Trout is so called several types of freshwater fish from the salmon family. It dwells in the north-west of Russia, its Eurasian part is found in the Black Sea rivers, in Western Europe and America.

Description Fish Trout

This beautiful fish with dense and powerful body in the form of spindles, relatively small head having a truncated form. Her eyes are bright, almost transparent, acute vision makes it possible to see perfectly in the dark water depths. Characteristic feature Trouta - numerous motley specks on the body. On the dorsal fins she has dark dots, abdominal fins of yellowish color. Trout body covered with mucus, it is slippery. The scales are small, the trouser is more dense.

Trout has unusual ability. She not only looks out for prey, but at the same time focusing with both eyes, looking at the same time in different directions.


The trout's large body slightly fell on the sides, the vertebrae is more than 60 pieces. The head is disproportionately small in comparison with its dimensions. The fins on the back is long and narrow, there are several ordinary rays and a lot of branched.

The spinal fin is a skin fold - a fatty fin, often with a dark edge. Abdominal I. breast fins Pisces consist of hundreds of rays, anal - from three hundred rays. In the tail fins of their no more than two dozen.

As with other predatory fish, in the mouth of the trout there is teeth in the form of bristles, they are located in two rows, a few more teeth are on the oral bone. In males, the lower jaw has a drunk edge bent up, they surpass females according to the number of teeth. The head of the male is always larger than the female.

Color and size

Trout is distinguished by a variable color. The back of the olive shade fish, the side of the body is greenish with yellow, on the sides of black, red or white round specks in a bluish halo. Belubo light with a yellowish chip. Golden covers have a golden color. Bright - red or pink gills.

There is a dark color trout and very bright. In many ways, fish depends on the place of its habitat, the color of water, the diet. In the lakes with transparent water, the trout is more silver, if the bottom of the reservoir is eliminated by silver or it is peat, the body of the fish acquires a dark color. Changes occur and during spawning, trout becomes darker, the specks on her sides can disappear and then appear again.

This female female is larger than males. Although Trout usually does not grow more than 1 m, but the mass of the fasten fish easily reaches 15 kg, sometimes 20 kg. The medium-sized fishing is usually less than 50 cm long, its weight does not exceed 600 g. Lives trout 12-20 years.

Caspian trout has the largest weight. Fishing lovers reported on 50 kg of specials.

Famous species

The name "Trout" combines several types of salmon - a goltz, noble and Pacific salmon. In Russian reservoirs, there are three types of fish - streams, lake (it is called Kumja) and rainbow trout.

Mountain streams and ordinary rivers with cool water - loves a stream trout. There are many places on Russian expanses - on Kola Peninsula, at the Caspian, in the pools of the Baltic, Black, White and Azov seas. It is found in the Dniester, in the Kuban River, and in the Crimea.

Ozerna or Kumzha is more often found in the reservoirs of the North-West region of Russia in rivers with a strong flow or in lakes with cold keys. This kind of fish has taken place well in rapid Transcaucasian rivers with a stony bottom.

Rainbow, which received such a name due to the bright strip on the sides, is widespread in the European part of Russia. Many such trouts and in Europe, where it was brought from North American reservoirs. It is usually bred in water bodies in the ponds. She is in rivers, where lovers of winter fishing willingly catch her, choosing for this unimpercene water sections.

Where Trout lives

The lover of cool and deep reservoirs trout was well mastered in the aqueous expanses of the Kola Peninsula and the entire Northwest of Russia. On Onega and Ladoga, lake trout in Karelian reservoirs lives. It is also in the Urals, in the pools of the Caspian, Black, White Seas and on Aral. Mountain sources and lakes of the Caucasus and Transcaucasia - Paradise for streering trout, which prefers clean rivers, cool streams and a sandy bottom.

Fish in the rivers Finland, Norway, Baltic, Belarus. The sea kind of trout lives in North America - in the waters of the Pacific Ocean, it is characterized by large size and red meat.

In rivers and large lakes, the habitat of fish usually at the thresholds, water films, waterfalls, often located next to the bridges. Her favorite places in oxygen-saturated keys or springs with cold water. It holds at a depth, where there is a stony bottom and cool sources. Mountain rivers are considered the most terrel plases.

Trout is in forest streams and robes, it defies the cool pits and pools for himself. Fish is very careful, it is worth scaring it, and she immediately hides in the stretches and among Koragi under the shore.

What a predator feeds

The trout goes on the morning dawn and in the evening. Food for trout, as well as for other predatory inhabitants of water bodies, first of all, happens:

  • smelt;
  • gerbil;
  • bull;
  • dace;
  • siberian Breamer;
  • minnow;
  • various mollusks;
  • wraps;
  • insects;
  • frogs;
  • larvae;
  • caviar of other fish;
  • golobastics;
  • flinks of their kind.

The predator is hunting more often in cool and cloudy weather. In the summer, especially in the heat, Trout is descended to depth, keeps closer to the bottom and stops searching for mining.

Trout, except for the usual food for predatory fish, eats the chicks of birds, falling into the water from the nests on the rivers and trees growing above the river. Its prey become small rodents, the same field mice that float in rivers.

As trout breeds

Spawning at this fish passes in the fall and in winter, and it is peculiar and in several goals, it continues for a month. Trout rises to the surface of the water, quickly floats, rushes, splashing tail. This marriage games occur. Then the trout young man goes into traditional habitats, and adult individuals are proceeding. Moreover, males ripen milk only at the age of two years.

Time for spawning at trout varies depending on the terrain. The famous appearance of Gatchina trout in the Izhora River (Leningrad Region) is spawning from the second half of September and in October. In the Kuban, the fish will spawn in October, and in some places - only in December and January.

Spawning trout fish

Trout females change the color, become darker, the specks disappear from their bodies, an unusually bright color acquires a rainbow trout. Females are not too fruitful. Younger can postpone up to five hundred eggs, and the fish that has reached five years is a thousand. I caviar to caviar in shallow water with a stony bottom where there is no strong current. To do this, with the help of the tail form at the bottom of the hole. After the male fertilizes the caviar with milk, the female masks the laying place, instilcing his tail to protect against possible enemies, exterminating caviar.

Ikrinka at trout are large, their diameter is up to 3 mm. They have a long incubation period. In some cases, it lasts only a month, but sometimes it lasts up to 4 months. Only by spring the larvae is glorified. In the first month of life, they feed from a special bag with which they appear on the light, so long remain in the place of masonry caviar. Only when the fry will grow up and acquire the skills of an adult individual to produce food independently, they move into ordinary habitats. Forelevant young man The first years of life lives in rivers, and only reaching a length of 20 cm, goes to the sea.

Young trout grow faster in rivers where more food than in the streams. Even in forest rivers, fish reach significant sizes due to the abundance of midges and other insects. Therefore, Trout loves places with overgrown with segregations. In bad weather, with strong wind and rain, insects massively fall into the water, becoming fish mining.

Dangerous enemies

Forewa has many enemies who extermining her young and eating a pending caviar. It is Nalim, Pike, Harius and even seals in cold water bodies. Fish dwelling in cool water is very sensitive to a sharp climate change. BUT global warming - This is definitely a factor that reduces the number of trout.

The destruction of trout leads hydropower facilities for not large rivers. The presence of dams and the overpass can also be an obstacle to the progress of trout to spawning sites. Purpose pollution and the increase in water acidity leads to the rapid death of the trowel caviar. But fishermen becomes the most dangerous enemy of Trouts, actively catching this valuable fish. Catch it usually spinning or float fishing rod, the bait is served by a fly, grasshopper, worm, fry fish, larvae, pieces of meat, frogs.

Population and status of the form

As a result of many unfavorable factors, the trout population in some rivers is sharply reduced. Such conclusions often come ichthyologists, conductive research in the habitats of a valuable form of fish. To restore the population, the young trouts grown in fisheries are produced in fisheries.

Trouta is always larger in those rivers and lakes, where there is a lot of petty fish serving for her food.

Fishery value

Fish has high fishing value. Therefore, in fish farms, its cultivation is very developed in artificial water bodies. In these ponds are engaged in breeding stream and iris trout. The optimal way to grow trout is to put the young in metal floating pads attached to the shore. Adult fish become on the fourth year of life.

IN hot weather The trout comes a disconnection, it freezes in place and it is easily caught on such periods easily with their hands, without any devices and gears.

Usually cage are installed in ponds and rivers with clean water. Feed the fish is trying natural to her food. So that Rybina gained a lot of 500 g, it takes time to one and a half years. To obtain a valuable delicacy - red caviar, grow large individuals of females as a maternal herd.

Taste qualities

Red Forew meat recognized worldwide Delicates, like her caviar. Trout is a useful product, its meat is saturated with amino acids and vitamins A, B12 and D. Eating trout reduces cholesterol levels, normalizes metabolism, contributes to the restoration of protein and fat balance, helps with anemia, improves memory. 0

Description of Trial species

Under the general name "Trouta", various freshwater shapes of salmon Salmo salmon are combined. There are lake, river, rainbow and stream trout.

Ozerna Trout

Ozerna Trout

Ozerna Trout It is found in Ladoga and Onega Lakes, as well as in many cold-water lakes of Karelia and the Kola Peninsula. Special forms It is inhabited in the highland lakes of the Caucasus and Transcaucasus (Oz. Sevan, etc.). It feeds on the mainly shallow fish, as well as insects and their larvae.

The lake trout has all the signs that make it similar to other salmon, such as the stream trout and the Golden. She has a strong body with an outstanding belly, a compressed head and a wide mouth with strong teeth. Large eyes are located above the jaws. A sideline is clearly visible, the tail fin strongly loose. Coloring of the lake trout: the back is a reddish-brown, sides of silver, brystone silver-white. On the sides, on the back and on the gill covers, blacknasted specks are scattered, sometimes they are observed on the dorsal fin.

Unlike other salmon lake trout spawn twice: from December to February and in July - August. Spawning passes at a depth of about 100 m, the female postpones about 1 500 eggs. Almost in a month, 5 mm long larvae appear. Very rarely, this fish reaches a length of 80 cm, and the weight of 1.5 kg.

This cupid fish dwells at a depth of 50 to 1 00 m, sometimes at hot jambs approaching the shores. It feeds in Mostly by Plankton, but sometimes benthos; Obviously, it can swallow and small fish, but refers to them with bloodds and rarely attacks. Recent studies have proven that the lake trout feeds and during spawning. Thus, there was a universally rooted myth that spawning salmon completely refuses any feed.

Brook trout

Brook trout

Trout stream - Fish of the salmon family. Latin name - Salmo Trutta Morpha Fario. Body length 25 - 55 cm, weight 0.2 - 2 kg and more, aged 12 - 13 years - up to 10 - 12 kg. The body is slim, torpedo-shaped, covered with shallow, but very dense scales (along the side line 115 - 130 scales). All fins are relatively small, in the spinal - 3 - 5 brothers, in anal, respectively, 2 - 4 and 7 - 9 rays, respectively. For the dorsal is a small fatty fin in the form of an elongated skin fold. Big mouth Seated with numerous teeth.

In the systematics of fish, trout stream refers to a special taxonomic unit - maphor, that is, the weakly fixed heredity of the modified form, which, with the appropriate change, external conditions is easily returned to its original state. It is recognized that the trout of the stream is a freshwater form of marine passage of salmon fish - Kumi (Salmo Trutta), easily forming residential forms in fresh water, which adapt well to freshwater image Life, never go into the sea, but have less compared to the original marine species intensity of growth and fecundity.

The overall coloring of the rod trout body from a dark brown to yellowish, the back is usually dark, a boring-green, the head is almost black, the golden and golden lids, the bottom of the blessed body. All her body is dotted with numerous dark and red spots, often bodied by a light rim, most intense on the top of the body and on the dorsal fin, so in many places the trout is called a flush. Silver paint, characteristic of other salmon fish, has never happening. In general, its coloring varies greatly depending on the color of water and soil, the time of year, the nature of food and other factors. Interestingly, in different conditions of habitat and nutrition and meat, the rich trout can be white, then pink - ordinary for most salmon fish.

The stream trout leads a settling lifestyle and large migrations does not commit. Adults immediately after autumn-winter spawning go on deep areas of the river to the spring keys, where the whole winter feed on fine fish. These places of Trout leave only in spring when the flood brings the muddy flow of melting flows into the river. But the trees and shrubs and shrubs and the first insects will appear, trouts occupy their summer places Habitat: Large individuals alone for all summer are settled near the waterfalls, cloth coasts, the mouths of the streams and rivers, at the water films, small - more adheres to stony flocks, small flocks all summer cling from one place to another. It is usually possible to detect them for large stones or curtains of bottom thickets, where the current is not so strong and forms small twists.

The half-turn stream trout becomes usually on the 3rd year of life. Snerest is happening in November - December, at a water temperature of about 6 degrees, in shallow sections with the rocky-pebble bottom and rapid flow. Pretty large (2.5 - 3 mm in diameter) The caviar is postponed in the grooves and the pits specially digged by the female and after fertilization, they are injected with energetic tailings of the tail. This method of spawning has whole line Advantages: As a result of two-time, the soil is cleaned from the sludge and other harmful impurities; The covered pebbles of eggs are saved from eating with other fish and are available for fresh water, providing good aeration of caviar and other conditions for the development of the embryo throughout the winter and spring. Large trout icers retain the stickiness only about 30 minutes after swelling, and then held on the spot only mechanically. The relative fertility of the stream trout is very low - about 2 - 3 eggs per 1 g of body weight of the fish, absolute ranges from 200 to 5000 eggs.

The larvae is opened from the caviar of early spring, but for a long time remain in place using nutrients of a rather large yolk bag. Only after 4 - 5 weeks of the fry are chosen from shelters and begin to actively power with larvae of small insects. From this point on, young begins to grow rapidly, already in the 1st year reaching a length of 10 - 12 cm and more.

The growth of the streering trout is quite fast, but strongly depends on the habitat conditions. The greater the river in which Trout lives, the greater the feed in it and the faster the trout grows and reaches large size. In small streams, as a rule, do not meet large trouts, while in large forest rivers, where there are many insects and petty fish, they are not uncommon. Under the favorable conditions, Trout has already been able to reach a mass of up to 500 g, in the low-productive water bodies and at 3-4 years old, it barely reaches 80 - 90. When growing trout in cold-water ponds, using high-quality feeding, you can get from 50 to 150 s commercial fish with hectares of water square.

Food for a stream trout serves small crustaceans and larvae of aquatic insects, swirls, small mollusks, insects falling into the water, small fish, thaws, frogs and even small mammals, carelessly swaming robes. Trul rummage mainly in the morning and in the evening, while often jumped out of water behind the flying insects. Often they eat fish caviar, including their own, if it is not well covered. Large individuals do not mind to enjoy their own young. The most abundant food of the trout is obtained during a strong wind and thunderstorms when a huge number of insects are blown away. It was at that time that trout are very active and walk at the surface itself. Apparently, therefore, trout prefer rivers, densely overgrown with trees and shrubs whose branches attract a large number of Insects and give the desired shading in hot summer days. In summer, during strong heatwhen the water temperature rises highly, trouts are kept near the keys, and in absence they can be closed into holes, where at times they fall into the state of the so-called heat severity - at this time they can be caught with bare handsAlthough at other times the trout is very prompt, extremely careful and striking rushes into the shelter at the slightest noise at the water.

The meat of the streering trout is moderately fat, gentle, in taste quality is inferior only to the meat sterling and, perhaps, eel.

Rainbow trout

Rainbow trout

Rainbow trout - Fish of the salmon family. Latin name - Salmo Irideus. Length 50 - 90 cm, weight up to 2 kg, less often 6 kg. It differs from the trout by a stream longer body, a laid tailflower, a wide rainbow strip along the side line, lack of red spots on the body. In the spinal fins of 4 non-branched and 9 - 10 branches, in anal, respectively, 3 and 8 - 11 rays. The scales are small, along the side line 136 - 148 scales.

Many scientists consider the rainbow trout freshwater form of Pacific steel-head salmon (Salmo Gairdneri). In natural conditions, the rainbow trout lives in the fresh waters of the Pacific coast of North America from Alaska to South Oregon. From the end of last century, this valuable fish is acclimatized in Japan, Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, South Africa, in Madagascar and in a number of other places of the globe. In Western Europe, it is a mass facility of pond fish farming, acclimatized also in some rivers.

In an adult trout, a rainbow strip along the side line, because of which the fish and received its species name, especially brightly stains in purple and red colors during a spawning period. The body and fins of the fish are covered with numerous dark spots.

Rainbow trout - the inhabitant of pure cool water, but compared with the stream trout, it takes a much better increase in water temperature. Optimal for its growth and development is the temperature of water 15 - 20 degrees (with lower life processes slow down). It is somewhat less demanding and to the content of oxygen in water - the optimal can be considered 7-8 ml / l, the decrease of up to 3-4 ml / l causes the oppression and death of the fish. It is very peculiar to the reaction of the trout: it does not endure bright solar light, hiding in the shadow, under stones, squigs, goes on deep places, does not tolerate it, however, and the total blackout. The most active rainbow trout in cloudy cloud days, in the evening and morning clock. Unlike other open-value fish (in which the swimming bubble is communicated with the throat) it needs permanent access to the water surface for filling the swimming bubble atmospheric air. Therefore, in closed cages, entirely immersed in water, as well as in tightly freezing water, it cannot dwell. Otherwise, the lifestyle of trout rainbow is almost no different from the trout of the stream.

Sexual maturity comes in females on the 3rd - 4th year of life, in males for a year earlier. Unlike the stream, the spawning of the Rainbow Forew in vivo occurs in March - April, and the development of caviar lasts up to 1.5 - 2 months, depending on the water temperature. Fertility is about 1.6 - 2 thousand eggs per 1 kg of fish mass. Caviar large bottom, not sticky, diameter Irkin 4 - 6.5 mm.

After the otlois from the caviar of the fry, there are a long time due to the contents of the yolk bag and only after 1 to 2 weeks begin to switch to independent meals with small zooplankton. Adults are powered by the most diverse animal organisms - from small races, insect larvae to small fish. Great importance It has food at the expense of insects falling into the water. This fish is very easy to adapt to the new food, which served as the basis for its pond cultivation using artificial feed mixtures.

Rainbow trout grows faster than the stream. When growing in ponds, the growth is heavily fluctuated depending on feeding conditions and feed. Usually two years reach weight 350 - 450 g, three years 1 - 1.2 kg, four-year 2 kg or more.

Rainbow trout represents a large economic interest for pond fishing and as an object of breeding together with carp. In many countries of the world, it is grown in the cages, sitting in small rivers and lakes for industrial and amateur fishing. The meat is extremely tasty and everywhere is valued very high, so that in many European countries, it is paid to serious attention. The generally accepted centers of the Forelevival are Denmark, France, Italy, in which 140,000 hundred centners of this fish are grown annually. Experience showed that high degree Intensifications in pondrovy farms can be obtained up to 300 s commercial fish with blue hectares.

Trout fishing of various types

What time of year you went fishing, remember that the trout hunt requires special skills and skills, and you still can not do without excellent knowledge of the reservoir, if all this you have, you can safely go to the river for a good catch.

Fishing trout fishing

Especially popular among the fishermen, streaming trout or, as it is also called in the people, the Pestrushka. This is perhaps one of the most beautiful representatives of his squad, the body of the cream painted with black and red spots and shifts the most bright colors of the rainbow. Catching a stream trout is a matter that requires maximum precautions. It is worth fistering, that is, moving along the shore of the reservoir for the flow down, otherwise you risk frightening fish, and she, in turn, climbing up, scatters and all his tribesmen. Then I should not count on a good catch. It is also worth moving because after the catch-up of several fish in one place, others cease to react to the bait and leave with a dangerous place for them.

Rainbow trout fishing

Fishing rainbow trout will not require a fisherman of such a thorough disguise, in contrast to the cream, it is much less careful and buggy. The fish of this subspecies are practically not afraid of neither the gentle, nor repeated casts, but it is impossible to say that they are completely fearless - seeing a fisherman or his shadow, the rainbow trout almost immediately disappears irretrievably. This trout reacts perfectly to very vivid bait bait, especially attractive red and yellow fluffy fluffy bird feathers for it, as well as wobblers of similar colors.

Lake fishing and pond trout

Many fishermen attracts rich in lake trout to their shores and reservoirs. The main feature of this kind is that the fish are very tied to the habitat, finding a place where there is no shortage of the stern, they have not sailed from there. Fishing of the lake trout on the fly is one of the most popular and successful ways to hunt for this fish, it is only important to determine what type of flies prefers trout in that reservoir where you came to gust. The universal council is only one: it is possible to catch a dry fly or a larvae only in clean transparent water, and if the water is standing, then it is better to take a wet fly as nozzle.

You can find the pond trout in many indulged reservoirs middle strip Russia, where there are damages of small sizes. The activity of the fish depends on the temperature of the water than the colder in the reservoir, the more moving the fish, at this time it is not so picky to the bait. Catching a pond trout in warm water is most promising in deep places of the reservoir, where the fish is closed, hiding from the heat. And if you plan to go fishing on a paid reservoir, find out in advance when and where the feeding of the fish is carried out, good luck will visit you, and with it - a good catch.

Trout - very tasty and useful fishwhich loves fishermen very much. It dwells both in the salty water of the oceans and seas and in fresh: lakes, rivers, streams. Fish belongs to the detachment of salmon-shaped and has many varieties. Meat of this fish, especially living in fresh water, It is considered a real delicacy - it is light pink, tasty and gentle, is a storehouse of vitamins and trace elements.

Since Trout from the salmon family, she molds with all the favorite red caviar. Due to caviar, fish is bred on an industrial scale. Food insects, larvae, zooplankton and small fish. Usually keeps with flocks.


The trout has a long, flexible body, covered with small scales. The dorsal fin is small. Depending on the habitat, the trout color may change: on sides - from yellow to green; belly - from white to gray; Spins - from green to olive.

Fish can change its color to the color of water and the bottom of the reservoir. If the bottom is dark - the color will be darker if the bottom is light - respectively, lighter. And also coloring may depend on nutrition and season. Females are usually larger than males. As a rule, the length of the individual does not exceed thirty centimeters, and the weight is one and a half kilograms. However, copies come across a meter long and weighing about twelve kilograms.

Regardless of the type, the fish prefers reservoirs with cool water. It may be, for example, cold mountain streams and lakes.

There are three trout varieties:

  • lake;
  • river;
  • rainbow.


Distribution area is the north of Russia and the mountain lakes of the Caucasus. Prefers to live in clean water, and preferably deeper. So, in deep lakes in summer period They are usually at a depth of fifty - one hundred meters. If summer is a bit cool, the fish can rise slightly higher.

River (stream)

It dwells in the mountain streams and rivers of Western and Northern Europe, the Middle East (Iran), the reservoirs of the Atlas Mountains (Morocco, Algeria). It can live both in fresh and salt water. However, for the most part, lives in freshwater rivers and streams. As a rule, it is found in running water with a large amount of oxygen (for example, small waterfalls). Small individuals can stay closer to the shore: it is easier to extract food there. Adult fish seeks to go to the depth.


Often it is called sea trout. One of the most popular species. In an industrial scale, this specifies are bred. Initially, the rainbow trout lived only in the reservoirs of the Pacific Ocean. Today it was integrated throughout the world, and it successfully multiplies in the reservoirs of Europe, Australia and Oceania, South Africa.

Fish in cold water lives, in sunny days is hiding under the coryagues or between the stones. In winter, it cannot live in a reservoir, which is tightened with ice, as it must be periodically pop up to the surface for filling the swimming bubble with air.

Trout breeding

Trout - valuable fish with tasty meat, red caviar, so it is actively bred in fishery. There are many useful vitamins and trace elements in its meat, it can be used in dietary rations. Some farms grown this fish for sale. In European countries, about twenty thousand tons are grown in the year. In other farms, it divorces for amateur and sports fishing. As B. natural conditions It's not easy to catch fish, many fishermen are visiting such farms, where a few kilograms of trout can quickly catch for a certain fee.

Trouble breeding business is quite profitable. But it is important to comply with the technology of cultivation, because it is a very demanding fish. The water of the reservoir should be properly supplied with oxygen, constantly maintain its purity. In general, with a hectare of water management, you can get up to thirty tons of trout.

Methods of fishing

In natural conditions, catch this fish very difficult. To do this, you need to possess certain knowledge and experience. You need to choose the right tackle and good bait. For successful fishing should be aware of its habitat.

Necessible tackle

For fishing used:

  • float fishing rod;
  • spinning;
  • flawed.

Wobblers and dried flies are used as bait. For good and successful fishing, you need to choose a suitable place and time.

  • The river trout is quite difficult to catch. This is a very careful and buggy fish. It is important that when catching she did not see a fisherman.
  • The lake most often grabs in places where the most feed. Therefore, toning it in some defined place, You can count on a good catch.
  • Rainbow to catch is not as difficult as a stream. It is less buggy, willingly pecks on the gloss or bait like flies.

Fish in Russia

In our country, a lot of streams and lakes, and fishermen are often asked about trout, where it is found in Russia. We answer:

  • lakes and streams of the Caucasus;
  • Lake Onega;
  • Ladoga;
  • on the Kola Peninsula.

If to go far to the northern parts of the country, you can look at the nearest fish farm, where you can catch a lot of trout.

Good afternoon, my inquisitive friends! On the ether of the third release of Seafood Guide. Today we will learn to distinguish between Trouts. "And on Koy Lyad, we need it?" - you ask. And you will be wrong.

For example, can you distinguish the crash from Heka? Unlikely. Not every rink differs. And if the restaurant will be served by Heck under the guise of cod? Eat, or raise the scandal? Given that the real cod is at a time more heck, I usually raise the scandal (after which I apologize, discount cards and compensation).

So. The overwhelming majority of people do not differ in the type of sowing from trout. On the one hand, there are salmon there, and there is salmon, but sometimes the difference in the price between the salmon and the trout is one - one and a half dollar per kilogram (and this is the raw material in the factory in Norway) that in the manufacture of the finished product poured into two - three dollar differences Costs. That accordingly pushes unscrupulous manufacturers to handle one under the guise of another.

We will learn to choose the right fish!

So. Differences at the salmon and trout are quite a lot, we will analyze the basic.

Differences are as follows:

1. Size. As a rule, salmon is clogged when weighing 6-7 kilograms reach it. Trout - 3-4. That you mean, in the store (or on the tray), the salmon carcass will most likely be more trout (but not necessarily).

2. Shape of the head and carcass. Sumague's head is much more and it is more "pointed." Also salmon more "elongated" and looks like a torpedo. It can be seen here:

Trout is more "Puzzata".

4. Form scales. Sumague scales are larger than trout (below - salmon):

For comparison - Trout:

5. Color. The trout has featured stripes on the sides of the carcass, which salmon are not:

6. Forew meat is almost always much brighter than salmon. Differences are cardinal.

Sometimes (due to different reasons) salmon and trout loses in color. Frozen fillet may look like this:

This is usually a product of a second variety that is sold by the manufacturer at a price significantly lower than the product. highest quality. But for the end user (that is, for you) this product is quite suitable (especially if it is cheaper). The second grade fish is unpredictable behaving in the "professional" salting or smoke, so processing companies are not often taken. But if you are going to fry him - take boldly. For salting, it is better to take a better product product.

7. Taste. It's more difficult here 🙂

The shelf life of the cooled fish is only 14 days from the date of its production in Norway on the packaging station. At least a week goes to deliver products to the importing warehouse and customs clearance (sometimes more). In the most optimal case, the supermarket in which you buy fish remains 5-6 days to implement it. Pay attention to appearance: If the meat is edged, the skin is dry - the fish is clearly overexposed. If you often take the ready-made salmon steaks in the "Cooking" department, remember that they are preparing them from the fish that they failed to sell on time. She lay 5 days (normally) or 8 nobody will say to you.

The shelf life of frozen fish (at18 degrees) - two years from the date of production. So here on the one hand is easier. But the fish in the supermarket lies in the open bath (much less frequent in the closed) which does not hold the desired temperature. How much she lies there - you do not know, so again - pay attention not to the appearance. The slightest yellowness is a sign of oxidation. There is such a fish no longer. At the same time, the pale salmon or trout does not say at all about the fact that the fish is bad.

Separately about the processed (salty or smoked) salmon / trout. I emphasize: the fish can lose color, but it does not mean that it is bad. Much more should alert bright fish: Some manufacturers when processing are adding dyes into fish. Do you need it? So if you see a salmon, which looks like a trout and "pale" salmon - take better pale. Do not risk.

Upd.: Reconded in comments regarding cooled fish: if the fish "on the outhapping", then the gills begin to stink. So sniff 🙂
By the way: if the gills just smash, it still does not say that the fish is bad, just the decomposition process begins with them. Now, if they clearly stink - everything, the fish is not fresh.

In the next release of Seafood Guide, we will see which products are made from salmon and trout 🙂
Continue to read 🙂

Salmon and Trout: Excursion to Farm.
How are Pangasius grow and produced?

Tags: Seafood Guide.


Have you ever seen a white trout? What kind of fish is this? Trout is a common (collective) name of several types of salmon fish, as we talked above. Each type of meat color is yours, and can be white, red or pink. In many respects, this nuance depends on the number and type of feed, habitats.

That fish that is sold in supermarkets and stores in large quantities - this is a white trout, which was artificially growing in fish farms. It has white meat, and sometimes pink.


White trout. What is this fish? Representatives of Trouts in their overwhelming majority do not differ in large sizes. Usually their weight is 200-500 g, and the length of the body is 25-30 cm.

Such parameters have, mostly stream (river) and rainbow trout, which are grown in ponds, pools and curtains. Some individuals grow large sizes and gain weight up to 2 kg. But such giants can be found only in wildlife.

Different types of trout are painted differently. It all depends on the conditions in which the fish has grown. The classic is considered to be the coloring of individuals whose spin of olive dark color with a greenish tint. These sides are blonde with transverse stripes. They are clearly visible to small spots of black or dark red (some individuals are also circled with light border). The abdomen of white with a gray shade (sometimes casting copper).

Basically, one species has prevailing light tones, and the other - dark. It depends on the transparency of the reservoir in which the fish, feed, season of year lives and sometimes from the bottom of the bottom. For example, light-silver fish dwell in lime water, and if the bottom is peat or covered with her, then the individual will have a dark color. If the trout feeds well, you will not see stains on her sides. When changing the place of residence, they can appear with the stripes and disappear again.


Many people like the White Trout. What kind of fish is often asked people. Trout dwells in small streams, seas, big rivers and freshwater lakes. Some species often change habitats. So, the trout lake goes to the river to spawning, there leaves his offspring, some of which returns to the lake, and the part remains to live in the river. The same thing happens with a maritime view, which in freshwater rivers is spawning.

All types of trout are included in three basic genus, which consist of such varieties:

  • Rod Goltsy: Bolsheld, Lyzharny, Malma, Silver, American Trout (Palia).
  • The genus of the Pacific salmon contains the following types: Salmon apaches, sea gold, rainbow, "Gila", Caucasian, "Marine Bival".
  • The genus of noble salmon consists of such species: Sevanskaya, Ohrid, Marble, Kumja, Adriatic, Amidarka, Flaplola.


Everyone wants to try white trout. What kind of fish is this, not everyone knows. So, we have already said that she lives in the streams, rivers, sea, lakes. This fish is most common in Norway and the USA, countries in which Forenery sports fishing is popular. In Europe, it can be found in forest or mountain streams (rivers) with a rapid flow, in the water of which a lot of oxygen.

A large number of trout is available in Ladoga and Onega Lakes. She lives in Armenia in the waters of the Alpine Lake Sevan. Here there is such a kind of trout, which will no longer meet anywhere, so it is unique. There is this fish and in the Baltic states: here it lives in the rivers, which fall into the Baltic Sea. On the Kola Peninsula there are many deep-water reservoirs, in which trout also lives.

The habitats of this fish can expand or change. For example, it happened to the rideward trout, which it was first to see only in North America. Today it is common throughout Europe, as it was delivered and spread artificially.

Amazing Fish

Do you like Trout? Do you prefer red or white fish? Forens dishes are exquisied, very tasty and helpful. In its meat there is a huge amount of vitamins (D, E, A), amino acids, minerals, protein and fatty polyunsaturated omega-3 acids. The latter for the human body is especially useful. Trout are used with heartlessness, it takes extra cholesterol, and is also a great dietary dietary.

White fillet in the oven with vegetables

So, find out how to cook a white trout. This fish is very tasty. She is really white meat. The price is low, so this fish is available to everyone. To prepare this dish you need to buy one carcass of white trout, seven potatoes, one Bulgarian pepper, salt, leek, sunflower oil, seasoning (basil, marana or thyme).

You also need to prepare a shape with high boosings. So, first the walls and the bottom of the shape thoroughly treat with oil. Then wash the onions, cut the rings and spread them in the form. Next Potatoes Clean and finely cut. Put it in the form and sprinkle with seasonings and salt.

After that, a carcass of a white trout Clean, cut the gills and a tail, cut into pieces with a thickness of up to 2 cm. Sattail each piece of trout salt, and lay out the potatoes on top. Then you need to wash the pepper and clean (remove the core). Cut it into small pieces and lay out over the fish.

Now the oven will warm up and put the dish in it for about 30 minutes. White trout with vegetables can be served without salad. Bon Appetit!


Many saw photos of white trout. What kind of fish is already known to you. Find out how to comprehend from Trout Steak. It is preparing very quickly and easily, and on the table it looks in a royal. Potato in rustic (crumbly boiled tubers with greens) will suit the garnish.

So, you need to take: 700 g trout cut on the steaks, half of the lemon, 3 tbsp. l. Olive oils, pepper, rosemary, salt and greens. First, the steaks need to be washed with cold water, lay out in the dishes. Next sprinkle them with pepper and salt, rosemary, span with lemon juice. Leave half an hour. Preheat oil on pan. Next, put the trout to the hot surface. Fry on medium heat for 8 minutes, then shovel flip each steak and roast another 5 minutes.

After that, cover the frying pan with a lid. Dog fire and tomit steaks for 6 minutes. Serve this dish on the table immediately, decides it with slices of lemon and greens.

Description of appearance

Trout has a flat body, because of the fish and looks slightly flattened as in the photo. The muzzle is short and truncated. Trout is a small fish, the length of which varies in the range of 25-35 centimeters, the mass fluctuates in the range of 200-500 grams. Separate instances can dial up to 1 or 2 kilograms, but for this river and streams should have abundant food resources. The record belongs to an individual weighing 5 kilograms.

The trout on the coulter has two dentitions on the sky surface, the back of the front-fingered plate is 3 or 4 teeth. The dorsal fin at the base is covered with dots on the body of the fish. The fins of the abdominal at the base are painted in yellow. Trout has a variety of body color, which depends on the living conditions.

Usually from the back, the fish is painted in olive color with a green tint, and her sides are painted in yellow, which is clearly visible in the photo. On the sides clearly visible spots painted in white, black or red. Sometimes spots have a bluish cut. The belly of the fish is white with a gray tint, sometimes casting copper. Sometimes some one tone is the predominant, so one trout is dark, and the other is bright.

The color of the body of the fish depends on many reasons: from the feed used, the state of the water, the season and even the color of the bottom. If the water is lime, then the trout is painted into silvery light shades, and if the bottom is or a peat, then the fish is dark. Its power affects the spottedness: there are no spots from the wells. If the trout is moved from the reservoir in the reservoir, then spots, stripes may disappear on the body.

Females from males differ in body sizes: females are somewhat larger, they have less teeth and less head. The males the same body is petty, the head is large, and a lot of teeth. The lower jaw in males sometimes bent up: the females are not observed in such a feature. Fish has red, yellow or white meat, the color of which does not depend on sexual sex.


Since Trout is as many three kinds of fish, there are several types of its varieties. To the genus Goltsy belongs the following types of trout:

  • Silver Goles;
  • Lake;
  • Big;
  • Malma;
  • American trout - Palia.

To the family of Pacific salmon:

  • Rainbow trout, its photos are presented below;
  • Trout Gila;
  • Trout sea gold;
  • Quambais;
  • Marine trout Bival;
  • Salmon apaches.

For noble salmon belongs to Trout:

  • Marble;
  • Ohrid trout;
  • Amurdarya;
  • Sewan;
  • Kumi;
  • Flat Tool;
  • Adriatic.

Fish dwells both in the seas and in freshwater lakes, in rivers. Some species are passing. Usually individuals are easily moving from one form to another. Some varieties of these salmon fish are presented in the photo.

Distribution and place of habitat

For the most part, the trout is found in the United States, where active sports fishing is being conducted. In Norway, there is a trout in no smaller quantities, special fishing centers have been created for tourists, where only Forenery fishing is produced. Fish in countries where many mountain rivers takes place. But fish is inhabit not only in rivers.

Trout gets along well in the lake, for example - in Ladoga, in Karelian lakes, in Onega and on deep-sea water bodies located on the Kola Peninsula. The stream trout is found in forest and mountain rivers, whose water is rich in oxygen. The bottom of such streams should be sandy. In them, as a rule, clean cold water. Fish also lives in rivers current in the Baltic region.


Trout in nutrition is very unpretentious: everything goes into the food, so this kind of salmon is very quickly gaining in the mass. Fish produces insect larvae, catches insects, jumping out of the water. Especially loves to enjoy the rhymes in the period after Iquomet. Therefore, in May and June, Trout constantly jumps out of the water in search of food for firms fence.

With the achievement of fry, they begin to move on fish feeding. Trout becomes a predator, which hunts on fry of other species of fish, frogs. Some individuals are engaged in cannibalism. But the basis of nutrition is still fish, beetles, thaws, mollusks, crustaceans, insects and their larvae. Predator rushes on meat waste and fish loss.


Spare trout usually occurs in spring or autumn. The period of the ikromet occurs once a year, and its time depends on the habitat and local climate. As spawning, the fish is chosen by shallow water with a rapid flow and bottom, coated stones and pebbles. The diameter of living eggs can reach 5 millimeters, they are painted in a yellow or red shade, as in the photo.

Scientists celebrate one feature of trotting species of fish. In the process of developing caviar, only Forel has so many deformities. As deformities, scientists consider albinism and hermaphroditism. There are cases when fish with two heads hatched.

Thus, trout occupies a special position among all fish species. Trout will never cease to be valuable due to the fact that as a result of its active catch, the fish population is significantly reduced. With an excessive catch, the threat of its disappearance will rise.

Trout is not a name for some particular fish. This is called several species of fish belonging to the numerous family of salmon. They are characterized by certain general features. This is the shape of the muzzle. It is short and truncated. The fins have the same number of rays other than other types of salmon. The same can be said about the presence of teeth on the couch. There are 2 rows of teeth on the nose, on the back of the front plate 4 tooth. There are others characteristic signswhich are determining the value for specialists.

These fish live in marine and fresh water. The lake trout lives in lakes and rivers, and the rainbow trout is at the beginning floats in the seas for a couple of years, and then changes his lifestyle and moves into a river element. When she spends time in the ocean, it is called salmon. Representatives of species are an important source of nutrition not only for people, but also for animals.

These fish live in absolutely different conditions. In this regard, their color varies. The thing is that body color performs camouflage functions and changes. If the fish recently returned from the sea, it may have a silver shade, and brighter tones are observed in the high-mountain lake. The back is usually greenish-olive, the sides are dark yellow. Spots are observed on them. They are white, red, black. Belubo lighter and often has a yellowish-copper shade. On the dorsal fins there are dark spots. Abdominal fins are yellowish. Sometimes the body color is monophonic dark. And in some cases, the fish becomes bright, almost colorless. Color shades depend on the seasons, the nature of the food, the color of the bottom.

Females are larger than males, but their heads have smaller sizes. Body Length B. some cases It can reach the meter, and the mass of the body reach 22 kg. Standard dimensions - length 30 cm with a weight of 500-600 g. The diameter of the iconic is usually 4 mm. They have a yellowish color or pale red.

The lake trout living in the lakes, during a spawning rises upstream of the rivers. But in some cases does not leave the reservoir and spawn right in it. The young either appeared on the light either rolls into the lake or remains in the river. In the latter case, it is poured into the population of the stream trout. That is considered very beautiful fish. It can only live in clean and cool river water. In favorable conditions, it is capable of gaining weight up to 5 kg.

Life expectancy depends on the habitat, feed and species. The inhabitants of the lakes live longer river fellow who live up to the maximum of 7 years, and the first few dozen years live. Long-livers sometimes gain a mass of more than 30 kg.

The diet includes other types of fish, invertebrates, mollusks, water insects. In the lakes, zooplankton is often the main part of the diet. The habitat applies to water with a temperature of not more than 16 degrees Celsius. In the polluted fish, the fish quickly die. These beauties dwell in the northern hemisphere. In the XIX century they began to be breeding in Australia and New Zealand. They tied them out of England and California. They were born there, pushing out some species of fish living in mountain streams and rivers. Some trout types can be found in the Himalayas area. They live in the rivers of India, Nepal, Bhutan and Pakistan.

Fishing on these fish is a rather complicated, but exciting occupation. One of the most important moments - the right choice of place of fishing. Such information can be obtained from experienced fishermen or decide on, trying to fish in different places. The season fishing, which spawned in the fall, begins with the opening of the river. If the water does not freeze in winter, it is possible to catch in the cold months, if, of course, this is permitted by the rules of fisheries installed for a particular area. The early spring trout is found below the focate and in water with a moderate flow. These places are rich in larvae, petty fish, frogs. Catch this fish with a float, fly fishing and spinning equipment.

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For lovers of beautiful fish there is no more welcome trophy than rainbow trout. This is truly beautiful fish. Color overflowing strip with prevailing red - the main distinctive sign that highlights the view among silver relatives. With the approach of the spawning period, the striped color becomes even rich.

Rainbow trout quickly spread in Europe.

The reason is simple: unpretentiousness in choosing food, temperature and saturation of water with oxygen - this is what the trout differs from the usual one.

This beautiful inhabitant of rivers and lakes is powered by almost everything that contains proteins and carbohydrates: croutons, small fish, insects, worms, crawls and many others, which crawls, swims and flies within reach of this income.

Many know that salmon is very layming up in choosing the environment. Unlike relatives, the colorful beauty loves more warm and not so saturated with oxygen water. Therefore, for such a fish it is easy to create suitable conditions. Because of this ability, often do not get along in one reservoir ridewow and ordinary. The differences between these relatives do not end.

Spawning time at rainbow trouts later than a simple trout. And, of course, larger sizes that fishermen leading to the capture of precisely more affectionate individuals.


Native habitats of rainbow trout is northern part America. It was brought to Europe at the end of the nineteenth century.

Mountain rivers are the main habitats of any trout breeds, irresistible not exception. However, unlike more composure, multicolored beauty prefers to settle in the lower reaches and the middle of the rivers, where water is much warmer than in the upper horse. Here are several distinctive signs The places where Trout Raduzhnoe lives:

  • Shallow places.
  • Stony bottom.
  • Retained, dying.
  • Clear water.

Since this kind is very voracious and eats everything that gets into the water, when choosing a fishing room, pay attention to the vegetation and the presence of insects. Where there are many of them, there and the Rainbow Predator will definitely spin.

Often, artificial reservoirs are built for American touring. They are created favorable conditions For commercial breeding of a magnificent delicacy. Many such places are designed for fishing. To suffer from finding fish to you there.

Features fishing

This fish is not only beautiful view, but also a delicate taste of meat. Therefore, they catch it not only from sports interest. Gourmets of fish delicacies are ready to independently take up the tackle to taste the desired fish.

Should take into account several features in the fishing beautiful predator. Rainbow Beauty prefers to hunt alone and tries to follow the tasted of the hunt, not launching rivals in their limits. Therefore, this feature should be taken into account.

With fishing, the following gear is used:

  • Fall.
  • Spinning.
  • Trolling.
  • Float fishing rod.

When catching the allen, you can use both wet and dry midges. The choice is determined

weather time, weather, local peculiarities Lov and many other signs.

For spinning fishing, rotating or oscillating black flashes are best suited, floating wobblers.

When fishing on the fishing rod, the main thing is to choose the right bait and bait. Since the redobic beauty is not very good in food, almost any edible liveliness of small sizes will fit. Determining conditions are the local preference of spotted fuses.

Remember that our heroine is not only beautiful, but also very strong fish. Therefore, take care of the strength of the chosen gear. In addition, it is important that the fishing line will be invisible in water. If you take care of all this in advance, then having caught a solid instance, get an unforgettable impression. To overcome the resistance of the caught predator will not be easy, but if the tackle is reliable, then you will certainly enjoy the hardest victory.

If you have a dream to catch salmon or his closest relative, then Trout is what you need. You will not have to go for the thirty lands, it is enough to know the nearest place to breed these beautiful fish.

Choose a fish gun, find out from local old-timers, to which it is better to catch, and forward for wonderful trophy and weighing impressions!


Today we will learn to distinguish between Trouts. "And on Koy Lyad, we need it?" - you ask. And you will be wrong. For example, can you distinguish the crash from Heka? Unlikely. Not every rink differs. And if the restaurant will be served by Heck under the guise of cod? Eat, or raise the scandal? Given that the real cod is at a time more heck, I usually raise the scandal (after which I apologize, discount cards and compensation).

Given that often the fillet of white ocean fish is supplied without skin, it is extremely difficult to determine the type of product. And to rely on the honesty of the seller is stupid: in supermarkets there are more about the order, but even there are incidents. And on the trays there are sometimes there are sometimes such names that I only rake hands.

We will learn to choose the right fish! So. Differences at the salmon and trout are quite a lot, we will analyze the basic.

See also: Salmon and trout. Excursion to farm

A source
So. The overwhelming majority of people do not differ in the type of sowing from trout. On the one hand, there are salmon there, and there is salmon, but sometimes the difference in the price between the salmon and the trout is one - one and a half dollar per kilogram (and this is the raw material in the factory in Norway) that in the manufacture of the finished product poured into two - three dollar differences Costs. That accordingly pushes unscrupulous manufacturers to handle one under the guise of another.



3. Trout

4. The differences are as follows:

1. Size. As a rule, salmon is clogged when weighing 6-7 kilograms reach it. Trout - 3-4. That you mean, in the store (or on the tray), the salmon carcass will most likely be more trout (but not necessarily).

2. Shape of the head and carcass. Sumague's head is much larger and she is more "pointed." Also the salmon is more "elongated" and looks like a torpedo.

5. Trout is more "Puzza".

3. Form of the front fins. Frames from salmon are slightly elongated than the trout, it can be seen on the first two photos of the salmon and trout.

4. Form scales. Scaled salmon larger than trout

6. For comparison - Trout

7. Color. Forel has characteristic stripes on the sides of the carcass, which salmon


9. Forew meat is almost always much brighter than salmon. Differences are cardinal.


11. Trout


13. Sometimes (due to different reasons) salmon and trout loses in color. Frozen fillet may look like this

This is usually a second-grade product that is sold by the manufacturer at a price significantly lower than the highest quality product. But for the end user (that is, for you) this product is quite suitable (especially if it is cheaper). The second grade fish is unpredictably behaving in the "professional" salting or smoke, so processing companies are not often taken. But if you are going to fry him - take boldly. For salting, it is better to take a better product product.

7. Taste. It's more difficult here
In the fried form I'm afraid you do not distinguish the skew from trout. Theoretically, it is possible to make a taste in the salty (trout less fat, but at the same time the meat is more tender than salmon). But this if the raw material was first-class and was quenched as well. Sometimes the manufacturer so enrades fish with recycling, which to distinguish one thing from the other is extremely problematic.

The shelf life of the cooled fish is only 14 days from the date of its production in Norway on the packaging station. At least a week goes to deliver products to the importing warehouse and customs clearance (sometimes more). In the most optimal case, the supermarket in which you buy fish remains 5-6 days to implement it. Pay attention to the appearance: if the meat is edged, dry skin - the fish is clearly overexposed. If you often take the ready-made salmon steaks in the "Cooking" department, remember that they prepare them from the fish that they failed to sell on time. She lay 5 days (normally) or 8 nobody will say to you.

The shelf life of frozen fish (at18 degrees) - two years from the date of production. So here on the one hand is easier. But the fish in the supermarket lies in the open bath (much less frequent in the closed) which does not hold the desired temperature. How much she lies there - you do not know, so again - pay attention not to the appearance. The slightest yellowness is a sign of oxidation. There is such a fish no longer. At the same time, the pale salmon or trout does not say at all about the fact that the fish is bad.

Separately about the processed (salty or smoked) salmon / trout. I emphasize: the fish can lose color, but it does not mean that it is bad. Much more should be acknowledged over bright fish: some manufacturers are added to fish dyes when processing. Do you need it? So if you see a salmon, which looks like a trout and "pale" salmon - take better pale. Do not risk.

Types of fish

In our conditions, three main types of this fish are distinguished:

  • karelian trout or lake;
  • stream;
  • rainbow.

Karelian trout inhabit predominantly deep reservoirs with cold water Karelia and the Kola Peninsula, massively meet in Ladoga and Onega Lake. This is a large cupid fish that can dwell at depths at 100 meters. Grows up to a meter long.

The stream trout is a freshwater form of marine kumi, which is a passing fish. But, unlike it, it leads a settling lifestyle, prefers streams and rivers with cold transparent water and a strong thread. Usually grows up to 1-2 kg, but there is information about the parties weighing 10-12 kg.

Rainbow trout is considered a freshwater shape of the marine steel-headed Pacific salmon. The most common view in our country. His targeted breeding is engaged in many fisheries. This predator is buried by paid ponds, where his catching on spinning uses extremely popular.

Description of fish

All types of trout have a similar body shape. It is slightly elongated, compressed from the sides. Medium-sized head, truncated. Middle mouth, eyes small. The males have a slightly smaller sizes than females, but they have a greater number of teeth. With age, their lower jaw can bend up.

Trout covered with dense shallow scales. On the back there are two fins - the main and false, which are also called fat. This is inherent in all salmon. Abdominal, chest, anal and tail - medium sizes.

The color of this fish is very volatile and depends on habitats and a specific type. On the light Dn. Trout often has a silver body with black small spots and a light olive back. On or peat soil, it is darker. Also a predator changes the color to spawning, its colors become more rich.

The stream trout has a browable color, her head and back can even be black. Numerous black and red spots are chaotic on the body. Sometimes it is called a flush. Rainbow - lighter. On the side line she passes a purple-red strip. Thanks to her, this kind and got its name.


Trout is spawn differently, depending on the species and specific reservoirs. Ozernaya molds Icra twice a year: December - February and June - August. This process takes place at a considerable depth, sometimes up to 100 meters, so little studied by ompologists. The female laying up to 1,500 larvae, from which low-length low-length lowers in size up to 15 mm.

Trout stream reaches puberty for 3-4 years of life. It is spawn in the period from November to December, when the water temperature is about 6 degrees. Caviar puts on shallow rocky-pebble sections with a rapid flow. For a female, the female mosques from 200 to 5,000 eggs. Male is opened only early in spring.

Rainbow trout starts spawning on 3-4 years of life. In natural conditions, this process takes place in March - April. Caviar large bottom, diameter up to 4.5-6.0 mm, matures about two months. Fruitness of fish is about 2000 eggs.

Rainbow trout grows faster than streaming. In addition, it moves well to increase water temperature up to 20 degrees. Therefore, this species is bred in paid ponds and fisheries, because it is not required to create special conditions for the content.

What is food

Trout is predatory Fish. Her young at the beginning of life eats mainly by Plankton, but the growing up, goes to a more diverse diet that consists of:

  • small bottom invertebrates (mollusks and worms);
  • crustaceans;
  • larvae of the voltage insects;
  • frogs;
  • beetles, butterflies, grasshoppers and other bugs falling into the water;
  • small fish.

Large individuals attack even on small mammalswhich are inadvertently twisted with water. Trout can also use plant food. On many paid ponds, it is caught on canned corn, dough, bread and others.

Where dwells

The stream trout loves cool places, so trying to stick to the places where the keys are beaten, and the water temperature does not rise. It can stand for various shelters on the pockets, as well as on sites with a slow motion: before or after them.

The behavior of the rainbow trout differs little from the lifestyle of the stream. She loves to stand in the area of \u200b\u200bany shelter. It can be large stones or snags at the bottom, various irregularities of the relief. On sunny days, the fish is usually larger, but with the onset cloudy weather Her behavior changes radically, and the predator becomes active.

Lake trout inhabit deep lakeswhere it keeps at depths of 50-100 meters. Fish may be at the bottom either moved to the thickness of water. In the summer, it is often suitable in the coastal zone.

general description

Trout is a generalized name, which is used in relation to a variety of species and forms of fish of one large kingdom of salmon. She is present almost half of his birth:

  • Oncorhynchus - varieties found in the Pacific;
  • Salvelinus - otherwise called "Goltsy", found in Asia, America and Europe;
  • Salmo - Atlantic varieties.

You can not meet Trout huge size. As a specific distinctive feature of this fish, it is possible to bring compression from the sides when the body extends.

Trout has a short face. In her mouth, it can be considered rows of strong teeth, approximately 3 rows of which are located on the back of the front triangular plate. There are two rows in the packer.

For many centuries, salmon representatives are customary called "Red Fish." Although it is clear that the name is not associated with the color. Meat of different types of fish color may differ. The word "red" emphasizes high level Values, unique beauty of these creatures.

Trul habitats

Trout is a unique class that is able to exist in fresh, and salt water, easy and quickly used to new environment habitat. One of the important criteria for this aristocratic fish is the purity of water.

Places where she lives, very beautiful. Trout dwells in a huge number of lakes and mountain streams of environmentally friendly areas of Russia. The best lake trout, according to connoisseurs, swims on the Kola Peninsula, in Ladoga, on Onega and in Karelian reservoirs.

Where else is Trout in Russia? Kumja is a numerous type of fish whose subspecies live in the Barents and White Sea pool. Where the trout is found in Russia, in addition to the above seas:

  • Baltic;
  • Black;
  • Caspian.

Fish lives in the pools of these seas, as well as in the north Atlantic Ocean. She lives up to the Chersh lip in Belozersky and the Barents coasts.

It is possible to meet it in the meadow, Neva, Narov and in the Finnish bay. Some forms of Kumi are found in the Tver, Kirov, Pskov, Perm, Samara, Kaliningrad, Novgorod, Vologda, Ulyanovsk and in the northern part of the Orenburg region.

The predfabcasis, disappearing due to the problems of breeding Kumja lives in the Caspian Sea basin. It is still possible to detect it in the rivers Samur and Terek. Not so often, but so far it comes across the Volga and in the Urals. Previously, it was represented quite a large population in the territory from Saratov region to the top of the Volga.

Unfortunately, Trout finally disappeared in Mordovia, Mari El, Saratov and Yaroslavl regions.

Species division

Trout is different. Selects such species like lake, river, stream or mining streams. Also the following trout varieties are distinguished:

  • caucasian;
  • rainbow;
  • marble;
  • adriatic;
  • plateLight Turkish;
  • amidarya;
  • golden.

This is not all possible species. There is still sewan, which refers to the genus of noble salmon. The way the representatives of the family look, often depends on the individuals eating. If they regularly get food in large quantities, Their body is monophonic and practically not covered with stains. The wild fish can change when moving from natural water sources to artificial. But the abdominal fins almost always remain yellow.

Allocated among all freshwater kumi. Such a fish is a prominent representative of salmon. Due to the proximity of the varieties and good adaptation to the salinity of water to distinguish each other representatives of species is sometimes difficult. In view of all this, river fish is often equal to the lake, and sometimes to the sea variety.

The fattest fish

Trout is definitely greater than salmon. This feature is manifested during the defrost of fillets when a very expressive fragrance appears.

If you have liver diseases or such a diagnosis like a gastric ulcer and / or duodenal gutYou should not eat such fatty fish in large quantities. In addition, it does not have carbohydrates.

Forens are used in various kitchens of our planet. She was always a favorite treat of Russian nobility, without which no luxurious Baroic feast could do. Professional chefs use recipes that moved through the years transmitted from mouth to mouth. Trout usually:

  • fry;
  • salt and smoky;
  • boil and soar (the most diet way);
  • bake (most nutritional).

To give fish, the spicy taste of the cook is recommended to pre-pick up the fish. Especially good with it are combined with such products as lemon, ginger and fresh greens. The meat of this exquisite fish will remain soft and juicy, whatever the way you choose.

Exist exquisite recipes. For example, you can cook trout in champagne. To do this, take:

Fish must be caught in a mixture of salt and pepper, and then shifting on a baking sheet, smeared in advance with oil. From above, you need to pour chopped finely shallot. Following this, the fish is watered with champagne and covered with foil. They are sent to the ovens heated to 190 degrees to be carried out for 15 minutes. The sauce is filled with boiling, whipped butter and salt add. Pour pepper pinch. Fish serves with sauce and parsley sauce.

Since the trout contains the polyunsaturated fatty acids of Omega-3 and almost the entire list of amino acids, it is used in nutrition during recovery period, as well as in a variety of diets. Also in this product are optimally balanced for the needs of iodine, selenium, iron and phosphorus.

All components that make up the trout favorably affect the functioning of organs and systems. They have a beneficial effect on the formation of red blood cells, the exchange of proteins and fats, the absorption of glucose. Also, these components lead to normal levels of cholesterol. Perhaps in the world no longer to meet such a wonderful gift of nature containing such substances useful for a person.

According to scientific works, people whose diet includes Trout, much less often resort to the services of doctors about oncology and hypertension. These people have good memory, less exposed to depressions, can even sunbathe with a much lower threat of sunburn.

Caviar trouta

This product is one of the most delicious delicacies. He was always considered an indicator of prosperity and success. Once this caviar fir literally spoons!

It is recommended to use caviar with butter, cream cheese, because it is quite salted. Sometimes there is a non-stuck fish on the counter. If an experienced hostess or a cook can distinguish the animal floor, then there is probability to become the owner of a huge plate of the corona delicacy: caviar can get almost free to the caviar!

There is a great set of caviar salts. It is only necessary to choose a way to soul and get a female individual. Forema's female is not brushed in appearance, gray, with blunt nose and small head with smooth outlines.

Price comparison for trout and so

A person who does not have experience and knowledge is difficult to distinguish these types of fish, as well as to understand what tastier. Both of them are salmon, very similar outwardly. As for the price, the trout is usually more expensive than salmon.

When retail acquisition, the price difference will already be about $ 3-4, which is quite noticeable with today. So what is preferable? Experts stop their choice on trout because of her tender taste, even though it is more expensive. How can you distinguish between salmon and trout:

  • Scaled salmon larger.
  • On the sides of the salmon there are no stripes. Trout's tail round in appearance, not triangular, like salmon.
  • Trout leather brighter with pinkish barrels, and she has a rich color and a much brighter drawing.
  • Trul's head is less and has a truncated form, and she herself has a round body.

Problem of choice

The task of finding the trout is very hard. An unprepared to buy a trout among other representatives of salmon cannot be selected. A fish of different floors falls on sale, each of which is large and not very (regardless of the floor), so the size of the individual does not play any role.

In order not to spend money on cheaper grade, experts carefully study every aspect. Alas, to distinguish the trout in a color sign is not an option. Fish is very bright, maybe quite dark, even almost black. In some cases, there are also individuals of a silver shade, and with dark spots on the background of light skin come across, it is possible to find even the rainbow color.

Trul coloring is determined by its type, as well as the place where it was caught. Sea variety stands out relatively large size and a deep, scarlet shade of meat.

File color varies from white to cherry. There is a lot of class, the range of distribution and diet. The river variety always has a pale meat color. In the limestone, the trout is silver, and in the orst rivers it is darker.

As a rule, lakes are large, and the river is small. Its size depends on temperament and living conditions. This fish must be live in cold and rapid water and sometimes hide in hard-to-reach places.

As a result, representatives of the kind of salmon remains to hope only for the conscience of the seller and the supplier. Unfortunately, in our reality, these hopes may be false and empty.

For the time of bringing their profits, manufacturers are sometimes pinking fish with various additives to accelerate growth. In such additives include antibiotics and growth hormones, sometimes mixed and dyes. The result is the strengthened color of meat, the reduction of benefit from the product, the appearance of many harmful substances in it. All this strikes the trout from the list of useful products.

Some manufacturers also love to sell falsification. Also, those who sell this very fish are also not sinless. In an effort to keep the brightness of the color of meat, merchants are often resorted to soaking fillets in coloring substances.

In no case, do not get fish with the meat of unnatural pink color - this is a direct pointer to artificial conditions for the ripening of such fish.

It is important to pay attention to the pasting in fillet. If they are white, then the meat is not processed by coloring substances.

Buying fillets, you need to look at the bones. A really good product will have specific traces due to the fact that the bones were manually pulled out.

There are also rates for dissolving bones. This is necessarily noted in documents going with the fish. Be careful, studying the packaging, do not miss illegally used in the production of acid or "doseers". To increase weight, prohibited polyphosphates are used in production.

Fillet with polyphosphates strongly glitters. When buying a frozen product, click on it after defrosting. If the fish allocates a large amount of fluid, it means that it did not cost without polyphosphates.

It is best to choose fillets fresh or at least chilled. All this shows how difficult and responsible selection. In the current realities so easy to get caught on the tricks of Deltsov. Buy salmon instead of trout - not the most pessimistic option! You can only advise you to find a proven seller who carefully approaches the purchase of goods.

Some lososev lovers prefer to retrain the fishermen and go to the reserved corners of the Motherland. They visit the territory where waste is not thrown away and where the fish feeds eco-friendly food.

Trout is a collective nickname of several species of fish family of salmon "Kumzha". This beautiful and incredibly delicious fish can be found in any reservoir of our country. True, catch it not so simple. It will take all the skill of an avid fisherman to contemplate this fish in his hands. Trout can be frying, smoking, salting and even in the raw form. Caviar is considered to be a delicacy of Russian cuisine.

External characteristics

Color characteristics depend on the habitat. There is a sea trout And river. The bot is divided into two large subspecies on the color: white and pink. For example, sea and river packs are completely different in color, since. marine environment It differs from the river in the presence of predators, the saline of water and the climatic conditions of a particular area.

Salmon males a little less females. The females can achieve a length of 1 meter and weigh 20-25 kg. The standard body weight of this fish varies from 400 to 700 grams, and the body length is 30-40 cm.


  • Appearance.

The lake bottle belongs to the family of salmon, the type is freshwater, a half-breeder. The lake representative of this species is inherent dark coloring and bright, depending on the habitat. If the water in the lake is dark and or etched bottom, then the salmon has a dark color with large black dots on the back. If the water is clean with bright sandy soil, then the color of the fish will be appropriate.

Trout has a torpedo shape that allows it to move at high speed for long distances. The head is small, commensurate torso. The muzzle has a dull shape. There are two rows of permanent teeth. Belubo reddish shade.

  • Habitat.

The lake trout lives in mountain lakes Europe with freshwater water. In reservoirs where troutThe water temperature is very low. That is why this type of bottle is called "cold-blooded". This trout can live in conditions that are not suitable for other individuals, where the temperature of water is 20 ° C and below.

In Russia, the lake trout can be found in Ladoga or Onega Lakes. IN large lakes It dwells the so-called bottom trout, the body of this beauty can reach 15, 20, or even 30 kg.

  • Spawning.

Puberty lake trout Reaches with a mass of body in 2 kg. For the spawning of females, the Pestrucks rise from the lakes in the river and in the pockets with a pebble bottom or on the mines, Iberize caviar. The young salmon in most part remains and grows in the river, becoming a river ordinary trout. Some part of the iconic again falls into the lake and they lead a lake lifestyle.

  • Food.

The lake trout feeds on insects or icons of other individuals. However, there may be their caviar if it is not sufficiently covered . Even small animals can get into the dietSwimming with water. The most active trout period in strong winds or in rainy weatherFrom the trees there is a large number of diverse insects. During this period, you can see jumping trouts for flying "food". In a very hot weather, this fish holds near the streams or "fall into the hibernation" in their nonorah.


  • Appearance.

Rainbow Pestrushka enjoys a great success with owners of private ponds. Here it is bred for fishing or lovers to enjoy fish. Salmon has a gold color, an allay line is pronounced on the sides, turning into the gills, manifested during a spawning period. Top fins and tail have Black dots throughout the perimeter. Middle mouth, small eyes. IN clean waters It has a light shade and is called white salmon.

  • Habitat.

The birthplace of rainbow salmon is North America. Rainbow trout dwells in freshwater rivers. This view is more in need of oxygen, so it keeps on the surface of the water. Such a fish will not be able to live in reservoirs where water freezes. But this bottle is quite capable of living in more warm waters, unlike the stream trout.

  • Spawning.

Paulic ripening females It comes only for the fourth year of life, the male develops for the year faster. Check out the caviar is 1.5-2 months. Caviar has large diameter 5-6 mm. After checking the caviar, it still feeds on the science of the yolk bag, and after the second week of life begins to feed yourself.

  • Food.

Adults of the trout are predators, so they feed on raffs, small fish, insects. The bottle is perfectly catching the moths and frogs. After spawning, the fish becomes more active and very quickly gaining weight. The greater the age of salmon, the more fish gets into the diet of the predator.


  • Appearance.

In contrast to iris and lake trout, the streams of the bluette has a bit of the body shape. Belly has white color. The top of the body of a grayish shade with black and reddish spots around the perimeter. Bottom fins of orange. A silver track passes along the ridge. Dark gray tail. The muzzle is the middle, the same color. The eyes are small.

  • Habitat.

Salmon in the USA, Norway, in Western Europe. Russia is found in the Pool of the Caspian, White, Azov Seas. This beautiful francity family of salmon can be seen in mountain rivers and forest rivers. For stream trout comfortable conditions The temperature regime is considered to 20 ° C, the concentration of oxygen from 2 mg / l.

  • Spawning.

Spring is considered the right time for reproduction. It grows off the stream salmon from the evening until midnight, then goes to rest and continues spawning only in the morning. For the spawning of the female, the female go up the river to the Gallean Dn. Here and actively retracting.

  • Food.

At a small age, trout feeds exclusively in the insects. With age, any average fishing and even representatives of a kind are suitable. Pestrushka feeds on frogs, small animals. All representatives of the salmon have Divine meat with a sweet taste. High valued professional cooks and housewives.