Begins with the Polyana Azaau. This complex is one of the most popular Russian resorts for skiers and snowboarders.

The ski season on Elbrus lasts almost six months - from November to May. Such a period of snow coverage is achieved not only due to weather conditions, but also at the expense of artificial abnormality. In the summer, the resort operates and offers Trekking.

The second skiing complex in Elbrusier - "Cheget".

In 2018, Elbrus resort ranked second in the National Geographic Traveler Awards National Geographic Traveler Awards National Geographic Traveler Awards nomination. The winners were chosen during the vote, which was conducted by National Geographic Traveler magazine.

Prices in the Albrus Ski Resort 2019

For holidaymakers at the resort there are 3 groups of seasonal tariffs - "Winter", "New Year's" and "Summer".

Ski pass sold at least half a day - up to 8 days.

The cost is determined depending on the selected stations for riding. The price for adults (over 14 years old) is also different from the children's ticket (from 6 to 13 years old):

  • 1-2 queues (Art. "Azau" - Art. "The horizon" - Art. "Peace"): SP-PASS - from 1150 rubles for an adult and from 600 rubles for a child. Tourist tariff (1 viewing and 1shk): in summer - 950 rubles for adults and 500 for children, in winter - 550 rubles for adults, 300 rubles for children. Price only for one descent: in summer - 450 rubles adult, 250 rubles children's, winter - 500 for an adult and 300 for a child;
  • 3 turn (Art. "Peace" - Art. "Gara-Bashi"): SP-PASS, from 500 rubles for an adult and from 250 rubles for a child. Tourist tariff (1pun and 1 transmission) in summer - 600 rubles for adults and 300 for children. The price is only for one descent in the summer - 300 rubles adult, 150 rubles children; Winter tourist fare: 200 rubles for adult, 100 rubles for a child
  • 1-2-3 queues (Art. "Azau" - Art. "Gara-Basi"). The climbing tariff costs 1200 rubles and includes: 1 rise and 1 descent from Art. "Azau" to p. "Gara-Basi". Mountaineering equipment will come free. It should be noted that this tariff is non-returnable, discounts and benefits are not applied.

A ticket for tourist and climbing tariffs is valid for 7 days from the date of the first pass through the turnstile.

Inventory rental at the resort

In the ski resort there is a rental service: winter and summer, for beginners and for advanced athletes. Costs can be found on the site of the resort "Elbrus". Find a rental point is easy - it is located in the Polyana Azau, not far from the Corps of the Administration and the Alpinist Store.

Benefits when buying ski passes

  • Free of charge can get children up to 5 years (To confirm, it is necessary to have a birth certificate / passport of a child or a passport of one of the parents, where the child will be listed in the section "Children" with a certified seal);
  • citizens from 65 to 75 let receive a 10% discount in the presence of a document certifying the identity;
  • faces over 75 years Pass free in the presence of a certifying document;
  • persons with disabilities I groups and disabled children under 18 Also do not pay the ticket if there is a certificate ITU.

Benefits are provided only when buying in place at the checkout.

Hotels Prielbrusia

The infrastructure of the Albrus ski resort is well developed. There is a large number of hotels in different categories: from budget hostels to cozy chalets. But it is worth keeping in mind that in high season (winter) it is worth booking an object in advance.

Elbrus ski slopes

The resort "Elbrus" opened 12.21 km of tracks:

  • 5.1 km - Azaau - the horizon (the most complex track),
  • 5.11 km - the horizons - the world (average complexity),
  • 2 km - World - Garabashi (the easiest highway with minimal height difference).

According to the international classification on the territory of the ski complex there are 4 types of tracks, their color designation: "green" - light, "blue" - medium "," red "- complex and" black "- very complicated.

Video: Overview of the tracks on Elbrus

Lifts on Elbrus: Azaou - Friendly - World - Garabashi

At the Elbrus ski resort, 3 sections of gondola cableways with 8-seater cabins are equipped. Opening hours: 09.00-17.00, after 16.00 hours on the rise no longer miss. On the third cableway, the time of work is reduced by half an hour.

  • art. "Azau" - Art. "Horizon": The length of the first cable car - 1740 meters, the rise begins at an altitude of 2350 meters relative to the sea level., The trip takes 5 minutes. From the final station, a breathtaking view of the Baksan Valley opens.
  • art. "Circassium" - Art. "Peace": 1800 meters long. The cable car takes place at an altitude of 3000 - 3500 meters. This is the longest road of the complex, travel time is 6 minutes. The panorama of the Caucasian ridge opens.
  • art. "Peace" - Art. "Gara-Bashi": The length is 1686 meters. The third lift of the Elbrus ski resort allows you to get above the clouds - to the level of 3847 meters. This is the highest ski station in Europe. After the lift, you will find yourself at Elbrus glaciers.

The capacity of the first two lifts is 2400 people per hour, the third - 1500.

Panorama from Azau station:

How to get to the Albrus ski resort

Bus to Polyana Azau (HC "Elbrus") for all year round from Mineral Water Airport. Time on the way is 3.5 hours, the trip must be booked in Elbrus-Trans.

To get to the resort "Elbrus" from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Pyatigorsk, Nalchik, Essentukov and other cities can be bus tours (or with the help of a shuttle), or on their own by car.

There is a travel destination by train to Nalchik. From the bus station of Nalchik on the minibus it is possible to get to the village of Terksol, located within the walking distance from GLC. However, the flights to Terksol during the day are a bit, so it is worth considering the route through Tyrnyauz, from which to Elbrus simply and relatively cheap to get a taxi (distance - 30 km).

In mineral waters there are taxi services: Yandex. Taxi, Maxim, taxi is lucky, Uber.

Detailed information about the main routes and bus timetables is available on the official website of the Elbrus ski resort.

Route by car from Mineral waters to HC "Elbrus":

Report on the resort "Elbrus-Azaau»

Universal slopes of "Elbrus-Azau" are suitable for both professionals and fans beginners, as they are attractive on their width and ahead of the slopes of the Sbehet's slopes.
Elbrus visually looks like a "single track" and are suitable for tourists of any class.

Every year, "Opening of the season" is held at the resort, approximately in the middle / end of November: the time when sufficient snow has already fallen and the tracks are prepared for skiing. But it all depends on the presence of snow; Riding can be allowed and perhaps as before and later.

Riding on the ski slope of Mount Elbrus is a great opportunity to learn new types of winter sports and conquer the vertices of Elbrus, improving their skills.

Plan diagram of lifts and trails GK "Elbrus-Azau"

Characteristics of the trails of the GC "Elbrus-Azau"

The slopes of the Mount Elbrus are predominantly the "blue tracks" with the transition in some places in the "Red Trails". On routes there are limiters, grids and pointers, but they are not so much. And of course, for security reasons, you do not need to go beyond the system of fences.

In general, HC "Elbrus-Azau" has 7th tracks. The single length of the slopes on the slopes is approximately 11 kilometers. The totality of the tracks (in length) from Art. Gara-Bashi to Azau is 6 kilometers away from Art. "Shelter-11" - about 10 kilometers, it all depends on what option of the route you select.

The descents of "Elbrus-Aza" are divided on the tracks of different complexity:
  • "Green Track" For newbies, it is considered the easiest plot. Equipped with a bugel lift.
  • "Blue Track" It is more complex compared to "green", but also easier compared to the "red".
  • "Red Track" - This is a difficult area, suitable for people with special skating.
  • "Black Track" - The most difficult for passing and requires not only special training, but also special equipment.

As in any ski resort, on the slopes of the 1st and 2nd Queue, there are places of recreation - cafes, dining rooms, cheburic for snack, tea. There are equipment rental points, honey items, toilets.

Also on Elbrus there are small hotels, the climbers call them shelters. Basically, groups are stopped, which will be ascent to Elbrus. The "shelters" are equipped with bedrooms, there is a dining room, equipped with water, gas, light.

Characteristics of cable cars of the GC "Elbrus-Azau"

Elbrus-Azau skiing complex includes four queues of cable car. Let's consider them in detail.

First zone

Polyana Azau (2 thousand 350 m) / "Old Friendworn" (3 thousand 000 m); Cable roads on this site - 2:

  • pendulum Road (MKD) - "Elbrus-1"
  • gondola Road (GKD) - "POMA-1"

Description. The mixed trail is "red" with the transition to "blue". For the "red" track, a steepness of descents is characterized and a small width, for "blue" - commonness and squeeziness.

  • The capacity of the MKD "Elbrus1" \u003d 100 cells / hour (the rise takes 12 minutes) the cabin of 20 people.
  • The capacity of the GCD "Poma-1" \u003d 2,400 people / hour (the rise takes 5 minutes) of the cabin of 8 people.
Second zone

"Old horizons" (3 thousand 000 m) / "Peace" (3 thousand 500 m);cable roads in this area - 2:

  • pendulum Road (MKD) - "Elbrus-2"
  • gondola Road (GKD) - "Poma-2"

Description. The mixed trail is "black" with the transition to "blue". For the "black" track, a high steepness of descents and turns is characterized, for "blue" - the edge and squeeziness, which makes it much easier for skating on the end of the track.

  • The capacity of the MKD "Elbrus2" \u003d 100 people / hour (the rise takes 12 minutes) 20 people cabins.
  • The capacity of the GCD "POMA-2" \u003d 2,400 people / hour (the rise takes 5 minutes) of the cabin of 8 people.
Third zone

"Peace" (3 thousand 500 m) / "Gara-Bashi" (shelter "barrels") (3 thousand 780 m);cableways on this site - 1:

  • OKD - 1-But Charming Cableway - Functions Not Regularly (Alternative Lifting on the Ratrogen)

Description. The "Blue" route with the drops is more common and swallowed to the shelter "barrels", but at the same time cool. After the shelter, the route of the track is narrower and much cooler of the previous site.

  • Blowing capacity of the 1st chairway \u003d 130 people / hour (the rise takes 12 minutes).
Fourth zone

"Gara-Bashi" (shelter "barrels") (3 thousand 780 m) / "shelter-11" (4 thousand 100 m);cable roads on this site - no, climb to 4 100m is possible on the randics or hiking.

Description. The trail is mixed "Red" in places "black" extreme.

Historical summary of ELBRUS-AZAU GK

The history of the creation of HC "Elbrus-Azau" began in 1969. It was during this period that the 1st QCO turn was built and put into operation. It was a real breakthrough in the field of arrangement of ski resorts. The first Azae is located at an altitude of 2200 m above sea level, the second round of the "horizon" is located at 3,000m.

The place of creation of the construction of a skittle - entertainment complex was chosen not by chance - Elbrus The most majestic mountain of Europe and Russia. The peak of the mountain mostly all year round was covered with snow and covered under ice, it is a great opportunity to conquer Elbrus's slopes at any time of the year.

Elbrus height includes 5642 meters above sea level. But the guests of the ski resort can only be climbing for skating can only be up to 3 thousand 780 meters, called Gara Bashi.

The beginning of the GC "Elbrus-Azau" serves as the village "Azau". Here are 2 landing stations KD: pendulum (trailer) and gondolas (cabins). MKD and GKD function in parallel and each road has 2 queues. The third queue works not regularly and is one-time.

Those who wish to rise even higher, to the station "Shelter-11" to a height of 4,100 m. Can travel to the top on the rapids. The path is about 20 minutes.

In the Elbrus, the riding zones are focused directly on Elbrus and on the slopes of Mount Chegenet, located near Elbrus and famous by its extreme tracks, one of the most complex in the world. The distance between the ski zones is 4 km away. 12 km of cable roads are built in Elbrusye, incl. Recently erected gondola type lift, accommodating at the same time up to 500 people.

Mount Elbrus - Cable Roads and Highways Elbrus-Azau

Mount Elbrus - the highest point of Russia and Europe - these are two vertices of the extinct volcano. Eastern - 5621 meters high above sea level, Western - 5642 meters. Skating on certain sites of the slopes is possible all year round. The highest and affordable point for riding "shelter 11" is 4,200 meters. Before the "shelter 11" can be reached from the Mir station on the randa. There are parts of the route available to novice skiers. For novice skiers, a bougiel, 300 meters long, works for beginner skiers. The total length of the tracks is more than 35 km.

Rope Roads of Elbrus-Azau

First turn: Azau - horizons

The Elbrus-Azau skiing complex originates at the Poland Azau, located at the foot of Elbrus, there are catering points here, there is a ski equipment rental point, coffee and tea selling machines. There are two stations of cable cars in the Polyana Azau:

  • old pendulum;
  • new gondola road.

Both cableways are parallel to each other. Currently, there are 2 queues for each module, the 3rd queue is under construction. On the 3rd line there is also a single-handed edge, which, however, does not always work. From the 2nd stage (station world) above all wishes rise on randes, lifting time to "shelter-11" approximately 20 minutes.

  • Pendulum Cable Car "Elbrus 1" (2350-3000 m) departs from the station "Aza" and comes to the Station "Old Friend". At both stations there are cafes and shank. Time in the way of the old pendulum road - 15 minutes.
  • New cable car "Elbrus" The gondola type was opened in December 2006. It connects the lower return station on the Poland of Aza with the top drive station "Old Friendworm" and installed in a parallel already existing pendulum cableway. This is the newest model of the suspension cable car of the gondola type with replete gondolas. Capacity of one gondola - 8 people. Simultaneously operate 58 gondolas. The length of the track is 1740 m. The road drop is 580 m. The path of the new gondola road is 5 minutes, the average speed is 6 m / s. The bandwidth of the cable car is up to 2400 people per hour.

Second line: Friendly - World

There is an old pendulum cable car "Elbrus-2" and the new cable car "Elbrus" of a gondolate type.

  • Pendulum cable car "Elbrus - 2" (3000 - 3500 m) It begins from the Station "Old Friendly" and goes to the "Mir" station. The length of the road is 1500 m. The station has a cozy cafe "Peace" and the Museum of Combat Glory of the defenders of Elbrus and Caucasian passages during the Great Patriotic War.
  • New cable car "Elbrus" of a gondola type (3000 - 5000 m) It was opened in April 2009. It represents the newest suspension cableway model with 8 local gondolas produced by the French company Roma - one of the world leaders in the field of cable transport systems. The road connects two ski stations: "Old horizons" and "world". The length of the road is 1800 m., Bandwidth is 2400 people / hour. Driving time in one direction - 5 minutes 13 seconds.

Third queue: World - Gara-Basi

On the 3rd stage there is a cable-chairlift "Elbrus".

  • Core Chair "Elbrus" (3500 - 3850 m) It begins from the station "Peace" and goes to the station "Gara - Basi". A single-wheel lift is old enough, it is not stable. Hence, from the height of 3,800 m, the certified track No. 1 begins to the glade AZAU 2300 m.

Above, to the station "Shelter 11" (4200 m) can be reached on the rapids. All rapids are private, so their value fluctuates. Approximately, the distance of 18 km can be overcome for 1000 rubles.

QueuesView of the roadHeight difference (m)Throughput, people / hourTravel time (min)Length track (m)
Bougeel in the Polyana Azau 2300 m-2500m Bougiel VL-400, Mopsheat Flaws in Azau 200 - 5 500
1st queue
AZAU (2350m) -star horizons (3000m)
Pendulum cable car "Elbrus-1"
(20 Mal. Cabins)
650 100 people / hour 12 1740
Gondola cable car "Poma-1"
(8 Local Gondolas)
580 2400 people / hour 5
2nd line
Old horizons (3000m) - World (3500m)
Pendulum cable car "Elbrus-2"
(20 Mal. Cabins)
500 100 people / hour 12 1500
Gondola cable car "POMA-2"
(8 Local Gondolas)
514 2400 people / hour 5 1800
3rd queue
World (3500m) -gar Bashi (3780m)
Kalna-chairlift "Elbrus", 1-Local 250 130 people / h
on repair
12 1500
Gondola cableway 374 at the construction stage 5

Characteristics of the EL BRUS-AZAU complex

Red Track "Old Friendly"

The route is located between the "World" stations and the "old horizons" of the Elbrus cable car. Two options of descent, one of which merges with the Azau's track, and the other parallel to the cableway passes along a wide range of spaces to the "elephant LB" and then in a narrow eaves of 4 meters wide, it goes to the Station "Old Friend". The maximum track width is 90 m, the height difference is 500 m. The length of the descent is 1900 m. The average slope of the route is 25. A complex relief, the soil is rocky from volcanic rocks, the ice base of the track.

Red Track "Azau"

Strong descent to "Alder turn", then cool - in a groove with a length of 50 m with a bias 35, at the end of the site the track turns to the left and on the eaves, past the high-mountain hotel, smooth arc leaves left and goes to a straight finishing area under the cable car. It is necessary to abide by caution, since it is possible to collide with skiers starting from the top station of the VL-350 bougid cable car. The length of the route is 2 km, the height difference is 650 m. The angle of inclination is 50.

Blue Bash Bashi Route

The route is located between the "Gara-Bashi" stations and the "Mir" of the Elbrus cable car and has access to the site from which the "Old Friendworn" track begins. The maximum track width is 80 m, and the height difference is 300 m. The length is 1100 m with a maximum slope 50. The relief of the slope is complex, the soil is rock and rocky from volcanic rocks, basalt cliffs. Serviced by a cable-chairlift "Elbrus" with a length of 1130 m at a speed of 1.75 m / s. Rising another 20 m from the uppermost station itself, you can get into the training camp of climbers to climb on the "barrel". Until the shelter 11 (4200 m) and the rocks of Pastukhov (4800 m) can be reached on the randa. Titled heroes are achieved to the saddle (5300 m) as a result of natural selection.

Training slope "Azau" (Green Track)

The route is located to the right of the RL-350 rope cableway along the gelding groove. The track is 300 m long and with a height drop of 50 m starts at an altitude of 2400 m. Above sea level. The average angle of inclination is 15. The relief is medium-sized, herbal cover on volcanic rocks, on the right side of the track bordered with a birch forest. The lift - BKD VL-350 with a length of 300 m with a drop of 50 m. At the foot of Elbrus there is a helicopter daily. You can also fly to Dombai, riding there and return back. Lighting is absent, a large amount of precipitation in Elbrus is guaranteed deep snow cover throughout the ski season. A well-equipped rescuer service is working. The most dangerous places on the track - stones, rocks, buildings are fenced with a captive grid.

Mountain Chegeet: Cable Roads and Trails

It was on Cheget (2100 - 3050 m) in 1963 the first cable car was built in the country. The height of the Mount Chegenet is 3700 meters. Maximum lift height - 3050 meters. Range height difference - 1140 meters. Spete's highways are considered among the most difficult in world ski resorts. In Russia, Cheget serves as the benchmark of the complexity of the tracks. On Mount Cheget, there are 2 days of the Ceguet Road-Chair Road, the queue of the pair-chapter cable car "Pair" and a network of bugly and hatching roads. The total length of the lifts is 4300 meters, the total length of skiing trails is 20 km, and if we take into account the possibility of virgin skating, the total area of \u200b\u200bskiing will be about 100 km. Mountain Chegenet is 1 km from the village of Tereskol and 4 km from Elbrus Cable Rate Set.

First stage (2100-2750)

  • Channel Chair "Chegeet-1" Departs from the lower station Polyana Cheget and continues to the cafe station "Ay" (2750 m). The cafe station "Ai" has an observation platform from which the magnificent view of the mountains offers. Height difference - 650 m.
  • Far and Charming Road "Paired" Duplicates the KKD "Chegenet-1" and also comes from the lower station Polyana Cheget and comes to the cafe station "Ay".

Second line (2750-3000)

  • Channel Chair "Chegenet-2" Departs from the cafe "Ay" and goes to the check of Cheget. The path opens the picture: on the right of the snow-white caps of Elbrus, on the left - sparkling the peaks of the top of the Donguzorunica, coherent and false.

Bugly towing roads

  • towing road VL-650 - (2750 m - 3000 m) with a length of 650 meters, travel time 5 min;
  • towing road Vl-300 - (3000 m - 3070 m) with a length of 300 meters, travel time 3 min.

Located 150 km from Nalchik. The sputures of the resort are laid on the southern slopes of Mount Elbrus - the highest mountain peak of Russia and Europe. The conquest of this peak with a height of 5642 m is a dream for many climbers, but Elbrus's slopes are of interest for representatives of skiast breeds. Fortunately, such an opportunity is. Today, skiers and snowboarders may freely ride in the endless expanses of this majestic giant.


Elbrus Azau ski resort is difficult to give an unequivocal assessment. On the one hand, there are an integral elements of infrastructure for modern ski resorts: lifts, ragners, and even a system of artificial blindness of the slopes. And at the same time, the resort clearly loses in terms of diversity and quality of services provided. If the opportunity to feel the drive from riding on the highlighted slopes of the extinct volcano is more important than small household inconvenience, then undoubtedly, this ski resort must be at number one on your list.

For most of the tracks Elbrus Azau the ski season begins from October and ends in May. At the heights of more than 3800 m season last yearBut these sites can only be reached on the rapids.

In general, the climate here is quite soft and frost, due to low humidity, is carried relatively easily. In the middle of the temperature, the temperature ranges from -10 - -15 ° C, but sometimes falling below - 25 ° C, and at the highest point of the shelter-11 (4050) and up to -40 ° C. Weather Unstable: Heavy snowfall can be dramatically replaced by clear windy weather.

For Elbrus Azae is characterized by temperature inversion: sometimes in the valley and at the lower slopes of the slopes, the air temperature is significantly lower than on the upper.

There is no single ski pass to Elbrus Azaau. In season 2012-2013, the cost of one-day skit-pass on weekdays was 800 - 1200 rubles depending on the type of lift, which is on 500 - 700 rubles. less than in (Red Polyana).

Skating on the resort

It is believed that in the ski resort Elbrus Azau at heights from 2350 to 3,800 m, 7 tracks were laid with a length of 11 km, but in reality the slopes of the resort is one solid route for beginners and experienced riders. On the slopes Elbrus Azau you will not see any familiar separators or pointers, and throughout the path you will be accompanied by a minimum of grids. Freedom of movement is the brightest feature Elbrus Azau, because the riders do not drive into the framework. At your disposal, immense expanses where you choose your own route. The slope is conditionally divided into five sections:

Station Station Old Friendly (3000) - Azau (2350) serviced by the lift "Elbrus 1" (1900 m). This is a rather complex red plot, which in conditions of a poorly prepared route turns into black. At the beginning of the descent, the narrow track is gradually expanding, moving to a plot with quite a decent steepness (drop of 200 m), overcoming which you can again enjoy calm skiing. The route becomes more common and to the Aza station almost does not prevent surprises.

Plot station Mir (3500) - Old horizons (3000). The plot of medium complexity (blue) is serviced by the pendulum lift "Elbrus 2" (1800 m). The start of the descent is more reminiscent of the black track. If you are not sure about your abilities, then when this site passes, it is better to slow down the speed. But not for long, because Soon you will be welcomed by the familiar wide route.

Plot station Gara-Bashi (3800) - World (3500) Average complexity (blue) is served by a chair lift. In general, from the station Gara-Bashi to the shelter "Barrels" (3750) there is a fairly pleasant wide plot with an acceptable slope and a small shelf. In the weather with poor visibility, it is necessary to go carefully, because you can easily be resting on the way and get into sections with cracks. Below the shelter "barrels" is better to keep up to the left, since the right track is sharper and narrow, clamped between stones and a break. In the left part of you are waiting for a comfortable wide track with a long shelf.

Section from the shelter of eleven (4100) to the station Gara-Bashi (3800) Designed for experienced riders. The rise is possible only on the rapids.

The total time of the rise from Azau station to Gara-Bashi without taking into account the transplant is 24 minutes.

On Elbrus there are hard-to-reach places where you can only get to the helicopter. Wild landscapes, speed and riding on the glacier gives any incomparable impressions. The virgin snow of Elbrus will certainly appreciate Freiride lovers.

Freeride on Elbrus glaciers

Next to the station Azau is a small green trail for children and beginners. This route is serviced by a bugel lift that will raise you to a height of 2850 m.

And enjoying the expanses Elbrus, you can try your hand on the slopes of next. Unlike Elbrus, the tracks are shorter here, but are considered one of the most difficult. From Elbrus on the mountain Chegenet can be reached by skiing, but only accompanied by an experienced guide.

Until recently, Rideri complained about the state of the slopes Elbrus Azau. The familiar picture was snow with stones. And if the slopes were in the upper stations in a more or less decent state, it was almost impossible to drive without obstacles on the "Old Friendworker-Azau" site. Mostly randics for a fee were delivered by the delivery of riders to hard-to-reach slopes. By season 2012-2013, the administration decided to prepare more thoroughly: the tracks were expanded and cleaned of stones, an artificial lighting system was installed, a preventive repair of lifts was made, which in previous seasons often stopped their work due to breakdowns. This season was pleased with the randics that performed their primary task - the creation of "Velveta" on the slope.


Safety on the slopes is ensured by the rescue service. The nearest hospital is located in Elbrus. The most dangerous areas are fenced with capturing nets. The area is avalangerous. Each station has video surveillance cameras. If you are for the first time on Elbrus Azau, then freeride is better to do accompanied by a guidebecause The final of the independent travel on the wild slopes is unpredictable.


The Elbrus Azau ski resort offers the following services:

  • ski schools;
  • equipment rental;
  • snowmobile rental and sled;
  • helie-ski;
  • rarate rages.

Each station Elbrus Aza has small cafes in which you can have a snack for quite spent prices.


Elbrus Azau does not indulge his tourists a variety and novelty entertainment. There are bars, restaurants, cafes. At hotels, baths, saunas, nightclubs are open. At your disposal, snowmobiles, randics, skating rink, billiards, and in the village Terskol there is a area for playing paintball.

Accommodation in the resort

You can stay directly in Polyana Azaau, on which the first lift is located. In high season, the cost of hotel rooms Elbrus Azau varies within 2000 - 8000 rubles per day.

Hotel "Elturh" in Polyana Azau

The cheapest option is the private sector of any of the six villages of Elbrus. Tourists have the greatest popularity Terkol. (2.5 km), Tehenekli. (11 km) and Elbrus. (13 km). Many hotels of Elbrusya include a double diet in the room rate, and also provide a shuttle to the azau glade.

Elbrusie is a beautiful ski resort for fans of extreme sports. 35 kilometers of trails spread between the two Caucasian mountains - Elbrus and Cheget. Everyone knows that Elbrus is the highest point of Europe, so, it means that skating here will certainly be associated with extreme and vivid impressions.

General information about the resort

All conditions are created at the resort of Elbrus, not only for skiers, but also for snowboarders. All tracks are perfectly illuminated, and the presence of a long season allows each tourist to relax here.

By the way, season It continues from mid-November until the end of March, and sometimes before April. Since natural snow is used here, skating gives true pleasure.

Weather At the Elbrus, this period is comfortable. The average temperature in January is rarely lowered below -10 degrees Celsius. By February, the temperature rises a bit to -3 degrees Celsius. In April, a stable plus temperature in + 3-4 degrees is already installed here, which allows you to successfully ride until the middle of the month.

Those who are interested in the status of Elbrus slopes and Cheget before the trip, we advise you to visit the site where you can see the places of interest to Elbrusi online on a webcam.

Another advantage of this place, with which it is impossible to argue is incredible beauty. Mountains are located among the dense forest, there are several lakes with crystal, transparent water. That is why tourists from all over the world come here and come here, because such a journey is a great way to enjoy extremal sports and amazing beauty of these places.

How to get

Get to Before the resort can be by train or plane. Flight It is carried out to the city of Nalchik or to mineral waters. From there you can take a taxi to Elbrusya or get to the ski slopes on the bus.

On the Train You can also get to Nalchik, Pyatigorsk and mineral waters. From there, only take the bus to the resort. On the road will have to spend another 1.5-2 hours, but the best impressions of the ski slopes themselves will remain.

And 135 kilometers from Elbrus, a young and promising ski resort is located. If you wish, you can visit it.

You can look at Elbrusya map below.

Number and quality of tracks

Elbrus and Cheget offer tourists in total 11 runs With different levels of complexity. About each track should be spoken separately, and the attached to the map-diagram of the resort and ski slopes of Elbrusya will help readers to note the advantages of this or that descent.

  1. Runs of Mount Chegenet "A" and "B"
    These descents are considered not only the most dangerous at this resort, but also one of the most difficult all over the world. Many turns, sharp lifts and descents - all this makes the tracks with difficulty. By the way, the beginning and the 4th and 5th track are the top of the Mount of Chegenet. The height of the mountain itself is 3,700 kilometers, and, it means that it is from this distance will have to start skiers. Only real professionals will be able to go through these complex descents.
  2. Route near the shelter station
    From the eastern side of Elbrus there is another complex track that will enjoy Extreme Fans. From a height of 4100 meters, this descent originates, and ahead of the athletes expects many rates and sudden turns. It is difficult to maneuver here even experienced athletes. That is why it is necessary to go on this descent only after passing intensive training. By the way, the eastern part of Elbrus offers a stunning view of local beauty.
  3. Runs "L", "K", "and"
    These are excellent sections for newcomers. Despite the fact that the descents themselves are located at high altitude, in the western part of Elbrus, can be passed, even without special training. There are no sharp turns, the height difference is small, so even children can easily cope with the descent. By the way, the tracks under the number "L" is considered one of the highest, because it is located at an altitude of 4100 meters.
  4. Route "s"
    This descent also begins at an altitude of 4000 meters, but is considered very difficult even for professionals. The overall height difference at this resort is 2000 meters, so it is not possible to pass such complex descents. Closer to the end of the track, it begins to vive much, so the skier has to always be on guard to resist their feet. And yet, the impressions of the trip along the highway "s", located on the west side of Elbrus, will be the best.
  5. Route "G" from Mount Cheget
    Also a very complex descent, located near the highway "A" all from the same Mount of Chegenet. This descent is considered one of the most extended in the resort, so it is necessary to conquer it only to those tourists who have a good level of preparation.

Of course, many travelers do not have experience in skiing, so there are tracks and newcomers at the resort. This is a great place for a bright holiday in the beautiful places of the Caucasus.

Prices in the ski resort of Elbrusye

The resort of Elbrusie has several several lifts. The subscription to them for the whole day will cost a tourist at 1200 rubles. On holidays and weekends, the cost rises to 1,300 rubles.

The subscription to the cable car LLC "MKD Elbrus" will cost a traveler at 1,500 rubles. Immediately it is worth saying that even on the main page of the site dedicated to the resort, there is no information about the price for the season. You can only learn the cost of arrival at the resort. That is why it is indicated here and lower prices are relevant to relaxing last season at Elbrus.

Rent a full set Equipment For adults will cost 500 rubles for the whole day. Rent a set for children will cost 250 or 350 rubles. Here you can find equipment for both snowboard and skis. Elbrusier provides several options for renting equipment, also there are shops where you can buy kits for skiing

Of course, there are several resort instructorswho are always ready to help athletes in training. The cost of occupations for each instructor is individual. It is possible to clarify it through the contacts of the instructors specified on the Internet. For example, you can contact one of the most popular instructors at the resort, Anisimov Kirill by phone 8-86638-7-11-48. For a long time, attracting lovers of skiing from all over the world.