Total There are currently over 20 thousand nuclear warheads in the world, according to data from the Stockholm Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). More than half of this amount - 11 thousand - is contained in the arsenal of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

A report published today on the SIPRI website reveals that the world's eight nuclear powers have a total of 20,530 nuclear warheads. Of these, 5,027 are deployed. Russia also occupies a leading position here: at the disposal of the Missile Forces strategic purpose(Strategic Missile Forces) 2427 missiles with nuclear warheads. The United States is slightly inferior in this regard - it has 2,150 deployed nuclear warheads. France has almost 300 similar missiles, and Great Britain has almost half as many.

However, 5 thousand deployed warheads are just the tip of the global nuclear iceberg. The number of military nuclear warheads mothballed in military warehouses exceeds this figure three times. The strategic nuclear stockpiles of the big five - Russia, the USA, France, Great Britain and China - as well as India, Pakistan and Israel that join them, amount to 15,500 warheads.

Russia remains the undisputed leader here, capable of equipping 8,570 missiles with nuclear warheads. The United States is not far behind, with 6,350 warheads stored in its warehouses. Great Britain and France have 65 and 10 nuclear weapons, respectively. China's entire nuclear arsenal of 200 warheads is kept in an undeployed state. The military nuclear potential of Delhi and Karachi is estimated at approximate figures: 80 - 100 warheads for India and 90 - 100 for Pakistan. Israel, according to experts, has 80 nuclear warheads.

While the major nuclear powers are making global efforts nuclear disarmament, analysts note the growth of the military nuclear potential in third world countries. Thus, within the framework of the agreement between the Russian Federation and the United States on the reduction of strategic and offensive arms (START-3), Russia reduced its arsenal by a thousand nuclear warheads. The United States cut its offensive reserves proportionately - by 900 units. But India and Pakistan, judging by expert calculations, have increased their combat power by about 20 nuclear warheads each.

Note that, according to the US State Department, which published its report on the American strategic potential a few days ago, the United States and warheads than Russia. The report indicates that the Americans have 882 deployed ballistic missiles s, and Russia has only 521. Moreover, the United States has a total of 1,800 nuclear warheads, and the Russian Federation has 1,537.

The published information was the result of data exchange between nuclear powers under the START-3 agreement. Exchange of information, when the United States transferred its database to its Russian counterparts, without, however, indicating specific numbers.

Meanwhile, the implementation of START III remains under threat due to disagreements between Russia and the United States over the American missile defense system in Europe. In mid-May, the Russian Foreign Ministry threatened to withdraw from the treaty if the Americans continued to place their weapons in European countries. Earlier, the head of the main operational directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Andrei Tretyak, said that the deployment American system missile defense(PRO) close Russian borders our nuclear deterrent forces (SNF). Research organizations of the Ministry of Defense came to such conclusions during the analysis of plans to modernize the US missile defense system.

Recent world events have generated interest in the world's nuclear powers. How many countries for 2018 - 2019 have nuclear weapon. Everyone knows that the USA and Russia have the most powerful weapons in the world, and about their confrontation. In 1945, America used the atomic bomb for the first time, dropping it on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. The global community was horrified by the power and consequences. Countries, represented by their leaders, consider such weapons to be a guarantee of security and sovereignty. Such a country will be considered and feared.

List of nuclear powers in the world for 2019

The powers that have such weapons in their arsenal are members of the so-called “Nuclear Club”. Intimidation and world domination- these are the reasons why research and production are carried out atomic weapons.


It ranks 1st in the number of warheads among nuclear powers. In 1945, the world's first nuclear explosion was carried out with the first Trinity bomb. In addition to a large number of warheads, the United States has missiles with a range of 13,000 km, which can deliver nuclear weapons to this distance.


  • First tested a nuclear bomb in 1949 at the Semipalatinsk test site
  • The last one was in 1990.

Russia is the rightful successor to the USSR and a power with nuclear weapons. And for the first time the country exploded a nuclear bomb in 1949, and by 1990 there were approximately 715 tests in total. Tsar Bomba is the name given to the most powerful thermonuclear bomb in the world. Its capacity is 58.6 megatons of TNT. Its development was carried out in the USSR in 1954-1961. under the leadership of I.V. Kurchatov. Tested on October 30, 1961 at the Sukhoi Nos training ground.

In 2014, President V.V. Putin changed military doctrine RF, as a result of which the country reserves the right to use nuclear weapons in response to the use of nuclear or other weapons against it or its allies mass destruction, as well as any other, if the very existence of the state is threatened.

As of 2017, Russia has launchers in its arsenal missile systems intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear combat missiles(Topol-M, YaRS). Navy The Russian Armed Forces have ballistic missile submarines. The air force has strategic bombers long-range aviation. The Russian Federation is rightfully considered one of the leaders among the powers possessing nuclear weapons, and one of the technologically advanced ones.

Great Britain

USA's best friend.

  • First tested an atomic bomb in 1952.
  • Last test: 1991

Officially joined the nuclear club. The US and UK are long-standing partners and have been cooperating on nuclear issues since 1958, when the countries signed a mutual defense treaty. The country does not seek to reduce nuclear weapons, but also does not increase their production in view of the policy of containing neighboring states and aggressors. The number of warheads in stock is not disclosed.


  • In 1960, she conducted the first test.
  • The last time was in 1995.

The first explosion took place in Algeria. A thermonuclear explosion was tested in 1968 on Mururoa Atoll in the southern part Pacific Ocean and since then more than 200 tests of weapons of mass destruction. The power strove for its independence and began to officially possess lethal weapons.


  • First test - 1964
  • Latest - 1996

The state has officially stated that it will not be the first to use nuclear weapons, and also guarantees not to use them against countries that do not have lethal weapons.


  • First nuclear bomb test - 1974
  • The last one was 1998.

It officially recognized the presence of nuclear weapons only in 1998 after successful underground explosions at the Pokharan test site.


  • Tested the weapon for the first time - May 28, 1998.
  • Last time - May 30, 1998

In response to nuclear weapons explosions in India, he conducted a series of underground tests in 1998.

North Korea

  • 2006 - first explosion
  • 2016 is the last one.

In 2005, the leadership of the DPRK announced the creation of a dangerous bomb and in 2006 it conducted its first underground test. The second explosion was carried out in 2009. And in 2012 it officially declared itself a nuclear power. In recent years, the situation on the Korean Peninsula has worsened and North Korea periodically threatens the United States with a nuclear bomb if it continues to interfere in the conflict with South Korea.


  • allegedly tested a nuclear warhead in 1979.

The country does not officially have nuclear weapons. The state neither denies nor confirms the presence of nuclear weapons. But there is evidence that Israel has such warheads.


The world community accuses this power of creating nuclear weapons, but the state declares that it does not possess such weapons and does not intend to produce them. Research was carried out only for peaceful purposes, and that scientists have mastered the entire cycle of uranium enrichment and only for peaceful purposes.

South Africa

The state possessed nuclear weapons in the form of missiles, but voluntarily destroyed them. There is information that Israel provided assistance in creating bombs

History of origin

The creation of a deadly bomb began in 1898, when the spouses Pierre and Marie Suladovskaya-Curie discovered that some substance was released in uranium great amount energy. Subsequently, Ernest Rutherford studied the atomic nucleus, and his colleagues Ernest Walton and John Cockcroft split the atomic nucleus for the first time in 1932. And in 1934, Leo Szilard patented a nuclear bomb.

North Korea successfully tested an intercontinental missile, but it is not the only country threatening the world with nuclear weapons

The US military believes that the latest missile launched by the DPRK belongs to the intercontinental class. Experts say that it is capable of reaching Alaska, which means it poses a direct threat to the United States.

"A Gift for the Yankees"

North Korea launched the Hwangsong-14 missile on the morning of Tuesday, July 4. On this day, America celebrates Independence Day. The rocket flew 933 km in 39 minutes - not far, but this is because it was launched very high. Highest point trajectory was located at a distance of 2,802 km above sea level.

The Hwangsong-14 rocket before launch. Photo: Reuters/KCNA

She fell into the sea between North Korea and Japan.

But if Pyongyang had a goal to attack any country, the missile would be capable of covering a distance of 7000-8000 km, which is enough to reach not only Japan, but also Alaska.

North Korea says it is capable of equipping its missile with a nuclear warhead. Nuclear weapons experts doubt whether Pyongyang has the this moment technology that would allow the production of fairly compact warheads.

However, the tests of Hwangsong-14 occurred earlier and were more successful than expected, he noted in a commentary for Reuters American expert from missile weapons John Schilling.

"Even if it's a missile with a range of 7,000 km, a missile with a range of 10,000 km that could hit New York is not a distant prospect," the head of the nuclear weapons nonproliferation program told The New York Times. East Asia Institute international studies Middlebury Geoffrey Lewis.

Approximate range of the Hwangsong-14 missile. Infographic: CNN

The launch demonstrated that no sanctions apply to the DPRK. On the contrary, threats only encourage the country's leader Kim Jong-un to continue to rattle his weapons and demonstrate the power of his arsenal.

After the tests, he was quoted by North Korea's State News Agency as saying that the US would not like "a package of gifts for their Independence Day." Kim Jong-un ordered scientists and military personnel to “send large and small gift packages to the Yankees more often.”

China and Russia issued a joint statement in which they called on the DPRK to stop its missile and nuclear program, and the United States and South Korea- refrain from conducting large-scale military exercises.

However, Washington did not heed the calls of Moscow and Beijing. On Wednesday morning, they carried out demonstration launches of Hyunmu II missiles, which are capable of hitting targets at a distance of 800 km.

Tensions are rising and the world is talking about nuclear war. However, North Korea is not the only country capable of starting it. Today, seven more countries officially have a nuclear arsenal. We can safely add Israel to them, although it has never officially admitted that it has nuclear weapons.

Russia is the leader in terms of quantity

The USA and Russia jointly own 93% nuclear arsenal peace.

Distribution of the world's nuclear arsenal. Infographic: Arms Control Association, Hans M. Kristensen, Robert S. Norris, U.S. Department of State

According to official and unofficial estimates, cumulatively Russian Federation has 7,000 nuclear weapons. Such data is provided by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) and American organization Arms Control Association.

According to data exchanged between the Russian Federation and the United States as part of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty, as of April 2017, Russia had 1,765 strategic warheads.

They are deployed on 523 long-range missiles, submarines and strategic bombers. But this is only about deployed, that is, ready-to-use nuclear weapons.

The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) estimates that Russia has approximately 2,700 non-deployed strategic, as well as deployed and non-deployed tactical warheads. In addition, 2,510 warheads are awaiting dismantlement.

Russia, as the National Interest website claims in a number of publications, is modernizing its nuclear weapons. And in some respects it was ahead of its main enemy - the United States.

It is at them that the power of the Russian nuclear potential is mainly directed. And Russian propagandists never tire of reminding us of this. The most striking in this matter was, of course, Dmitry Kiselev with his “nuclear ash”.

However, there are also opposing estimates, according to which lion's share missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads are hopelessly outdated.

USA at a crossroads

In total, the Americans currently have 6,800 nuclear weapons. Of these deployed, according to the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty as of April 2017, 1,411 are strategic warheads. They are deployed on 673 long-range missiles, submarines and strategic bombers.

FAS assumes that in addition the US has 2,300 non-deployed strategic warheads and 500 deployed and non-deployed tactical warheads. And another 2,800 warheads await dismantling.

With its arsenal, the United States threatens many adversaries, not only Russia.

For example, the same North Korea and Iran. However, according to many experts, it is outdated and needs modernization.

Interestingly, in 2010, Barack Obama and Dmitry Medvedev signed the above-mentioned agreement on reducing strategic weapons, also known as "Fresh Start". But the same Obama stimulated the deployment of missile defense systems in the United States and Europe, his administration launched the process of developing and deploying new ground-based launchers for long-range missiles.

The Trump administration has plans to continue the process of modernizing weapons, including nuclear,

Nuclear Europe

Among the European countries, the only ones that have nuclear arsenals are France and Great Britain. The first is armed with 300 nuclear warheads. Most of of which is equipped to launch from submarines. France has four of them. Small quantity - for air launch, with strategic bombers.

The British have 120 strategic warheads. Of these, 40 are deployed at sea on four submarines. This is, in fact, the only type of nuclear weapons in the country - it has neither ground-based nor air force, armed with nuclear warheads.

In addition, the UK has 215 warheads stored at bases but not deployed.

Secret China

Since Beijing has never made public information about its nuclear arsenal, it can only be estimated. In June 2016, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists suggested that China has a total of 260 nuclear warheads. Also available information indicates that it increases their number.

China also has all three main methods of delivering nuclear weapons - land-based installations, nuclear submarines and strategic bombers.

One of China's newest intercontinental ballistic missiles, Dongfeng-41 (DF41), was located near the border with Russia in January 2017. But in addition to difficult relations with Moscow, Beijing also has tense relations with neighboring India.

There is also an unconfirmed theory that China is helping North Korea develop its nuclear program.

Sworn neighbors

India and Pakistan, unlike the previous five countries, are developing their nuclear program outside the framework of the 1968 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. At the same time, both countries have a long-standing enmity, regularly threaten each other with the use of force, and armed incidents regularly occur on the Indo-Pakistani border.

But in addition, they also have other conflicting relationships. For India it is China, and for Pakistan it is Israel.

Both countries do not hide the fact that they have nuclear programs, but their details are not publicly disclosed.

India is believed to have between 100 and 120 nuclear warheads in its inventory. The country is actively developing its arsenal. Some of the latest achievements were successful tests intercontinental missiles "Agni-5" and "Agni-6", which are capable of delivering a warhead to a distance of 5000-6000 km.

At the end of 2016, India commissioned its first nuclear-powered submarine, the Arihant. It also plans to purchase from France 36 Rafale combat aircraft capable of carrying nuclear weapons by 2019. The country currently has several older aircraft for this purpose - the French Mirage, the Anglo-French SEPECAT Jaguar and the Russian Su-30.

Pakistan has between 110 and 130 nuclear warheads in its inventory. The country began to develop its nuclear program after India conducted its first nuclear weapons test in 1974. She is also in the process of expanding her arsenal.

Currently nuclear missiles Pakistan - short and medium range. There are rumors that he is developing the Taimur intercontinental missile with a range of 7,000 km. The country also intends to build its own nuclear submarine. And Pakistan's Mirage and F16 aircraft are rumored to have been modified to carry nuclear weapons.

Israel's deliberate ambiguity

SIPRI, FAS and other organizations that monitor the development of nuclear weapons in the world claim that Israel has 80 nuclear warheads in its arsenal. In addition, it has stockpiles of fissile material to manufacture an additional 200 warheads.

Israel, like India and Pakistan, has not signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, thereby retaining the right to develop them. But unlike India and Pakistan, it has never announced its nuclear program and pursues a so-called policy of deliberate ambiguity on this issue.

In practice, this means that Israel never confirms or denies the assumption that it has nuclear weapons.

It is believed that Israel developed nuclear warheads in a secret underground plant located in the middle of the desert. It is also assumed that he has all three main means suitable for delivery: ground launchers, submarines and combat aircraft.

Israel is understandable. It is surrounded on all sides by states hostile to it, which do not hide their desire to “throw Israel into the sea.” However, the policy of ambiguity is often criticized by those who consider it a manifestation of double standards.

Iran, which also tried to develop a nuclear program, was severely punished for this. Israel did not experience any sanctions.

Nuclear (or atomic) weapons are the presence of the entire nuclear arsenal, its means of transportation, as well as control hardware. Such weapons are classified as weapons of mass destruction - weapons of mass destruction. The explosive action of the so-called “rusty death” weapon is based on the principle of using some of the qualities possessed by nuclear energy released as a result of a nuclear or thermonuclear reaction.

Types of nuclear weapons

Everything available at globe Nuclear weapons can be divided into two types:

  • Atomic weapons are single-phase type explosive mechanisms. During the fission of heavy nuclei of plutonium or uranium 235, energy is released;
  • Thermonuclear weapon is an explosive mechanism with a two-phase type. During the impact of the first phase, the release of energy occurs due to the fission of heavy nuclei. During the action of the second phase, the phase with thermonuclear fusion. In the process of proportional composition of reactions, the types of these weapons are determined.

From the history of the emergence of nuclear weapons

In 1889 married couple Curie accomplished in the scientific world grand opening. They discovered a hitherto unknown substance in a piece of uranium that released a colossal amount of energy.

After this discovery, events developed as follows. E. Rutherford studied the basic properties of atoms. E. Walton and D. Cockcroft were the first in the world to carry out fission atomic nucleus. And already in 1934, scientist Leo Szilard registered a patent for the creation atomic bomb.

The purpose for which atomic weapons were created is very trivial - world domination, with the intimidation and destruction of one’s enemies. So, when the Second was already underway World War, scientists in Germany, the Soviet Union and the United States were studying scientific research and nuclear weapons development. These three largest and most powerful states, actively participating in hostilities, attempted to achieve victory at any cost. Moreover, if at that time they had managed to use these weapons as key factor in victory, then it could be used more than once in other military conflicts.

Nuclear powers of the world for 2018

The states that currently possess nuclear weapons are secretly called the Nuclear Club.

The following are considered legitimate within the international legal framework:

  • United States of America (USA);
  • Russia (which received nuclear weapons from the USSR after its collapse);
  • France;
  • Great Britain;
  • China.

The following are considered illegitimate:

  • India;
  • North Korea;
  • Pakistan.

There is another state - Israel. Officially, it does not have its own nuclear weapons. However, the world community is of the opinion that Israel should take its place in the Nuclear Club.

However, it is possible that there may be other participants on this list. Many world states had nuclear programs, but some of them gave up the idea later, and some are still working on them to this day. In some states, such weapons are supplied by other countries, for example, the United States. The exact number of weapons and how many nuclear powers own these weapons in the world is not known. However, approximately twenty and a half thousand nuclear warheads are scattered throughout the globe.

In 1968, they signed the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. Later, in 1986, the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty was signed. However, not all states decided to sign and ratify (legalize) these documents. Thus, the threat to the world is still real. Moreover, no matter how strange it may sound, at present the presence of nuclear weapons is a guarantee of peace, a deterrent that can protect against aggression, which is why many states are so eager to acquire them.

United States Arsenal

Today, the United States has an arsenal of 1,654 warheads. The United States is armed with bombs, warheads, and shells. All this is used in military aviation, the submarine fleet, and also in artillery.

At the end of World War II, the United States produced over sixty-six thousand bombs with warheads, but already in 1997 the production of new types of nuclear weapons was completely stopped. By 2010, the United States arsenal numbered more than five thousand units nuclear weapons. Since 2013, their number has decreased to 1,654 units according to the project, which involved a reduction in nuclear potential.

As the unofficial world leader, the United States has the status of a nuclear power and, according to the 1968 treaty, as part of five states, it legitimately possesses nuclear weapons.

Russia (former USSR) is the second nuclear power

Russia currently has 1,480 warheads and 367 nuclear carriers. This ammunition is intended for use missile forces, sea strategic forces and strategic aviation. For last decade Russia's military nuclear stockpile decreased significantly, by 12% per year. Due to the signing of an agreement on mutual disarmament, by 2012 it was supposed to decrease by 2/3.

Today, the Russian Federation, as the successor to the USSR, is one of the main members of the 1968 agreements on nuclear weapons and possesses them legally. In the current global political and economic situation, Russia is being opposed to the United States and European states. However, with such a serious arsenal, you can defend your independent positions on geopolitical issues.

French nuclear potential

France currently has approximately 300 strategic warheads, as well as approximately 60 air-launched tactical multiprocessors. All this can be used submarines and aviation. For a long time, France had to strive to be independent in matters of its own weapons. She was developing her own supercomputer and conducting nuclear tests until 1998. France was no longer involved in nuclear weapons.

British nuclear capability

The UK has 225 nuclear warheads. Of these, over 160 are in combat readiness and are located on submarines. No one has accurate information about the weapons of the British army. They do not disclose the exact size of their nuclear arsenal. The UK has no desire to increase its nuclear stockpile, as well as to its reduction. It is guided by a policy of deterring allied and neutral states from using these weapons.

Chinese nuclear potential

Estimated American specialists The Chinese have approximately 240 warheads. Although according to official data, the Chinese military has approximately 40 intercontinental missiles, which are controlled by artillery and submariners. In addition, the Chinese army has approximately 1,000 missiles short range.

Chinese authorities do not disclose precise information about their arsenal. They state that their nuclear weapons are expected to be maintained at the lowest level that is safe. Moreover, the Chinese authorities say that they will not be the first to use nuclear weapons, and in relation to non-nuclear states they will not use them at all. Such statements are only welcomed by the international community.

Indian nuclear potential

According to some estimates, India does not officially have nuclear weapons. India currently has approximately 30 nuclear warheads in its arsenal, as well as enough materials to make 90 more.

In addition, the Indian Army has short-range missiles, medium-range ballistic missiles, and extended-range missiles. Being an illegal possessor of atomic weapons, the Indian authorities do not officially declare their nuclear policy, this causes negative reactions in the world community.

Pakistani nuclear potential

It is known from unofficial sources that the Pakistani army has almost 200 nuclear warheads. There is no exact information about the types of their weapons. The world community reacted to nuclear tests as harshly as possible. Pakistan has been subject to economic sanctions by almost all major world states. The exception was Saudi Arabia, which supplied the state with approximately fifty thousand barrels of oil per day.

North Korea is a new generation nuclear power

North Korea is a state that officially possesses nuclear weapons, and in this regard, in 2012, it amended its Constitution. The Democratic People's Republic of Korea possesses single-stage medium-range missiles, mobile complex"Musudan."

Reaction international community on the creation and testing of nuclear weapons was extremely negative. The lengthy six-party negotiations are still ongoing, and the state is subject to an economic embargo. However, the North Korean authorities are in no hurry to abandon the creation of their nuclear shield.

Should we give up nuclear weapons?

Nuclear weapons are one of the most terrible types of destruction of the population and economic potential of a hostile state. This is a weapon that destroys everything in its path. Aware of the seriousness of the presence of such weapons, the governments of many states (especially the “Nuclear Club”) are taking a wide variety of measures to reduce the number of these weapons, as well as guarantees for their non-use.

On July 16, 1945, the history of our civilization began new era– in the state of New Mexico, the world’s first twenty-kiloton nuclear warhead, Gadget, was detonated on the territory of a military base. The military was pleased with the results of the tests, and less than two months later the first uranium bomb, Little Boy, was dropped on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The explosion practically wiped the city off the face of the earth. Three days later, a similar evil fate befell Nagasaki. Since then, the sword of Damocles of total nuclear destruction has been hanging invisibly over humanity...

Despite the undoubted humanistic achievements of our civilization, physical violence - or the threat of its use - remains one of the main tools international politics. It is therefore not surprising that nuclear weapons - the most powerful means of killing and destruction ever created by man - have become a factor of strategic proportions.

Possession nuclear technologies gives the state a completely different weight on the world stage, even if the country’s economy is in a deplorable state and citizens are starving. And you don’t have to look far for examples: small nuclear North Korea has forced the mighty United States of America to reckon with itself.

The presence of nuclear weapons opens the door for any regime to the community of the elite - to the so-called Nuclear Club. Despite numerous disagreements between its participants, they are all united in one thing: to prevent further expansion of the Nuclear Club and prevent other countries from developing their own nuclear weapons. And to achieve this goal, any methods are used, from the most severe international sanctions to bomb attacks and sabotage at nuclear facilities. A clear example of this is the saga with Iran's nuclear program, which has been going on for several decades.

Of course, one can consider nuclear weapons to be an absolute “uncomplicated” evil, but one cannot deny the fact that they are also a powerful deterrent. If the USSR and the USA did not have deadly nuclear arsenals, the confrontation between them would hardly have been limited to the Cold War. Most likely, in this case, a new world massacre would have broken out already in the 50s. And it was the nuclear bomb that made it impossible. And in our time, the possession of nuclear weapons is a reliable (and probably the only) guarantee of security for any state. And the events around North Korea are the most clear example this. In the 90s, Ukraine, under guarantees from leading states, voluntarily abandoned the world's third-largest nuclear arsenal, and where is its security now? To stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons, an effective international mechanism protection state sovereignty. But for now this is rather from the realm of unscientific fiction...

How many nuclear powers exist in the world today? How large are their arsenals, and which state can be called the world leader in this field? Are there any countries trying to gain nuclear power status?

Nuclear club: who is among the chosen ones

It should be clearly understood that the expression “nuclear club” is nothing more than a journalistic cliche; such an organization, of course, does not officially exist. There is not even a corresponding informal get-together, like the G7, where it would be possible to resolve the most pressing issues and develop common approaches.

Moreover, relations between some nuclear states are, to put it mildly, not very good. For example, Pakistan and India have already fought several times; their next armed conflict may well end in a series of mutual atomic strikes. And a few months ago, a full-scale war almost broke out between the DPRK and the United States. A lot of contradictions - fortunately, not so large - exist today between Washington and Moscow.

And sometimes it is very difficult to say whether a state is nuclear or not yet. A typical example is Israel, whose nuclear status experts have little doubt about. But, meanwhile, official Jerusalem has never admitted that it has such weapons.

Existing nuclear states on the world map. “Official” are indicated in red. nuclear countries, orange - known nuclear powers, yellow - countries that are suspected of possessing nuclear weapons

There are more whole line countries that at different times were involved in the creation of nuclear weapons, and what results their nuclear program achieved, is difficult to say.

So, the official nuclear powers of the world for 2018, list:

  • Russia;
  • Great Britain;
  • France;
  • China;
  • India;
  • Pakistan;
  • Israel;
  • DPRK.

Special mention should be made of South Africa, which succeeded in creating nuclear weapons, but was forced to abandon it and close its nuclear program. Six already manufactured charges were disposed of in the early 90s.

The former Soviet republics of Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus voluntarily gave up nuclear weapons in the early 1990s in exchange for security guarantees offered to them by all major nuclear powers. Moreover, at that time, Ukraine had the third nuclear arsenal in the world, and Kazakhstan – the fourth.

US nuclear weapons: history and modernity

The United States is the first country in the world to create nuclear weapons. Developments in this area began during the Second World War (“Manhattan Project”), and involved the best engineers and physicists - the Americans were very afraid that the Nazis would be the first to create a nuclear bomb. By the summer of 1945, the United States had three nuclear warheads, two of which were later dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

For several years, the United States was the only state in the world armed with nuclear weapons. Moreover, the Americans were confident that the Soviet Union did not have the resources and technology to create its own nuclear bomb in the coming years. Therefore, the news that the USSR - nuclear power, came as a real shock to the political leadership of this country.

Initially, the main type of American nuclear weapons were bombs, and the main carrier of nuclear weapons was army aviation. However, already in the 60s the situation began to change: the Flying Fortresses were replaced by land- and sea-based intercontinental missiles.

In 1952, the United States tested the world's first thermonuclear device, and in 1954, the most powerful American thermonuclear charge with a capacity of 15 Mt was detonated.

By 1960, the total capacity of nuclear weapons in the United States amounted to 20 thousand megatons, and in 1967 the Pentagon had at its disposal more than 32 thousand warheads. However, American strategists quickly realized the excess of this power, and by the end of the 80s it was reduced by almost a third. At the end of the Cold War, the American nuclear arsenal amounted to less than 23 thousand charges. After its completion, the United States began large-scale disposal of obsolete nuclear weapons.

In 2010, the START III treaty was signed between the United States and Russia, according to which the parties pledged to reduce the number of nuclear weapons to 1,550 units within ten years, and total number ICBMs, SLBMs and strategic bombers - up to 700 pieces.

The United States is undoubtedly at the top of the nuclear club: this country has in its arsenal (end of 2018) 1,367 nuclear warheads and 681 deployed strategic delivery vehicles.

The Soviet Union and the Russian Federation: history and current state

After the appearance of nuclear weapons in the United States, the Soviet Union had to enter the nuclear race from the position of catching up. Moreover, for a state whose economy was destroyed by the war, this competition was very exhausting.

First nuclear device in the USSR it was blown up on August 29, 1949. And in August 1953, a Soviet thermonuclear charge was successfully tested. Moreover, unlike its American counterpart, the first Soviet hydrogen bomb actually had the dimensions of ammunition and could be used practically.

In 1961, a powerful bomb was exploded at the test site on Novaya Zemlya. thermonuclear bomb equivalent to more than 50 megatons. At the end of the 50s, the first intercontinental ballistic missile R-7 was created.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia inherited all of its nuclear arsenals. Currently (at the beginning of 2018) Russia has 1,444 nuclear warheads and 527 deployed carriers.

It can be added that our country has one of the most advanced and technologically advanced nuclear triads in the world, which includes ICBMs, SLBMs and strategic bombers.

UK nuclear program and arsenals

England conducted its first nuclear tests in October 1952 on an atoll near Australia. In 1957, the first British thermonuclear weapon was detonated in Polynesia. The last test took place in 1991.

Ever since the Manhattan Project, Britain has had special relationship with the Americans in the nuclear field. Therefore, it is not surprising that in 1960 the British abandoned the idea of ​​​​creating their own rocket and purchased a delivery system from the United States.

There are no official figures on the size of Britain's nuclear arsenal. However, it is believed that it amounts to approximately 220 nuclear warheads, of which 150-160 are on combat duty. Moreover, the only component of the nuclear triad that England has are submarines. London has neither land-based ICBMs nor strategic aviation.

France and its nuclear program

After General de Gaulle came to power, France headed towards creating its own nuclear forces. Already in 1960, the first nuclear tests were carried out at a test site in Algeria; after the loss of this colony, atolls in the Pacific Ocean had to be used for this purpose.

France joined the nuclear test ban treaty only in 1998. It is believed that this country currently has approximately three hundred nuclear weapons.

Nuclear weapons of the People's Republic of China

The Chinese nuclear program began in the late 50s, and it took place with the active assistance of the Soviet Union. Thousands of Soviet specialists were sent to fraternal communist China to help build reactors, mine uranium, and conduct tests. At the end of the 50s, when relations between the USSR and China deteriorated completely, cooperation was quickly curtailed, but it was too late: nuclear test 1964 opened the doors to Beijing nuclear club. In 1967, China successfully tested a thermonuclear weapon.

China tested nuclear weapons on its territory at the Lop Nor test site. The last of them took place in 1996.

Due to the extremely closed nature of the country, it is quite difficult to estimate the size of China's nuclear arsenal. Beijing is officially believed to have 250-270 warheads. In service Chinese army There are 70-75 ICBMs, another means of delivery is missiles located on submarines. Also included Chinese triad comes in and strategic aviation. The Su-30s that China purchased from Russia are capable of carrying tactical nuclear weapons.

India and Pakistan: one step away from nuclear conflict

India had good reasons to acquire its own nuclear bomb: the threat from China (already nuclear) and the long-term conflict with Pakistan, which resulted in several wars between the countries.

The West helped India get nuclear weapons. The first reactors were supplied to the country by Britain and Canada, and the Americans helped with heavy water. The Indians conducted their first nuclear test in 1974 on their own territory.

For a very long time Delhi did not want to recognize its nuclear status. This was done only in 1998 after a series of test explosions. India is currently believed to own approximately 120-130 nuclear charges. This country has long-range ballistic missiles (up to 8 thousand km), as well as SLBMs on Arihant-class submarines. Su-30 and Dassault Mirage 2000 aircraft can carry tactical nuclear weapons.

Pakistan began work on its own nuclear weapons in the early 70s. In 1982, a uranium enrichment plant was completed, and in 1995, a reactor was completed, which made it possible to produce weapons-grade plutonium. Pakistani nuclear weapons were tested in May 1998.

It is believed that Islamabad may currently have 120-130 nuclear weapons.

North Korea: Juche nuclear bomb

Most known history Associated with the development of nuclear weapons is undoubtedly the North Korean nuclear program.

The DPRK began developing its own atomic bomb back in the mid-50s, and it received the most active assistance in this matter from the Soviet Union. With the help of specialists from the USSR, a research center with a nuclear reactor was opened in the country, and Soviet geologists searched for uranium in North Korea.

In mid-2005, the world was surprised to learn that the DPRK was a nuclear power, and the following year the Koreans conducted the first test of a 1-kiloton nuclear bomb. In 2018, Kim Jong-ye told the world that his country already has thermonuclear weapons in its arsenal. It is believed that Pyongyang may currently possess 10-20 nuclear warheads.

In 2012, the Koreans announced the creation of Hwasong-13 intercontinental ballistic missiles with a flight range of 7.5 thousand km. This is quite enough to strike at US territory.

Just a few days ago there was a meeting American President Trump with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, at which the parties seemed to agree to shut down the DPRK’s nuclear program. However, for now this is more of a declaration of intent, and it is difficult to say whether these negotiations will lead to real denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula.

Nuclear program of the State of Israel

Israel does not officially admit that it has nuclear weapons, but the whole world knows that it still has them.

It is believed that the Israeli nuclear program began in the mid-50s, and the first nuclear weapons were produced in the late 60s and early 70s. Accurate information there is no information about testing Israeli nuclear weapons. On September 22, 1979, the American Vela satellite detected strange flashes over the deserted part of the South Atlantic, very reminiscent of the consequences nuclear explosion. It is believed that this was an Israeli nuclear weapons test.

Israel is believed to currently have approximately 80 nuclear weapons. In addition, this country has a full-fledged nuclear triad for delivering nuclear weapons: the Jericho-3 ICBM with a range of 6.5 thousand km, Dolphin-class submarines capable of carrying cruise missiles with a nuclear warhead, and F-15I Ra'am fighter-bombers with the Gabriel missile launcher.

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