Greece is a colorful, beautiful country that has its own culture, history, and attractions. When going to this place, tourists often wonder which part of the country is best to go to and at what time of the year, since various parts Greece has its own characteristics and different climatic and weather conditions. This article is devoted to the weather in Greece on Crete, an island that occupies one of the most worthy places among the resorts of this wonderful country.

Climatic conditions in different parts of Greece

The Greek Republic is characterized by a mild subtropical climate with warm, wet winters and hot, dry summers. Average air temperatures in the winter months are approximately +10 degrees Celsius, in the summer months – +32 degrees.

Conventionally, Greece can be divided into three climatic region and distinguish three types of climate: Mediterranean, Alpine and Central European. The Mediterranean type of climate is typical for the capital of the country - Athens and the island part. This type of climate is characterized by a fairly mild warm winter and very hot summers. Alpine climate type is common in western and central parts Greece – there is quite a lot of warm summer, but longer cold and wet winters. Eastern and central Macedonia has a Central European type of climate, which is characterized by dry and hot summers, but cold and wet winters.

Weather - Crete island: water and air temperature by month

The island of Crete is characterized by a Mediterranean type of climate. The island is located in two climatic zones. The first is Mediterranean, which is typical for most of the island, and is characterized by fairly long rainy winters and dry, hot summers, the second is North African, which is typical for the southern regions of the territory, where milder winters and the highest summer temperatures are observed.

Crete is a sunny island, since the number of sunny days a year reaches more than three hundred, accordingly, the weather on the island of Crete always pleases tourists. However, what time to go here will depend on the preferences of tourists. For lovers beach holiday and fans of excursion programs, in order to be as comfortable as possible, should go to Crete in different time of the year.


During the winter months on the island of Crete, the weather is not at all pleasing to travelers, which is why, to be honest, there are not enough vacationers here. The sea is already much colder than in the hot season, strong winds appear, the air warms up weakly, and only becomes a little warmer in the sun.

In December, the average air temperature during the day is 15.1 degrees, at night - 11 above zero, in January - 9.6 and 13.6 degrees, respectively. February also, alas, does not indulge in high temperatures - during the day it already becomes a little warmer here than in January, but it is not recommended to go out without a jacket. average temperature during the day it is +14.6, at night – 9.5. In the sea, water in the winter months ranges from 16 to 18 degrees. From December to February, heavy rains periodically begin to fall, the number of rainy days per month is about five, the average rainfall is around 70 mm.


IN spring time Crete is getting warmer and more pleasant. Although in March the air and water temperatures are a couple of degrees higher than in winter (average temperatures of the month are 16...16.5 degrees, there is less rain), you can safely go here in sightseeing tours. In April, the temperature increases every day, the duration daylight hours Same. The average air temperature during the day is almost 19 degrees, at night - 11. The sea warms up to 17...18 degrees.

But in May, you can, without hesitation, pack your bags and go open beach season. After all, the air temperature is already at least 23 degrees, the sea is warmed up to +20. It's still cool at night, but if you throw on a jacket you can go for night walks. The air temperature at night at this time is around 15 degrees Celsius.


And, of course, summer, when every day there are more and more tourists. During this period, travelers go on both beach and sightseeing holidays.

Note! Going to Crete in summer time, it is worth booking a tour in advance from a travel agency, since in this case the trip will cost much less.

June is the best time to come here with kids. It is no longer cold at all, but there is still no hot summer heat, which is typical for July and August. The average air temperature during the day is 26 degrees, at night – 18. The water temperature in the sea is 23.2 degrees Celsius.

In July and August comes hot season when on the beach great amount people. Average temperatures during the day during these months remain at 29.6 degrees, at night - 22, and sea ​​water warms up to 26.4 degrees.

Note! You should always remember that when going out in the sun, you need to use protection to protect your skin from ultraviolet rays.


Lovers of the velvet season should go to the island of Crete in the fall, good time The best months for holidays are September and even October. September usually pleases with still hot days with an air temperature of 28 degrees and a well-warmed sea up to 25.5 degrees. In October it is a little cooler, but still very comfortable. Temperatures remain around 24 degrees, the sea is still warm. But in the last week of October and in November, it is unlikely that you will be able to lie in the sun, since seasonal rains begin to fall, winds appear, the sea is not so warm and the temperature is already below +20 degrees.

Water temperature in Crete

To decide which part of the island and at what time to go on a beach holiday, it will be most convenient to familiarize yourself with the tabular data presented below, which contains information about the water temperature on the island of Crete in the most popular areas of the resort.

water temperaturewater temperaturewater temperaturewater temperature
January16.6 16.6 16.7 16.6
February15.9 15.9 16 16
March15.9 15.9 15.9 16
April17.1 17 17.1 17.2
May19.8 19.5 19.8 19.8
June23.2 22.9 23.2 23.2
July25.6 25.5 25.8 25.5
August26.3 26.4 26.5 26.2
September25.4 25.4 25.6 25.4
October23.2 23.3 23.4 23.2
November20.6 20.8 20.8 23.2
December18.3 18.5 18.5 18.3

Weather forecast for Crete for the coming days

IN soon The island will have warm, sunny weather. The average daytime air temperature will remain at 26...28 degrees Celsius, and at night it will drop to 20...23 degrees. No precipitation is expected. The southwest wind will blow on the island around three meters per second. Currently, the water temperature is 26 degrees, the sea is calm, there are no waves.

Holiday season in Crete

Beach on the island

The hot season on the island of Crete lasts, as in many parts of Greece, from late May to mid-September - most tourists have vacations during this time, and children have vacations throughout the summer. And in general, summer is beautiful time for relax. The temperature reaches maximum heights, there is practically no rain here, and the water is so warm that you don’t want to leave the sea.

But you can go to Crete both in autumn and winter, since October, like September, is quite warm here. The air temperature in October is around 29 degrees, and swimming in the sea is just as pleasant as in summer. Seasonal rains may sometimes occur at the end of October, but, as a rule, they are not a hindrance to vacation. But in November in Crete it becomes 9...10 degrees cooler than in October. This month is not suitable for a beach holiday - many resort villages and hotels are closed until the next season, but in large cities you can always find a place to stay overnight. But this is the best time for sightseeing, as most sites are open to the public. all year round.

Note! Although most attractions in Crete are open to the public from November to May, the famous Botanical Garden in Chania is closed during this time.

But in winter time It's not worth going here on vacation. This is due to the fact that the weather is significantly worsening - the air temperature drops to 12...14 degrees, the rainy season begins, which can last for days, strong winds appear, and snow caps form on the tops of the mountains. Although for those who love tranquility, perhaps such weather will not ruin their mood, so it is up to travelers to decide whether it is worth coming here in winter.

Crete in winter

Subtleties of tourism in Crete

When going on vacation to Crete, you should take into account the recommendations and advice of experienced tourists:

  • when going to Greece, you must remember to apply for a Schengen visa; without it, entry into the country is prohibited;
  • when going to Crete to explore the island, an excellent solution would be to rent a car - some companies do not even require an international license, others even just need photocopies of the license;
  • when renting a car, travelers are provided with 100% insurance;
  • A rented car should be returned with the same filled tank as it was rented; if there is more gasoline, no one will return the difference;
  • the roads on the island are very good, with excellent coverage, except for the roads in the mountains - there you should be very careful and careful while driving;
  • You should park only in authorized places, since the fine for incorrect parking will be from 60 to 80 euros*, and for not fastening your seat belt - 360 euros;
  • if it is not possible to travel by car, then there is nothing wrong with that, since the island has well-developed transport links, you can always catch a ride or call a taxi without any problems;
  • when you come to Crete, you should definitely get acquainted with Greek cuisine - the food will be the most delicious in non-tourist places, as in most countries of the world;
  • when swimming in the sea among the rocks, you should look carefully at your feet when entering the water so as not to step on a sea urchin;
  • When going fishing on the island of Crete, you should never touch the fish with your hands, as there are poisonous species which can cause severe discomfort;
  • Cretans are very sincere and friendly people who are always happy to see guests from other countries in their homeland.

Today the island of Crete is very popular among tourists different ages and nationalities. In 2018, throughout the summer there were a huge number of people who came here to relax, enjoy Greek culture, history and the beauty of nature. Usually, no matter what time tourists choose to relax, they never regret that they went here.

* The prices indicated in the article are current at the time of publication of the material.

The holiday season begins in a couple of months. A wonderful holiday destination where early spring before late autumn you can swim in the warm azure waters, there will be an island washed by three seas - Crete. When is the best time to go on vacation depends on your preferences. The tourist season is open here at any time of the year.

Location and climate of Crete

Crete is the largest of the Greek islands, located at the junction of Europe, Asia and Africa, 100 km from mainland Greece.

The weather in Crete enjoys sunshine and cloudless skies 340 days a year. The influence of two climatic zones is felt. The island, especially in the northern part, is exposed to a favorable Mediterranean climate, but the southern coast belongs to the North African subtropical zone, where the hot breath of the Sahara is felt.

Considering how the temperature of water and air changes by month, you can choose the most suitable leisure activity for you: from a lazy beach holiday to sports entertainment and trips around the island. The weather forecast will help you navigate and adjust your vacation plans.

The wonderful climate of the Mediterranean resort attracts many tourists during cool winters and hot summers. Admire the gold sandy beaches, you can relax your soul and body, enjoying the healing sea air, all year round. And Greece exports local wine to many countries around the world

A mild winter is replaced by a warm one beautiful spring. In the hot summer it is so pleasant to plunge into the azure waters and lie on the cleanest sea beaches.

Prices for tours to Greece by month

Weather in Crete throughout the year

For vacationers planning to fly to Crete, the temperature by month will be the main factor when choosing leisure activities. After all, the resort is famous not only for water activities. Greece is the cradle of ancient civilizations. Monuments of ancient, early Christian and Byzantine cultures have also been preserved on the island of Crete. The climate of the Mediterranean in ancient times attracted the most different peoples. And today, just like thousands of years ago, people from all over the planet flock to the paradise island in the hope of getting a long-awaited blessed vacation.

The weather in Crete for the year ahead is quite predictable, and by looking at the forecast for the months and regions of Crete, you can have a clear idea of ​​what your vacation will be like.

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Mild winter

The winter months are good for excursion trips, especially for those who do not tolerate heat well, avoid crowds and want to save money. The prices are really good. Travel agents are vying with each other to offer last-minute tours. The staff of half-empty hotels greet you as if they had been waiting for your arrival all their lives. The number of vacationers increases along with prices closer to the New Year. And although the amount of precipitation is quite high, Crete sometimes gives several summer-like warm days, when the air suddenly warms up to 20°.

Weather in Crete in December similar to our weather in September and October. Daylight hours are rapidly decreasing and amount to only 6.5 hours. The sun hangs low over the horizon and gives almost no warmth. The winds are getting stronger, it's getting colder, and the wet season is beginning. The air temperature in the mountains does not rise above zero, and snow often falls on the peaks. Average readings for Crete:

  • in the air during the day from 12° to 19°;
  • cool nights – 12-15°;
  • at sea the same 12-13°.

Weather in Crete in January extremely unstable. Lots of rainy days. But if you remember what the temperature is at this time of year in Russia and compare with local conditions, it becomes clear that winter holidays in Crete are not so bad. Moreover, prices in Crete continue to please, and there is enough entertainment - festivals, street musicians. January characteristics:

  • 11°, maximum 15° during the day;
  • 10-12° at night;
  • 11-12° in sea water.

Weather in Crete in February not conducive to rest. Reviews from tourists are quite pessimistic. This is the worst month for travel. On average there are 6 rainy days in February.

Visitors can count on modest temperature readings:

  • during the day up to 15°;
  • nights are cold, up to 9°;
  • The water temperature at the end of February is up to 16°.

But you can live on the island for little money, book inexpensive excursions and visit local restaurants, because Greece has amazing cuisine.

It is better to spend February in Heraklion, where it is warmer and drier than other resorts.

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Spring in Crete

Weather in Crete in March remains cool, but you can already feel the breath of spring:

  • in the air 16° during the day;
  • at night still up to 9°;
  • water temperature 18°.

At the end of March it gets noticeably warmer, all of Greece blooms and smells fragrant, more tourists come, and with them the cost of travel increases.

Weather in Crete in April quite spring. The beginning of the season, when the beaches on the island of Crete officially open, has the following climatic indicators:

  • During the day it rapidly warms up – up to 20-21°;
  • the nights are still cool - up to 12°;
  • at sea 18°.

The most comfortable holiday will be in Heraklion. The rains stop, the wind is 3.9 m/sec, it’s sunny, and at the end of April, brave souls begin to swim.

Weather in Crete in May conducive to active pastime. Rain is still possible in early May, especially on the west coast. But already in mid-May the air temperature rises, the wind subsides, and the most quiet season rest: the winter period of winds is over, and the summer period has not yet begun. If you also do not tolerate heat well and are ready to swim in the cool sea, your holiday will be ideal. At the end of May the island is quiet and warm:

  • the average temperature in the daytime is 23°, in Rethymnon – 25°;
  • at night up to 19°;
  • water temperature – 19-20°.

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Crete in summer

Weather in Crete in June gives vacationers clear, hot days. The water in the sea is warming up, you can safely swim, and the beach season begins. The heat in early June is not yet so noticeable - 25°, and swimming can be combined with excursions. When choosing where to go on holiday in Crete in June, keep in mind that the water temperature is at southern beaches a couple of degrees cooler, everywhere is equally hot, and the cities host music and food festivals. Greece loves holidays. At the end of June you can expect:

  • daytime temperature up to 30°;
  • the night gives coolness - up to 18°;
  • water temperature 22°.

Weather in Crete in July becomes a real test of strength. If at the beginning of July 29-30° seems to you to be the peak of heat, do not be fooled! It will be even hotter at the end of July:

  • in the daytime the temperature is 35°, sometimes up to 40°;
  • warm nights - up to 22°;
  • The water is heated to 24°.

Where is the best place to relax? Only on the coast. Crete is open to winds from all sides, but extreme heat The sea breeze is pleasant and fresh. It is better to purchase tickets in advance during peak season.

Weather in Crete in August similar to July:

  • during the day the air temperature is often more than 30°;
  • at night 21-22°;
  • water temperature 25°.

Ticket prices are still high. At the end of August, strong northerly winds rise, the sea is restless, but the sweltering summer heat recedes. If you are in doubt about where it is better to relax at this time, choose the southern coast.

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Autumn in Crete

Weather in Crete in September not so hot and windy, especially in the mountains, where it is better to relax with a sweater or jacket in your wardrobe. For most tourists, vacation becomes more comfortable. Reviews from tourists are the most positive , in Greece in full swing the Velvet season:

  • at the beginning of September during the day 26-27°, at night the air temperature is 20°;
  • at the end of September 23-24 during the day, at night up to 19°;
  • water temperature from 26° to 23°.

The beach holiday continues.

Your vacation is comfortable no matter where you plan to relax. True, storms occur in the second half of the month.

Weather in Crete in October still good for holidays. A trip can cost you very little; prices for holidays and food begin to decline in the first half of October. In the morning and evening it is already quite fresh, but in the afternoon you can swim and sunbathe. Is it worth going to Crete at the end of October? Judge for yourself:

  • in early October about 24° during the day;
  • fresh nights 17-18°;
  • water temperature 23°, at the end of October 21°.

Weather in Crete in November unpredictable. Clear days give way to rain, often strong winds blow from the Sahara, and clouds of sand cover the sun. But the air temperature is quite acceptable:

  • in the air 20° during the daytime;
  • at night sometimes up to 14°;
  • water temperature 21°.

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Which Resorts in Crete have the best weather?

Most of the resort towns of Crete are located in its northern part. The most famous among them is Heraklion, which at the same time represents The largest city islands, port, administrative center, where life is in full swing all 4 seasons. True, there is nowhere to swim in the city itself. But the surrounding area attracts with beautiful clean beaches. Located on the shore of the bay, local hotels are protected from strong winds, and the water is calmer here.

The second largest city, Chania, is located on the shores of the Aegean Sea. This is an iconic place where Venetian and Greek cultures are mixed. Visiting it and observing the architectural and natural sights of Crete is recommended for everyone who comes to the island for the first time. The sea current here is quiet and calm, the water warms up very early, and the holiday season opens from the first days of April and lasts until the end of November. The average temperature at this time ranges from 25° to 30°.

Do you want to swim where there are no waves? Then you have a direct road to Hersonissos, a city on the shores of the beautiful Malia Bay. Tourists loved this fun youth city for its convenient infrastructure and gorgeous beaches. The ideal period for swimming is from May to October. And then the windy season begins, the sea cools down, it is often stormy, and the air temperature is not very conducive to beach fun.

A respectable public comes to Rethymnon, preferring a leisurely, relaxed holiday away from noisy entertainment. Reviews from vacationers are most enthusiastic, especially from those who prefer silence and privacy. The water in the sea is very clean, and if you look at the months, it is better to go here from May to October, when the water temperature in the sea (up to 30°) is higher than in the air (up to 26°).

The island of Crete in its southern part has rocky shores, indented by small coves. Mountain springs flowing down cool the water, and the sea temperature here, even during the swimming season, is several degrees lower than in northern regions. But at the peak of the heat, when the thermometer goes off scale, wildlife lovers flock here. Hiding from the hot desert winds in one of the picturesque bays, you can swim and dive in cool waters where there are almost no waves. Ticket prices here are slightly lower than on the northern coast.

Greece ranks southern part Balkan Peninsula and islands in the Mediterranean, Cretan, Ionian and Aegean Seas. Crete is the largest island owned by Greece and the fifth largest in the Mediterranean Sea. Predominant in Crete Mediterranean climate, air humidity – 50%. The sun shines about 280 days a year. Swimming season lasts from mid-spring to mid-autumn. Climate coastal zone and the central part, which is covered with mountains, is different. There are differences in weather conditions not only between months, but also depending on the location of the coast. When choosing a holiday route, you should take this into account.

On the coast Summers are dry, winters are mild, snowfalls are extremely rare. It rains from mid-autumn to early spring.
East End Creta (Sitia) is drier and warm climate than the western (Chania). This is noticeable even in the difference in the abundance of vegetation. Sitia resembles a desert, Chania is a green oasis.
Warmer and drier climate south coast, when compared with the north.
In the mountainous part Cretan winters are quite harsh. Low temperatures and heavy snowfalls are not uncommon. On the mountain tops, snow can remain until mid-summer.

Temperature indicators

Winter is the season of wind and rain

In January the weather in Crete is rainy and cold. The average air temperature is +15°C. Water temperature – +17°C. Strong winds may rage along the coast. But over the course of one week, the gusts of wind subside, and the weather is calm, good, and windless. The inhabitants of Crete call this period " quiet days».

In February, Crete is only a little warmer and sunnier. The temperature of the air and water in the sea remains the same. The weather is still unpredictable. Rainy, cold, windy days alternate with calmer and warmer ones. The swollen buds of almond trees remind us of the imminent arrival of spring.

The weather in Crete in March is usually still cool and windy. But the rainy season can be considered over. The average air and water temperature is +17°C. The vegetation begins to wake up, flowers bloom, and the first green leaves appear. Despite quite low temperature, the bravest and most seasoned begin to swim in the sea.

Spring Awakening

In April, real spring comes to Crete. It rains rarely and does not last long. On average, the air warms up to 20°C, water – up to +18°C. This weather contributes to the wild revival of nature. The island is covered in bright and fragrant wild flowers in April and is very beautiful.

The weather in Crete in May finally becomes sunny and warm. Since May 10th it has rained very rarely. The Meltemi north wind, which will begin to appear in the summer, is not yet blowing. The sea, where the water has warmed up to +20°C, is quiet and calm. The average air temperature is +23°C. Despite these idyllic conditions, it's worth taking a jacket with you on holiday, as the evenings can still be cold.

In May, Crete and all of Greece are especially beautiful. A riot of colors, the fragrance of flowers and lush greenery delight the eye and intoxicate. It is during this month that the island turns into a huge festival site. It all starts with May Day - Workers' Day. Greece celebrates this holiday on a grand scale and with a lot of fun. May 18 Crete remembers tragic events- the battle for Crete with the German invaders. At the end of May, the residents of Crete again celebrate the ancient holiday of Anastenaria. A special feature among the songs and dances is walking on hot coals.

Summer – everyone goes to the beach

In June throughout the territory In Crete, the average temperature is approximately the same - from +23...26°C at the beginning of the month and to +25...30°C at the end. Water temperature near north coast reaches + 23°C. On the southern coast, due to strong winds, the sea water is slightly colder, on average - + 23°C. It is better to choose morning or evening to relax on the beach; it is too hot during the day.

In July, real heat comes to Crete, but with it comes a north wind. The average air temperature is +27°C, water temperature is +24°C. The heat and dryness begins, which correspond to the summer months in Crete.

In August, the island welcomes vacationers with even hotter and drier weather. The average air temperature is +30...+35°C, water temperature is +26...27°C. North winds continue to attack Crete. During this period, you can only go on a beach holiday, taking with you a reliable supply drinking water. For people who find it difficult to tolerate high temperature, this season will not work. Even those who can easily endure the heat need to buy hats for relaxation, sunscreen and glasses.

Autumn – refreshing coolness

The weather in Crete in September becomes less hot and windy. The sun is still very active, and nothing indicates the approach of the rainy season. The average air temperature is +25...27°C, water temperature is +24...26°C. The evenings may already be chilly. It is worth taking a light jacket with you, especially if you are going to the mountains.

The weather in Crete in October is sunny and slightly windy. Such conditions would be more suitable for the summer months in our climatic conditions. The average air temperature is +24°C, water temperature is +22°C. Rains are possible, but they are rare and do not last long. October is the month when the entire island celebrates the harvest festival of grapes. Ra ka - a local drink made from the same grapes - flows like a river. It is also impossible to do without songs and dances.

In November, the weather on the island of Crete becomes unpredictable. Sunny, calm days suddenly give way to rain. The island is attacked during this period southerly winds. Sometimes they even bring sand from the Sahara Desert that obscures the sky. This spectacle looks very picturesque. The average air temperature in November is +20°C, water temperature is +21°C. Holidays on the island are still possible, but you need to take warm clothes and an umbrella with you.

In December, the weather in Crete is very reminiscent of an unbalanced, capricious madam. On south coast Warm possible sunny days when absolutely nothing prevents you from putting on a swimsuit and enjoying a beach holiday in comfortable conditions. All this grace literally disappears in a few hours and begins heavy rain, strong gusts of cold wind. The average air temperature in December is +16°C, water temperature is +18°C.

Crete is a unique Mediterranean pearl. The island allows its guests to enjoy the traditional Greek subtropics combined with North African influences. The weather on Crete, the diversity, softness and comfort of the climatic zones on the island are the result of an extremely favorable and extremely southern geographical location.

From time immemorial, the Mediterranean has been famous for its mild climate and ideal weather conditions– everything here is conducive to relaxation.

And Crete in this regard is an excellent example of an ideal combination of two climatic zones.

For millennia, the humid subtropics and North African heat have nurtured hedonism in the Greeks, which is instantly transmitted to anyone who sets foot on the coast.

The southernmost of all the large Greek islands, Crete pleases us, who love comfort and magical beauty, with mild winters and hot summers.

The diversity of relief and landscape on the island creates particularly dynamic weather conditions.

The weather can vary significantly even within a 30 kilometer zone. For example, a mountain range running from east to west protects the southern part of the island from the “cold northern winds.” Although, in summer period There is hardly any time to freeze in Crete.

Two climate zones – two different holidays

The island allows its guests to choose: mild subtropics or hotter and drier - a matter of several kilometers between the coasts.

Southern and northern Crete differ not only in weather, but also in the density of tourists in square meter beach By the way, if you prefer a clear, cloudless sky and a light breeze, then in the northeast of the island the combination of these conditions is the most optimal.

The northern coast is humid, cooler, and there are more clouds and precipitation there. But at the same time, the water temperature is slightly higher.

The North African climate is hot, windy and dry. This is how one can characterize the southern and eastern coasts of Crete, protected by a mountain range. It is better to sunbathe and swim in the south in bays protected from the Sahara winds.

Despite the fact that the air in the south is warmer, the water is a couple of degrees cooler than at the opposite end of the island.

The most deserted beaches beautiful place for privacy and escape from civilization, are also located in the southern part of the island.

Landscape elements: their unique dynamism

The weather in Crete differs significantly depending on the area: in the mountains the climate is harsh, winters are snowy.

After winter snowfalls, snow caps can still be observed on the mountain tops until mid-June.

In the summer, the mountains are cooler than on the coast, and temperature changes throughout the day are more pronounced. Near the sea the weather is milder and smoother.

Weather on the island of Crete by month

The weather in Crete varies dynamically and dramatically with the changing seasons. Even during the official off-season winter months, the island remains very attractive to tourists.

And not only the sights. On the southern coast, even on January days you can find warm, dry, sunny weather. This is a great option to defuse the atmosphere of cold, gray Nordic everyday life.

It gets really hot on the island in summer. Despite the water bodies surrounding the island, in the hottest summer months The thermometer can rise above 40C - but only on the south coast.

Every month in Crete is special

  • January: cold, rainy, cloudy and cloudy. The January weather is characterized by inconstancy, and occasionally it pleases those present with sunny days. The average air temperature is 12.5C, but it is possible to get +18C;

  • February not significantly different from January: winter in Crete offers good weather only in the south of the island. A little warmer – 13.2C, a little sunnier and days with weather suitable for walking occur more often;

  • March: cold, windy in the north, keeping the temperature +13.6C. But there is already noticeably more sun. And in the south of Crete the temperature sometimes rises to +26 and sunny days fall almost as often as rainy ones;

  • April– the height of spring in Crete. Everything is blooming and pleasing to the eye with a variety of colors, the temperature rises to 15-20C, and it rains less and less often (6 days per month);

  • May in Crete is ideal for those who prefer an active holiday, do not like intense heat and are ready to swim at a water temperature of +19. The air warms up to 20-25C and only 4 days can it rain;

  • June– hot, sunny, beachy. The temperature rises to 28C, and in the south to 32C;

  • July, as well as August very hot, dry and windy months in all parts of the island. The time when the sea breeze dominates in Crete. The temperature rises to 30-40C, and only the mountains or the sea will help you escape the heat;

  • September– a time of velvety relaxation in Crete, when the water temperature is still high, the sea breeze has already been replaced by a light breeze, and the air warms up to 25-27C;

  • October– it’s still warm, dry, sunny, but the air is already noticeably cooler, especially at night. +22C, several rainy days, periodically overcast skies and a storm in the first half of the day are quite typical for Crete;

  • november– the weather becomes changeable. Sunny days alternate with rainy ones, it blows cold wind, the air warms up to 15-17C;

  • December– a month of unpredictable weather in Crete: sunny days alternate with rainy ones, cold winds with warm ones, during the day the air temperature rarely rises above 15C.


  • Spring.

    The tourist season in Crete begins in relatively rainy April, but April and May are months for an amateur who is not afraid to sometimes get caught in the rain. At the beginning of the season, Crete pleases the eye with an indescribable number of flowering wild and ornamental plants. There is no summer heat yet, and The winds had cleared up, and the sea temperature was already quite suitable for swimming. Perfect time for a spring holiday in Crete - May.

  • Summer.

    Hot, windy - the height of swimming and relaxation. In summer it is good to travel around the island, but sometimes the lack of clouds in the sunny sky can only be compensated by artificial shade. In July and August the hottest and windiest weather is.

  • Autumn.

    The beginning of autumn, right up to mid-late October, is the velvet season on Crete. The winds subside, the sea is still very warm, and the summer heat has disappeared. But by November, the swimming season on the island comes to an end and the famous rainy weather, when it seems as if the rain will never end, but will endlessly fall from the sky, knock on the roofs and leak down the collar.

  • Winter.

    This time of year in Crete is windy, wet, rainy and cool, with constantly changing weather. But even in the harshest winter month - January - there are very, very pleasant sunny days. There is even a week of Halcyon - “quiet days” - when the winds calm down, the rains stop and you can observe the sunny sky for several days in a row and enjoy the warm, humid air.

The weather and dress code depend on whether you are in the south or north of the island. In the south and in January you can periodically walk along the embankment wearing only shorts and a light T-shirt.

Water temperature

From January to December, the water temperature in Crete remains at or above 17C– from January to March.

In April and December the temperature is slightly higher - +18C. During these months, visitors to the island go swimming if it is a sunny day.

May and November delight with the sea +20С, and if it’s already rainy and windy in November strong wind, then in May you can safely swim.

But the inhabitants of the island open the swimming season no earlier than June, when the water temperature in the sea rises to 22-24 C– in October, at similar sea temperatures, heat-loving Cretans prefer to relax on the shore.

July and August are the most warm months, the sea is warming up up to 24-26 and 26-27C respectively. And it maintains this temperature until velvet September.

When is the best time to go to Crete?

It is difficult to name the most optimal time for a holiday in Crete.

Generally recognized tourist season starts in April and ends in October. But even winter in Crete has its own pleasant characteristics.

From April to October the weather on the island is stable, Atmosphere pressure fluctuates minimally over the months. Hot, dry and sunny.

For lovers active rest best suited late spring And early autumn– when the water is well warmed up for swimming, and the daytime heat does not interfere physical activity and prolonged exposure to the sun.

The summer period is the most popular - June, July and August - months ideal for beach holidays and night parties. It’s warm to swim at any time of the day and you don’t have to worry too much about warm clothes for the trip.

The velvet season in September and October is ideal not only for active tourism, but also for family vacation with kids.

The identical temperatures of air and sea, the absence of heat and scorching sun during the day more than compensate for the coolness of the evening and night. When going to Crete in the fall, take warm clothes with you.

Despite all the changeability, windiness and rain winter weather, Crete is in demand for tourists even in the autumn-winter period. Especially residents of the northern regions.

November and December are captivating with sunny days and relatively warm seas. Even if at this time of year in the morning it's raining– by lunchtime, the sun will most likely be shining.

And even in the cold, rainy January It’s still worth trying to guess that sunny and warm week of calm to take a walk around the island. Admire the stormy winter sea, and maybe plunge into its cool, restless waves.

The weather in Crete changes not only from month to month, but also from year to year. Each month has its own temperature ranges and the most expected weather.


Crete is the most big island Greece, which separates two seas: the Mediterranean and the Aegean, which represents a kind of border between three continents: Europe, Asia and Africa.

Almost all the coasts of the island of Crete are indented with many small coves and bays. Also here you will be greeted by picturesque natural gorges, high mountain ranges, beautiful flowering plains and clean pebble and sandy beaches.

Climate and season on the island of Crete

The climate in Crete is one of the mildest and healthiest in all of Europe, and the hot sun shines about 340 days a year. Each season in Crete is considered special, since even in winter you can have a great rest here on the eve of New Year's holidays. Every tourist can appreciate the softness subtropical climate, where the air temperature does not drop below 0°C even in winter. The most suitable period for a beach holiday is from April to November, when the air is warmed up from +20 to +30°C.

Lake Voulismeni in Agios Nikolaos, according to legend, has no bottom, so it is inaccessible for swimming by mere mortals.

In the north of the island there are the most crowded and comfortable resorts in Greece, and in its southern part you will find untouched wildlife with secluded beaches and huge opportunities for ecotourism.

Weather and prices by month

Crete in winter

Weather in December. The average daily air temperature even in winter reaches +17°C. It gets cold at night and the thermometer shows +10°C. And the water temperature in the Mediterranean and Aegean Sea rises to +20°C.

The price of tours in winter is quite affordable and a seven-day trip for two can cost 19,000–30,000 rubles. On the eve of the New Year, the cost of tours increases slightly to 10-15%.

Weather in January. Average air temperature in the second winter month during the day it is +15°C. At night it drops to +9°C. The water temperature in the two seas rises to +16°C.

The price of the tours is quite reasonable and a trip for two with accommodation in a comfortable hotel or inn will cost from 19,000 to 35,000 rubles (for seven days).

Weather in February. The air temperature in the last winter month in Crete rises to +15°C during the day and drops to +9°C at night.

The water temperature in the seas is about +16°C.

This month, the price of tours is also not high and a vacation for two will cost you 19,000–35,000 rubles with accommodation in a cozy, spacious hotel room or inn.

Crete island in spring

Weather in March. Air temperature at first spring month rises by 1°C and is +16°C during the day, and at night it decreases slightly to +9°C.

The Mediterranean and Aegean Seas are warm and the water temperature is +18°C.

Spring begins, and the price of tours rises a little. A seven-day vacation package for two will cost approximately 20,000–35,000 rubles and more, depending on the category of the hotel.

Weather in April. It is starting to warm up rapidly and the average daily air temperature is about +20°C. At night the thermometer shows +12°C. And the Mediterranean and Aegean seas are quite warm and the water temperature reaches +18°C.

The price of tours increases slightly and a seven-day vacation for two can cost you from 20,000 to 40,000 rubles with accommodation in a hotel or high-class hotel.

Weather in May. It’s the end of spring and the daytime air temperature in Crete is already quite high +23°C. And at night it’s no longer so cold +14°C. The water temperature in the seas is becoming higher and higher +22°C. The price of tours is no longer so low and it is better to book tours in advance. A seven-day vacation for two can cost from 30,000 to 60,000 rubles, depending on the place of residence and hotel category.

Crete in summer

Weather in June. Summer begins and the long-awaited holiday season. On average, the air temperature during the day rises to +27…+28°С. And even at night you don’t have to dress warmly, since the thermometer shows +19°C. The swimming season has already begun a long time ago and the water temperature is +22…+23°C.

Weather in July. Summer is in full swing and the air temperature can rise during the day from +28 to +30°C. At night it is very warm +21°C and you can walk along the sea promenade.

The water temperature is already high +25°C and children enjoy swimming in the Mediterranean or Aegean Sea. Tours must be booked in advance, since the price of tours is quite high, from 40,000 to 90,000 rubles for two.

Weather in August. In Crete, this month is one of the hottest and the air temperature at lunchtime can rise from +28 to +35°C. At night, the thermometer also does not drop below +21°C.

Water temperature in warm seas reaches +25…+26°С.

Travel agencies have almost all tickets sold out and tours booked. The price of tours is quite high, from 40,000 to 100,000 rubles for two, and there are practically no last-minute tours.

Crete island in autumn

Weather in September. Summer has ended and the velvet season, which tourists love so much, has begun. The air temperature during the day is already quite comfortable +26°C and even at night it becomes a little fresher +19°C. But the seas are still warm and the water temperature in them reaches +24…+25°С.

The weather is beautiful and the prices for tours are not decreasing. A trip for two will cost approximately from 40,000 to 90,000 rubles for seven days with accommodation in the best hotels in Crete.

Weather in October. In autumn it is still quite warm and the daytime temperature is about +26°C. At night the thermometer shows +16°C.

The Mediterranean and Aegean Seas are still warm and the water temperature in them does not drop below +24°C.

It's still warm, but there are fewer and fewer tourists. The price of tours is slightly reduced and a trip for two can be purchased for 35,000–50,000 rubles.

Weather in November. The air temperature begins to drop to +20°C during the day and at night it does not rise above +13°C. The water temperature in the seas is also already cool +20°C.

The price of tours is quite affordable and a seven-day tour for two can be purchased for 19,000–30,000 rubles.

Weather and prices Crete by month for 2018

MonthDaytime °CNight °CWater °CTours for two
December+17 +10 +20 from 19,000 rub.
January+15 +9 +16 from 19,000 rub.
February+15 +9 +16 from 19,000 rub.
March+16 +9 +18 from 20,000 rub.
April+20 +12 +18 from 20,000 rub.
May+23 +14 +22 from 30,000 rub.
June+27 +19 +22 from 35,000 rub.
July+30 +21 +25 from 40,000 rub.
August+32 +21 +26 from 40,000 rub.
September+26 +19 +24 from 40,000 rub.
October+26 +16 +24 from 35,000 rub.
November+20 +12 +20 from 19,000 rub.