The smallest continent on planet Earth is Australia. With an area of ​​7,659,861 km2 (with islands 7,692,024 km2), it occupies only 5% of the planet's total land area. At the same time, the size of the continent, when viewed from north to south, will be 3.7 thousand kilometers, and from west to east approximately 4,000 kilometers. In this case, the length of all the coasts of the continent will be approximately 35,877 kilometers.

The continent is located in the southern hemisphere of the planet. From the north, south and west, mainland Australia is washed by the Indian Ocean, and from the east it is washed by the Tasman and Coral Seas. Australia also became famous for the largest coral reef in the world (more than 2000 km), which is located on the northeastern coast of the continent.

The entire territory of the mainland belongs to one state, which is called Australia. Officially, this state is called the Commonwealth of Australia.

Extreme points of mainland Australia

There are four extreme points that are located on the Australian mainland:

1) The most extreme point in the north is Cape York, which is washed by the Coral and Arafura seas.

2) The westernmost point of the mainland is Cape Steep Point, which is washed by Indian Ocean.

3) The southernmost point of Australia is Cape South Point, which washes the Tasman Sea.

4) And finally, the easternmost point of the mainland is Cape Byron.

Relief of Australia

Mainland Australia is dominated by plains. More than 90% of the continent's total land mass does not exceed 600 meters above sea level. There are also mountain ranges in Australia, which usually do not exceed a height of 1500 kilometers. The highest mountains in Australia are the Australian Alps, the highest mountain of which Kosciuszko reaches an altitude of 2230 meters above sea level. Also in Australia there are the Musgrave Mountains, the Western Australian Tablelands, the Kimberley Plateau, the Darling Range and Mount Lofty.

The entire territory of the continent of Australia is located on the Australian Plate, which includes the mainland of Australia and part of the adjacent ocean.

Australian inland waters

By inland waters this continent is characterized as the poorest continent in terms of rivers. The most long river on the mainland Murray originates from the area itself high mountain Australia Kosciuszko, and reaches a length of 2375 km.

Rivers are fed mainly by rain or melt water. The rivers are at their fullest at the beginning of summer, and then they begin to shallow, and in some places turn into stagnant reservoirs.

Just like rivers, lakes on the mainland are also fed by rainwater. Such lakes do not have a constant level and flow. In summer, they can dry out completely and turn into depressions, the bottom of which is covered with salt. The thickness of salt at the bottom of dry lakes can reach up to 1.5 meters. Australia's fairly large lakes can be swamps for most of the year. There is a hypothesis that the south of the continent continues to rise from the ocean.

Climate of mainland Australia

Mainland Australia is located in three climatic zones at once - this subtropical zone, tropical zone and subequatorial zone.

The subtropical zone of the continent of Australia includes three climates - subtropical continental, subtropical humid and Mediterranean.

The Mediterranean climate is characterized by dry and hot summers, but warm and humid winters. There are slight fluctuations between the seasons (in summer the temperature rises to 27 degrees Celsius, and in winter the air temperature drops to 12 degrees Celsius) and there is quite a lot of precipitation. This climate is typical for the southwestern part of Australia.

The subtropical humid climate is characterized by large temperature differences between different periods of the year (in summer the temperature rises to +24 degrees Celsius, and in winter it drops to -10 degrees Celsius below zero) and significant precipitation. This climate is typical for the entire state of Victoria and part of the state of New South Wales, which is located in the southwest.

Subtropical continental climate characterized by low precipitation and large temperature differences and is characteristic of southern Australia.

The tropical zone is formed from tropical dry and tropical wet climates.

The tropical humid climate is located in the east of the continent and is characterized by big amount precipitation. This climate is formed due to the action of southeastern winds, which are saturated with moisture from the Pacific Ocean.

A tropical dry climate is typical for the central and western parts of the continent. Most hot climate in the north-west of the mainland - in summer the temperature rises to 35 degrees Celsius, and in winter it drops very slightly to 20 degrees Celsius. It is worth noting the city of Alice Springs, which is located in the central part of the continent, where temperatures during the day can rise to 45 degrees and at night drop to -6 degrees Celsius below zero. At the same time, precipitation may not fall in some places for years, and then the annual norm of precipitation may fall in a matter of hours. In this case, moisture is very quickly absorbed by the ground or evaporates.

The subequatorial climate on the Australian mainland is characterized by stable temperatures throughout the year (23 degrees Celsius) and high rainfall.

Flora and fauna of Australia

Due to the fact that the continent is isolated from other continents, vegetable world This continent is very diverse. At the same time, there are plants and animals that live only on this continent and are not found anywhere else. And due to the peculiarities of the dry climate on the continent, dry-loving plants predominate among plants. For example, eucalyptus, acacia and others. In the north of the mainland you can find tropical forests.

The area of ​​the mainland covered by forests is only 5%. Over time, many trees and plants were introduced from other continents that took root well in Australia, for example, grains, grapevines, and some types of fruits and vegetables.

But the variety of animals on the mainland is not so diverse. In total, there are just over 230 species of mammals living on the mainland, more than 700 species of birds and more than 120 species of amphibians. But most of these animals exist only on the mainland and will not survive anywhere else, since they feed on plants that also exist only on the Australian mainland. This is such a unique world that is worth seeing with your own eyes.

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Weather in Australia by month in summer, autumn, winter and spring. Air and water temperature, precipitation – helpful information from “Travel The World”.

As you know, Australia is located in southern hemisphere, also in its hottest part. However, given the huge area occupied by this continent, there are certain differences in weather conditions in different parts of it. In addition, we should not forget that when it is winter in the northern hemisphere, summer reigns here. What is the weather like in Australia in different months of the year?

Weather in Australia in winter


December is the beginning of a sultry and hot summer. In the north of the country, which is located closer to the equator, during the day the thermometer reaches +35 C, at night it rarely drops below +26 C. The weather in the south is cooler - during the day +23 C...+25 C, and at night about +20 C. The weather on the island of Tasmania is pleasantly cool - here it’s about +20 C.

In January

January is the height of the Australian summer. For this reason, throughout the country it is worth hot weather, especially in its northern part (the cities of Darwin, Alice Springs and Broome). The air warms up to +35 C, sea ​​water it might be warmer. There is still some precipitation falling.

The weather in the southern part of the country, and this is where Sydney is located, is characterized by air temperatures in the region of +25 C...+28 C during the daytime, and low level precipitation.

In February

Summer doesn't let up in February either. In the north of the country it is hot, up to +35 C, but at the same time quite rainy. Precipitation in this part of the country can fall for 9-12 days and reach 260 mm per month.

In the south of Australia in February the weather is more pleasant - in Sydney and Canberra the air warms up to +26 C, and at night it does not cool below +18 C. Combined with a low level of precipitation, this creates a rather pleasant background for relaxation.

Photo: Lenny K Photography/

In March

In March, autumn comes to the largest island-continent in the world. In the north of the country, rain becomes a frequent visitor. The air temperature is +30 C...+32 C during the daytime.

In the southern part of the country and in Melbourne, during the day +20 C...+24 C, sea water is warmed up to +22 C. At the same time, the frequency of precipitation is increasing.

The island of Tasmania welcomes its guests with a cool and often cloudy weather. The air here warms up to +18 C...+20 C, and it rains infrequently.

In April

Mid-autumn in Australia marks a smooth transition from the wet to the dry season. The weather is warm throughout the country. In Sydney, as in the southern part of the country, during the day +20 C...+22 C, in the north +24 C, and in Tasmania - about +16 C.

In May

The weather in May brings significant variety. If in the north of the country it is +30 C...+32 C, then in its southern part and Melbourne +15 C...+17 C. The central part of the mainland is +22 C...+24 C, in the west +20 C...+22 C, which makes May is a very favorable month to visit this part of the country.

In June

If in the northern hemisphere June is the beginning of summer, then in the northern hemisphere, where Australia is located, it marks the start of winter. What is local winter?

In the south, the air warms up to +12 C...+16 C, but at night it often cools down to 0 C. In the north it is much warmer - here during the day +24 C...+30 C, and at night it is much warmer. In this part of the country, sea water is heated to +24 C. Home to many unique animals, Tasmania welcomes you with cool weather - the air rarely warms up above +10 C.

In July

Midwinter period warm weather in the north and cool in the south. In the first case, the air temperature is +25 C...+30 C (however, the heat is not oppressive), and in the second - from +10 to + 18 C. In Tasmania, the air warms up to +6 C...+10 C.

In August

The last month of winter on the green continent is characterized by good weather throughout its entire territory. In the south of the country the air warms up to +17 C...+19 C, and in the north of the country it even becomes hot (up to +32 C). It is also getting warmer in Tasmania - during the day up to +13 C, at night from +4 C. The level of precipitation does not exceed 50 mm.

Weather in Australia in autumn

In September

Spring has come... Characteristic feature this time of year is abundant sunny days, this especially applies to the northern part of the country. During the day, the thermometer here often reaches +33 C, and at night it does not drop below +24 C – a very comfortable time for walking. In the south of Australia it is not so warm yet, but in the daytime it is already +16 C...+18 C, and in Sydney it is 20 C. On the island of Tasmania it is not yet so warm - in the daytime it is no higher than +15 C.

In October

The height of the Australian spring brings comfort to the south of the continent. In Melbourne it is already stable at +18 C during the day, and the water warms up to +14 C. In the north of the country it is very warm - +26 C...+28 C during the day and about +20 at night. Tasmania is getting a few degrees warmer compared to September.

In November

November in Australia is peak tourist season. Of course, this is facilitated by the warm, and in some places hot weather that has prevailed throughout the country. In the north (Darwin, Alice Springs and Broome) during the day the air warms up to +32 C...+34 C, and the sea water is +30 C - a great time for beach holiday. In the south of the continent it is a little cooler - during the day +21 C...+23 C. The island of Tasmania welcomes guests with 20 degrees of warmth and low precipitation.

Weather in Australia now

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Australia is famous for its blue, cloudless skies and bright sunshine, relatively mild climate and lack of sharp temperature fluctuations. One of the most interesting and unique countries in the world occupies an entire continent.

Climatic features depend on geography. Australia is located on both sides of the southern tropic, between two giant oceans: the Pacific and Indian. The shores of the continent are, as it were, elevated, separated by mountains from the body of water, so the influence of the seas is minimal.

Australia is the driest continent on Earth. There's very little here fresh water and occupy almost half of the continent tropical desert, known throughout the world: Victoria, Peschanaya, Gibsonovskaya. few in number and almost all drying up. There are not many lakes and they are salty. There are also mountain peaks, but they are rare and not high.

Huge size countries determine climatic diversity: from deserts to snowy mountains, from soft to warm coastal zones to tropical evergreen forests.

Australia has four climate zones:

  • subequatorial
  • tropical
  • subtropical
  • moderate.

Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere, so the order of the seasons is mirrored from the order we are accustomed to in the Northern Hemisphere. Summer begins in December, and June is the first winter month.

Subequatorial part

Covers the northern and northeastern part of the mainland. Falls out here greatest number precipitation, mainly in summer. Winters are dry, and droughts are not uncommon due to hot winds blowing from the middle of the continent. The temperature is even throughout the year, averaging 23-24 degrees.

Tropical Australia (approximately 40% of the country's territory)

Divided into two types of climate: tropical continental - hot with minimum quantity precipitation and tropical humid with thundershowers in summer time.

Continental-tropical climate covers large areas deserts and semi-deserts in the center and western part of the continent. The sand in these places has a characteristic red color due to the large amount of iron it contains.

Close occurrence groundwater provides a fairly rich flora and fauna for deserts.

Acacias and eucalyptus trees turn from lonely growing shrubs into dense thickets and thickets inhabited by lizards, snakes, ostriches and kangaroos. This is the hottest region of Australia; almost all summer the temperature does not drop below 35 degrees, in winter - 20-25 degrees.

A narrow strip of wet tropical forests extends across eastern Australia. Here southeast winds bring humid air from Pacific Ocean. It has a mild, warm climate, favorable for the development of rich flora and fauna. Eucalyptus, ferns, palms, araucarias and bamboo grow in red ferrallite soil. Many forest inhabitants are found only in this part of the planet: koala, bird of paradise, marsupial flying squirrel, echidna, platypus and other species.


In turn, they are divided into three types of climate: continental subtropical arid - in the central and southern parts, subtropical humid with uniform precipitation - in the southeast, mixed or Mediterranean - in the east.

The Mediterranean climate is similar to that of Spain and Southern France and covers the most inhabited zone of Australia. Summer is dry and hot ( average temperature 23-27 degrees), warm winters (12-14 degrees) with sufficient rainfall. Evergreens grow here beech forests, palm trees, shrubs.

A subtropical continental climate covers the cities of Adelaide and South Wales. Characterized by low precipitation and relatively high average annual fluctuations temperatures

A subtropical humid climate covers the cities of Victoria and New South Wales. It has a mild climate and high rainfall, mainly in the coastal area. In summer the average is 20-24 degrees. In winter 8-10 degrees. The climate is favorable for growing various vegetables and fruits. True, in order to get a high yield in the summer, it is necessary to artificially irrigate the soil. Sufficient amounts of forage grasses grow, so local residents Dairy cows and sheep are raised on vast pastures.

Temperate zone

Covers the central and southern part of the island of Tasmania, characterized by heavy rainfall, due to the influence of surrounding water areas. It has cool summers (8-10 degrees) and warm winters (14-17 degrees). IN winter time Snow sometimes falls on the island, but it doesn’t stay there for long. In the lush evergreen meadows of the island all year round Sheep and cows graze.

Climate by season

Spring starts in September and lasts until the end of November. Wildlife blooms amazingly beautifully on the islands at this time. In spring, the country is neither hot nor cold. The entire continent begins to bloom with riotous bright colors.

The driest and hottest time is summer in Australia it lasts from December to February. In the center and near deserts, the air warms up over 40 degrees in the shade. There is almost no rain and dry weather lasts almost the entire season.

Golden autumn in Australia it lasts from March to May. Most of The country's reserves, parks and forests take on an amazing red-gold hue. Particularly unique autumn trees in Orange and cloud forests in Yarra. It's time to harvest from the country's many vineyards.

Winter in Australia - best time of the year. Lasts from June to August. This is the time of the rainy season, but it doesn't happen very often. The air temperature rarely exceeds 20 degrees. In winter, the country's nature is especially beautiful and undersea world.

Holidays in Australia

Diversity climatic zones the country makes it attractive for tourism and recreation. When it is winter in the Northern Hemisphere, it is summer in Australia and this is the best time to travel to the southern part of the country: the cities and regions of Brisbane, Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Hobart and Perth.

The Australian dry winter is the best time to visit the northern regions of the country: the Barrier Reef, Darwin, Cairns, National Park Kakadu, Kimberley and Broome.

Interesting facts about Australia's climate

Cloncurry is the hottest place in the country. Here the temperature rises above 50 degrees in the shade.

The city of Marble Bar in the western part of the country experienced the maximum average annual temperature- 34 degrees Celsius.

The absolute minimum temperature was recorded in Eastern Australia in the state of Mitchell - 28 degrees.

Average annual precipitation: the minimum recorded in Willpam Creek, in the southern part of the country - 126 mm. The maximum - 3535 mm was recorded in the east in Innisfail.

Climate zones of Australia

Due to the fact that the mainland lies within three warm climatic zones of the Southern Hemisphere, and the island of Tasmania in temperate zone, its climatic conditions will be diverse.

There are 4 climatic zones on the mainland:

  • Subequatorial zone;
  • Tropical zone;
  • Subtropical zone;
  • Temperate zone.

In general, it is typical for Australia arid climate type. Precipitation during the year ranges from $250$-$500$ mm. The driest area is in the south of the mainland, around the lake Air and covers an area of ​​several thousand square kilometers. The annual number here is less 125 mm. In the center of Australia there may be no precipitation for several years in a row. Areas with a large amount of falling moisture are small in area and located in places where moist air rises above orographic barriers.

Near Queensland the largest number of them is registered – $4500$ mm per year. The coastal areas can boast of a precipitation amount of $500$ mm per year. northern regions, east and southeast mainland, and island Tasmania. Precipitation in the form snow only appear in Australian Alps, Victoria, New South Wales at an altitude of more than 1350 m. Australia, like other continents, is also affected by the problem global change climate. This manifests itself in reduction in power And duration snow cover in the mountains. The precipitation regime is characterized by seasonal differences. Most of them fall out in summer period , which lasts from December to March. South part the mainland and west coast receive precipitation in winter.

Temperatures are also characteristic seasonal variations. The northwest coast is one of the most roast district. Minimum temperatures not typical for the mainland, with the exception of mountainous regions New South Wales, Victoria, Australian Alps and most of Tasmania. Frosts in these areas can occur at any time of the year, and the frost-free period lasts for $300$ days.

Spring period on the mainland begins with month of September and lasts until the end November. wild nature blossoms during this period. Optimal temperatures - no extreme heat, but not cold either. Summer– the most hot and dry time of year, in deserts the air warms up to $40$ degrees in the shade. Autumn, as on other continents, is called golden and lasts from March to May. The best time of year for the mainland is winter, the air temperature does not exceed $20$ degrees, it rains infrequently.

Characteristics of climate zones

Subequatorial climate zone Australia and occupies the northern and northeastern part of the mainland. Throughout the year in this zone there is a smooth variation in air temperature +$23$-$24$ degrees and a large number of precipitation that comes with wet northwest monsoon. Precipitation falls unevenly across the climate zone; most of it remains on the coast. Their total number during the year is $1000$-$1500$ mm, and in some places it can be up to $2000$ mm. Summer within the belt very wet with thunderstorms. Dry the period of the year here is winter, rain falls sporadically. Dry and hot winds blowing from internal parts continent, are capable of causing drought. Air masses change with the seasons of the year. The water near the shore warms up to +$25$ degrees and remains constant.

Tropical climate zone of Australia. On the background high temperatures air, in January +$30$, in July +$16$ degrees, within this belt it formed two types climate – continental (desert) and humid tropical. The difference between these types is the nature moisturizing. The amount of precipitation here varies from east to west - during humid tropical climate, up to $2000$ mm falls, and in desert type precipitation is only about $200$ mm per year.

Humid tropical the region is within the zone of action of southeastern trade winds, which bring saturated air masses. The coastal plains and eastern slopes of the Great Dividing Range are well moistened and characterized by mild warm climate. Tropical desert climate, occupying the central and western parts of the continent, receives precipitation from $250$-$300$ mm per year. Northwestern Australia, where it is located Big sandy desert , summer temperatures remain at +$35$ degrees, in winter they drop to +$20$. Precipitation here is also uneven. It happens that they are not there for several years, and sometimes the entire annual norm falls out in a few hours. Some of the water quickly goes underground and becomes inaccessible to plants, while the other part evaporates.

Subtropical climate zone of Australia.

Within this zone there are three types of climate:

  • Mediterranean type;
  • Subtropical continental type;
  • Subtropical humid climate.

The southwestern part of the continent is characterized by Mediterranean type similar to the climate of Spain and Southern France - dry and hot summer, warm and wet winter. Temperature fluctuations by season are small - in January +$23$-$27$ degrees, in June +$12$-$14$ degrees. Annual quantity precipitation from $600$-$1000$ mm. Continental subtropical climate occupies the part of the continent that is adjacent to Great Australian Bight. The climate is characterized by large annual fluctuations in air temperature and low precipitation. State Victoria, southwestern foothills of New South Wales located within the boundaries subtropical humid climate. Precipitation mainly falls in the coastal part - $500$-$600$ mm, and as it moves deeper into the continent, its amount decreases. Summer temperatures rise to +$20$-$24$ degrees, and winter temperatures drop to +$8$-$10$ degrees.

Temperate climate zone of Australia. The central and southern parts of the island are located within the belt Tasmania. The island's climate, influenced by the surrounding waters, differs moderately warm winter And cool summer.

Note 2

The average monthly temperature in January is +$14$-$17$ degrees, and in June +$8$. Prevailing winds western direction, which carry a lot of moisture from the ocean, in the west of the island - $2500$ mm. Rainy days of the year here $259$. For the winter period, snow may fall, but it does not linger for a long period.

Australia's extreme weather conditions

Australia's weather conditions can be extreme character. During the wet season in tropical region may arise cyclones. In desert areas, for several years in a row, severe droughts, and falling rains lead to floods. In the southern states the most rainy months last from May to July. From June to September there is a snow season in the Australian Alps.

Cyclones- a tropical phenomenon. They are guests of the coast Western Australia And Queensland. About $6$ of cyclones hit the mainland every year, and one of the most famous is Cyclone Tracy$1974$ City Darwin evacuated due to $80$% damage. Over $600 people were injured and $49 $ died. Tracy wasn't the best worst cyclone. Passed over Australia Hurricane in $1899$ ​​in Queensland, killed $400$ people and destroyed a whole fleet for the extraction of pearls and fish.

For central regions Australian characteristics severe droughts. In these areas, the heat of the day is replaced by intense cold at night. But these are unusual droughts. There have been quite a lot of such droughts over the past $200$ years. For example, drought$1895$-$1903$ lasted no less than $8$ years. As a result half of all sheep countries and $40$ % large cattle died. A $5-year drought occurred between $1963-$1968. – result – harvest decreased by $40$% wheat. The same drought only in the central part of the continent lasted $8$ years - from $1958$-$1967$.

Note 3

The most hot the place of the mainland is Cloncurry, where in the shade the air temperature rises to +$50$ degrees. Minimum precipitation amount – $126$ mm recorded in Willpum Creek, A maximum– in the east Innisfail$3535$ mm.

We are all accustomed to the fact that December, January, and February are a time of snow and cold. In Australia at this time most hot season , they don’t even think about snowfall there!

Their spring is like our autumn, and their summer is like winter. It sounds contradictory, but let’s look at the weather in Australia by month and know when it’s best to go on vacation to this unusual country for us.

Climate of Australia

Australia ranks 6th among all continents in area and is famous for its large number, so the climate on the mainland driest in the world.

Do not forget that Australia is located in the southern hemisphere, and this is where all the subtleties of the country’s weather conditions begin.

Let's move on to the main thing, what is the weather like in Australia? The continent is located on three warm climate zones:

  • subequatorial;
  • tropical;
  • subtropical.

Statistics also show that prevailing wind in Australia - southern, and the rarest - southwestern.

Worth mentioning about the island Tasmania located near Australia. In the summer, snow falls there, although it melts quickly, but little penguins live there.

Seasons: what is the weather and air and water temperatures by month?

We are all used to thinking that - one of hottest continents peace, this is partly true. But in certain periods, not everything is as smooth as it seems.

in winter

    December. Australia experiences a hot summer during this period. Tourists may even be banned from visiting central part due to extreme heat. The weather in the northern hemisphere has an average air temperature of +36°C, at night the minimum value is +32°C, and the sea is still warm - +30°C.

    On the south side quite warm. The average temperature per day is +22-26°C, the water can warm up to +21°C.

    But the island of Tasmania is taking its toll, and there the air temperature is not lower than +20°C.

    January. Temperatures reach their highest levels of the year. In the north we observe the following situation: the temperature in Darwin can reach +39°C, at night - +29°C, the rainy season begins, the number of rainy days varies from 3 to 10 days.

    Cities in the south in January have most comfortable climate . The average air temperature is +25°C, at night - +23°C, the water warms up to +24°C. There are about 7 rainy days, precipitation is 84 mm.

    February. The real rainy season begins in February, although it is still quite warm. In some regions, due to heavy rains, the road may be closed and tourists may not be allowed to enter to avoid an accident.

    In the North it falls highest rainfall: approximately 180 to 260 mm. But the heat makes itself felt, for example, in Darwin at this time the average air temperature is +33°C, and the water temperature is +22°C. Southerners still have the same number of rainy days as in January, with an average rainfall of 83 mm. In Sydney, temperatures can reach +26°C, at night - +19°C.

    in spring

    March. This month marks the transition from rainy season to dry, it becomes cooler, the heat recedes and beach season together with her. First, let's figure out what's happening in the southern part of the mainland. The daytime temperature drops to +23°C, and at night it reaches +20°C, the water temperature is +22°C.

    Precipitation in the south is almost doubling compared to the previous month.

    In the north, the situation is almost identical. The average daily temperature drops to +22-25°C, but precipitation is already 103 mm.

  • April. Having survived the rainy season in March, drought begins. The weather is favorable throughout the continent. Almost everywhere the average air temperature is +20-25°C, sea water is +19-22°C. Precipitation in the south is 16 mm, in the north - 65 mm. On the island of Tasmania, the weather stays at +19°C, and precipitation totals 48 mm.
  • May. It’s not a bad month for tourists to visit the country – the precipitation has already stopped, and the weather is becoming quite warm. On average, all regions of the country receive 20 mm of precipitation.

    In the North, the temperature rises again and reaches - +31°C, at night +24°C, the water in the Indian and Ocean warms up to +28°C. In the southern part the daytime temperature is +20°C, at night - +12°C. This is quite favorable conditions for city tours.

In summer

    June is the first month of winter for Australians, and for them it is the coldest.

    South The continent is occupied by the cities of Perth, Melbourne, Canberra and Adelaide - during the day the temperature reaches up to +20°C, at night it can be +11°C, and there may even be precipitation of approximately 58 mm. The water temperature fluctuates - +12-19°C.

    In the north– Darwin, Cairns – warmer weather than in other regions, but for local residents this is the most cold season, the temperature there drops to +29°C, and at night - +20°C. The water is heated to +25°C.

    The coldest place at this time is on the island of Tasmania, where the temperature can drop from +11°C to +4°C.

    July. This month is already cold for the entire country as a whole.
    In the south, the average temperature is +9-18°C, and at night it drops to +1°C. Ocean water is +13-15°C.

    What will surprise the north in July? It is, of course, much warmer here than in the south. The indicators record an average temperature of +19-30°C, at night -+20°C. The water in the ocean is quite warm - +24°C.

  1. August. On the third and last month summer, the weather normalizes and becomes moderate. In the north the temperature can already be between +28-31°C, and it is also quite warm at night. And the water temperature reaches +28°C. It is still cool in the south, +17-19°C during the day, +10°C at night. The average temperature in the ocean is +15°C.

in autumn

When is the best time to relax?

Many people now know that the climate in Australia is very diverse. But that won't stop you from enjoying... beautiful landscapes cities, see exotic animals of Australia, explore the underwater world and its inhabitants.

Holiday season

In autumn, a large number of cultural and entertainment programs. Tourists often visit during this period winery(Margaret River area), get acquainted with local cuisine, visit exhibitions and theaters.

In winter, it is worth paying attention to family and other tourist resorts that will help you fully relax and have a great time.

In spring, locals and tourists love to go fishing. Australia is surrounded by two oceans, so there will be no problem with fishing spots. The water is quite cold, but this does not interfere with surfing, because it is in the fall the most high waves – especially on the Gold Coast.

In the summer, Australia is famous for its ski resorts . For example, a snowy slope in Victoria. Some people prefer to visit the center of the mainland - Simpson Desert and go on a jeep safari there, others go diving.

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