
Almost on the state border between Russia and China, the Amur flows, its length is 4500 km, while its area reaches 1.85 km2. The river flows into the waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, and its coast has become a haven for rare species birds and animals.

Express information on the country

The Earth is in third place in terms of distance from the Sun and in fifth place among all planets solar system to size.

Age– 4.54 billion years

Average radius – 6,378.2 km

Average circumference – 40,030.2 km

Square– 510,072 million km² (29.1% land and 70.9% water)

Number of continents– 6: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica

Number of oceans– 4: Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, Arctic

Population– 7.3 billion people. (50.4% men and 49.6% women)

Most populous states: Monaco (18,678 people/km2), Singapore (7607 people/km2) and Vatican City (1914 people/km2)

Number of countries: total 252, independent 195

Number of languages ​​in the world– about 6,000

Quantity official languages – 95; the most common: English (56 countries), French (29 countries) and Arabic (24 countries)

Number of nationalities– about 2,000

Climate zones: equatorial, tropical, temperate and arctic (main) + subequatorial, subtropical and subarctic (transitional)


Congo is located in central Africa and is considered the second largest (after the Nile) on the continent. Its total length is 4,700 km, and the area of ​​the water basin is 4 million km 2. Congo is also known as Zaire. The river provides water to the people of Angola, Congo, Zambia, Tanzania, Cameroon, Rwanda and Burundi. Zaire flows into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.


This river is considered the second longest on the South American continent, second only to the Amazon. The length of the Parana is 4880 km, and the area of ​​the basin is 2.58 km 2. Flowing through Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia and Argentina, it flows into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The Paraná is rightfully considered the main waterway South America. Shipping is well developed here.


One of the largest rivers in Siberia with a length of 5410 km and a basin area of ​​3 million km 2. The source of the Ob is located in the territory Altai Territory and flows into the waters of the Arctic Ocean. It is considered the longest in Russia. Power plants and reservoirs were built on its rapids.

Yellow River

The second name of this famous river- Yellow. It flows through most territory of China and is considered the second largest river in the country. The total length of the Yellow River is about 5464 km, and the area of ​​its basin is 750 thousand km 2. Thanks to the Shaanxi Plateau, the water in the Yellow River has a yellowish tint. Hence the second name of the river. Over the course of many centuries, the Yellow River, considered the cradle of local civilization, changed its course many times. Over time, on the banks of the Yellow River, many major cities who take water from here for drinking and household needs.


It is the Yenisei that holds the title of the longest river flowing through Siberia. It originates at the border with Mongolia, and it flows into the waters of the Red Sea. The total length of the Siberian record holder is as much as 5539 km, and the basin area is 2.8 million km 2. Numerous power plants were opened on the banks of the Yenisei, producing electricity for numerous industrial enterprises region. Industrial development has had a negative impact on the local environment.


The record holder of the continent of North America, with a total length of 6275 km and a basin area of ​​3.27 million km 2. The Mississippi begins in northern Minnesota near Lake Missouri, and its waters flow into Gulf of Mexico. Translated from the language of the indigenous aborigines, the word “Mississippi” means “ big river" This water artery has great value for industry and development economic condition countries. Shipping is developed here.


The largest river in China. The total length is 6300 km, the basin area is 1.8 million km 2. The beginning of the Yangtze is located in the Himalayan glaciers region. Flowing through the country and dividing it in half, it flows into the waters South China Sea. Yangtze has important for a country, it contains large cities.


The formation of the Amazon was facilitated by the merger of two large rivers. Its length is 6400 km, the basin area is 7 million km 2. The Amazon flows through Peru, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Guyana and Ecuador. In addition, many of the continent's major rivers flow into it. It, in turn, flows into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Lives on the banks of the Amazon great amount animals.


The length of the record holder is 6650 km, the basin area is 3 million km 2. The Nile is in the northeast African continent, carrying its waters into the water area Mediterranean Sea. You can see it in Ethiopia, Kenya, Egypt, Sudan, as well as Uganda and Eritrea. The longest river in the world is playing vital role in the life of the local population. It is home to major ports and power plants. It is considered the cradle of ancient civilization.


Note to tourists

The largest rivers on Earth

Measuring the exact length of a river can be very not an easy task. Therefore, the established length of many rivers is only an approximation. In fact, until very recently, scientists had disagreed for many years about which is the longest river in the world - the Amazon or the Nile? Finally, this long-standing dispute has been finally resolved. Read about it below.

These differences in measurements usually arise from differences of opinion about exactly where the mouth and source of the river actually are. But in our ranking we will try to adhere to the opinion of the majority of geographers on the planet. So, we present to you the 25 longest rivers in the world. This information may be useful for tourists traveling to regions of the planet where the largest rivers on Earth are located.

TOP 25 largest rivers on the planet (Video)

25. Shatt al-Arab

The Shatt al-Arab is a river in South-West Asia, only about 200 km (120 mi) long, formed by the confluence of the Euphrates and Tigris at the city of Al-Qurna in Basra province in southern Iraq. Of course, this is far from being the longest river in the world. So why did the Shatt al-Arab make our list of the 25 largest rivers on the planet? The fact is that the area of ​​its basin is approximately 1 million km², including the Tigris and Euphrates basins. And this already gives us the right to include the Shatt al-Arab among the largest rivers.

24. Mackenzie

The Mackenzie River is the largest river system in Canada with a length of 1,738 km. It flows through vast isolated areas of forest and tundra areas entirely in the north-west of the country.

23. Syrdarya

Syr Darya or Syr Darya is a river in Central Asia, which rises in the Tien Shan Mountains in Kyrgyzstan and carries its waters 2,212 kilometers (1,374 miles) to the remnants of the Aral Sea.

22. Murray

Murray River is Australia's longest river. Measuring 2,375 kilometers (1,476 mi) long, the Murray rises in the Australian Alps and winds its way through the interior plains until it reaches the ocean.

21. Salween River

Salween means "Terrible River" in Chinese, which very accurately defines it wildlife and a violent temper. It is approximately 2,815 kilometers (1,749 miles) long. The Salween flows from the Tibetan Plateau in China to Andaman Sea V South-East Asia

20. Tocantins

Tocantins is a river in eastern South America that flows through Brazil. The length of the river is 2850 km

19. San Francisco

Sao Francisco is a river in Brazil. It is 2,914 kilometers (1,811 miles) long. The São Francisco is the longest river whose basin is located entirely within Brazil, and the fourth largest in South America.

18. Indus River

The Indus is one of the largest rivers in South Asia. It originates in the Himalayas in China and flows mainly through the north-west and Pakistan. Length of Indus - 3180 km

17. Yukon River

The Yukon is one of the main rivers in the northwest. The river's source is in British Columbia, Canada. Further it carries its waters through the Yukon territory, in its lower part it flows through American state Alaska, and flows into the Bering Sea. The Yukon River is 3,190 km (1,980 mi) long.

16. Purus (Rio Purus)

The Purus is a tributary of the Amazon River in South America. Its basin is 63,166 km2, and the length of the Rio Purus is about 3,200 kilometers.

15. Madeira

The Madeira River is a major waterway approximately 3,250 km (2,020 mi) long and is largest influx Amazons.

14. Volga

The Volga is the longest river in Europe, and it is also the largest river in Europe in terms of discharge and watersheds. It flows through central part Russia. The length of the Volga is 3530 km, and the area drainage basin- 1,360,000 km²

13. Mississippi

Mississippi - the main river of the USA

The Mississippi River is main river largest river system V North America. It flows entirely in, although its basin also reaches Canada. It originates in northern Minnesota and flows slowly meandering south 4,070 km (2,530 mi) to a delta in the Gulf of Mexico.

12. Niger River

The Niger is the third longest river in Africa, behind only the Nile and the Congo (also known as Zaire). Its main tributary is the Benue River. The length of the Niger is 4180 km, the basin area is 2,118,000 km²

11. Mekong

Mekong is a river in Southeast Asia. The Mekong flows through China, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. It is the 11th longest river in the world and the 7th longest in the world. Its estimated length is 4,350 km (2,703 mi)

10. Lena

Lena is the easternmost of the three great Siberian rivers flowing into the Northern Arctic Ocean(the other two are the Ob and Yenisei rivers). The Lena is the 10th longest river (4400 km) in the world and has the 9th largest watershed area (2490 thousand km²).

9. Cupid

The Amur is the ninth longest river in the world. Together with its tributaries, its length is 4500 km. Located on the border between Far East Russia and Northeast China (Manchuria).

8. Congo

The length of the African Congo River from the source of the Chambesi is more than 4,700 km. The Congo is the deepest river in Africa, and the second deepest river in the world after the Amazon. The area of ​​the Congo Basin is 4,014,500 km². Interestingly, the Congo is the only large river on the planet that crosses the equator twice.

7. Parana

The Paraná is a river in south-central South America, passing through Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. According to some sources, its length is 4,880 kilometers (3,030 miles). The Paraná is the second longest river in South America after the Amazon.

6. Yenisei

The Yenisei is the largest river system flowing into the Arctic Ocean. The source of the Yenisei originates in Mongolia and heads north to discharge its waters into the Yenisei Bay Kara Sea. Length of the waterway: Ider - Selenga - Baikal - Angara - Yenisei - 5075 km.

5. Ob

The Ob River is one of the main rivers in Western Siberia in Russia and is the fifth largest river in the world. If we take its length together with the Irtysh tributary, it will be 5410 km. This is the westernmost of the three great Siberian rivers flowing into the Arctic Ocean (the other two are the Yenisei and Lena rivers).

4. Yellow River

The Yellow River or Yellow River is the second largest river in the world after the Yangtze and the fourth longest in the world with an estimated length of 5,464 kilometers (3,395 miles).

3. Yangtze

The Yangtze River is the longest river in Asia, and the third longest in the world. It flows 6,418 kilometers (3,988 miles) from glaciers in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau in Qinghai province east through southwestern, central and eastern China and discharges into the East China Sea at Shanghai.

2. Nile

For a long time, the water system of the Nile River was considered the longest on planet Earth. But in 2013 it was found that the longest river system is the Amazon in South America. Its length is 6992 kilometers, while the length of the Nile with its longest tributary is 6852 kilometers

1. Amazon

The Amazon is the longest river in the world

After all, the Amazon in South America is the first longest river in the world. Its length from the main source of the Marañon is about 6992 km, which is some 140 kilometers longer than the African Nile. The Amazon watershed has long been known to be the largest in the world and equal to area 7180 thousand km².

Happy travels!————————————————————————————



The Amazon is the longest river on the planet by volume. Its waters carry a fifth of the total reserves throughout the South American continent. fresh water. The Amazon itself originates from the mixing of two rivers - the Marañon and the Ucayali in the Andes mountain range in the territory of the state of Peru. The river ends its journey in Brazil, flowing into the Atlantic, changing the color and composition of ocean waters in an area of ​​up to 320 km. The length of the River itself, based on data from various scientific expeditions, is approximately 6259 - 6900 kilometers.

For a long time, the Amazon was recognized by scientists as the deepest on the planet, but the African Nile exceeded it in length by about 300 kilometers. This opinion was a priority until the source of the river was found in the mountains of southern Peru. The data obtained during the study of the river allowed us to conclude that while the Nile is 6,695 kilometers long, from the source of the Ucayali the length of the Amazon is 7,000 kilometers.

The volume of water in the river is so large that even during particularly dry periods, the Amazon is 11 kilometers wide, leaving more than 110 square kilometers of land under water. Accordingly, during the rainy season, the river increases in size by about 3 times, flooding the surface on a scale of almost 350 square kilometers of land. The river mouth itself is also impressive, and is about 323 kilometers long, making it about 65% navigable. Such large volumes of water in the river are natural because the Amazon’s movement vector almost completely coincides with the equator and the reservoir itself is actually almost all year round is in a state of flood.

Due to low level land in the area where the river flows into the Atlantic, during ocean tides “pororoka” can form (translated from Indian - “incredible noise”, “thundering water”). This is the result of the meeting of waters mighty river with an ocean wave, in the process of which a huge water shaft is formed, which rolls back to the movement of the river, crushing and breaking everything in its path. This phenomenon is so destructive in its power that it can capsize a ship. The wave reaches more than 4 meters in height and does not subside for more than half an hour, allowing it to devastate the surrounding area 13 kilometers upstream of the river, at speeds of up to 25 km/h. The original inhabitants of the banks of the Amazon themselves personify the poroca with a merciless and cruel animal, as well as with the spirit of the great river, called upon to protect it.

The very origin of the name of the river has two hypotheses. According to many, Amazons were called Amazons by the Spanish conquistador Francisco de Orellano, who fought with the Yagua Indians and mistook them for women, since they had long hair and wore skirts. However, according to another theory, the name was derived from the Indian amassona (translated as “boat destroyer”).

The importance of the river for the planet is enormous, not only because of the huge reserves of fresh water, but also because of the habitat in the Amazon of a practically unexplored world of flora and fauna.

A huge number of plants found only in South America grow on the banks of the Amazon. Also, more than 1,800 species of birds, 1,500 species of fish, and about 250 different animals live here. IN river waters unique living creatures live, such as piranha, river sharks, arapaima (the largest freshwater fish) or Boto (pink dolphin).

Describing animal world Amazons, you cannot ignore the water boa, which is better known as the Anaconda. The snake itself reaches a length of 20 meters and is capable of swallowing a pig - a baker, a human or even a jaguar - in one go.

Many faces flora The Amazon impresses with its shapes and uniqueness.

A variety of trees, shrubs, palms with unusual and rare wood. For example, cinchona or hevea, which are especially valued for their bark and are the best sources of rubber in the world. Also swaying on the surface of the river is the largest water lily on the planet, called Victoria Regia, the leaf of which resembles the shape of a large frying pan and is capable of holding a teenager.

Often on the surface of the river you can find floating islands that slowly float with the current. They are formed from trees that have fallen into the water and are entwined with plants.

The Amazon is considered the longest river in the world. It takes its origins from South America, more precisely in the Andes and Peru, formed from other smaller rivers Marañon and Ucayali (the length of each stream is at least 6500 km). Further pouring out, it flows into the Atlantic Ocean in Brazil. Due to its length and coverage of several states, the Amazon is considered navigable. It got its name due to the rapid current and the huge height of the waves (it reaches 6-8 meters).

The length of the largest river in the world is about 6500-7000 km, thanks to which it covers more than half of Brazil. And its width varies depending on the season. During periods of heavy rains, the width increases 2-3 times and reaches 40 km, and in the absence of rain it is only 11 km. The depth of the river varies depending on the area, the deepest place is more than 130 meters.

Thanks to the powerful flow of the Amazon, when it flows into the Atlantic Ocean, it changes its original color and chemical composition.

The Nile River takes its origins from East Africa and further, covering more than half of the continent, extends along Egypt.

For many centuries, the Nile water flow was considered the largest in the world, but scientists have proven that it is the second longest, respectively, on the first Amazon. But despite this, the Nile is considered the longest river in Africa. The length is about 6800 km, and the basin area is about 335,000 km2.

The Nile is unusual for its color changes, both in each of its sections and depending on weather changes. During hot weather, the Nile overflows its channel and turns the soil orange-red.
The Nile River is divided into 5 sections:

  1. Victoria Nile. This section of the river takes its sources from Lake Victoria, its length is more than 400 km.
  2. Albert-Neil. A small part of the river flowing between Lake Albert and the Achva tributary.
  3. Bahr el-Jabal takes its origins at the foot of the town of Juba and is about 1000 km long.
  4. White Nile flows across the plain to Sudan, and thanks to the mountainous muddy tributary Sabat acquires a milky white color.
  5. The Blue Section of the Nile is the longest section of the Nile that flows into the Mediterranean Sea.

It begins in the north of Cairo a large number of branches of the Nile River called the delta. Thanks to the delta, Africa's longest river is named after the letter "delta" it resembles. The Nile Delta is similar in size to the Crimean Peninsula.

The Yangtze is a river that flows along the entire length of China. The length of the Yangtze is 6500 km, thanks to which this water stream acquired its name, the meaning of which is “big river”. The source of the Yangtze begins at an altitude of over 5,000 meters in the mountains of Tibet, which is located near the northern Himalayas.

When the glacier melts, streams are formed, which, going down the mountain slope, connect with others and form the powerful Yangtze stream. Flowing through Qinghai province, the river slows down somewhat due to mixing with the swampy mass of the area.

Leaving Qinghai, the Yangtze rushes to the south, where the independent Tibetan region of Lhasa is located on one side, and the province of Sichuan on the other. Since this area is characterized by a large number of mountain ranges, the river flows through their gorges, forms a rapid current and then flows into the East China Sea.

The width of the river bed is two kilometers, but then it is divided into several more branches, although only two flow into the sea. More than 20% of all China is made up of the Yangtze basin; the deepest place is considered to be the Tiger Leaping Gorge, where the depth is about two kilometers.

Flowing into the Sichuan Basin, the Yangtze calms down somewhat, because on its way there is a mountain range, through which it makes its way and decreases, reaching 200 m in width and 100 m in depth.

The Mississippi is considered one of the longest rivers in Europe and flows through about 40% of all states. The river starts from Lake Itasca, flows throughout the entire country, it divides America into 2 parts, and ends in the Gulf of Mexico. Its length is 6,000 km, since it also includes two other smaller rivers: the Jefferson and the Missouri.

The Mississippi has many different tributaries, one of which is the Ohio River. Mississippi is divided into several parts:

  1. Upper Mississippi.
  2. Middle Mississippi.
  3. Lower Mississippi.

At the very beginning of the river there are many waterfalls, one of which is St. Anthony, located not far from the city of St. Paul. The height of the waterfall is more than 15 meters.

After the waterfall, the river's path passes between steep cliffs and becomes gentle. The height and number of cliffs on the Mississippi River depend on their location; the closer to the north, the higher they are and vice versa, respectively.

After the Missouri River flows into the Mississippi, it becomes wider and in some places small islands are noticeable, which appear and disappear. Somewhere in early autumn, the river begins to shallow and only in spring it regains its former high water.

Due to its length (the Mississippi flows through 31 states, from Minnesota to Louisiana), it is considered one of the longest rivers in Europe.

The Yenisei water flow is considered the largest in Russia. In terms of size, the Yenisei ranks fifth in the world. Its composition water flow includes many rivers: Angara, Selenga and other smaller rivers of the Mongolian Republic.

The Yenisei takes its sources from the small river Ider, which is located in the Khangai mountains of Mongolia, then connecting with the second river Delger-Muren and the third Selenga, it is part of Lake Baikal. The Angara flows from Baikal and flows into the Yenisei. Thus, the length of the Yenisei is about 5500 km. It divides Siberia into parts: western and eastern.

She acquired her euphonious name thanks to the Evenki, who christened her Ioanessi, the meaning of which Great River. Then they began to call it the Yenisei in the Russian manner.

The river itself is divided into upper and lower Yenisei and has a large number of branches.

The river, stretching to the north, washes the rocky ridges of the Sayan Mountains and, through a small gap, stretches further into the Minusinsk Basin. Three hydroelectric power stations were built along the entire Yenisei River: Sayano-Shushenskaya, Mainskaya and Krasnoyarsk.

After the reunification of the Yenisei with the rivers Podkamennaya and Lower Tunguska it expands by at least 5000 m. The width of the stream varies, in some places it reaches 15 km, and the depth up to 20 meters. Along its bed grow coniferous trees and larch.

The Yenisei flows through the taiga, enters the forest-tundra and moves towards the Arctic Ocean.

The river is rich in minerals, which it supplies to all regions of Russia.

The Yellow River is a major river in China, more than 5,500 km long. Its source begins at the Bayar-Khar ridge, which belongs to the Kunlun mountain system. A seething mountain river rushes to the southeast and flows into the Tsarin and Narin reservoirs. The Yellow River crosses many provinces of China such as Gansu, Ningxia, Shaanxi, Shandong, Henan and Qinghai. From Shandong Province, the Yellow River flows into the Yellow Sea.

The mighty Yellow River is home to populated areas of many millions: Yinchuan, Lanzhou, Wuhai, Baotou, Jinan and Zhengzhou. Along its entire route, the Yellow River encounters obstacles, flows through them in the form of a gorge and rushes towards the plains of Northern China.

At the source of the Yellow River, the waters are crystal clear, but already halfway along its path they acquire a yellow tint, which is why the river got its name (Huang He - yellow river).

On the river there is the Hukou waterfall, which, resting against a rock, divides the Yellow River into two, and then small tributaries Ai and Huai flow into it. Not far from the Yellow Sea, the Yellow River forms a delta measuring more than 7,500 km2.

Depending on the weather conditions the river can leave its channel, thereby flooding nearby areas, due to which changes in the course of the Yellow River occur. Even dams cannot contain the turbulent flows of the river during bad weather.

The Ob is one of the deepest and largest rivers in the world.

The location of the Ob is the western part of Siberia, its flow is parallel to the Yenisei and directed from south to north. Having reached the north, the Ob flows into the Kara Sea, where an 800-kilometer bay (estuary) is formed.

The length of the Ob is more than 3500 km, but another river, the Irtysh, which is at least 4000 km long, joins it with its tributaries and increases it
length. As a result, the Ob takes an honorable 7th place in the world.

The river's area is about 2900 km2, but during high water it can overflow its channel. The Ob is formed from the small Katun River, which is located on the Katun Ridge. Its length is more than 650 km. The Katun River flows along Gorny Altai and connecting with the water flow Biya creates a large water artery- Ob.

The Ob is divided into three large parts:

  1. The Upper Ob, which flows in Novosibirsk, Barnaul and Kamen-on-Ob to the Tom River.
  2. The Middle Ob begins after its confluence with the Tom. At this point the Chulym tributary joins them and the river gains its power. The depth in these places varies up to 8 meters.
  3. After the tributary of the Irtysh joins the Ob, the Lower Ob is formed, which stretches to the village of Peregrebnoye, where it bifurcates into the Bolshaya and Malaya Ob.

Having reached Salekhard, the Ob regains its greatness, forming a delta measuring more than 4.5 km2. Further, the Nadymsky and Khamanelsky tributaries depart from it, uniting and merging with the Kara Sea.

The bed of the Congo stretches throughout South Africa and connects with Atlantic Ocean. The length of the channel is about 4700 km, the depth is about 200 meters, and the size of the basin is 4 million km2.

The river was formed from two small water streams, Chambesi and Lualaba. Lualaba divides into a large number of waterfalls, turns west and forms the Congo River, then the entire Congo flows through flat terrain. Thanks to this, the water flow of the river is calm, but then the river narrows, as if squeezed between the banks, its depth increases, and accordingly the flow becomes faster. The presence of a turbulent stream and many waterfalls in the Congo has brought great benefits to the country in the form of energy independence, since more than 40 hydroelectric power stations are located along the entire river.

Basically, the river bed passes through the republic of the same name. Along it there are a large number of cities: Kindu, Kinshasa, Brazzaville, Matadi and Banane.

Passing the rocky banks, the river widens and forms Lake Molebo Pool. Then rocks appear on the river’s path again, and the Congo begins to narrow again and its depth to increase. After the river passes the city of Kinshasa, the large Livingston Falls are formed again. Near the city of Matadi, the Congo channel begins to expand, and after 1000 km it flows into the Atlantic Ocean.

The Amur water flow was formed from two small rivers Shilki and Argun, which are located in the eastern part of Eurasia. The Amur flows through several states: Russia, China and Mongolia and ultimately becomes part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. The Amur area is more than 1.8 million km2, and its length is 2824 km.

The channel of the Amur is directed in an easterly direction, dividing two great countries: Russia and China. Further, its channel changes its direction to the southeast, where small tributaries and rivers flow into it: Zeya, Burei and Sungari. Thanks to this, the water flow of the Amur increases in volume. Then the river changes its direction to the northeast and in Khabarovsk it connects with the Ussuri River.

The rest of the river’s path lies along the territory of Russia, bypassing Komsomolsk-on-Amur, the river turns north and connects with the Amgun River. Having joined Amgun, the Amur changes its flow to the eastern direction towards the Tatar Strait and connects with it.

Many rivers are divided into parts or sections; accordingly, the Amur is also divided into 3 parts:

  1. The Upper Amur begins from the mouth and continues to the city of Blagoveshchensk.
  2. The Middle Amur starts from Blagoveshchensk and ends in Khabarovsk.
  3. The Lower Amur, accordingly, takes its toll in Khabarovsk and ends at the mouth of the river.

In the spring, the Amur leaves its channel and floods surrounding area for several tens of kilometers.

The Lena River is one of the largest rivers in Russia, located in Siberia, not far from Lake Baikal. Its entire path lies along Siberia and Yakutsk, and then, turning to the north, flows into the Laptev Sea.

The length of the river is more than 4000 km, and its area is 2,490,000 km2. Along the entire length of the river there are many large settlements: Kirensk, as well as Yakutsk, specializing in diamond and gold mining.

The river originates from a small unnamed mountain lake and is also divided into several parts:

  1. The Upper Lena begins from its mouth all the way to the Vitim water stream.
  2. The middle section starts from the Vitim River and continues to the Aldan River.
  3. The lower section from the Aldan River to Vilyuy.

After connecting with Vilyuy, Lena expands, showing its greatness and the beauty of the Siberian river. At the very beginning of the river’s path, the flow is stormy due to its location between the rocks, but already near Kirensk its flow noticeably calms down due to its connection with the Kirenga River. However, this gives the Lena additional volume, it expands and becomes deeper, and then flows further until the Arctic Ocean, into which it flows.

Due to precipitation, the Lena River is increasing; in some places the water level can rise by more than 10 meters and overflow its banks. Along the entire shore, the Siberian beauty is surrounded by coniferous trees, larch and cedars, which cut the river like a diamond.

Determine which of the world's rivers is the longest - not an easy task. While for most of us the answer would be the Nile River, there are many scientists who consider the Amazon to be the true owner of that title. The difficulty in identifying the undisputed winner is that it is quite difficult to establish the beginning or source of the river. Large rivers such as the Nile and the Amazon have numerous sources, as well as countless large and small tributaries. Therefore, it is necessary to find the farthest source of the river if its true length is to be calculated. Often these sources are located in remote and inaccessible locations, making them difficult to find. Listed below are the five longest rivers/river systems in the world according to generally accepted standards. However, with the discovery of new sources of these rivers, their order may change.

What is longer, the Nile or the Amazon??

River Nile

For most people, the answer to the question: “What is the longest river on Earth?” - This is the Nile River. Although many perceive the Nile as life path Egypt, it is, in fact, international river flowing through 11 African countries. However, it is the main source of water in two countries: Egypt and Sudan. The Blue and White Nile are two tributaries of the river, with the latter having longer length than the first one. The source of the White Nile has not yet been fully determined, but it is believed to be somewhere in Burundi or Rwanda. According to some reports, Lake Victoria is believed to be the source of the White Nile, which in turn is fed by the Kagera River, the two main tributaries of which are the Ruvironza and Nyabarongo rivers in Burundi and Rwanda respectively. The Kagera is formed at the confluence of these two rivers near the border of Tanzania and Rwanda. The Blue Nile has a more definite origin in Ethiopia's Lake Tana. The two tributaries meet near the Sudanese capital Khartoum. The final course of the Nile River passes through Egypt before it forms a delta and flows into the Mediterranean Sea. According to some data, the length of the Nile is 6,853 km.

Amazon river

Amazon river

Amazon is undoubtedly the most big river in the world by volume of water. However, its position as the world's longest river is highly disputed, as this title has long been assigned to the Nile River. The dispute arises over the definition of the origins of the Amazon. Until now, the upper reaches of the Apurimac River were considered the source of the Amazon River. However, a recent study in 2014 claims that the origins of the Amazon can be traced to the Cordillera Rumi Cruz, where the Peruvian Mantaro River originates. This river then joins the Apurimac River (the upper reaches of which were previously considered the source of the Amazon), and then other tributaries join the river downstream to form the Ucayali River, which finally merges with the Marañon River to form the main stem of the Amazon River. Thus, if the latest data is taken into account, this adds between 75 and 92 km to the length of the river. However, many believe that the Amazon is about 6,400 km long and therefore shorter than the Nile.

Other long rivers of the world:

Yangtze River

Yangtze River

The Yangtze River is the third longest river in the world and the longest river flowing within a single country. It is also the longest river in Asia. The Yangtze Basin is home to one third of the population of China, the most populous country on Earth. Two sources of the Yangtze River have been proposed. The Chinese government recognizes the Tuotuo tributary, located in the Tanggula Mountains, as the main source of the river. At an altitude of over 5,300 m above sea level, Tuotuo is the highest source of the Yangtze. However, according to new data, the source of the Yangtze River is located on Yari Hill, where its tributaries unite. The river covers a total distance of 6,300 km and flows into the East China Sea in Shanghai.


Mississippi River

The river system, consisting of the Mississippi, Missouri and Jefferson rivers, is considered the fourth largest river system in the world. It passes through 31 US states and 2 Canadian provinces. The Mississippi River begins in northern Minnesota, where its source is Lake Itasca, and flows 3,734 km into the Gulf of Mexico. However, if we consider the Jefferson River as the most distant tributary of the Mississippi River, we get the Mississippi-Missouri-Jefferson River system, which is 5,969 km long. The Madison River joins the Jefferson River for 133 km to form the Missouri River, which finally merges with the Mississippi at the border between Illinois and Missouri, USA.


Yenisei River

It is the fifth longest river system in the world and the largest discharge of water into the Arctic Ocean. The Selenge River is considered as the headwaters of this river system. It has a length of 992 km and flows into Lake Baikal. The Angara River originates from Baikal near Listvyanka and flows through Irkutsk region Russia, and then joins the Yenisei River near the village of Strelka. The Yenisei finally flows into the Arctic Ocean. The total length of this river system is about 5,539 km.