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Combat readiness (combat readiness)

The state of military formations (troops, forces), characterizing their ability on time to start hostilities and successfully fulfill the combat missions (final readiness for combat missions).

B.G. rocket units, parts and compounds are characterized by the ability and ability to solve the combat missions; The efficiency of solutions and the possibility of building B.G. (translation from peaceful at wartime). The efficiency of solving the combat missions is achieved: the advance of their planning and entry data of combat use in the equipment of combat missile systems and in the automated combat management system, the development of combat plans; the quality of the organization and carrying of combat duty, comprehensive ensuring combat operations; time execution by duty combat calculations of operations on direct preparation and conducting launch missiles; The duration of the cyclogram preparation and start missiles. The rocket part (compound) should be considered a combat, if it is combined, has combat missions, deployed in combat order and is ready for their implementation on time (carries on the established degree of combat readiness). B.G. Rocket parts and compounds is the defining element B.G. Rocket associations and RVSN as a whole.

Required Level B.G. RVSH is provided: high readiness for the combat missile tasks of rocket parts, compounds and associations; the organization of continuous carrying of combat duty at the control points of various levels on duty shows capable of independently performing the received order for conducting launch missiles; the presence of an automated combat control system for troops and weapons, allowing the launch of missiles directly from the highest control links; the centralization of planning technical services for launchers associated with a decrease in their readiness for launching missiles; comprehensive provision of combat duty and hostilities; Readiness to perform combat missions for the defeat of strategic objects of the enemy, depending on the degree of threat of the unleashing of the war, and others. measures of a technical and organizational nature. And under the level of B.G. It is understood to measure the ability of the RVSN to perform the tasks set in the time limit.

The RVSN provides for several degrees of BG. In peacetime, the BG "Permanent" provides timely translation of the troops (forces) with peaceful martial law, deployment and joining war. At the same time, management bodies and troops are supported in readiness to perform measures to bring to higher degrees of combat readiness: "Increased", "Military Danger", "complete". With an increase in the threat of war, the degree of BG increases, by performing a complex of organizational, mobilization, technical, etc. Activities in plans established by plans for the leadership of the troops (forces) into higher degrees of combat readiness. The higher the degree of BG, the greater the number of troops (forces) capable of immediately start hostilities and it will be necessary to prepare for the fulfillment of combat missions. When bringing to higher degrees of combat readiness, the increase (strengthening) of duty forces and funds at the control and communication points; management bodies are transferred to enhanced (combat) operation mode; form (mobilize) new parts and divisions; parts are dispersed in installed areas (places) of combat missions; Specify combat missions, and other events are performed in accordance with the plans. Building the BG troops (forces) can be carried out as a consistent introduction from lower to the highest degree of BG, and directly into the highest degree of BG, bypassing the intermediate. Transfer to higher degrees B.G., bypassing intermediate, carried out with a sharp exacerbation of the situation or the beginning of the war with the rise of troops on combat alarm. At the same time, for the associations and compounds of the mobile group, depending on the situation of "regional dispersal" of the regiments, it is possible to apply the principle of "regional dispersal" of the regiments, that is, the conclusion and dispersonation on the routes of combat patrol (field positions) of only those of which appeared on the constant deployment points The threat of an enemy's effect.

Lit.: Military Encyclopedia. T.1. - M.: Milivdat, 2003. P. 493; Rocket troops of strategic appointment. Military.-Historical work ed. gene. Army Maksimova Yu.P. - M.: RVSN, 1994; National security concept. Applied. Essential President of the Russian Federation of January 24, 2000.

Lavryshchev A.A., Yudin V.N., Grezin M.Ya.

Degree of combat readiness

the types of condition of troops and bodies of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation, of which they can prepare for the fulfillment of the SBI within the required timeline, established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and departmental regulations. Entered by the order of senior commanders (bosses). S.B.G. ("Permanent", "Increased", "" and "complete") are established in order to maintain the ability of troops and bodies in all conditions of the situation to successfully fulfill the tasks of protection and protection of the Republic ofGA RF.

Edge dictionary. - M.: Academy of the Federal PS RF. 2002 .

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There is a different combat readiness. Its degrees are significantly different in the events that every soldier, a unit of technology, a division, and so on, are obliged to perform for a specific period. There are certain exceptions (features of behavior in different situations for some types of troops). Nevertheless, for the most part, the readiness concerns the overwhelming majority of employees, significantly affecting their actions, equipment, weapons, and in some cases, even on an emotional and mental state.

What is fighting readiness?

There is a very simple definition of what is a fighting readiness. Degrees, features, preliminary preparation is everything is very important, but the fact itself is much significant. So, under this concept implies the ability of a certain unit, the troops begin to perform their immediate functions. There are various standards for the response time, which directly depends on the specific type of equipment used, the singularities of the department and so on. But all of them are required to run strictly on time. Any delay will crash, and here there is also a difference. The higher the combat readiness, the more serious the punishment for misconduct.


There are a number of signs that directly affect the availability of units, regardless of whether there will be tanks, aviation or infantry parts. So, one of such factors is the provision of reserves. Absolutely all types of property, which can only be needed to conduct hostilities, ranging from and ending with ammunition, fuel, communication systems, and so on. In this case, their actual presence is taken into account.

The second factor is equipped. This includes the number of soldiers in accordance with the staffing schedule, etc. If it is easier to speak, then it can be expressed like this: Will it be enough for a helicopter, an airplane, an armored personnel carrier or any other technique went / flew and could fight?

Further there is a factor of the technical condition. It is understood that all property, objects, equipment, weapons and so on must be in good condition. Also here refers to the option of equipping. That is, whether the soldiers are armed with modern weapons, or will be forced to go to the attack of sruppache.

The fourth factor is the preparation of the command composition. Whether employees leading to units will be able to respond adequately to the situation and fight.

The fifth factor is the moral readiness of the troops to act in battle.

The sixth and the latter is considered how the personnel is prepared. That is, whether the soldiers are able to shoot at all, will be able to act as part of the group and so on.

Maintaining readiness

It is quite natural that it is necessary for a separate preparation to increase combat readiness. The degrees can also be different here, but for the most part, it is simply taken into account whether or other training is carried out in a timely manner and in full, or not. So, the soldiers teach walking, to fall into the goal, produce engineering works, to react to them are taught the basics of tactics, develop physically and so on. This is only a brief list of possible types of preparation designed to maintain the desired level of combat readiness. The same item includes various types of teachings, raising soldiers, their psychological preparation for tasks and so on.

Not the last role is played by the system of rewards and punishments. She, working correctly and stably, greatly motivates a separate employee. Also, we should not forget about the regular maintenance of equipment, the work of intelligence, ensure part of everything necessary and the like. Of these small or large factors and there is a common combat training of both one particular branch and the entire group of troops of the country as a whole.

External features

All that was indicated above concerns only those items that can be performed directly by employees. However, there are other factors that do not directly relate to them, but on which combat training in general, and the level of combat readiness in particular. It is very important that the country's transport system is as efficient as possible. The state is obliged to be able to conduct war for a long time. All parts must be reiterated in a timely manner. The army itself as a structure is obliged to look in the eyes of most of the population strictly positively. And, of course, a sufficient amount of funds should be distinguished on it. Partly on some of the factors are able to influence the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and other equally high-ranking persons directly interested in solving problems. However, simple soldiers cannot do anything. For example, in part there may be excellent preparation in all directions. Employees will be simply great. But if they do not give modern weapons, not to allocate funds for development and so on, then there will be no very much from such training.

Permanent readiness

As mentioned above, there are different combat readiness. The degree of it differs from each other very essentially. The simplest, usual and standard is called "permanent". It is the most classic operating mode of the unit. That is, it is in such a state that it is every day. Engaged in training, study, conducts planned maintenance of equipment and so on. Helicopter, aircraft and other combat units carry out training departures, and life flows as their own toe. Naturally, even in such a state, part is obliged to be able to guard itself and in the case of which at least somehow start to fight. Among other things, it is the most economical in terms of resource costs, which may have combat readiness. A constant, stable and thoughtful sequence of actions is not broken, and everything goes in planned mode.


This is the second degree that already has certain differences from constant readiness. So, to collect the entire composition of the unit, if necessary, it occurs its dowelity to the required level. Also, combat readiness increased implies the need to check all the existing techniques, weapons and the like equipment. It will be necessary to further focus on fighting felting. Checking the combat readiness of this level will also be revealed that the part is fully ready for changing its current position, all material reserves are available in the right amount, and transport is enough to move the army division. The transition to this functioning regime automatically leads to much more substantial costs of funds, and therefore it is most often resorted only in the framework of the exercises.


Under such a notion, the third degree of readiness appears. Its name is somewhat different from the rest, but the essence remains the same. High combat readiness officially sounds like "military danger", and it will be a more correct name. It begins with the fact that the battle alarm is declared. Immediately after this, the part is obliged to perform the following steps: will go to the point of concentration of troops, get food, communications, ammunition, protective equipment and organize watchdogs. This applies to any for example, Russian tanks will have to navigate the necessary locality where the ammunition will receive, will be refused and so on. The same is true for the other types of units, for anything they treat. Naturally, all data and information on a specific destination are strictly classified. The costs of funds in such a situation will be even more significant than in the two previous cases.

Full combat readiness

This is the last degree. Most often, a certain district is checked. Nevertheless, the announcement of such readiness throughout the country can become the last step before the immediate principle of hostilities. All parts are obliged to navigate the specified positions, get their own tasks, deploy the existing fire products and begin fighting. This applies to all employees, ranging from the most recent soldier and ending with such a high post as the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. This is the most expensive level of readiness in terms of financing, and therefore it is used only in exceptional cases. In particular, to implement global checks. Only some units operate in this mode on an ongoing basis, but this is already a mandatory security requirement of any country in the world.

Features of childbirth forces

Given the peculiarities of possible hostilities in the modern world, when the blow can follow at any time and simply do not give opportunities to react in time, some types of troops are in complete readiness constantly. They are always as follows, are in the right positions and so on. Naturally, combat training is also conducted and the like actions peculiar to other, ordinary, parts. However, if necessary, such a unit can start reacting immediately. Such categories include radio engineering, border, anti-missile and air force.

Luxury divisions

Some parts of the army relate to more privileged. But not in the sense that they live better than everyone, but in the fact that they are most asked most. Such divisions are also in full combat readiness constantly. In principle, this is not a completely faithful term, since, in fact, they are located in the places of their deployment and some elements inherent in this extent, they are not inherent, but if necessary, they are as well as missile troops can instantly begin the battle. These include parts of special purposes, protection of heads of states, strategic troops, and so on. The combat readiness of the divisions of this type is so high that it is almost impossible to get into the state of such a detachment. Choose only the best, which perfectly showed themselves in all the parameters that have the right vision of situations, a stable psyche and so on. Many personnel military would like to serve in elite parts, but not everyone is given for one reason or another.

Mobilization readiness

This concept also refers to the armed forces, but the state is played by the state as a whole. Upon readiness of this type, the country's overall readiness is meant, the presence of personnel reserves, means, weapons, strategic resources, and so on. That is, this is not a direct indicator of how quickly the country can start to fight, he reveals how long enough it is enough. For example, in the country the entire army is able to instantly begin fighting. But the mobilization readiness is extremely low. As a result, in the event of the beginning of the war, the army will be able to immediately open fire, but it will not be able to continue to do this for a long time. That is, in such a situation, the rate is placed on the lightning seizure and achieving the goals. In the opposite case, if the army is not too prepared, but huge mobilization reserves have accumulated, the country will be able to turn the situation in its favor after the expiration of a certain time when the opponent's resources are completed.

Martial duty

This is the most basic type of events in the part during complete readiness. So, in the usual situation, it consists of a guard and garrison service, as well as the protection of the territory. But in the case of hostilities is also complemented by combat and watchdogs. Sometimes the Commandant service is added. Combat duty performs features such as constant monitoring of the situation, objects (from external and internal problems) and so on. In addition to all employees, exercises are held on the topic of vigilance and adequacy of solutions in a variety of situations that theoretically may occur. All this is aimed at ensuring that the enemy's intelligence work makes it possible and in no case to allow him a sudden attack.

Different countries

Features of preparation for one or another can differ quite strongly in different countries. It depends, first of all, from the state itself, and only in the second - from its armed forces. For example, if the country has no fighting for very long time and, in principle, it is not going to do this, the degree of readiness can be different. That is, the same situation in North Korea and Switzerland will lead to absolutely different reactions from each other. It is believed that the better the soldiers are trained, the less time it takes full preparation for the immediate war. But in fact, considering that after World War II, there was no longer enough global conflicts, it is absolutely impossible to say exactly now. Most of the experts converge in the opinion that if this happens, then all countries that have nuclear weapons, they simply exchange blows and humanity after that will cease to exist. For the time, while this happens, no standard part of the standard will have no way more or less adequately react to the situation and so nothing can take anything.


In general, all of the above-mentioned service concerned during the USSR and remains relevant today. Some elements or features can be changed. It is quite natural to deal with the purpose of combating other countries about them. In general, all sets of measures taken with an increase in combat readiness for each new stage are becoming increasingly stringent and directed to the immediate response of parts on the resulting threat. How effective will they in the event of such a need? It remains only to hope that the world will never know about it.

Under combat readiness, military science understands the ability of parts and divisions of various types of troops in extremely short time to carry out comprehensive training, it is organized to enter into battle with the opponent and under any environmental conditions to fulfill the task.

The combat readiness is the quantitative and qualitative state of troops, which determines the degree of their readiness in any conditions of the situation to begin decisive fighting by all their forces, means and successfully perform a combat challenge.

High combat readiness is the main quality indicator of the state of troops and fleet forces. It determines the degree of military vigilance of personnel, its preparedness for the fulfillment of combat missions at any time, even in the most adverse conditions, including using the enemy of rocket-nuclear weapons. Such readiness cannot be temporary, seasonal, or to frozen at a certain level.

There is no combat readiness and cannot be secondary, insignificant. Here everything has its exact value, everything is vital. This is understandable. After all, we are talking about the holy of the security of our Great Motherland. And there can be no place for even certain facts of the complacency and carelessness of warriors, the slightest dullness of the vigilance and underestimation of the property of real danger.

Combat readiness covers all the new aspects of the life and activities of the armed forces, in it, as in focus, there are tremendous efforts and the material costs of the people to equip the army with modern weapons and technology, consciousness, training and discipline of all servicemen, the art of command staff and much more. She is a crown of military mastery in peacetime, predetermines the victory in the war.

The level of combat readiness of the compounds and parts is largely dependent on:

Combat training troops in peacetime

Mobilization readiness of connections and parts of the abbreviated composition and frame

Professional training of commanders and headquarters

Good condition and weapons

Providing material resources

The states of duty funds in combat duty

The basis of the combat readiness of the troops and forces of the fleet is a high combat duty of personnel, the ability to fight in modern, to seek a decisive victory over a strong, well-armed and trained enemy. These qualities are formed and are being worked out until skill in the course of teachings, classes, training, simulators on tactical, technical, tactical training.

Mastering science to win never was simple and easy. Now that the fire and impact power of the army and fleet has invariably increased when the nature of the battle has changed fundamentally, to achieve a high field, air and marine sweating has become an even more difficult, requiring the tremendous efforts of the entire personnel of the division, part, ship, daily, intense labor Each warrior. Therefore, the primary task in improving combat readiness in the modern military political situation is to study the military business. This means, with the complete impact of spiritual and physical forces, to study entrusted weapons and combat techniques, work up to high skills and automatism, all the techniques of their use in various, including extreme conditions, to perfectly carry out all regulations.

It is also about the need to persistently and tirelessly tempting physically, to educate such qualities as courage, durability, endurance, discipline and durability.

To truly master military skills, a soldier, a sailor need to effectively use every minute of classes, exercises, actively and decisively act in various types of battle, day and night, in complex geographical, climatic and meteorological conditions, to the limit to reduce time when performing educational Combat tasks and standards.

Learning to abandon the enemy in the opening of fire, to strive it on the maximum range when applying them means of radio-electronic struggle, both ordinary and nuclear weapons. To seek every shot, the launch of the rocket is striking. To develop strong skills to the practical solution of combat provision issues, including those such as control of anti-air exploration, protection against weapons of mass lesion. All this and there are clear indicators of combat readiness capable of winning not by the number, but the ability. We should not forget that success is usually accompanied by persistent, who are not afraid of difficulties, do not seek easy ways in mastering combat specialties, consider it a matter of honor to earn all the highest signs of military valor.

A great role in achieving this goal is to raise class qualifications, the development of related specialties, achieving complete interchangeability in the combat post, in the calculation, the crew, separation.

High-class specialists are much more efficiently used by the combat capabilities of weapons technicians. They rarely allow breakdowns, eliminate the malfunction faster, they are wider than the technical, but also the tactical horizon. Therefore, the struggle for high grades is an element of the struggle for high combat readiness.

Achieving high military skills is not a wish, not a request, but an immutable requirement. It is dictated by the character of military preparations of the likely enemy, the possibilities of modern weapons. Therefore, it is necessary to oppose the enemy to the opponent, the mastery, such a personal learning, so that not lost is not one second, there was not a single excessive movement in battle.

The constant combat readiness of the soldier, the sailor is unthinkable without strong moral and fighting qualities. As military development, the tasks facing the warriors are complicated. Their volume increases, the nature of military labor changes qualitatively, morally, moral and psychological and physical exertion. And this requires the growth of consciousness of personnel.

The level of combat readiness is directly dependent on the state of the military discipline, the statutory order, of the perpetuation.

The collective nature of the weapon, the increase in the role of the interaction entailed the requirements for accuracy in the combat work of each specialist, a clear organization of combat training, the inviolability of schedules of classes, the routine of the day, the authorized procedure briefly educate the personnel in the spirit of obligation, helps to make military service not only by the School of Mattery, But also a wonderful school of physical hardening, discipline and organization, schools of courage. The need to fix discipline, maintain a strict order, to check each step with the statutory requirements - the debt of each soldier and the sailor. If the warrior is truly deeply imbued with the understanding of the huge personal responsibility, which is entrusted to him by the people of the security of the sacred frontiers of the debris, he will do everything necessary that the combat readiness is constantly maintained at the proper level.

Boat readiness Armed Forces (troops) is a state that determines the degree of preparedness of each type of armed forces (troops) to perform combat missions assigned to it.

The presence of arms of weapons of mass lesions and the possibility of its sudden and massive use is presented to B. G. Armed Forces (troops) high demands. Armed forces must be able to start active fighting at any time on land on the sea and in the air. To this end, in modern armies, the maintenance of troops in constant (everyday) combat readiness is envisaged.

Permanent combat readiness is ensured by the necessary staffing of troops by personnel, weapons, appliances, reserves of material resources, as well as high scorehold of personnel.

Permanent combat readiness is achieved:

Established staffing by the personal composition and security of all types of IWT, special equipment and transport;

Provision of troops with all types of reserves of material means and the content of them in a qualitative state.

High combat training of troops and coherence divisions for action in difficult conditions of modern combat;

High moral and psychological qualities and discipline of personnel;

Well-established alert and management;

Readiness of parts and units to the rapid transition from a peaceful martial law;

In advance and detailed planning of all measures for combat readiness, systematic clarification of plans;

The content in the peacetime of personnel troops in numbers sufficient to solve in modern conditions of strategic tasks for economic considerations is simply even for the most powerful state. Therefore, the armed forces of most countries of the world are currently contained in strictly limited composition, providing a reflection of a sudden opponent's attack at any time, applying a powerful impact on the aggressor in order to defeat it.

However, in no matter how much the armed forces in peacetime, in the event of a threat of war, they are deployed to a complete numerical composition set by wartilization plan, i.e. There is their translation from peaceful at wartime.

In its composition, depending on the degree of staffing in the Armed Forces of Russia, there are compounds and parts of constant readiness, abbreviated composition, frame and storage base of weapons and military equipment (BHWT).

Parts and compounds of constant readiness include parts and compounds the regular number of which in peaceful and military time is the same. These parts are ready to perform combat missions in the existing full-time number.

Parts and compounds of abbreviated composition include parts and compounds staffed by personnel and technique in a certain percentage of military time.

Parts and compounds of frame and BHWT include parts of whose percentage of staffing and technique lower than in parts of the abbreviated composition.

Each war is usually preceded by mobilization, i.e. Partial or complete translation of the sun with peaceful at wartime. Mobilization is carried out in all states and at all times. But in this concept at different times, various content was invested. To the I World War, mobilization was considered only as a translation of the army with peaceful martial law. This concept was true before that period when wars were carried out relatively few armies and materially provided with reserves created in peacetime by special factories.

The experience of mobilization in I, and especially in World War II showed that for successful warfare, it is impossible to be limited to activities only on army mulk and focus on the material resources accumulated in peacetime.

The modern war requires advance and comprehensive preparation of not only the armed forces, but also all sectors of the national economy to the planned transition to the military and transfer it to meet the needs of the war. Under these conditions, mobilization from the military event to strengthen the army, as was to the I World War, turned into a very complex phenomenon, covering all parties to the state.