(1901-1965) russian artist and writer

Illustrations Evgenia Ivanovich Charushina enter the world of the child from the first steps of his life. Many generations of readers brought up and grew up on his books. Perhaps this happened because Charushin entered the art with his theme, which was left faithful.

He was born in a small provincial town of Vyatka, where his father served as a city architect. But the main passion in the family has always been painting. Evgenia's father was a passionate artist and an excellent observer of nature. The first book, which he presented his son, was the semitomic edition of the "life of animals" Alfred Borma.

On a young age, Eugene began to accompany his father in distant trips, where he never parted with a pencil and a notebook. His picturesque abilities first noted the famous Russian artist A. Forelov. He advised Evgenia Charushina and his friend Y. Vasnetsov to enter the Academy of Arts.

But at the beginning of Eugene entered the Vyatka Commercial School. Local artist A. Pillars who worked there, who worked there, also noticed a talented boy and said that he needed to learn painting. Then parents transferred Eugene to Vyatka first male gymnasium. After the revolution, she was transformed into secondary school, which Charushin finished in 1918.

All his plans were violated by the beginning of the Civil War. He was called up to the army and soon began to work as an assistant decorator in army cultovers. Only in 1922 he was demobilized, after which he immediately went to Petrograd. It is curious that the famous artist Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin put on the reception exams at the Academy of Higher Score on Drawing.

Evgeny Charushin studied in the class who led the artist A. Karev. It was he who suggested Eugene to try his hand in animalist - painting animals.

After the end of the Academy, Charushin began to look for a job in Petrograd and during these searches I met E. Lebedev, an illustrator of children's books. Lebedev and led him in 1926 to the studio of children's writers under the Leningrad branch of the Childness, who were led by O. Kapitsa and S. Marshak. There Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin met with the young writers Vitaly Bianki, B. Zhitkov and E. Schwartz.

The first work of the artist in the field of children's illustration was the drawings to the story of Bianca "Murzuk". The book came out of print in 1928, and from that time Charushin became one of the leading illustrators of books for children. And since 1930, he becomes a full-time artist of the Childish.

Evgeny Charushin found his own way in art, combining painting elements and graphics. In those years, many have not taken such a style of illustrations, and on him, as well as on Lebedev, accusations of excessive realism fell. His drawings were even considered incomprehensible and not adapted for the child's perception.

At the same time, Evgeny Charushin created a cycle of illustrated editions, books with Bianki stories. But a real masterpiece became the book "How Big Bear Bear", in 1930, in which he did not illustrate the text, and no matter how it would retell its content in the drawings. Therefore, instead of certain illustrations, the artist performed a book as a system of reversal pages.

In the thirties, Charushin himself turned to literary creativity - wrote several small stories about animals. One of them became his first author's book - "Shchur". There he applied a different reception - inserted small pictures directly into the text. If, for example, the proposal speaks of a bird, the artist gives her drawing.

Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin was looking for the most suitable means of transferring text material. Therefore, in their books, he always united text and illustrations into a single whole. Therefore, the page was usually a bright drawing with an image of the animal and a small accompanying text.

Evgeny Charushin worked slowly, used many sketches. Every year he made long campaigns in the forests and protected places, in which he was accompanied by the coming friends, artists V. Kurdov and Y. Vasnetsov. Fish, birds, dogs, cats lived in his house.

The artist not only has constantly painted, but also systematically dealt with applied art. Since 1936, small porcelain figurines and colorfully painted settings were produced at the Leningrad Porcelain Plant on his sketches. Moreover, he first introduced special stencils with torn edges into the china painter technique. This simple technique allowed the type of copyright source even to give up the circulation products.

According to other members of the studio of children's writers, Charushin collaborated in journals. So, in the pre-war years he wrote several articles in which he told about how to paint animals.

From the first days of war, Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin, like many other artists, was mobilized to work on campaign posters. Only in 1942 he left Leningrad and moved to Kirov together with his family. There, Charushin also continued to illustrate the books dedicated to the war, and for the first time turned to monumental painting. He performed the painting of several walls in kindergarten, where she was engaged in painting with young children.

In 1945, Evgeny Charushin returned to Leningrad and continued to work overgoing for several years. In addition to books, he creates a series of etampists, which described animals. These compositions artist conceived as wall paintings. Therefore, in contrast to book drawings, they are distinguished by the decorativeness and brightness of the paints.

At the same time, Yevgeny Charushin works in the field of sculpture, continuing to make figurines for the Leningrad porcelain plant. But the main thing he invariably considered the book illustration. In total, they were issued more than thirty collections, and among them several books of their own stories.

Very interesting was Charushin's cooperation with Samuel Marshak. It lasted thirty years. In 1935, Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin fulfilled illustrations to the book "Baby in a cage", and in 1965 updated these drawings, which became its last work. It was for them that the artist received a gold medal at the exhibition of the children's book.

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Signatures for slides:

Charushin Evgeny Ivanovich

11.11.1901 - 18.02.1965

Born in the city of Vyatka, (now the city of Kirov)

Famous artist and writer. In addition to their own books: "Volchishko and others", "Vaska", "about Sokok" E.I. Charushin illustrated the works of V.V. Bianki, S. Ya. Marshak, K. I. Chukovsky, M. M. Svavina, etc.

Artist - Animatist

His heroes of good

His heroes are charming

Heroes E I. Charushina Good, charming. They are easily included in the fabulous world. The artist loved to portray the animal cubs - fluffy, soft and still very helpless.

E. I. Charushin has developed its method of illustrating - purely picturesque. It does not draw contour, but, you can say antique, unusually skillful, stains and strokes.

The beast can be depicted simply the "shaggy" spot, but this stain is also alertness of the posture, and the nature of the movement, and the peculiarity of the texture - the elasticity of the long and hard wool raised with the fluffy softness of the thick undercoat.

In 1930, his first story for children was printed. Since then, the writer and artist E. I. Charushin published many illustrated books for children about the beasts, birds, about hunting, about children.

Children, read books Evgenia Charushina

Presentation prepared Demyanova Olga Grigorievna

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E. Scharushin "Yozh"

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The author's attitude to his hero. Evgeny Charushin "Volchishko"

One of the sections of the program on literary reading in the first grade V.Yu. Sviridova - "Opening in the literature and fantasy in science" considers the characters of heroes in folklore and in the author's literature, Pom ...

Home / Library / Charushin E. I.

Charushin E. I. Artwork about the world of animals.

Charushin E. I.

Charishin E. I. (1901 - 1965) is one of the most beloved children of animal artists. He was the best artist animalist. He was not equal. But Evgeny Charushin was one of those kind and humane children's writers who retained the immediacy and freshness of a children's view on the world of animal and children's perception of life, who managed to convey this look at the children's consciousness with clear simplicity. The art of Evgenia Charushina, good, humane, is already pleased with one generation of small readers and teaches them to love the magic world of animals and birds.

In Charushin everything was amazing. Starting with the surname. It would seem that etymology of the name "Charushin" dates back to the words "Chara", "Wizard", "charming". This is a very seductive version, because the artist and writer Charushin E. I. fascinated several generations of children with their good, humane stories and drawings about animal life. In fact, the name of Charushin is connected with the noun Charussa. So in the dialect dialects of the Urals, they called the baking form for baking dough. The nickname charussa, from which the surname occurred, received a person a magnitude, road.

Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin Born in 1901 in the Urals, in Vyatka in the family of Ivan Apollonovich Charushina, one of the prominent architects of the Urals. For its projects, more than 300 buildings were built in Sarapul, Izhevsk, Vyatka. He had a significant impact on the development of the cities of Kamaje and the Preions, a huge region, where he was a leading architect, including because of his status - the chief provincial architect. The profession of the architect requires, as the necessary condition, be a good drawer. Like his father, the architect, the young charushin himself perfectly painted from childhood. He painted a novice artist according to his own words "predominantly animals, birds and indians on horseback."

Live nature for the young artist was enough. She was everywhere. First, the parental house itself with a huge overgrown garden was densely inhabited by all sorts of grain. It was a real home zoo - caustic, grunting, merger, meowing and barking. In the courtyard, the piglets, turkey, rabbits, chickens, kittens and a whole bird are dwelling, chickens, chokes, silent, different poultry hunting, which were keen and treated. The cats lived in the house, there were cells with birds on the windows, aquariums and banks were stood with fish, and someone bobka lived in the house.

It was a dog about three paws, a dusty friend of the little magic Charushin. This dog "lay always on the stairs. All stumbled about him and scared. I caressed it and often told him about my children's disadvantages. " Secondly, besides all this, the moving and mechanical abundance of nature could always be run into the workshop of the chiels, which was two steps from the house of Charushin. There you could consider the beasts at rest.

Favorite reading Gear Charushin was books about animal life. Seton-Thompson, Long, Biar - Here is his favorite authors. But once a father gave him for a birthday of 7 heavy folirants. It was the book A. E. Borma "Life of Animals". Such this was the coincidence that Charushin was born on the death day of the Great German Zoologist Alfred Edmund Brema. His fundamental work in seven volumes was the most expensive for Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin's book. Her he shore reread all his life. "I read it with a pupil," Charushin recalled, "and no" Nat Pinkertons "and" Nick Carter "could not compare with Borm." And the fact that the novice artist painted more and more animals and birds, this is also a considerable share of the influence of Bram.

After graduation in 1918, high school, where he studied with Yuri Vasnetsov, Charushin was called up to the Red Army. It was used "in the specialty" there, and he was appointed assistant to the decorator in the cult visit the political waste headquarters of the Red Army of the Eastern Front. Having served 4 years, almost all the civil war, he returned home and decided to study on a professional artist. In Vyatka, it was possible to learn only in the decorative workshops of the Vyatka Gippenomat, but it was not serious, the real school of drawing a gibornomat could not give. Young Charushin understood this, and in the fall of the same year he left for St. Petersburg. The cherished goal of any novice artist is an academy. And Yevgeny Charushin entered the picturesque faculty in the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts (Vhutein), where he was engaged in five years, C1922 to 1927, A. Karev, A.Savinova, M. Matyushina, A. Rylova.

At the end of the study, Charushin came with his developments to the children's department of the State draft, who was headed by the famous artist Vladimir Lebedev.

At this time, since the 20s, before the heads of the country, the ruined war, the task of raising the new generations of the construction workers of social justice society, which did not have analogues in world practice. Of course, this enterprise was very utopian, for the whole people had to be re-educated. Before them was the task of forming a new type of man's worldview, Soviet. The technology of effective influence on the development of the personality of the future builders of the Company's society has become an extensive network of children's newspapers and magazines. It was necessary to create fundamentally new books specifically for small citizens of the Soviet state. Books were supposed to be highly artistic and, at the same time, informative and interesting and informative. Among the numerous newspapers and magazines created by order of the party and the government, the magazines "Hedgehog" and "Chizh" appeared in Leningrad.

These names are abreaters that appeared in Russian in the first years of Soviet power and which are still popular. Yes, these magazines are not about the animals and not about the birds, not about heroes and Chizhi. But it may seem like this only at first glance. They are just just about the beasts, and about birds, too, although "Hedgehog" -- it's just "Monthly Magazine", but "Chizh" -- "Extremely interesting magazine"But their meaning for education in children of kindness and love for animals is incredit.

The author's composition of journals was selected in the Children's Department of the Leningrad branch of the State Publishing House (GIZ) in Leningrad. Journals "Hedgehog" and "Chizh" at the Leningrad branch of Giza was established in 1924 at the initiative of K. I. Chukovsky. Some S. N. Gusin, a person "trustly devoid of humor and literary giving", and the informal lumen of the journals and literary gods, and the unofficial rule of magazines, their soul and the main consultant became S. Ya. Marshak, thanks to which by the end of the 20s it was concentrated here a unique In its composition, the constellation of writers and artists: Nikolai Oleynikov, Evgeny Schwartz, Irakli Andronikov, Daniel Hams, Nikolai Zabolotsky, Chukovsky's roots, Vitaly Biianki, Misael Svtain, Boris Sitkov. Among which there was a young Ural artist Evgeny Charushin. It was Marshak who saw in a young artist not only a wonderful draftsman, but also a wonderful storyteller. And it was from the blessing to Marshak Charushin began writing his wonderful children's stories that are not harmful to reread and adults.

The fifth floor of the house of the book on the Nevsky Prospect, where they were "Chizh" and "hedgehog" everyone knew as "Academiamarsha". The atmosphere of the editorial office did not knit at nothing about the editorial work on the development of methods for re-education and education of the people, painstaking and ambitious. And less she was similar to the government atmosphere of the state institution. She rather resembled a bohemian gathering, a disassembled literary studio, where funny improvisations, jokes, parodies, epigrams were inevitably sounded ... One of the employees who worked at the Cheerful Academy, recalled: "The whole fifth floor is daily and during all official hours shook from laughter. Some visitors to the Children's Department were weakened from laughter, that, having ended their affairs, went out on the staircase, holding their hands behind the walls, like drunk. " Oddly enough, young writers of this exercise their fantasy, imagination and wit. Such an atmosphere helped them maintain their highest creative tone and acquire unique professional qualities to create fun and cognitive children's literature, because young talents who worked in the journal were seriously perceived by the idea of \u200b\u200braising the fun and good builders of a happy, fair, "bright future."

Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin perfectly joined this cheerful "Academy". He actively collaborated with children's magazines - with the magazine "Murzilka" (since 1924), with "hedgehog" (1928-1935) and "Chizhom" (1930-1941), while working on the task, for the idea, without Advances and fees.

He settled near the house of the book, on the Fontanka embankment, in the house 9, not far from the summer garden, first in the same room, and then in a spacious apartment. And here, in the Leningrad apartment, he arranged the same hostel for his beloved little animals, characters of his drawings and stories. There lived a hunting dog, and watched, and cats of Punya and Type, Volchat and Lisyata, whom he brought from the zoo, where he loved to go and make sketches from nature.

In the house of Yevgeny Ivanovich, it was always full of full, except for animals, and birds: Chizhi, a checkkin, oatmeans, chiefs, dinds, parrots. In the apartment on Fontanka Charushin, he was recreated that microworld, which surrounded him in childhood. And he remembered his own about his childhood like this:
"As I woke up in the morning, I remembered that today my birthday and I will give me something. Jesked from the bed and see - on the bed the bed has two birds in a cage, growing with sparrow, green, funny, heads round, the keys bent ... Wow! I was delighted! This is probably uncle presented. He himself is a poultry, all sorts of birds breed. And under the cell - the book is huge: "Atlas of birds in pictures" ...

I go out in the dining room tea to drink - maybe I will give good enough. And my dad gives the book - Nekrasov "Works", Mom - Pants, Grandma - stockings. Bad! I showed the father of my American parrots. Father asks:
- Are these too sing?
- also sing!
He says:
- So. You will immediately release all these screams to the will. I'm because of them for the second month in the morning I do not sleep! ...

I had birds, though a lot. Pieces twenty. All in my room lived in cells. Schies, Chiji, Chechetles, Shchur, Klezles, Tits, Food. All our Russians. Whom I myself caught in the Western cage, which were presented, who bought. They shredy them great. On the whole house! Because of this, I kept them. And my father slept near. From two o'clock in the morning they walked him.

Here you and the birthday! Nothing was presented, but only everyone was taken away. And so it was hurt me ... And I went to the garden. Came to raspberries, and the raspberries do not eat. Here you and the birthday! ...

I think how to arrange it. I go around the garden ... I do not find a place ... In the garden, the old-pressing greenhouse stood - barn. Previously, the seedlings were displayed there, and now all the trash is discharged - litter, chairs of broken, rag, bitch. Instead of the roof in greenhouse greenhouse frames with glasses. I climbed there and sit.

Frying, Duchot. The sun through the frames fries. Like in the jungle! Here are the trees only there is no birds. And what, Kaby here is my junglety parrots? After all, they are frying just right. Here they will probably remove chicks. I thought, I thought and invented. Delighted. Nothing birds will not release! Let's do a wonderful thing. Jungle! Bird paradise! In this very greenhouse!
I shouted even from joy.

And I made a jungle - bird paradise. In the earthen floor, the bushes had a tagged - made a car, the sand was poured - bathe birds. The iron leaf beat the edges - it turned out the baking sheet, - poured water there. Hung the birdhouses in the corners and sockets of the Solis itself. On the Kleztov, Snegire and Schure revennated two canary from Vitka - also tropical birds.

In one corner, I had dense jungle - even the walls are not visible ... and in these jungle, in the most thick, I hung on a rope with water dish. I called him "Mountain Lake" ... In another corner, I stood the cabinet. Old, broken. I cut a shovel of the turf, the nails took out and the closet of an uphill on all sides. And in Dern, I stuck the birds so that the birds were to sit on.

I made everything and became birds to wear. Bring a cell and open. First, the canaran released ... Vow! - flew out. Lot flew, sat on the Christmas tree, but did not sit down, - it can be seen, the needles. The paws are neglected, tropical, the needles does not fit.

Then I released Chizhi. They immediately climbed into the tray and began to swim. Fucking at all, can not fly - they jump on the bottom ... I have released a chief, a church, finch - everyone! Then he went for parrots ...

At first, all the birds were afraid, silent, and then such a squeak was raised in the greenhouse! And went - singing, fight, bathing. In the sand bathed, in water. Moccar sites in the walls. I brought them a whole anthill in the bag. Eat! Only in vain brought ants, did not eat. I sit, I listen, I look - and the truth is like the jungle. And so good becomes ... "(" Jungle - Bird Paradise ").

Of course, in the urban apartment of such a paradise there was no possibility to create, but in the house on the fountain there was a cozy to all animals and birds, and everyone became heroes of stories and drawings of Charushin for kids. Someone calculated that Charushin took 2.5 thousand images of various animals and birds. This is surprisingly kind and original drawings, and no wonder his work decorate the exposition of the graphics of the Russian Museum.

In those years, the power in front of the artists is to create fundamentally new books specifically for small citizens of the Soviet state. Books were supposed to be highly artistic and, at the same time, informative and interesting and informative. Charushin drawings from the world of animals liked Lebedev, and he supported the young artist in his quest and work. The first book illustrated by Evgeny Ivanovich was the story of V. Bianki "Murzuk". She attracted the attention of not only small readers, but also banners of the book graphics, and the drawing from her was acquired by the State Tretyakov Gallery.

In 1930, "Fullable childhood observations and hunting impressions I became, with hot participation and help S.Ya. Marshak, write myself". Charushin E. I tried to write small stories for children about the life of animals. Very warm about the stories of the beginning of the author, Maxim Gorky responded. But it turned out to be the most difficult thing in his life, because according to his own admission, to illustrate other people's texts, he was much easier for him than his own. In his texts, spores between the Charushin-writer and the Charushin-artist were very often arose.

Before the war, Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin created about two tens of books: "Chicks", "Volchishko and others", "TYPE", "Chicken City", "Jungle - Bird Paradise", "Animals of hot countries". He continued to illustrate other authors - S.Ya. Marshak, MM Prishvin, V.V. Bianki.

During the war, Charushin was evacuated from Leningrad to his homeland, in Kirov (Vyatka). He painted posters for the "TASS windows", wrote pictures on a partisan theme, made up performances in the Kirov Drama Theater, painted the premises of a kindergarten of one of the plants and a foyer of the house of pioneers and schoolchildren. And engaged with children drawing.

In 1945, the artist returned to Leningrad. In addition to working on books, he created a series of overpass with animal images. Even before the war, he fucked by sculpture, painted tea sets, and in the post-war years, made an animal figurine and whole decorative groups from the porcelain.

The last book Charushin became "kids in a cage" S.Y. Marshak. And in 1965, he was posthumously awarded the Gold Medal at the international exhibition of the children's book in Leipzig.

For life, the artist and writer Charushin retained children's worldview and some kind of childish delight before the beauty of the world of nature. He himself told about himself: "I am very grateful to my family for my childhood, because all the impressions of him remained for me and now the strongest, interesting and wonderful. And if I'm an artist and writer now, then only thanks to my childhood ...

My mother is a gardener-amateur. Digging in his garden, she did straight wonders ... Of course, I took an active part in her work. Together with her, she went to the forest to collect seeds of flowers, dig up different plants to "domestic" in their garden, together with her the ducks and Tetherov, and my mother, very loving everything alive, handed me this love. Chickens, piglets and turkey, with which there has always been a lot of trouble; goats, rabbits, pigeons, cesarrka with the interrupted wing, which we treated; The nearest my buddy is the three-legged dog of Bobka; War with cats, who eaten my rabbit, catching the singer birds - Chizhi, Scheglov, Svissels, ... and ... pigeons ... Here, my early childhood is connected with all this, my memories are treated.

How Tomka learned to swim.
Tomka frightened.
Tomkin dreams.
How Tomka did not seem stupid.

N. Nerdadin

We do not see who alarmed a forest cat. But according to the bending of the back, on the spring paws, the digat shows that the enemy is approaching. Forest browsing is all in voltage - from the grope of swollen musty to the rush of the tip of the tail waved against rage. And this masterfully passed by the artist, the frantic power of life is captured by the artist. The lynnotes did not stroll, did not give up, he is ready to fight.
Now this first published drawing E. Charushina is located in the Tretyakov Gallery. Rysenok - Illustration to the story of V. Bianki "Murzuk" printed in 1927.

After the revolution, with the exception of the classics, the old children's literature, when it's pronounced, but when it is empty, with his heroes, whose interests did not go beyond the threshold of the room, disappeared. We needed a new children's book with a wide range, brave, bright and fresh.
In Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), the creative community of writers and artists - "fans" of children's book gathered. Writers united S. Ya. Marshak, artists - wonderful draftsman V. V. Lebedev. He appreciated the original graduation of the graduate of the Academy of Arts Evgenia Charushin, began to attract him to illustrating books.

This is Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin, who gave us in his stories and drawings of small friends, warm, fluffy, with the "speaking eyes".

In the editorial, they were launched for a long time: thought, argued, smoked, called, told interesting cases. He told Charushin about the birds and beasts, which he had a chance to see in his native Vyatka forests. After listening to Charushina, Marshak, the man of absolute literary hearing, said the artist:
- Why, you also have a writer! You must write.
And from the thirties began to appear books, on the title sheets of which stood: E. Charushin. Drawings of the author.

Evgeny Ivanovich believed that the impressions of childhood helped him to become a writer and the artist. "All my childhood," Charushin wrote in a brief autobiography, passed among wild animals and pets. I traveled a lot with my father. We went to the day and night, forests, fields, in Purga, in autumn weather ... I learned to watch and Surprise the strength and beauty of nature, all of its variety and splendor. "
Here this beauty and strength, diversity and magnificence Charushin wanted to convey to the pen of a writer and a pencil and a painter brush.

The artist who depicts animals is called an animal. In the books of Charushin you will meet the lion, and orangutan, and hippopotamus, and an elephant. But most often Charushin painted those animals whose habits knew by heart, with whom, as well as Hunters, collective farmers, flags, Bowekers, met with an eye on the eye, - the beasts that the songs and fairy tales folded.
And especially loved charushin animal kids. They are dedicated to the "Tribes" book, the stories "Mishki", "Volchishko" and many others. Evgeny Ivanovich was not sentimental and Son Nikita in childhood he taught: do not complain, Says to stand up for himself, let it difficult, hurt - do not hone. But forest babies, largelas and bulb, graceful in their clumsiness, touching naive and helpless, caused his special male tenderness.
The kids attracted Charushin also differently. In the heart of the artist, wave and prompting to work, always lived the joy of waiting. An indifferent to those who have nothing to wait for, Evgeny Ivanovich stretched to the guys and animals: in the baby so many not yet disclosed opportunities, the baby is still ahead!

We have a lot of talented animal artists. What is the charming charm, whose hand can immediately find out? Some say that the drawing of the charushin made by black seems to be colorful, color. Others want to stroke the beasts drawn by Charshin, - so much heat and fluffy. Third Figures, Charushin remind a fairy tale about a good young man who could turn into a bird and a beast, could speak with a hare of Hare, with a bear - in a bearish, with any forest inhabitant - in his language. The magic of the artist is still powerful. Charushinsky's tongue will be engaged, Lisyat, Volchat, Plybold everyone is clear: they have "speaking" eyes.
However, Charushin animals have all the "speaking": and eyes, ears, and paws, and tails. In the story of "Soroka", seven is involved. Seven pairs of wolf ears and seven tails are seven stories about seven different characters: who is careful who is an incredulous, who is to the Tuges, who Schuster, who is a chiter who is groaning forward, who is leisurely under the back - where is everything, there and I!
Look at the two Volchat from Charushinsky Estamp. Volchats lie, but in their elastic immobility, the artist skillfully showed the mobility of age: I want to know everything. It seems that the alerted ears are about to shudder, the noses will shivel, and wagon, jumping off the covers, will take it to sniff everything around. And this is a burning, tireless puppy curiosity is even in the back leg turned to the viewer.

Take a look at the puppy - the hero of the book "About Tomka". You can close the palm of Tomkino torso, leaving only the shaggy ears, a convex eye and a rolled nose. And this is enough for you to make it clear that the puppy, leaky, rushes in full. Such a puppy delight, such a running speed of running in tomokine fluttering ears that you want to read the reader with a puppy, rejoicing life, run, jump, jump.
To draw so, you need to know a lot, to see a lot. It happens that the eyes of a person are open, he looks, but does not see. Evgeny Ivanovich knew how to see and the son of Nikita was still a boy in Forest Science: Listen so that you did not hear, see if you did not notice, forget to yourself, and you will open what it does not open with noisy and union, neglecting forest hospitality.
For a minute, not forgetting about the boy, the father in the forest did not bother with his care, although sometimes had to worry about. Once Evgeny Ivanovich admitted to his son that he kept a gun on all the time, because he noticed in the direction where Nikita went, fresh traces of the Bear Shatun.

The first-class shooter, Evgeny Ivanovich never hunt for the sake of sports, especially for the sake of fun. He could wander through the forest and without a gun, rejoicing the meeting not only with a bird and a beast, but also with a forest tree and a bush. In the books of Charushina, you sometimes see the trunk of a tree, sometimes a top, sometimes a branch, but thousands of branches see it, the smell of the forest is heard, stretching forest noise.
To draw so, you need to work much. Evgeny Ivanovich said that work comes from joy. He did sketches in the forest, in the zoo, worked a lot at home. And when I was tired, I changed the work for rest: I started to make something. The artist's office stood stool and table made by his hands. Evgenia Ivanovich admired the talentedness of human hands.
Hence his interest and deep respect for masters of their case - people of physical labor.
Heavy sick, he did not stop working. Made a week before the death of the illustration for the book Marshak "Baby in the cage" received a gold medal at the international exhibition of children's book in Leipzig in 1965.
To draw so, you need to love what you represent. Another boy Charushin arranged in the father's Sarader "Jungle - Bird Paradise." The wife of the artist Natalia Arkadyevna told that in their apartment at different times, pichurs, oatmeal, partridges, quail, breadpages - forty-eight different birds, wolf cubs, squirrel, wasting, hedgehogs, cats, dogs, and everyone was considered "family members."

Son Charushina Nikita Evgenievich became, as well as his father, an animal artist. Drawoval and his daughter.
Nikita Evgenievich recalls how he fantasized as a child with his father. They are sitting in the evening at dusk on the sofa and come up with: as if the slide with glassware has become a real mountain and sulfur and circular goats jump on it. And under the mountain of the dark, as from a black lake, raises the head of the hippo.
Evgeny Ivanovich wanted to visit India and in Africa to learn about tropical animals closer.
In recent years of life, the disease has deprived the artist's ability to move, but he did not lose touch with wildlife. The son hooked his father into the forest by car - they werehed the entire Leningrad region, and Evgeny Ivanovich walked through the forest, despite pain.
He dreamed of living in such a place where the glitter water and the forest trees grew, which would be a house for wild birds. His dream was not destined to come true.
Other happened: Charushin's books became a house for wild animals and birds. Here it looks out for the prey of forty, the broods are embedded, they are swinging on the trees of the bear, they will jump and reindeer, they play the hole of Lyyata and Volchat, is growing trot. Here, a lot of big and small shaggy paws passed in the animal.
The echo of their silent steps was far away. Circulation of books E. I. Charushina, published on sixty languages, more than twenty five million. They are known not only in our country, but also in France, in Africa and in Japan, England, Italy, USA, in Germany. Guys, even become adults, grateful to the wonderful writer and the artist for the joy he delivered to them.

The article tells about the biography of Charushina E.I., Children's writer, writing about the world of animals. The main works, the activities of the Creator, as an artist in the "Animalism" genre, the transmission features of the word and the brush of the animal charts.

Biography Charushin is filled with funny moments. Perhaps it is the events taking place as the future writer growing up, determined the future path of his work.

He was talented not only in the letter, but also in the chart - Charushin performed an illustrator for many children's books.

Charushin Evgeny Ivanovich - Animatist Artist and Children's Writer

Evgeny's father, the famous architect of that time, handed his young siblos to art, great interest in making peace through drawing, and outstanding abilities who identify the formation of a son as an artist depicting animals.

Illustration of E.I. Scharushina to the story of V.Bianki "First Hunting"

Evgeny Ivanovich illustrated Bihanki stories, worked a lot over other books, created portraits of animals for children.

As a children's writer, Eugene tried himself in creating many works, such as fairy tales and stories about animals. A feature of his creations was extraordinary dynamism, the transfer of the actions of the verbs (in the story "Lysisata"), accurate reading of the hasty of the inhabitants who inhabited the animal world.

Subsequently, the writer was departed from simple sentences, but in his texts you can meet a lot of sound-modifications to animals, which makes them inimitable for perception by a child.

Brief biography artist-illustrator of children's books

Years of Life: 1901.11.11 - 1965.02.18.

Children's writer was born in 1901, on October 29th (according to the old style), in the city of Vyatka. His birthday was marked by the arrival of a talented person into the world around.

Parents E.I. Scharushin

His father was a famous architect, and a creative atmosphere has reigned in the family, which favorably affected the smaller boy. Named Vasnetsov's family lived near the family, with the son of which, famous in the future by the artist, was friends Evgeny throughout life.

In 1918, Charushin graduated from school and went to serve in the Red Army. After four years from this date, in 1922, he returned to his hometown.

He entered the same year at the Faculty of Painting to the Art Academy of Petrograd, where for five years he fastened the drawing aza. 1927 Evgeny Ivanovich completed education in an educational institution and began to work in the State District, at the Children's Department.

Thanks to Lebedev V. V., who greatly influenced the young man, began to work actively on his style and illustrate many books of famous Soviet authors. In addition to others, he worked on his own, using talent for displaying the life of animals.

In 1930, Yevgeny Ivanovich begins to work in literature for children as a writer. Created almost two dozen books, deserving his talent praise from Gorky M.

In 1941, in connection with the war began, evacuated from St. Petersburg to Kirov. Here began to draw patriotic posters, writing paintings, make performances in the Kirov Dramaater. Four years later, with the last date, returned to the Leningrad region. He was engaged in graphics, sculpture, animalist, created the mist.

In February 1965 he died. It happened on the 18th.

Parents Evgenia Ivanovich

  1. Father - Ivan Apolloovich, the chief provincial architect who created more than three hundred buildings in different cities.
  2. Mother - love Alekseevna, amateur gardener.


Thanks to his father, Eugene since childhood loved drawing. Ivan Apolloovich instilled his son in love with artistic creativity, which predetermined the life path of young dating.

In addition to the father, an important role in the formation of Charushin, as an artist, played by his friend Vasnetsov, a former guest in their house.

With my mother, Zhenya went a lot to the forest, watching the nature of the native land. It gave birth to love for the living world. A lot of boy read about nature, especially he loved books about animals.

Becoming older, the boy actively began to work on the transfer of wildlife on a paper sheet, painting the pictures of animals.

Education and education

In addition to self-education with the help of books, the parents of Evgenia Ivanovich played an important role in this action, thanks to which a little boy understood his preferences. His mother instilled love for nature, father - to painting.

However, in addition to family education and self-education, Charushin studied a lot to his destiny.

In the army, he actively worked on the creation of drawn images, after it - came in 1922 to the St. Petersburg Academy in the artistic direction, where, in addition to education in his profile, actively visited classes from another teacher.

Training lasted five years, after which (1927) Evgeny Ivanovich came out a graduate specialist.

First book with charmushin illustrations

The first work of Evgenia Ivanovich, as an illustrator, was a formula for the story of V. Bianki "Murzuk".

The newly coming to work in the children's department of the State draft, the young artist showed his drawings V. V. Lebedev, who noted their extraordinary liveliness, as a result of which his paintings of Bianki recommended. In addition to Vitaly, the young man created illustrations for works by S. Ya. Marshak and M. M. Svavina.

First stories

With the filing of S. Marshak, the young man tried to write his stories, where he told the little children about the life of animals in detail.

Before the beginning of the war they created at least 20 books, among which were "Volchishko and others", "chicks", "chicken city", "animals of hot countries" and so on.

After the war, returning to Petrograd, actively continued to work with children's prose.

Famous works Charushin

You can select the following of them:

  • "As the wife of Zhenya learned to speak" (from the cycle "About Zhenya");
  • "About Tomka";
  • "Yasha";
  • "Who lives like";
  • "Bear";
  • "Shchur";
  • "Oleski";
  • "Volchishko";
  • "Travelers."

Heroes of Eugene Ivanovich often serve children who interact with animals. Often, representatives of the animal world have the qualities that admire the writer. For example, Raven in the story "Yasha".

Last years of life and death writer

He managed to create many illustrations to books in the post-war years, and also changed his drawings performance technique. His pictures gained the prospect, the space was designated.

Evgeny Ivanovich also begins to draw a gouache and watercolor, working on small details.

However, Charushin had a lot in recent times. At the age of 64, he died. This happened in 1965, the 18th of February, in St. Petersburg. The last challenge of a talented person was theological cemetery.

The desire to know the world of animal fauna was so great that the future writer often fell into curious situations.

Here is some of them:

  1. Once he decided to understand what feels are experiencing birds when eating specialized feed, and ate it from their feeders. As a result of this action, the boy fell ill with typhoid.
  2. Several times Evgeny countrymen saw him with a swimming river together with cows, which were swore.
  3. The surname of the writer dates back to the name of the baking baking "Charusha".


Evgeny Ivanovich was a very talented person, the life and creativity of which made a huge contribution to the development of children's prose. Analysis of works under its authorship reveals a huge love for small readers, the natural world and beasts, his inhabiting.