That nuclear war no country in the world needs it, everyone knows. But the superpowers are in no hurry to get rid of thematic weapons. Although it was tested for combat purposes only once, this was enough to understand its terrible consequences. The principle of its operation has changed slightly since then, but its destructive potential remains the same.

In this material we decided to collect information about how many nuclear warheads from Russia, compare weapons with America and provide truthful information about the models of warheads stored in our “bins”.

A few facts about nuclear weapons in Russia

The number of nuclear warheads in Russia is second in the world. About how many of them are stored in military warehouses is known for certain only to the country’s command, but we have data presented to the general public. According to preliminary information, the figure is around 1,500 pieces.

Before giving a few interesting facts, I would like to mention the START III document, drawn up under nuclear disarmament most countries of the world. In the USSR, missiles were stored in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc. They decided to give up their number of strategic nuclear forces in the event that the Russian Federation would protect them during military conflicts. Previously, the contract contained information that Russian Federation may apply combat units only in response to a thematic attack. But during the latest revision of the document, this paragraph was removed. That is, nuclear forces Russia can fly even if it or its allies are threatened by any means of influence. Whether this is good or bad is not for us to judge.

Now the facts:

  1. According to international experts, 508 strategic media are stored in the country. In total, about 1500 are installed on them ballistic missiles. The calculations are complicated by the fact that each bomber is counted as an independent missile, but how many bombs are installed on it is not counted.
  2. Few people know that there are actually many more nuclear bombs. It's just that some of them are not combat-ready. Some have expired (yes, nuclear warheads also have one), others have rusted casings, the rest are simply stored in bins and are not deployed due to other reasons. According to the agreement, they must be destroyed, but so far no one is going to do this.
  3. The USSR had many more missile systems than the this moment stored in the Russian Federation and America combined. If the figure of 1,500 missiles scared you, imagine total 46000 (!). This maximum was recorded in 1975. America had about 40,000 of them.
  4. The basis of the nuclear potential are Soviet-style missiles. They are called “Voevoda” and “Topol” and have considerable power.
  5. Thanks to the latest developments, a bomb can be launched from anywhere in the world using a mobile launcher, and it will fly to its intended target. Scientists have significantly increased maximum range flight. Rockets now fly not in a circular orbit, but along a suborbital trajectory.
  6. Using just 1% of the intercontinental atomic potential stored in the world, it is possible to arrange a “nuclear winter” for many decades. This powerful climate effect was calculated by scientists taking into account the explosions in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. If this happens on Earth there will be a real glacial period. This brings up certain thoughts.

Consequences of using atomic charges

The world's only power test of the rocket was carried out on August 6 and 9, 1945. The targets were the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Then no one suspected that ordinary planes were capable of causing enormous destruction. From that moment it became clear that even one missile system can cause serious consequences. The number of casualties from two small bombs with a yield of 13 to 20 kilotons ranged from 90,000 to 166,000 in Hiroshima and from 60,000 to 80,000 in Nagasaki. This is the number of people who died instantly. But how many people died subsequently from radiation poisoning is not known for certain.

After America threw off nuclear bombs Fortunately, no such military bombings were carried out against Japan.

Which countries have abandoned nuclear warheads?

If you go deeper into history, the first state in which warheads were supposed to appear was Germany. But thanks to Hitler's distrust of his scientists, this never happened. After the victory in World War II, according to American forecasts, in 15 years there should have been from 15 to 25 states that would have missiles. Due to the fact that every country understands the danger of adding to the nuclear club, almost half a century ago it was decided to disarm most powers. In 1994 and 1996, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus abandoned their number of nuclear missiles. The country that took their arsenal was Russia. Stored on the territory of Ukraine great amount warheads, which made it the third largest armament in the world, and they were mostly hidden in silos. The fourth was Kazakhstan. Even earlier, in the early 90s, missiles were abandoned in South Africa. Although the arsenal here was small, their 6 warheads would have been enough for enormous destruction. The interesting thing is that this country itself developed the weapon without anyone's help, installed it on deployed and non-deployed installations, and abandoned it itself.

In 1981, Iraq was accused of developing powerful missiles. In the same year, Israel attacked the nuclear center of this country so that their atomic program would be stopped. The consequence of these actions was military action against Iraq by US troops. But as it turned out, the sources were deceived and there were no nuclear weapons in the country. Similar accusations were also brought against Iran. Allegedly, this state, thanks to its achievements in creating an independent nuclear power managed to make rockets. The country's government is making statements that they are limiting themselves to uranium enrichment for their own purposes.

After the countries of the USSR became independent and disarmed, some of them said that a couple of charges were missing. Also, according to unconfirmed reports, the United States lost 11 warheads during sea transportation and did not find them. No one denies that the missiles could have hit terrorist organizations who would use them for their own purposes. In 1977, a study was commissioned by the US Senate. It turned out that if terrorists obtain uranium and plutonium, even without access to classified information and launchers they will be able to generate nuclear weapon.

Comparison of the nuclear potential of Russia and America

According to the latest data, nuclear warheads in Russia and the United States are almost comparable in number. But is this really so?

Let's look at the publicly available facts. America has 792 strategic delivery vehicles in its arsenal. In terms of quantity, this is approximately 1654 cruise missiles. The Russian Federation, as already mentioned, has 508 deployed strategic delivery vehicles and 1,480 missiles. Russia's nuclear weapons, which are smaller in number than those of the United States, are still to some extent a deterrent. Therefore, some Russian scientists a couple of years ago began to make a fuss about a practical comparison of the number of missiles in the two superpowers. Their pride is understandable.

Now imagine that the main nuclear potential of America will be located on submarines. Each of them is defined by 1 unit, although they can hold 8 warheads. The same goes for ground-based missiles"Minuteman." They hold 3 each, and there are about 450 of them in service. Nuclear submarines, of which there are 14 in the United States, have 24 missiles. According to preliminary calculations, this is already 1000 charges. They are mostly hidden in the depths of the oceans and are not considered active weapons. Are taken into account strategic bombers three types. There are 230 of them working and about 150 in reserve, as well as new deployed installations throughout the country. Each of them has quite a lot of missiles, the number of which is 1654. Russian stockpiles of ICBMs are not so powerful. Therefore, it is too early to rejoice about the equalization of forces.

They say that over the past few years Russia has released a device that can cover the entire territory of the United States in one gulp. This is actually true. But in America, every city has special signaling equipment. It will have time to signal about approaching warheads in advance. The government, in turn, will be able to react and raise the entire arsenal that is in reserve and in service. For example, we have only two such devices - one of them is in Vladivostok. As you can see, such a combination of circumstances will not bring benefit to anyone, since in place of the two superpowers there will be a bare desert.

Data for 2018

See the entire table by country of the world.

Competitions in nuclear potential can be compared to a situation where two people stand ankle-deep in gasoline and one boasts that he has 5 matches, and the other that he has 6. At the last summit on nuclear deterrence, America proposed as part of military doctrine reduce the number of strategic and non-strategic missiles, but this is still under negotiation. The good news is that according to statistics recent years There are fewer charges in the world.

What other countries still have atomic weapons?

Countries that have atomic weapons are called " nuclear club" There are legitimate and illegitimate owners.

Of those eligible, it is worth noting:

  • Russia;
  • England;
  • France;
  • China.

Illegitimately storing nuclear arsenal:

  • North Korea;
  • India;
  • Pakistan.

It is not known for certain that there are warheads in Israel. But global community notes that they have their own developments, although the country’s government does not advertise this. The fact that there are missiles here was said only once in a veiled form when threatened by the leaders of Palestine.

This list is not complete. It is quite difficult to compile it, because many countries have nuclear programs that they allegedly abandoned. The 1968 Bomb Non-Proliferation Treaty and the 1986 Nuclear Test Ban Treaty were not signed by everyone invited to the summit. On some continents, weapons are supplied illegally by those who have permission to do so. According to unconfirmed reports, about 20,000 nuclear missiles are concentrated around the world, ready for battle.

Are nuclear weapons necessary in the modern world?

Assessing the need for nuclear weapons in modern world, let us again recall the Japanese cities affected by the charges. They were an excessive use of force, although the answer to this question is not clear-cut. The outcome of World War II could not have been different without the use of the bomb. Before a powerful coalition of states, one country Rising Sun was powerless. Therefore, the delayed or immediate death of hundreds of thousands of people, most of whom were not associated with the army, cannot be justified. Moreover, Tokyo could not even respond with a blow of similar strength. This can be called "baby bashing."

Replace atomic weapons at full scale military aggression nothing really. But there is no point in pinning some political hopes on it. This would be a dangerous and even naive thesis. By focusing on weapons as a guarantee of security, we can miss the more significant and real threats, which are most often non-military. The warhead will be powerless to counter them.

Let's take the situation of collapse Soviet Union. Some experts say that with the threat of an attack, the countries would remain under Moscow's influence. This trend was caused internal conflict, and not by some mythical forces from outside. Fighting with nuclear weapons would be useless and pointless.

From all of the above, we conclude that the winners are not judged. And the powers that have abandoned nuclear weapons by signing the corresponding treaty are considered the most powerful in the world. But if they use warheads against each other, there will be no winners in this world at all. The nuclear mushroom and the amount of radiation will be such that, having destroyed one state, over time the population of the aggressor will die out. There is no point in abandoning atomic weapons, even if they do not and cannot perform their direct function. But world analysts note that it is worthwhile to hide the missiles more reliably, strengthen the security of posts that must always be on alert, no longer improve warheads and stop looking at them as a guarantee of the country’s security.

The world became warily quiet. Russia has created a new bottom-based ballistic missile "Skif". It will serve, lurking in standby mode somewhere at the bottom of the sea-ocean, ready to hit any ground or sea target on command. Tests new rocket will begin this summer on the White Sea.

As the military department told Izvestia, the missile was developed jointly by the Rubin Central Design Bureau (St. Petersburg) and the State Missile Center named after Academician Makeev (Miass) by order of the Ministry of Defense.

The official reasons for the creation of this rocket are not stated. The editor of the MilitaryRussia website, Dmitry Kornev, notes that planting such missiles in several areas of the bottom will make it possible to hit enemy strategic targets at the right time without the involvement of submarines.

Strategic submarines are vulnerable to enemy anti-submarine systems. It is enough to detect the boat - and at the right moment you can easily disrupt the rocket launch. And the Skif missile is practically invisible to the enemy,” Kornev explained to Izvestia.

At the same time, retired Rear Admiral Vladimir Zakharov noted that if the enemy spots a boat placing the Scythians on the bottom, they can easily be neutralized.

If our carrier boat is followed by an enemy one, then there can be no talk of any kind of covert deployment. If the rocket is installed on open area bottom, modern hydroacoustics will easily detect it, so much will depend on the actions of the captain of the carrier submarine,” Zakharov explained.

Tests of the first missile are scheduled for late May - mid-June in the White Sea. The missile will be lowered to the bottom by the Sarov submarine, specially converted for testing the Skif. A torpedo tube of increased diameter (about 1 m) and special ballast tanks are installed in the bow of the Sarov, which should compensate for the weight of the dropped missile and help the boat maintain stability.

During future tests, we will test not only the missile, but also the system for transferring it at sea from ship to boat. If everything goes well, then after factory tests the Skif will be transferred to state tests, which will allow the missile to be adopted by the Russian Navy, explained Izvestia’s interlocutor.

The State Missile Center named after Makeev in the city of Miass confirmed to Izvestia that they are working on a product with the Skif index, but did not disclose the details of the project. Central Design Bureau "Rubin" to comment on plans for further work for the Skif missile they refused, citing state secrets.

Currently, our army is armed with R-29RMU2 “Sineva” missiles.

It seems that Russia is slowly but surely catching up on what it lost in the nineties. Before the collapse of the USSR, we were one of the main arms producers in the world. The Cold War set a high pace, and for some time Russia and the United States were neck and neck. Soviet weapons shipped to Africa Eastern Europe, Vietnam, India, the Middle East, Cuba and other regions. The Kalashnikov assault rifle has become the main one small arms XX century, and the military-industrial complex accounted for a fifth of our country’s GDP and provided employment to 10% of the population. Until the end of the 80s, Russia was ahead of the United States in terms of arms exports.

True, while supplying weapons to more than 58 countries of the world, the USSR often did not receive money for it: most of supplies were a contribution to our geopolitical influence and were carried out free of charge. Thus, in 1990, the USSR supplied weapons worth $16.3 billion, but received only a million dollars for them.

After the collapse of the Union, the pace of weapons production and sales immediately collapsed. In 1991, exports amounted to 7.1 billion, 1992 – 2.3, 1994 – 1.7 billion dollars. Exports, therefore, fell by more than tenfold over several years. The country was strained in the arms race, and a fall was inevitable. Many enterprises found themselves on the verge of bankruptcy, were forced to repurpose their production, and people lost their jobs. Until the mid-2000s, our military-industrial complex was engaged in survival in wild conditions market economy.

The situation gradually began to change in 2000. A single structure has emerged to be responsible for the entire sales process Russian weapons- Rosoboronexport, headed by Sergei Chemezov. Since then export military equipment constantly growing. Thus, in 2000, the volume of foreign sales amounted to $3.6 billion, and in 2012 – already $12.9 billion. Moreover, unlike Soviet times, the very principle of arms supply has changed. If previously they were determined by the ideological factor and the fight against the spread of US influence, now it is economic interest that has come to the fore. Our weapons compete with the same American ones in the same markets. At the same time, Rosoboronexport not only restored old ties, but also expanded them.

India not only buys Russian fighters MiG-29, but also produces them under our license.

In parallel with the establishment of trade relations in the 2000s, the production system was restored. The Oboronprom corporation was created, which united the main weapons manufacturers. In 2007, both Rosoboronexport and Oboronprom became part of the Rostec corporation, which was also headed by Sergei Chemezov. Thus, the unity of the military-industrial complex was restored and the efficient system production and sales of military equipment. It allows us to develop the high-tech sector of the economy, lead scientific developments, create jobs, replenish the budget with tax contributions.

Head of Rostec Sergei Chemezov

Unlike the Soviet system, Rostec is trying to maintain a delicate balance between centralized management and market principles. To this end, he plans to transfer the right to implement military-technical cooperation to his holdings that produce weapons (for now everything is going through Rosoboronexport). They will be able to directly provide after-sales service for the equipment they supply to customers. This will make our service system more flexible and increase attractiveness Russian companies, because when we're talking about With regard to high-tech products such as weapons, the quality of after-sales service becomes the most important competitive factor.

The main customers of the Mi-35M helicopter are the Russian Ministry of Defense, Brazil, Venezuela and Azerbaijan.

Currently, Rosoboronexport’s order portfolio exceeds $34 billion. And this guarantees stable development of the industry in the coming years. India remains the main customer of Russian weapons. Cooperation with China is gradually deepening and expanding Latin America. In total, our weapons are supplied to more than 55 countries around the world. In the global arms market, Russia ranks second after the United States, and in exports individual species products, such as armored vehicles, and even

Currently, it represents a formidable force that allows for a preventive strike against an alleged aggressor who is encroaching on the territorial integrity of the country.

Why are nuclear weapons needed?

Both individual states and various military blocs/alliances pursuing negative policies towards the country can be considered aggressors. It is worth noting that today Russia’s nuclear weapons play not an active, but a passive role. That is, first of all, its purpose is to strategically deter a potential enemy. The use of nuclear weapons is not an end in itself. It is undesirable for any country, since the use of such weapons inevitably entails Negative consequences For environment and the earth's atmosphere.

Russia's nuclear weapons date back to the times of the Soviet Union, and their most active development began when the arms race began in the conditions cold war. As is known, then several projects for weapons of mass destruction were developed, which eventually grew into nuclear deterrence complexes and which we see today.

For some time, the foreign publishing house The National Interest presented a list containing the most promising and dangerous Russian nuclear weapons for a potential enemy.

History of the creation of nuclear weapons

The very first work related to the physics of the atomic nucleus began in the 20s (in the Soviet Union). In the 30s there was already noticeable work in that area large quantity Research Institute The year 1940 was marked by the phenomenon of nuclear fission. After this event, the USSR Academy of Sciences created a special commission that worked on the problem of uranium. Her tasks included full coordination of ongoing research regarding the study of the principle of division atomic nuclei. In addition, the commission also had to look for new methods for separating uranium isotopes.

It is worth noting that already at that time the principle of chain nuclear reaction was considered in the light of military applications, but work in this area was, for the most part, an ordinary research program. The end of the Great Patriotic War became the time limit that put an end to approximately 75% of research in the field of nuclear physics.

When did the practical program for equipping military nuclear weapons begin?

This project involved studying the effects of nuclear decay for military purposes. It was officially started in 1943. The reason for this was information that reached the Soviet leadership. They said that the USA and Great Britain had started development work nuclear weapons. Certainly, soviet government could not allow such weapons to appear in a power close in influence to the Soviets. Thus, in April of the same year, the first laboratory was formed, which began to study methods for producing plutonium in heavy water reactors. Its tasks also include studying the separation of uranium isotopes. It is worth noting that the course of study did not involve the creation of a nuclear explosive device as the main task.

What influenced the acceleration of work on the creation of nuclear weapons?

The situation changes radically in 1945, when the United States conducts its first nuclear weapons test on July 16. On August 6th and then 9th, the US military bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki. All these events lead to stimulation of the work of Soviet development specialists nuclear program. It is undergoing significant changes, which are being carried out to ensure the creation of nuclear weapons in the shortest possible time. On August 20, another special committee is created, the purpose of which is to solve the atomic problem. It is designed to ensure coordination of work on the creation of nuclear weapons. The practical implementation of the program was assigned to the main department under the Council of Ministers.

When were the first nuclear weapons tests carried out in the USSR?

After the use of nuclear weapons by the United States, the pace of development of such weapons in the Soviet Union accelerated significantly. Thus, the experimental graphite reactor was launched in 1946, on October 25. And the work of the first industrial reactor began in 1948, or to be more precise, in June.

For production nuclear charge used plutonium, which was obtained in 1949. Works in the field of creation charger in design bureau No. 11 were already completed by that time. The first nuclear device was called “RDS-1”, and its test was carried out in 1949, on August 29. The object of the event was the Semipalatinsk test site. The calculated and practical power of the device coincided, which indicated the accuracy of the work. The power of the explosion was 22 kilotons.

Successfully conducted tests marked the beginning of mass production of nuclear warheads. The first experimental series, which at that time consisted of 5 devices, was ready by 1950. A year later, mass production was established, which was based on the RDS-1 charge.

Organizing serial production of nuclear weapons was not the only task related to weapons at that time. mass destruction. At the same time, scenarios and methods of delivering a nuclear device to one point or another were thought through and worked out. In 1951, another one was produced nuclear tests, during which a device of exclusively Soviet design was blown up. At the same time, the Soviet armed forces carried out the first delivery of a nuclear device using a strategic bomber.

Modernization of nuclear weapons

The story does not end with the development of conventional nuclear weapons. In parallel with the serial production of nuclear elements, research institutes are working on their modification. For example, thermonuclear charges act as advanced weapons of mass destruction. The first of them is RDS-6. His tests took place on August 12, 1953. They showed that thermonuclear charges can generate explosions of much greater power. After successful testing, the institutes began developing methods for delivering RDS-6, as well as developing a two-stage thermonuclear device.

The 50s were marked by work not only on modifying nuclear weapons, but also on introducing them into various systems weapons. In addition, new systems were being developed that could become a method for delivering lethal devices. As the most a shining example You can cite intercontinental ballistic missiles. Considerable attention was paid to equipping the navy with nuclear weapons.

The first ICBM prototype was named “P-5M”. He entered the first units in 1956, in May of which combat duty already started. As for naval weapons, nuclear equipment had three promising areas:

  1. Creation of nuclear torpedoes.
  2. Deployment of ballistic and cruise missiles on submarines.
  3. Placing nuclear warheads on submarines.

Fleet armament nuclear torpedoes dates back to 1955. At the same time, the first successful launch of a ballistic missile mounted on a submarine was carried out.

About combat duty in Russia

Russia's tactical nuclear weapons require constant monitoring due to increased danger. That is why, as in the days of the Soviet Union, now military personnel of the Russian Armed Forces are on combat duty. They not only monitor the condition of devices, but are also ready to use it at any time.

Russia's tactical nuclear weapons are positioned as a deterrent against the use of aggression by a potential enemy. It consists of various nuclear complexes, nuclear weapons systems installed on combat crews navy, as well as intercontinental ballistic missiles equipped with nuclear elements.

On the relevance of nuclear weapons

Currently, nuclear weapons of the United States and Russia are constantly compared by experts. This is happening due to growing tension between the two countries, which dates back to the time of the conflict in Ossetia. Events in Ukraine became a new round of tension in bilateral relations between the Russian Federation and the United States, which caused an intensification of the arms race. Although the development has been going on for several years, a completely current example of the arms race can be called the T-14 tank on the Armata platform.

Although tensions between the EU countries, the USA and the Russian Federation are escalating every month, the options for Russia to use nuclear weapons are considered only as retaliatory steps taken in case of a violation (or attempted violation) of the country’s territorial integrity.

On the deployment of nuclear weapons

As part of its sovereignty, any country that possesses nuclear weapons has the right to place them anywhere on state territory. In the case of the Russian Federation, this also applies to the Crimean peninsula. Russia's nuclear weapons were placed within military program recently there, which caused concern from the United States.

The Russian Defense Minister soon after noted that the Russian Federation reserves the right to deploy tactical nuclear weapons anywhere in the country (as is the case in the Kaliningrad region). The leadership of the General Staff has also repeatedly stated that the use of nuclear weapons by Russia is possible exclusively for defensive, and not offensive, purposes.

On modern nuclear weapons of the Russian Federation

Russia's newest nuclear weapons include missile system mobile and silo-based “Topol-M” type. In addition, there are weapons located on land, sea and aviation mobile and static objects. Modern Russian nuclear weapons can be characterized as a set of weapons and their systems equipped with nuclear components and elements.

As an example of naval assets, one can cite the missile carriers “Borey”, “Akula”, “Dolphin” and “Squid”. Strategic aviation dealing with transportation nuclear devices defeat the enemy, consists of Tu-95 and Tu-160 bombers.

Defense against nuclear weapons

Works in military sphere, whose goal was to develop methods for using nuclear elements, also gave impetus to the development of systems capable of responding to the launch of weapons of mass destruction, as well as neutralizing them.

Radar stations are used to detect nuclear weapons and record the coordinates of their use, calculate the time of arrival of the deadly cargo, the flight path and other parameters. In case of danger, they will immediately transmit a signal to launch a missile attack. Space stations perform the same functions.

To destroy or neutralize nuclear carriers there are missile and space defense troops, as well as missile defense. In some cases, this also includes air defense troops, whose tasks include the destruction of airborne delivery vehicles for nuclear devices.

One of the most promising strategic directions at present is Russian nuclear weapons. Photos of him are given in the article.



(strategic weapons) In military terminology, the word "strategic" refers to the general plan of battle, "tactical" to the smaller issues of combat. During the Cold War, the expression "strategic weapon" in the language of America and NATO (NATO) meant intercontinental nuclear weapons capable of bridging the distance between the United States and the USSR. It was opposed to tactical nuclear weapons (or theater weapons), average range whose actions were limited to the territory of Europe, as well as short-range nuclear weapons. These differences reflected mainly the position of the Americans, who wanted to know which weapons were capable of hitting the United States and which were effective within Europe. Outside of this context, the distinction between “strategic” and “tactical” becomes meaningless, which even led to problems in arms control negotiations when the USSR considered medium-range nuclear weapons stationed in Europe and capable of reaching its territory as “strategic” ".

Policy. Dictionary. - M.: "INFRA-M", Publishing House "Ves Mir". D. Underhill, S. Barrett, P. Burnell, P. Burnham, etc. General editor: Doctor of Economics. Osadchaya I.M.. 2001 .

Political science. Dictionary. - RSU. V.N. Konovalov. 2010.

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    USSTRATCOM Emblem of Strategic Command Years of existence ... Wikipedia

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