natural world reef reserve

Nature has created natural corners where peace and complete balance reign. There are many such places on Earth and all of them are beautiful and interesting in their own way. Anyone who can feel this beauty and harmony has the right to consider himself truly happy. It is becoming increasingly difficult to preserve the integrity of nature and leave it untouched. Man and his economic activity upset this balance. Those corners that have remained untouched are protected and called reserves. Around the world, a huge number of the most different reserves! Here are 10 of the most beautiful nature reserves in the world

Pantanal Reserve

Swamp. It seems that it could be ... darker? It turns out that the swamp can be beautiful enough to become reserved place planets. The swamps of the Pantanal, spread over the territory of Brazil and captivating small parts of Bolivia and Paraguay - the most a large number of animal species on earth! Some of them appeared right here, like giant anteater or capybaras (capybara), others are simply overwhelming in their numbers. Can you imagine millions of crocodiles? If not, then come to the Pantanal! In total, about 3500 species of plants, 650 species of birds, 80 species of mammals, 50 species of reptiles, 230 species of fish live here.

Endless Serengeti Plain

It is this meaning in one of the local dialects that the word Serengeti has. The endless plain of the largest national park in Tanzania, which is home to about 3 million large animals and 500 varieties of birds, the number of which cannot be counted! The reserve is considered the best place planets where you can observe the life of giraffes, lions, cheetahs. But the most interesting phenomenon, which can be seen in the Serengeti - wildebeest migration! Each year, over a million antelopes and 200,000 zebras migrate twice from north to south and back following the rainy seasons, covering 3,000 kilometers.

Islands of Evolution

Galapagos is an amazing corner of the planet, where you can see the evolution of nature live. Galapagos Islands named after giant sea ​​turtles, which were first seen by the Spaniards who discovered this land: "galápagos" - water turtles. Living evolution is no joke, the islands look like a time portal allowing you to see prehistoric species animals. Twelve representatives of the animal world and 13 species of birds live only in the Galapagos - among them elephant turtle, Galapagos penguin, blue-footed booby. The first map of the location of the islands was made by the pirate Ambrose Cowley back in 1684, who named the islands by the names of familiar pirates or English nobles who helped them. In the future, the islands received other names - in honor of the king and queen of Spain, the expedition of Columbus and even Charles Darwin. One of them is the uninhabited island of Bartolome.

One of the 7 Wonders of Nature

The Great Barrier Reef is a real miracle of the natural world and the largest natural object created by living organisms on Earth. It has been built for hundreds of thousands of years by microorganisms - coral polyps, millimeter by millimeter creating a miracle of the planet, visible from space. 400 species of red to deep yellow corals have been living here for over 400,000 years, in an ecosystem they have created that is home to over 1,500 species marine fish, several species of whales and dolphins, other amazing sea ​​creatures. The reef islands are home to sea turtles and home to 240 bird species.

The most intensive growth Big Reef occurred in the last 8 thousand years, when the level of the World Ocean rose noticeably, and the new "buildings" of coral polyps are only 200 years old. Yellow, red, orange, white, black and blue-purple corals can also be your decoration. But main enemy coral reef, of course not fashionistas, but natural phenomena(hurricanes) natural enemy starfish Acanthaster planci (crown of thorns), global warming.

Grand Canyon, USA

The Grand Canyon is one of the deepest canyons in the world. Located on the Colorado Plateau, Arizona, USA, on the territory of the Grand Canyon National Park. It is cut by the Colorado River in the thickness of limestones, shales and sandstones. The length of the canyon is 446 kilometers. The width (at the level of the plateau) ranges from 6 to 29 kilometers, at the bottom level - less than a kilometer. Depth - up to 1600 meters.

The canyon was cut by the Colorado River in the thickness of limestone, shale and sandstone about 5-6 million years ago. These arguably the most complete geological outcrops in the world represent the history of the Earth over 1.5 billion years.

Yellowstone, USA

The very first, most famous, highest geysers and the largest alpine lake in North America All of this is Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone Lake is one of the largest high-altitude lakes in North America - located in the crater of the largest supervolcano on the continent. Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

On the territory of the most beautiful reserve there are 16 large karst lakes, 140 waterfalls, 20 caves. Moreover, new waterfalls are born here every year. Feature reserve - the color of the water. Pictures of the lakes look like a photomontage, but the water here is really azure.

Snowdonia, UK

Unlike nature reserves in other countries, Snowdonia, like other national parks England and Wales, includes both public and private lands. Snowdonia has 2381 km of open hiking trails, 264 km of trails for walkers and horseback riders and 74 km of other open roads.

Iguazu, Argentina-Brazil

Iguazu is a whole water complex located on the river of the same name. There are waterfalls on the border of Brazil and Argentina, the Devil's Throat waterfall separates the two countries - the largest of the entire complex. Iguazu refers to 275 separate waterfalls. The height of the water fall of some reaches 82 meters, but most of the waterfalls are a little more than 60 meters. According to legend, after the first lady of the United States, Eleanor Roosevelt, first saw Iguazu, she exclaimed: "Poor Niagara!" A surprised woman can be easily understood: the Brazilian-Argentine waterfall is four times wider than the North American Niagara.

Hoping to save natural resources for posterity, the authorities of the countries take under protection natural complexes with rare animals and plants. Any activity is strictly prohibited on their territory. threatening the environment and its inhabitants. Most big nature reserve in the world - Papahanaumokuakea - occupies 1.5 million square kilometers, in total there are about 160,000 security systems. Let's take a closer look at the largest of them.


Papahanaumokuakea is a group of islets and atolls in pacific ocean in list Hawaiian Islands. The idea of ​​creation belongs to Theodore Roosevelt. It was implemented only 100 years later by George W. Bush. The official opening took place in the summer of 2006.

In 2016, the protected area quadrupled, making Papahanaumokuakea the largest protected area in the world. In 2010, the reserve was included in the list of protected areas by UNESCO. The number of plants and animals growing and living on its territory exceeds 7000 species. The rarest Hawaiian monk seals are found here.

The park, located in the northern part of Greenland, occupies 972 thousand square kilometers. Initially, in 1974, only part of the park in eastern Greenland was opened. In 1988, the lands of the northern part of the island were annexed to it. There are no permanent residents in the park, there are only researchers, the number of which varies depending on the season.

The main inhabitants of the reserve are musk oxen, whose number is 40% of the world population of the species. In addition to them, there are other rare animals, many of which are endangered species. The landscapes of the park are incredibly picturesque: snow-white deserts cut through the hills, fjords are surrounded by sparkling icebergs. And on the lands chained eternal ice, grows 300 species of plants.


Chagos is an area of ​​a marine archipelago with an area of ​​​​more than 500 thousand square kilometers. Located south of the Maldives, considered British territory.

Includes coral islands and 7 atolls. This is the biggest reserve. marine fauna and flora on earth. More than 1200 species of corals, rare species of turtles and fish live here.

Founded in 2011. It united the territories of Namibia, Angola, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Zambia and covered more than 400 thousand square kilometers in area. There are no barriers in the security complex, which allows the inhabitants to migrate freely. Kavango Zambezi is home to world-famous attractions that attract crowds of tourists: the Victoria Falls, the jungle, lakes and rivers.

The main pride of the reserve is elephants. Their number here is half of the total number of elephants living on the mainland. In addition to them, more than three hundred species of birds and six hundred varieties of plants live in the region.

Phoenix Islands

The marine reserve is located around the Phoenix Islands and belongs to the Republic of Kiribati. The area of ​​more than 400 thousand square kilometers makes it the largest and deepest protected marine area in the world. The land occupies 25 sq. km. This is the largest reserve marine life Pacific Ocean. In August 2010, it was included in the UNESCO list.

The ecosystem of coral archipelagos has not changed for 1000 years. meet on the islands rare species birds, and 514 species of fish live in the water. The islands are mostly uninhabited. Tourists are allowed to visit certain areas of the reserve with a special pass.

The Marine Park was founded in 1979. Includes three thousand coral reefs and nine hundred islands. Stretched along the coast of Australia, in the northeast. It is the largest in the world, covering an area of ​​344,400 sq. km. Seen from space, this coral reef- the largest object "built" by living organisms ( coral polyps). Listed by UNESCO in 1981.

The reason for the creation of the park was the reduction in the number of corals disappearing due to pollution. environment. Now, when visiting a protected area, people are required to adhere to strict standards of behavior. This fact does not stop tourists, and hundreds of them arrive at the reef every day.

The bulk of the reefs are hidden under water and only appear on the surface during low tides. In view of climatic features reefs of the region are constantly subjected to destructive and restoration processes. Exotic representatives of marine flora and fauna live within the park.

The territory covers the Galapagos Islands and the nearby Pacific Ocean. It occupies an area of ​​133 thousand sq. km. This is the fourth largest marine reserve on the planet. It has been protected by UNESCO since 1978.

Distance from the coast, as well as a combination of cold and warm currents contributed to the development of a diverse animal world sea ​​depths. Turtles, whales, lobsters, sharks and other types of fish live here.

Air and Tenere

The reserve is located in the north of Niger, in the center of the Sahara. The name is formed by the names of two regions that comprised the reserve: parts of the Air plateau and the Tenere desert. The area is about 77 thousand sq. km. It is under the protection of UNESCO.

Distinctive features- dunes, canyons and underwater caves, not found anywhere else in the world. It is home to many species of birds, mammals, reptiles and amphibians. More than 4,000 tourists come here every year.

Wrangell St. Elias

The US National Park is located in southeast Alaska. Founded in 1980, in 1979 included in the UNESCO list. The area of ​​the park is more than 53 thousand sq. km. There are 16 mountain peaks on the territory, the highest in the United States, including Mount St. Elias, the second highest in the country (5489 m).

Literally 100 years ago, active work was carried out on the extraction of gold and copper in the park. Now only ghost towns remind of these events. Wrangell St. Elias is a favorite among tourists and skiers. Especially for them, summer hotels and campsites open from May to October.

Big Limpopo

Formed in South Africa, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Now the area of ​​the park is slightly more than 37 thousand sq. km, in the future it is planned to expand to 100 thousand sq. km. In 2000, a memorandum on the creation of the park was signed, and in 2002, an agreement on the creation was adopted.

Within the park there are private and public territories, as well as previously created nature reserves. Tourists are offered not only to admire the animals, but also to go canoeing, go on a safari, ride a jeep or take a walking tour.

Reserves of Russia and Europe

Prior to the entry of Crimea into the Russian Federation, there were 103 nature reserves in the country, the total area of ​​which was more than 27 million hectares. After 2014, the number increased, and now there are 109 reserves in Russia.

The largest of them:

  • Commander in the Kamchatka Territory (36,486.79 sq. km);
  • Putoransky in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (18,872.51 sq. km);
  • Taimyrsky in the Krasnoyarsk Territory (17,819.28 sq. km);
  • Ust-Lensky in Yakutia (14,330.00 sq. km).

The largest reserve in Europe, Pechoro-Ilychsky, is located on the territory of Russia and occupies more than 7000 sq. km.

Nature is worth protecting and preserving. You can verify this by visiting any of the existing reserves. All physical and material costs are fully compensated by the feeling of contact with a miracle emanating from the surrounding nature.

Protecting natural societies appeared in the 16th century. However, the first national park was discovered only at the end of the 19th century, in the USA. This really high honor was awarded to the unique Yellowstone Plateau, rich in geysers and hot mineral springs where Yellowstone National Park was opened in 1872. In 1916, the United States created the Service national parks. Such National parks USA like the Grand Canyon, Jasper, Olympic and others are now well known outside of North America.

The best reserves and national parks in the world

Since then, many national parks. The first national park in Europe was established in 1914 in the canton of Grisons, Switzerland. Then, in 1922, the Gran Paradiso National Park in Italy was opened. First national park in France there was Vanoise, created in 1963. It borders the Italian Gran Paradiso for 14 kilometers. There are seven national parks in France, three of which are located in the Alpine crescent that stretches from France to Austria. The alpine crescent also contains other famous national parks of the world: Berchtesgaden in Germany, Hohe Tauern in Austria, Stelvio in Italy and Triglav in Slovenia.

Yellowstone - US national park

Yellowstone National Park- probably the most world famous national park. It is located on the border of the US states of Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. The park, founded on March 1, 1872, is famous for its numerous geysers, and Yellowstone Lake - one of the largest high-altitude lakes in North America - is located in the crater of the largest supervolcano on the continent. Therefore, most of the park is covered with solidified lava.

There are almost 3,000 geysers in Yellowstone, which is two-thirds of all geysers in the world. The world's largest geyser Steamboat is located here, as well as one of the most famous geysers in the world - the Old Faithful geyser. The latter throws out jets hot water to a height of more than forty meters, and the interval between eruptions is from 45 to 125 minutes. In addition to Yellowstone, there are only four geyser fields in the world - the Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka, as well as fields in Iceland, Chile and New Zealand.

In addition to geysers, there are about ten thousand various geothermal sources in the park, including hot and hydrogen sulfide springs and mud volcanoes. Half of all geothermal sources in the world are concentrated in Yellowstone. In addition, about two thousand species of plants grow here, there are several hundred species of mammals, birds, reptiles and fish.

Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

Name " Plitvice lakes” was first recorded in 1777, in 1949 the lakes received the status national park, and 30 years later were listed world heritage UNESCO. On the territory of the park there are 16 large karst lakes, 140 waterfalls, 20 caves. Moreover, Plitvice Lakes is one of the few national parks world where new waterfalls are born every year. A characteristic feature of the park is the color of the water. Pictures of the lakes look like a photomontage, but the water here is really azure. You can admire it from wooden decks, the total length of which reaches 18 km.

The park also has hiking trails, the shortest of which takes two hours to walk, and the longest takes eight. A boat also runs along the lakes, and mountain roads can be surveyed using an electric train with observation cars. It is strictly forbidden to swim in the lakes of the park, as well as to have picnics, make fires, and bring dogs. In addition, a unique beech and coniferous forest preserved from ancient times and has the ability to self-repair.

Snowdonia, UK

Snowdonia National Park, located in the north of Wales, was created 60 years ago and became one of the first three national parks in England and Wales. The park owes its name to Mount Snowdon (1085 m), which is the highest point in Wales.

Unlike reserves in other countries, Snowdonia, like other national parks in the world, includes both public and private lands. Moreover, about 26 thousand people live in the park, while about 6 million tourists visit it annually. Snowdonia has 2,381 km of open hiking trails, 264 km of trails for walkers and horse riders and 74 km of other open roads. Moreover, Mount Snowdon can be reached both along a picturesque hiking trail 13 km long and by funicular. At the same time, the routes of several historical railways pass through the park.

Grand Canyon, USA

The Grand Canyon is one of the deepest canyons in the world located in the Colorado Plateau. US state Arizona. Its length is 446 km, and the depth reaches 1600 m. The canyon was cut by the Colorado River in the thickness of limestone, shale and sandstone about 5-6 million years ago. These arguably the most complete geological outcrops in the world represent the history of the Earth over 1.5 billion years. Moreover, the canyon continues to grow today.

Approximately 2 million people visit the Grand Canyon Reserve every year, with the most popular among tourists being rafting down the Colorado on inflatable rafts. The climate on the plateau and at the bottom of the canyon differs sharply - when it is about fifteen degrees of heat above, at the bottom of the gorge, among the red-hot stones, the temperature rises to plus forty. Therefore, most tourists prefer to admire the canyon from observation platforms located on its banks. Indeed, in order to descend to the bottom of the Grand Canyon, it will take more than one hour.

Serengeti, Tanzania

The Serengeti National Park is famous for a huge number animals living in this area. According to scientists, about five hundred species of birds and three million large animals live here. Moreover, a significant part of the animals (wildbeests and zebras) annually migrate from the north of the park, where drought sets in, to the south. With the onset rainy season in April-June, animals migrate to the west and north. In addition, the largest population of lions on the planet of all the national parks in the world lives here. The Serengeti is also home to thousands of elephants, gazelles, hyenas, hippos and rhinos. And the name of the park in the Masai language means “endless plains”, because most of the territory of the Serengeti is an endless savannah.

Fiordland, New Zealand

Fiordland National Park- the largest in New Zealand, it occupies most mountainous southwestern part South Island. Here are the most deep lakes New Zealand, and the mountains in this part of the island reach a height of 2746 meters. Fiordland is still one of the most inaccessible areas of New Zealand. In addition to picturesque fjords, waterfalls and fast-flowing rivers, the park is famous for its rich flora and fauna.

Rare species of birds live in dense forests, for example, cockatoo parrots. During a visit to Fiordland, you can see a bottlenose dolphin or penguins. One of the most popular spots in the park is Milford Sound, which famous writer Rudyard Kipling called it "the eighth wonder of the world". The bay, about 16 km long, is surrounded by majestic mountains over a kilometer high. And this is one of the most wet places on the planet: only every third day here is not marked by rain.

Iguazu, Argentina-Brazil

Name "Iguazu" comes from the Guarani words y (water) and guasu (large). Legend has it that God wanted to marry a beautiful Aboriginal woman, but she ran away with her lover in a canoe. In anger, God cut the river, creating waterfalls, dooming the lovers to an eternal fall.

Today, a complex of 270 waterfalls has formed on the Iguazu River. Par is located on the border of the Brazilian state of Parana and the Argentinean province of Misiones. The border between the countries is marked by the Devil's Throat waterfall, which is 150 m wide and 7000 m long. This is the largest waterfall of the complex. The height of the water fall on Igausa reaches 82 meters, but on most waterfalls it does not exceed 60 meters. You can see the waterfalls thanks to the bridges, the total length of which is about 2 km.

Banff National Park, Canada

The oldest banff national park canada was founded in 1885. Two trans-Canada highways pass through the southern part of the park - the railway and the highway. Just when laying railway in 1883, hot springs were accidentally discovered in caves on the eastern slopes of the mountains. Two years later, these places were recognized as unique and taken under protection.

The park was named a park rocky mountains ” and became the first national park in Canada and the second created in North America, after Yellowstone National Park. Today it is one of the most visited national parks in the world. After all, here you can find everything that is associated with Canada: landscapes of extraordinary beauty and the smell of fir trees. There are glaciers, hot springs, hiking trails, ski slopes. The center of the park is the highest locality Canada, the city of Banff., Located at an altitude of 1463 m above sea level.

Torres del Paine, Chile

Torres del Paine National Park located in southern Chile, in Patagonia. The name of the park, translated from the language of the Araucan Indians, means "Blue Towers". It is the three needle-like granite mountains, whose height ranges from 2600 to 2850 m, that have become the symbol of the national park. The most high point Torres del Peine is the mountain of Paine Grande, whose height is 3,050 m.

There are two trails in the park. One of them takes 4 days, the second - about a week. At the same time, the park is one of the most visited tourist sites in Chile. After all, there are glaciers here, high mountains, lakes, forests, many animals and birds live, and even orchids can be found among the flowers.

Tatras, Poland-Slovakia

Two Tatra National Parks - one in Poland, the other in Slovakia - have a common border of 64 km. This is the most high part Carpathians, the length of which is approximately 60 km. These mountains were formed by glaciers, so there are many U-shaped valleys in the Tatras, mountain lakes with incredible clean water. Green areas and bare rocks occupy more than a quarter of the national park.

The flora of the Tatras is made up of more than a thousand species of plants, and the chamois can be called a living symbol of the park. This is a small animal from the subfamily of goats weighing 30-35 kg, covered with thick wool. Despite conservation efforts, these animals are still on the verge of extinction. There are also deer, wild boars, roe deer, and also wolves, bears and lynxes in the park. Due to its diverse relief, the Tatras favorite place recreation for ski lovers.

Ten the most picturesque reserves of hundreds of parks on the planet, protecting the most amazing natural treasures of the world from excessive human activity.

TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world: Yellowstone, USA
The very first, most famous, highest geysers and the largest alpine lake in North America are all Yellowstone National Park. Yellowstone Lake is one of the largest high-altitude lakes in North America - located in the crater of the largest supervolcano on the continent.

Video TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world - Yellowstone

Plitvice Lakes, Croatia
Within the territory of the most beautiful reserve there are 16 large karst lakes, 140 waterfalls, 20 caves. Moreover, new waterfalls are born here every year.

A characteristic feature of the reserve is the color of the water. Pictures of the lakes look like a photomontage, but the water here is really azure.

Video TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world - Plitvice Lakes

TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world: Snowdonia, UK
Unlike reserves in other countries, Snowdonia, like other national parks in England and Wales, includes both public and private lands.

Snowdonia has 2381 km of open hiking trails, 264 km of trails for walkers and horseback riders and 74 km of other open roads.

TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world:Grand Canyon, USA
The Grand Canyon is one of the deepest canyons in the world. Located on the Colorado Plateau, Arizona, USA, on the territory of the Grand Canyon National Park. It is cut by the Colorado River in the thickness of limestones, shales and sandstones. The length of the canyon is 446 kilometers. The width (at the level of the plateau) ranges from 6 to 29 kilometers, at the bottom level - less than a kilometer. Depth - up to 1600 meters.

The canyon was cut by the Colorado River in the thickness of limestone, shale and sandstone about 5-6 million years ago. These arguably the most complete geological outcrops in the world represent the history of the Earth over 1.5 billion years.

: Grand Canyon

TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world:Serengeti, Tanzania
The name Serengeti, Tanzania's oldest and most popular game reserve, comes from the annual migration when six million hooves pass through the open plains - 200,000 zebras and 300,000 Thomson's gazelles join the antelope crossing in search of fresh pasture. And even at a time when migration subsides, the wildlife viewing opportunities in the Serengeti are the most magnificent: huge herds of buffalo, small groups of elephants and giraffes, thousands upon thousands of eland, topis, congas, impalas and Grani gazelles.

The main show in beautiful nature reserve in Tanzania- hunting predators.
Prides of golden-maned lions feast on the open spaces of flat pastures. Lonely leopards prowl between the acacias along the Seronera River, and many cheetahs roam the southeastern plains in search of prey. An almost unique case: all three species of African jackals are found here, along with spotted hyenas and a host of less visible small predators, from earthwolf insects to red servals.

Video TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world:Serengeti

TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world: Fiordland, New Zealand
The largest park in New Zealand occupies most of the mountainous southwestern part of the South Island.

Here are the deepest lakes in New Zealand, and the mountains reach a height of 2746 meters. The park is known for its unique bird fauna, including the rare kea parrot, the kaka forest parrot or the green nestor, the owl parrot living in burrows, the best singer of the New Zealand forests is the Tui bird (shrub robin) and the takahe shepherd, until recently considered extinct and found only in one of the Fiordland valleys, as well as the symbol of the country - the flightless kiwi bird and the yellow-eyed penguin. Dolphins and dolphins are found in the waters off the coast. seals. The special flavor of the park gives only scenic landscape the coast, cut by deep fjords, to which mighty glaciers descend from the mountains, in places reaching a height of 300 m.

TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world: Iguazu, Argentina-Brazil
Iguazu is a whole water complex located on the river of the same name. The waterfalls are located on the border of Brazil and Argentina, the Devil's Throat waterfall separates the two countries - the largest of the entire complex.

Iguazu refers to 275 separate waterfalls. The height of the water fall of some reaches 82 meters, but most of the waterfalls are a little more than 60 meters. According to legend, after the first lady of the United States, Eleanor Roosevelt, first saw Iguazu, she exclaimed: "Poor Niagara!" A surprised woman can be easily understood: the Brazilian-Argentine waterfall is four times wider than the North American Niagara.

Video TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world: Iguazu

TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world: Banff, Canada

Banff is the oldest Canadian national park, it was organized back in 1885. But, despite its status as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Banff is a major tourist center with a developed infrastructure. Here you can find everything that is associated with Canada: the extraordinary beauty of landscapes and the smell of firs, glaciers and hot springs, hiking trails and ski slopes.

The center of the reserve is the highest settlement in Canada, the city of Banff, located at an altitude of 1463 m above sea level.

Video TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world:banff

TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world:Torres del Paine, Chile
The highest point of the park, located in the south of Chile, in Patagonia, is Mount Paine Grande, whose height is 3050 m.

The park is one of the most visited tourist sites in Chile. This world's most famous national park in Chile is located almost 3 hours from Puerto Natales. After all, there are glaciers, high mountains, lakes, forests, many animals and birds live here, and even orchids can be found among the flowers.

TOP 10 most beautiful nature reserves in the world:Tatras, Poland-Slovakia
More than a quarter of the national park is occupied by green areas and bare rocks. The flora of the Tatras is made up of more than a thousand species of plants, and the chamois can be called a living symbol of the park.

There are also deer, wild boars, roe deer, and also wolves, bears and lynxes in the park.

One of the most better ways observe living beings in their natural environment habitats, without trying to manipulate them or control their activities, is the creation of national parks. I bring to your attention the ten largest and most beautiful national parks in the world.

Rangell St. Elias National Park and Preserve

Area: 53,321 km²

Rangell St. Elias National Park is located in southern Alaska. This is the largest national park in the USA. The park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is included in the international biosphere reserve. Located in the park, Mount St. Elias is the second highest peak in Canada and the United States.

Air and Tenere National Reserve

Area: 77,360 km²

This protected area, located on the territory of the state of Niger, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The reserve can be conditionally divided into two halves. East End it is located in the Air mountains, and the western one enters the desert region in the south of the central part of the Sahara - in the sandy plain of Tenere.

Limpopo Transboundary Park

Area: 99,800 km²

This reserve covers areas in Mozambique, South Africa and Zimbabwe and consists of 10 national parks and reserves, including Banine National Park and Kruger National Park. On the lands of the park live African elephants, giraffes, leopards, cheetahs, spotted hyenas and many other animals.

Galapagos Marine Reserve

Area: 133,000 km²

The Galapagos Nature Reserve is the largest marine reserve among developing countries. This area is home to many marine life, including sharks, whales, turtles and rays. It was here that Charles Darwin conducted his research, which served as the basis for the creation of his evolutionary theory of the origin of species.

Great Barrier Reef National Park

Area: 345,400 km²

National marine park The Great Barrier Reef is located off the northeast coast of Australia, in the Coral Sea. It was created to protect against the destruction of the largest accumulation of corals in the world, located here, and to protect exotic marine species animals.

Papahanaumokuakea National Marine Monument

Area: 360,000 km²

The reserve with the unpronounceable name Papahanaumokuakea is located on the territory of the Hawaiian archipelago and unites ten atolls and islets that are part of it. The reserve is home to 7,000 various kinds, including for the endangered Hawaiian monk seal.

Phoenix Islands Conservation Area

Area: 408,250 km²

The Phoenix Islands Reserve is the largest and deepest marine reserve in the Pacific Ocean. It is located on the territory of the Republic of Kiribati, located on the islands of Micronesia and Polynesia. Rumor has it that the first female aviator, Amelia Earhart, crashed here on one of the islands during her round-the-world flight in 1937.

Okawongo-Zambezi Transboundary Reserve

Area: 444,000 km²

The protected area covers land in Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe for African continent. This reserve includes several national parks, including Chobe National Park, Hwanga, the Okawongo Delta and Victoria Falls. The transboundary reserve was created to encourage tourism, as well as for the free migration of animals across borders.

Chagos Naval Reserve

Area: 545,000 km²

The Chagos Archipelago, owned by the UK, is located 500 kilometers from the Maldives. It is the largest marine reserve in the world, its area exceeding the size of a country like France. On the territory of the reserve there is one of the richest in life forms marine ecosystems. Here you can meet many amazing and rare animals.

Northeast Greenland National Park

Area: 972,000 km²

This reserve covers the entire northeastern part of Greenland and is the largest national park in the world. In terms of its area, it is more than 163 countries of the world (individually). Polar bears, walruses, arctic foxes, snowy owls, musk oxen and many other species have found shelter in it. Greenland National Park is also the northernmost national park in the world.