Often, an ordinary and unremarkable trip to the forest brings many surprises that spoil the mood, be it the late time for picking mushrooms or the inability to distinguish them. So, when is it worth going for aspen boletuses and where to look for them?

The boletus can be distinguished by its tubular cap, characteristic of the entire genus, and its thick body, permeated with soft fibrous pores.

It's no secret that redheads mean several types of Lenzium mushrooms or as they are also called obobkov. This includes most representatives with a pronounced cap and stem. This type of structure is called capped.

The boletus can be distinguished by its characteristic tubular cap and thick body, permeated with soft fibrous pores, which is characteristic of the entire genus.

Boletuses grow in almost every temperate forest climate zone

Where do they grow and when to collect boletuses?

These mushrooms grow in almost every forest in the temperate climate zone. Contrary to current stereotypes, you can meet one or a whole cluster of boletuses near coniferous and deciduous trees. The best place For their livelihoods, there is still a shady area covered with tall grass near roads and paths.

The appearance of the obobok directly depends on the species and what plant it formed mycorrhiza with. The cap, small and clearly visible against the background of grass, can be not only yellow, but also gray, reddish, or light brown. As a rule, it is slightly rounded at the bottom and feels like velvet.

It’s better to go collecting boletuses at the very beginning of summer, but finish mushroom season recommended in mid-autumn. It is better to pay attention to shady places surrounded by low thickets of grass.

In which forest do aspen mushrooms grow (video)

Useful and medicinal properties of boletus

Redhead is often used as a main or additional dish in a diet due to its low calorie content. It can be the main ingredient in a soup, stew or even a salad. However, it is recommended for everyone to consume this mushroom, not just those who are losing weight, because boletus proteins are absorbed much better and faster than some types of meat.

It is noteworthy that all types of redhead can be eaten without causing harm own health(this rule also applies to people suffering from diabetes).

Types of boletus mushroom

Variegated Redhead

Representatives of this species are usually found near a birch grove. Its fairly dense structure, long scaly leg and varying width of the mushroom cap are unlikely to allow it to be confused with the faceless toadstool. It’s better not to look for anything nearby - Variegated redhead most often grows singly, attracting attention with its pale brown or orangeish skin color.

Pine obabok

This mushroom likes to hide in damp, well-saturated areas located near pine trees or swamps. The redhead reveals its presence only by the bright red or crimson color of its wide cap and long, gray-speckled leg (most often it does not exceed 15 cm in length).

Pine obabok

Spruce boletus

If you come across this species of redhead on your way, be sure to look around, because these mushrooms prefer to grow in small groups in the shade coniferous trees. The firm flesh has a dark brown tint, but the skin, on the contrary, will delight you with a light brown tint.

White boletus

The huge (from 20 cm) white or brownish-beige cap of this mushroom peeks out in damp pine and spruce forests, less often - in birch thickets. Like any other idiot, white boletus edible and does not pose a risk to human health.

Not everyone can find such mushroom prey: this type of redhead is quite rare in middle lane Russia.

Oak boletus

You will have to find it in the enchanting oak thickets. A small chestnut hat on a thick, rough stem will not be the only one, because mushrooms of this type do not grow alone. Their life span spans summer and early autumn.

Oak boletus

Red boletus

Clusters of pine and bearberry will certainly please beginners and experienced mushroom pickers with a harvest of red mushrooms. The bright cap, tightly fitting to the stem, is unlikely to be invisible near well-trodden forest paths or aspen stands. It rarely grows alone and is not poisonous to humans.

Painted redhead

Unfortunately, only residents of Asia can find such a mushroom. The boletus is famous for its fruit body covered with pinkish spots and its slightly curved cap. Despite everything, the mushroom is loved not only by people, but also by insects, so finding it untouched by the small inhabitants of the forest is a really difficult task.

Painted redhead

Blackscaled Butterfly

In front of you is a red hat slightly curved upward and a leg entwined with black scattering? Then don’t hesitate and hesitate to make your choice – feel free to add it to your cart and carefully look around.

The black-scaled mushroom can also be recognized by its hard fibers, which maintain a shape so attractive to the fungus.

Spruce redhead

If the boletus you find has a thin orange skin, then most likely you found it in a mixed or coniferous forest. This mushroom appears only in mid-July and grows until the beginning of October, puzzling mushroom pickers - this is one of the few boletuses whose cap has scales.

Spruce redhead

What does a false boletus look like?

For some reason, among most mushroom pickers there is a legend about the so-called false boletus. But is it real, and what mushroom can redcap be confused with? We suggest that you look into this issue, avoiding accidental and dangerous finds.

It's worth starting with the fact that false assholes can not be. They are most often mistaken for poisonous gall mushroom having lighter skin. You can distinguish it from boletus by other parameters:

  • The cap of the gall mushroom has a larger diameter than the cap of the boletus.
  • The tall and dense leg of a real boletus is decorated with small black scales, but the leg of a “false” boletus is decorated with large gray cracks and fibers.

How to cook boletus (video)

Why is the boletus called that?

The name boletus is easily explained by the fact that this mushroom is most often found in young aspen trees. In addition to boletus, the mushroom has such names as obabok, vanka-vstanka and, of course, redhead. He owes such names only to mushroom pickers of long-gone years, own building and unusual color.

Finally, I would like to wish every beginner and even to an experienced mushroom picker to come across a whole glade of such a wonderful harvest, which has truly unique taste properties. Do not forget that he can wait for you not only under young aspens, but also under other trees, hiding among sparse grass.

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Kira Stoletova

There are many varieties of mushrooms that are used in cooking and medicinally. One of the most common, tasty and healthy mushrooms is the boletus mushroom. It grows in deciduous forests and bears fruit between June and the end of September.

Appearance of the mushroom

The boletus mushroom differs from other species in having a yellow-red cap, sometimes a brown one.

Features of the structure:

  • large fruiting body;
  • thick leg;
  • The width of the cap is approximately 15-30 cm. In young organisms it looks like a thimble, therefore it tightly touches the stem and partially covers it.

The color of the boletus cap varies depending on the species.

What a boletus looks like depends on its age. In older organisms, the caps become cushion-shaped. It is covered with a thin skin that does not come off when peeling. Its structure is similar to felt, velvety to the touch. It lacks shine and appears dry.

The boletus kingdom has a large stem and a tubular cut, the width sometimes reaches 20 cm. The shape is similar to a club, thickened at the base. It is also covered with black or dark brown scales.

Under the cap, the boletus mushroom hides a porous layer, which is characteristic of all representatives of boletaceae. Its color can be white, greyish, brownish or yellow. The pulp is dense, white. A peculiarity of the species is that it turns blue when cut.

There are many places where boletus grows. It is found not only in deciduous forests, but also along the edges of coniferous and mixed forests. When boletuses grow depends on the species.

Types of mushroom

What the boletus mushroom looks like also depends on the species. There are many varieties, some of them are also found near water.

Boletus mushrooms have the following subspecies:

  1. Red boletus. This edible mushroom, grows under poplar, aspen, oak, beech or birch.
  2. Yellow-brown. Mainly forms mycosis with birch. The cap has a brown tint and has a lamellar layer. The leg is grayish in color, covered with small scales, and has a tubular cut.
  3. White. This is a lonely edible mushroom that lives in coniferous forests With high humidity. It was named so because of its white cap, which becomes brownish with age. Such an albino is rare.
  4. Oak. Externally, this mushroom looks like boletus. It gets its name from the fact that it forms microsa with oak. The hat is brown with an orange tint. Such mushrooms appear from June to September in mixed forests.
  5. Spruce boletus. The cap is yellow-brown in color and turns red with age. It is dry to the touch, but later becomes smoother and has a tubular cut. The pine boletus is so called because it forms a symbiosis with coniferous plants and often grows under spruce trees.

All varieties of boletus are edible and have no poisonous doubles. They are sometimes confused with mustard, which received this name because its fruits are bitter. The cap of this mushroom is pale yellow, and the stem has sandy scales. Edible rubella is distinguished by sections: after the mushroom is collected, one observes how its legs first turn blue and a little later turn black. This does not happen with false rubella: these mushrooms do not turn blue. Black boletus and oak boletus are sometimes found.

The boletus collection season begins in May. But it also depends on weather conditions and type of mushroom. Boletus and boletus are sometimes confused. Their difference is that the first mushroom has a less bright cap and a white stem.

Beneficial features

Fresh spruce boletus is not inferior to cereals in terms of the amount of vitamin B. It also contains a lot of vitamins PP, C and A. Beneficial contents of the mushroom:

  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • calcium.

Also, the benefit of this mushroom is that it acts as an antioxidant and helps remove waste and toxins from the body. Red-headed mushrooms in first courses strengthen the immune system, their nutritional value has a positive effect on the blood in case of anemia.


Despite the large amount of useful substances in their composition, these mushrooms accumulate toxins from the soil more than other species. You should not use overgrown mushrooms, or collect them near highways. big cities and industrial enterprises.

The product is heavy, so in case of kidney and liver failure it can cause harm to the body. To avoid botulism, it is cut higher, leaving part of the stem in the ground.


Processing boletus begins with thorough washing under running water. The boletus quickly turns blue when cut - this area is not suitable for eating, it is cut off. Mushrooms can be boiled, pickled, stewed, dried, and can also be frozen.

Boletuses are edible mushrooms. They do not lose taste when processed. The plant is 90% water, so after processing it will significantly decrease in size.

The beneficial properties of boletus are used in medicine. With its help, they treat atherosclerosis, dysbiosis, gastrointestinal diseases and strengthen the immune system. The calorie content of a regular boletus is 3 kcal. Nutritional value of boletus (per 100 g):

  • proteins - 22, 31;
  • fats - 0.57;
  • carbohydrates - 1.23;
  • dietary fiber - 6.31;
  • water - 88.24.

In cooking

This type of mushroom is considered one of the three most delicious, so many dishes are prepared with them. Their delicate taste and pleasant smell do not disappear during cooking. These plants are turning dark.

Especially appreciated pine mushroom. Soups are often prepared with it. Recipe description:

  • fresh boletus - 450 g;
  • potatoes - 400 g;
  • carrots - 150 g;
  • one bow;
  • butter - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, black pepper, herbs.

The mushrooms are thoroughly washed under running water and dried. Then cut into small pieces and throw into boiling water. Boil for 15 minutes, skimming off the foam. Dried redheads are boiled for 30 minutes. Next, add the potatoes, fried in oil and cut into cubes, into the pan. After 25 min. add salt and spices, turn off. It is advisable to let the dish sit for 15-20 minutes. before serving.

Fried boletus also turns out delicious.

Description of preparation:

  • mushrooms - 500 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sour cream - 300 ml;
  • salt pepper.

First, the onion is fried in oil, then peeled and washed mushrooms are added to it. The ingredients are simmered until the liquid evaporates. Next, add the mushrooms and fry until golden brown for 12 minutes. Then add sour cream, salt and spices, mix everything well. Simmer everything over low heat for another 5 minutes. The dish goes with any side dish. It will be especially tasty if you use spruce mushroom.

Pickled boletuses are especially tasty. For 1 liter of water take:

  • mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp.;
  • bay leaf - 4-5 pcs.;
  • black pepper, cinnamon, garlic;

The mushrooms are washed, peeled, cut, filled with water and boiled for 10 minutes, then the water is drained. Next, prepare the marinade. All ingredients except vinegar are added to the water. Add mushrooms to the boiling liquid and cook for another 30 minutes. Later add vinegar and garlic and after another 15 minutes. remove from heat. The mushrooms are placed in pre-sterilized jars, filled with marinade and rolled up. The number of kilograms of mushrooms depends on the volume of water.

Pine boletus is suitable for drying. Only fresh, worm-free mushrooms are used. They are washed, peeled and cut into small pieces. Then place it on a napkin or towel and leave to dry.

Boletuses are dried in the oven at 50°C, the door is left slightly open. The mushrooms darken a little after processing. They are stored in a tightly closed glass jar or fabric bag. Dried boletuses are suitable for consumption throughout the year; they are used in dietary food.

In medicine

The medicinal properties of boletus have been known for a long time. They treat herpes on the lips, frostbite and other skin diseases. The product heals wounds well.

It is also used for the following diseases:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • depression;
  • nervous breakdown;
  • weak immunity;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • benign and malignant formations;
  • gastrointestinal diseases.

These mushrooms are often used in powder or tincture form. Red boletus is often used for medicinal purposes. An alcoholic mushroom tincture is prepared according to the following recipe:

Where to collect mushrooms (redheads) and boletuses.

ASPEN MUSHROOMS Collection of boletus mushrooms on a shock mycelium

Growing methods

If a person does not have time to look for mushrooms in the forest, redhead is grown at home. Great importance has where the boletus grows. This mushroom needs dark place, aspens, oaks or birches should grow nearby, ordinary ones will do fruit trees no older than 8 years.

In the selected area, dig a hole 30 cm deep and 4 square meters in area. m. Boletus mycelium is planted in May. A layer of compost is laid out at the bottom of the hole, and humus is poured on top. Then the boletus mycelium is distributed in an even layer and sprinkled with sawdust and leaves. Cover the top with earth. The thickness of the cover should not exceed 10 cm. At the final stage, the bed is watered with a solution of sugar and special additives, otherwise fungal mycorrhiza will not form. Growing time takes 2-3 months.

There is another way to grow boletus. Small holes are dug near the roots of trees and filled with young bodies of the fungus. They also contain mycelium, and this makes it possible to form mycorrhiza. The harvest time comes in 3-4 months. But the time for collecting boletus depends on the care and growing conditions.

Reproduction from spores is also used. To do this, mature mushrooms are crushed and mixed with gelatin and flour. The resulting mixture is poured into holes under the trees, with which mycorrhiza forms. If planting was carried out in May, the first harvest appears in the fall. If you use this type of cultivation, boletus mushrooms will bear fruit for 5-6 years.


Boletus mushrooms are tasty and healthy. There are many varieties of them, but none are poisonous. There are many places where boletus mushrooms grow. The plants are popular in cooking: they are pickled, fried, preserved and eaten dried.

All types of boletus are edible; freezing does not destroy the beneficial properties.

By taste qualities boletus takes an honorable third place, behind the leading positions only by boletus and boletus. Aspen boletus, contrary to popular belief, grows not only under aspen; they can also be found under other trees. However, it will look different. For example, under an aspen tree its cap is dark orange, and a mushroom growing near a poplar tree has a less bright appearance - its headdress is more faded. In the article we're talking about about the boletus mushroom, its species, which have their own differences and characteristics.

Boletus: photo and description of the mushroom

Boletus is also called redhead and aspen. It belongs to the fungi of the genus Leccinum or Obabkom. Why is it called that? It owes its name to aspen, since its mycelium is closely connected to this tree. It is in aspen forests that such mushrooms can most often be found. It is also called by this name because its cap is very similar to autumn leaf aspen.

All types of mushroom have brightly colored cap, stocky stem and dense structure of the fruiting body. Depending on the type, the diameter of the cap can vary from 5 to 20 cm. Sometimes even thirty centimeters are found. Young mushrooms different types redheads usually “wear” a hemispherical cap that tightly hugs top part legs. You can compare it to a thimble that is put on your finger. Growing up, the mushroom acquires a convex cap, similar to a pillow; as it ages, it straightens. The skin on the cap is usually dry, but sometimes velvety. In some species it hangs from the edges, in most it cannot be removed.

The leg is tall, sometimes reaching 22 cm, its distinctive feature is club-shaped with thickening at the base. Small brown or black scales can be seen on the surface.

Visible under the hat porous layer thickness from 1 to 3 cm. This distinctive sign of representatives of the Boletaceae family can be white, grayish, yellow or brown.

Redheads have smooth spindle-shaped spores. The powder obtained from them is olive-brown or ocher-brown. The flesh of the cap is elastic, fleshy, and has a dense structure. In the leg, the tissue fibers are arranged lengthwise. Boletus has white flesh, but if you cut it, then in this place it acquires a blue and then black color.

Where do aspen mushrooms grow?

Redhead is one of the most common mushrooms. It is collected in temperate latitudes Eurasia and North America. The boletus mushroom, depending on the species, chooses one or two tree partners, optional aspen. Their roots are in close symbiosis. Therefore, redheads can be found under birch, oak, beech, poplar, willow, and spruce.

Mushrooms prefer to grow in groups and are rarely seen growing alone. Choose wet ones deciduous or mixed forests, grow in thickets of grass, blueberries, ferns, in moss, on the roadsides.

What time can I find it?

Redheads, depending on the species, bear fruit at different times.

Types of boletuses

Most boletus species edible and tasty. But to mushroom hunting was more interesting, study the differences and individual properties of their varieties.

This edible mushroom is distinguished by the fact that it does not choose a specific type of tree as a mycorrhizal partner, but is “friends” with a variety of deciduous giants: oak, beech, poplar, aspen, birch, and willow. Red boletus can be described as follows:

  • The diameter of the cap ranges from 4 to 15 cm, in some cases reaching 30 cm.
  • The height of the leg can be up to 15 cm, its thickness from 1.5 to 5 cm.
  • The color of the cap can be bright red, red-brown, red. The skin fits tightly to the pulp, smooth or slightly velvety to the touch.
  • The outer layer of the stem is covered with grey-white scales, which become brown as the mushroom matures.

If you cut a red boletus, at this point the color will change first to blue, then black. A group or single mushroom can be found in deciduous or mixed forests. He especially loves young aspen growth, various ditches and forest paths. The red boletus grows throughout the Eurasian territory; in the tundra it chooses places under dwarf birch trees. In our vast homeland can be seen everywhere- from the European part to Far East, including the Caucasus. You can collect red boletus during the harvest season: from June to October.

Boletus yellow-brown

Is an edible mushroom is in symbiosis with birch trees. Lowland forest belts with a predominance of aspen and birch are chosen as a place of growth; they can be found in spruce-birch forests and pine forests. Grows in areas with temperate climate. Description:

  • The diameter of the cap is from 5 to 15 cm, sometimes 25 cm.
  • The leg is tall, reaches 8-22 cm, its thickness is approximately 2-4 cm.
  • The cap is sandy-orange or yellowish-brown.
  • In young mushrooms, the dry skin of the cap often hangs over the edge.
  • The leg has a white or grayish tint, covered with granular brown scales, turning black as it grows.

Usually grows singly. If the leg is cut off, it will be in this place will turn pink, then blue, after which it will acquire a purple tint, sometimes green. This type of mushroom is collected all summer. But sometimes they are seen at the end of November.

Redhead pine

Belongs to edible mushrooms. He has a red-brown dark crimson hat, which distinguishes it from its fellows. Grows near pine and bearberry. Description:

  • The diameter of the dry velvety cap reaches 15 cm.
  • The length of the leg grows up to 15 cm, its thickness reaches 5 cm. The leg of the redhead has small, brownish scales.

At the cut site the flesh turns blue, then turns black. This species is less common than the red boletus. Grows in damp coniferous forests in temperate latitudes of Europe.

Redhead spruce

This is an edible mushroom. You can describe it like this.

  • The hat is a rich brown-chestnut color, hangs slightly from the edge, its diameter is from 3 to 10 cm.
  • The cylinder-shaped leg has light brown scales on the surface and widens slightly towards the base. The length reaches 8-14 cm, thickness - 1.5-3 cm.

The pulp of the redhead is dense, white, and becomes dark when cut. Spruce boletuses are grouped in coniferous forests, usually under spruce trees, and are found in oak forests and mixed forests. The harvest season begins in July and lasts until October.

This edible mushroom the cap is red-orange, dark reddish or brick red hue. In a young mushroom it is semicircular, dry, slightly velvety. Over time, it acquires a cushion shape, becomes smooth, and reaches from 4 to 12 cm in diameter. There are reddish scales on a stalk 13-18 cm high. The pulp is firm, white, and when cut becomes purple or gray-black.

So, we found out that the mushroom edible boletus. It owes its name to aspen, since it is closely related to its roots, and the color of the cap resembles an autumn leaf. And each type has its own characteristics and differences from others.

Look at the boletus mushroom in the photos, which demonstrate the richness of shades and colors:

The description of the spruce boletus mushroom should begin with the fact that this mushroom is edible and has excellent nutritional value. The cap is 6-15 cm in diameter, hemispherical, then convex, fleshy. The surface of the cap is fine-fibrous, matte dark brown, brown, light brown. The skin does not come off. The tubular layer is first white, then beige, the pores in the tubes are dark gray. The leg is 7-15 cm long, 2-4 cm thick, fleshy white, covered with black scales. The pulp is dense white, later pinkish, at the break it becomes violet-gray or violet-black, when cut it turns purple-pink, and then gray-violet.

Look at the boletus mushroom in the photo and in the description, this information will allow you to accurately identify it in the forest:

Large crops of spruce boletus are harvested in deciduous, mixed and pine forests.

Poisonous and inedible doubles the spruce boletus does not.

Thanks to its dense pulp, the spruce boletus is the best edible mushroom. The mushroom is rarely wormy.

Yellow-brown boletus is edible. The cap is up to 6-15 cm, red, at first hemispherical, then cushion-shaped, later convex, fleshy, finely fibrous, matte, moist in the rain, but not slimy. The skin does not come off. The tubular layer is initially white, then light grey-brown. The leg is 7-15 cm long, 2-4 cm thick, fleshy white, covered with brown scales. The pulp is dense white, when cut it turns rusty red-brown.

Found from July to October.

The dense pulp of the yellow-brown boletus makes it the best mushroom for cooking roasts, it fries little and does not stick to the pan. Pickled boletuses are tasty and beautiful. Boletuses are rarely wormy.

Blood red boletus in the photo

The mushroom is edible. The cap is up to 6-15 cm, red, at first hemispherical, then cushion-shaped, then cushion-shaped, later convex, fleshy, finely fibrous, matte, moist in the rain, but not slimy. The skin does not come off. The tubular layer is initially white, then light grey-brown. The leg is 7-15 cm long, 2-4 cm thick, fleshy white, covered with brown scales. The pulp is dense white, when cut it turns rusty red-brown.

Grows in coniferous and mixed forests. There is a lot of it on the banks of the Volga.

Found from July to October.

The blood-red boletus has no poisonous or inedible counterparts.

The dense flesh of the blood-red boletus is ideal for frying. Pickled boletuses are tasty and beautiful. Boletuses are rarely wormy.

The mushroom is edible. To begin the description of what the red boletus mushroom looks like, you need to say that its cap is up to 6-18 cm, matte orange, initially hemispherical, then cushion-shaped, later convex, fleshy, finely fibrous. The skin does not come off. The tubular layer is first white, then ocher. Leg 7-18 cm long, 2-4 cm thick, fleshy white, covered in at a young age white scales, later - brown scales. The pulp is dense white, when cut it turns pink-gray and then gray-blackish.

Look at what the boletus mushroom looks like in the photo, and let’s continue to study this species in detail:

Red boletus mushroom in the photo

Grows in forest belts with aspen and in birch groves, singly or in small groups. Forms mycorrhiza with birch and aspen.

Found from July to October.

The red boletus has no poisonous or inedible counterparts.

The dense pulp of red boletus is suitable for making soups and stews. Pickled boletuses are tasty and beautiful. Boletuses are rarely wormy.

Pine boletus mushroom in the photo

Pine boletus mushroom- edible. The cap is 6-18 cm, fleshy, finely fibrous orange-brown or yellow-brown, matte, moist in the rain, but not slimy, at first hemispherical, then cushion-shaped. The skin does not come off. The tubular layer is initially white, then light grey-brown. The leg is 7-15 cm long, 2-4 cm thick, fleshy white, covered with brown scales. The pulp is dense white, when cut it turns purple-pink and then gray-violet.

Where to look for boletus mushrooms in the nearby forest? Large harvests of pine boletus are harvested on moss-covered peat soils in a pine forest. Forms mycorrhiza with pine: boletus mushrooms grow quite quickly and spread over vast territories. These are the main places where boletus mushrooms grow; you should look for them there and in this case you will never be left without prey.

Found from July to October.

The pine boletus has no poisonous or inedible counterparts.

The dense pulp makes the pine boletus the best mushroom for preparing any dishes. Pickled boletuses are tasty and beautiful. Boletuses are rarely wormy.

Boletus by nutritional value belongs to the second category, but due to its taste it is the leader in popularity among mushroom pickers. This mushroom is great not only for eating during the season, but also for aromatic preparations that will allow you to feel the taste of summer on winter days.

How is this product useful, when and where to collect boletus mushrooms, how to distinguish them and what dangers should you be prepared for? This will be discussed below. So, let's look at the boletus.

Boletus description.

The genus to which all varieties of boletus belong is called Leccinum, or Obabok. Absolutely all varieties of boletus are edible and safe, but it is important to be able to distinguish them from dangerous doubles.

Boletuses are large mushrooms with a fleshy stem and a cap of a red-orange, sometimes white hue. In the early stages of growth they may resemble porcini mushrooms, later they are a little similar to boletus mushrooms. To have a complete understanding of boletuses, let’s look at their varieties with a description of their characteristics.

  1. Red boletus.

The most common variety. The cap of this mushroom at an early stage of growth is hemispherical in shape and red in color if it grows in an aspen grove. In mixed foxes, the cap of the red boletus is yellow-red, while those growing under poplars are distinguished by a grayish tint. The cap is covered with a dense velvety skin and can reach a maximum diameter of 30 cm. But such large mushrooms are extremely rare; as a rule, the diameter of the red boletus cap ranges from 5-14 cm.

On inside a loose tubular layer from 1 to 3 cm, with rounded pores that darken slightly when touched. The leg grows from 5 to 15 cm, covered with longitudinal scales of a fibrous texture, which over time acquire a brown tint. It is important to pay attention to the spore layer - it has a brown tint, and the spores themselves are spindle-shaped.

  1. Brown-yellow boletus.

This mushroom grows on a long stalk, the height of which is from 8 to 2 cm, and is partially hidden underground. The leg is light or grayish in color, with a scaly surface that darkens over time. The caps of young mushrooms are initially hemispherical, and then become cushion-shaped, yellow-brown or brown-orange in color, with rough, dry skin.

The tubular layer is loose, with angular-rounded pores, which initially have a grayish tint, and later can become brown or olive. The spores are smooth, olive in color and fusiform in shape. The peculiarity of the variety is that at the cut site the flesh changes color over time - gradually becomes pinkish, then turns blue and acquires a dark purple hue.

  1. White boletus.

A special variety of boletus, as it differs in the typical white color of its cap and stem. At the beginning of growth, the cap is hemispherical in shape, and then changes to cushion-shaped. At the base, the leg may acquire a bluish tint. The surface is smooth and dry. The diameter of the cap can reach from 5 to 25 cm, and the height of the stem can range from 5 to 22 cm.

Over time, the surface of the leg becomes covered with gray-brown scales. The tubular layer may be white or yellowish-gray in old boletuses. The color of the spore powder is ocher. The peculiarity is that at the cut site you can notice a sharp darkening of the pulp, and in the stem area it acquires a pinkish-purple hue.

  1. Painted-legged boletus.

In many respects, this variety is similar to the previous ones. But it is distinguished by a wider, convex cap and pinkish color of scaly legs. Average height mushroom stem - from 5 to 20 cm, and the diameter of the cap is no more than 25 cm. The tubular layer can be pinkish in color with a golden tint.

The thickness of the tubular layer is no more than 1.5 cm. The spore powder is brownish-pinkish or yellow-pink, depending on the age of the fungus. The colored-legged boletus is distinguished by white, dense flesh, which does not darken as quickly as in previous varieties.

Where does boletus grow and when to collect it?

In addition to the varieties discussed, there are others that are subject to variability depending on the area and conditions in which they grow. The first boletuses may appear in the forests as early as early to mid-June. The boletus growing season ends in September. Where can you find boletus? Below is a list of places where this mushroom grows.

  1. First of all, as the name implies, you need to look for the mushroom in aspen trees. In aspen forests and groves these mushrooms grow in large quantities, and not only after the rains. During the dry season, you can find boletus growing in very shaded plantings.
  2. Boletus can also grow in birch and mixed forests. As a rule, the mushroom looks a little different - it has a brown-yellow cap. The mushroom grows during the rainy seasons in small families - for each specimen there are up to 15-20 more of the same kind.
  3. In addition, boletus can be found among pine trees. It has a red-brown cap and grows in groups of 5 or more. Mushrooms grow best in pine forests after warm rains in lightly shaded areas.

False boletus.

When picking mushrooms, you must not forget about your own safety. Many edible mushrooms have dangerous doubles that external characteristics very similar, but at the same time contain harmful, toxic substances. The boletus is no exception. There is a dangerous variety that has similar characteristics, but it is still easy to distinguish it from the edible boletus. Pepper mushroom ( scientific name- Tylopilus felleus), which is also popularly called bitter bitter, is distinguished by a reticulate pattern on the stem, a very bitter taste and a pink tubular layer. At the point of cutting, the flesh of the bitterling quickly turns pink.

The benefits and harms of boletus.

Eating boletus is not recommended for everyone, since this mushroom is not considered dietary product. Due to the high content of lithium and chitin, this product is contraindicated for people suffering from chronic diseases of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder and pancreas. In addition, boletus is not recommended for pregnant women, as well as during breastfeeding. But there are still more benefits from the product. Let's consider what beneficial mushroom pulp contains.

  • The pulp of the mushroom contains a lot of minerals in high concentration. Among them, potassium and phosphorus - up to half daily norm in 100 grams. Also contains iron, lithium, calcium, sodium, magnesium. All these minerals are involved in the regulation of water-salt metabolism and are important for nervous system and the implementation of hematopoietic processes.
  • The mushroom is also rich in vitamins. It contains a record amount of vitamin PP, as well as B vitamins, ascorbic acid, and tocopherol.
  • Mushrooms are the source special type proteins that are easily absorbed by the body. This is an ideal dietary supplement for weight watchers and vegetarians.

Boletus saves most valuable substances during heat treatment. It is also useful to eat dried and canned.