on the road.
On this balloon, we fly to the "Multicolored Country of kindness." (music sounds number 2)
(Children with the teacher holding a big, balloon to music go to the decorated group)
Educator: Guys, we are met, the fairy of kindness!
Fairy: Hello with children.
Educator: Your kind majesty, why are you sad and why in your country so dark?
Fairy: Recently, in our multicolored country, which was an evil wizard, he really does not like paint, and so he took them and hid behind the seven castles.
Guys, help light the sunshine!
Educator: Our recurrents are very kind guys, children you agree to help fairy kindness! (Yes)
Educator: Children sit down, help the fairy of the sun. (Music sounds No. 3. Read the image of the sun with colors on ½ album sheet.)
Fairy: Well done boys! Thank you guys. So the sun fell (shows a big soft sun-toy)Here again in our country it became light and sunny!
Educator: It has become light and solar means you can play!
Stop the guys in the circle. (Fisminet for music №4)
Educator: Look, I found unusual leaves, they are different geometric shapes! What is the form of this leaflet? (a circle) What color circle? ( yellow) And what is the figure? (triangle) What color is a triangle? (Green)
See guys, but bug! And we immediately noticed it. Help the bug to choose a leaf on which it would be noticeable. (Music №5 sounds. Apply the bug on the leaflets of different colors and compare, on what color the bug will be noticeable.) (Yellow)
Fairy: Well done, I even improved my mood. And you guys know that each color has his mood? (know ... yes)
Educator:I suggest you play the game "Pick up the color of the mood!" (I distribute the cards of violet and pink to each child)
I will read the poems of Vladimir Karkina, and you will pick a card of a suitable color and lift it up. (music sounds number 6)
Outside the window fog and slush
Stars are hiding in the darkness
I really want to cry
Unknown why
Guys, what color can you choose a card? (purple)Right….

(Music sounds number 7)
In the morning branches of gold
In blue as a sleep smoke
I really want to laugh
Unknown why
And now what color can you choose a card? (pink)
Of course, everyone has a great mood!
Fairy: The mood is excellent, because friendship and kindness are creating real wonders! Take the handles and feel warm and the power of your friends.
(reads verse. Psychological game)
Friend with the sun breeze, and dew with grass.
Friends with a butterfly flower, we are friends with you.
All with friends in half, we are glad to divide!
Just quarrel with friends, never need!

Educator: I look at you now, you are all smiling ... What is your mood after our journey? (Good)
So draw your mood in color! (Paint hearts with different colors to music №8)
Educator:And now the respected Fairy of kindness, acceptance from us to the memory of the Rainbow of our good feelings! (Children give multicolored hearts).
Fairy: Thank you good guys. And so that you are safely returned, I will give you magic balls on which you fly to your favorite kindergarten. (Music sounds number 9.Fay distributes balls and children fly into the bedroom).

Abstract Node "Artistic Creativity" (Drawing)

Topic: "All professions are important, all professions are needed. We will help the shoe. "

Software content:

Education area "Artistically creativity": Continue to learn to paint the objects of a round shape, figuratively reflect simple items in painting with pencils, properly keep the pencil with three fingers, paint the drawing without going beyond the border.

Education area "Cognition": Expand the presentations of children about basic professions.

Education area "Communication": Learn to express your thoughts in speech, give a full answer to the teacher's questions, to learn to change the existing padege.

Educational region "Socialization": To form emotional responsiveness, desire to assist in need.

Educational region "Health": To form a correct pose when drawing: sit free, not bend low above the table.

Educational Region "Physical Culture": Develop a desire to play mobile games with simple content.

Education area "Music": Form the skill to make productive actions to the music.

Material: pictures with the image of people of different professions, and occupations attributes, ball, doctor toy, letter from minor, toy machine without wheels, color pencils, for each child A4 leaf with an image of the bus without wheels, radio, classical music, cards with image Still.

Travel course.

1 Organizing time.

Playing ball. Standing in a circle, children call professions, passing the ball to each other.
2. Introduction to the topic.

A stranger came to visit (Dr. Aibolit). Guess what
does this man have a profession? (doctor). How did you guess?
Children describe the doctors' clothing, call items in his hands.

3. Didactic game "Who does what".Dr. Aibolit plays with children in didactic games.

Cook - cooks ....
Teacher - teaches ....
Seller - sells ...
The teacher - raises ....
(Hairdresser, driver, dressmaker, policeman).
4. Didactic exercise "Finish Proposal".
Cook cooks (what?) - soup.
Doctor treats (who?) - ....
Driver leads (what?) - ....
Girl sews (what?) - ....
Teacher teaches (who?) - ....
The seller sells (what?) - ....
5. Didactic game "Who needs you".

Dr. Aibolit gives each child a picture with the image of items necessary to people some kind of profession. Children guess what profession did Dr. Aibolit faded.
The cook is needed pans, a half, a hood, etc.
The teacher needs ...
Doctor need ....
The seller needs ...
Camery needed ....
The hairdresser is needed ...
We need an educator ....

6. Fizkultminutka. "Pilot"
Being a chauffeur well (run in a circle, "Rulyat")
And the pilot is better. (run in a circle, hands to the sides)
I would go to the pilots
Let me teach me.
I pour into the gasoline tank, (stop, "pour")
I'll buy a propeller: (circular movements with your right hand)
"In the heaven, Motor Vesui (run in a circle, hands to the sides).
To sang birds. "
7. Setting the problem situation. Letter from Locking.
The educator reports to children that he just brought a letter from Lekhanka. Reading a letter: "Hello guys, Hello Dr. Aibolit. I am very sick, I really need your help. Come quickly, kind doctor aibolit! " . Children sympathize with minor. The doctor with the guys go to the rescue help, find out what they will get. On a passenger car it will not work, the guys are much and they all will not fit into the interior of the car, but on the bus, you can get anyway. We find out that the bus should have a chauffeur. Chairs arreed by the "train", the driver sits behind the wheel, but the bus does not go. We find out what is the reason. The educator shows a toy bus that has no wheels. That's the problem. The educator offers to fix the bus, for this you need to paint the wheel to the bus.

8. Drawing wheels.

The teacher with children finds out what color we will have wheels (black), clarifies the shape, which happens at the wheel (circle), children in the air in the air describe the circle. The tutor shows drawing techniques. Draws attention to the posture of children and how to keep a pencil correctly. Work is under music.

9. Outcome classes.

Children repaired the bus, driver and Aibolit thank children for their help. Aibolit cured minted. Dunno gives the guys his portrait as a sign of appreciation.

Abstract Node on drawing in unconventional techniques
"Autumn stars."
Group: Preparatory
Technique: drawing with wax crayons and watercolor
Purpose: Perform the drawing of autumn colors by passing their texture and characteristic features.
Educational. Fasten the knowledge of children about colors, continue the acquaintance of children
with an unconventional type of visual activity - drawing with wax crayons and
Developing .. Develop a shallow motility of hands, creative imagination, fantasy,
ability to navigate the plane, develop artistic skills and skills,
artistic taste.
Educational. Rail a positive attitude towards nature.
Material and equipment: Phased drawing diagram of this pattern, paper sheet A4,
simple pencil, wax crayons, watercolor, brush №6, cupneprolive,
Preparatory work: viewing autumn colors.
Node's move.
Educator: Guys Listen carefully a riddle. What time of year in it
If on the trees leaves wishes,
If the edge of the distant bird flew away,
If the sky frowns,
If the rain is poured.
Is this time of year?
Children: autumn.
Educator: That's right. This is autumn. Name the autumn months.
Children: September, October, November.
Educator: What holiday celebrates the whole country in September?
Children. Knowledge Day or September 1.
Educator. Why is it so called?
Children express their assumptions.
Educator. September 1 - the day is difficult, this is the holiday of the beginning of the new school year. it
the most long-awaited day for those who first cross the school threshold. So this
the day is called "Knowledge Day".
Educator. Look! Look! -
The people are surprised -
On the track himself
The bouquet itself goes.
Amazing bouquet
In the form of school dressed
The wretched one behind his back
White bow over your head ...
Educator: On this day, all children are elegant with large bouquets of colors go to school.
And what autumn flowers do you know?
Children: asters, dahlias, gladiolus, zinnia, chrysanthemum ....
Educator: Let's consider this autumn bouquet (sample). What is he?

Educator: There is a flower such in the garden,
And it looks like a star.
Maybe any color.
For autumn bouquet
Gather a beautiful flower,
It is called -
Children: Astra!
Educator: That's right, it is Astra. What does Astra flower look like? / Children's answers /
Educator: There is one legend that Astra grew out of the dust falling
stars. Astra translated from the Greek means a star. Needle Astra is especially
it looks like a star, falling from the sky: the middle of the large warm warmth is yellow, and they depart from it
lucches petals. That is why in the quiet starry night the flower bed with Astrami hears
weak whisper: This Astra is chatting with their native stars.
Astra, as if admiring themselves: "Look at us, what are we beautiful, multicolored,
bright. Admire! "
Educator: That turns out to be what Magic Flower Astra.
It is impossible to present our life without colors. They decorate parks, streets, fields.
Field Flowers, Garden, give people beauty. Not necessarily
tear flowers. You can admire them on flower beds in flower pots, in the country, in the forest. BUT
you can draw flowers and admire them.
Torn flowers are covered, but drawn for a long time will delight us.
Our scarlet flowers
Disseminate petals. (smoothly raise hands up)
The breeze slightly breathe
Petals pegs. (swing to the hands of the left right)
Our scarlet flowers
Close the petals, (sat down, hid)
Heads swing, (moving heads left)
Quietly fall asleep.
Children repeat movements in accordance with the text.
Educator: Guys, I suggest you today to draw Astra. But we will draw
unusual way, wax cramped and watercolor.
Phased image drawing drawing.
First, the pencil on the sheet is drawing ovals we plan the size and location of colors
aSTR. We draw, not strongly pressing the pencil so that the lines are barely visible. Astra
must be approximately the same size. So that the composition was harmonious, not
two flower should have on the same line. Inside big ovalov draw small
ovals - middle-colored colors.
Then yellow wax shallow paint the middle of the ASTR. To do this, draw in
small oval spiral. Fully painted oval not needed
leave a place for watercolor.
Next, wax crayons draw the petals of ASTR. To do this, carry out the line from the middle
flower to the edge, like rays sun. We draw a small pressure to the line to be bright and
fat. Astra can be drawing with any color like. For this picture
it is better to choose 23 colors. Green wax shallow draw stems and leaves.
In order for the composition to be completed, add small flowers to our bouquet. On the
free List space draw small snowflakes with yellow wax shallow. Draw
they are combining in inflorescences several pieces. Small work in the same way, with pressure.

Now we proceed with watercolor. Okra paint the pattern background. Paint is applied
on the sheet completely, excluding only the places where Astra is drawn. Between Astrami
add green spots. Where the pattern elements are drawn on a sheet, paint
there will be no bed, because the shallow wax, fat, that is, paint the line with watercolor
just impossible.
After drying the background, draw asters. We take paint of the same color as drawn
astra, but a more rich shade, so that the paint does not merge with wax chalk, and
we assign strokes from the middle to the edge over the petals drawn by the shallow. Yellow
paint coloring a middle of a flower. Green paint draw leaves.
Orange paint draw small flowers. Overlapping on top of yellow snowflakes
watercolor strokes in the same direction, in which the snowflake is small. Same
we assign an orange smear from the bottom to the middle to give it the volume. Our drawing
Educator: Guys Position the sheet vertically and proceed to work.
Next, children work independently, if necessary
teacher advises children or uses display.
Educator: Look, what beautiful work we turned out.
About Beauty Flower Poet V. Christmas wrote a poem:
Autumn over Park Shady ...
Gold maples on the water pond.
The leaves are spinning ... Birds were squeezed ...
In the frowning sky looks
Astra, radiant Astra - Star.
Astra with its straight petals
From ancient times, called the "star".
So you would call her themselves.
In it the petals fled the rays
From the core is completely gold.
Twilight are near. Thin and sharp
In the sky of constellations, the light pegs.
Astra, on the flower bed, fragrant and motley,
Looks like far sisters shine,
And sends him hello from Earth.
Educator: That's what kind of heavenly beauty flower Astra.
And now let's arrange the exhibition of our paintings and please all with bright unusual

Alevtina Zyrosova
Abstract Node on drawing in the older group "Autumn sky. Acquaintance with watercolor paints "

Abstract Node on Fine Activity: Drawing in the old group "Autumn Sky. Acquaintance with watercolor paints "

Software content:

Artistic and aesthetic development: teach children to work watercolor in the technique of "in raw"; Show work techniques with sponge and brush.

improving the ability to transmit nature in the drawings - an image of autumn. Cognitive development: to acquaint with picturesque watercolor material, continue to get acquainted with the landscape genre;

Speech development: enrich the dictionary of children with the words: watercolor, palette, tint, easel; encourage children to express their personal opinion about what he saw;

Socio-communicative development: Educating emotional response to the image in the picture, independence, creative activity; Rail interest in the activities of artists, to learn the figurative assessment of their works and works of other children, to bring up responsiveness and kindness.

Preliminary work: Consider the autumn landscapes in the reproductions of paintings by artists, reading poems E. Blaginina "fly away, flew away," A. S. Pushkin "Sky in the autumn breath."

Materials and equipment: Reproduction of Pictures F. Vasilyeva "Before the rain", Easel, paper, brushes, sponges, watercolor, cups with water, napkins.

Musical row. Record Cranes Course. P. I. Tchaikovsky "Autumn Song".

Methodical techniques:

1. The game "Package from the artist".

2. D. / and. "Colored riddles."

3. Exercise "Call shades".

4. Viewing the sky, reproductions of landscapes.

5. Exercise "Mix the paint".

6. Exhibition of works "Autumn Sky".

7. Analysis, promotion.

Move node:

Guys, we sent a parcel by mail today. Package from the artist. He learned that we love very much, draw, and gave us here which "box" (shows Easel). All real artists have such a "drawer" and is called "Molbert". Here are his faithful friends and assistants, without which you will not write a single picture. What do you think these are friends? To help you left a note with riddles.

Multicolored sister

Scrambled without water

Uncle long and thin

Wear water beard

And sister with him

Draw a house and smoke.

(Tassel and paint)

Do you know that artists do not paint paints, but write?

Pictures written in different colors or other colored materials, such as pastel, wax chalk, are called "painting". This word is easy to remember: it consists of two simple words - "alive" and "write".

And now, let's get acquainted with the true friends of the artist. (Open a box with watercolor paints) Look in this box multicolored squares, like houses. Guys, do you know all the colors? Guess those riddles.

He is in the egg and in chicken,

In oil, which lies in the oilbox,

In every spike spikelet,

In the sun, in cheese and in the sand. (Yellow)

Together with blood in us flows,

Cheeks to all lie bakes. (Red)

In the snow he lies on the roof,

Draw on it and write,

He is in cow milk,

And in sour cream and in flour. (White)

He is in the sky on the day of the street,

And forget-me-not, too,

And on the wings of the moth

Maybe he takes off the flower. (Blue)

He is in coffee, in Chechent,

In a bear and cinnamon,

In chocolate too -

Without him, it is not to eat it. (Brown)

Seeing it under the eye,

Drachuna regret immediately

And here is eggplant and plum

Satisfied with him and happy. (Purple)

He with a frog can squash

Together with a crocodile cry,

From the ground with grass grow,

But it can not bloom. (Green)

Every orange he is full

Fun with him even clown,

He is everywhere on the fox,

And on the protein in the wheel. (Orange)

Although lurking in the chimney,

Panther is forever in fashion,

Yes and ebony of anyone

Wear every day yourself. (The black)

He is in asphalt and concrete,

In the warm down on the ravene,

In the wolf and his tail

And cats in the dark. (Grey)

They are a third of the flag are busy

He is in the name of China,

And in the bouquet of Vasilkov,

And on the mailbox mail. (Blue)

Will say every boy in vain

About him that he is a nurse

If Aista Mokhno,

It will become like flamingos in it. (Pink)

These paints are called watercolor. The word "watercolor" means "water". When they draw them, you need to wet the brush very well. Watercolor paints are mixed with each other and you can get a lot of interesting shades. What is "shades"? (For example: there is the main paint red, and all the rest are very similar to it, only brighter or darker, called "shades")

Name the shades of red (pink, crimson, scarf, burgundy, cherry).

Pictures drawn by watercolor are obtained very gentle, transparent and very picturesque. They are called watercolor painting.

What do you think it is still necessary to the artist?

Your pigtail without rest

She looked in the paint

Then painted pigtail

In the album leads on page


Indeed, the main instrument of the artist is brushes. Brushes made of furs of various animals: badger, proteins, from a bristle.

How much new, interesting about paints and tassels today we learned thanks to the artist. Let's remember what pictures are called painting? Recall what shades are? Name shades of blue and green.

The teacher asks for children to see the window, paying attention to the paints of the sky, the teacher leads to the pupils of the dialogue.

What unusual color of the sky did you see? What does the sky have a mood? Is it possible to compare the mood of a person with the mood of the sky?

And then proposes to consider the reproductions of the landscapes, which depicts the sky in a different condition.

After the answers of children, the educator shows the techniques of watercolor paints and drawing techniques in the technique of "raw".

The teacher is wet sponge wets the landscape sheet (paper texture for watercolor drawing should be loose and rough).

Then picks up the paint to the brush and starts to draw.

The brush seems like dancing on a sheet, makes circular movements - fluffy clouds are obtained, and if the brush slides - the clouds are made elongated, crying (paints spreading, stretching to the bottom).

Special attention The teacher draws to the use of black paint, which is very dark and is able to darken the color of another paint, which can disappear. Therefore, it is necessary to explain to young artists that the black paint should be taken to the tip of the brush slightly.

After displaying the work of the work with watercolor paints, the teacher asks the guys to draw their sky in the technique of "in raw".

During practical activity, music sounds. The teacher resembles children, reminds them that the effect of rain flows can be achieved if tilting the sheet vertically, the paints rolling down, will flow one to another.

When the children fulfilled their work, then on the exhibition board you can arrange a mini-exhibition. Children come up with each drawing of the name.

Children you are well done. You have pleased me so today. I see that you liked to draw a new way of "raw". Tell me, did you like to draw watercolor sky? If you like it, then lift up the yellow sun, and if it was not very interesting, then the dark tucker.

Children (make their choice).

And what did you like best?

Draw watercolor, listen to music, play with paints.

I am glad that you were interested in me.


Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten № 15" of the city of Aleiska Altai Territory

Abstract Node on drawing in the senior group

"It's raining"

Educator: N.V.Dolmatova

g. Aleisk

Topic: "It is raining" Education Area: "Artistic and aesthetic development" Objective: to develop the ability of children to figuratively reflect the impression of the surrounding life in the drawings. Tasks: Fasten the skill to build a pattern of pattern. Develop the skills to use acquired receptions for transferring the phenomenon in the figure. Exercise in drawing by simple graphite and colored pencils (colored wax cramped, coal pencil, Sangina).
Types of integration regions: "Artistic creativity", "Music", "Cognition", "Socialization", "Communication". Materials and equipment: simple (graphite) pencil, color pencils or colored wax chalk, album sheets (for each child).


Educator: Guys Guess the Riddle:

If I cry - not trouble,
Instead of tears flowing water.
I am such a plastic
Because of the gray clouds ... (rain)

Well done boys! And now let's look at the pictures, what is depicted on them?

(Children's responses).

Educator: Correctly guys, rain, and what is the time of year now?

(Children's responses.)

Educator: Correctly guys, autumn!

Educator: I propose to play the game "What is the weather in autumn?"

When is it raining the weather, what? - Rainy when the wind blows? - Windy, cold? - Cold, overcast - cloudy, raw - raw, frown - frowning, clear - clear, etc.

Educator: Guys Today I will tell you about traveling droplets. Want to listen?

Travel droplets.

There was a droplet. I lived in the house of Mom Tuchka. In this house I lived not alone, but with my brothers sisters, the same droplets. When the droplets became too much in the clutch house, I and my natives broke away from Tuchka and flew on a trip. One droplet fell to the house, the other - on the tree, the third - on the flower and so many many beautiful droplets appeared. They all shone with different colors, and I shone yellow and red, because it fell on the autumn leaf. Drops are always multicolored, because the rain falls on everything around, on a leaf, tree, apple on a branch, house, and drops reflect everything around

Educator: I suggest playing another didactic game. "PREPARE ACTION"

Move : Leaves in the fall What do? (yellow, fall, fly, etc.) rain in autumn(it goes, drizzles, etc.) Birds in the fall (fly away, preparing, etc.) Trees in the fall (dropped leaves, fall asleep, etc.) Beasts in the fall (prepared for winter, change the fur coats, etc.)

Fisminet "Rain"

Rain, rain, lei yeah.

(Children on her palm fingers show raindrops)

Wet droplets do not regret.

We are in your hands

(Perform movements according to the textpoem)

We are kicking.

The sun has come out again and

children go all walking.

(Perform movements according to the text of the poem)

(Reproduces audio recording of rain sounds, Children run away under the umbrella of the educator).

Well done guys, now that we played with you, let's draw a rainy autumn day on the village, in a field or city. First we drawlocality : Forest, field, trees, rain draw last. Remember various ways of drawing rain, herbs, trees.

At the end of the class we consider all the drawings, we note the most expressive, including new images.

Olga Morozova
The abstract of painting on drawing in the older group "It's raining"

Morozova Olga Anatolyevna

« It's raining» . Abstract classes on artistic creativity (painting) in senior group

Subject: « It's raining»

Education area: "Artistic and aesthetic development"

purpose: Develop the ability of children figuratively reflect the impression of the surrounding life in the drawings.

Tasks: Teach children figuratively reflect in drawings impressions of the surrounding life. Fasten the ability to build the composition of the pattern. Learn to use acquired receptions for transmitting phenomenon in the figure. Exercise B. drawing Simple graphite and colored pencils (Color wax cramped, coal pencil, Sangina).

Materials and equipment: Graphite Pencil, Colored Pencils or Wax Crayons, Sheet A-4 (for each child).

Travel course.

Guess the riddles:

In the morning we go to the courtyard -

Leaves roll rain,

Under the legs rustle

And fly, fly, fly ... (Fall)

From the sky dripped sad -

Everywhere wet, wet, damp.

It is easy to hide from it,

It is worth the umbrella to open (Rain)

Responses of children.

Well done boys! And now let's look at the pictures, what is depicted on them?

Responses of children.

Correctly guys rainAnd what time of year?

Responses of children.

Correctly guys, autumn!

Guys, do you like when it's raining? Why?

The game "What happens rain. On the chain, everyone calls words what happens rainBut it is impossible to repeat. (strong, cold, pouring, mushroom, small, drizzling, penetrating, warm, etc.)

The game "What is the weather in autumn?"

When it is raining the weather - rainyWhen the wind blows - windy, cold - cold, overcast - cloudy, raw - raw, frown - frowning, clear - clear.


Move: Leaves in the fall What do? (yellow, fall, fly, etc.) Rain in autumn(gone, dries, etc.) Birds in autumn (fly away, prepare, etc.)Trees in autumn (drop leaves, fall asleep, etc.) Beasts in autumn (prepared for winter, change the fur coats, etc.)

Fingering gymnastics "Daras of the Autumn"

Sun, sun, fun,

Course, still rubber!

Squeeze your fingers in the fist

Rain, raindo not bother

Collect us a crop:

Pears, apples in the gardens,

Tomatoes on the fields.

Sweet, radish and potatoes.

And, of course, carrot.

When ensented to bend one finger on your left hand, and then on the right

To ever will will come,

There were full covers.

Squeeze into a fist

Guys, tell me how to get beasts for winter? Birds?

The beasts are building holes, reserves. Bumbers collect roots, squirrels make reserves in dupes. Hares begin to change the fur coats, moles and mice collect spikelets. Birds start flying into warm edges.)

All birds fly away? How do we call birds that remain?

In the autumn often go rain And people go through the streets under umbrellas. Let's draw with you rainy Autumn day on the village, in the field. First draw locality: forest, field, rain We draw last. We remember different ways rain drawing, herbs, trees.

At the end to consider all drawings, note the most expressive, including new images.

In the end classes We consider all the drawings, we note the most expressive, including new images.

Abstract Node on drawing

Subject: "It's raining"

Education area:"Artistic and aesthetic development"

Purpose: Develop skillchildren figuratively reflect in drawings of the surrounding life.

Tasks: Fasten the ability to build the composition of the pattern. Develop the skills to use acquired receptions for transferring the phenomenon in the figure. Exercise in drawing by simple graphite and colored pencils (colored wax cramped, coal pencil, Sangina).

Types of integration regions:"Art Creativity", "Music", "Cognition", "Socialization", "Communication".

Materials and equipment:Simple (graphite) pencil, color pencils or non-ferrous wax crayons, landscape sheets (for each child).


Guys, guess the riddle:

I went through the meadows, in the forests, in the fields.

She prepared the supplies to us

Stubborn them in the cellar, in the crust,

Said: I'll get the winter at me! (fall)

Guys, you know, every time of the year consists of 3 months. Name what autumn months do you know? What happens to nature in autumn, name the signs of autumn? What is the name of the phenomenon when the leaves fall? What color leaves are autumn? Guys, how can I find out what the weather is to expect today? (Listen on TV, look at the thermometer)

The game "What is the weather in autumn?"

When it is rain-rainy, - when the wind blows - windy, -Hworked - cold, - overcast - cloudy, - raw - raw, -Hmuro - Grushaya, -conno - Clear.
Guys, what do you think all the autumn is the same? What periods do you know? (Early, middle, late) What is the difference between the middle of autumn from the early autumn? Late?

Game "Autumn Words"

Each of you must take turns to say one beautiful word about the autumn. "Golden, sad, beautiful, rainy, cloudy, cold, warm, mysterious, early, late, affectionate, interesting, sad"

- Guard, tell me how they are preparing for the winter beasts? Birds?
The beasts are building holes, reserves. Bumbers collect roots, squirrels make reserves in dupes. Hares begin to change the fur coats, moles and mice collect spikelets. Birds start flying into warm edges.)
All birds fly away? How do we call birds that remain?

In the fall often rains and people go through the streets under umbrellas. Let's draw a rainy autumn day on the village, in the field. First draw the area: Forest, field, rain draw last. We remember different ways of drawing rain, herbs, trees.

At the end to consider all drawings, note the most expressive, including new images.

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

Abstract Node for artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) on \u200b\u200bthe topic: "Sister Alyonushka and Brantz Ivanushka" ...

1. Direction of activity: artistic - aesthetic development2. Drawing on the topic: "Winter landscape" 3. Purpose: To sum up to understanding landscape painting, raise ...

Hello everyone! We continue to give interesting ideas for educators, parents and teachers. And today it will be about non-traditional drawing techniques. These ideas are suitable for kindergarten and school. Unconventional drawing - this does not mean something complicated. On the contrary - it is non-traditional technique that turns the occupation of an outdoor and fun fun. No need to draw complex elements, you do not need to master the tassel masterly. Non-traditional techniques because they are created because they simplify the child's labor, facilitate the task of the teacher in the methodical plan and give a child a stunning creative experience With excellent final result. You will see what beautiful paintings and drawings can be done in simple techniques of non-traditional drawing. The child will love your classes - he will dare to art when it felt that he can do beauty with their own hands.

All techniques of unconventional drawing, I decomposed on individual groups - and I will explain and show everything in order.

Non-traditional drawing

Prints palms

In kindergarten in class practices, it is important to choose such work that will be accused to children younger. In the second youngest group, children are poorly controlled by a brush, it is difficult for them to force the brush to spend a line, oval, circle ... Therefore, at this age, fast and beautiful works-drawings are interesting in the drawing technique.

You can draw children's hands here such a cute chamber of the chicken and chickens.

Green paint will give you a scapral, which can be beat in the form of a frog. Eyes can be drawn separately on white paper circles (the educator themselves) and children simply take their eyes to the drawing of PVA glue.

Here is another example of drawing appliqués in this non-traditional drawing technique with your own hands. If you add side wings and sharp ears tips to imprint the palms - then we will get the silhouette of owls. The background for such a craft can be chosen from the black cardboard, stick a large circle of yellow paper on it (moon). And already on the background of the lunar disk to make a handprint of the sovie-palm. And then when the imprint dries add a long branch at which this owl sits.

Palm protracts as a template - first sketch, drive your palm on a piece of paper, and then try to draw a eyebreaker there or squeeze. And it sees, they will see what character looks at you.

Also for crafts In unconventional technique "Palm + paint" It is necessary to prepare in advance background. Either from colored paper to create a green lawn and a pond for clarification. Either draw in advance - totonate a sheet into blue and green paint, dried and prepare for classes (hold under a heavy press from books).

As you can see in the photo below to the palm element of the figure you can add false details - appliques from paper and other materials. Below an example of the usual gray paper from the box can become a prototype of crafts. To the small child it is more convenient to draw circle Lion - Give him a template-cap from the can. Let the children come to the pencil with a round lid along the Cardboard Magic Catering and then curtains the paint circle - first the stroke of a slow brush over the edge of the line, and then paint the middle. Black details of the mustache, the nose and the ears are drawing with a marker (the educator itself when the exercise dries).

In unconventional drawing, paints are often used with palms. Here is a simple idea of \u200b\u200bthe Picture of Sparrow in a kindergarten. Just and quickly draw your own hands to children in the middle group.

But the ideas of non-traditional drawing with palms for children of the middle and older group. Snill monkey. Here you need to correctly arrange the palm - so that your fingers are turned towards Liana, on which the monkey will hang. Then the tassel draw a beautiful tail curl. And already from the paper appliqués to lay out a head.

But in the unconventional drawing of the eldest group - here you need to draw a tree first (barrel, branches, leaves). Leafs are just tracks from the tassel (pressed the sideways sideways. Raised sharply up the track does not smear). While children are engaged in the drawing of the leaf, the trunk will just warm up and on it as a dry background will be perfectly lying a fringe of a bear-koala. Beautiful handicraft for both kindergarten and school (1-4 class).

But a beautiful bright straw-drawing giraffe. Here we also see the base from the palm print. But the drawing is added a long element of the neck with a head. Before applying specks and tuts, the mane should be waited for a complete drying of the red base. The mane is put on the print brushes - we apply the brush on the barrel and raise the upwards sharply, it turns out a mark as a floss of hollows of the mane - let the latch of prints a lot along the entire cervical ridge of the giraffe. . Rounded specks are easier to draw a cotton waller (tassel circles will not get any smooth - not all children know how to conduct a circle with a brush - this is a complex technique that they will be redeemed after they learn to write letters).

For the older group of kindergarten, a drawing of a palm in the form of a rainbow magic unicorn is suitable. Great handicraft for girls. Horn draws a teacher.

And the boys will have to the heart drawing in the form of a dragon - also in this technique.

Also, small children love collective crafts. Where the whole group of kindergarten participates in one common artistic work. For example, on a large sheet of paper, go out the outlines of the future body of peacock - and around it to build the fingerprints of his lush tail. And then when the tail is driving - you can stick the body itself by the center.

Drawing for forks.

alternative equipment in kindergarten.

Disposable plastic plugs are the tool that can create an interesting technique of non-traditional drawing. All drawings where you need characteristic shaggy smear, it will be easy and quickly drawing even a little child.

Here is a sample of such work for children in kindergarten. On the sheet of paper, the teacher draws a pennouncement. From hemp goes up line is the axis of the future Christmas tree. Fork, you hurry the thick paint and put prints towards the axis side down. First you process the right side of the axis, then the left from the central rod of the Christmas tree.

And already the third stage - we put one more layer on top of these smears on top of these smears - it is already more vertically down from the center, slightly disagree on the parties.

For convenience Paws to pour into bowls - covers from cans are perfectly suitable.

AND to the paint consumption was less , Gouache can be breeding with PVA glue - one to one, or in another proportion. Valuable Council - Do not buy school PVA in small tubes - go to the construction store and buy a lithric (or half-liter) PVA glue there. It will be called universal PVA, or the construction of PVA - let it be confused. By chemical composition, it is exactly the same as school plow glue. But at a price of 5 or 10 cheaper. And in the bucket, the glue does not lose its freshness, as in the tube. And the liter bucket is enough for a group of kindergarten for 3-4 months of active classes.

In such an unconventional chinque, you can draw any spiny pattern elements - for example, an hedgehog or cactus.

Also the plug will help draw shaggy characters. For example, yellow fluffy chicken, or kitten, or a bear.

Since the paint already contains the Glue-PVA, then any paper parts can be glued to the wet paint (beak, eyes, ears, tails, etc.).

Also, the fork smear is similar to the cruise of birds. Therefore, you can draw a drawing of any bird in this technique. This is how it happens shows the photo of the crafts below - the rooster ..

Training technique is classic.
On two samples of the pattern.

What is best in kindergarten learning to draw. Here is a technique that has been perfectly well in kindergarten for several years. This technique allows you to get the right children's drawing from the first time. We will analyze it on the example of the same rooster from the picture above.

Stage 1.

Sit children at the stool (in 2 rows) in front of the same table. On it the teacher will make a show. On the sheet of paper there is already an outline of a rooster painted by a pencil. In three bowls, nanita is different paint - yellow, red, blue. In each color - its own fork.

In front of the children we start our work - draw feathers with a fork freely mixing paints. Show how it is not correct, and how correctly. Let your example be killed that the lines are better to run along the neck, and along the tail lines, and not across.

Stage 2.

Painted in front of the children the leaf of one rooster. Now we make him a friend - we take another sheet with a pencil rooster, and ask children, "what should I do?". Children suggest, you "touch", children correct you, suggest as it should - you fix it and continue to make mistakes, then correct. Now already children act as a "knowledgeable teacher". After this game on drawing the second rooster. Children themselves are sitting at the tables, where they are waiting for the same pencil rooster and, already with the knowledge of the case, "each of their own crafts.

As you can see the method of the show always works better on the 2 training drawings of the teacher's hand.

  • The first drawing, where the teacher performs everything itself (teaching and explaining to children)
  • The second drawing of the teacher performs on tips of children ("error" and correcting).
  • The third drawing every guy is already doing himself, at home, with a smart scientist.

Non-traditional drawing


Fingerprint of the children's foot, like palms, can be turned into an interesting picture. Different characters can hide in the fingerprint of the child's feet.

These paintings can be created in the technique of non-traditional drawing from the usual footprint of the children's foot.

I'll say that in the realities of a kindergarten (where in the group of 30 children) Such drawing feet is difficult to organize. In the case of drawings, everything is simple: children wipe the palm with a wet cloth (remove the main layer of paint), and then go to the washbasin and wash your hands with soap. When painting with your feet, the child can already go and wash the legs in the washbasin can not. Nevoye man with soap and several basins to wash his legs. Such work will not make with a whole group of kindergarten. But…

Such drawing can be made as a specially organized individual lesson. Children are divided into groups of 4 people. One child gives her feet for the imprint, the second draws eyes, ears, tails, the third child draws herbal, sunshine, the fourth tree, bird and so on ... (depending on the theme and plot of the paintings).

You can try this option to organize the entire process. Before bedtime, when children barefoot. Give the child to step on a piece of foam rubber moistened in the paint. And then immediately on the sheet of paper. And then immediately not a thick wet washed terry towel, then in a basin with a water ... and sleep in the crib.

That is, you need to buy a sheet of foam rubber (It is cheap in the construction department, sold by cutting on meters). Soak porolon, spread the paint with a slightly water, so as well absorbed into the foam rubber (like ink in print), a foam rubber sheet to put on a plastic tray. Near the second plastic tray lies a wet soap towel (for wiping paint), then there is a basin with water, and a dry towel. Next to each tray and pelvis stands a chairs. Three chairs + three elements (coloring, soap, rinsing, wiping).

It turns out a conveyor "The child sits at the first high chair (steals on a foam rubber with paint, hop - raises his leg), pick up a tray with a foam rubber, put a sheet of paper in his place (hop - printed). The child moves the ass on the second chair, next to which a tray with a soap towel (hop-washed foot, erased paint). The child moves the ass on the third chair, next to which a basin with water, swims a rag in it (they hop the soap leg, where it is necessary to three cloth). And wipe dry towel.

All are happy. In addition to Santsa. She does not allow collective rinsing in one pelvis. Santsans requires 20 children - 20 basins, and 20 soap towels ... 20 Dry Towels)))

Non-traditional drawing

sharchka method

And here is still a beautiful technique for kindergarten. Where the patterns are created by hatching. It turns out an interesting texture of the image. This method is convenient to draw all fluffy and shaggy.

The technique is well shown for the example of such a craft-hare.

The drawing of the hare is divided into rows-sectors, each of which is shaded. We get smooth rows of hatching.

Here is the template for this craft in full size.

You can modify this craft and present it as an appeal. Where each element is cut separately (ears, forehead, cheeks, nose, neck). Then every element is shaded. And then everything is going to a single applique.

The zone hatch method can be used to create any other shaggy characters. Fornger Ostrich FASHITING.

That is, the teacher gives the child a sheet of paper - on which the eyes and the beak of the ostrich are drawn. The task of a child around the eye to draw a fluffy cloud from strokes with a pencil or wax chalk. And then under the resulting fluffy ball, draw neck, too, rows of strokes. The teachers can help children in what drew the circle of the head of the head and the line of the future neck, and divides the neck to the sectors for a striped multi-colored string.

You can come up with any character and arrange it in the form of sectors under hatching - cat, parrot, dog and so on.

Drawing in kindergarten

Cotton stick

(Unconventional technique).

We all painted a fluffy dandelion in kindergarten in kindergarten - with cotton wands. Here is such (photo below). Let's think, and what pictures can still be drawn with a cotton wand.

Although even from a simple, dandelions can create an unconventional pattern - bright juicy, as in the photo below.

Little children are best in the technique of chick with cotton chopsticks, offering to draw only some elements of the characters - only the tail in the fox, the toll needles at the hedgehog.
That is, the teacher in kindergarten combines work on drawing a Watni with an applique. First on a sheet of paper a guy to deceve the applique of the fruit of the hedgehog (made of brown paper) and the hedgehog spots (from white paper). And then this skirm-back need to fully check with multi-colored fingerprints of cotton wand. Cheerful children's drawing and sticking.

You can use the drawing with a cotton wand in the technique of zonal fill. On a sheet of paper draws a pencil outline (SILUT) of the character - for example, the sea horse. The child will fill out this area without leaving empty places and without getting out for the pencil border. It is difficult, the child does not always see where he is thick, and where is empty. You need to repeat the empty holes all the time, fill the holes with different colors of points, and not points of the same color.

It also works and the brain, and attentiveness, and the shallow motility of the hands, and the feeling of color. After all, you need to feel like you distribute the color around the zone - evenly or above all yellow, and at the bottom is all blue.

This task can be started to give in the younger group and then in the older-and even the cramping will go to such a training session on the feeling of color and composition.

Another cotton wand can make chains-patterns. As rows of rings on cactis below.

As well as points you can draw entire pictures. Another technique of non-traditional drawing can be called straight-graphics.

The most interesting thing is to pick up the points of different shades and placing them in the image objects.

You can start working on this type of drawing with small tasks. Pieces of landscape, architectural elements.

There is an artist Angelo Franco, who draws pictures in the technique of a point at the point. Here are large points, contain inside smaller.

Beautiful mandalas can be drawing with cotton wand and paints (photo below). Mandalas are circular patterns, symmetrical and multicolored. Motherland Mandala - East. There still laid patterns of colored pebbles, painted sand, or flower petals.

For children, we must give ready-made graphic mandala patterns, with a given pattern. And the task of the child each with a stick with a stick to repeat exactly in each of the symmetric zones of mandala. That is ... if in the same zone you made 2 yellow tick on the petal, it means that you need to do 2 yellow tick in the rest of the zones, on the same petal, in the same place the petal.

Many round mandalas for the painting you can find in the Internet. Choose those that simply and easily make children for any age.

Draw point mandalas can and on plastic plates. As in the photo below.

It is necessary to start drawing mandalas, you need when the child has already mastered the elemental account before 5. And it can calculate the number of ticks in each ray or in each row of the mandala (if it is a ridden mandala, as in the photo below).

Agree this beautiful and non-traditional drawing technique perfectly develops a child's mind, its mathematical abilities, constructive thinking, the ability to plan the result, calculate the drawing.

Drawing with wet effect.

(Unconventional ways).

Here is another unconventional watercolor drawing technique. Here on a sheet of paper, we put watercolor diluted with waterborne and bleak on it from the tube. We get watery divorce and colorful streams. For such drawing, it is not necessary to use watercolor, the same can be made with a gouache diluted with water.

But below we see how this technique can be used in amusement classes in kindergarten and school. Child Giving a drawing of a litter (boy or girl) and the task of the child to blow the hairstyle with these characters.

You can use a plate on which the cluster is secured by a sheet of paper. On the edge of the sheet put a large drop of paint and raise this edge of the boards up - so that the drop flows down like a hill.

If a part of the sheet is temporarily stuck with a piece of painting tape, then we will have an empty, inexpensive place on the sheet. And then at this place you can position the applique of someone under the umbrella. This is how it is done in the photo below.

In the younger group of kindergarten, children will love to draw classes monsters. Krakozyabra can be inflated from the tube to any sides. And then after drying, put appliqués on them.

Now I want to introduce you to another technique - soap + paint. We pour in the glasses of ordinary liquid soap, or liquid for soap bubbles - add a little guashi to each cup. We get multicolored soap paint. Put the tube from the cocktail or the round "folding" tube and let the bubbles directly on paper. We get gentle bubble clouds. They can be issued in an interesting picture.

Bubble clouds can be lush peonies (as in the photo below). Bubble areas can be scallops on sea waves, like curly sheep skin, etc.

You can simply inflate the straw bubbles on the surface of the paper sheet, and then from this multicolored leaf cut appliqué. An interesting idea for classes in kindergarten.

You can draw and splashes - just splashing a multi-colored paint on paper. The best toothbrush is suitable for this.

Non-traditional drawing

worm-graphic method.

Here is another technique that can be called candle-graphics, or wax-graphics.

For this technique fits White candle wax (or paraffin). It can also be children's wax chalk for drawing (but not any). Choose chalk, which is more fat to the touch. Check as chalk in advance.

Now we will act. On a sheet of white paper White chalk draw a picture. Then we take watercolor (not gouache !!!) and begin to apply a watery (not thick !!!) paint on top of hand-drawn lines. That is, just paint with colored watery paints our sheet of paper and an invisible white wax pattern begins to manifest. The paint does not cling to the wax and these places on paper remain white.

You can draw multi-colored round mandalas in this style (with divorces of different colors). Beautifully stated. Drawn autumn leaves: wax liking contours and bump, and filling the sheet multicolored (red-yellow-orange).

Beautifully looks at night rain over the water. Kosy rain lines, diverging circles on water are all wax. And then paint the dark blue paint and get a beautiful picture of the rain.

You can draw with wax jellyfish and sea creatures. And then apply the dark (blue-purple-black) tones and marine depths will be revived.

Children come delight when they offer such an occupation. The educator or teacher himself draws in advance on each sheet of jellyfish, turtles, small tadpoles and ameb. And then the child should find out who is found in the depths of the seas. It paints the paint sheet of paper and all these creatures appear under his brush.

An important rule. Before you say, teach the two to iron a sheet of paper with wet flowers, and do not rub the brush sheet like a washcloth. Otherwise, you can damage the wax pattern.

Beautifully in this technique looks at night pictures. We draw a single horizon line, then the waves, the wax lunar path and the moon disk on the upper half of the sheet. Now, paint it in the color of the night and get the sea, the moon and a white moon track.

Winter pictures are also well-looking. White lines of the wax pattern as elements of white snow, the outlines of the snowdrifts, the silhouette of a snowman, a snow-covered hut - all this is drawing wax. Then the child inflicts blue or blue paint and winter landscape appears on the sheet.

But it is important - Before you give these pictures to children, check whether the wax is suitable for quality. Does the drawing line manifest? What is the layer of paint put (what is the degree of dilution of paint water)?

Non-traditional drawing

In the technique of imprint.

All children love this drawing technique. Because it gives a quick and beautiful result from every child. Even the very inept artist, beautiful paintings are obtained. Children perceive the whole process as magic, a fascinating game with the magic effect of the painting

In kindergarten, it is the most convenient to organize an advertising technique. Let's see which materials are suitable for implementing this technique when drawing with children.

Option 1 - mint paper.

Mint paper gives a beautiful ripped imprint structure. This is suitable for drawing the crown of spring trees (yellow-green or pink) and autumn (orange-bugs). The paint takes their jars or watercolor, dripped on the bowl (cover from the can). In this drop with a macaw napkin, we try the imprint on the draft sheet and if you like to carry on paper.

Option 2 - corrugated cardboard.

Packaging gray cardboard is perfect for drawing roses in the print technique. Cut the cardboard box on strips across the corrugation line. Twisting strips with a tube, fix with rubber band or thread. Stamp for green leaf make from a roll from toilet paper.

Also, this method of roll drawing is suitable for the image of the spiral of the snail, you can also make the shubble skirt curls.

Option 3 - Fluffy pumps.

In the estate stores (or on sites for crafts) you can buy a bag with such soft pomponics. If you attach the clothespin to each, then we get a comfortable holding to work. In the technique of Pompono-graphics, you can create a decor for painting flat details of crafts. And also draw pictures of white air dandelions with watercolor.

Option 4 - bushing from toilet paper.

There is a lot of options, because the sleeve tube can be given different shape. You can cut the sleeve in half along, and we get a semi-ring stamp - an ideal stencil for drawing fish scales or tiers of coniferous legs.

Round roller can be chopped from both sides and get a pointed oval - this form of flower petal, or bunny ears. Excellent idea for unconventional drawing in kindergarten with children of younger (bunny) or senior (flower).

The flower is more complicated than the bunny since you need to radially lay out the petals around the model of the flower.

You can also cut the edge of the roll in curly petals - and get ready-made petals for paintings. Such stamps are just a find for quick drawing bouquets and flowerbeds for children of the younger group. And even for the smallest kids in the manger.

Option 5 - bubble film.

Packaging films with bubbles also gives an interesting pattern of a print, which can be beaten in unconventional drawing in kindergarten. For example, make a bee honeycomb imprint (as in the figure below).

Or make drawing spring, or autumn tree.

Option 6 - Potato stamps.

From the halves of potatoes, you can cut stamps of any form. Cut potatoes in half. I wipe the fruit cut potatoes with a paper cloth. On the cut marker, draw the outlines of the future stamp. Cut the knife along drawn contours.

Better for stamps to choose oblong elongated potatoes. So that a children's hand could comfortably grab potatoes. Below in the photo we present only two topics for such non-traditional drawing - owls and tulips. But you can come up with your options. If you add glue-PVA in the paint, then you can stick items on top of the prints (nose. Nose, handles).

You can make an experimental double stamp. Cut from two potatoes of half of the chartmps and copold two potatoes together, pushing them into the toothpick through and wrapped with a tape or scotch. Compass on a cool idea and experiment with the creation of stamps for it.

Non-traditional drawing

Chubby paints.

But still cool material for non-traditional drawing, which is so loved by little children. This is a bulk paint to create chubby patterns. This paint is done at home quickly and just - in a bowl mix the glue PVA with Guashery and add daddy to shave. We make some such bowls (not necessarily large) under the idea that we will draw with children. For watermelon you need only two paints - here and start with it. Watermelon bones are a simple black gouache, which we drip there.

A variety of ideas can be embodied in this drawing technique for children in kindergarten. The simplest is a waffle horn with ice cream. The horn is cut out of coarse packaging cardboard, a wafer grid is drawn on it. The child sticks the horn to a sheet of paper (downstairs) and puts round balls on it. You can give a child round patterns that it will turn first with a pencil over the edge of the horror, and then in these round circuits will lay a foam paint.

And you can put several spoons of different paint on the horn and then the opposite end of the tassel (or a wooden stick) mix the paint into multicolored divorces. It turns out a beautiful mixed ice cream. Excellent handicraft for children at school or kindergarten in drawing classes.

Methods of working with thick paint in children's classes.

You can mix the paint on a separate tray (or on a piece of oilcloth). Better when each child does a color mixture itself - so we give every child your slope.

On each table we put individual cakes for children. In the center of the table we put bowls with 4 colors of the paints. A child on his canlenka mixes these colors into the general pool - to the state of beautiful divorces. Then the paper contour of the character is applied to the pool (for example, sea skate). And then puts it on drying (the contours of the skates must sign in advance the name of the child, and do not forget to remind children to put to the paint not signed side). Further the next day, when the foam paint dries on the silhouette of the skate, you can continue to work and make the applique of the skate in marine waters, draw it the spikes, algae around, stick seashells, pour sand on glue.

Here are such interesting drawing techniques you can pose in working with children, and at home and in the garden. At school, this unconventional drawing can be carried out in the classroom lessons, providing the entire procedure to a child for independent creativity.

On the heads of our site you will find many more different techniques for unusual drawing by paints.

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