Organization american states (OAS) - International organization of states Zap. Hemisphere. Unites (at 1.II 1990):

Antigua and Barbudu, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras, Grenada, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Salvador, Saint Vincent and Grenadines, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, USA, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador and Jamaica. Until 1962, Cuba participated as a member in the work of the OAS. In 1971, the Institute of Permanent Observer Observers was established, which were accredited by 24 states of Europe, America and Asia.

Created in 1948 on the IX Interzamer. Conferences in Bogota (Colombia) on the basis of the Panamers existing since 1890. Union.

The authorized objectives of the OAS are: maintaining peace and security on the continent; Peaceful settlement of disputes between Member States; Organization of joint actions against aggression; Solving the common efforts of state-facing political, economic, legal problems facing them; Promoting the social, economic, cultural development of the countries participating in the organization.

Initially, the principles of activity and the structure of the OAS were determined by the Charter of 1948, which was based on the Inter-American Treaty on Mutual Assistance 1947. However, the dissatisfaction of the LAT.-Amer. countries hypertrophies of the military-political side of the OAS led to the Serve. 60s. To revise its statute. On the III emergency interchaater. Conferences (Buenos Aires, 1967) was signed by the "Protocol Buenos Aires" (entered into force on November 27, 1970), which significantly completed the old version of the Charter on the strengthening of the socio-economic activities of the organization, equal cooperation, integration, etc. , introduced to the structure of the OAS.

The supreme authority of the OAS is the General Assembly (GA), which is entrusted to identify the general policy of the organization. Sessions ha are held annually in the countries - participants of the OAS alternately. Solutions of ha are accepted by a majority vote, with the exception of cases when in accordance with the Charter requires 2 / s votes. Consultative Meeting of Foreign Ministers is convened to consider particularly important issues. At the meeting, an advisory committee of defense is functioning, consisting of the Supreme Military Representatives of the OASI member states. The main organs of the OAS, using the same rights: Permanent Council (PS), Interzamer. Economic I. social Council (Mass) and Mezhar. Council for Education, Science and Culture (MSONC). Mezhar. The Legal Committee coordinates the development and codification activities of international law, learn law. Integration problems in Latin America, legislation unification opportunities. The General Secretariat is a permanent center, the OAS body - monitors the execution of the decisions of the GA, the Consultative Meeting and the Councils of the OAS. Headed by the Secretary General, elected hectares for 5 years (from March 1984 they are Brazilz J. K. Baie Socaris, Deputy Secretary General - V. Mac Committee, Barbados). Within the framework of the OAS, there is a mezamer. Commission on Human Rights.

With OAH, specialized institutions have been created, carrying out activities on the basis of multilateral intergovernmental agreements. Among them: Interzamer. Institute of Cooperation in the region agriculture, Panamer. Health Organization, Interzamer. Women's Commission, Mezhar. Institute of Children's Protection, Panamer. Institute of Geography and History, Mezhar. Indianist Institute. Specialized agencies, commissions; Mezhar. Defense Council (MSO), Interzamer. Statistical Institute, Interzamer. Commission on nuclear energy, special interterine. Commission to combat drug smuggling. The OAS budget develops from the annual contributions of Member States (St. 60% of the budget covers the USA).

In the history of the OAS chronologically, three stages can be distinguished. The first - from 1948 to the Ser. 60s, - when the United States succeeded, using the disunity of Lat.-Amer. States and resorting to the methods of political and economic pressure, to impose any significant decision for themselves in this organization. It was during these years to anezamer. The system was disseminated by anti-communist doctrines of "incompatibility" (promoting the incompatibility of Marxism-Leninism with the principles of the interterine. Systems) and "priority" (rejected by the UN Security Council from the consideration of the controversial issues that arose between the Member States of the OAS). On the basis of these doctrines, the United States with the help of the OAH was interconnected in Guatemala (1954), the exclusion from the OAS Kuba (1962) and subsequently declared the OAS against this state from the point of view of the international law (1964) . Finally, the US armed intervention in the Dominican Republic (1965), implemented by Washington under the Flag of the OAS, clearly showed the groundlessness of the hope of the ruling classes of the countries of the region on the principles of "non-interference" and "self-determination" recorded in the OAS charter.

The second stage of the development of the OAS is associated with the first reform of this organization (1964-70). The reform of the OAS charter, held during these years, reflected a new quality state of the neutrition. Systems, fixing the approximate equality of the US forces and most lat.-amer. states inside it. The United States could not achieve the creation in the OAH. "Mezhar. Armed Forces "on an ongoing basis, but at the same time, Latin Americans failed to ensure any guarantees of the provisions on the need to implement equal economic cooperation formally enshrined in the Charter.

The beginning of a new one, the third stage of the development of a mezamer. Systems held under the sign of activation of the activity of Lat.-Amer. Countries, put the III session of the EAS, held in April 1973 in Washington. A resolution was adopted at the session, which called for not only the structure, but also the doctrines of the Nezamer. systems, while focusing on the need to strengthen the socio-economic activity of the organization, USA new reform Only under the influence of the joint position of the lat.-Amer. States, from the very beginning, they resorted to obstruction and the game against contradictions, seeking to prevent the adoption of the developed documents. The legal side of the reform limited himself only to the adoption of amendments to the neutrition. agreement on mutual assistance ("San Jose Protocol"), however practical plan period 1973-79 In many ways, democratization of the OAS. During this period, it was finished with the doctrines of "incompatibility" and "priority" and with new powers The principles of non-interference and self-determination in the neutrition are confirmed. Relationships. In July 1975, the OAS was canceled by the obligation to comply with its members of the sanctions adopted against Cuba, and in December of the same year, the Special Advisory Commission on Security Associations was dissolved, during a number of years engaged in the identification of "Magazus of International Communism" in Zap. Hemisphere. In June 1979 at the Forers' Consultative Meeting. Affairs failed an attempt by the United States to carry out the hands of the OAS intervention against Nicaragua, which objectively contributed to the strengthening of the foreign policy positions of this country.

In the beginning. 80s. The Reagan administration again took the methods of "traditional Panaryanism", simultaneously actively engaged in finding new allies in the OAS. The new placement of forces in the OAS first launched sharply at the XX Consultative Meeting in July 1982, when Carib. States refused to join the absolute majority of the lat.-Amer. countries and condemn the aggression of the United Kingdom against Argentina during t. n Malvinsky crisis. Making aggression against Grenada in October 1983, Washington tried to tie the island Carib in politically stronger. States who supported this invasion.

At the XIV Special Session of the OHA, held in December 1985 in Cartagena (Colombia), Lat.-Amer. Countries have adopted a number of changes in the Charter of the OAS, indicating their desire to strengthen the political aspect of its activities and increase the role of the organization in the resolution of international disputes. Thus, the political authority of the OAS Secretary-General, which received the right to those who enjoys the UN Secretary General, and strengthened the functions of the Permanent Council, which was endowed with the right to offer his mediation at the request of one side - participants of the international dispute.

Currently, the OAH has developed a peculiar situation when neither lat.-amer. Countries have not yet can be filled with real content, many new provisions of its charter, nor the United States is no longer able to use this organization as a tool for its policy in the region, as before. At the XVIII session of the EAS (November 1988), the countries of the region expressed concern about the budget deficit of the Organization formed due to the US debt on contributions (for 1.1 1989, Ok. $ 30 million).

Location OSN. OAS authorities - Washington.

) On the basis of the Pan American Union, which has existed since 1889.

Organization of American States (OAS)

Membership 35 Member States
Headquarters Washington, USA
Type of organization international Organization
official languages spanish, English, French, Portuguese
Date of foundation (eng.)
Organization of American States (OAS) on Wikisklad

Headquarters is located in Washington. Working languages \u200b\u200b- Spanish, English, French and Portuguese.

Higher Authorities - General Assembly, Permanent Council, Advisory Meeting of Foreign Ministers, General Secretariat.


The organization of American states is the oldest regional organization in the world, starting from the first international conference of American states held in Washington from October 1889 to April 1890. At this meeting, the creation of the International Union of the American republics was approved, and was prepared soil to create a network of provisions and institutions that became known as the All-American system. The OAS was born in 1948 from signing in Bogota, Colombia, the OAS charter, which came into force in December 1951.

Countries that have gained independence after 1948 were usually accepted in the OAS as independence received, with the exception of Canada, which entered the OAS only in 1990, and Guyana, adopted in 1991 (25 years after independence; Like Canada, Guyana is a member Commonwealth of Nations). Guyana for today is the last country adopted in the OAS.

In 2000, Cuba's leadership has repeatedly acted with the proposals for the restoration of membership in the OAS. The decision to suspend the participation of Cuba was canceled on June 3, 2009; Cuba welcomed this gesture, but refused to return to the OAS.

At the General Assembly of the OAS in April 1971, the Institute of Permanent Observers O OHA was established; At the beginning of 2015, 70 states possess these status, including Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia.

In the 21st century, the OAS positions were strongly staggered due to the emergence of new regional organizations, uniting the purely Latin American states, without the participation of the United States, such as the community of Latin American countries and the Caribbean (CELAC) and the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR).

At the end of April 2017, the Secretary General of the OAS was awarded a letter of President Venezuela Nicolas Maduro that Venezuela immediately comes out of this organization.

Goals and directions

The organization was established in order to achieve peace among its member states, as provided for in Article 1 of the Charter:

Maintain peace and justice, promote solidarity, strengthen cooperation and protect their sovereignty, its territorial integrity, and independence.

Today, the OAS unites 34 States of North and South America (except Cuba) and is the main political, legal and social force in the hemisphere. [ ]

The organization uses four directions for the effective implementation of its main goal, based on its basic principles: democracy, human rights, security and development.

General Assembly

The highest governing body in the OAS is the General Assembly. Every year, the OAS collects the planned session of the Assembly, in special cases, with the approval of two thirds of the members of the Organization, the Permanent Council may declare a collection of an extraordinary session.

Sessions are collected in the States Parties, in turn. Countries are represented by elected delegates, usually, these are ministers of foreign affairs or their deputies. Each member state has one voice in the Assembly. Decisions on individual important issues defined by the Assembly Rules are made by a majority of two-thirds of Member States; In the main number of cases, a simple majority of votes.

The powers of the General Assembly include the definition of a general policy by resolutions and declarations, approval of the budget, identifying amounts of contributions from States Parties, hearing reports and reports of Special Communist Parties for the past year and election of members to these institutions.

OAS - The first continental organization of the world, which began to develop almost immediately after independence is gained by Latin American countries. Her origins stood the leaders of the Latin American revolution led by Simon Bolivar. Back in 1826, the first congress of Latin American representatives was held in Panama in order to achieve the unity of the peoples of the continent by creating the federation of the Latin American republics. But then this idea did not receive support from most of the Congress participants.

Several otherwise imagined the unity of the continent of the United States. President James Monroe is still in the period of the struggle of the peoples of Latin America for independence proclaimed the doctrine, according to which the United States should be the dominant force on the West Hemisphere. Therefore, the leaders of young Latin American states did not really trust their northern neighbor. " I think America is better to accept the Quran, rather than the form of the United States rule"Said S. Bolivar. Indeed, the true intentions of the United States on the continent were manifested very soon on the example of the neighboring Mexico, from which they, through provocations and interventions, rejected a third of the territory.

There were decades, new generations of people grew, the ideas of continental solidarity were born, based on the proximity of the economic interests and cultures of peoples. In the name of their implementation from October 1889 to April 1890, in Washington, the first International Congress of American States, which establishes (April 14, 1890) International Union of American States And his secretariat - Commercial bureau of the American republics.In 1910, this organization was renamed Pan American Union.

The first and second world wars contributed to the increase in the role of those who stood far away from the fronts of the war of Latin American states in international life. In 1947, representatives of 18 American states signed in Rio de Janeiro the so-called " Inter-American Pact. » or « Inter-American treaty on mutual overtake" And on April 30, 1948, the 20 states of the continent signed the Charter in the capital of Columbia Organizations of American states (OAS).

According to the Charter, the Organization is created to achieve peace and legality, strengthening solidarity, strengthening cooperation, the protection of sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of American states. The main goals of the OAS, according to Article 2. Its Charter are:

a) strengthening peace and security on the continent;

(b) Promotion and strengthening of representative democracy with due respect to the principle of non-interference;

c) Warning possible causes difficulties and ensuring a peaceful settlement of disagreements that may arise between the Member States of the OAS;

(d) Organization of joint actions in the event of aggression;

e) facilitating the search for solutions of political, legal and economic problemswhich may arise between the countries of the continent;

(f) Promotion, by joint actions, their economic, social and cultural development;

(g) Overcoming extreme poverty, which is a barrier on the path of democratic development of the peoples of the continent;

(h) Achieving effective limitation of ordinary weapons, which will allow you to send more funds on economic I. social development Member States.

Relations between the OAS members should be based on the principles of respect for human rights, sovereignty of states, strict fulfillment of obligations arising from contracts and other sources of international law, goodwill and solidarity in effective implementation Representative democracy. The Charter admits that each state has the right to choose, without interference from the outside, political, economic, and social system and elect the most suitable way of development, refrain from interference in other states.

US states undertake to comprehensively cooperate with each other, regardless of the nature of their political, economic and social systems. Aggression condemns; It is recognized that the victory does not give any rights. The spiritual unity of the continent should be based on respect for the cultural values \u200b\u200bof the Americas and therefore requires close cooperation. Article 9 of the Charter of the OAS provides that the right of a member of the organization to participate in the activities of the OAS and its governing bodies may be suspended if its democratically chosen government will be overthrown by force.

The Charter of the OAS prohibits the intervention of states into each other's affairs. " No state or group of states - it says its 19 article - nor under any pretext has the right to direct or indirect interference in the internal or external affairs of any state. The above principle prohibits not only armed intervention, but also any other form of intervention, which is aimed at encroaching on the very state or its political, economic and cultural bodies" The following article prohibits the use of compulsory measures of an economic or political nature in order to influence the sovereign will of another state and to extract any benefit from this.

The territory of the OAS member states is declared inviolable and cannot be occupied by anyone even temporarily. Territorial acquisitions or advantages obtained by force or other means of coercion cannot be recognized. All disputes between the OAS members should be governed by such peaceful means as: direct negotiations, good services, mediation, learning and reconciliation, judicial settlement, arbitration and others with which the parties may agree at any time.

OAS was created to jointly collective security. « Aggression against one American state is aggression against all other"," Said Article 3 of the Charter (p. H). In the 28 article, this thought is even more strengthened: " Each act of aggression against the territorial integrity or integrity of the territory, against the sovereignty or political independence of any American state will be considered as an act of aggression against other US states" Under all conditions, when the integrity or integrity of the territory, sovereignty or political independence of any American state is threatened as a result of an armed attack or another act of aggression from the outside, US states should undertake immediate action in accordance with the principles of continental solidarity and collective self-defense. The same is done in cases of conflict between two or more American states, as well as with any other situations that are dangerous peace on the continent.

The principles of inter-American solidarity and cooperation should be permeated and cooperation of the OAS member countries in the field of economic, social, educational, cultural, scientific and technological development. They are obliged to refrain from policies and actions that can harm the development of other countries. Multinational enterprises in the countries of the continent must obey the legislation of countries in which they are located, and international agreementswhose participants are these states.

The Charter proclaims (Art. 45) that a person can realize his aspirations only at economically developed and based on a true world social order. Based on this, Member States undertake to be guided in their daily activities by the following principles:

a) all people, without distinguishing races, gender, nationality, faith or social origin, are entitled to material well-being and spiritual development in the conditions of freedom, dignity, equality of opportunity and economic protection;

b) labor - right and social debt, it should be carried out in conditions involving a fair payment system, guaranteeing life, health and a decent standard of living for the worker and his family both during the period of work and at the occurrence of old age or when or when For other reasons, he is deprived of the opportunity to work;

c) employees and workers both in a village and in the city have the right to free associations to protect their interests, including the right to collective agreements, strikes, recognition for associations of law legal entities with the protection of their freedom and independence in accordance with the law;

f) involvement and increasing participation marginal layers population into the economic, social, civil, cultural and political life of the country in order to achieve full integration of society, accelerating the process of social mobility and consolidation of the democratic system.

Of paramount importance in the plans of its development, the Member States of the OAS should give the support of education, science, technology and culture. Special attention of the OAS member states pledged to eliminate illiteracy, for which the possibility of obtaining primary education For the state account will be provided not only to children school age, but also adults. It is envisaged to expand the system of secondary and higher education.

OAH governing bodies.

According to Article 53 of the OAS charter, its goals will be achieved by the work of the following bodies:

a) General Assembly;

(b) Consultative Meeting of Foreign Ministers;

c) tips;

(d) Inter-American Legal Committee;

(e) The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights;

(f) General Secretariat;

g) specialized conferences and

h) specialized organizations.

Additionally, subsidiary bodies, agencies and other units can be established if necessary.

General Assembly is an higher organ Organizations of American states. Her powers are defined by 54 articles of the Charter. They are:

(a) The definition of general policies and actions of the organization, the structure and functions of its bodies, consideration of any issue relating to friendly relations between US states;

(b) Definition of measures to coordinate the activities of bodies, agencies and department departments;

(c) Strengthening and coordinating cooperation with the United Nations and its specialized agencies;

(d) Strengthening cooperation with other, close to goals, international organizations in the economic, social and cultural fields;

(e) Approval of the OAS budget;

(f) Studying materials of the consultative meeting of foreign ministers, observations and recommendations of the Permanent Council regarding reports submitted to him by other bodies in accordance with the Charter;

g) adoption general standards management of the activities of the General Secretariat, its own rules of procedures and agenda of sessions.

Each Member of the OAS has one voice. The General Assembly is collected annually on time defined by the rules of procedure, and in a place selected in accordance with the principle of the sequence. At each regular session, the date and place of the next session is determined. If, for one reason or another, the General Assembly cannot be carried out in the selected place, the session can be carried out in a country that will offer its services. And if there is no such proposal, the place is determined by the General Secretariat with the consent of the Permanent Council of the OAS. IN special cases With the consent of the two thirds of Member States, special sessions of the General Assembly may be convened. The sessions are prepared by the Preparatory Committee in which representatives of all Member States participate. Decisions of the General Assembly are accepted by the absolute majority of votes, with the exception of cases requiring two thirds of the votes.

Advisory meetings of foreign ministers It is carried out by solving the absolute majority of Member States to consider the problems of an urgent nature affecting the interests of all states. The agenda of such meetings is drawn up by the Permanent Council of the OAS. In cases where the Foreign Minister cannot attend the meeting, it must be represented by a special delegate. In the case of an armed attack on any American state or conflict on the continent, the Chairman of the Permanent Council convenes a meeting of the Council to consider the conflict from the standpoint of the OAS charter.

For advice on military cooperation exists Advisory Committee Protectionconsisting of the highest military authorities of American states. The Committee meets for its meetings on the same rules as the advisory meeting of foreign ministers, as well as when the General Assembly or advisory meeting of foreign ministers by two thirds of the vote will take such a decision.

Permanent Council of the OAS (PS) - One of the organs through which the OAS has its own goals. It is directly responsible to the General Assembly and consists of representatives of all Member States appointed by the relevant governments in the rank of ambassador. The Permanent Council is managed by any issues assigned to him by the General Assembly or advisory meeting of foreign ministers. In accordance with the terms of the Inter-American Agreement on Mutual Assistance, the Permanent Council is temporarily and as a body of consultation for the agreement participants. Along the Council all its members are alternately in alphabetical order For a period of no more than 6 months. To help the chairman, the vice-chairmen are elected in the same way, but starting from the end of the alphabet. The Permanent Council is intended to promote the preservation of friendly relations between Member States, help them in a peaceful settlement of disputes, while providing good services (Art. 85). By fulfilling its statutory functions and with the consent of the parties to the disputes, the PS may establish permanent committees, study controversial problems in the field.

In cases where one part of the dispute does not accept the recommendations of the PS or the Standing Committee, the Permanent Council should inform the General Assembly about this and continue searching for reconciliation paths. PS decisions are taken by a majority of two-thirds of votes without the participation of the parties to the conflict, with the exception of procedural, for which a fairly simple majority.

The Permanent Council must also comply with such decisions of the General Assembly or advisory meeting of foreign ministers, the fulfillment of which was not entrusted to another body, to ensure compliance with the standards of the charter between the sessions of the General Assembly. It performs the functions of the Preparatory Committee for the preparation of Sessions of the GA, develops projects of contracts and agreements between the Member States of the OAS, between OAS and the UN and other international institutions, considers the reports of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development, the Inter-American Law Committee, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, General Secretariat specialized agencies and conferences, other bodies and agencies. The Permanent Council is located in the same place where the General Secretariat (in Washington).

Inter-American integral development council (Masira) - the body of the organization of American states established by the Managua Protocol, which entered into force on January 29, 1996. Being responsible to the General Assembly, it consists of representatives of all Member States of the OAS of the ministerial rank appointed by the relevant governments, and has the authority to make decisions on issues, associated with a partnership in the name of development. This advice can create subsidiary bodies, which deems necessary, to properly execute their functions. Its purpose is to establish cooperation between American states in the name of integral development, the elimination of poverty, solving other tasks in the economic, social, educational, cultural, scientific and technical fields. Masiir conducts annual meetings at the ministerial level. They produced recommendations to the General Assembly strategic plans Policy formation, program development and coordination of cooperation courses in the interests of integral development, as well as on the preparation of the budget of technical cooperation programs. Here is the appointment of responsible for the implementation. adopted programs and development projects, summarize the results of the work done. Each Council, in case of acute necessity, can convene, after consulting with Member States, special conferences on their competence and assign the necessary services to their request.

Inter-American Legal Committee (Mayuk) It is an advisory authority of the OAS on legal issues designed to promote progressive development, encodify international law, study the legal problems associated with integration developing countries continent and, as far as possible, achieve homogeneity in relevant legislation. Maiuk consists of eleven lawyers elected by the General Assembly for a period of four years from among the candidates submitted by Member States. The Committee cannot be more than one person from one country. Maiuk organizes the study of issues transferred to him by the General Assembly and others governing bodies OAS, establishes relations of cooperation with universities and other centers of training, as well as national and international Committeesengaged in the study of international legal problems and training. The Committee works on its own statute approved by ha. His headquarters is located in Rio de Janeiro, but in special cases it can sit in others agreed with member states.

An important organ of the OAS is Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the main function of which is to promote the observance and protection of human rights. The Commission acts as the Main Advisory Authority of the OAS in these issues. The structure, competence and procedures for the work of this commission and its divisions are determined by the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights.

The central and permanent administrative authority of the organization of American states is General Secretariat.. It is designed to perform the functions imposed on him by the Charter of the OAS and other inter-American treaties and agreements, as well as the General Assembly, an advisory meeting of foreign ministers and the Sovieties of the OAS. Secretary GeneralThe secretariat guiding activity, and his assistant is elected by the General Assembly for a five-year term and are responsible for it. The Secretary-General may be re-elected only once or replaced by a citizen of the same state. When the position Secretary-General It becomes a vacant, Assistant Secretary-General (according to the Charter, he is the secretary of the Permanent Council) fulfills his duties until the General Assembly benefits a new Secretary General. The Secretary General and his assistant should not be citizens of the same country.

The Secretary General or his representative can take part in all OAS meetings "with a voice, but without the right of voting" (Art. 110). It may pay attention to the General Assembly and the Permanent Council on any question that, in his opinion, is able to threaten peace and security on the continent or the development of Member States. The location of the General Secretariat is the city of Washington.

The OAS has its own network of specialized organizations. Inter-American specialized organizations - These are intergovernmental structures established in accordance with multilateral agreements to solve issues common to American states. They enjoy the broadest autonomy in their activities, but are obliged to be guided by the recommendations of the General Assembly and the Councils of the OAS. Currently there are six specialized organizations in the OAS.

Pan American Health Organizationestablished in 1902 by the second international conference of American states (Mexico) and functions as a regional office World Organization Health (for Western Hemisphere). Her Mission is to establish cooperation with the OAS member states in order to combat disease and conservation of a healthy habitat, promoting viable development. The headquarters of the organization is located in Washington.

Inter-American Children's Institutecreated in 1924-1927. And it is intended to determine the public policy in the field of child protection, it is clear to formulate relations between state and civil society and develop a critical understanding of childhood problems. Located in Montevideo (Uruguay).

Inter-American Commission of Womeninstituted at the International Conference of American States (Havana, 1929) as an advisory body on the problems of the situation and living conditions of women on the continent. Located in Washington.

Pan American Institute of Geography and Historyeducated by the decision of the sixth international conference of American states in 1928 and is designed to establish cooperation of states in the fields of cartography, geography, history and geophysics. It is located in Mexico City.

Inter-American Indian Instituteit is organized in accordance with the 1940 Agreement for the establishment of cooperation and coordination of the policy of Member States, assisting in organizing research development of local communities and in their training. The Institute is located in Mexico City.

M. stro-American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculturefounded in 1942 as the Inter-American Institute of Agricultural Sciences, designed to stimulate, promote and support the efforts of the states of the continent in the development of agriculture and improving well-being rural population. Institute's headquarters is located in San Jose (Costa Rica).

Specialized organizations should establish relationships with other international institutions of the same competence in order to coordinate their actions, while maintaining their autonomy as the OAS institutes. In accordance with Articles 90 and 130 of the Charter, they represent the General Assembly annual reports on their activities and financial expenses.

The term of the Charter of the OAS is not limited, but the Member States wishing to get out of the organization must notify the general secretariat about their desire for two years, which will bring this information to the attention of all members.

The Charter of the OHA entered into force in December 1951. Since then, it has been amended in accordance with the protocols:

    Buenos Aires (signed in 1967 and entered into force in February 1970);

    Cartagena de Indias (signed in 1985 and entered into force in November 1988);

    Washington (signed in 1992 and will come into force after ratifying it by two thirds of Member States);

The Baenos Aires Protocol has changed the structure of the organization of American states and included new conditions for cooperation in the economic, social, educational, scientific and cultural and cultural regions. Protocol Cartagena de Indias is provided additional measures According to the consolidation of representative democracy on the principles of non-interference, it denoted the strengthening of the powers of the Permanent Council and the Secretary General of the OAS. The Washington Protocol provides that the Member State of the OAS, the democratically elected government of which was overthrown by force, suspends its right to participate in the councils of the organization. The protocol proclaims the destruction of poverty by one of the main objectives of the OAS. The Managua Protocol created the Inter-American Council for integral development, the purpose of which is to promote the cooperation of American states to eliminate extreme poverty.

Currently, the OHA members are 35 states of the continent. Another 39 countries of the world and the European Union have the status of permanent observers. Russia is a permanent observer from April 1992. Permanent observers have the right to participate in all public discussions of the OAS problems, and at the invitation and in private, trusting discussions, all official documents and materials of sessions, conferences, meetings and meetings are obtained. They can make their contributions (material and other) to the implementation of the OAS programs. The Western Hemisphere States can change their status in the OAS. So, Canada, Belize and Guyana were at the beginning of the O Observers, and from January 1991 they became its full members.

Trade issues I. economic relations Always remained the focus of the OAS. Even when creating an organization, education was planned in possibly a short term of the Latin American total market designed to promote economic integration Continent countries. In 1993, a special trade committee was established. Its purpose is the liberalization of trade between the countries of the hemisphere.

IN software document "Declaration of Principles and Action Plan" adopted by leaders of thirty-four countries of the continent (Miami 7-8 December 1996) was announced American free trade zone.States declared their desire to eliminate gradually existing trading and investment barriers. According to the Action Plan, the OAS should play a primary role in implementing meetings on summit, promote strengthening democracy, promoting and protecting human rights, eliminate the threat of national and international terrorism. It should strive to strengthen mutual trust, free trade in the Western Hemisphere, to promote the development of television and other information infrastructures, the fight against drug trafficking and related crimes, cooperation in the fields of science and technology.

It must be said that such goals are proclaimed the OAS not for the first time. They were announced by the main and in the Declaration of Punta del Este (Uruguay) of 1961. Their practical implementation was to contribute to the tasks aimed at strengthening executive democracy, proclaimed in the document "Union for Progress", achieving quick economic Development and greater social justice.

In 1959, in Santiago (Chile) was established Inter-American Commission on Human RightsDesigned to control the implementation of the human rights proclaimed in the OAS charter, in the American Declaration of Human Rights and Responsibilities (1948) and in the American Convention on Human Rights (signed in 1969 and entered into force in 1978). After the entry into this Convention, in San Jose (Costa Rica) was established Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

In the face of the increasing threat of drug trafficking, the General Assembly of the OAS established in 1986 Inter-American Control Commission for Drug Abuse. It is authorized to promote and facilitate the cooperation of Member States in the fight against illegal production, the use and trading of narcotic drugs.

IN recent decades Xx in. A prominent place in the activities of the OAS was observed over the course of the formation of representative bodies in the countries of the continent. In June 1991, the General Assembly in Santiago adopted " Obligation to democracy and updating the Inter-American system"In which the OAS member states are obliged to support democracy in every possible way as a boarding system. Then the resolution was approved under the name " Representative democracy", Establishing democracy protection procedures where its implementation was interrupted. These procedures were used in Haiti (1991), Peru (1992) and in Guatemala (1993). The special session of the EAS, which took place in Peru took on September 11, 2001 "Inter-American Democratic Charter". In her 28 articles there was a modern understanding of democracy in the spirit of the Federal Republic of Education and Declaration on Democracy MPS, and the obligations of the organization member states strictly follow the rules of the Charter.

In the report of the OAS Secretary General for 2002-2003. The functions of the OAS are defined as such "Technical Secretariat and Institutional Memory" of the meetings of the heads of state and government of the continent. Such meetings within the framework of the OAS occur quite rarely. They took place in 1956 in Panama, in 1967 - in Punta Del Este, in 1994 - in Miami, in 1996 - to Santa Cruz-Del-Sierra. At the first of these meetings, participants agreed to start developing joint development programs and establish a Inter-American Development Bank. At the summit meeting in 1967, the issue of the development and implementation of regional educational, scientific, technological and cultural programs development. The heads of state and government of the countries of the continent announced regional integration of one of the most important goals of the Inter-American system. Summit in Miami in December 1994 stated that "... strengthening, effective implementation and consolidation of democracy constitutes central political priority. "continent and the OAH is "The main institution for the protection of democratic institutions" The meeting in the tops in 1998 was devoted to the problems of sustainable development of the continent. Quite often, meetings of the heads of state of the continent of the continent (over 50 years of the existence of the OAS, 10 meetings in the top of the Rio Group and 6 meetings of Ibero-American countries took place.

The real relationship between the countries of the American continent is fundamentally different from those prescribed by the Charter of the OAS. US intervention for Cuba, Panama, Grenada and other countries that were members of the OAS, have nothing to do with mutual trust, solidarity and non-interference in each other's affairs. " Aggression against one of the American states is aggression against all other» - It says one of the paragraphs of Article 5 of the Charter. And during the conflict between a member of the OAS Argentina and the United Kingdom because of the Falkland (Malvinsky), the USA islands not only have frankly occupied antiarrgertine positions, but also provided their airfields to the enemy of their "allies" on the OAS. However, the majority of the states of the continent were supported and supported by Argentina in her desire to restore their sovereignty over these islands. The XXXIIOSSION General Assembly of the OAS (June 2002) adopted a special "Declaration on Malvinus", which announced the support of Argentina's desire to resolve the issue of Islands in a peaceful way.

« Economic cooperation is the basis of universal well-being and prosperity of the peoples of the continent"," Says another point of the same 5th article of the Charter. Economic boycott and economic blockade, continuing, contrary to the will of many OAS member countries, for more than 40 years in relation to Cuba - the reality of the same American continent. The actual boycott was announced and Chile after the president of this country of Socialist Salvador Allend.

The United States has repeatedly made attempts to exclude the OAS's charter some of the above provisions, but most of the members of the OAS have opposed to these attempts. The United States refuses to cooperate with the OAS in matters of joint implementation of the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights, refuse to reckon with the decisions of the Inter-American Commission and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. These include the words of Senator Helms in the first chapter of Senator Helms that there is only one right in America and one court is the Constitution and the US Supreme Court. UN diseases are thus illness and a number of other international institutions.

On the American continent there are almost 1.5 dozen regional institutions of different competence. The most active of them are:

Central American Common Market (CAC);

Latin American Integration Association (LAI);

Caribbean Free Trade Association (Karik), transformed later in the Caribbean market;

Andean group;

Argentino-Brazilian general market;

North American Free Trade Association (Nafta).

As can be seen, the degree of integration of the countries of the Western Hemisphere is not the same. States North America Integrated better than South America countries. It should be assumed that the socio-economic and political progress on the continent will certainly lead to the lives of new institutions of cooperation living there.

Today it is recommended to consider the OAS. The association, referred to as the organization of American states, has clear goals and principles of its activities, is officially approved by the charter, an extensive structure and an impressive number of Member States. Our task will get acquainted in detail with the above.

What is OAA.

Organization of American states (eng. ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES,fr. Organisation des États américains,span. Organización de los Estados Americanos, port. Organização Dos Estados Americanos)OAS (OAS) is referred to as the International Association of States formed in 1948 at the 9th Inter-American Conference in the Columbia Town of Bogota. Its base was the Pan American Union (1889) - a consultative association of a number of American republics.

As part of OAS 35 (33 at present) member countries. Working language four - English, Portuguese, Spanish and French. The management body of the Organization is the General Assembly. The headquarters of the association is located in the USA - Washington.

Education of the organization of American states. OAS: History

The OAS in the form of the Pan American Union began its work in 1889 - from the first American international conference held in Washington. It was then that the base was prepared for its institutions and regulations, and the basis of this association was also approved. The year of creating an organization of American states is considered to be 1948 - the year of signing its statute. By virtue of it entered in 1951

For most Member countries, the practice of joining the OAS immediately after receiving or decaying independence. The exceptions were Canada (1990) and Guyana (1991) the second became the last country adopted today in this American Union.

Until 1962, Cuba was considered a full member of the OAS, but after choosing the path of socialism, the General Assembly in order to ensure the safety of its members decided to exclude this state from among its participants. The organization of American countries also ordered its members to break all diplomatic relations with Cuba, at least some of them voted against it. Only on July 3, 2009, the suspension of the participation of this country in the OAS was canceled, but the Cuban government did not hurry to decide to return to the Union.

In 1971, it was decided to introduce the Institute of Observers of the OAS. In 2015, these status have already 70 states, which include and the Russian Federation. Currently, the authority and positions of the organization of American states substantially weakened the purely Latin American associations without the participation of the United States - Unasur (Union of South American Nations), the CELAC (community of Latin American and the Caribbean states).

In April 2017, Nicholas Maduro sent a message to the General Secretariat of the OAS, which he said that his state immediately leaves the Union.

Participating Countries

So, who enters the organization of American states:

  • Dominica;
  • Peru;
  • Uruguay;
  • Barbados;
  • Honduras;
  • Antigua and Barbuda;
  • Mexico;
  • Salvador;
  • Paraguay;
  • Guyana;
  • Trinidad, Tobago;
  • Saint Lucia;
  • Colombia;
  • Nicaragua;
  • Bolivia;
  • Suriname;
  • Panama;
  • Chile;
  • Saint Vincent, Grenadines;
  • Costa Rica;
  • Dominican Republic;
  • Guatemala;
  • Saint Kitts, Nevis;
  • Bahamas o-va;
  • Argentina;
  • Belize;
  • Canada;
  • Ecuador;
  • Grenada;
  • Mexico;
  • Brazil;
  • Jamaica.

Earlier, Cuba and Venezuela was also listed in the Union.

Objectives of the OAA

The goals of the organization of American states, based on the Charter, the following:

  • and security on two American continents.
  • The priority compliance with the principle of non-interference, the strengthening of representative democratic authorities in the participating countries.
  • Contribute to the peaceful decision of disputes between member countries, as well as prevent possible conflict brewing.
  • Combine your strength in the case of external aggression.
  • Contribute to solving a number of problems of participating countries - economic, social, legal ones.
  • Promote common social, cultural and economic development.
  • Make the direction of its development limit the number of weapons, putting all the resources for social and economic development.

Basic principles of the Union

The creation of the organization of American states implied strict compliance with its participants in a number of principles:

  • The norm of interaction between participants is international law.
  • The relations of the participating countries are built on respect for the rights of sovereignty of states and the individuals of their citizens, as well as on the basis of strict compliance with the obligations prescribed by international treaties.
  • The relations between the participants of the OAS addled on the principles of goodwill and mutual trust.
  • Each State Party for its the main goal Must choose a device for effective representative democracy.
  • The cooperation of the OAS countries is based on the principles of non-interference in each other's policies, the independence of government systems.
  • The participating countries oppose aggressive wars.
  • Aggression against one member state is regarded as aggression against the entire OAS.
  • All disputes between participants should be solved only by a peaceful way.
  • Economic cooperation Must lead to the overall welfare of citizens of member countries.
  • The basis of the world is social security and justice.
  • Personal rights of all citizens are equal - regardless of their gender, race and age.
  • The spiritual unity of the OAS countries is based on mutual national cultures of each other, the desire for high ideals of universal culture.
  • The work of educational institutions of the OAS states should be based on the promotion of universal peace, freedom and equality.

Structure of the OAS

The organization of American states (OAS) exercises its goals of the following hierarchy of the organs:

  • General Assembly;
  • consultative advisory body of ministers of foreign affairs of participating States;
  • Advice;
  • Inter-American Legal Committee;
  • special Inter-American Commission on Human Rights;
  • General Secretariat;
  • specialized agencies and conferences.

Perhaps additional creation on specific issues of subsidiary institutions and bodies.

Charter of the organization of American states

The Charter of the OAS was adopted on 04/30/1948 in Bogota (Colombia). It consists of 3 parts, 23 chapters and 151 articles. Its structure is as follows:

  • Part 1:
    • The nature of the document, transfer of the main objectives of the organization.
    • Principles of the OAS.
    • Provisions concerning members of the organization.
    • Disclosure of the concept " comprehensive development"In this union of states.
  • Part 2:
    • The structure of the organization.
    • Regulations on the General Assembly.
    • Principles of work of the Advisory Meeting of Internal Affairs.
    • Organization Tips: general provisions; Articles that understand the work of the Permanent Council.
    • Inter-American Social and Economic Council.
    • Council for education, science and culture.
    • Legal Committee of the Organization of American States.
    • Commission on Human Rights.
    • General Secretariat.
    • Articles about specialized conferences.
    • Points on specialized agencies.
  • Part 3:
    • Different provisions of the document.
    • Ratification and time of action.
    • Listing temporary positions.

About General Assembly

The Supreme Governing Body of the Organization of American States is recognized by the General Assembly. It performs inside the structure a number of important functions:

  • Determines the general vectors of the activity and policies of the entire system.
  • Considers all issues related to the relationship between members.
  • Coordinates the activities of all subordinate bodies and institutions.
  • Strengthens and develops cooperation with the UN.
  • Actively promote cooperation with other international organizations in the social, economic and cultural sphere, preferring alliances with similar purposes.
  • Approves the budget program of organizing American states, sets the size of the quotas of participants.
  • All annual reports and reports of controlled bodies and institutions.
  • Accept general ruleswhich works the General Secretariat.
  • Takes fully its regulations and 2/3 of the agenda.

Absolutely, all countries of the OAS are presented in the General Assembly; Each has the right only to one voice. This Supreme Council is collected annually in the city, which is chosen according to the principle of alternation. All resolutions are approved large number votes. Exception - projects prescribed in the Charter, for the adoption of 2/3 "for".

About members of the OAS

We present the most significant provisions on members of the organization of American states:

  • The entrance to the union is open to any American country or the Union of States, agreeing to take all the obligations of the charter and ratify it.
  • The decision to adopt a new member is determined by the voting of all participants - for a positive verdict requires 2/3 of the votes.
  • All the parties in the OAS have equal rights and responsibilities.
  • Each of the participants should not be limited in the distinctive way to develop their political, economic and social life.
  • None of the members has the right to even indirectly interfere in the internal state affairs of the other.
  • The territory of each of the member states is inviolable.
  • All disputes are solved only by a peaceful way - this is arbitration, reconciliation, direct negotiations, judicial procedures, etc.
  • If the inviolability and integrity of one or more participating States will be broken, then the other members of the OAS should be inserted to protect it / their sovereignty.

Disclosure of the concept of "comprehensive development" within the framework of the OAS

The comprehensive development of participants in the organization of American states (OAS), agreed in its Charter, means the following:

  • A constant increase in GDP, a fair distribution of national income, adequate tax systems, modernization of agriculture, a stable price level, fair salary, the introduction of modern advances in medicine, creating a decent standard of living for the population and so on.
  • Providing access to world markets to its regions, creation favorable conditions To conclude international business agreements, expanding opportunities for exports, etc.
  • Respect for the personal rights of their citizens, providing them with economic stability, social security, freedom of spiritual development; the creation of a legal system protecting the right of everyone without excluding a citizen; creating trade unions; Ensuring universal primary and secondary education and free access to higher and so on.

OAS is one of the oldest American international Associations. The organization combines 33 countries today, has an extensive structure, its own charter with clearly designated goals and principles of activity.

OAS - The first continental organization of the world, which began to develop almost immediately after independence is gained by Latin American countries. Her origins stood the leaders of the Latin American revolution led by Simon Bolivar. Back in 1826, the first congress of Latin American representatives was held in Panama in order to achieve the unity of the peoples of the continent by creating the federation of the Latin American republics. But then this idea did not receive support from most of the Congress participants.

Several otherwise imagined the unity of the continent of the United States. President James Monroe is still in the period of the struggle of the peoples of Latin America for independence proclaimed the doctrine, according to which the United States should be the dominant force on the West Hemisphere. Therefore, the leaders of young Latin American states did not really trust their northern neighbor. " I think America is better to accept the Quran, rather than the form of the United States rule"Said S. Bolivar. Indeed, the true intentions of the United States on the continent were manifested very soon on the example of the neighboring Mexico, from which they, through provocations and interventions, rejected a third of the territory.

There were decades, new generations of people grew, the ideas of continental solidarity were born, based on the proximity of the economic interests and cultures of peoples. In the name of their implementation from October 1889 to April 1890, in Washington, the first International Congress of American States, which establishes (April 14, 1890) International Soyuz American states And his secretariat - Commercial bureau of the American republics.In 1910, this organization was renamed Pan American Union.

The first and second world wars contributed to the increase in the role of the Latin American states in international life as far from the fronts of the war. In 1947, representatives of 18 American states signed in Rio de Janeiro the so-called " Inter-American Pact » or « Inter-American treaty on mutual overtake" And on April 30, 1948, the 20 states of the continent signed the Charter in the capital of Columbia Organizations of American states (OAS).

According to the Charter, the Organization is created to achieve peace and legality, strengthening solidarity, strengthening cooperation, the protection of sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of American states. The main goals of the OAS, according to Article 2. Its Charter are:

a) strengthening peace and security on the continent;

(b) Promotion and strengthening of representative democracy with due respect to the principle of non-interference;

(c) Preventing possible causes of difficulties and ensuring a peaceful settlement of disagreements that may arise between the OAS member states;

(d) Organization of joint actions in the event of aggression;

(e) Promoting the search for solutions of political, legal and economic problems that may arise between the countries of the continent;

(f) Promotion, by joint actions, their economic, social and cultural development;

(g) Overcoming extreme poverty, which is a barrier on the path of democratic development of the peoples of the continent;

(h) Achieving an effective limitation of ordinary weapons, which will allow to send more funds to the economic and social development of Member States.

Relations between members of the OAS should be based on the principles of respect for human rights, sovereignty of states, strict fulfillment of obligations arising from contracts and other sources of international law, good will and solidarity in the effective implementation of representative democracy. The Charter admits that each state has the right to choose, without interference from the outside, political, economic, and social system and elect the most suitable way of development, refrain from interference in other states.

US states undertake to comprehensively cooperate with each other, regardless of the nature of their political, economic and social systems. Aggression condemns; It is recognized that the victory does not give any rights. The spiritual unity of the continent should be based on respect for the cultural values \u200b\u200bof the Americas and therefore requires close cooperation. Article 9 of the Charter of the OAS provides that the right of a member of the organization to participate in the activities of the OAS and its governing bodies may be suspended if its democratically chosen government will be overthrown by force.

The Charter of the OAS prohibits the intervention of states into each other's affairs. " No state or group of states - it says its 19 article - nor under any pretext has the right to direct or indirect interference in the internal or external affairs of any state. The above principle prohibits not only armed intervention, but also any other form of intervention, which is aimed at encroaching on the very state or its political, economic and cultural bodies" The following article prohibits the use of compulsory measures of an economic or political nature in order to influence the sovereign will of another state and to extract any benefit from this.

The territory of the OAS member states is declared inviolable and cannot be occupied by anyone even temporarily. Territorial acquisitions or advantages obtained by force or other means of coercion cannot be recognized. All disputes between the OAS members should be governed by such peaceful means as: direct negotiations, good services, mediation, learning and reconciliation, judicial settlement, arbitration and others with which the parties may agree at any time.

The OAS was created to jointly secure collective security. " Aggression against one American state is aggression against all other"," Said Article 3 of the Charter (p. H). In the 28 article, this thought is even more strengthened: " Each act of aggression against the territorial integrity or integrity of the territory, against the sovereignty or political independence of any American state will be considered as an act of aggression against other US states" Under all conditions, when the integrity or integrity of the territory, sovereignty or political independence of any American state is threatened as a result of an armed attack or another act of aggression from the outside, US states should undertake immediate action in accordance with the principles of continental solidarity and collective self-defense. The same is done in cases of conflict between two or more American states, as well as with any other situations that are dangerous peace on the continent.

The principles of inter-American solidarity and cooperation should be permeated and cooperation of the OAS member countries in the field of economic, social, educational, cultural, scientific and technological development. They are obliged to refrain from policies and actions that can harm the development of other countries. Multinational enterprises in the countries of the continent should obey the legislation of countries in which they are located, and international agreements, whose participants these states are.

The Charter proclaims (Art. 45) that a person can realize his aspirations only at economically developed and based on a true world social order. Based on this, Member States undertake to be guided in their daily activities The following principles:

a) all people, without distinguishing races, gender, nationality, faith or social origin, are entitled to material well-being and spiritual development in the conditions of freedom, dignity, equality of opportunity and economic protection;

b) labor - right and social debt, it should be carried out in conditions involving a fair payment system, guaranteeing life, health and a decent standard of living for the worker and his family both during the period of work and at the occurrence of old age or when or when For other reasons, he is deprived of the opportunity to work;

c) employees and workers both in a village and in the city have the right to free associations to protect their interests, including the right to collective agreements, strikes, recognition for associations of legal entities with the protection of their freedom and independence in accordance with the law;

(f) The involvement and increasing participation of marginal layers in the economic, social, civil, cultural and political life of the country in order to achieve the full integration of society, accelerate the process of social mobility and consolidation of the democratic system.

Of paramount importance in the plans of its development, the Member States of the OAS should give the support of education, science, technology and culture. Special attention of the OAS member states pledged to devote to the eradication of illiteracy, for which the possibility of obtaining primary education for the state account will be provided not only to children of school age, but also adults. It is envisaged to expand the system of secondary and higher education.

OAH governing bodies.

According to Article 53 of the OAS charter, its goals will be achieved by the work of the following bodies:

a) General Assembly;

(b) Consultative Meeting of Foreign Ministers;

c) tips;

(d) Inter-American Legal Committee;

(e) The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights;

(f) General Secretariat;

g) specialized conferences and

h) specialized organizations.

Additionally, subsidiary bodies, agencies and other units can be established if necessary.

General Assembly He is the highest body of the organization of American states. Her powers are defined by 54 articles of the Charter. They are:

(a) The definition of general policies and actions of the organization, the structure and functions of its bodies, consideration of any issue relating to friendly relations between US states;

(b) Definition of measures to coordinate the activities of bodies, agencies and department departments;

(c) Strengthening and coordinating cooperation with the United Nations and its specialized agencies;

(d) Strengthening cooperation with other, close to goals, international organizations in the economic, social and cultural fields;

(e) Approval of the OAS budget;

(f) Studying materials of the consultative meeting of foreign ministers, observations and recommendations of the Permanent Council regarding reports submitted to him by other bodies in accordance with the Charter;

(g) The adoption of general standards for managing the activities of the General Secretariat, the proper rules of procedures and the agenda of sessions.

Each Member of the OAS has one voice. The General Assembly is collected annually on time defined by the rules of procedure, and in a place selected in accordance with the principle of the sequence. At each regular session, the date and place of the next session is determined. If, for one reason or another, the General Assembly cannot be carried out in the selected place, the session can be carried out in a country that will offer its services. And if there is no such proposal, the place is determined by the General Secretariat with the consent of the Permanent Council of the OAS. In special cases, with the consent of two thirds of Member States, special sessions of the General Assembly may be convened. The sessions are prepared by the Preparatory Committee in which representatives of all Member States participate. Decisions of the General Assembly are accepted by the absolute majority of votes, with the exception of cases requiring two thirds of the votes.

Advisory meetings of foreign ministers It is carried out by solving the absolute majority of Member States to consider the problems of an urgent nature affecting the interests of all states. The agenda of such meetings is drawn up by the Permanent Council of the OAS. In cases where the Foreign Minister cannot attend the meeting, it must be represented by a special delegate. In the case of an armed attack on any American state or conflict on the continent, the Chairman of the Permanent Council convenes a meeting of the Council to consider the conflict from the standpoint of the OAS charter.

For advice on military cooperation exists Advisory Committee Protectionconsisting of the highest military authorities of American states. The Committee meets for its meetings on the same rules as the advisory meeting of foreign ministers, as well as when the General Assembly or advisory meeting of foreign ministers by two thirds of the vote will take such a decision.

Permanent Council of the OAS (PS) - One of the organs through which the OAS has its own goals. It is directly responsible to the General Assembly and consists of representatives of all Member States appointed by the relevant governments in the rank of ambassador. The Permanent Council is managed by any issues assigned to him by the General Assembly or advisory meeting of foreign ministers. In accordance with the terms of the Inter-American Agreement on Mutual Assistance, the Permanent Council is temporarily and as a body of consultation for the agreement participants. Along the Council, all its members alternately alphabetically for a period of no more than 6 months. To help the chairman, the vice-chairmen are elected in the same way, but starting from the end of the alphabet. The Permanent Council is intended to promote the preservation of friendly relations between Member States, help them in a peaceful settlement of disputes, while providing good services (Art. 85). By fulfilling its statutory functions and with the consent of the parties to the disputes, the PS may establish permanent committees, study controversial problems in the field.

In cases where one part of the dispute does not accept the recommendations of the PS or the Standing Committee, the Permanent Council should inform the General Assembly about this and continue searching for reconciliation paths. PS decisions are taken by a majority of two-thirds of votes without the participation of the parties to the conflict, with the exception of procedural, for which a fairly simple majority.

The Permanent Council must also comply with such decisions of the General Assembly or advisory meeting of foreign ministers, the fulfillment of which was not entrusted to another body, to ensure compliance with the standards of the charter between the sessions of the General Assembly. It performs the functions of the Preparatory Committee for the preparation of Sessions of the GA, develops projects of contracts and agreements between the Member States of the OAS, between OAS and the UN and other international institutions, considers the reports of the Inter-American Council for Integral Development, the Inter-American Law Committee, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, General Secretariat specialized agencies and conferences, other bodies and agencies. The Permanent Council is located in the same place where the General Secretariat (in Washington).

Inter-American integral development council (Masira) - the body of the organization of American states established by the Managua Protocol, which entered into force on January 29, 1996. Being responsible to the General Assembly, it consists of representatives of all Member States of the OAS of the ministerial rank appointed by the relevant governments, and has the authority to make decisions on issues, associated with a partnership in the name of development. This advice can create subsidiary bodies, which deems necessary, to properly execute their functions. Its purpose is to establish cooperation between American states in the name of integral development, the elimination of poverty, solving other tasks in the economic, social, educational, cultural, scientific and technical fields. Masiir conducts annual meetings at the ministerial level. They develop recommendations to the General Assembly on strategic policy formation plans, program development and coordination of cooperation courses in the interests of integral development, as well as to prepare the budget of technical cooperation programs. Here is the appointment of responsible for the implementation of adopted programs and projects of development, the results of the work done are summed up. Each Council, in case of acute necessity, can convene, after consulting with Member States, special conferences on their competence and assign the necessary services to their request.

Inter-American Legal Committee (Mayuk) It is an advisory authority of the OAS on legal issues designed to promote progressive development, encodify international law, to study the legal problems associated with the integration of developing countries of the continent and, as far as possible, achieve homogeneity in relevant legislation. Maiuk consists of eleven lawyers elected by the General Assembly for a period of four years from among the candidates submitted by Member States. The Committee cannot be more than one person from one country. Mayuk organizes the study of issues transferred to him by the General Assembly and other OAS governing bodies, establishes relations of cooperation with universities and other training centers, as well as with national and international committees engaged in studying legal problems of an international nature and training. The Committee works on its own statute approved by ha. His headquarters is located in Rio de Janeiro, but in special cases it can sit in others agreed with member states.

An important organ OAS is Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the main function of which is to promote the observance and protection of human rights. The Commission acts as the Main Advisory Authority of the OAS in these issues. The structure, competence and procedures for the work of this commission and its divisions are determined by the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights.

The central and permanent administrative authority of the organization of American states is General Secretariat.. It is designed to perform the functions imposed on him by the Charter of the OAS and other inter-American treaties and agreements, as well as the General Assembly, an advisory meeting of foreign ministers and the Sovieties of the OAS. Secretary GeneralThe secretariat guiding activity, and his assistant is elected by the General Assembly for a five-year term and are responsible for it. The Secretary-General may be re-elected only once or replaced by a citizen of the same state. When the position of the Secretary-General becomes vacant, the Secretary-General's assistant (according to the Charter, he is the secretary of the Permanent Council) fulfills its responsibilities until the General Assembly benefits the new Secretary General. The Secretary General and his assistant should not be citizens of the same country.

The Secretary General or his representative can take part in all OAS meetings "with a voice, but without the right of voting" (Art. 110). It may pay attention to the General Assembly and the Permanent Council on any question that, in his opinion, is able to threaten peace and security on the continent or the development of Member States. The location of the General Secretariat is the city of Washington.

The OAS has its own network of specialized organizations. Inter-American specialized organizations - These are intergovernmental structures established in accordance with multilateral agreements to solve issues common to American states. They enjoy the broadest autonomy in their activities, but are obliged to be guided by the recommendations of the General Assembly and the Councils of the OAS. Currently there are six specialized organizations in the OAS.

Pan American Health Organizationestablished in 1902 by the second international conference of American states (Mexico) and functions as a regional office of the World Health Organization (for the Western Hemisphere). Her Mission is to establish cooperation with the OAS member states in order to combat disease and conservation of a healthy habitat, promoting viable development. The headquarters of the organization is located in Washington.

Inter-American Children's Institutecreated in 1924-1927. and is intended to determine the public policy in the field of child protection, it is clear to formulate relations between state and civil society and develop a critical understanding of childhood problems. Located in Montevideo (Uruguay).

Inter-American Commission of Womeninstituted at the International Conference of American States (Havana, 1929) as an advisory body on the problems of the situation and living conditions of women on the continent. Located in Washington.

Pan American Institute of Geography and Historyeducated by the decision of the sixth international conference of American states in 1928 and is designed to establish cooperation of states in the fields of cartography, geography, history and geophysics. It is located in Mexico City.

Inter-American Indian Instituteit is organized in accordance with the 1940 Agreement for the establishment of cooperation and coordination of the policy of Member States, assisting in organizing research development of local communities and in their training. The Institute is located in Mexico City.

M. stro-American Institute for Cooperation in Agriculturefounded in 1942 as the Inter-American Institute for Agricultural Sciences, designed to stimulate, promote and support the efforts of the states of the continent in the development of agriculture and improving the welfare of the rural population. Institute's headquarters is located in San Jose (Costa Rica).

Specialized organizations should establish relationships with other international institutions of the same competence in order to coordinate their actions, while maintaining their autonomy as the OAS institutes. In accordance with Articles 90 and 130 of the Charter, they represent the General Assembly annual reports on their activities and financial expenses.

The term of the Charter of the OAS is not limited, but the Member States wishing to get out of the organization must notify the general secretariat about their desire for two years, which will bring this information to the attention of all members.

The Charter of the OHA entered into force in December 1951. Since then, it has been amended in accordance with the protocols:

· Buenos Aires (signed in 1967 and entered into force in February 1970);

· Cartagena de Indias (signed in 1985 and entered into force in November 1988);

· Washington (signed in 1992 and will come into force after ratifying it by two thirds of Member States);

The Baenos Aires Protocol has changed the structure of the organization of American states and included new conditions for cooperation in the economic, social, educational, scientific and cultural and cultural regions. Cartagena de Indias Protocol is provided for additional measures to consolidate representative democracy on the principles of non-interference, launched an increase in the powers of the Permanent Council and the Secretary General of the OAS. The Washington Protocol provides that the Member State of the OAS, the democratically elected government of which was overthrown by force, suspends its right to participate in the councils of the organization. The protocol proclaims the destruction of poverty by one of the main objectives of the OAS. The Managua Protocol created the Inter-American Council for integral development, the purpose of which is to promote the cooperation of American states to eliminate extreme poverty.

Currently, the OHA members are 35 states of the continent. Another 39 countries of the world and the European Union have the status of permanent observers. Russia is a permanent observer from April 1992. Permanent observers have the right to participate in all public discussions of the OAS problems, and at the invitation and in private, trusting discussions, all official documents and materials of sessions, conferences, meetings and meetings are obtained. They can make their contributions (material and other) to the implementation of the OAS programs. The Western Hemisphere States can change their status in the OAS. So, Canada, Belize and Guyana were at the beginning of the O Observers, and from January 1991 they became its full members.

Commerce and economic relations have always remained the focus of the OAS. Even when creating an organization, education was planned in possibly a short term of the Latin American total market, designed to promote the economic integration of the countries of the continent. In 1993, a special trade committee was established. Its purpose is the liberalization of trade between the countries of the hemisphere.

In the program document "Declaration of Principles and Action Plan", adopted by the leaders of thirty-four countries of the continent (Miami 7-8 December 1996) was announced American zone Free trade.States declared their desire to eliminate gradually existing trading and investment barriers. According to the Action Plan, the OAS should play a primary role in implementing decision-making decisions to promote democracy, promoting and protecting human rights, eliminate the threat of national and international terrorism. It should strive to strengthen mutual trust, free trade in the Western Hemisphere, to promote the development of television and other information infrastructures, the fight against drug trafficking and related crimes, cooperation in the fields of science and technology.

It must be said that such goals are proclaimed the OAS not for the first time. They were announced by the main and in the Declaration of Punta del Este (Uruguay) of 1961. Their practical implementation was to be promoted to the tasks proclaimed in the "Union" document aimed at strengthening executive democracy, achieving rapid economic development and greater social justice.

In 1959, in Santiago (Chile) was established Inter-American Commission on Human RightsDesigned to control the implementation of the human rights proclaimed in the OAS charter, in the American Declaration of Human Rights and Responsibilities (1948) and in the American Convention on Human Rights (signed in 1969 and entered into force in 1978). After the entry into this Convention, in San Jose (Costa Rica) was established Inter-American Court of Human Rights.

In the face of the increasing threat of drug trafficking, the General Assembly of the OAS established in 1986 Inter-American Control Commission for Drug Abuse. It is authorized to promote and facilitate the cooperation of Member States in the fight against illegal production, the use and trading of narcotic drugs.

In recent decades, the twentieth century A prominent place in the activities of the OAS was observed over the course of the formation of representative bodies in the countries of the continent. In June 1991, the General Assembly in Santiago adopted " Obligation to democracy and updating the Inter-American system"In which the OAS member states are obliged to support democracy in every possible way as a boarding system. Then the resolution was approved under the name " Representative democracy", Establishing democracy protection procedures where its implementation was interrupted. These procedures were used in Haiti (1991), Peru (1992) and in Guatemala (1993). The special session of the EAS, which took place in Peru took on September 11, 2001 "Inter-American Democratic Charter". In her 28 articles there was a modern understanding of democracy in the spirit of the Federal Republic of Education and Declaration on Democracy MPS, and the obligations of the organization member states strictly follow the rules of the Charter.

In the report of the OAS Secretary General for 2002-2003. The functions of the OAS are defined as such "Technical Secretariat and Institutional Memory" of the meetings of the heads of state and government of the continent. Such meetings within the framework of the OAS occur quite rarely. They took place in 1956 in Panama, in 1967 - in Punta Del Este, in 1994 - in Miami, in 1996 - to Santa Cruz-Del-Sierra. At the first of these meetings, participants agreed to start developing joint development programs and establish a Inter-American Development Bank. At the top meeting in 1967, the issue of the development and implementation of regional educational, scientific, technological and cultural development programs was discussed. The heads of state and government of the countries of the continent announced regional integration of one of the most important goals of the Inter-American system. Summit in Miami in December 1994 stated that "... strengthening, effective implementation and consolidation of democracy constitutes central political priority. "continent and the OAH is "The main institution for the protection of democratic institutions" The meeting in the tops in 1998 was devoted to the problems of sustainable development of the continent. Quite often, meetings of the heads of state of the continent of the continent (over 50 years of the existence of the OAS, 10 meetings in the top of the Rio Group and 6 meetings of Ibero-American countries took place.

Real relationship Between the countries of the American continent they are fundamentally different from those prescribed by the OAS charter. US intervention for Cuba, Panama, Grenada and other countries that were members of the OAS, have nothing to do with mutual trust, solidarity and non-interference in each other's affairs. " Aggression against one of the American states is aggression against all other» - It says one of the paragraphs of Article 5 of the Charter. And during the conflict between a member of the OAS Argentina and the United Kingdom because of the Falkland (Malvinsky), the USA islands not only have frankly occupied antiarrgertine positions, but also provided their airfields to the enemy of their "allies" on the OAS. However, the majority of the states of the continent were supported and supported by Argentina in her desire to restore their sovereignty over these islands. The XXXIIOSSION General Assembly of the OAS (June 2002) adopted a special "Declaration on Malvinus", which announced the support of Argentina's desire to resolve the issue of Islands in a peaceful way.

« Economic cooperation is the basis of universal well-being and prosperity of the peoples of the continent"," Says another point of the same 5th article of the Charter. Economic boycott and economic blockade, continuing, contrary to the will of many OAS member countries, for more than 40 years in relation to Cuba - the reality of the same American continent. The actual boycott was announced and Chile after the president of this country of Socialist Salvador Allend.

The United States has repeatedly made attempts to exclude the OAS's charter some of the above provisions, but most of the members of the OAS have opposed to these attempts. The United States refuses to cooperate with the OAS in matters of joint implementation of the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights, refuse to reckon with the decisions of the Inter-American Commission and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. These include the words of Senator Helms in the first chapter, the words of Senator Helms that there is only one right in America and one court - the Constitution and Supreme Court USA. UN diseases are thus illness and a number of other international institutions.

On the American continent there are almost 1.5 dozen regional institutions of different competence. The most active of them are:

Central American Common Market (CAC);

Latin American Integration Association (LAI);

Caribbean Free Trade Association (Karik), transformed later in the Caribbean market;

Andean group;

Argentino-Brazilian general market;

North American Free Trade Association (Nafta).

As can be seen, the degree of integration of the countries of the Western Hemisphere is not the same. North America's states are integrated better than South America countries. It must be assumed that the socio-economic and political progress On the continent will certainly lead to life new institutions of cooperation between peoples living there.