The biosphere reserve is a place of sustainable conservation of nature. World Network of Biosphere Reserves - names of old and new biosphere reserves that are approved by UNESCO.

The first biosphere reserves date back to 1976. In 2014, there were already 631 of them around the world, in 119 countries. About the most amazing biosphere reserves in the world.

1. Mexico: Guadalupe Guadalupe Island

A biosphere reserve with an area of ​​253.8 km2, which belongs to Mexico. It is 241 km from the coast of Baja California, on the Pacific Ocean. An impressive thing - the island and ITS big variety marine fauna and Flora. Guadalupe is the only refuge for several marine populations of birds and mammals that are facing extinction.

THIS island is ALSO home to the largest colony elephant seals in the Pacific Ocean, and many marine species The people who live there are unique. Guadalupe is currently considered one of the best places in the World for great white sharks. The island has been a nature reserve since 1975.

2. Spain: Picos de Europa

Picos de Europa National Park is located in the central part of the Cantabrian Mountains with 4,600 inhabitants. Both Beyos gorges are located inside this park, two of the most impressive Oses in the Country.

As for the park's wildlife, there are many protected species such as Cantabrian wood grouse, bearded vultures and brown bears. The most famous animals in Picos de Europa are Cantabrian chamois, Spanish Mountain goat(which had previously disappeared from the area), and the Iberian WOLF.

Regarding flora, we can find several types of forests. Here is the survival zone of Atlantic mixed forests: oaks and hazelnuts, maples, lime, ash, chestnut and Walnut. The most characteristic inhabitants of the forest are: roe deer (Capreolus Capreolus) and wild boar (Sus SCROFA); badger (Meles Meles); marten (Martes Martes); ermine (Mustela ermine), weasel (Mustela snowy).

3. Colombia: Andean Belt

Situated on the Andean mountain range in southern Colombia, it consists of three national parks: Cueva de los Guácharos National Park, Puracé National Park and Nevado del Huila National Park; includes snow-capped peaks up to 5750 m high.

Andean Belt Biosphere Reserve Particularly RICH in birds: condor, golden eagle and tapir Parc National de Puracé is a volcanic belt - 7 craters, hot springs, waterfalls and lagoons. Several ethnic groups living in this Andean strip (Guambianos, Paeces, Yanconas, Kokonucos, Polindaras and INGAS) have preserved their traditions and culture.

4. Venezuela: Orinoco Delta

This privileged Place in Venezuela has great biological diversity and lands of a unique aquatic ecosystem. There are over 2,000 plant species, 151 mammals and almost 500 bird species.

Mainly from the estuary and coastal mangroves, among the amazing wealth of fauna, we can find wonderful mammals: sea cows and small sea dogs. Among the birds are roseate spoonbills, ospreys, and among the reptiles, Anacondas are very characteristic of this area.

The Orinoco Delta is the land of the indigenous Warao people. Their name means "dwellers of the water" ("Waha", below the river bank and "Arao"). They are considered the oldest population of Venezuela, so respect their culture and traditions - this is their reservation on the banks of the greater Orinoco.

5. Peru: Huascaran

National Park and biosphere reserve Since 1977, this area, also known as the "High Park", is one of the most important protected areas natural areas in Peru. It borders the highest and largest tropical mountain range in the world.

The forests are perfectly preserved. More than 700 glaciers that form lagoons. Seasonal thaws make the area a hub of biodiversity.

6. Germany: Bavarian Forest

Impressive middle of the High Mountains in eastern Bavaria. The hills expand into the Czech Republic and Austria. The Bavarian Forest National Park was created as the first of its kind in Germany in 1970 and is the most large nature reserve in the country. Outside he joins himself with another national park on the Czech side, and together they form the largest forest reserve in Europe.

7. United States of America: Congaree National Park

In the eastern US ( South Carolina), tall deciduous forests. The Congaree River flows through the entire park - 60.7 km2 (57%) of Wilderness.

It has campsites and offers hiking, canoeing, kayaking. Bald Cypress is the most common tree in the park. Among the animals are lynx, deer, wild pigs, coyotes, armadillos and turkeys. Its waters contain amphibians, turtles, snakes, alligators, and many species of fish.

8. China: Huanglong

Huanglong is in the northeastern part of Sichuan Province, in the southern part of the Minshan Mountains. The area is known for its colorful pools of calcite deposits, especially at Huanglongou (Yellow Dragon Gully), as well as its diverse forest ecosystems, snow-capped peaks, waterfalls and hot springs.

THIS region is home to giant panda and Sichuan golden snub-nosed monkey. Huanglong Biosphere Reserve since 2000.

9. Russia: Lapland

The Lapland Biosphere Reserve in the Arctic Circle has subarctic climate- permafrost (permanent ice cover on the surface of the earth)

With breathtaking scenery, mysterious northern lights, white forests and wild reindeer.

10. Indonesia: Komodo National Park

This national park is located in the Indonesian archipelago, and consists of Three large islands: Komodo, Padar Rinca, Gili, as well as many other smaller islands. They are of volcanic origin and 4000 people live there.

The national park was created in 1980 to protect the Komodo dragon (Varanus komodoensis).

On November 11, 2011, Komodo National Park WAS declared one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. The Komodo dragon, the great symbol of this biosphere reserve, is 3 m long and weighs about 70 kg.

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The World Conservation Congress will take place in Hawaii in early September. One of the objectives of the forum is to work to preserve biological and landscape diversity and develop a system of specially protected natural areas. To achieve this goal, the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Program was created. It unites specially protected natural areas and covers a wide variety of ecosystems: from coastal zones and islands to mountainous areas, wetlands, tropical forests and dry zones.

Currently, the World Network of Biosphere Reserves already includes more than 630 sites located in 119 countries. TASS will introduce you to some of them.

Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve

Located in the eastern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula, the Kronotsky Nature Reserve is one of the oldest in Russia. Covers an area of ​​more than 1 million hectares. On its territory is the famous Valley of Geysers - the only geyser field in Eurasia with abnormally high biodiversity and high contrast natural conditions and microclimate.

The reserve also contains thermal lakes, waterfalls and eight active volcanoes. The highest is Kronotskaya Sopka (3528 meters).

Caucasian Biosphere Reserve

The Caucasian State Biosphere Reserve is the largest and oldest specially protected natural area in the North Caucasus. The reserve is located within three regions of the Russian Federation - Krasnodar region, the Republic of Adygea and the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. Previously, this territory was the location of the Caucasian Bison Reserve. Today, in addition to bison, the park is home to red deer, brown bears, Western Caucasian aurochs, chamois, lynxes, roe deer and wild boars.

In the summer of 2016 here from the Center for the Reintroduction of the Central Asian Leopard.

"Lake Neusiedler See" in Austria

Neusiedler See is the fourth largest lake in Central Europe. Its area is approximately 315 square meters. kilometers, with an average depth of about one meter. The age of the lake is approximately 20 thousand years. It arose at the end of the Ice Age as a result of fluctuations in the earth's crust.

The flat salt marsh lake is a unique biosphere reserve. To the south and southeast of it there are national parks: the Austrian Neusiedlersee-Sewinkel and the Hungarian Fertő-Hanszág.

"Galapagos Islands"

Biosphere Reserve" Galapagos Islands"covers 97% of the territory of the islands of the same name in the Pacific Ocean. The archipelago, owned by the state of Ecuador, is of volcanic origin. The last eruption here was recorded on May 13, 2005, lava flows and columns of smoke erupted from the Fernandina Island volcano.

Lives on the islands a large number of unique species of animals (endemics), including the Galapagos tortoise and the Galapagos conolophus (iguana).

Strict rules apply within the reserve. It is prohibited not only to feed and touch animals, but also to collect and even move from place to place any natural objects, including shells, bones and pieces of wood.


The world's first national park, Yellowstone (founded on March 1, 1872), is located in the United States, in the states of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. The park is famous for its geysers and hot springs. Yellowstone got its name from the river of the same name, along which Indian tribes used to live. Literally translated - "Yellow Stone". The banks of the river flowing on a high mountain plateau were covered with yellow boulders.

The reserve is home to Yellowstone Lake, one of the largest alpine lakes in North America. It is located in the center of the Yellowstone Caldera, the largest supervolcano on the continent. Several eruptions have been recorded over the past 2 million years.

"Belovezhskaya Pushcha"

"Belovezhskaya Pushcha", located on the territory of Poland and Belarus, is the largest forest in central Europe and represents the remains of a relict primeval lowland forest.

The total area of ​​protected lands in the park is more than 150 thousand hectares. There are almost 1 thousand species of vegetation in the reserve.


Socotra is one of the most isolated archipelagos in the world, located in the Indian Ocean off the coast of Somalia. Long isolation has formed a unique plant and animal world, thanks to which the archipelago is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

There are more than 800 rare plant species in Socotra, of which more than a third are endemic. One of the most amazing representatives of the local flora can be considered rare tree- dragon's dracaena (also cinnabar-red dracaena and " dragon tree"). When the bark is damaged, a thick red mass emerges from the tree.

"Jeju Island"

On the territory of the largest island of South Korea, Jeju, there is an extinct volcano Hallasan - the most high mountain in the country. Unique nature The island is under UNESCO protection.

In 2011, following an international competition, Jeju was recognized as one of the Seven New Wonders of Nature.

"Mariposa Monarca"

The Mariposa Monarca Biosphere Reserve (Monarch butterflies) is a protected area in the Mexican state of Michoacan and partly in the state of Mexico City, created to preserve the wintering habitat of butterflies of this species. There are eight colonies in the park. Between November and March, up to a billion individuals spend the winter here.

The reserve is located in a wooded mountainous area at an altitude of approximately 3 thousand meters above sea level.

Butterflies spend the winter in a state of torpor on tree branches. One butterfly weighs no more than 0.5 grams, but due to huge amount insects, trees sometimes break under their weight.


The ecosystem of the Serengeti region in Tanzania is one of the oldest and best preserved on Earth. The name comes from the Maasai word siringet ("endless plains").

The reserve is home to approximately 500 species of birds and 3 million large animals.

One of the features of the park is the annual migration of animals. During the dry season (October-November), herds of wildebeest, gazelles and zebras move from north to south, where short tropical rains occur at this time. With the coming rainy season(April-June) animals migrate to the west and north. During annual migrations, animals travel 3 thousand kilometers.

Amazon rain forests

Rain forests The Amazon is the largest in the world a tropical forest, which covers the territory of nine states. The Amazon jungle covers 5.5 million square meters. kilometers - half the total area of ​​tropical forests remaining on the planet.

These forests are distinguished by a huge variety of flora and fauna. Every tenth described species of animal or plant is concentrated in Amazonian jungle. There are about 40 thousand species of plants, 3 thousand species of fish, more than 1 thousand species of birds, almost 500 species of mammals, as well as the largest diversity of plants on Earth, including 16 thousand species of trees.


Hortobágy is the oldest national park in Hungary. Covers an area of ​​more than 800 square meters. kilometers, making it the largest protected area in the country. Most of Khortobadi is made up of saline pastures. This is the largest natural pasture in Europe. More than 200 families of shepherds live on the territory, preserving the traditional way of life of the Magyars.

There are also swamps, ponds, and oak groves.

The park is home to more than 300 species of birds. Among the most notable are cranes, bustards, herons, and mounded eagles.

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Cover photo: Alexander Petrov/TASS, EPA/ZSOLT CZEGLEDI

Nature reserves are carefully protected areas that have unique or, conversely, fauna and flora typical of a given area, or that differ in some landscape features. Biosphere reserves are territories within which nature is not only protected, but also constantly studied.

The UNESCO organization has united 564 national natural biosphere reserves into a single worldwide network, which also includes Russian biosphere reserves.

Biosphere reserves of the European part of Russia

Lapland State Nature Biosphere Reserve located in the north of Russia, in the center Kola Peninsula. The main value of the reserve is the virgin northern forests, whose trees are from 3 to 5 thousand years old, and wild reindeer. The Lapland Nature Reserve was founded in 1930, and in 1985 UNESCO awarded it biosphere status. The territory area is 2784 square kilometers.

Prioksko-Terrasny State Biosphere Reserve was founded in 1945 to preserve the flora and fauna of the region. The terrace-like steps of the reserve's relief were created 10 thousand years ago by the surf of the Oka River, on the left bank of which it is located about 100 kilometers south of Moscow. Today, the area of ​​the Prioksko-Terrasny Biosphere Reserve is 49 square kilometers.

Oka State Natural Biosphere Reserve was created in 1935 with the aim of preserving the Russian muskrat living in the middle reaches of the Oka River. Its location is the Ryazan region of the Russian Federation, its area is 557 square kilometers.

Central Forest State Nature Reserve was founded in 1931, and in 1985, by decision of UNESCO, it was awarded biosphere status. The reserve is located near the sources of three rivers - the Volga, Dvina and Valdai, at the foot of the Valdai Hills in the Tver region. The uniqueness of the reserve lies in its centuries-old spruce forests. The territory area is 244 square kilometers.

Voronezh State Natural Biosphere Reserve occupies the northern half of the two-thousand-year-old Usman forest on the border of the Voronezh and Lipetsk regions. The reserve was founded in 1927 to preserve the beaver population living there. In 1985, it received biosphere status. Today the area of ​​the Voronezh Biosphere Reserve is 310 square kilometers.

Central Black Earth State Nature Reserve was created in 1935 with the aim of preserving virgin lands northern steppes in combination with forests, and their comprehensive study. The reserve is located in Kursk region Russian Federation, in the southwestern part of the Central Russian Upland and consists of five sections with a total area of ​​52 square kilometers.

Astrakhan State Natural Biosphere Reserve. The reserve was organized in April 1919 in the delta of the Volga River (in the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain), 80-120 kilometers below the city of Astrakhan. The total area of ​​the reserve is 679 square kilometers.

State Nature Reserve "Black Lands"» is located in the northwest Caspian lowland, in Kalmykia. It was created in 1990, the area is 1219 square kilometers

Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve is the largest mountain forest reserve in Europe. It is located on the northern and southern slopes of the western part Greater Caucasus on the territory of Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia and Krasnodar Territory of the Russian Federation. The area of ​​the reserve is 2800 square kilometers; it was founded in 1924, and in 1979 it received biosphere status.

Teberda State Biosphere Reserve was created in Karachay-Cherkessia in 1935. The reserve is high mountain and occupies top part basin of the Teberda mountain river, between the ridges of the Central and Northern Caucasus. Its territory of 850 square kilometers is home to many glaciers, alpine lakes, rivers and waterfalls.

Biosphere reserves of Russia, the Urals and Siberia

Pechora-Ilychsky State Biosphere Reserve is located in the southeast of the Komi Republic, occupies part of the territory with an area of ​​7213 square kilometers between the Verkhnyaya Pechora River and its tributary Ilych. The reserve was created in 1930, and in 1996 it was included in the lists World Heritage nature of the UNESCO organization common name"Virgin forests of Komi".

Taimyr State Nature Reserve was founded in 1979 and received biosphere status in 1995. The area of ​​its territory is 17,819 square kilometers and the creators of the reserve sought to ensure that it covered all the diversity natural landscapes the northernmost peninsula of the world: from forest-tundra to arctic tundra.

Central Siberian State Nature Reserve was created in 1985 at the junction of the West Siberian Lowland and the Central Siberian Plateau, on the territory Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the Yenisei basin. The area of ​​the reserve is 9720 square kilometers.

Baikal State Natural Biosphere Reserve is located in Buryatia, on the eastern shore of the southern part of Lake Baikal. Its borders are the Mishikha and Vydrina rivers, and the total area of ​​the reserve is 1,657 square kilometers. The Baikal Biosphere Reserve was founded in 1969.

Barguzinsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve was organized back in 1916. It is also located in Buryatia, on the northeastern coast of Lake Baikal on the western slopes of the Barguzinsky ridge. The area of ​​the Barguzinsky Biosphere Reserve is 3,743 square kilometers.

Daursky State Natural Biosphere Reserve located in Transbaikalia, in the south of the Chita region. It was established in 1987 with the aim of protecting the fauna of the Torey lakes. Today the pride of the reserve is the white-naped crane, listed in the Red Book. The area of ​​the protected area is 457 square kilometers.

Sayano-Shushensky State Natural Biosphere Reserve located in the central part of Western Sayan, in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It was created in 1976, and in 1985 UNESCO awarded it biosphere status. The territory area is 3904 square kilometers.

State Natural Biosphere Reserve "Ubsunur Basin" was created in Tyva in 1993. The territory of the reserve covers an area of ​​9251 square kilometers, and its main part is located in the Tuva Basin. The main object of observation in the reserve is the rare endangered bird, the white-headed duck.

Far Eastern Biosphere Reserves of Russia

Kronotsky State Biosphere Reserve is located in Kamchatka. Of the 11,420 square kilometers of its territory, 1,350 are occupied by sea waters. On the territory of the reserve there is the famous Valley of Geysers, five volcanoes, the largest mountain lake in Kamchatka, glaciers and coastal beaches. The Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve was founded in 1934.

Sikhote-Alin State Natural Biosphere Reserve includes both slopes of the Sikhote-Alin ridge, its area is 4014 square kilometers. It was created in 1932 to preserve the Far Eastern sable, but today the Amur tiger is actively monitored within the reserve.

Sokhondinsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve founded in 1973 in the Chita region to preserve 400 thousand hectares forest areas the western slope of the Kuznetsky Alatau ridge, the so-called “lungs of Kuzbass”. The area of ​​the reserve is 2109 square kilometers.


biosphere reserve, a protected area with reference areas of one of the main biomes of the Earth. In the tasks of B. z. includes the preservation of natural ecosystems and the gene pool of a given region, the study and monitoring of the natural environment in it and in adjacent territories (protection zone, neighboring economically developed areas). For B. I. They usually use the territories of nature reserves and national parks. parks and other protected areas. In 1973, in connection with the expansion of work under the “Man and the Biosphere” program, UNESCO put forward the idea of ​​​​creating a worldwide system of biological health. as a scientist bases of this program. Theoretical basis for the coordinated operation of the security system. serves as a specially developed IUCN jointly with UNEP “Classification of Biogeographical Provinces”, in which there are 14 main. biomes unite more than 200 biogeographical. provinces representing diversity natural communities Earth. B. z. most fully cover the biomes of mixed mountain and high-mountain systems (41 mountainous zones, including 10 in America, 24 in Europe, 7 in Asia). The first B. z. were formally established in 1976, by 1985 St. 250 B. z. in 62 countries; in the USSR - 17 (Berezinsky, Caucasian, Prioksko-terrasny, Repeteksky, Sary-Chelek, Sikhote-Alinsky, Central Chernozem, etc.).

.(Source: “Biological Encyclopedic Dictionary.” Editor-in-chief M. S. Gilyarov; Editorial Board: A. A. Babaev, G. G. Vinberg, G. A. Zavarzin and others - 2nd ed., corrected - M.: Sov. Encyclopedia, 1986.)

biosphere reserve

Protected by laws, incl. international, reference areas of certain natural areas(taiga, steppe, tundra, etc.), where the typical biological diversity, observations are being made of natural biogeocenoses, scientific research is being carried out. Such reserves are created on the basis of international and national programs under the auspices of UNESCO. In 2001, there were 368 biosphere reserves in the world, located in 91 countries, their total area was 260 million hectares; There are 21 biosphere reserves in Russia (Caucasian, Prioksko-Terrasny, Oksky, Sikhote-Alinsky, etc.).

.(Source: “Biology. Modern illustrated encyclopedia.” Chief editor A. P. Gorkin; M.: Rosman, 2006.)

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1 Definition of biosphere reserves

2 Functions of biosphere reserves

Chapter 2. Biosphere reserves of the world

2 Arab states

3 Asia and the Pacific

4 Europe and North America

5 Latin America and countries Caribbean

Chapter 3. Russian biosphere reserves

1 Biosphere reserves of the European part of Russia

2 Biosphere reserves of Russia, the Urals and Siberia

3 Far Eastern biosphere reserves of Russia




In the age of scientific and technological progress, when Natural resources The lands began to be subjected to enormous impacts, and environmental protection has become one of the most pressing problems of our time; the role of specially protected areas in terms of preserving individual components of landscapes, flora, fauna and biological diversity in general is great and is constantly increasing.

The World Network of Biosphere Reserves was created within the framework of the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere program and unites specially protected natural areas designed to demonstrate the balanced interaction of nature and man, the concept of sustainable environmental development. The international network is a kind of engine for the exchange of knowledge and experience, for educational and research programs, for monitoring and for making joint decisions.

Over the past 2000 years, humans have destroyed a quarter of all bird species. Extinction of organisms - natural process, but human intervention greatly accelerates it. According to various estimates, extinction is now occurring five thousand times faster than before man came to rule the earth. The main goal protected areas is to slow down this process. Important role in security biological resources The presence of the Red Book, a network of specially protected areas, and the creation of a legal framework for environmental protection play a role.

There are currently 631 biosphere reserves in 119 countries around the world, including a number of international, or transnational, reserves.

Chapter 1. Biosphere reserves

biosphere reserve siberia east

1.1 Definition of biosphere reserves

Biosphere reserves are areas where local communities, governments and scientists work together to find ways to harmoniously combine human development and economic activity taking into account environmental protection. Biosphere reserves are created, as a rule, to protect or preserve certain ecosystems - mountains, tropical forests, urban areas, wet areas, as well as coastal and marine ecosystems.

Currently, the Network includes 631 biosphere reserves in 119 countries, including such diverse sites as Lake Tonle Sap (Cambodia) - the largest freshwater lake in Asia, the “hippopotamus lake” Mar-oz-Hippopotamus (Burkina Faso), wetlands Pantanal (Brazil) and Fuerteventura, one of the islands of the Canary archipelago (Spain).

Since the early 1970s, the Man and the Biosphere program has supported interdisciplinary research into the environmental and socio-economic aspects of biodiversity loss.

The Man and the Biosphere Program brings together the natural and social sciences, economics and education to improve living standards and preserve natural ecosystems, thereby promoting innovative approaches to economic development that combine meeting the needs of society and caring for the environment.

Implementation of the results of this interdisciplinary research draws on the World Network of Biosphere Reserves, as well as thematic networks and collaborations in areas such as knowledge exchange, research and observation, education, training and co-management.

2 Functions of biosphere reserves

Biosphere reserves perform four functions:

· preserving the genetic diversity of our planet;

· carrying out scientific research;

· monitoring the background state of the biosphere (ecological monitoring);

· environmental education and international cooperation.

It is obvious that the functions of biosphere reserves are broader than the functions of any other type of protected natural areas. They serve as a kind of international standards, environmental standards.

Each biosphere reserve includes representative samples of natural and minimally disturbed ecosystems (core zones, cores) within each biogeographic zone of the world and, where possible, greatest number the following types of territories:

centers of endemism and genetic wealth or unique natural sites representing exceptional scientific interest(which may be part of the main zone or occupy its entirety);

areas suitable for pilot study, evaluation and demonstration of sustainable development practices;

examples of harmonious landscapes resulting from the application of traditional land use methods;

examples of modified or degraded ecosystems that are suitable for restoration to natural or near-natural levels (collectively these different kinds zones provide the basis for the implementation of the scientific and economic functions of biosphere reserves).

Each biosphere reserve must be of sufficient size to serve as an effective conservation unit and to be valuable as a baseline for determining long-term changes in the biosphere.

Biosphere reserves should provide opportunities for environmental research, education, demonstration activities and training.

A "buffer zone" may consist of any combination or combinations of zones suitable or used for research.

In addition, a "buffer zone" may also include a larger area, which may not have defined boundaries, but in which efforts are being made to develop cooperative arrangements to ensure that management practices are compatible with conservation and research functions in other areas of the reserve. This mixed-use zone may support a variety of agricultural activities, other activities, and human settlements.

Typically, once an area has been declared a biosphere reserve, there is no need to change land tenure or regulations regarding land plots, except where changes are necessary to ensure strict protection of the core area or specific research areas.

It is obvious that the listed characteristics fully reflect the specifics of biosphere reserves and their fundamental difference from other protected areas, including domestic reserves.

Biosphere reserves are a model that combines the goals of nature conservation and development, a special form of integration of the most diverse aspects of human activity, a model of sustainable development. There is no doubt that such a concept is progressive, but so far it is only an ideal, not a real image. There are no biosphere reserves in the world that meet all these characteristics.

Chapter 2. Biosphere reserves of the world

1 Africa

The World Network of Biosphere Reserves in Africa is a regional division of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves, created under the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere program. The African Network was created at the regional conference on cooperation between biosphere reserves in the field of biodiversity conservation and sustainable development, which took place in 1996 in Dakar, Senegal. The last meeting of the network was held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 13 to 18 September 2010. To increase the effectiveness of the regional network, four thematic subprojects were created on zoning and improving the functioning of biosphere reserves, on the connection of biosphere reserves with local administrations, including social and financial interaction on the creation of transboundary international biosphere reserves, on logistical support for the functioning of reserves. Finally, in 2011, there were 74 biosphere reserves in the African network, which are located in 32 African countries (Table 2), four of the reserves are transboundary.

Table 2 - Biosphere reserves by African countries

Country NumberAlgeria6Kenya6South Africa6Guinea4Senegal4Tunisia4 Cameroon3DR Congo3Madagascar3Morocco3Tanzania3Benin2Burkina Faso2Ghana1Egypt2Republic of Congo2Cote Ivoire2Malawi2Niger2Sudan2Uganda2CAR2Ethiopia2Gabon1Guinea-Bissau1Zimbabwe1Mauritius1Mali1Nigeria1Rwanda1Togo1

Air i Tenere National Reserve is the largest protected area in Africa, covering an area of ​​more than 77 thousand square meters. km. In 1991 it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The reserve is located in the center of the Sahara, and is characterized by a variety of landscapes. Two-fifths of the reserve's territory is located on the eastern edge of the Air plateau.

The reserve is home to about 40 species of mammals, 160 species of birds, 18 species of reptiles and one species of amphibian. Rest East End the reserve is located in sandy desert Tenere. This is a dune sea with dunes up to 300 meters high. Every year the reserve is visited by more than 4 thousand tourists, mainly from France. Transboundary reserve.

Tassilien Ajjer is a plateau in the southeastern part of Algeria, in the Sahara Desert. Most of the plateau, including cypress trees and archaeological sites, has been part of a national park, biosphere reserve and UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1972 called Tassilien-Adjer National Park, with a total area of ​​about 72,000 km ². Core -928300 hectares, Buffer zone - 6807070 hectares, Transition zone -16664700 hectares.

Oasis du Sud Moroccan is a biosphere reserve in eastern Morocco. The reserve is located in the mountainous region in the east of the country. In the north of the reserve there is the High Atlas mountain range, and in the west - the Anti-Atlas. The remaining regions are characterized by alluvial plains and depressions, as well as rocky deserts. The altitude above sea level ranges from 680 to 4071 meters. The reserve was founded in 2000. The reserve represents various climatic zones from humid Mediterranean climate to extremely dry desert climate.

Reserve includes effective system oases, which is widely used in agriculture and is the basis of the region's economy. On the territory of the reserve there are both natural and artificial reservoirs. According to the concept of zoning reserves, the total area of ​​the territory is 71853.71 km ², divided into three main zones: core - 9085.81 km ², buffer zone - 46192.3 km ² and cooperation zone - 16575.6 km ².

2 Arab states

World Network of Biosphere Reserves in the League Arab states- regional division of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves. The Arab Network of Biosphere Reserves was formally established in 1997 at a meeting in Amman, Jordan. Network participants have formed a coordinating council, which meets approximately every two years. Council meetings also include expert and technical working group meetings. The last meeting of the coordination council, the fifth in a row, was held in June 2007 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.

At the beginning of 2011, there are 28 biosphere reserves in the Arab network, which are located in 12 countries of the League (Table 3). Some countries of the League of Arab States are also part of the African regional network.

Table 3 - Biosphere reserves by Arab League countries

Country NumberAlgeria6Tunisia4Lebanon3Morocco3Egypt2Jordan2Yemen2Sudan2Qatara1Mauritania1UAE1Syria1

The largest reserves are:

Wadi el-Laki is a biosphere reserve in southeastern Egypt. In 1993, Wadi al-Laki received the status of a biosphere reserve. According to the concept of zoning reserves, the total area of ​​the territory is 23,800.0 km ²; divided into three main zones: core - 638.5 km ², buffer zone - 1319.5 km ², cooperation zone - 21842.0 km.

Marawah - a biosphere reserve in the United United Arab Emirates. The reserve was founded in 2007 and, in addition to Marawah Island, includes a number of neighboring islands and coastal waters. Most of the reserve, 5255 km ², constitutes the Marawah Marine Conservation Area, which was established in 2001 and is the largest marine conservation area in the region. The reserve is rich in its marine vegetation. 3 species of sea bottom plants, about 18 species of corals, and 15 species of algae grow here. The island's vegetation is represented by mangrove forests.

Djurdjura is a national park in northern Algeria. The park is named after the Djurjura mountain range. The park has many forests, grottoes and canyons, as well rare fauna, including the dying Magoths.

The deepest cave in Africa, Anu Ifflis, is located within the park.

The Asia-Pacific World Network of Biosphere Reserves is a regional division of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves. The Asia-Pacific Network of Biosphere Reserves is the only network, which in turn is divided into four sections:

· East Asian Section (established in 1994).

· Central Asian section.

· South Asian section (established in 1998).

· Pacific Section (established in 2006).

At the end of 2011, there were 114 biosphere reserves in the Asia-Pacific network, located in 22 countries in the region (Table 4). Russia participates in the East Asian section, but its biosphere reserves belong to the worldwide network of biosphere reserves in Europe and North America.

Table 4 - Biosphere reserves in Asia and the Pacific

Country NumberChina29Australia15Iran10Vietnam8India7Indonesia7Mongolia6Thailand4Sri Lanka4South Korea4Japan4DPRK3Kyrgyzstan2Federated States of Micronesia2Philippines2DPRK3Kyrgyzstan2Federated States of Micronesia2Philippines2Cambodia1Malaysia1Pakistan1Tu Kazakhstan1Uzbekistan1Maldives1

The largest reserves are:

Kosciuszko National Park is located in the state of New South Wales, Australia. The park is part of the Australian Alps and was named after the mountain of the same name, which is the highest peak in Australia and is located within the park. Since 1977 most of The park's territory is included in the global network of biosphere reserves. In 1996, Blue Lake, located within the park, was included in the list of wetlands protected by the Ramsar Convention. In 2008, Kosciuszko National Park, along with other protected areas of the Australian Alps, was included in the list national heritage Australia. The biosphere reserve occupies almost the entire area of ​​the national park: 6255.25 km ².

Mamungari is a protected park located in the state South Australia, Australia. Also known as Nameless Park. Mamungari has been protected by UNESCO's Man and the Biosphere program since 1977. The park is home to more than 270 plant species, classified into six main groups, including eucalyptus forests and Australian black oak forests. Nine plant species in the park are rare or endangered, and another species was considered extinct.

The park is divided into four zones with different levels of conservation and resource use:

) the core is the largest zone of the park, designed to preserve biological diversity and natural landscapes;

) northern zone access - a four-meter corridor around the highway, the corridor expands to 10 km in the area of ​​the Serpentine lakes;

) business zone - a corridor connecting the habitats of indigenous peoples;

Access to the park and its various areas is only possible with prior permission.

The Sundarbans is a national biosphere and tiger reserve in the state of West Bengal, an outer part of the common delta of the Ganga, Brahmaputra and Meghna rivers.

The total area of ​​the region is about 1 million hectares. More than half of the land is in India, and the rest is located in Bangladesh.

The Sundarbans are home to a complex network of tidal channels, wattles and small islands with mangroves. The Sundarbans are covered with dense mangrove forests, which are considered to be the most extensive mangrove forests in the world.

Sundarbans is a natural habitat bengal tiger As of 2010, the region was home to about 500 Bengal tigers and about 30,000 deer. And other rare and endangered species of animals.

The park is also home to many species of birds, reptiles and invertebrates, including saltwater crocodile.

4 Europe and North America

The World Network of Biosphere Reserves in Europe and North America is a regional division of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves, created under the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere program. The European Network of Biosphere Reserves is the largest of the regional networks. At the beginning of 2011, there were 162 biosphere reserves in Europe and North America (Table 5).

Table 5 - Biosphere reserves in Europe and North America

Country NumberAustria6RB4Bulgaria16Great Britain9Russia16Poland9Netherlands1Canada15Portugal5Lithuania1Latvia1Italy7Spain37Israel1Denmark1Greece2

The largest reserves are:

Northeast Greenland National Park is the only national park in Greenland. It is also the northernmost national park, and the largest national park in the world. Its area is 972,000 km ² - exceeds the area of ​​163 countries (individually). It occupies the territory in the north of East Greenland, the east of North Greenland and part of the territory of West Greenland, including the northern and northeastern coast of Greenland with hinterlands. In the extreme southwest, near the border with the community of Kaasuitsup, in a strait near several kilometers of the coast of the region, the end of the border with Canada passes. The park was founded on May 22, 1974, and took on its current form in 1988. In 1977, it received the status of an international biosphere reserve. It is not included in the territory of any municipality and is managed by the Greenland Department of Nature and Environment. From 5 to 15 thousand musk oxen live in the park - 40% of the world population.

also in coastal areas You can see many polar bears and walruses. Other mammals include Arctic fox, stoat, reindeer, lemming and Arctic hare. Reindeer and wolves disappeared from the park in 1900 and 1934. accordingly, although wolves periodically visit the park. Other mammals include various species of seals, seals, narwhals and whales. Among the birds that breed their offspring in the park are the polar loon, various types of geese, tundra partridge, polar owl, polar falcon, and crows. The flora of the park is quite poor, represented mostly by mosses and lichens. Flowering plants include dwarf willows and birches.

Kronotsky State Nature Biosphere Reserve is one of the oldest nature reserves in Russia. It was established as a state reserve in 1934 on the site of the Soboliny Nature Reserve that existed since 1882. The Kronotsky State Nature Reserve is located in the eastern part of the Kamchatka Peninsula and covers an area of ​​1,147,619.37 hectares, including 135,000 hectares. (1350 sq. km) of the adjacent three-mile area of ​​the Pacific Ocean. There are 8 active volcanoes (including the Kronotskaya Sopka, height - 3528 m), thermal lakes, geysers (the famous Valley of Geysers), and waterfalls. On the territory of the reserve there are forests of stone birch (Erman's birch), thickets of cedar and alder. In the basin of Lake Kronotsky they are common coniferous forests from Okhotsk larch with the participation of Ayan spruce and Tausha white birch. Floodplain forests are distributed along rivers; the main forest-forming species are Maksimovich poplar, choicenia, Sakhalin willow, and hairy alder. In the second tier of floodplain and coniferous forests there are Asian bird cherry, green hawthorn, and Kamchatka rowan. In the undergrowth of stone birch forests, elderberry-leaved rowan, which has large sweet fruits, and blunt-eared rosehip are common; in the extreme south of the reserve, Kamchatka elderberry is found, where northern border distribution of this species. The caldera of the Uzon volcano is a unique area of ​​complex manifestation of modern geological and microbiological processes: thermal springs and reservoirs are created unusual conditions for the development of thermophilic organisms. Lake Kronotskoye is the largest freshwater lake in Kamchatka. The lake is home to a freshwater form of sockeye salmon (kokanee) and three endemic species of mountain char. This unique ecosystem can serve as a reference for monitoring studies. Among the mammals found here are sable, elk, ermine, bighorn sheep, brown bear, lynx, squirrel, fox, wolverine, etc. Pinniped rookeries are also located here. There are no reptiles, there is only 1 species of amphibians - the Siberian salamander. The most important role of the reserve in preserving brown bear: Russia’s largest protected wild population of these animals (more than 700 individuals) lives here, which ensures their stable preservation on the peninsula. Wild reindeer are currently preserved only on the territory of the reserve, and the fate of this species depends on the safety of the population in the reserve area.

Polesie is a national park in eastern Poland. Created in 1990 with an area of ​​48.13 km ². Currently, the park area is 97.62 km ², of which 47.8 km are occupied by forests ². Polesie National Park and surrounding areas form the Western Polesie Biosphere Reserve, recognized by UNESCO in 2002. The park is also adjacent to the reserve on the Ukrainian side of the border. The park is recognized as an important wetland by the Ramsar Convention. The territory of the park is flat, with numerous lakes and peat bogs. The fauna includes 21 species of fish, 12 species of amphibians, 6 species of reptiles and 150 species of birds. Of the 35 species of mammals, moose, otters, beavers and bats can be distinguished.

5 Latin America and the Caribbean

World Network of Biosphere Reserves in Latin America and the Caribbean - a regional division of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves. The Latin American Regional Network aims to strengthen the program's activities in Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as Spain and Portugal, by consolidating the efforts of national committees in the area of ​​cooperation and the creation of new biosphere reserves. The 14th meeting of the regional network was held in conjunction with the first Latin American conference from 9 to 14 November 2010 in Puero Morelos, Mexico. As of 2011, there were 114 biosphere reserves in Latin America and the Caribbean (Table 6).

Table 6 - Biosphere reserves by Latin American and Caribbean countries

Country Quantity Mexico 40 Argentina 13 Chile 10 Brazil 6 Cuba 6 Colombia 5 Peru 4 Ecuador 4 Uruguay 1 Bolivia 3 Nicaragua 3 El Salvador 3 Venezuela 2 Honduras 2 Panama 2 Paraguay 2 Dominican Republic 1 Saint Kitts and Nevis 1

The largest biosphere reserves:

The Pantanal National Park is one of the wettest places on the planet. The Pantanal occupies a vast territory of 150 thousand square meters. km. mostly in Brazil and less in Paraguay and Bolivia. During the wet season, water covers 80% of the park's area. The ecosystem of the park is quite diverse: more than 3,500 species of plants, about 650 species of birds, 230 species of fish, about 80 species of mammals, 50 species of reptiles. The Pantanal National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

El Vizcaino is a Pacific Ocean bay and biosphere reserve in Mexico, located in the central part of the California Peninsula. The reserve was created in 1988; its area (25.5 thousand km ²) making it the largest reserve in Latin America. Named after explorer Sebastian Vizcaino. Since the climate in the reserve is desert (the junction of the Sonoran Desert and the Baja Californian Desert), the fauna contains many animals with a nocturnal lifestyle: coyotes, various rodents, hares. Notable mammals include the desert bighorn and black-tailed deer. Birds include ospreys, cormorants, herons, and gulls. The marine reservoirs of the reserve are inhabited by gray whales, common seals, and sea ​​lions, northern elephant seals And blue whales. Representatives of four endangered species of sea turtles have been observed in the lagoons.

Manu is a national park in Peru. The park was established in 1977 in the regions of Madre de Dios and Cusco, and in 1987 it was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Manu area - 19098 km ², of which the national park occupies 15,328 km ², the rest is a reserve zone. The main part of the territory is Amazonian forest, but some part is in the Andes at an altitude of up to 4200 m. Manu is home to a large number of species of flora and fauna. On its territory there are more than 15 thousand species of plants and about a thousand species of birds. The population of the Inca toad, endemic to Peru, is protected within the park.

Chapter 3. Russian biosphere reserves

1 Biosphere reserves of the European part of Russia

The Lapland State Nature Biosphere Reserve is located in northern Russia, in the center of the Kola Peninsula. The main value of the reserve is the virgin northern forests, whose trees are from 3 to 5 thousand years old, and wild reindeer. The Lapland Nature Reserve was founded in 1930, and in 1985 UNESCO awarded it biosphere status. The territory area is 2784 square kilometers. The Oka State Natural Biosphere Reserve was created in 1935 with the aim of preserving the Russian muskrat living in the middle reaches of the Oka River. Its location is the Ryazan region of the Russian Federation, its territory area is 557 square kilometers.

The Central Forest State Nature Reserve was founded in 1931, and in 1985, by decision of UNESCO, it was awarded biosphere status. The reserve is located near the sources of three rivers - the Volga, Dvina and Valdai, at the foot of the Valdai Hills in the Tver region. The uniqueness of the reserve lies in its centuries-old spruce forests. The territory area is 244 square kilometers.

The Voronezh State Natural Biosphere Reserve occupies the northern half of the two-thousand-year-old Usman Forest on the border of the Voronezh and Lipetsk regions. The reserve was founded in 1927 to preserve the beaver population living there. In 1985, it received biosphere status. Today the area of ​​the Voronezh Biosphere Reserve is 310 square kilometers.

The Central Black Earth State Nature Reserve was created in 1935 with the goal of preserving virgin areas of the northern steppes in combination with forests, and their comprehensive study. The reserve is located in the Kursk region of the Russian Federation, in the southwestern part of the Central Russian Upland and consists of five sections with a total area of ​​52 square kilometers.

Astrakhan State Natural Biosphere Reserve. The reserve was organized in April 1919 in the delta of the Volga River (in the Volga-Akhtuba floodplain), 80-120 kilometers below the city of Astrakhan. The total area of ​​the reserve is 679 square kilometers.

The Black Lands State Nature Reserve is located in the north-west of the Caspian Lowland, in Kalmykia. It was created in 1990, the area is 1219 square kilometers.

The Caucasian State Natural Biosphere Reserve is the largest mountain forest reserve in Europe. It is located on the northern and southern slopes of the western part of the Greater Caucasus in the territory of Adygea, Karachay-Cherkessia and the Krasnodar Territory of the Russian Federation. The area of ​​the reserve is 2800 square kilometers; it was founded in 1924, and in 1979 it received biosphere status.

Teberda State Biosphere Reserve was created in Karachay-Cherkessia in 1935. The reserve is high-mountain and occupies the upper part of the Teberda mountain river basin, between the ridges of the Central and Northern Caucasus. Its territory of 850 square kilometers is home to many glaciers, alpine lakes, rivers and waterfalls.

2 Biosphere reserves of Russia, the Urals and Siberia

The Pechora-Ilych State Biosphere Reserve is located in the southeast of the Komi Republic, occupies part of an area of ​​7213 square kilometers between the Verkhnyaya Pechora River and its tributary Ilych. The reserve was created in 1930, and in 1996 it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List with the general name “Virgin Komi Forests”.

The Taimyr State Nature Reserve was founded in 1979 and received biosphere status in 1995. The area of ​​its territory is 17,819 square kilometers and the creators of the reserve sought to ensure that it covered the entire diversity of natural landscapes of the northernmost peninsula of the world: from forest-tundra to arctic tundra.

The Central Siberian State Nature Reserve was created in 1985 at the junction of the West Siberian Lowland and the Central Siberian Plateau, on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, in the Yenisei basin. The area of ​​the reserve is 9720 square kilometers.

The Baikal State Natural Biosphere Reserve is located in Buryatia, on the eastern shore of the southern part of Lake Baikal. Its borders are the Mishikha and Vydrina rivers, and the total area of ​​the reserve is 1,657 square kilometers. The Baikal Biosphere Reserve was founded in 1969.

The Barguzin State Natural Biosphere Reserve was organized back in 1916. It is also located in Buryatia, on the northeastern coast of Lake Baikal on the western slopes of the Barguzinsky ridge. The area of ​​the Barguzinsky Biosphere Reserve is 3,743 square kilometers.

The Daursky State Natural Biosphere Reserve is located in Transbaikalia, in the south of the Chita region. It was established in 1987 with the aim of protecting the fauna of the Torey lakes. Today the pride of the reserve is the white-naped crane, listed in the Red Book. The area of ​​the protected area is 457 square kilometers.

The Sayano-Shushensky State Natural Biosphere Reserve is located in the central part of Western Sayan, in the south of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It was created in 1976, and in 1985 UNESCO awarded it biosphere status. The territory area is 3904 square kilometers.

The state natural biosphere reserve "Ubsunur Basin" was created in Tyva in 1993. The territory of the reserve covers an area of ​​9251 square kilometers, and its main part is located in the Tuva Basin. The main object of observation in the reserve is the rare endangered bird, the white-headed duck.

3 Far Eastern biosphere reserves of Russia

Kronotsky State Biosphere Reserve is located in Kamchatka. Of the 11,420 square kilometers of its territory, 1,350 are occupied by sea waters. On the territory of the reserve there is the famous Valley of Geysers, five volcanoes, the largest mountain lake in Kamchatka, glaciers and coastal beaches. The Kronotsky Biosphere Reserve was founded in 1934.

The Sikhote-Alin State Natural Biosphere Reserve includes both slopes of the Sikhote-Alin ridge, its territory is 4014 square kilometers. It was created in 1932 to preserve the Far Eastern sable, but today the Amur tiger is actively monitored within the reserve.

The Sokhondinsky State Natural Biosphere Reserve was founded in 1973 in the Chita region to preserve 400 thousand hectares of forests on the western slope of the Kuznetsky Alatau ridge, the so-called “lungs of Kuzbass”. The area of ​​the reserve is 2109 square kilometers.


Based on this work, we can come to the conclusion that biosphere reserves are environmental institutions whose territories include natural complexes and objects of unique environmental value.

Purposes of use of the reserve:

conservation (restoration of a certain species of animals or plants)

scientific and educational (research and observation of animals and plants located on the territory)

recreational (very limited, for example, walks along tourist trails, various excursions, in some places amateur fishing, photo hunting, hiking, etc.).

The main task of the reserves is to strictly protect the standards of wild nature of the corresponding zone and landscapes for comparison and analysis of the changes that humans make to nature. The conservation of all species of animals and plants living on earth is important scientific and practical significance. The reserves have already achieved significant success in restoring the numbers and expanding the range of many animals that in the recent past were on the verge of complete destruction.
