Wild mushrooms are especially tasty. They can be salted different ways. In this article you will find some tips on how to pickle mushrooms.

Recipe for marinated whites

You can pickle white mushrooms if you have the following products at your disposal (indicated for 5 kg of mushrooms):

  • coarse non-iodized salt weighing 200 g;
  • dill stems - several pieces;
  • horseradish root - 1 pc. (approximately 20 g);
  • a couple of heads of garlic;
  • allspice, bay leaf;
  • white mushrooms (mushrooms).

How to salt: step-by-step instructions

1st step

Take the whites, wash and clean them of needles, dirt and leaves. Then place in cold water and soak for several days. In this case, you should change the water every 12 hours.

2nd step

While the mushrooms are soaking, prepare the container in which you will pickle them. As for pickling other products (for example, cucumbers), you can use a glass, enamel, wooden container that is designed for food products. Any container you choose should be washed and, if possible, held over steam to sterilize.

3rd step

Time is up - the white mushrooms (mushrooms) are soaked. How to salt the product? First you need to drain the water, then put the dill stems, bay leaves, and garlic into a container. Place a layer of mushrooms on top with the caps facing inward.

4th step

Salt the mushrooms generously and again place a layer of seasonings on top. Repeat this procedure until the white mushrooms (mushrooms) are gone. You now know how to salt the product. The prepared containers should be covered with dry gauze on top and pressure should be placed on it.

5th step

Place the container with mushrooms in a cool place. After a few days they will settle and you can add new batch. If after some time you notice that there is little brine left in the containers, then increase the weight of the oppression. Whitefish can be eaten after 40-60 days. Bon appetit!

Belyanki using the hot method

Salting whites using a hot method is a more difficult task. Finished product It turns out strong and tasty. It lasts longer and can be eaten safely.

Belyanki: recipe and cooking technology

Thoroughly clean the mushrooms of needles, dirt and leaves. Then rinse thoroughly. Boil in boiling salted water. Add salt at the rate of 55 grams per liter drinking water. When cooking, stir the product periodically with a spoon. Don't forget to remove the foam. It is enough to cook the whites for 10 minutes. Then you need to drain the water, rinse the mushrooms and dry them a little. To do this, you can use a sieve or a fabric bag in which the whites are placed and hung so that all the liquid is drained. After this, the mushrooms are pickled in the same way as in the first recipe, using various spices and herbs. You can do it differently and place the whites in a bowl with a salt solution (approximate calculation: a liter of water and 200 g of salt), cover the container with a clean cloth and apply pressure. The approximate ratio of mushrooms to liquid should be 5: 1. Hot method, can be eaten after 3-4 weeks. Serve the whites with boiled potatoes. You can season the mushrooms sunflower oil, garlic and herbs. Bon appetit!

Among the young growth of birch trees you can find conditionally edible mushrooms white with fluffy edges called whitefish. They are valuable for their composition, which is why they are popular among professional mushroom pickers, but are often underestimated by beginners.

The white mushroom (also known as “white volnushka” or Lactarius pubescens) is a conditionally edible lamellar mushroom belonging to the Russula family, the genus Mlechniki.

  • The cap is at first convex, white with a pinkish tint, with a fluffy edge strongly tucked inward; with age it becomes flat, smoother, depressed closer to the center. The average diameter is 3-7 cm.
  • the pulp, as the name suggests, is white, but pinkish under the skin. The milky juice is white, does not change color in air, and is bitter.
  • the stem of the mushroom has a cylindrical shape, height - 3-6 cm, diameter 0.7-2 cm. As the mushroom grows, it gradually becomes hollow. The surface is white or light pink.
  • the plates are frequent, thin, adherent or slightly running down the stem, light fawn or pinkish, and do not change their color over time.


Volushka mushrooms mainly grow in mixed or deciduous young forests. They can also be found near forest and country roads, in meadows, clearings and forest edges. They grow both in groups and individually. The habitat regions are dominated by Siberia, the Urals, North Caucasus, as well as the center and north-west of the country. One of the key conditions for the growth of the fungus is the presence of birch trees nearby.

Belyanka usually bears fruit from the beginning of August to the end of September, less often - until mid-October.

Similar species and how to distinguish them from them

The appearance of the mushroom is very specific, it is difficult to confuse it with another. The only kind, which the whitefish is similar to, is its relative, the pink wave. The latter can be easily distinguished by the more saturated pink color of the cap, which has quite pronounced concentric zones. Pink volnushka grows in drier and brighter places, near dry birches. But even if you confuse these mushrooms, nothing bad will happen; they are similar in their properties and cooking methods.

When compared with other white lactaries, the white moth has a slightly lower cap.

Primary processing and preparation

The mushroom belongs to category 2 of edibility and is allowed for harvesting. Usually it is salted, less often pickled after pre-treatment by soaking or boiling. If pre-treatment in the form of soaking is not carried out, the mushroom juice will be unpleasantly bitter and can cause stomach upset.

Nutritional qualities, benefits and harms

White mushroom is not very high in calories; 100 grams contain 22 kcal.

Whitefish are perfectly absorbed by the body, and their protein properties are very similar to animal protein. They are also very good for skin, hair and eyesight. The chitin compounds that make up their fiber have a positive effect on the intestines.

Not all people are recommended to consume these mushrooms. For example, they are dangerous for those who suffer from low acidity of gastric juice, pancreatitis or cholecystitis. You should not use them if you have deleted them. gallbladder– then the digestion of the components can be difficult, which can cause a noticeable exacerbation of chronic diseases of various digestive organs. Also, whitefish, if poorly treated, can irritate the mucous membranes even in people without problems with internal organs.

Although this mushroom is quite caustic and bitter (it surpasses even the black mushroom in this indicator), if it is properly processed, it will be very tasty, healthy and nutritious. Because this great option for collection in the summer-autumn period. The mushroom is easy to collect even for novice mushroom pickers, because it is very difficult to confuse it with something, once remembering what a white mushroom looks like.

White mushrooms are scientifically called white mushrooms. They are representatives of the laticifers. Despite this name, white mushrooms are mushrooms, the color of which can be pinkish or even orange. People also call them " fluffy milk mushrooms"due to the specific pile on the cap.


Whitefish is a mushroom that has a convex, silky-fluffy, dry (rarely slimy) cap with a depression in the center. Its diameter is 4-9 cm. The fluffy edges are rolled up. As the mushroom matures, the cap unfolds and sometimes becomes funnel-shaped. Its color can be white, white-cream, slightly pink. The middle is pinkish-fawn. The plates of the fungus are frequent, slightly descending, adherent, narrow. Their color is white or pinkish. Creamy spore powder. The stem of the mushroom is cylindrical, has a diameter of 1.5-2 cm, and grows 2-4 cm in height. It is finely fluffy (sometimes naked), hollow inside, pink or white. White mushrooms, milky juice which are very caustic. It causes irritation upon contact with skin. The color does not change in air. Whiteworts are very similar to pink mothwort. It can be quite difficult to find the differences between them, but the first one has a lighter cap and small spores. Biologists often understand, only when they take up a microscope, that what they are looking at is not pink mushrooms, but white mushrooms. Photos of them can be seen in this article. This mushroom smells like geranium.

Habitat and distribution

White mushrooms are mushrooms that create mycorrhiza with birch trees. Therefore, they are found in birch forests and forests mixed with this tree. Prefer wet places. This mushroom can be found on forest edges, in young birch forests, on the sides of paths and roads. Most often they grow in groups. Found throughout the territory temperate zone America, Eurasia). The Russian Federation is especially rich in them European part countries. Whitefish are collected from July to October.

Culinary properties

White mushrooms are considered conditionally edible. They were assigned the second category, which indicates good quality. To completely get rid of the caustic juice, which contains unsafe compounds, it is recommended to pre-soak the white flakes for two days. Then they need to be boiled for 15 minutes. The mushroom is consumed fried, stewed, salted and pickled.

Application in medicine

The whites are used for treatment various diseases. In domestic folk medicine Boiled and fresh white trumpets are used to treat various skin diseases, stomach disorders, and constipation. The juice of fresh mushrooms is rubbed into the skin affected by the fungus. It also helps with sweaty feet. A decoction of this mushroom with celandine, string, young birch leaves, and chamomile is used to treat childhood diathesis and scrofula. For rheumatism, gout and polyarthritis, foot baths are made with the same composition. It should be noted that healing properties whitefish have not yet been fully studied. As medicinal raw materials, mushrooms can be stored dried in tightly sealed jars.

For an experienced mushroom picker, the question of how a milk mushroom differs from a squeaky mushroom will not be a reason for long thought. He knows very well all the differences that make it possible to eliminate the risk of inedible and poisonous specimens ending up in the basket. We invite you to learn how to distinguish white milk mushroom from mustard, violin, volnushka, row and other mushrooms that are similar in appearance. The page contains comparative characteristics And full descriptions similar types of mushrooms. Be sure to look at how to distinguish white milk mushrooms from false ones in the photo, which illustrates all the typical signs. This will help you feel more confident during " quiet hunt" In the woods. Pick mushrooms very carefully. IN Lately Cases of poisoning from eating seemingly familiar types of mushrooms have become more frequent. In fact, there is active mimicry and poisonous mushrooms become very similar to edible ones appearance.

The cap is round, usually concave inward, funnel-shaped, white or yellowish in color, with large rusty spots, moist, slightly fluffy, with a large fringe along the edges. The plates are white, yellowish. The pulp is white, dense, juicy, thick, and secretes a bitter milky juice, especially when broken. The leg is short, white, hollow inside. They belong to the “plate” mushrooms, in which the lower part of the caps consists of delicate plates. Next, we will look at the main differences between milk mushrooms and a number of mushrooms that are similar in appearance.

Grows in birch forests and mixed forests with an admixture of birch. Quite rare, but sometimes in large groups, between July and October. The cap is large, up to 20 cm in diameter, in young mushrooms it is white, rounded-convex, then funnel-shaped, with a shaggy edge turned down, white or slightly yellowish, often with faintly noticeable watery concentric stripes. In wet weather it is slimy, which is why this mushroom is called “ raw milk mushrooms" The pulp is white, dense, brittle, with a spicy odor.

The milky juice is white, acrid, bitter in taste, and turns sulfur-yellow in air.

The plates descending along the stalk, white or cream, with a yellowish edge, wide, sparse. The stem is short, thick, bare, white, sometimes with yellowish spots, and in mature mushrooms it is hollow inside. Conditionally edible, first category. Used for pickling, less often for pickling. Salted milk mushrooms have a bluish tint.

What is the difference between a white breast and a black one?

Grows in conifers and deciduous forests. Occurs singly and in groups from July to October, and sometimes in November. The cap is up to 20 cm in diameter, almost flat, with a depression in the middle and a curled edge. Later, the cap becomes funnel-shaped with straightening edges. The surface is slightly sticky, olive-brown, lighter towards the edge. The first thing is different white milk mushroom from black, these are the exterior paint colors. The plates are dirty whitish, later with brownish spots. They darken when pressed.

The leg is short, thick, at first solid, then hollow. The pulp is dense, white or grayish-white, with abundant white acrid milky juice, darkening at the break. Black milk mushrooms are good for pickling. Thoroughly washed and soaked, they lose their bitterness, their flesh becomes crispy and dense. When salted, the cap acquires a beautiful dark purple-cherry color. Black milk mushrooms in salting do not lose their strength and taste for years. Conditionally edible, third category.

The difference between a white load and a milk mushroom

The cap of the milk mushroom is more concave than that of a real milk mushroom, less fluffy. In young caps, the edges of the cap are also turned inward, but not completely lowered. The hat and rare plates are white. The pulp is white; when broken, a bitter milky juice is released. Dry surface and white color – distinctive features this mushroom.

Grows from late July to late autumn. The main difference between white mushroom and milk mushroom is that it is found in coniferous, deciduous and mixed forests in the northern part of the forest zone. Grows from July to October. The cap is white - up to 20 cm in diameter - at first flat-convex with a curved edge and a depression in the middle, then funnel-shaped with straightening edges, pure white, sometimes with brownish-yellow spots (scorches). The leg is up to 5 cm long, smooth, at first solid, then hollow, white. The flesh is white, does not change at the break, the flesh in the cap tissue is moist, in the plates it is caustic. The plates are descending, narrow, clean, sometimes forked towards the outer edge, bifurcated, white.

Usually this mushroom is salted. The salted load acquires a slightly brownish color. In many places, white milk mushrooms are called “dry milk mushrooms” in contrast to real milk mushrooms, which usually have a slightly slimy cap. White milk mushrooms differ from real milk mushrooms in other ways. The edges of their caps are not pubescent, and the flesh does not contain milky juice. Conditionally edible, second category, used salted and pickled. In the northern half of the forest zone there is another type of podgrudok - black podgrudok. The cap is up to 15 cm in diameter, flat-convex with a depression in the middle and with a curled edge, later funnel-shaped, glabrous, slightly sticky, from dirty gray to dark brown in color.

The pulp is white or grayish-white, without milky juice.

The plates are often grayish-dirty in color and turn black when pressed. Because of the dark color of the cap, the mushroom is sometimes called “grain”, and because of its fragile flesh – “black russula”. These mushrooms are often wormy. Its plates are very caustic. For salting, it must be boiled. When salted and boiled, it is dark brown in color. Conditionally edible, third category, used only for salting. Salted mushrooms turn black.

Look at the difference between milk mushrooms and subloads in the photo, which shows the main differences.

How do milk mushrooms differ from milk mushrooms?

Grows from late August until the first frost, for the most part alone through the birch forests and mixed forests, mainly in the northern part of the forest zone. The cap is up to 12 cm in diameter, at first flat with a hole in the center and with a rolled edge, later funnel-shaped, fibrous, shaggy and woolly along the edge. Let's figure out how milk mushrooms differ from milk mushrooms and how to differentiate them in the field.

In wet weather, the middle of the cap is sticky, pink or yellowish-pink, with pronounced dark concentric zones. The plates are adherent or descending, thin, white or slightly pinkish. The leg is up to 6 cm long, up to 2 cm in diameter, cylindrical, hollow, one-color with a cap. The pulp is loose, brittle, white or pinkish, with white, pungent, acrid milky juice. Volnushka is used for salting. It is pickled only after thorough soaking and boiling, otherwise the mushrooms can cause severe irritation gastric mucosa. It is best to take young mushrooms for pickling, up to 3–4 cm. Their cap is strong, with the edge curled deep inside. Such small waves are called “curls”. When salted, it has a pale brown color with an admixture of pink, and retains pronounced dark zones. In the northwestern and central regions countries and in the Urals, usually on the edges of young birch forests from the beginning of August to October you can find the white moth. It is in many ways similar to the pink wave, but smaller. The cap, up to 6 cm in diameter, is fluffy-silky, at first convex, later funnel-shaped, white with yellowish-reddish, blurry spots, with a curled hairy edge. The white milky juice is pungent and sometimes bitter. The plates are light fawn, slightly pinkish, adherent or descending, frequent, narrow. The leg is dense, brittle, short, smooth. The flesh is white or slightly pinkish. Belyanka is sometimes confused with white podgruzdka. But the latter has a much larger cap, and the edge is bare or slightly pubescent. It is only used for pickling after preliminary soaking in water or scalding with boiling water. Belyanka is valued for its delicate pulp and pleasant taste. When salted it is light brownish. The mushroom is conditionally edible, second category.

Differences between violin and milk mushroom

Quite often found in coniferous and deciduous forests middle zone, in large groups, from mid-June to mid-September. The cap is up to 20 cm in diameter, at first flat-convex, depressed in the middle, with a curled edge. The difference between the violin and the milk mushroom is that later the cap becomes funnel-shaped with a wavy, often cracked edge. The surface is dry, slightly pubescent, pure white, later slightly buffy. The plates are sparse, whitish or yellowish. The leg is up to 6 cm long, thick, somewhat narrowed at the base, solid, white. The pulp is coarse, dense, white, later yellowish, with abundant white, pungent, pungent milky juice. Collected mushrooms in the basket they rub against each other and make a characteristic squeak. For this they were called “violinists”, “creakers”. Mushroom pickers do not always take these mushrooms, although they are used for salting, becoming strong and acquiring a mushroom smell. The mushroom becomes white with a bluish tint and squeaks on the teeth. The mushroom is conditionally edible, category four. Used for salting and pickling. It must first be soaked and boiled to remove bitterness.

How to distinguish white milk mushroom from bitterling

You need to know how to distinguish white milk mushroom from bitterling, since it is found everywhere, but mainly in the northern half of the forest zone. Prefers several rain forests. Usually grows in large groups. The cap is up to 8 cm in diameter, initially flat-convex, then funnel-shaped, usually with a tubercle in the middle, dry, silky, red-brown. The plates are descending or adherent, frequent, pale reddish-yellowish, usually with a white coating from spores. The leg is up to 8 cm long, smooth, cylindrical, first solid, then hollow, light reddish-brown, with white felt at the base. The pulp is dense, at first white, then slightly red-brown without much odor. The milky juice is white and very caustic; it is not for nothing that the mushroom is called bitter. Because of the very bitter, pungent taste, mushrooms are only salted, they must be boiled first, and only then they are salted. When salted, the mushrooms are dark brown in color, with a noticeable sharp lump on the cap. The mushroom is conditionally edible, category four.

Differences between black milk mushroom and pig milk

Pig, kind lamellar mushrooms. The difference between a pig and a milk mushroom is that it has a cap with a diameter of up to 20 cm, initially convex, then flat, funnel-shaped, with an edge turned inward, velvety, yellow-brown, sometimes with an olive tint. The flesh is light brown, darkening when cut. The plates are decurrent, connected at the bottom by transverse veins, and are easily separated from the cap. Leg length up to 9 cm, central or shifted to the side, narrowed downwards, the same color as the cap. Mushroom grows in the forests various types, in large groups, from July to October, can form mycorrhiza.

It is imperative to know the difference between a black milk mushroom and a pig, because in last years pig is classified as poisonous mushrooms(can cause poisoning, even with fatal). It contains substances that lead to a decrease in red blood cells in the blood. Moreover, the manifestation of poisoning depends on individual characteristics the human body and can occur either a few hours later or several years after consuming these mushrooms. The fat pig is distinguished by its larger size and dark brown velvety leg. Forms mycorrhiza or settles on wood. Conditionally edible. Pig animals have the ability to accumulate harmful compounds of heavy metals.

What is the difference between a milk mushroom and a spruce row?

Grows on sandy soil in coniferous trees, mainly pine forests from August until autumn frosts, alone and in small groups. Distributed everywhere, but quite rare. The cap is up to 10 cm in diameter, fibrous, mucous-sticky, initially flat-convex, then semi-prostrate, light gray to dark gray in color, often with a yellowish or purple tint, darker in the center than along the edge, with radial dark stripes .

The most important thing that distinguishes milk mushroom from spruce row is that its flesh is not brittle, white, does not turn yellow in the air, has a faint smell of flour, and tastes fresh. The plates are white, then light yellow or bluish-grayish, sparse, wide. The leg is up to 10 cm long and up to 2 cm thick, smooth, white, then yellowish or grayish, fibrous, sits deep in the soil. The mushroom is edible, category four. Used boiled, fried, salted and pickled.

Differences between white milk mushroom and white milk mushroom

In the northwestern and central regions of the country and in the Urals, usually on the edges of young birch forests from the beginning of August to October you can find the white moth. It is in many ways similar to the pink wave, but smaller. The difference between the white milk mushroom and the white milk mushroom is as follows: the cap, up to 6 cm in diameter, is fluffy-silky, at first convex, later funnel-shaped, white with yellowish-reddish, blurry spots, with a curled hairy edge.

The white milky juice is pungent and sometimes bitter. The plates are light fawn, slightly pinkish, adherent or descending, frequent, narrow. The leg is dense, brittle, short, smooth. The difference between milk mushrooms and milk mushrooms is that their flesh is always white, and not slightly pinkish. Belyanka is sometimes confused with white podgruzdka. But the latter has a much larger cap, and the edge is bare or slightly pubescent. It is only used for pickling after preliminary soaking in water or scalding with boiling water. Belyanka is valued for its delicate pulp and pleasant taste. When salted it is light brownish.

What is the difference between a false breast and a real one?

The first thing is different false breast from the present, it is a cap with a diameter of 4-12 cm, densely fleshy, convex or flatly spread to funnel-shaped, sometimes with a tubercle, initially with a bent edge, and later with a drooping edge, dry, silky-fibrous, finely scaly, with age almost naked, ocher-fleshed -reddish, ocher-dirty pinkish-gray or pinkish-brown, with vague spots when drying. The plates are descending, narrow, thin, whitish, later pinkish-cream and orange-ocher. The leg is 4-8×0.8–3.5 cm, cylindrical, dense, eventually hollow, tomentose, hairy-tomentose at the base, the color of the cap, lighter in the upper part, mealy. The pulp is yellowish with a reddish tint, the lower part of the stem is reddish-brownish, sweet, without much odor (when dried, it smells of coumarin); The milky juice is watery, sweet or bitter, and does not change color when exposed to air. Grows in moist coniferous and deciduous forests. Fruiting bodies are formed in July – October. Poisonous mushroom.

Watch how to distinguish a white milk mushroom from a false one in the video, which shows all the features.

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characterized by the following description of appearance:

  • the diameter of the cap of an adult mushroom can vary between 40-80 mm;
  • at the initial stage of development, the cap has a convex shape;
  • older specimens are distinguished by a prostrate or funnel-shaped cap with characteristically rolled edges, as well as a depression in the central part;
  • the surface of the cap is white, with slight darkening in the central part;
  • there are no pronounced concentric zones on the surface of the cap;
  • the cap has dense pubescence, and in rainy time may be slimy;
  • the plates are of an adherent type or have a slight descent, often located, narrow, white in color;
  • leg no more than 40 mm high, up to 20 mm in diameter, cylindrical in shape with a narrowing at the very base;
  • the surface of the leg may be smooth or have slight pubescence;
  • in adult specimens the stem is hollow, uniformly colored with a cap;
  • the flesh is dense, white, quite fragile, and has a faint mushroom aroma;
  • Characterized by the abundant secretion of white, milky, caustic juice by the pulp, which does not change color when exposed to air.

Older specimens of Lactarius pubescens have a smooth cap surface and acquire a fairly pronounced yellowish coloration. Such fruiting bodies are not suitable for food.

Chemical composition and benefits

The pulp of the white trumpet contains significant amount B vitamins, as well as vitamin A and ascorbic acid. The undeniable advantage of this forest mushroom has a beneficial effect on vision, as well as improving the condition of hair and skin. The total calorie content of white milkweed is no more than 21–23 kcal per 100 g of pulp, so dishes from the fruiting bodies of this milkweed can be consumed even if you are prone to excess weight. The amino acids contained in mushroom pulp are quite easily absorbed by the human body.

However, it is important to remember that the use of white mushroom as food should be avoided in the presence of chronic diseases such as pancreatitis and cholecystitis. It is not recommended to eat dishes with white fiber if you have diseases accompanied by a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice.

White volnushkas are traditionally used in our country exclusively for pickling, and people say about this variety of edible milkweed like this: “White volnushka is a noble mushroom.”

Boletus mushroom: how to find, recognize and cook

White mushroom: description (video)

Distribution area

As a rule, this fungus is characterized by the formation of mycorrhiza with birch trees, so most often Lactarius pubescens is found on the edges of birch groves. It grows somewhat less frequently in young coniferous and birch forests.

The mycelium forms a significant number of fruiting bodies, so Lactarius pubescens is characterized by growing in fairly large groups. Peak fruiting occurs in the last summer month and the first ten days of September. The main difference between the white milkweed and other white-colored milkweeds is the pubescence on the cap.

Cooking methods

Many novice mushroom pickers refuse to collect white mushrooms, due to the rather mediocre taste qualities mushroom if cooked incorrectly. Lack of proper pre-treatment of fruiting bodies can provoke severe irritation of the mucous membrane oral cavity, and also often causes nausea, vomiting, and dysfunction of the digestive system.

To get not only tasty, but also the most healthy mushroom dish, whitefish should be subjected to mandatory primary processing:

  • the collected fruiting bodies must be thoroughly cleaned of forest debris and contamination in the form of soil particles;
  • the content of caustic juice in the mushroom pulp implies a mandatory process of soaking peeled mushrooms;
  • Fruiting bodies should be soaked for at least 48 hours, periodically replacing the water;
  • Immediately after soaking, the mushrooms should be rinsed under running water.

Despite the fact that most often they prefer to salt and pickle volushki for the winter, there are several recipes for preparing them immediately after soaking. You can enjoy the taste of these mushrooms in soups, and white mushrooms are also good fried, boiled and stewed.

Belyanka in batter

For a kilogram of mushrooms you will need a tablespoon of salt, a liter of water, a little flour, garlic and dill to taste, butter for frying.

Shiitake mushroom: biological description and medicinal properties


  • boil the peeled and pasted primary processing mushrooms in salted water until half cooked;
  • add any spices or seasonings to the broth and boil the mushrooms for about another quarter of an hour, periodically removing the foam;
  • strain the mushrooms, cool slightly and, dipping in flour, fry until golden brown.

Whitefish soup

For 0.3 kg of mushrooms you should take an onion, one medium-sized carrot, a bunch of greens, not a large number of vegetable oil, a couple of liters of vegetable broth.


  • Pour boiling water over the fruiting bodies that have undergone preliminary preparation for about a quarter of an hour;
  • rinse under running water and chop relatively finely;
  • cut the onion into half rings and the carrots into cubes, then fry in a small amount of vegetable oil;
  • add mushrooms to the sautéed vegetables and fry over medium heat for a quarter of an hour;
  • pour the broth into the pan and bring to a boil;
  • cut the potatoes into cubes and add to the broth;
  • add the fried mushrooms and vegetables and simmer for five minutes.

How to pickle white mushroom: recipe (video)