The flora of our planet never ceases to amaze with its diversity. A special place is given to trees. They have grown on Earth since ancient times. Diversity in appearance, shape, habitat, size - all this forces a person to study them with special care. Sometimes you can meet real record holders, for example, the most tall tree in the world. This will be discussed in this article.

Growth champion - general information

Sequoia is the name of the tallest tree in the world. This is a coniferous tree found mostly only in the state of California (USA).

It got its name in honor of the Indian chief who invented the Cherokee syllabary and became the founder of a newspaper in this language.

The local population, who are already accustomed to these giants, simply call this plant “mahogany.”

Most of these giants are found in the Muir Forest, Redwood Nature Reserves and Sequoia National Park.

Among the giants you can find both “aged” and fairly young specimens.

Currently, the title of "Tallest Tree in the World" belongs to a sequoia called "Hyperion". It is over 115 m tall, 11 m in diameter and about 800 years old.

What is the tallest tree in the world? A little history

In ancient times, when air humidity was higher, sequoia was also found in today's territories of Japan, France, Spitsbergen and the New Siberian Islands. The Ice Age also had a significant impact on settlement.

Until 1848, this tree was not exploited in the forest. This is due to the large size of the plant, since it was difficult to fell it with an ax and even (later) a saw.

Extermination begins unique forest The “gold rush” is considered to have come to these territories in the same 1848. The US authorities took protection of this tree only after about half of these giants had been cut down. Then the sequoia was declared a national property.


The crown of the plant has a conical shape. Sequoia branches grow mostly horizontally, less often with a slight downward slope.

The bark of this giant is quite thick and can reach 30 cm in width. It is fibrous and soft to the touch; when you touch it, it seems as if your hand is plunging into it; the sensations are very unusual. When the bark is removed, it is red-brown, but after a while it darkens.

The tallest tree in the world changes its appearance with age. In “youth” (up to 100 years) it resembles a dark green pyramid. The branches densely cover the trunk from the ground to the top. Over time, its lower part becomes exposed and becomes thicker.

The leaves are small, reaching 15-25 cm in length. In young sequoia they grow elongated and flat, in long-lived ones they grow with arrows in the lower crown, and scaly in the upper crown.

The cones of these giants are small, no more chicken egg, approximately 1.5-3.5 cm. Pollination occurs at the end of winter, and after 8-9 months up to 7 seeds ripen. They fall to the ground when the cone dries and opens.

It is expected that by 2017 the record holder will change again, and it will become the Helion sequoia, which now reaches 114 meters. This is due to the fact that the tree grows very quickly, which cannot be said about “Hyperion” with its top damaged by woodpeckers.


Sequoia is not only the tallest tree in the world. It also breaks world records for the fauna of our planet in terms of age. The plant is also called a "living fossil" or mammoth tree. On average, a sequoia lives from two to four thousand years.

The real record holder among representatives of this species is a tree with an age of 4484 years. It was established using the growth rings of a cut sequoia tree in 1965.

In the pre-glacial period, the number of these plants was greater, perhaps dinosaurs also rested under them. Archaeologists have proven that the tree grew back in Jurassic period.

The secret of the longevity of these giants is in their root system. It is superficial and widely branched. Thanks to this, when searching for water and other nutrients, it covers a larger area.

The special sequoia bark plays a significant role; it is very thick and contains chemical elements, repelling various insects and other pests.

Sequoia National Park

It is located in the state of California and has an area of ​​1683 sq. km. It got its name thanks to its majestic inhabitants. It was formed in 1890 with the aim of protecting these trees. It has mountainous terrain.

The largest plants are under special protection, surrounded by a fence and even have their own name.

The most popular is the General Sherman tree. You can see him in the Forest of Giants. It is about 2 thousand years old, the plant reaches a height of 81 meters, and its circumference at the base is 32 meters.

The General Sherman Sequoia continues to grow today, each year the diameter of the trunk increases by an average of 1.5 cm. Its wood would be enough to build a six-room house.

Thanks to such amazing characteristics the tree received the title of “largest”.

The tallest tree in the world, the Hyperion sequoia, is located in another Redwood National Park. However, five out of ten record holders among plants for growth grow here.

The national park is also famous for other attractions. Here you can drive a car through a small tunnel cut through the middle of a sequoia tree that fell onto the road and blocked further movement.

The park is also famous for its caves, of which there are more than 250.

Living conditions

Sequoia needs high humidity, that's why it grows near the coast Pacific Ocean. The tree can be found at an altitude of 30-750 m above sea level. It grows both on the shore and in the mountain gorge. It loves fogs, from which it receives up to 30% of all the necessary humidity, which allows the tree to grow taller and larger.

Despite their scarcity (only 500 specimens remain in the world), the tallest trees in the world are very viable. Around the huge stumps left over from the cut down giants, you can always see young shoots, and they also begin to grow instead of a broken branch or top. Usually the “new generation” grows very quickly.

It has been proven that the tallest trees in the world - sequoias - have the ability to purify the air from carbon dioxide better than other plants. Forest owners who have not cut down a significant part of them for a hundred years receive special compensation for lost profits. It's called a carbon credit.

Fires are not destructive to this tree; its bark does not burn. On the contrary, they have great importance for his survival. Fire prepares forest floor for germination and thins out the forest from other plants, providing access to sunlight to young shoots. The heat also causes the buds to open, causing the seeds to fall to the ground.

Sequoia will grow well in other conditions (some people even try to plant it at home), but the process will be long, and it will not reach its majestic size as in its natural habitat.

The tallest and largest trees in the world

These titles are transferred from one to another creation of nature from time to time.

Sequoia - absolute record holder among all the trees. However, you should not ignore other plants.

The giant eucalyptus from the dense forests of Tasmania is the tallest deciduous tree in the world. It reaches 101 meters. Experts have established that its age is 400 years old, the plant was named “Centurion”. It is included in the Guinness Book of Records because it is the tallest flowering tree in the world.

One should not ignore another giant - a record holder, but this time in terms of trunk thickness. This is a baobab, or Adansonia palmata. It grows only 30 m in height, but its diameter can reach 9 m. This plant does not have growth rings, which will make it difficult to determine its age. However, thanks to special analyzes it has been proven that a tree with a trunk diameter of 4.5 meters is approximately 5000 years old.

Only the European chestnut can compete with the baobab. A tree with a trunk diameter of 20 m has been known since 1845.

Tallest tree in Russia

Our country also has its own giants. These are Siberian firs. They grow up to 60-100 meters. The straight trunk of the tree is densely covered with branches, making it seem as if the crown starts from the ground itself.

IN Krasnodar region the Nordmann fir is known, which favorable conditions reaches 80 m in height. Even the common spruce, which grows throughout Russia, can stretch up to 60 meters.

There is another tall tree - it is 18 meters Siberian cedar, its trunk girth is 3 m, age is 250 years. This evergreen coniferous tree is considered one of the most beautiful in this region. Siberian cedar can reach a maximum height of 40 meters, since it grows up to 500 years.

It is difficult to surprise a person with tall buildings or towers; huge structures are growing all over the world. Concrete slabs and reinforcement make up the bulk of these giants. But what nature gives us always arouses curiosity and admiration. Gigantic, hundred-meter trees fascinate at first sight. Standing in front of such a “living being,” we feel dwarfed, but at the same time we feel proud of the grandeur and beauty of our environment.

All the leading places among the tallest trees are occupied by sequoia conifers. They grow mainly in the southern United States. The redwood or evergreen sequoia is the state symbol of California. In addition to the title of the tallest tree, it is one of the most ancient plants; their appearance on earth dates back to more than 200 million years ago. The tree received its name in honor of the leader of the Indian tribe Sequoia. Perhaps they became the prototype for the huge trees from another planet from the movie Avatar.

Over the past 15 years, the first place has constantly passed from one tree to another. As a result, today the undisputed winner is a tree called. The height of the giant is 115.5 m, its age reaches about 750–800 years. There is an opinion that the growth of sequoia per year increases by an average of 25 cm. Considering that the lifespan of such a giant reaches 4 thousand years, Hypereon can safely be called a young tree that still has time to grow and grow.

The next champion in height stands next to the previous one. Sequoia called Helios. The height of the trunk is 114.6 m. Before the discovery of Hypereon, it was Helios who held the title of the tallest tree. These trees take first place not only in growth, they are better than other plants in purifying the air from carbon dioxide.

In third place he confidently settled down, or rather, stood tall Icarus. This is also a sequoia growing next to Hyperon and Helios. The location of almost all giant trees in California is classified. Preserving the infrastructure and not disturbing the ecology around protected natural monuments is the main goal of the parks. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the number of these trees declined sharply, the main reason being human factor. Building materials made from sequoia were extremely popular; products made from it are durable, lightweight and completely resistant to rot. Scroll chemical substances in wood is so large that it repels all pests, including termites. Nowadays, there are about 500 giant trees left.

Stratosphere Giant- until 2010, it had the title of the tallest tree in the world. Located in California. The latest measurements recorded a height of 113.11 meters. It is worth noting that all types of sequoia do not suffer from fire; the tree bark is fire-resistant. Due to the burnt area around the sequoia, Sun rays provide rapid growth to young shoots.

Fifth place is taken by sequoia with long name National Geographic Society. The height of the tree is 112.71 m. Diameter – 4.39. By the way, the largest, heaviest and most voluminous tree in the sequoia family is General Sherman. At 2,500 years old and weighing about 1,900 tons, the circumference of the trunk measures more than 30 meters.

Orion. Sixth place. A huge sequoia grows close to several other giants, but is twice as tall. For 2012, the height is 112.63 m. Age about 1500 years. All representatives of the sequoia species can rightfully be called long-livers; the record holder is a tree with an age of 4484 years. The sequoia, cut down in 1965, today attracts thousands of tourists, shocked by the thickness of the trunk and the abundance of growth rings.

Lauralin, the seventh tallest tree. Location - California. The height reaches 112.62 meters. Among its representatives it is one of the youngest. Although it is fundamentally incorrect to call a sequoia that has reached more than 100 meters young. “Living fossil” or “Mammoth tree”, these are two words that characterize these trees. It has been proven that giants grew back in the Jurassic period and perhaps dinosaurs rested under them. Each growing tree has its own ecosystem - birds nest, lichen and other vegetation grow, animals and insects live.

In ninth place is another representative of this genus Paradox. It grows in the same park as Rockefeller and is no less popular. The height of the tree is 112.56 m. It was one of the first to be discovered; it got its name because of the contrast: mature coniferous trees growing nearby look dwarf compared to Paradox.

Sequoia closes the top ten list. Mendocino- the most damaged tree due to the influx of curious tourists. Now it is under protection; it is impossible to see the tree up close.

We are convinced that all honorable places belong to the redwoods, but if we exclude them from the list as the absolute champions, where do our eyes turn? In difficult conditions, in places where they raged Forest fires, on the island of Tasmania, the largest deciduous tree grows - the regal eucalyptus, with a sonorous name Centurion. The age of this giant is more than 400 years, and its height is 101 m. The island is the owner of several eucalyptus trees of similar height, next after Centurion is the giant Icarus's Dream, reaching 97m. Eucalyptus trees, for their ability to absorb and evaporate more than a hundred liters of water per day, are called “pump trees.” The tallest flowering tree can be seen without bark, since the rapid growth of the tree in breadth leads to its shedding.

Some sources indicate several more species of equally huge trees, but descriptions of them are extremely scant. Thus, in the Columbia National Forest in Washington, the Noble Fir grows, reaching 85 m. And in the state of Idaho, mountain pine grows with a height of 70 m.

In our country big variety forests with different climatic zone. Can Russia boast of tall trees? The same famous sequoias grow on the territory of the Yalta Botanical Garden and in the Krasnodar Territory, but the longest of them is 38 m.

In forests Krasnodar region, on the southeastern part Black Sea coast, growing Nordmann fir, tall trees with a straight trunk, sometimes reaching 70–80m. Thanks to the long lower branches, they resemble a dark green pyramid. The age reaches no more than 600 years, they mainly die from insect pests.

Slightly taller, normal height is 60 to 100m. An evergreen, frost-resistant tree, grows very slowly, lives up to 600–700 years.

Often meets spruce, reaching sizes up to 50–60 m. The most widespread distribution is all Northern part our country. It lives a little less than its evergreen representatives, on average about 250–300 years. In the list of our tall trees, we should also note the Siberian cedar (slightly smaller than the others, but an unusually beautiful and spreading tree), beech, ash, birch (the height of some specimens reaches 30–35 m). Each of the listed trees evokes pride and calls for responsibility, careful attitude to our nature.

2016.02.12 by

Trees surround us everywhere. Some, thanks to their characteristics, make them admire them, others remain “in the shadows”. But there are plants of extraordinary size that support the sky. There are plant giants, the size of which is many times greater than most of their counterparts. The most big trees in the world they are not just long-livers; some specimens have adorned the world for many centuries. These representatives of the flora grow in different parts of the world.

What types of trees are there and their importance for the environment?

More than three trillion species of trees grow in the area green planet. They are divided into coniferous and deciduous species. Each performs a very important function for living organisms, filling the Earth with oxygen.

Humanity cannot do without this vegetation either in everyday life or in industry, since in many industries it is difficult to replace wood with anything.

They amaze with their bizarre shapes and growth. Researchers from all over the world are collecting and recording data on the most unique specimens. To measure the gigantic height of plant giants, a laser rangefinder is used, which gives the most exact result. There is another way that also indicates the real size of the tree - this is a falling measuring tape.

Record-breaking plants

Trees differ from their botanical counterparts not only in that they have a branching axis covered with bark and a lush crown, but also in their growth, age, and volume. The flora is so diverse that it is impossible to list all the features. The ranking of record-breaking trees was compiled in order to show the greatness of Mother Nature’s creations.

Sequoia is a plant of the cypress family, popularly called mahogany. Geographical location concentrated on the Pacific coast. Sequoia is number one on the list of trees that have achieved record growth. This particular specimen deserves the title the highest representative plant kingdom.

Today it leads the ranking of giant trees. It has its own name - Hyperion. The copy is located in national park Redwood, in northern California. A more precise location has not been disclosed due to the fact that frequent visits from people may somehow affect the health of the old-timer.

The age of this giant is almostVIII centuries.

Its size is so impressive that the numbers speak for themselves: the volume of the trunk is 502 m3, and the height is 11561 cm.

In terms of vertical dimensions, no plant species can compete with sequoia. Only her fellow giants can tower so proudly above everyone else. Helios, reaching 11458 cm, Icarus, 11314 cm high, and several other tallest trees grow in the USA.

Ficus bengal is his middle name. Belongs to the Mulberry family. Ranked second in rating table, which lists the largest trees. This giant is located on the territory of a botanical garden located in India. Its lifespan is hundreds of years.

It grows from many aerial roots that resemble trunks, so it seems that this is not one, but many trees. But the most remarkable thing about it is its crown, which is so thick and spreading, and its circumference reaches almost 600 m. With its green dome, the Great Banyan is able to protect enough from the rays of the sun a large number of of people. Most common in India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Baobabs are also the largest trees on the planet, but their maximum size is measured not in height, but in volume. The diameter of the thick stem of the plant can reach 10 m, the crown grows up to 40 m, with a height of approximately 20 m. The homeland of baobabs is the hot African continent.

Precisely because climatic conditions it has such a weird shape. The wood of these giants, the largest in thickness, differs from their relatives growing in northern latitudes.

Due to its porosity, during rare rains the trunk is filled with life-giving moisture, which is then consumed during the dry period.

The largest trees in Russia are in Siberian forest areas. The fir is called Siberian fir and belongs to the pine family. It can reach vertical dimensions of almost 60 meters, and on average the plant height ranges between 40-50 m.

Life expectancy is several hundred years. As proven through research, the life span and even the size of the plant directly depends on the region of growth. Fixed gigantic sizes specimens growing in the Krasnodar region. The growth of the fir reached 80 m, the diameter of the trunk was 2 m. Such giants live for almost 5 centuries. Nordmann fir got its name in honor of the scientist who headed the botanical garden in Odessa at the end of the nineteenth century.

A bright representative of the pine family, growing in the mountains, at an altitude of 1000-2000 meters above sea level. It seems that this giant is trying to hide from prying eyes in the heights of the mountains. And it was not in vain that people cut down trees en masse; only six groves were preserved. The lifespan of this species reaches several hundred years. Cedar grows to a height of 40-50 m, its trunk diameter is 2.5 m. It rightfully takes its place on the list greatest plants on the ground.

It also has a name - Portuguese cypress, most common in South America, in Mexico. It amazes with its greatness and the article is considered the most beautiful tree planets.

Cypress is the leader among large species precisely by the thickness of the trunk.

Naturalists have recorded a tree that lives for about four centuries, the thickness of the trunk is almost 17 m. Cypress grows 30-40 m high. The life of the Mexican plant species can last up to 2 thousand years.

A deciduous woody plant of the beech family, which is most often found in North America, Asia and Europe. The climate of these latitudes is most favorable for these trees. Beech trees reach up to 30 meters. The axis of the tree is about two meters in diameter.

The average lifespan of these trees is about 400 years. Scientists call the beech tree the oldest resident of the planet, with fossils of the plant's trunks dating back to about 65 million years ago.

An amazing specimen called Thule has a record axis diameter of 3620 cm. The gigantic height of this botanical perfection reaches 3500 centimeters. A giant adorns the central church square of a Mexican city. There was a hypothesis that the tree consists of several, fused together. However, after DNA analysis, the unity of this tree was confirmed. As for the time of his stay on the planet, the date of birth is supposedly 15 centuries ago, although some researchers admit that the real life cycle may be several thousand years.

It is difficult to call this outlandish plant the greatest in size, but it has the most extraordinary record - the date of its germination.

The appearance of this miracle dates back to 2831 BC.

The plant life form belongs to the species Intermontane bristlecone pine, located in the state of California. A new specimen was discovered in the White Mountains, in the eastern part of the state. He is several centuries older than his brother.

Completes the list plant species eucalyptus, having a record height, width or age, its record is that it grows very quickly. It reaches a height of 1000 cm in the first three years from the moment of germination. Over ten years of life, it rises by more than 2000 cm. Tropical climate is its favorable environment. It is most often found in Australia and New Zealand. Thanks to their ability to quickly grow into a powerful tree, eucalyptus trees grow into forests that occupy vast areas.

We have not presented the entire list of trees worthy of being called wonderful embodiments of nature. Each type plant life, of all those listed, is very worthy of its kind and delights with its beauty, height, volume and longevity.

Man builds huge skyscrapers from iron and concrete. People pass them by all their lives without thinking. But the sight of a huge tree, more than 100 meters high, takes your breath away. Man is not involved in the creation of this splendor; it is a creation of nature.

For a long time, two trees competed for the title of the tallest in the world - Helios and Hypereon. They overtook each other, confusing the record book compilers. Helios was discovered earlier; for several years it was considered the undisputed leader in growth.

Interesting fact! When Hypereon was discovered, the palm passed to him. Now he is firmly in the lead, ahead of his opponent by ninety centimeters.

Top 5 tallest trees

All of them are coniferous sequoias located in North America. The exact location is kept a closely guarded secret in order to protect the record holders. They are known to grow on the Pacific coast.

Features of the tallest trees in the world

It is known that all giants belong to the evergreen sequoia species, which is considered a close relative of the ordinary cypress.

They are amazing in several ways:

  • height;
  • trunk volume;
  • age;
  • exceptional abilities.

Hypereon, in addition to its impressive growth, also has an amazing age. It is over 700 years old! He saw so many people, witnessed so many stories and warriors that it is difficult to even imagine.

And the most amazing thing: 700 years for them is not old age. Scientists believe that evergreen sequoias can live up to 4 thousand years. Hypereon is considered a green teenager, and its growth and volume will continue to increase.

Interesting fact! Evergreen redwoods They are record holders not only in terms of height. These are some of the most ancient trees on earth. The first sequoias appeared more than two hundred million years ago. They were named after the leader of one of the Indian tribes - Sequoia.

It is known that redwoods lived on the planet during the time of dinosaurs. They populated the entire northern part of America, as evidenced by the results of archaeological excavations. Back then they were called “living fossils.”

An exceptional feature of the evergreen sequoia is its ability to absorb carbon dioxide. They cope best with this task, acting as defenders against ozone holes. Due to the absorption of carbon dioxide in large quantities, they prevent them from increasing.

Reasons for the secrecy of the location of giant trees

There are very few such giants left in the world. It's all because of man. Due to the constant cutting down of trees, all the giants were surrounded by parks. Tourists can go there and walk around, but no one can tell where exactly this or that tree is located. The data is classified even for park employees.

Furniture items made from redwood sell very well.

These benefits make redwoods a target for criminals. When their number was reduced to 500, environmentalists took control of the situation. An official ban on logging has been issued; they are all now growing in a protected park area.

Big trees in Russia

The USA is not the only country where green giants have settled. A distant relative of the tallest trees in the world, the Nordman fir, grows in the Krasnodar region. Fir trees reach up to 70 meters in height, trailing the record holders. However, the sight of a 70-meter tree will not leave you indifferent.

Their possible age is much smaller. Nordman fir is susceptible to pests, their maximum age is only 600 years.

Important! Spruce trees in the northern part of Russia reach up to 60 meters in height. Such trees live no more than 300 years. At one time, the cedar tree, 20 meters high, was considered the record holder for growth in Russia.

Other trees growing in Russia are much lower. Birch and ash trees can grow no more than 25 meters. Other species do not reach this growth.

Green giants that do not belong to the conifer family

Centurion, which has been growing on the island of Tasmania for more than 400 years, reaches a height of 101 meters. This is the biggest of them all deciduous trees in the world.

Tasmania has become home to several leaf giants. Icarus's Dream, 97 meters tall, grows not far from Centurion. The difference of 40 meters makes these giants possible rivals for supremacy among the tallest deciduous trees.

Interesting facts about giant trees:

  • Since all the height record holders grow in California, the sequoia has become a symbol of the state.
  • Redwood trees served as an example for creating the world in the movie Avatar.
  • The longest-living tree is the sequoia, cut down in 1965, its age is 4484 years. Now it has become an architectural monument. Tourists come to admire it in a park located in California.
  • The youngest giant tree is Lauralin, grows in California, its height is 112 meters.
  • If you look at a photo of a sequoia, you will notice that its thick branches look like tusks, it is called - mammoth tree.
  • Ecologists suggest that if all deciduous trees on earth could be replaced with conifers, the earth would be oversaturated with oxygen.
  • Evergreen sequoias grow only in the United States. In order to preserve the species, ecologists are trying to grow these trees in other countries.
  • Sequoia bark is very dense, its thickness can reach up to 30 cm.
  • Redwoods are fire resistant. Wood saturated with moisture cannot be burned.
  • Redwoods do not grow higher than 2 kilometers above sea level.
  • Tourists have a belief that green giants are endowed with souls. They talk to them and ask for advice.

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People have lived near trees throughout history. A tree provides shade when it’s hot, shelter from the sun, firewood for a fire, wood for paper and much more. Therefore, trees have attracted people's attention for a very long time. And the tallest tree in the world accordingly attracts the most attention. This is what our post today will be about.

The flora of the Earth impresses with its diversity and splendor. However, a special place is usually given to trees that have grown on the planet since ancient times. Great amount species, shape, size and habitat. All this became the reason for studying trees with special care. Among them there are real record holders, particularly in height. The tallest tree in the world is just such a record holder. It's time to get to know him better
Most of the champion trees in height grow in America. First of all, these are redwoods, the location of which is usually kept secret. Among them there are young giants, as well as many centenarians.

Watch this wonderful video from the National Geographic channel to appreciate the power and height of these amazing trees:

The tallest trees in the world, sequoia conifers, are distributed mainly in California - the famous American state. There are several contenders for first place, but in 2006, the tallest tree in the world was recognized as the sequoia, called Hyperion, whose height exceeds 115 meters and diameter is about eleven meters. Hyperion is about eight hundred years old.

Before the discovery of Hyperion, the championship belonged to the Helios sequoia. Now this tree has moved to second position. The following places are occupied by the Icarus and Stratosphere Giant sequoias. It is possible that in the future ecologists and naturalists will discover taller trees. Then the title of the tallest tree in the world will pass to them.

What does the tallest tree in the world look like - sequoia

The crown of this amazing representative flora has a conical shape. Most branches grow horizontally, sometimes with a slight downward slope. Sequoia bark is very massive, up to 30cm thick, but soft and fibrous to the touch. When touched, an unusual sensation is created that the hand is immersed in it. The bark removed from the tree is red-brown in color and darkens over time. As the tree ages, its appearance changes.

Until about a hundred years of age, it is a kind of dark green pyramid, tightly covered with branches from bottom to top. Over time, the entire lower part of the tree thickens and becomes exposed. The leaves of young sequoias are flat and elongated. Their length reaches 25cm. The leaves of long-lived trees are scaly at the top and have arrows at the bottom. The cones of these giants are characterized by rather modest sizes - up to 25 cm in length.

Sequoias are also distinguished by their considerable age. For this they are called mammoth trees or “living fossils.” Archaeologists have proven that in the pre-glacial period the number of these trees was very large and dinosaurs may have walked under them. Their average lifespan can last up to four thousand years. The record holder in this regard is the sequoia with a lifespan of 4484 years, which was determined by the annual rings of a cut tree. The main secret of sequoia longevity is its widely branched surface root system, capturing vast areas in search of nutrients and water. In addition, the powerful bark of the tree contains chemical elements that repel pests.

However, the mammoth tree is not the oldest - the life expectancy of some varieties of pines and spruces is even longer. In particular, the Canadian spruce growing in Sweden is approximately 9550 years old. This is the age of the ancient spruce, which was “reborn” in the form of a “clone”.

The concept of the largest tree in the world includes not only height indicators. The volume of the trunk and branches is also taken into account. According to these parameters the largest trees are redwoods that grow mainly in America. In particular, there is a similar giant in the Californian National Park and is called “General Sherman”. This general is distinguished by its height of 84 meters and its age of about 2200 years. At the same time, the tree continues to grow.

Sequoias are the undisputed champions in size. However, other majestic plants are also worthy of attention.
In the dense forests of Tasmania grows the giant Centurion eucalyptus. Its height is 101 meters, it holds the record among deciduous trees. Experts have established its approximate age - about 400 years. In the Guinness Book of Records, this eucalyptus is listed as the tallest tree in the world, but already among flowering trees.

Another record holder, but this time in terms of trunk thickness, is considered to be the baobab (Adansonia palmate). The trunk diameter of a thirty-meter baobab can reach 9 meters. Only the European chestnut can compete with it. A representative of this species has been known since the nineteenth century, with a trunk diameter of an incredible 20 meters.

The tallest trees in Russia

First of all, this is Siberian firs, growing up to one hundred meters. Their straight trunk is covered with a dense layer of branches growing directly from the ground. Nordmann fir also reaches great heights of up to 80 meters. This tree is found in the Krasnodar region.

The common spruce will grow up to sixty meters. There are giants among the forest beech trees.
One of the tallest and most beautiful evergreens coniferous trees Siberian cedar is considered to reach forty meters.
There is also a famous sequoia in our country - in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden near Yalta. It lags behind its Californian relatives and has a height of about thirty meters.

The tallest tree in the world - interesting facts

  1. The most gigantic trees on Earth - redwoods - have unique ability purifying the air from carbon dioxide. Interestingly, this property is much more effective than that of other plants. Owners of sequoia plantations, for refusing to cut them down, receive a certain compensation for lost profits, which is called a carbon credit.
  2. Fire is not destructive for sequoias, whose bark does not ignite. Fire, on the contrary, prepares the nearby soil for the germination of young shoots, clearing it of other plants. Also, under the influence of heat, the cones quickly open, the seeds of which fall into the ground.
  3. Sequoia can grow well in almost any conditions, but the process will be very slow and its height will not reach the target natural environment a habitat.

As you can see, the tallest tree in the world also turned out to be a record holder in other respects. Well, we can only be glad that humanity has such wonderful neighbors in the plant world. Stay with us and learn a lot more interesting things!