Satanic mushroom photo and description which is presented in this article is not edible, but opinions on this matter are controversial. Sometimes it is called conditionally edible.

Its second name is satanic boletus (boletus satanas). The mushroom does not have any special taste qualities, but not bitter either. Therefore, its use in food is considered acceptable.

How to distinguish a satanic mushroom

What does a satanic mushroom look like? To detect a “partisan” in a mushroom basket, you need to know well what he looks like. It has distinctive features:

  • The young mushroom has a cap that looks like a pillow, on which there are rounded bulges.
  • The old model has a flatter cap, it can reach 30-40 cm.
  • In the shade, the cap can be dirty gray or olive-gray, in the light it is brown, like a boletus.
  • If it's dry outside, the surface will be smooth and dry. If it's wet, it's mucous.
  • Tubular layer with small pores, dense.
  • The tubes can be yellow and yellow-olive, the pores are red. When pressed they turn blue.
  • The leg is the same as that of the boletus, with a massive base and tapering towards the cap. The main difference is its color. It is yellow-red under the cap, the middle can be brick-red or dark red, the base is brown. A mesh pattern is visible. If you cut it, it will immediately appear blue tint, and then red.

Important! Some edible mushrooms, for example, boletus, also turn blue when cut or broken. But they do not have reddening flesh. This should be alarming.

But not always the leg satanic mushroom have such a bright color, it can be gray-brown, like the cap. The red tint is clearly visible at the pores around the stem. There are no pronounced red or blue flowers, the light flesh slowly acquires a cloudy brown tint.

There is one more important thing difference between satanic mushroom- smell. It is especially characteristic of older specimens. It smells like rotten onions, carrion and sour food. Young representatives of this species may have a slight mushroom odor. Therefore, if you encounter an adult and smelly specimen, you should remember what it looks like. The same beautiful young mushroom can then also be identified.

Where does it grow

You need to understand where the satanic mushroom is more likely to be found in order to be vigilant. It does not like cold, so it grows most often in the south of Europe, Primorye, Asia and the Caucasus. Even Moscow or Kaluga region is already cold for it, so it can be found very rarely in these regions. The satanic disease grows from the end of June to the end of September.

The favorite soil of this mushroom is calcareous. They love places with good sunlight in a deciduous forest. IN coniferous plantings this mushroom is not found. Trees near which you can find satanic boletus, in middle lane they almost never grow in the wild:

  • hornbeam,
  • hazel,
  • Linden;
  • edible chestnut.

False satanic mushroom

This species is very rare. It belongs to the boletus genus. It is very similar to its brother, lives in the same place, only the leg is thinner.

The only difference is the absence of the vile smell of rotten meat and carrion. The pulp has an unpleasant sour smell.

Differences from dubovik

Inexperienced mushroom pickers may confuse the satanic boletus with other representatives of the Boletaceae family. Here is which of the conditionally edible representatives it is similar to:

  • oakberry is olive-brown, the difference is that the cap is tall and brown;
  • The oakwood is speckled, the difference is that there is no pronounced mesh on the stem.

Of the inedible relatives, there are similarities with the following mushrooms:

  • white boletus;
  • inedible boletus;
  • pink-golden boletus;
  • legal boletus or de Gal;
  • false satanic mushroom.

This list can be supplemented by other types of boletus, which have not been fully studied.

Interesting! The pain varies by gender. It has male and female individuals, and their DNA is similar to human sex chromosomes.

Watch the video! Edible oak or poisonous satanic mushroom?

Is Satan's Mushroom Edible or Not?

Is it possible to eat a satanic mushroom? The answer to this question is most often negative. But in some places they say that it is conditionally edible. But to eat it, you need to soak it well and boil it for 10 hours. It is strictly forbidden to add it raw to salads.

In France and the Czech Republic there are certain rules according to which you can collect these mushrooms, and you need to know how to cook for further use as food.

In Italy, this species is considered inedible and is strictly prohibited for consumption or even collection.

According to WHO, 10 grams of satanic mushroom pulp can cause death even for an adult, healthy person. When poisoned by this mushroom, it affects digestive system, the nervous system is paralyzed and the heart may stop. Of course, everyone can decide for themselves whether to eat this mushroom, but you shouldn’t risk your health.

Signs of poisoning

Most often, the first signs appear after a couple of hours - vomiting and nausea. You should immediately call " Ambulance"at the first sign. While waiting for the doctor, the victim should rinse the stomach with a solution of soda, in a ratio of 2 tsp. for 1 liter of water. With a long wait for help, the patient's condition worsens.

Common signs of poisoning:

  • increased body temperature;
  • delirium;
  • hallucinations;
  • constant vomiting;
  • severe abdominal pain;
  • bloody diarrhea;
  • headache;
  • paralysis of limbs.

You should be careful and remember that everything inedible species mushrooms are dangerous. If there are signs of poisoning, you must immediately call an ambulance. This way you can save your health and life.

Watch the video! Satanic mushroom. Be careful!!!

In contact with

In the specialized literature, the satanic mushroom belongs to the class of conditionally edible types. However, this convention is quite relative.

The fact is that it becomes edible only after prolonged soaking and cooking for 10 hours.

All these culinary procedures make the organoleptic properties of the pulp completely inedible.

Therefore, most mushroom pickers neglect these cooking rules.

This entails severe toxic damage to the liver, spleen, nervous system, since the pulp of the satanic mushroom is poisonous.

Description of the satanic mushroom with photo

In the photos below, the satanic mushroom looks very similar to the most common pink mushrooms. However, this similarity is very deceptive. If the boletus mushroom does not contain toxins dangerous to human health, then the tubular formations of the satanic mushroom from the very early period development actively produce and accumulate muscarinic poisons. Just 50 grams is enough. of this mushroom in order to appear characteristic symptoms poisoning

Biologically, in terms of its structure, this mushroom belongs to the boletus group. It is found mainly in the southern regions of our country. Prefers to grow in hazel thickets or oak groves. Less often it can be found next to hornbeams or linden trees.

As it grows it reaches impressive size. There are specimens in which the diameter of the cap reaches 40 cm. According to the description of the satanic mushroom, the cap with early age It has a cushion-like structure with a smooth outer surface, which is covered with a dense skin.

WITH inside The cap contains a dense spongy substance, which can be light pink in color. The entire surface of the mushroom is velvety to the touch. The upper side is green, olive or brown in color. Yellow shades with an olive tint can be common in dark areas with poor light levels. Usually these are old oak and linden groves with dense growth of young trees.

The stem of the satanic mushroom is not much different from other representatives of the boletus family. This is a massive base with a slight decrease in diameter closer to the place where the cap is attached. The diameter can reach up to 12 cm. The standard height of the mushroom does not exceed 20 cm. Characteristic sign— when cutting the leg, a blue color quickly appears, and then a bright red color. Thus, the poison interacts with oxygen from the surrounding air.

You can distinguish a satanic mushroom by its characteristic unpleasant smell, which often resembles a rotten onion. However, in at a young age this sign may be absent. Therefore, carefully look at the cut of the leg. If she turns blue within 3-5 minutes, feel free to throw this look-alike out of your basket. At home, determining the toxicity of a mushroom will be much more difficult.

Is the satanic mushroom edible or not?

As mentioned above, biologists define the edibility of the satanic mushroom as conditional, subject to the recommended rules for its culinary preparation. However, we strongly do not recommend that you risk your health.

After all, at home you will not be able to determine the percentage of poison in a particular specimen. Namely, from the concentration toxic substances The decision about the possibility of consuming this mushroom for human food depends.

According to world organization health care only 10 grams. the pulp of a raw satanic mushroom can lead to complete paralysis of the nervous system and death of a person due to cardiac arrest and cessation of the functioning of the respiratory center.

Boletus satanas (false porcini mushroom, “forest devil” or boletus) is a satanic mushroom belonging to the genus of boletus from the boletaceae family. Moreover, each name corresponds to reality and is justified as general view mushroom and its color. The representative of the flora received the name “satanic” for its natural ability to mimicry, imitation and skillful camouflage as its edible relatives, unlike which it is poisonous. Although at one time the mushroom was considered conditionally poisonous, its collection and consumption should be treated with great caution.

The false satanic mushroom is simultaneously similar to several types of edible mushrooms, but is completely unsuitable for consumption.

It’s even better to neglect such a “treasure” and collect and cook truly edible mushrooms without harming your health.

The false porcini mushroom belongs to the order of fleshy mushrooms, its fruiting body is quite large, it is considered cap mushroom from the order of tinder fungi. IN in some cases(with favorable climatic and weather conditions) can grow up to gigantic size- about 40 cm in diameter of the cap.

External characteristics of the satanic mushroom

Let's look at the description of this special organism. Like any other representative of the flora, the satanic mushroom has a fairly characteristic appearance and can be systematized and described according to individual characteristics:

  1. Hat. This is one of its most massive parts, the diameter of which can in some cases exceed 20 cm, with dull and dull coloring, roughness and damage, and a pillow-shaped shape. The skin of the cap is dense and even velvety to the touch. The most common cap colors are dull grey, olive, beige or cream.
  2. The tubular layer is a large-porous part of the bolet that is already more saturated in color, although this layer is not particularly thick (from 1.5 to 2 mm). The color of the pores themselves is often varied (from yellow to red); shades with a certain greenish background are possible.
  3. The spore powder of this representative of the flora is olive-brown, and the spores themselves are small.
  4. Massive leg. The size of the leg can vary greatly, but on average it is about 15-17 cm long, within 10 cm wide in thickness, oval or even spherical in shape, with a specific narrowing at the junction with the cap. The color of the leg can often be very rich (red, beetroot and orange-purple shades), with a grid pattern, sometimes more or less clearly defined.
  5. The flesh is broken. The inside is painted in softer tones (yellow, cream or beige, with rare pinkish deviations), and the structure of the pulp itself is more watery and damp to the touch.

In darkened areas, these representatives of the flora are always darker and duller in shades, but the more sun that reaches them and breaks through, the brighter and more saturated the palette of colors will be, the more characteristic they appear features such a pain.

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Distinctive features of false porcini mushroom

Due to its appearance, it can be confused with a porcini mushroom or a pink-golden boletus.

Satanic mushroom has a pungent bad smell, resembling a rotten onion.

It looks like an edible representative of the flora, but is found in nature much less frequently than the mushrooms it looks so much like.

When interacting with the surrounding oxygen environment, the inner pulp or damaged outer shell of the mushroom acquires a specific bluish tint. This occurs due to the fact that the poison, accumulated in a dense mass, reacts with oxygen and during this interaction changes color. On a cut or at a place where fingers are compressed, a blue tint always appears first around the perimeter of the damage, and then a bright red color.

One more specific feature A satanic mushroom can be considered to have a distinct, unpleasant and pungent odor, reminiscent of rotten onions. However, the younger the mushroom, the less pronounced its smell. Therefore, changing the color to bright colors when cutting or palpating is the most accurate method of determining toxicity. This method is good for direct collection, since the reaction of oxygen and toxic substances occurs within 3-5 minutes after exposure to the body of the fungus, and at home it is very difficult to distinguish a mushroom from an edible one.

More distinguishing feature- this is the density of the inner pulp of the mushroom, which is more watery compared to white. You can also distinguish mushrooms by the color of the stem: in false porcini mushroom it is often of bright colors (from bright red, red-orange to red-brown or beetroot).

This mushroom has high degree adaptability, mutation and mimicry, can imitate appearance many, both edible and conditionally edible mushrooms. But due to the fact that it is quite rare in nature, cases of poisoning by such mushrooms are rare, and the characteristics of the fruiting bodies of boletes make it quite easy to distinguish them from edible and more common mushrooms.

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The area of ​​growth and distribution of the satanic mushroom

The pulp of the satanic mushroom is damp to the touch and has a bluish tint.

The satanic mushroom prefers soils rich in limestone and carbonate, and therefore grows in forests or areas with such soils.

The growth period begins at the end of June and ends in the middle or end of September - this is due to the bolet's love for warmth.

Therefore, you can find it more often in the south and in the southern regions of Asia, Europe or the Middle East. If the summer is warm and humid enough, the mushroom can expand its growth perimeter to the forests of the Baltic states and Belarus.

The habitat is located near hazel or oak, but the mushroom can also be found in hornbeam groves or adjacent to linden trees, both under old trees and in thickets of young growth. Usually grows in small family groups and it is considered enough rare species mushrooms

In forest clearings, next to the known porcini mushrooms, their false analogues are often found. Mushroom pickers often call them “satan”, or satanic mushrooms. It is quite difficult to find a clearing with porcini mushrooms, but it is easy to confuse them with satanic mushrooms.

The satanic mushroom belongs to the boletus class and is very similar to it

The satanic mushroom belongs to the boletus class and is very similar to it. But unlike it, it is poisonous. It has a cap in the shape of a hemisphere. When mature, it becomes prostrate and differs large sizes- from 8 to 30 cm in diameter. The leg is reddish in color, up to 15 cm high and up to 10 cm in diameter. It has the shape of a barrel, narrowed at the top. The bottom of the leg is brownish-yellow with a gradual transition to yellowish-red. When cut, the pulp begins to acquire a bluish tint and may turn white or yellow. Old individuals are characterized by an unpleasant odor.

Satanic mushroom is found in deciduous forests, well lit by the sun. As a rule, it grows between oaks, hornbeams, hazels, chestnuts and lindens. Peak ripening occurs at the end of September. And germination begins in early June.

Features of the satanic mushroom (video)

How edible is the satanic mushroom?

This species is highly poisonous when raw. Despite this, in many European countries it is considered conditionally edible. Numerous studies have proven that even after long heat treatment, “Satan” retains its toxicity. Therefore, even the most experienced mushroom picker needs to remember that this species is poisonous.

Similar species

In order not to bring a false white or satanic mushroom in a basket, you need to clearly know how to distinguish it from other species.

False satanic mushroom

The cap grows up to 10 cm in diameter. Sometimes it has a sharp or blunt edge. The top layer of the cap has a “café au lait” color, which can change to brown with a pinkish tint as the mushroom ripens. The surface is dry with a felt coating. IN fresh the pulp is light yellow, but if cut, it turns blue. The older the individual, the more pronounced its smell - specific with sourness.

Even though "Satan" is very good at disguise, he cannot store and change chemical composition fruiting body. This is characterized by the fact that even a slight blue discoloration of the flesh with obvious signs of similarity indicates that this is a poisonous double.


This resident of Lukoshka belongs to the boletus species. The leg reaches a height of 25 cm and a diameter of up to 10 cm. It has the shape of a regular barrel . With maturity it can change and acquire a cylindrical shape. The surface of the leg is white, sometimes has a brown or reddish tint. In the upper part there may be a translucent mesh of white veins.

The cap is fleshy and reaches sizes up to 30 cm in diameter. The surface of the cap is slightly wrinkled. If grown in dry conditions, the cap is often dull and slightly cracked. In humid environments, the cap is slightly sticky with a white or brown color. There have been cases when mushroom pickers found porcini mushrooms with a yellowish or orange cap. In any case, the older he is, the darker the cap becomes.

The flesh of this representative is dense, fibrous, white without a pronounced odor.

Boletus whitish

The cap reaches 5-15 cm in diameter and has the shape of a hemisphere with soft and dry skin. If you press on the surface, it begins to turn blue. The leg reaches a height of 8 cm and has a diameter of 3-5 cm. It is cylindrical in shape, thickened, and turns blue at the site of the incision. Grows in oak forests from September to January and is considered one of the most early mushrooms, which appears immediately after the first rains. The boletus is whitish - not edible, since its pulp is very bitter. Prolonged heat treatment is not able to remove bitterness. It is not a poisonous mushroom and has no resemblance to it.

Pink-skinned boletus

This species is poisonous and belongs to the boletaceae family. This mushroom is extremely rare, so it has not yet been studied much by mushroom pickers. The diameter of the cap is from 7 to 20 cm in the shape of a hemisphere. During ripening, it gradually opens up and becomes pillow-like. The skin on the surface is smooth, sometimes velvety. The pulp of boletus is dense with a weak smell and taste. Adults can reach 20 cm in height with a diameter of up to 6 cm. Initially, the leg has a cylindrical shape, but when ripe it becomes tuberous. The color is yellowish lemon, gradually changing to dark red.

Pink-skinned boletuses grow in deciduous forests under chestnuts, lindens, oaks, beeches and hazels. The mushroom is poisonous both raw and cooked.

Oak tree olive-brown

The cap has an olive-brown color, which explains the name of the oak tree. When young it is matte and smooth, but during ripening it can become velvety. The shape is cushion-shaped with a diameter of 5.5 to 20 cm. The flesh of the mushroom is dense and thick, yellowish in color. At the cut site it gradually acquires a bluish tint. Grows from May to November in deciduous forests among oaks. In most cases it is edible, and is often used to prepare various sauces. Before cooking, mushrooms must be cooked for at least 60 minutes.

Similarities and differences with the pale grebe

Death cap in most cases it is similar to champignons and russula. The similarities with the satanic mushroom are almost zero. The only similarity is that both species are very poisonous. The pale grebe has a light olive color and a thin stalk, the top of the cap is covered with a thin sticky film.

Satanic mushroom poisoning

Since the satanic mushroom can often fall under the descriptions of boletus mushrooms, it is quite easy to confuse it with a real porcini mushroom. Therefore, it often ends up in the basket of inexperienced mushroom pickers. Besides the fact that “Satan” is not edible, it is also very poisonous. Its pulp contains colloids - toxins that are extremely dangerous for the human body.

The most poisonous mushrooms (video)

For poisoning to occur, only 1 gram is enough. The degree of poisoning depends on the conditions in which it developed and grew. Therefore the general clinical picture poisoning by “Satan” has not yet been compiled. However, as with any poisoning, the central nervous system organs are primarily affected, which is an indicator of the presence of a hallucinogenic effect due to the penetration of poisons into the body. Symptoms of acute poisoning are also expressed, which manifest themselves as follows:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • stomach upsets and diarrhea;
  • leg and arm cramps;
  • severe headache;
  • lack of coordination;
  • hallucinations;
  • partial loss of consciousness;
  • Sopor.

We can safely say that the satanic mushroom is very poisonous, and has also been little studied. Which makes us very attentive to picking mushrooms in the forest. Since the description of this species is quite similar to the common porcini mushroom, it is easily confused and cooked. Eating Poisonous "Satan" May End fatal. To avoid poisoning and remove toxins from the body as quickly as possible, it is necessary to seek medical help within the first 20-30 minutes after the onset of symptoms.

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At the beginning of October in the forest near the village of Toksovo in Leningrad region we found a strange mushroom. It captivated us with its noble appearance and intimidating crimson-red color, and also aroused interest and provoked controversy among experienced mushroom pickers.

Calling on the reference literature for help, the first version read:

« Satanic mushroom. Considered deadly poisonous. The cap is grayish or greenish in color, cushion-convex in shape, and becomes slimy in damp weather. The pulp is white, sweet in taste. (Did someone really manage to tell you before they left? =) When cut, the satanic mushroom turns red, then slowly changes color to blue. Leg with a red mesh pattern, tuberous-swollen at the base. The ground is a deep brick color and the top of the stalk is orange. Quite rare and found in the southern part of Russia, mainly in the Caucasus.”

Therefore, at first they decided that it was a satanic mushroom.

However, others noticed that they were collecting similar mushrooms in the mountains of Crimea. Locals They used them for food and called them podduboviki. And they even shared a photo from their personal Crimean archive:

Mushrooms found in Crimea, which are eaten by local residents.

Therefore, continuing our search in the directory among edible mushrooms, we found the common oak mushroom, which is valued on a par with boletus mushrooms. It has the following description:

« Common oakweed. The most striking sign is that it has a purplish-red tubular layer. The cap of a young mushroom is semicircular, later cushion-shaped, with a velvety surface to the touch. The color of the cap is yellowish-brown, dark brown or olive-brown. The stalk at the base is tuberous-thickened, whitish-yellowish, with a yellowish or reddish reticulate pattern. The pulp is strong, lemon-yellow in color, and quickly turns blue when cut. Without any special smell or taste. (You don’t have to worry about food)”

This description was more suitable to our find, the client was rehabilitated! Dubovik is sometimes mistakenly called Polish. When cut, our mushroom immediately began to turn blue, as can be seen in the photographs below.

This is the table we ended up with, which shows differences between the satanic mushroom and the common oak mushroom:

But everyone was unanimous on one thing. This southern mushroom should not grow in the north. Therefore, the find was considered another sign global warming, despite the very cool summer of 2017.

The forest where a strange mushroom was found.

Although the majority of those arguing agreed that this edible oakberry, but no one dared to try it. Therefore, they unanimously decided to crush the mushroom into spores and scatter it in the nearest forest. Which is what they did.

We appeal to experienced mushroom pickers. Is it really an oak mushroom or is it a satanic mushroom? And do they grow in the Leningrad region? Share your