Catfish is a member of the family of marine fish Anarhichadiae from the order Perciformes. The appearance of the fish is extremely terrifying. Reminds me of eels and moray eels. Most of representatives is very valuable for fishermen. Despite appearance, it is very tasty.

Description of the fish

A common factor among all representatives of this species is a long, large body. And also large front teeth. In addition to the front teeth, these fish also have back and side teeth, with the help of which they crush food. Their jaws are very powerful. Once a year, teeth are replaced with new ones. It is for its terrible protruding teeth that this species got its name.

Adult representatives of the species measure from 1 to 2 meters and can weigh up to 30 kilograms, but on average they weigh about 20 kilograms.

Types of catfish

Among this species there are several representatives of the family:

Lifestyle and nutrition

Having reached mature age, blue catfish lives mainly on the bottom, in which it finds various shelters for itself, where it hides during the daytime. It is a very aggressive fish: when defending its home, it can attack any fish, even a representative of its own species.

IN early age A representative of this species lives mainly in the open sea. When the warm season comes, she likes to be in shallow water, and with the onset of winter she moves to the bottom.

According to ancient legends, the Far Eastern catfish likes to feed on shipwrecked sailors. But modern researchers have dispelled this myth, although it can indeed safely bite through human flesh. But these fish use their teeth mainly only to tear objects off the bottom. They can also split various shells with them.

They mainly use small inhabitants of the seas as food, such as jellyfish, crayfish, mollusks and other fish. When catfish change their teeth, they switch to softer food, but then return to the old food.


Based on research results, scientists have found that catfish are monogamous, breeding with only one partner throughout their lives. Fish reach sexual maturity at the age of four years, although females reach maturity a little longer than males.

During spawning, the female lays about 30 thousand eggs at a time, which are about 7 millimeters in size. The female lays larvae mainly on the bottom between stones. After spawning, both parents protect their future offspring.

Young catfish are born in early spring and at birth measure up to 20 millimeters in length. After birth, the larvae immediately swim as close to the surface as possible, where they look for food.

As soon as the larvae grow to a size of 6 centimeters, they begin to sink to the bottom and already lead a lifestyle familiar to representatives of their species.

Meaning for humans

Catfish fish is very tasty and, in addition, healthy for people. But catch this fish quite difficult. It is because of this that people often hold competitions in catching it. To catch it, various tricks were invented, for example: they search for catfish using special underwater binoculars between the algae; for fishing they use very strong fishing rods with elongated hooks. Clam shells are used as bait.

The white meat of catfish is the most delicious part of the fish. It is very tender and fatty, has a slightly sweet taste, and most importantly, there is not a single bone in it. Many different recipes have been invented to prepare this fish.

Useful properties of fish

Eating this fish is very useful for people who have disorders thyroid gland, since its meat contains large quantities Omega-3 fatty acids. Doctors also recommend using it for those who have heart problems. Catfish meat helps remove cholesterol from the body and also strengthens muscle tissue. human body. In folk medicine, catfish is used during the rehabilitation period. By eating this fish, a person will be able to establish all metabolic processes occurring in the body, as well as normalize the water-salt balance and strengthen bones.

Harmful properties

Eating this fish is contraindicated for people susceptible to various allergies, since catfish is an extremely strong allergen. It is also not recommended to give fish to small children.

Scientists have proven that it is extremely contraindicated for pregnant women to consume catfish meat, as it has a negative effect on the child.

Interesting Facts:

  • catfish lifespan is on average twelve years old, but there have been cases when twenty-year-old representatives of this species were encountered.
  • the skin of this fish actively used for making shoes, handbags and book bindings.

Catfish lives in northern waters at a depth of about 600 meters. It is found in the Barents, North, Baltic, Norwegian and White seas, as well as in the waters of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. This unique representative order of perciformes - the powerful teeth of the fish are concave inward and are capable of annual renewal. The catfish feeds on crustaceans, jellyfish, and mollusks, the shells of which it easily tears off the stones.

There are such varieties of this fish:


Far Eastern


Widowmaker (blue catfish)

In the warm season, catfish approach the shores and live in dense algae at a depth of about 150 meters. During cold periods, the “sea wolf” retreats to great depths, and his skin brightens, transforming the stripes and spots on the ridge into almost invisible ones.

Interesting, but depending on its habitat, catfish spawn in different time of the year. The inhabitants of the southern, warm waters spawn in the winter, and the inhabitants of the northern waters spawn in the summer. The lifespan of the common catfish reaches 20 years.

Composition of catfish

The chemical composition of catfish combines the following beneficial substances:

  • Vitamins of groups PP, D, C, A, B, E
  • Fluorine, magnesium, calcium, molybdenum, copper, iodine, chromium, iron, zinc, cobalt, sulfur
  • Proteins (19.6 g), fats (5.3 g) - per 100 g of fish
  • Omega-3, 6 fatty acids
  • Lysic, nicotinic, glutamic, panthenic, aspartic acids
  • Cholesterol (80 mg per 100 g of fish meat)
  • Ash, water


Harm to catfish

There have been long discussions among scientists about the benefits and harms of catfish dishes. Due to the high content of nutrients and low calorie content, it does not pose a danger to the body. However, harm to catfish is possible. Even after heat treatment, its meat is saturated with strong allergens that can provoke allergic reactions and poisoning.

Should be considered possible harm"sea wolf" in such cases:

  • If available allergic reactions organism for seafood
  • If disorders of the pancreas are diagnosed
  • During pregnancy
  • During the lactation period

Clinical studies obtained from the analysis of catfish meat and its effect on the body confirm the possible harm from this fish. The introduction of dishes from this fish into the diet negatively affects nervous system child. That is why catfish meat is not recommended for consumption by pregnant women (to avoid negative effects on the fetus), as well as by children under 4.6 years of age.


The benefits of catfish

Catfish – commercial fish, which is valuable for its soft, delicious meat and delicious caviar. The nutritious and tender meat of the “sea wolf” is deservedly considered a delicacy of exquisite taste, and craftsmen make fancy accessories and souvenirs from the beautiful skin of the catfish.

Most nutritionists are inclined to believe that the benefits of catfish for humans are expressed in beneficial influence on the body. Catfish meat is rich in antioxidants, minerals, valuable vitamins and is easily absorbed by the body. Nutritious dishes from this fish are recommended for athletes and people in recovery period after serious illnesses.

The benefits of catfish for humans are:

  • Saturation of the body with the most delicate protein, which is necessary for the structure and restoration of cells
  • Removing salts and getting rid of puffiness
  • Strengthening immune system
  • Maintaining excellent condition of the skeletal and nervous systems
  • Strengthening thyroid function
  • Normalization of heart activity, cleansing of blood vessels
  • Cholesterol removal
  • Restoring the body's normal pH balance
  • Stabilization of metabolism
  • Providing the brain with valuable substances for good memory
  • Prevention of atherosclerosis
  • Help with high blood pressure
  • Removal of toxins and breakdown of fats, since catfish is dietary product, it will be most relevant to use it when losing weight

Like many representatives of the “sea kingdom,” catfish is a low-calorie and healthy fish that is easily digestible by the body. Besides, this sea ​​fish is not infected with helminths, unlike river fish. Nutritionists tend to encourage adherents to consume this fish healthy image life, as well as those who want to reset excess weight.

Calorie content of catfish

Despite the saturation of fish with useful substances, 100 g of its meat contains about 95 kcal. However, depending on the method of preparing sea wolf dishes, their calorie content may increase.

The healthiest and lowest-calorie dish is boiled catfish (about 115 kcal). In baked and fried dishes from this “guest of the sea,” the nutritional value increases to 140,210 kcal.

The benefits of catfish for those who want to lose weight are priceless. However, do not forget that in order to lose excess weight, you need to introduce boiled fish into your diet and minimize smoked or fried dishes based on it.

How to cook catfish

Cooking this fish does not tolerate simple frying or stewing - the tender meat can simply melt in a frying pan and turn into a shapeless substance.

The catfish carcass is cut into pieces of medium thickness, sprinkled with flour and dipped in batter. Only after this can it be lightly fried, and the pan must not be covered with a lid.


Baked sea wolf


  1. Catfish fillet
  2. Onion rings (1 pc.)
  3. Butter
  4. 2-3 eggs
  5. Any hard cheese
  6. Seasonings: salt, peppercorns, bay leaf

At the first stage of preparation, the catfish meat is fried in portions on butter and laid out in the form. An onion “pillow” is placed on top and filled with beaten eggs. After this, seasonings and mayonnaise are added, and the mold is placed in the oven for 30 minutes. 5.10 minutes before the end of the cooking process, sprinkle the dish with cheese.

“Sea wolf” with miso sauce


  • 200 g catfish fillet
  • 100 g soy sauce
  • 100 g pineapple sauce (pineapple juice + sugar + honey)
  • 50 g miso paste

First you need to marinate the fillet in the sauce. To prepare it, you need to mix pineapple sauce with miso paste and heat it until all the ingredients are completely dissolved. Cool slightly and place the catfish fillets in the sauce for 1 hour. Then the fillet should be placed on a baking sheet and baked for 15 minutes at 180 °C. The most tender sea wolf fillet is ready!

Among the beneficial substances that catfish contains are antioxidants, minerals, trace elements and vitamins. They have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, internal organs and mood. Catfish contains a lot of protein, which is why athletes eat the fish.

The beneficial amino acids in catfish are responsible for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels. Phosphorus, calcium, magnesium are beneficial for human bones.

Fatty catfish contains unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6.

Magnesium is involved in protein, fat and energy metabolism. By eating catfish at least twice a month, you will receive a set of vitamins: A, B, E, D, PP.

Energy value

Catfish is a low-calorie fish. The calorie content of a 100 gram serving of catfish is about 126 kcal. Fish contains almost no carbohydrates, and the amount of fat is approximately 5 grams.

Boiled catfish is considered the least low-calorie - 114 kcal per 100 grams. Baked fish contains 137 kcal, and fried fish contains 209 kcal.

Medicinal properties

Fish is useful for those who have a high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Catfish eliminates dangerous cholesterol and strengthens muscles. Unsaturated fatty acids prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and stimulate brain activity.

Fish contains a large number of potassium, so it should be consumed by people prone to swelling and high blood pressure. It removes salts from the body.

During the diet, it is necessary to include catfish in the diet, because the body lacks nutrients.

In case of coronary heart disease and arterial hypertension, the consumption of catfish is mandatory.

Sea fish is a strong allergen, so even after heat treatment the level of antigens does not decrease. Eating fish is not recommended for people prone to allergies.

Small children and people with pancreatic dysfunction should not eat fish.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, avoid eating fish. Clinical trials conducted American specialists, have proven that fish negatively affects the child’s nervous system.

With small consumption, the harm to catfish will be minimal, but it’s not worth the risk.

How to choose?

Seafood is piling up toxic substances. Choose your catfish correctly to avoid serious poisoning:

  1. Fresh fish has a clean look. If the fish has cloudy eyes, it is not the freshest.
  2. Fresh fish meat is pressure sensitive and quickly returns to shape when pressed. The color of the pulp should be bright.
  3. Do not buy a carcass that is on ice. Such fish is re-frozen and is hazardous to health. It's better to buy fresh catfish, cut it into portions and freeze - this will increase the shelf life by two months.

Catfish dishes, recipes:: Catfish fish - beneficial properties

What is catfish valued for? The benefits of fish

The beneficial qualities of catfish are determined by its unique chemical composition. It is a source of valuable fish oil, which contains a lot of Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. Also, this type of fish contains a number of amino acids, including glutamic, aspartic and lysic; it also contains several acids that are beneficial for our body - nicotinic and pantothenic.

Catfish meat contains a lot of essential minerals for our body. So, one hundred grams of such a product saturates our body with approximately three hundred milligrams of potassium, almost two hundred milligrams of phosphorus, as well as a significant amount of sulfur, chlorine, sodium, magnesium and calcium.

This wonderful fish supplies our body with a number of microelements, among which the leading place is occupied by iodine, fluorine and iron. In addition, it contains quite a lot of copper and manganese, zinc and chromium and other similar substances necessary for our body.

Among other things, catfish also has an amazing vitamin composition, because it saturates the human body with tocopherol, provitamin A, B vitamins, ascorbic acid and vitamin D.

The most basic components that determine the value of this product are considered to be protein and fatty acids. Consumption of catfish meat will be especially beneficial for babies and women expecting the birth of a child.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids in its composition lower the level of “bad” cholesterol, have a positive effect on brain activity, and prevent the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques. Accordingly, dishes based on such fish should be included in your diet if you have suffered a heart attack or stroke, or suffer from heart disease.

Fatty catfish meat saturates the body with a huge amount of potassium, which effectively cleanses our body of salts. Accordingly, systematic consumption of catfish helps eliminate swelling and optimize performance blood pressure.

The vitamins contained in this fish perfectly improve the functioning of the immune system, have a positive effect on the general condition and on the functioning of organs and systems. In addition, B vitamins are necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, and vitamin D is needed to maintain healthy teeth and bones.

Catfish will be beneficial if you suffer from metabolic disorders, as well as disruptions in activity digestive system, high blood pressure, ischemia and other ailments.

To whom is catfish dangerous? Harm to fish

Let's make some catfish dishes! Recipes for housewives

How to simply fry catfish?


Catfish: benefits and harm, calorie content. How to cook delicious catfish?

The benefits of sea fish for the human body are undeniable. And the taste and variety of dishes prepared from its meat deserve special praise! One of the inhabitants of the seas that deserves our attention is the catfish. The benefits and harms of this fish should be known to everyone who is going to go to the store to buy it and cook it with catfish in leading role hearty and original dishes.

Catfish, or “sea wolf” - what kind of fish is this?


Nutritional value of catfish

The benefits of catfish for human health

Can catfish be harmful?

Selection rules

Using "sea wolf" in cooking

Catfish recipes

Fried catfish

Catfish with cabbage, celery and miso sauce

Catfish: benefits and harms

When you first look at a catfish, you can be seriously scared. The fact is that it very much resembles a moray eel. This fish has protruding teeth and is not at all edible. But you still shouldn’t be afraid of her. In fact, catfish is one of the most delicious and most useful representatives perciformes.

What is beneficial in catfish?

Catfish contains many important substances that can benefit humans. It is rightfully considered a delicacy, which is why it is not cheap. But catfish can be used not only for preparing dishes with excellent taste qualities. It also brings benefits due to its rich composition. Most important elements, contained in catfish, should be called such.

  1. Fish fat. It is well known how beneficial this substance is to health. Catfish is a fairly fatty fish, which is why fish fat When consumed, you can get it in large quantities.
  2. Amino acids. These elements are necessary for the body to maintain normal performance. Catfish contains glutamine, lysine and other amino acids, which must be supplied to the body in sufficient quantities.
  3. Pantothenic and niacin acids also provide invaluable health support. There are a lot of them in catfish, which is good news.
  4. The mineral set of fish is incredibly extensive. It contains magnesium, manganese, calcium, potassium. But phosphorus is especially useful, and catfish also have a lot of it.
  5. Vitamins A, B, C. Without them, the body cannot function normally. All these substances can be obtained by regularly adding dishes from such fish to the menu.

For all its positive features, catfish still sometimes turns out to be harmful. Therefore, before consuming such a delicacy as catfish, its benefits and harms should be considered from all sides. Then you will be able to achieve best results from the most ordinary food.

Catfish - benefits

How the properties of fish affect the human body is influenced by its type. There are several species of catfish, of which five are most often eaten. Be that as it may, certain useful qualities observed in any variety of this fish. In general, the benefits that can be obtained from it are as follows.

  1. Has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels. Doctors recommend eating catfish for people suffering from vascular pathologies. For example, this fish can lower cholesterol levels, although it contains a lot of fat.
  2. Strengthens bone tissue. Actually, almost any fish can make your bones stronger. But catfish performs especially well in this regard.
  3. Strengthens immune capabilities. Here, first of all, vitamins bring benefits, which make the body’s defense system stronger.
  4. Increases stress resistance. This effect is achieved thanks to the vitamin D contained in sea wolf. By the way, such a substance generally has a positive effect on the body.
  5. Maintains water-salt balance. Since catfish contains potassium, the fish is able to regulate metabolic processes due to the concentration of salts in the cells of the body. One of side effects This is also the removal of puffiness.
  6. Normalizes digestion processes. This quality can even be used to combat overweight. Catfish, cooked correctly, removes toxins from the gastrointestinal tract, which helps in weight loss.

This list useful properties, observed in the sea wolf, is far from complete. But when considering the benefits of fish, we must not forget about certain dangerous qualities that it has. After all, sometimes it makes more sense to use other types of fish. Many ways have been invented to cook mackerel deliciously. And they are worth trying in practice.

Catfish is a fish that lives in northern waters. In Europe they gave it a second name - “sea wolf”. It belongs to the representatives of perciformes, but in appearance it does not at all resemble a perch. What kind of fish is this and what benefits and harm does it bring to the human body?

Description and varieties of catfish

Her appearance is terrifying. Large, ugly and protruding teeth. The body is spotted, about 1 meter in size, and weighing up to 30 kg. It is found in the North, Barents, Baltic, and White seas at a depth of 600 m. The food of the “sea wolf” is crayfish, mollusks, and jellyfish.

There are several varieties of catfish in nature.

In warm weather, the fish is located near the coast and lives at a depth of 150 m; in cold weather it sinks lower. Changes are also observed in appearance: the color becomes light, spots and stripes are invisible.

Depending on the habitat, the reproduction process occurs at different times. In the south, in warm waters- in winter, in the north - in summer.

Chemical composition

Fish pulp is rich in vitamins, minerals, protein and polyunsaturated fatty acids. It does not contain carbohydrates at all, which is why it is actively used for dieting.

Benefits for the body

"Sea Wolf" - white fish, which is valued for its delicious meat and delicate caviar. Catfish pulp is nutritious and has a pleasant taste. Experienced craftsmen make unusual souvenir products from beautiful leather. What are the benefits of a seafood product?

Dietary properties, calorie content

Catfish is a low-calorie product, 100 grams of which contain 95 kcal. Depending on heat treatment energy value may vary:

  • boiled - 110 kcal;
  • baked in the oven - 130 kcal;
  • fried - 210 kcal.

For this reason, nutritionists allow it to be included in the diet to reduce excess weight. Muscle fibers do not collapse, their volume does not decrease. As a result of the diet, excess weight disappears smoothly due to the elimination of the fat layer.

Unlike other types of diets, there is no deficiency of minerals and vitamins. You cannot replace the usual ingredients with sea fish. You can simply increase the frequency of intake by reducing your daily calorie intake. In order to lose weight, it is recommended to include catfish in your diet no more than 2-3 times every 7 days.

Fish may be used for fasting day. It is consumed steamed or boiled along with vegetables. This method of removing waste and toxins from the body is recommended to be used twice a week.

Interesting fact! Unlike river species, catfish is not infected with helminths, which is no less important for the human body.

To buy delicious healthy fish It is important to adhere to the basic rules.

  1. Initially, pay attention to the eyes of the catfish. They should be light and clean. The presence of turbidity and rust indicates that the product is not fresh.
  2. The fish flesh should be light and firm. If you press on the meat with your thumb, the resulting hole smoothly returns to its original state. If the place of pressure remains unchanged, you should refuse to buy catfish.
  3. It is recommended to purchase the product chilled. The freezing process affects the preservation of vitamins and other useful substances.
  4. The refrigerated shelf life is 24 hours; after this time, the seafood becomes useless.

It is best to freeze catfish yourself at home. There will be 100% confidence in the freshness of the product. You can store this method for no more than 60 days.

Cooking methods and recipes

Fish meat is very tender, so simply rolling it in flour, frying or baking will not work, as the product will lose its integrity and turn into porridge. As a side dish for the catfish pulp, it is better to serve rice and vegetables. Pairs perfectly with creamy sauces and fresh herbs. Let's look at how to cook delicious, aromatic “sea wolf”.

Fish soup


  • carrots - 80 g;
  • millet - 20 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • spices to taste;
  • catfish - 400 g;
  • bay leaf - 2 leaves;
  • potatoes - 4 medium-sized tubers.

Peel all vegetables from inedible parts and rinse. Cut the tubers into medium-sized cubes, onions and carrots into strips.

Pour water into a saucepan, boil and add salt. Remove the scales from the catfish, rinse and cut into pieces. Place in boiling water and cook for a quarter of an hour over medium heat. Remove with a slotted spoon, cool, and remove the seeds.

Strain the broth and pour into a saucepan. Lay out the processed fish, add vegetables and washed cereals. Cook until the food is completely softened. 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking, add spices and bay leaf.

Leave under the closed lid to infuse. Pour into serving bowls, adding finely chopped greens to each.

"Sea Wolf" in foil


  • olive oil - 20 ml;
  • onion - 100 g;
  • catfish steak - 3 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1/4 pcs.;
  • spices to taste;
  • fresh parsley - 20 g.

Rinse the purchased fish under running water. Place on a napkin and dry. Rub with spices and salt as desired. Peel the onion head and chop into thin rings. Cut the foil into equal sizes, grease it with a little oil, place the onion and the fish on top of it.

Rinse the fresh parsley, dry it, chop it finely and sprinkle on the dish. Cut the citrus fruit into slices and place. Wrap the foil tightly in the form of a pocket. Bake in the oven for a quarter of an hour, preheating it to a temperature of 200 degrees.

Advice! Lemon left on fish can give the product a slight bitter taste. In order to avoid an unpleasant aftertaste, you can simply squeeze out the juice and pour over the finished dish before serving.

Harm and contraindications

Nutritionists and scientists argue among themselves about the positive and negative properties of fish. Having a rich mineral composition and low calorie content, the nutritional value catfish is undeniable, but harm is not excluded. Main contraindications for use.

  1. The pulp of the “sea wolf” contains many substances, causing allergies in humans. Even after heat treatment, their concentration does not decrease. Therefore, people prone to allergies are strictly prohibited from eating fish. Otherwise, itching, burning, rash, and in the worst case, Quincke's edema may appear.
  2. Seafood intolerance.
  3. If you have pancreatic dysfunction, it is not recommended to include catfish in your diet.
  4. Pregnancy period and breast-feeding baby. The composition adversely affects the formation of the baby’s central nervous system.
  5. Catfish meat is contraindicated for children under 5 years of age.

Negative consequences are only possible if you overuse fish. Small portions will not harm the body.

"Sea wolf" is a healthy sea fish. Proper storage and cooking technology preserve the vitamin composition and minerals in the product. Before use, do not forget to read the contraindications.

In contact with

Every year the seafood market is replenished with various varieties of fish. These include the seemingly terrifying catfish, the benefits and harms of which are discussed by official and alternative medicine. Remotely, it resembles dangerous eels and moray eels. It is this unusual and bright fish that will be discussed in today’s material.


The catfish is a representative of perciformes, its main habitat is northern waters Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, where the temperature does not reach 14 o C. Its appearance is quite frightening - sharp conical fangs protruding from the upper jaw, and a long body. That's where she got it unusual name. This marine predator is colloquially called the Catfish species, the benefits and harms (photo in the article) of which doctors have always been interested, is divided into five subspecies:

  • widow (blue catfish), swims in the Norwegian, Barents and Atlantic seas;
  • spotted - the habitat is similar to the previous species;
  • Far Eastern - inhabits the shores of Asia and Norton Bay;
  • eel - found in the northern waters of the Pacific Ocean;
  • striped - prefers the northern waters of the White, Norwegian, North, Barents and Baltic seas.

Cold-blooded individuals are not active predators; they do not know how to develop higher speed, and they need large teeth to crush thick shells of mollusks. It feeds on small fish, jellyfish, crustaceans and echinoderms. This species of perciformes reaches up to 30 kg in weight. Adult females are capable of laying up to 40 thousand eggs.

Today its population has decreased significantly, so many scientists are actively recreating the conditions for artificial breeding. Its nutritious and very tender meat is a real delicacy. It is most often supplied for sale in a frozen state without scales and head. By the way, small accessories are made from catfish skin.

Among the valuable active components it is worth highlighting significant amount antioxidants, minerals, trace elements and vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the quality of our skin, work internal organs and mood. The composition contains a large set of easily digestible protein, for this reason it is recommended for consumption by professional athletes.

In addition, catfish (photo can be seen in the material) is rich in a complex of useful amino acids (aspartic, glutamine, lysine), they are responsible for the normal functioning of the heart muscle and blood vessels. The presence of phosphorus, calcium and magnesium in the pulp determines its high usefulness. These trace elements form the basis of the human skeleton.

And magnesium is also involved in fat, protein and By consuming “sea wolf” at least once every two weeks, you get almost the entire set of vitamins, such as A, B, E, D, PP.

Energy value

The main features, in addition to the high protein content, include low calorie content. Catfish, the benefits and harms of which are well known to nutritionists, belongs to It has nourishing, tender, boneless and sweetish meat with a low calorie content. A 100-gram serving contains about 126 kcal, while there are completely no carbohydrates, and a low amount of fat predominates - 5 g.

Medicinal properties

Catfish, a photo of which clearly shows its appearance, is useful for people with thyroid disorders. Due to the content of Omega-3 fatty acids, it is recommended to be consumed by those who have a high risk of developing heart and vascular pathologies. Carnivore meat helps eliminate dangerous cholesterol and strengthens muscle tissue. ethnoscience and practicing doctors recommend it to patients during the rehabilitation period.

Due to huge amount in its composition of potassium, fish can and should be consumed by people prone to swelling and high blood pressure. Many nutritionists advise including meat in your diet, especially during diets, when the body does not receive all the substances necessary for life. You will not only improve metabolic processes, but also normalize the water-salt balance, strengthen bone tissue and improve blood circulation.

Harmful effects

It is considered a strong allergen; even after heat treatment, the level of antigens does not decrease. In this regard, the consumption of “sea wolf” should be limited or removed from the menu for people suffering from allergies. It should not be given to children at an early age. It is not recommended for use by persons with pancreatic dysfunction. Official scientific sources report that it is also contraindicated during the gestation period of catfish.

The benefits and harms during pregnancy are still being studied. Clinical studies conducted by American specialists confirm bad influence meat of this individual on the baby’s nervous system. Therefore, to avoid side effects, it is advisable to exclude fish during pregnancy and lactation.

Choosing fish

Many people are well aware that seafood accumulates all toxic substances. In order to avoid serious intoxication and contract botulism, you should take a responsible approach to its choice and know the basic rules. The first sign of freshness is a clear gaze. If cloudiness predominates before the eyes, this indicates that the spotted catfish is not fresh.

The benefits and harms of fish are equally recognized by many doctors. But to really get the maximum pleasure and benefit from using it, you should be vigilant. The meat of a fresh specimen is elastic and quickly regains its shape when pressed. Be sure to look at the color of the pulp. In unrotten fish it is light in color with a characteristic odor.

Experts do not advise purchasing a carcass that is lying on ice, this indicates re-freezing. This product is no different high quality and is often hazardous to health. It's better to take fresh catfish, cut it into portions and freeze. This will extend the shelf life by two months.

How to cook?

Catfish, the benefits of which are obvious to everyone, is very popular and in demand among gourmets. However, many housewives do not know how to cook it. As was previously said, this meat sea ​​predator the most tender and juicy, which allows you to create various delicacies. The carcass is delicious fried, smoked, salted, baked and boiled. Meat can be steamed and grilled, added to salads, snacks, used as a filling for pies and served with any side dish.

Subtleties of cooking

  • When stewing or frying, the carcass should first be cut into medium pieces, then rolled in flour or batter. You can turn the fish over when the piece is well browned and a crust has formed. To prevent the meat from turning into porridge during cooking, never cover the pan with a lid.
  • Add a little salt to the steaks half an hour before cooking.
  • Boil in salted water for about 10-15 minutes, remembering to remove the foam.
  • Bake the carcass in foil with the addition of vegetables or cereals. To increase elasticity, you can add fresh tomatoes.

Catfish, the benefits and harms of which are often discussed by experts, will definitely turn out tasty and whole if you keep it in salty brine: dissolve a tablespoon of salt in 100 ml of water and leave for two hours. Finally, we will describe a simple but very tasty recipe.

Baked catfish

The benefits and harms of this dish are not equal. It is low in calories and filling at the same time. Necessary ingredients for a half-kilogram carcass: a little less than a glass rice cereal, two small tomatoes, one hundred grams of cheese and a spoonful of sour cream. Add salt and pepper to your own taste.

Place a layer of boiled rice on the foil, and a whole washed and gutted carcass (salt) on top of the cereal. Cover the fish with tomato slices, pour sour cream and sprinkle with grated cheese. Cover with foil and place in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 o C.