Yulia Alexandrovna Molchanova
Ecological fairy tales for kids.

"What a day"

It was a clear day. The sun was hot. The grasshopper jumped and rejoiced at the beautiful day. An earthworm burrowed into dry soil. He called the day disgusting. The grasshopper and the earthworm began to argue.

At this time, an ant was dragging a pine needle past them. The grasshopper asked; “What day is it today - a wonderful day or a disgusting day?” The ant promised to answer in the evening. After sunset, the grasshopper and the earthworm came to the ant for an answer. An ant collected a bunch of pine needles in one day. He pointed at her and said: “It was a beautiful day, I worked well and can rest peacefully!”.


There lived a hedgehog in the forest. He was very handsome. The body is covered with spines, the muzzle is elongated like a mouse. Life was hard for the hedgehog this year because the forest was very polluted. There was a lot of paper, plastic bags, and empty cans lying under the trees. And the little hedgehog decided to save the forest.

He picked up paper and cellophane on his spines and took it all to one place. Empty cans he pushed his muzzle towards the landfill. This hard work took a lot of time and energy from the little hedgehog. And mice, squirrels, and hares began to help him. The mice gnawed the paper into small pieces, the squirrels and hares occupied the jars.

When people came, the hedgehog hovered under their feet and made sure they didn’t leave trash. One day a boy ate a candy and threw the candy wrapper on the ground. Then the hedgehog curled up into a spiky ball and began to stab the boy with its thorns, the squirrels threw him pine cones. The boy picked up the candy wrapper and put it in his pocket. This is how the forest animals taught the stupid boy a lesson. And the hedgehog and his friends continue to clear the forest. Soon it will be completely clean.


One day Pipa the frog was walking in the forest and met a hunter.

Let's get acquainted!- Pipa said. - I'm a bear, and who are you?

And I'm a bugbear! - the hunter shouted and how he would shoot Pipa on the spot if she were as big as a bear. But she was small, so he missed. I wanted to shoot again, but Pipa... will scream:

I'm not a bear, not a bear! I'm just a frog!

“Oh, you’re a liar!” the hunter was indignant. “I spent a whole cartridge on you, but it turns out you’re not a bear!”

He swung with all his might to hit Pipa on the head with the butt, but missed again. And then he chased her through the swamp for another three hours until he got stuck.

Pipa never pretended to be a bear again because it was very dangerous.

Publications on the topic:

Fairy tales for children on environmental themes The Fox and the Gingerbread Man Once upon a time there lived a Fox in the forest. She got tired of sitting in the hole, and she decided to take a walk through the forest. He walks and sings songs. She walked and walked.

Didactic games for children of primary preschool age. Game 1. Arranging leaves in a similar manner. Goal: teach children to find identical ones.

Didactic manual "Ecological signs" for the lesson "Journey to the forest" on ecology Purpose: Formation of a responsible attitude in children.

Re-enactment of a fairy tale for kids “We guessed the riddles and showed us the fairy tale” This fairy tale can be shown in your free time, new children from older groups can be invited to show the fairy tale, kids especially like fairy tales in which...

IN early age important allocated to the child’s speech development. One of the main sources for the development of speech in children is works.

Scenario of the fairy tale “Hen Ryaba” for young children Author: teacher Alishkevich Tatyana Borisovna, MDOU d/s No. 299, Krasnoyarsk. Equipment: Screen, toys for displaying puppet theater.

Ecological games, observations and experiments Observations 1st quarter of inanimate nature in autumn. Behind seasonal changes in nature. For insects. For plants in the children's area.

Organization: MDOU kindergarten "Malysh"

Locality: Republic of Mari El, Solnechny village

In the age of nanotechnology, there is not enough time to stop, look around, and observe the beauty of nature.

The lack of communication between children and nature subsequently turns into callousness, immorality and disrespect for all living things.

In the education of a future highly moral person, we, teachers, occupy the most important place.

After sowing a grain, a weed may grow. After all, behind everyone cultivated plant care and a “nutrient medium” are needed.

And for many years we have been making it clear to our children, “our seedlings,” that everything is for them, that any natural phenomenon is all for the benefit of man, everything is for man and nothing in return.

This has led to the fact that, starting from kindergarten, children know that a forest is wood, and wood is paper, a material for construction.

The forest is a large closet in the form of fur clothes.

The forest is a pantry of products (meat, mushrooms, berries, nuts).

The child thinks that birds are needed only to destroy insects; he does not realize that on a summer evening, sitting under a tree in the forest, he can enjoy the coolness and the beautiful trills of a singing nightingale.

And so it is in everything.

This selfish consumer skill has been learned very well. But a caring attitude towards nature, awareness of the importance of its protection, and the formation of an eco-culture must be cultivated from an early age.

It is in preschool childhood, through a kind, instructive fairy tale, that a positive, caring attitude towards nature is laid.

Information characteristics pedagogical project

Project name

"Ecological fairy tale"

Semenova L.V., teacher of the preschool educational institution kindergarten “Malysh”, Solnechny village, Sovetsky district of the Republic of Mari El

Project type

In-house, research and creative


Environmental education

Educational program within which the project is carried out, educational areas

General education program preschool education“From birth to school”, edited by N.E. Veraxes.

Social and communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Project implementers

Children of primary and secondary preschool age, preschool teachers, art. teacher

Project customer

Administration of the MDOU kindergarten “Malysh”, Solnechny village, Sovetsky district of the Republic of Mari El

Base of experimental work:

Children of the junior and middle groups of the preschool educational institution kindergarten "Malysh" in Solnechny village, Sovetsky district of the Republic of Mari El

Project implementation period

June-July 2015 (1 month)


Preschool age is the initial stage at which a positive, caring attitude towards nature, the “man-made world” and everything around us is established. It is the ecological fairy tale that evokes emotional responsiveness, curiosity, unity of knowledge and experiences, and children’s inclination to imagination and fantasy. The knowledge gained should always carry moral potential, touch the child’s soul, evoke a response and understanding from him environmental problems. The result of this will be productive and creative work, which will be expressed in drawing, modeling, appliqué, as well as in composing your own fairy tales.

Target: Forming children's interest in nature through environmental fairy tales.



  • Expand children's understanding that the Earth is our home.
  • Form a system of elementary environmental knowledge, understandable to a child aged 3–5 years.
  • Develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships in the surrounding world.


  • Develop skills to compare and generalize own observations, see and understand the beauty of the world around us.
  • Attracting children's attention to environmental issues surrounding nature, through fairy tales.


  • To foster a desire to protect our Earth.
  • Awareness of oneself as a part of nature.

Promote a conscious attitude towards nature, as well as an attitude towards oneself as a part of nature.


I. Preparatory (project development)

  • Problem Definition
  • Setting goals and objectives


  • Work according to plan with children, parents, teachers
  • Project implementation


  • Summing up, analyzing the expected result
  • Making recommendations
  • Making up fairy tales with children
  • Making homemade books

Description of the activities of participants within the project:

Visual activities, conversations, targeted walks, observations, research.


  • Health-saving
  • Personally-centered learning.
  • Fairy tale therapy
  • Research activities

Methodical techniques:

  • Visual
  • Verbal
  • Gaming
  • Practical
  • Observation
  • Excursions
  • Looking at paintings
  • Looking at photos
  • General conversation.

Necessary equipment: Ecological tales, natural materials, visual aids, cartoons, photo albums.

Presentation of the project results: Creation of the book – “Ecological Tales”.

Estimated final products of the project:

A targeted walk with parents to a park area, to a lake, to a forest - replenishment of the group’s developmental environment, exhibition of drawings, defense of a fairy tale of one’s own composition, replenishment of the “Book of Ecological Fairy Tales”

Expected results:

The level of activity of children will increase, independence in solving assigned tasks will increase;

The behavior style of children in nature will change;

Children's knowledge of ecology will expand through writing fairy tales

Subject to the implementation of this project, we expect the following results in areas of integration:

Social and communicative development

  • the desire of parents and pupils to personally participate in environmental activities will be formed
  • the culture of communication in society will increase

Cognitive development

  • experience of behavior in relation to nature as a source will appear material assets and culture of spiritual communication with nature

Speech development

  • will expand lexicon on the topic of the project
  • When dramatizing fairy tales, the attitude towards the characters will be emotionally and brightly colored; a craving for a rhythmically organized style of speech will appear

Artistic and aesthetic development

  • with the participation of children in various environmental events, the development of creative interests of an artistic and aesthetic orientation will occur, promoting the development of self-determination with the help various types art.

Physical development

  • emotional, psychological, physical health through outdoor games, targeted walks



Expected results


Preparatory stage

  1. Studying literature on the topic “Ecological fairy tales”
  2. Decorating a book corner
  3. Seminar “Book Week”

Expanding knowledge on the project topic

Parents, teachers

Questioning of parents “Environmental education of preschool children”

Conversation with parents “Getting to know the project”

Consultations for parents “Techniques for teaching children to predict the work they read”

Parents, teachers

Clarification of the formulation of the problem, topic, goals and objectives

Development of a project implementation plan


Selection of visual teaching aids and demonstration material

(Posters, cards on the topics “Insects”, “Plants”, “Birds”, “Reptiles”


subject-spatial development environment

Parents, teachers

Exhibition of creativity by N.I. Sladkova,

V. Bianki, L.N. Tolstoy,

B. Zhidkov, K. Ushinsky, M. Prishvin,

S.Ya. Marshak,

K. I. Chukovsky

Book exhibition

I week of the project

Parents, teachers

Main stage

Forms of work




Target walk

Corner of the forest (anthill)

Park area

2-3 week

Children, teachers

"Take care of plants and animals"

About insects

About plants

Children, teachers


For insects

Behind the sparrow

Behind the dove

Behind the wagtail

Behind the magpie

Behind the swallow

Looking at plants: forests, meadows

Children, teachers


"The boastful ant"

"Forest Travelers"

"On the forest path"

"Living Toy"

“Whose cones are in the forest?”

"The Adventures of an Ant"

Children, teachers

Integrated classes

(visual activity, ecology)

“Why shouldn’t you catch butterflies?”

"Where the sparrow dined"

“Where does a ladybug get dots?”

Introduction to the fairy tale

"Lucky Bug"

G. Skrebitsky

“I walked and walked and found a fairy tale” A. Dietrich

“Under the Bush” by N. Pavlova

“About everyone in the world” B. Zakhoder

“How a hedgehog changed his fur coat”

A Sukontsev

“The Wolf and the Dog” by L. Tolstoy

“The Hedgehog and the Squirrel” M. Rapov

"Bird's Pantry"

To Sukhomlinsky

“Who sings about what?” V. Bianchi

"Service Bureau" N. Sladkov

“How the bear lost its stump” by N. Ryzhov

“Whose house is better” by N. Ryzhov

Children, teachers

Writing your own fairy tales

Continuation of the begun fairy tale

Compiling a fairy tale according to a ready-made plot scheme

Children, teachers

Theater productions

“Kolobok”, “Teremok”, “Swan Geese”, “Cockerel and the Bean Seed”

Children, teachers


“Nature in fairy tales” (drawings)

Albums of fairy tales “Our tales about nature”

Children, teachers

Board-printed games

“Paired lotto”, “Where does it grow?”, “Flora world”, “Animals”, “Insects” Find by description"

"What grows where"

"Find out and name"

"Tops - roots"

Children, teachers

The final stage

Creation of a photo exhibition “I am part of nature” (targeted walks into nature, games while walking).

Development of children's creative activity, improvement of artistic and creative skills

Children, parents, teachers

1. Making homemade books

2. Writing your own environmental fairy tales

Fairy tales of your own composition

Children, parents, teachers


Human resources


Group teachers


technical resource

Music hall;

Technical teaching aids (DVD player, music center, etc.);

Visual and methodological aids;

Methodological literature.

Resource of society

Social partnership with the following organizations:

Children's library in Solnechny

House of Culture in Solnechny

Parent resource

Interaction with families of pupils through following forms:





Use of ICT;

Exchange of work experience (seminars, exhibitions, consultations, etc.);

Studying methodological literature;

Participation in competitions and exhibitions at various levels.


While working on the “Ecological Tale” project, the following results were achieved:

  • conditions were created that revealed the creative and intellectual capabilities of children, focused on dialogic interaction between children and parents and promoting self-knowledge and self-development;
  • the level of environmental behavior of children of the junior and middle groups has increased;
  • all set goals and objectives were successfully achieved, children and parents took an active part in the implementation of the project.


  1. Veraksa N.E., Galimov O.R. Cognitive and research activities of preschoolers. For classes with children 4-7 years old. -M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2015. -80 p.
  2. Animal Protection Day. Toolkit/ comp. Utkina O.V. - Yoshkar-Ola: Rekline, 2006. -76 p.
  3. Making artificial nesting boxes: Methodological manual / comp. Utkina O.V.-pos. Krasnogorsky, 2006. -40 p.
  4. "We". Children's environmental education program / N.N. Kondratyeva and others - 2nd ed., rev. And additional –SPb: “Childhood-Press”, 2004-240 p. (Library of the program “Childhood”)
  5. Nikolaeva S.N. Young ecologist. Environmental education program in kindergarten. -M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2010. -112 p.
  6. Nifontova S.N., Gashtova O.A., Zhuk L.N. A series of educational targeted and thematic excursions for children 4-7 years old. Educational and methodological manual. -SPb.: Publishing House “Childhood-Press” LLC, 2010. -96 p.
  7. "From birth to school." Basic educational program of preschool education / Edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. -3rd ed., rev. and additional - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2015. - 368 p.
  8. Ryzhova N.A. What's under our feet: Lesson block “Sand. Clay. Stones" / Scientific. Consultant Ph.D. geol.-mineral. Sciences I.N. Ryzhov; The text is published in the author's edition. –M.: “Karapuz-Didactics”, 2005. -224 p.: ill.
  9. Ryzhova N.A. Me and nature: textbook. - method. ecology kit Education of preschool children. -M.: Linka-Press, 1996, p.56, illus. (series “Our home is nature”).
  10. Tourism and local history activities with preschool children (from the experience of nursery-garden No. 36 “Cherry”). Editorial board of the magazine "Mari El Teacher"
  11. Tugusheva G.P., Chistyakova A.E. Experimental activities of children of middle and senior preschool age: Methodological manual. – St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press, 2009. -128 p., ill.- (Library of the “Childhood” program) /

Ecological fairy tales are very useful for comprehensive development preschool child. For younger preschoolers, the teacher himself comes up with and acts out a fairy tale, giving the kids basic environmental ideas. Children of older preschool age can independently come up with fairy tales on given topics, including those based on diagrams and mnemonic tables. Here, for example, is a fairy tale invented by a child in the preparatory group.

Ecological fairy tale “Dreamy Dandelion”.

There were many flowers growing in the forest clearing. Among them was a yellow dandelion. He dreamed of traveling. And not far from this clearing lived a fairy. One day she learned about the dandelion's dream. The fairy waved her with a magic wand and turned a yellow dandelion into a white fluffy ball. The wind blew and a lot of fluffy grains flew from the ball, which scattered in different directions.

Thus the dandelion's dream came true. Since then yellow dandelions turn into white fluffy balls and scatter with the help of the wind to different places.


Ecological fairy tale “The Adventures of the Leaf Faller” (Game activity for children of middle preschool age)

expand children’s initial understanding of wild animals (hare, fox, hedgehog, bear, noting the characteristic features of their appearance and way of life; cultivate a friendly attitude towards the living world.

Attributes for the game:

1. Toys: “Hare” (quantity - 2 pcs.), “Hedgehog”, “Fox”, “Bear”.

2. "Autumn leaves" - 20 pcs.

3. "Fox's Hole".

4. "Bear's Den."

5. Pine tree model.

6. Fabric napkins (quantity - 2 pcs. 1 m. by 1 m.)

7. Model of an autumn tree.

Equipment for the game.

Available technical means.

(The children are sitting on the carpet. The teacher offers to listen to a fairy tale about the Bunny.)

In autumn, in the rustling leaves,

Under the aspen tree, in the dark thicket,

A baby appeared - Bunny,

Fluffy, like a dandelion.

The mother loved the baby

She fed me with her milk,

She hid me from prying eyes,

Saved me from sharp teeth.

Deciduous - son

I couldn't speak at all

But he always listened to his mother.

In the morning I ate, cleaned my ears,

And then I lay in the leaves,

I was quietly waiting for my mother.

The Little Bunny has grown up,

He began to crawl out from under the bush.

Learned to jump deftly -

I earned carrots.

And he loved to walk in the forest,

Pluck juicy grass.

The mother left to feed

And she said to the Bunny:

"You can't go far,

Not everyone in the forest is your friend. "

Our boy was a coward

I was afraid of the fox, the sleepyhead - the bear,

I was afraid of Squirrel, Hedgehog,

Gray wolf, Moose cow,

But still the world wanted to know

So as not to be left behind by adults.

He hit the road

Ran through the forest a little

And suddenly, on poor Bunny

Squirrel dropped a cone.

Our Little Bunny got scared

He quickly took off from his place,

He took off running, galloped,

You can’t catch up with him, even if you cry.

I meandered and wandered through the forest,

I lost my way home.

He came to our kindergarten,

He fell under a birch tree.

He's barely alive, barely breathing,

He doesn't hear anything around.

I found that Bunny

She calmed the baby down.

Look what he is like!

Fluffy, small, alive!

(A toy “Bunny” is brought into the group).

Tell me guys

About the forest animal - the Hare.

(Children describe the appearance of the animal, talk about where it lives, what it eats; they jump like “Bunnies”).

Questions for children:

1. Who is this?

2. What is he like?

3. Where does the hare live?

4. Is the hare a wild or domestic animal?

5. What does a hare eat?

6. How does it move on the ground?

7. Is the bunny big or small?

We need to save the poor

Find Zainka's mother.

Get ready, let's go to the forest

And we’ll take the Bunny away.

(Children go with the teacher to the “Forest”).

The autumn forest is close,

The trees bent low.

There's someone's hole ahead,

There's a huge hole in it.

Our bunny got excited

He hid his ears, got scared.

Being cowardly is very bad

Stop groaning, buddy.

If you want to know a lot,

Must stick his nose everywhere.

Just be very careful

Otherwise you could lose your nose.

We'll quietly come closer

You need to bend lower.

What miracles!

Here in the hole she is a beauty!

Tell Bunny, children,

How does our animal live in the world?

What does it eat, what does it breathe?

She is fast asleep and cannot hear.

(Children tell everything they know about the fox).

Questions for children:

1. Who is this?

2. Describe the appearance of the fox. 3. Children, where does the fox live?

4. Why do we say that the fox is a wild animal?

5. What does a fox eat?

6. Show me how a fox walks?

(Children imitate the movements of a fox).

Yes, beautiful - Fox

Be proud of your red fur coat.

Maybe she'll wake up, kids.

Let's not disturb the cunning one,

Let's go again

We continue our way,

Can I look into the den?

Who lives under the spruce tree here?

I'm afraid he might eat it?

Questions for children:

1. Who is this?

2. What color is the bear’s fur coat?

3. What else can you tell about him?

4. What does the bear eat?

5. Why is it called a wild animal?

(Children talk about the appearance, lifestyle of the bear, show how it moves).

Does he like raspberries and honey?

How does a child suck its paw?

And in the den he sleeps soundly,

Snores noisily throughout the forest?

We'll go our own way

We won't touch the target.

(The journey continues, “Hedgehog” is encountered along the way).

Look who it is

Covered in needles, from eyes to legs!

The nose is black, the eyes are beads!

I'm scared, but aren't you cowards?

How it snorts! So serious,

Apparently the beast is angry, menacing!

Take away the Bunny,

He trembles like a mouse in a hole.

What do you know about him?

About prickly things like that?

(Children talk about the hedgehog.)

Questions for children:

1. Why does the hedgehog live in the forest?

2. What does a hedgehog like to eat?

3. How does he escape from his enemies?

4. Where does the hedgehog like to relax?

The prickly hedgehog drinks milk,

Does he eat ripe fruit?

Carries vegetables and mushrooms

Are you brave on pins and needles?

That's a hedgehog! Well done!

He is a hard worker and a brave man!

(Children come to “Polyanka”, where the teacher invites them to relax).

We were on the road for a long time,

The bear was seen in the den,

Red Fox, Hedgehog

And our legs are tired.

Let's relax in the clearing,

Let's sit and sing a song.

(Children sing a song about a bear (hare, fox, hedgehog, at the choice of the teacher or children.

The teacher draws the children's attention to a slight rustle outside the door.

A toy “Hare” is brought into the group.

Who is rustling the leaves there?

Is Mother Hare in a hurry to come to us?

Looking for a baby - Bunny,

The poor thing is crying so loudly!

Here is your child, take it

Hug your son tightly.

(The teacher plants “Hare and Bunny” under the tree).

Baby - Bunny got lost,

I said goodbye to you forever.

The children and I saved him

They brought it from kindergarten.

(“The hare” thanks the children.)

The boys are happy for the Bunny,

They jump like bunnies,

Our girls are having fun

They jump like squirrels.

(Children jump around toys, dance with them (used technical means) .

And now it's time to go home

Your favorite one in kindergarten.

Hare - mother

"Goodbye! "-

The children will say goodbye.

(Children say goodbye to “The Hare and the Bunny”).

Friend - Little Bunny, don't be bored,

Remember us, don't forget,

So as not to tremble from fear,

Don't go for a walk alone.

This is the end of the fairy tale

And whoever listened - well done!


Ecological fairy tale “Let's save nature” for children of middle preschool age

Dybenko A. Yu. Music. supervisor.


Nurturing an ecological culture is one of the important areas of comprehensive development of a preschooler’s personality. Difficult environmental situation in the world, its severe consequences, ecology native land, pollution of the habitat - all this makes it necessary to promote environmental education for children in kindergarten.

Thanks to activities, holidays, and environmentally oriented entertainment, children meaningfully perceive natural phenomena and objects through the use of a musical repertoire;

Music has a powerful motivating force that influences the development of a child’s positive reaction, helps to see something previously unnoticed, to hear nature and its voices, and through music and song lyrics to realize what is seen and heard. Children listen, sing, think and think. Caring for the environment, warmth, kindness, respect and mercy - this is already nature conservation. And how this is needed by flowers, trees, birds, animals, and all people!

Progress of the event:

Children enter the music room to the music and take their seats.

Leading: All adults know, all children know,

What lives on the planet with us:

Frog, crane, parrot and fox,

Wolf, bear, dragonfly and tit,

Butterflies, tigers, snakes, hedgehogs,

Lions, rhinoceroses and ants.

Light groves, forest oak groves,

Rivers, lakes, trees and grass,

Blue sea, forest stream -

Everyone trusts you, man!

You are the smartest, which means you are in charge

For all living things that exist on the planet.

But often it is man himself who, through thoughtlessness, destroys nature. If he destroys everything, then he himself will not be able to live without clean air, clean water, without plants and animals, without insects and fish.

1 child. Trees, grass, flower and bird.

They don't always know how to defend themselves.

2 child. If they are destroyed -

We will be alone on the planet.

Leading: We people sometimes don't keep what we have,

We do not spare, we destroy, we do not regret!

In order to know endangered or rarely found species of animals and plants, the Red Book was created.

The Red Book is a danger signal. Many animals, birds, flowers are listed in the Red Book. This means that they are in danger of complete destruction.

Leading: What animals in the forest do you know and who are these riddles about? Can you guess them?

1. What kind of forest animal stood up like a column under the pine tree?

And he stands among the grass - his ears are larger than his head. (Hare.)

2. I walk around in a fluffy fur coat, I live in a dense forest,

In a hollow on an old oak tree I gnaw nuts. (Squirrel.)

3. Who walks around angry and hungry in the cold winter? (Wolf.)

4. A gray wolf met a red wolf in a dense forest. (To the fox.)

5. He walks, carrying needles on himself, as soon as anyone approaches, he curls up into a ball, no head, no legs. (Hedgehog.)

6. In summer he wanders without a path between pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost. (Bear.)

There is a knock on the door and Bear comes out to the music.


I am a forest animal, Teddy Bear,

I'm not angry and I won't cry

Girls and boys are my friends

I want to play with you!


Bear: The animals sent me to you,

They conveyed their complaints.

There are people who offend us

Living in the forest is a nuisance for everyone.

Leading: We rush to help nature,

Let's protect our nature.

Forest animals are waiting for you,

The path calls into the distance.

Guys, should we all go on a hike together? And you, Mishenka, will show us the way.


The melody “Birdsong” sounds

Leading: Here we are in the forest.

Hello forest, dense forest,

Full of fairy tales and miracles!

Who is hiding in your wilderness?

What kind of animal? What bird?

Open everything, don’t hide it,

You see: we are our own!

Do you hear the birds singing in the spring forest?

Guys, guess the riddles about birds.

1. Gray bird, vest on his stomach,

Lives in the forest, does not build nests, abandons eggs, and is not a mother. (Cuckoo.)

2. Enemy of larvae, friend of fields,

Of all the migratory birds,

Jump back and forth across the arable land

The bird walks proudly. (rook.)

3. And here’s another riddle for you guys.

familiar bird,

In a black speckled shirt,

Comes to us in the spring,

The house immediately settles into life. (Starling.)

4. Who knocks in the forest at dawn,

Who eats bugs on the bark? (Woodpecker.)

5. Whoever trills best without notes and without a pipe,

6. Guess what kind of bird is afraid of bright light?

The beak is a hook, the eyes are a snout. (Owl.)

A melody sounds, Soroka flies out.

Host: Oh, what kind of bird is this?

Magpie: I am a white-sided magpie

I live in a fox far away

Poor me they scared me

They shot at me with a slingshot.

Damaged my wing

And he almost killed the woodpecker on the spot.

After all, birds bring so many benefits

They help the trees in the forest

All pests such as beetles and caterpillars are destroyed.

Presenter: Guys, there is no need to catch birds,

You should always love birds.

We need to help the birds

Feel sorry for them, protect them.

And for you, forty Belobok, we will sing a comic song and treat you to delicious candy.


(D. Tukhmanov - Yu. Entin)

The magpie thanks the children and flies away.

Music sounds, Bunny comes out, limps.

Leading: Bunny, what happened?

What happened to you?


I went to a stream of water to drink,

Yes, I stepped on something near the water.

I tore up my entire paw,

How much blood I lost! Woohoo! (Cries.)

Leading: Don’t be sad bunny, give us your paw, we will treat it.

They bandage his paw, the bunny jumps, thanks the children.

Bunny: Now it's a different matter

You can safely start dancing.

Leading: Well, to make it more fun, we will please the guests.

The music will play, and the bunny and I will dance.

Dance your feet more cheerfully, clap your palms louder.

DANCE: “Spring Polka”

(T. Morozova)

The bunny says goodbye and leaves.

The music sounds and the Fox comes out singing.

Fox: And I'm Liska-Fox,

What a wondrous beauty

Long nose, red tail!

Only my nose hurts

And the red tail was singed.

Someone left a fire in the forest -

So they ruined my beauty.

From the hot coals of the fireplace

My tail hurts, my nose is swollen.

The presenter talks about the danger of fire for animals.

Leading: Don't cry little fox, give us your nose, we'll treat it.

They rub it on her nose. Lisa thanks the children.

Fox. When the guys were coming to you,

I found the bell.

Take the bell.

Play as you wish.

Handing out bells to children


(I. Dzerzhinskaya).

Lisa says goodbye and leaves.

Leading: Yes, it really is a disaster!

If you don’t take care of nature, it will die!

There are many rules in nature,

You need to know them by heart.

We will now remember some of them: although they will seem to you the simplest, they are very important.

First. All kinds of animals are important, all kinds of animals are needed. Do not touch, do not offend, do not kill the animals that you meet. Remember: they are the masters here, and you are the guests. Each of them does its own useful work in nature.

Second. Don't try to save the chicks. Sometimes you think: the bird is in trouble. Here she is running away from you. She can't fly, but she can hide so that a predator doesn't find her. And the parents will definitely find their chick.

Third. Don't leave trash on your lawn or by the river. Do not leave fires unextinguished. All this threatens disaster for nature. Well done guys, you not only need to know these rules, but also strictly follow them!

Leading. Nature is like a mother, like a Motherland, alone. So let people keep it everywhere.


The purpose and forms of work on environmental education of preschool children.

Kislova G. V.

Teacher of MBDOU No. 38

The purpose of environmental education:

Teach children to see the relationship between plants and animals, living and inanimate nature, to understand how humans influence their lives, that humans are part of nature, that they must preserve, protect and defend it.

To develop in children the ability to see beauty in all living things, regardless of whether it is a person, a plant, an animal. Comprehension of the truth that in nature there are no useful or harmful animals, that they are all connected with each other, they need each other, and therefore are useful.

To develop feelings in children: caring, the ability to feel in the place of a flower, plant, etc.

Teach to love and protect nature not in words, but by helping flowers, trees, animals, birds, and all living things. Learn to improve your health through communication with nature.

To awaken in children an emotional response to various natural phenomena, to instill in them a desire to admire and enjoy it and to express their feelings through the means of artistic expression and fine art.

Forms of working with children on environmental education:

Synopsis of an ecological holiday for production by children of senior preschool age. Author's ecological musical fairy tale - Synopsis

And when you are drawn into the expanse of this blue,

And when you are with the immortal river, dear,

Just exhale: - Volga!

May you wash yourself with eternally living water!

N. Blagov

We breathe dirty air, walk on gray snow, swim in muddy rivers. And we really want our children to see the clear blue sky and squint their eyes from the sparkling sun white snow, and in the summer we saw the bottom of rivers and lakes through clear water. What needs to be done for this?

One of the most effective ways to develop environmental awareness is children's environmental theater - combining environmental education with creativity and environmental education on both sides of the ramp - both for the young actors themselves and for the respectable audience.

As children, almost every day we imagine ourselves as someone, inventing games and roles in them. But in order to play a role, you need to feel how this or that creature speaks, moves, sees, what it fears, what it rejoices in and by what means it expresses it.

Roles change, developing the ability to be different and understand another. The child is ready and wants to impart life, character and destiny to everything in the world around him. This ability is used, developed and directed by ecological theater.

Theater and ecology are not only completely compatible, but also enrich and help each other.

Information about current environmental problems, presented in a theatrical form, is not only remembered, but also becomes alive and pressing; “animate” figures, facts, processes and terms easily and naturally penetrate the minds and souls of the audience. And, by the way, it is the environmental theater that provides an excellent opportunity to unite all areas of environmental education. Staging environmental information allows preschoolers to better understand and remember its essence, because it evokes simple human feelings: compassion, the desire to help, the need to act.

Goals and objectives

The purpose of preparing and conducting an environmental musical fairy tale is the formation of environmental culture, environmental consciousness, motivation for certain behavior, careful attitude and love for the nature of our native land.


- formation of basic scientific environmental knowledge about the problems of the Volga basin;

Formation of initial skills and habits of environmentally literate behavior that is safe for nature and for the child himself;

Fostering a humane, emotionally positive, careful, caring attitude towards the natural world and the environment in general;

- developing the ability and desire to preserve nature and, if necessary, provide assistance to it;

Formation of basic skills to foresee the consequences of some of their actions in relation to the environment.

    Play and communication are the main content components, providing high level motivating children to participate in an ecological musical fairy tale.

    It is advisable to use audio recording musical works, corresponding to the topic.

    Use room decoration that matches the theme. It is advisable to divide the space into two zones:

    view of Volgograd, residents sitting at tables, greeting arriving guests;

    view of nature, the Volga River, the sun...

    In costumes and decorations, use material that can be easily removed and removed. For example, butterfly wings first have black “drops” and then are clean;

easily movable screens depicting the surroundings of the Spring, etc.

    At the conclusion of an environmental musical fairy tale, it is advisable to conduct a music and game program for the audience using games based on the theme of the fairy tale: “Build a dam”, “Free the fish”, “Take up the trash”, etc.

    It is advisable to end the event with reflection

More details refdb.ru

"HOW MAN DOMESTATED PLANTS" (Ecological fairy tale)

A Man came to the Tree.

And the Man came to the Tree.

The Man was happy.

Man, listen to me...


Report of the teacher of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 20"

Vorotnikova Lyudmila Fedorovna

At the 1st All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference

"Ecology of Kamchatka and sustainable development of the region"

Environmental education and preschool education are currently becoming one of the priority areas. The earlier the formation of the foundations of ecological culture begins, the higher its level in the future.

The main task of environmental work in preschool educational institutions and parents is to teach them to see and understand the beauty of their native nature, to treat all living things with care, to convey certain knowledge in the field of ecology and to teach them to observe basic rules of behavior when interacting with nature.

The success of any lesson on ecology within a preschool educational institution depends on the extent to which the material used by the teacher is:

Interesting for children;

Understandable to children;

Available for children to memorize and reflect on.

One of the basic principles of environmental education is the principle of science and reliability of facts. But how can we teach young children about how plants reproduce, the benefits and harms of oil, the spawning of fish, the strength of a bear, or the birth of a butterfly? How to tell without disturbing a child’s thirst for knowledge, how to captivate and interest, because the material for discussion for the most part is nothing more than dry, strict scientific facts, which are often simply incomprehensible to children.

It is necessary to choose such forms and methods of ecological development of preschool children that would demonstrate the adaptation of plants and animals to the environment, relationships in natural communities, and the connection between man and nature.

An ecological fairy tale can be such an entertaining learning tool. Of course, in these fairy tales polar bear It is unlikely that he will live on the same land with a penguin, if only because they live on different continents, but they can always write a letter to each other, which will fly across the seas and oceans to talk about their lives, etc.

The form of a fairy tale, like no other, is close and understandable to children. In each fairy tale, we define our goals and objectives, but they are all ultimately similar to each other, because they are designed to teach children to take care of and protect nature and all life on earth. The idea of ​​fairy tales is not new.

It is known that back in the 20s in the USSR, during the mass campaigns “Forest Day”, forestry workers themselves composed and read to children “ forest tales”, trying to convey forest conservation knowledge and environmental culture to children using a simple plot.

According to researcher Galina Nikolaevna Vlasova, “A fairy tale helps a child understand the relationship between man and nature, by drawing certain features of animal characters, a fairy tale gives moral education, as well as real ideas about nature.

What is special about environmental fairy tales?

A characteristic feature is the strong processing of material obtained from the natural environment.

Why are they interesting to children?

The novelty of the plot, the characters, the action itself, the end result. And also the elements from which an ecological fairy tale is built, because these are real objects and relationships in nature.

What is their role?

An ecological fairy tale affects not only the consciousness, but also the feelings of the child. It allows the child to more deeply experience certain phenomena in nature, and teaches children a scientific vision of nature.

So why do we write them?

Based on the knowledge that children receive through an environmental fairy tale, initial forms a conscious attitude towards nature, interest in understanding it, sympathy for living things and a willingness to preserve them, the ability to see the beauty of nature in its various forms, and express one’s emotional attitude towards it.

To attract attention and develop interest, for children to obtain reliable knowledge and memorize it, to put the acquired knowledge into practice, I wrote environmental fairy tales of various contents for children of senior preschool age.

These are tales about indoor plants: How a person tamed plants, How a sprout got a name, Grandma Fedora and Geranium, The bravest flower. About various natural phenomena: Gloomy cloud, Good cloud, All the colors of the rainbow; fairy tales about animals and insects - Just a caterpillar, Don't wake the bear, Why does a hare need a white fur coat?

And others, as well as fairy tales about the interaction between man and nature. Such as, Missing Flowers, How the Birds Didn’t Return, Grandfather’s Garden.

Today I want to introduce you to the fairy tale “Grandfather’s Garden”.

“GRANDFATHER’S VEGETABLE GARDEN” (the fairy tale is accompanied by a presentation)

Grandfather called grandma.

What to do?

Where did you get this water?

What was my name, owners?

Both the Cat and the Mouse came running.

In conclusion, we will say that when creating environmental fairy tales, it is necessary to take into account the specifics childhood. In fairy tales, plants, trees, mountains and animals talk, do bad and good deeds, arousing sympathy, anger, annoyance, tenderness and joy in little listeners.

Fairy tales should be accessible to children, and their presentation should be expressive, in which ordinary fairy tale techniques and famous characters can be used.

However, the theme of nature conservation should run through everything as a red thread, a kind of leitmotif.

And today, specialists (be they scientists, writers, teachers, ecologists or educators) take different positions in relation to the ecological fairy tale.

Some write fairy tales themselves, others look for environmental content in those already written. Still others introduce numerous options for using environmental fairy tales in educational activities. Still others teach both adults and children to write fairy tales.

And some use well-known fairy-tale plots and heroes, introducing into them “signs” of today.

But everyone unconditionally agrees on one thing - an ecological fairy tale is necessary. She happens to be effective means education and training that promote environmental development preschoolers.


The following children's rights are illustrated: Every child has the right to life (the tale of how Svetik was born); Every child has the right to individuality - a last name, a first name (a fairy tale about how Svetik got her first and last name); Every child has the right to a decent, happy life (a fairy tale about how Svetik grew up); Every child has the right to a home and family (the tale of how Svetik found the kitten Ryzhik)

Material taken from the site: http://skyclipart.ru/detsad/

COUNTRY OF FAIRY TALES - Website of a kindergarten teacher

Material from the site vorotnikova-lyudmila.jimdo.com

Methodological development on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic: Environmental fairy tales and stories for preschool children

Currently, the problem of environmental education of preschool children has become very acute. In the age of speed and technology, there is not enough time to stop, look around, observe native nature. And the lack of communication between children and nature subsequently turns into callousness, immorality and disrespect for all living things.

To educate preschoolers such qualities as attentiveness, thrift, the ability to take care of the weak, protect them, and more communication with nature is needed.

In environmental fairy tales, the knowledge children need is unobtrusively, in the form of a game. Brevity, simplicity of the plot, necessary knowledge and at the end of the tale - a conclusion, and sometimes - a question to maintain a dialogue with little listeners - this is the scheme for constructing environmental fairy tales.

It is not always possible to watch the life of wild animals with preschoolers or go on a trip, see the sunrise or underwater kingdom. And an ecological fairy tale provides such an opportunity thanks to the well-developed imagination of preschool children.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

More details on the website nsportal.ru


Fairy tales as a means of environmental education for middle preschool children

For environmental education, fairy tales are a relatively new phenomenon. It seems to be the opposite of reality. In a fairy tale, everything is possible; unrealistic events and miraculous transformations take place in it.

In nature, everything is interconnected; it is characterized by flow and change strictly natural phenomena, events.

Ecological tales carry “ecological information”, i.e. give knowledge about nature, about the habits of animals, about the relationship between people and animals and flora. They explain in an accessible form the essence of environmental problems, the reasons for their occurrence, help expand environmental horizons, and comprehend the world and changes in the relationship between people and their environment.

They help to discover the ability of the human soul to subtly sense the world around us. They are aimed at developing a caring attitude towards nature in humans.

Ecological fairy tales teach:

  • explore the world around you;
  • foster a sense of participation in the well-being of nature;
  • think about the consequences of your actions in relation to the world around you, about the responsibility for preserving its wealth and beauty.

An ecological fairy tale teaches scientific vision, helps to reveal complex natural phenomena in an entertaining way, provides an opportunity to become a member of an interesting society of loyal friends (various animals, plants), and learn to understand their needs and relationships with the environment.

A characteristic feature of environmental fairy tales is that the environmental content is always real, and fantastic events and images make this reality exciting, memorable and understandable to children.

Fairy tales contribute to children's more conscious understanding of nature, natural phenomena and the formation in children of conscious environmental activities and skills in rational environmental management.

Thus, on the basis of the knowledge that children receive through an ecological fairy tale, the initial forms of a consciously correct attitude towards nature, interest in its knowledge, sympathy for all living things, the ability to see the beauty of nature in its various forms and manifestations, and express one’s emotional attitude can be laid. To her.

Working with an ecological fairy tale has its own specifics. It contributes to the development of not only personal qualities, but also the development in children of higher feelings (friendship and love for living beings), which are associated with the events and experiences of fairy-tale characters; intellectual feelings (curiosity, surprise, doubt) caused children to act fairy-tale heroes; aesthetic feelings (pleasure, joy, pleasure, admiration, experience) developed in children when perceiving the beauty and diversity of living nature.

Nature and man are inseparable; they form a single whole. And what is inherent in preschool childhood will determine the teenager’s attitude towards the natural environment at school and in adulthood.

A fairy tale, presented by a combination of figurative words with illustrations in a book or theatricalization with toys, has a strong impact on children’s emotions. That is why a fairy tale specially selected for its content will be a good addition to observations of living objects in nature.

Folk tales are of great importance in the environmental education of children aged 4–5 years. They are environmentally friendly in many ways: they reflect man’s understanding of the world around him and changes in the relationship between people and their environment.

In ecology classes, it is necessary to include the fairy tales of V. Bianchi, which are a self-instruction manual for the love of nature. Brought up with an attentive attitude towards nature, from childhood accustomed to observing the life of animals and keeping a diary, Bianchi created wonderful tales about nature. The author, using the form of fairy tales, gives children knowledge about the complex phenomena of adaptation of animals to their environment, and in entertaining stories shows the purposes of this or that organ (“Tails”, “Whose nose is better?”). Some of his tales are written in the best folk traditions, they can be staged and included in classes on the formation of realistic ideas about animals.

For the purposes of environmental education, those fairy tales that are most accurate in defining values ​​should be selected. In fairy tales different nations you can find information about the natural features of the places they inhabit. So, in oriental tales the value of water, its role in human life are often emphasized, and in fairy tales northern peoples- the role of the sun.

1. Reading and discussing fairy tales.

Expressive reading of a fairy tale has a strong emotional impact on a child. Therefore, it is important that children have the opportunity to immediately speak out about what they hear. Fairy tales by B. Zakhoder, V. Bianki, N. Pavlova, V.

Tanasiychuk, L. Tolstoy, G. Prishvin help explain environmental and biological concepts.

Children of middle preschool age can be asked to “transform” into trees, stones, animals, drops of water or specks of dust.

Children 4-5 years old love fairy tales. After expressive reading, you can invite the children to draw.

  1. Using fragments of fairy tales.

When explaining this or that material to children, it is useful to cite fragments of fairy tales as illustrations.

  1. Use of fairy tale characters.

It has been noticed that children of middle preschool age listen with much greater interest and attention not to the teacher, but to the fairy-tale hero who “came to visit.” This technique helps explain and consolidate the material and test children’s knowledge.

The children are happy to answer questions from fairy-tale characters and explain what they themselves have learned. For almost any topic, you can choose suitable fairy-tale characters if you wish.

  1. "Fairytale" questions.

“Fairy-tale” questions may concern the actions of the heroes, their character, and views.

  1. Using fairy tales to organize games.

Many fairy tales or their fragments can become the basis for games with environmental content.

  1. Fairy tales and theater.

Theatrical performances staged with the participation of children based on the plots of fairy tales have a great educational value. When working with children 4–5 years old good result give puppet shows, especially when their characters enter into dialogue with the audience: they ask questions, ask for help.

  1. Fairy tales and fine arts.

Children of middle preschool age illustrate fairy tales with great pleasure. A series of drawings can also be made for fairy tales with environmental content. On environmental studies it is advisable to use famous works artists on fairy tale themes.

Ecological tales

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful Autumn. She loved to dress up trees in red, yellow, and orange outfits. She loved to listen to the fallen leaves rustling under her feet, she loved when people came to visit her in the forest for mushrooms, for vegetables in the garden, for fruit in the garden.

But Autumn became more and more sad. She knew that her sister Winter would soon come, cover everything with snow, bind the rivers with ice, strike with severe frost: So Autumn gathered all the animals - birds, fish, insects - and ordered the bears, hedgehogs, badgers to hide in warm dens and holes; change the fur coats of hares and squirrels to warm, inconspicuous ones; birds - those who are afraid of cold and hunger - fly to warmer climes, and fish, frogs and others water inhabitants bury yourself deeper in the sand, in the silt and sleep there until spring.

Everyone obeyed Autumn. And when the clouds thickened, the snow began to fall, the wind rose and the frost began to get stronger, it was no longer scary, because everyone was ready for winter.


Grandfather planted turnips, as well as carrots, cabbage and onions. And he began to wait... A lot of time passed, but nothing grew in my grandfather’s garden.

Grandfather called grandma.

Grandma, look, I planted turnips, carrots, cabbage and onions. But for some reason nothing grows for me. What should I do?

What to do?

Like what? - the grandmother answers. - So you need to water your garden!

There is nothing to do, the grandfather went to get water. He brings water, but the water in the bucket is cloudy, dirty, you can’t even see the bottom.

Look, grandma, how dirty the water is. I don’t even know if it’s possible to water a garden with this water?

And I don't know. Let's ask my granddaughter.

Grandfather and grandmother called their granddaughter. My granddaughter came.

Hello my dears! Why did they call me?

Granddaughter! We planted vegetables and wanted to water them, but look how dirty the water is! Is it possible to water a garden with this water?

Where did you get this water?

So this is...I collected water from our river...

What are you saying, grandfather, the local plant dumps waste into our river, so the water in it is dirty and poisoned. You go, grandfather, into the forest, there you will see a spring behind the hill, the water in it is clean - very pure.

Grandfather went into the forest. I found a spring. I collected water from the spring, brought it and watered the garden!

Our heroes began to wait for the harvest to arrive. But no matter how much we waited or guessed, neither turnips, nor carrots, nor cabbage, nor onions grew.

What to do? We decided to call Zhuchka. Bug came running.

What was my name, owners?

Bug! Help us! We planted vegetables, watered them with clean spring water, but there was no harvest. Nothing grows!

So maybe this land needs to be loosened?

Bug took a rake, began to weed the ground, and there, from under the ground... and bags, and cans, and old newspapers and even someone's ancient shoe...

Oh, I can't handle it! I'll call the Cat and the Mouse!

Both the Cat and the Mouse came running.

Friends, look at how much garbage there is here. Please help me cleanse this land!

Bug, Cat and Mouse worked for a long time. Children from the kindergarten also came to their aid. Collected all the trash!

Then the children from the kindergarten drew prohibitory signs “Do not litter” and “Do not litter” and installed them on the ground and near the river.

And after all the work, very little time passed, and vegetables grew in my grandfather’s garden, so beautiful, juicy... for everyone to enjoy!

Grandma and Grandpa gathered the harvest, made a salad and treated it to the children from the kindergarten.

And the children from the kindergarten then told everyone a story about what we need to protect environment so that the harvest is healthy, not contaminated and tasty.


A long time ago, when people did not yet know what houseplants, there lived a Man. Every spring he enjoyed the awakening of plants near his house, every summer he rejoiced at the green foliage of the trees, and every autumn he sadly watched how the leaves fell from the trees and the grass turned yellow.

One day, when summer was almost over, the Man realized that he did not want to part with the green foliage and decided that he would hide the plants at home, in warmth and comfort.

The Man went to the tree and asked:

Tree, give me one of your branches, I will plant it at home, and it will delight me with its green leaves all winter.

Take it,” replied the Tree. - But remember that Nature takes care of her creations so that they can please you, Man, but can you replace Nature with a twig?

“I am a Man, I can do anything,” the Man answered, took the twig and went home.

A Man came home, chose the most beautiful pot, and poured it into it himself. better land, planted a twig in it and began to wait.

A day passed, then another, but the small branch, instead of growing and blooming, began to droop to the ground, wither and wither.

What's wrong with her? – the Man was perplexed. - What am I doing wrong? I'll go ask Tree.

A Man came to the Tree.

What, Man, how is my branch doing? - asked the Tree.

Badly. The twig withers and withers. Help me, Tree. What am I doing wrong? He poured the best soil, took the most beautiful pot...

Oh, Man... - the Tree sighed. - We, trees, live on earth for a long time and do not wither, because Nature made it so that clouds and clouds, passing over us, rain. Rain moistens the soil, nourishes our roots, and in response we rustle our leaves gratefully.

Thank you, Tree! - said the Man and hurried home.

Arriving home, the Man filled a jug with soft water at room temperature and watered his twig. The twig sighed, straightened up and stretched its small leaves upward. The Man was glad that he did everything right.

A day passed, then another... And again the twig fell ill. The man poured water on it, but in response the branch only moved its leaves very slightly and continued to wither.

What's wrong with her again? “I’ll go ask the Tree,” the Man decided.

And the Man came to the Tree.

Hello, Man, said the Tree. - How is my branch doing?

Badly. Help me, Tree,” the Man begged. “I water it as soon as the soil dries out, but somehow the branch withers again. What am I doing wrong?

“Oh, Man,” sighed the Tree. “Nature designed it in such a way that the roots of trees go deep underground, and air and water cannot reach them, because the earth is too dense. That's why Nature gave us helpers. Live underground earthworms and other creatures that dig tunnels near the roots and thereby loosen the ground, so the tree roots can breathe.

“Thank you, Tree,” the Man exclaimed and hurried home.

The Man came home, took a stick and carefully, so as not to damage the delicate roots of his twig, loosened the ground. The twig took a deep breath, straightened up and rustled its young leaves.

The Man was happy.

So autumn passed and winter came. One day, on a cold winter morning, the Man noticed that the twig was sad again. The man watered the branch and loosened the soil, but nothing helped.

The Man went to the Tree, but could not wake him up, because in winter the trees all sleep and probably see the most beautiful dreams.

The Man got scared. Will his branch really die?

He came home sad and suddenly heard a quiet voice:

Man, listen to me...

Who is speaking? – the Man was surprised.

It's me, your branch. It’s winter outside, Man, and Nature designed it in such a way that in winter, when it’s cold, all the trees, flowers and plants sleep.

But my home is warm and cozy. Doesn't that make you happy? - asked the Man.

It makes us happy, but Nature gives us sunlight so that all flowers and trees can grow.

Oh, that's it! - exclaimed the Man. - Now I understand!

The Man took the pot with a twig and placed it in the brightest place in his house - on the windowsill.

So the twig settled on the windowsill. It’s winter outside, but a twig is growing and blooming at a Man’s house.

So the Man understood what exactly needed to be done so that flowers could grow at home. They need to be looked after, conditions close to natural must be created for them. We need to water them, light them and loosen the soil.

And then, even in the coldest and snowiest winter, Man will have summer at home!


  1. Makhaneva M. D. Ecology in kindergarten and primary school. M.: Sfera, 2009.
  2. Ryzhova N. A. Not just fairy tales. Environmental stories, fairy tales and holidays. M.: Linka-press, 2002.
  3. Solomennikova O. A. Classes on the formation of elementary environmental concepts in the middle group of kindergarten. Lesson notes. M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2010
  4. Shorygina T. A. Green tales: ecology for kids. M.: TC Sfera, 2008.

Material nsportal.ru

Eco-fairy tale for children of the middle group "Good Fairy"

Eco fairy tale is designed for children aged 4-5 years.
Target: Eco fairy tales teach children to love and care for plants, animals and nature. Do not pollute seas, oceans, rivers, lakes. Eco fairy tales convey to their young readers that they need to constantly pay attention to the beauty of nature in order to constantly take care of it and increase its values.
At preschool age, the foundations of ecological culture are laid. Here children find themselves for the first time in the world of knowledge about nature. Forming in children a responsible attitude towards nature, for example, as told in an eco-fairy tale. The end result should be not only the mastery of certain knowledge and skills, but the development of emotional responsiveness, ability and desire to actively protect, love and increase the wealth of nature.
Knowledge of the world is impossible without knowledge of the connections and relationships that exist in it.
Task: Explore environmental connections that play an important role in children's development logical thinking, memory, imagination.
Children must understand that no matter where they go on the street, they will always and everywhere observe plants, birds, animals, insects, in a word, nature.

* * *
One day there was a wide, beautiful sea in the city. The Little Mermaid lived in it. She was very kind and fair. The little mermaid helped the flowers in dry weather, did not let them dry out, and watered them with water. The Little Mermaid also helped animals and birds that needed clean water. Animals, birds and plants simply cannot survive without water, just like water itself. The little mermaid poured water from a watering can onto her favorite flower, she devoted a little more time to it than to others, she considered it special, although in appearance this flower was ordinary, the sun heated the water, it was so warm, affectionate and sparkled in the sun with small rays.

The sun and water have become friends. When the little mermaid took care of the plants and sang at the same time colorful rainbow enveloped the entire Earth. Many mushrooms appeared in the forests, and in the meadows and fields there were many beautiful flowers and berries. A bird was flying late in the evening; it did not notice a branch that was growing on a tree and injured itself on it. The bird fell to the ground, but the little mermaid noticed it in time and did not let it die. She bandaged her wing, but the bird could not fly further until her wing healed. All the time that the bird was sick, the Little Mermaid looked after her. The bird fell in love with the Little Mermaid, like other plants and animals, for her kindness.
But not all people appreciated the beauty that the Little Mermaid gave. One day a ship sailed across the sea with large barrels of harmful chemical substances for disposal. The crew that was on this ship accidentally threw these barrels from the ship into the sea, but they did not get them out. Over time, these barrels spread throughout the sea and the substances that were in the barrels ended up in the sea.
Soon, after the substances got into the water, they poisoned the entire sea and all the inhabitants of this sea. The Little Mermaid also became seriously ill and could no longer help her friends: people, animals, birds and plants with whom she was friends and loved very much.
In hot, sunny weather, without clean water, the flowers turned yellow and dried out. Animals and birds were suffering from thirst. The Little Mermaid could not recover because the Little Mermaid suffered because of her lack of love for the nature of other people. The bird that the Little Mermaid saved knew about the trouble that people brought to nature. The bird flew from warm countries with medicine for the Little Mermaid so that she can recover. The bird flew long and tiredly landed on a tree in the forest where people were resting. She already wanted to fly further when she fell from the tree, the bird lay on the ground for a long time, but no one helped her, and in the meantime the Little Mermaid turned into sea foam. “Protect what you can before you lose what you have”
1. Avramenko I.M. Fundamentals of environmental management [Text]/Series "Higher professional education". - Rostov N/A: Phoenix", 2004.
2. ABC of environmental education [Text]//Preschool education, 5/1995.
3. Bukin A.P. In friendship with people and nature [Text] - M.: Education, 1991.
4. Veretennikova S.A. Introducing preschoolers to nature [Text]: - M.: "Enlightenment", 1993.
5. Lavrentieva N.G. Environmental education of preschool children [Text]: Proc. - method. allowance. Chita, ZabGPU Publishing House, 2002.
6. Samorukova S.A. Familiarization of preschoolers with nature [Text]: Publishing house "Enlightenment" 2 - e. M., 1973.

Ecological tales

The material was prepared using the book by T.A. Shorygina


For a long time, a cheerful and generous fontanel lived at the bottom of the ravine. He watered the roots of grasses, bushes and trees with clean, cold water. A large silver willow spread a shady tent over the spring.
In spring, bird cherry trees grew white along the slopes of the ravine. Among her lacy fragrant tassels, nightingales, warblers and finches built their nests.
In summer, forbs covered the ravine with a colorful carpet. Butterflies, bumblebees, and bees circled above the flowers.
On fine days, Artyom and his grandfather went to the spring to get water. The boy helped his grandfather go down the narrow path to the spring and get water. While grandfather was resting under an old willow tree, Artyom was playing near a stream that flowed over the pebbles at the bottom of the ravine.
One day Artyom went to fetch water alone and met at the spring with the guys from the neighboring house - Andrey and Petya. They chased each other and knocked down the flower heads with flexible rods. Artyom also broke the willow twig and joined the boys.

  • Do you think the guys came up with a good game? Why?

When the boys got tired of the noisy running around, they began throwing branches and stones into the spring. Artyom didn’t like the new fun, he didn’t want to offend the kind, cheerful spring, but Andryusha and Petya were a whole year older than Artyom, and he had long dreamed of making friends with them.

  • What would you do if you were Artyom?

At first, the spring easily dealt with the stones and fragments of branches that the boys threw at it. But the more garbage there was, the more difficult it was for the poor spring: it either froze completely, covered with large stones, or barely oozed, trying to break through the cracks between them.
When Andrei and Petya went home, Artyom sat down on the grass and suddenly noticed that large dragonflies with transparent shiny wings and bright butterflies were flocking to him from all sides.
- What's wrong with them? – thought the boy. -What do they want?
Butterflies and dragonflies began to dance around Artyom. There were more and more insects, they fluttered faster and faster, almost touching the boy’s face with their wings.
Artyom felt dizzy and he closed his eyes tightly. And when he opened them a few moments later, he realized that he was in an unfamiliar place.
Sands spread all around, there was not a bush or tree anywhere, and sultry air poured onto the ground from the pale blue sky. Artyom felt hot and very thirsty. He wandered along the sand in search of water and found himself near a deep ravine.
The ravine seemed familiar to the boy, but the cheerful spring did not gurgle at its bottom. The bird cherry and willow dried up, the slope of the ravine, like deep wrinkles, was cut by landslides, because the roots of grass and trees no longer held the soil together. No bird voices were heard, no dragonflies, bumblebees, or butterflies were visible.
-Where did the spring go? What happened to the ravine? – thought Artyom.

  • What do you think happened to the ravine? Why?

Suddenly, through his sleep, the boy heard his grandfather’s alarmed voice:
- Artyomka! Where are you?
- I'm here, grandpa! - the boy responded. - I dreamed about this horrible dream! – And Artyom told his grandfather about everything.
The grandfather listened carefully to his grandson and suggested:
- Well, if you don’t want what you dreamed about to happen, let’s go clean the spring of debris.
Grandfather and Artyom opened the way for the spring, and it began to gurgle cheerfully again, sparkle in the sun with transparent streams and began to generously water everyone: people, animals, birds, trees, and grass.


  • What did the ravine look like with a spring gurgling at the bottom?
  • Who did Artyom go to the spring with to fetch water?
  • Who did Artyom meet when he went to get water alone?
  • What were Andrey and Petya doing?
  • What harm do such games do to nature?
  • Why did Artyom have an unusual dream?
  • What could happen to nature if the spring dried up?
  • Who helped Artyom correct the mistake?
  • Do you think Artyom will play such games after what happened?
  • What will he say to Andrey and Petya if he meets them?


Once upon a time there lived a brother and sister – Volodya and Natasha. Volodya though younger than sister, but be brave. And Natasha is such a coward! She was afraid of everything: mice, frogs, worms and the cross spider, which weaved its web in the attic.
In the summer, children were playing hide and seek near the house, when suddenly the sky darkened, frowned, lightning flashed, large heavy drops first fell to the ground, and then pouring rain poured down.
The children hid from the rain on the veranda and began to watch as foamy streams ran along the paths, large air bubbles jumped through the puddles, and the wet leaves became even brighter and greener.
Soon the rain subsided, the sky brightened, the sun came out, and hundreds of small rainbows began to play in the raindrops.
The children put on their rubber boots and went for a walk. They ran through puddles, and when they touched wet tree branches, they brought down a whole waterfall of sparkling streams on each other.
The garden smelled strongly of dill. They crawled out onto the soft, damp black soil earthworms. After all, the rain flooded their underground houses, and the worms felt damp and uncomfortable in them.
Volodya picked up the worm, put it on his palm and began to examine it, and then wanted to show the worm to his sister. But she recoiled in fear and shouted:
- Volodka! Stop this crap now! How can you pick up worms, they are so disgusting - slippery, cold, wet.
The girl burst into tears and ran home.
Volodya did not want to offend or scare his sister at all; he threw the worm to the ground and ran after Natasha.

  • Did the children do well?
  • Are you afraid of earthworms?

The earthworm named Vermi felt hurt and offended.
“What stupid children! – thought Vermi. “They don’t even realize how much benefit we bring to their garden.”

  • Do you know the benefits of earthworms?

Grumbling dissatisfiedly, Vermi crawled to the zucchini patch, where earthworms from all over the garden were gathering to chat under the large fleecy leaves.
-What are you so excited about, Vermi? – his friends asked him carefully.
- You can’t even imagine how the children offended me! You work, try, loosen the soil - and no gratitude!
Vermi talked about how Natasha called him disgusting and disgusting.
- What ingratitude! – the earthworms were indignant. “After all, we not only loosen and fertilize the soil, but through the underground passages we have dug, water and air flow to the roots of the plants. Without us, plants will grow worse and may even dry out completely.
And do you know what the young and determined worm suggested?
- Let's all crawl into the neighboring garden together. A real gardener lives there, Uncle Pasha, he knows our worth and won’t let us be offended!
The worms dug underground tunnels and through them they entered the neighboring garden.
At first, people did not notice the absence of worms, but the flowers in the flowerbed and the vegetables in the beds immediately sensed trouble. Their roots began to suffocate without air, and their stems began to wither without water.
- I don’t understand what happened to my garden? – Polya’s grandmother sighed. – The ground has become too hard, all the plants are drying up.
At the end of summer, dad began digging up the garden and was surprised to notice that there was not a single earthworm in the clods of black soil.
- Where have our underground assistants gone? - he thought sadly - Maybe the earthworms crawled away to the neighbors?
- Dad, why did you call worms helpers, are they useful? – Natasha was surprised.
- Of course, useful! Through the passages dug by earthworms, air and water get to the roots of flowers and herbs. They make the soil soft and fertile!
Dad went to consult with the gardener Uncle Pasha and brought from him a huge lump of black soil in which earthworms lived. Vermi and his friends returned to Grandma Paulie's garden and began helping her grow plants. Natasha and Volodya began to treat earthworms with care and respect, and Vermi and his comrades forgot past grievances.

  • Where did Volodya and Natasha vacation in the summer?
  • Who appeared in the garden beds after the rain?
  • Why did worms crawl to the surface of the earth after the rain?
  • Why did the worm Vermi take offense at children?
  • What happened after the earthworms crawled out of the garden?
  • Why did dad call earthworms underground helpers?
  • How did children feel about earthworms after they returned to the garden?
  • What will you do if you see an earthworm?

Little travelers

A forget-me-not lived on the bank of the river and she had children - small seeds and nuts. When the seeds were ripe, the forget-me-not said to them:
- Dear children! Now you have become adults. It's time for you to get ready for the journey. Go in search of happiness. Be brave and resourceful, look for new places and settle there.
The seed box opened and the seeds spilled out onto the ground. At this time it blew strong wind, he picked up one seed, carried it with him, and then dropped it into river water. The water picked up the forget-me-not seed, and it, like a small light boat, floated down the river. The cheerful streams of the river carried it further and further, and finally the current washed the seed to the shore. A river wave carried the forget-me-not seed onto the damp, soft ground.
“This is the right place!” - thought the seed. “You can safely put down roots here.”
The seed looked around and, to be honest, was a little upset: “The land, of course, is good - wet, black earth. There’s just too much trash around.”
But there is nothing to do! And the seed took root here.
In the spring, in the place where the seed fell, an elegant forget-me-not blossomed. Bumblebees from afar noticed her bright yellow heart, surrounded by blue petals, and flew to her for sweet nectar.
One day, girlfriends Tanya and Vera came to the river bank. They saw a pretty blue flower. Tanya wanted to tear it down, but Vera held her friend back:
- No need, let it grow! Let's better help him, remove the garbage and make a small flower bed around the flower. Let's come here and admire the forget-me-nots! - Let's! – Tanya was delighted.
The girls collected cans, bottles, pieces of cardboard and other garbage, put it in a hole away from the forget-me-not and covered it with grass and leaves. And the flower bed around the flower was decorated with river pebbles.
- How beautiful! – they admired their work.
The girls began to come to the forget-me-not every day. So that no one would break their favorite flower, they made a small fence of dry twigs around the flowerbed.

  • Did you like what the girls did? Why?

Several years passed, the forget-me-nots grew luxuriantly and, with their tenacious roots, secured the soil on the river bank. The soil stopped crumbling, and even noisy summer showers could no longer erode the steep bank.
Well, what happened to the other forget-me-not seeds?
They lay by the water for a long time and waited in the wings. One day a hunter with a dog appeared by the river. The dog ran, breathing heavily and sticking out its tongue, it was very thirsty! She went down to the river and began noisily lapping up the water. One seed remembered its mother’s words about how important it is to be resourceful, jumped high and grabbed onto the thick reddish hair of the dog.
The dog got drunk and hurried after its owner, and the seed rode on it. The dog ran for a long time through the bushes and swamps, and when he returned home with his owner, before entering the house, he shook himself thoroughly, and the seed fell on the flower bed near the porch. It took root here, and in the spring a forget-me-not blossomed in the garden bed.
- What a miracle! – the hostess was surprised. – I didn’t plant forget-me-nots here! Apparently the wind brought her to us, she thought. - Well, let it grow and decorate my garden bed.
The owner began to take care of the flower - water it and fertilize the ground, and a year later a whole family of tender blue forget-me-nots grew up near the porch. They generously treated bees and bumblebees with sweet juice, and the insects pollinated forget-me-nots and at the same time fruit trees– apple trees, cherries and plums.
- This year we will have a rich harvest! – the hostess was happy. – Bees, butterflies and bumblebees love my garden!
And now it’s time to talk about the third forget-me-not seed.
Uncle Ant noticed him and decided to take him to the forest anthill. Do you think that ants will eat the whole forget-me-not seed? Don't worry! The forget-me-not seed has a treat for the ants - sweet pulp. The ants will taste only it, and the seed will remain untouched.
This is how a forget-me-not seed turned out to be in the forest near an anthill. In the spring it sprouted and soon, next to the ant house, a beautiful blue forget-me-not blossomed.

  • What does a forget-me-not flower look like?
  • Tell us what happened to the forget-me-not seed that fell into the water?
  • What would happen to the forget-me-not if Tanya picked it?
  • Why are plucked flowers compared to prisoners who are about to die?
  • How did the girls help forget-me-not?
  • What benefits did forget-me-nots bring to the river bank?
  • How did the second forget-me-not seed end up in the garden?
  • What benefit did these flowers bring to the garden?
  • How did the third seed end up in the forest?
  • Why do ants carry forget-me-not seeds?

Rabbit and hare

Do you know, dear guys, that in the garden after harvesting the cabbage, in some places there are juicy crisp stalks and large cabbage leaves left?
The hare Veta knew this well. So she decided to visit the neighboring village in the evening to enjoy delicious cabbage leaves.
Veta ran into the garden and suddenly noticed a small pen with a white fluffy rabbit in it. Veta approached carefully and began to look at the rabbit with curiosity.
- My name is Veta, what’s your name, baby? – she asked finally.
“Ottoman,” the rabbit answered cheerfully.
- Poor thing! – the hare sympathized with the rabbit. - People probably caught you and put you in a cage?
- Not really. Nobody caught me! – Pouf laughed. – I always live with people.
- Always? – Veta was surprised. – Where do you find fresh grass, young shoots and aspen bark?
“My owners feed me,” the rabbit said proudly. _They bring me carrots, cabbage and fresh grass.
- So you never walk freely, don’t run through fields and forests and don’t look for food for yourself?

  • What do you think the rabbit answered?

Oh, baby, if you only knew how wonderful it is in the forest in the spring, when the flowers bloom and the birds chirp! There are so many lawns and clearings with juicy and tasty grass! - said the hare.
- But I heard from the owners that wolves and foxes live in the forest, and they really like to snack on hare! – Poufik remarked judiciously.
- Yes it is. But we, hares, can run fast, jump high and confuse our tracks, so it’s not easy for wolves and foxes to catch us,” Veta answered.
- I don’t know how to run fast and confuse my tracks, and from sly fox“I probably won’t be able to save myself,” Poufik sighed.

  • Why can't rabbits confuse their tracks?

But what do you eat in winter, when there are no herbs, no flowers, no green branches in the forest in winter? – asked the rabbit?
- Yes, winter is a difficult time for forest dwellers. Of course, some of the animals store up food and go to bed for the whole winter, but hares do not stock up. The bark and branches of aspen trees save us from hunger. And from enemies - fast legs and white fur that is not visible in the snow. After all, in the fall we change our fur coat. Our fur becomes thicker, more fluffy, and turns from silver-gray to completely white.
“My fur coat also sheds in spring and autumn, but it doesn’t change color,” said Puffy.

  • Why don't the colors of rabbits change?

Your fur coat is so fluffy and snow-white! – Veta praised the rabbit fur.
- Thank you! - Puffy thanked the hare, - my mistress likes her too. She knits warm sweatshirts, scarves and hats from fluff.
“And yet, tell me, Pouf,” Veta asked, “aren’t you bored sitting alone in a cage?”
“No, perhaps it’s not boring,” answered the rabbit. – Children and Dina’s dog come to play with me.
- Are you friends with the dog? – the bunny was incredibly surprised. “My advice to you is to stay away from her.” We always run away from dogs. Whenever I hear a dog barking in the forest, a chill creeps down my spine!
- Dina is affectionate and kind dog. She comes along with the master’s children and never harms me, she just sniffs me - that’s all! But maybe, Veta, you're hungry? – the rabbit caught himself. – I can treat you with carrots and cabbage leaves.
“Well, I guess I won’t refuse the treat,” the hare agreed.
The rabbit ran to the feeder and brought back a large leaf of cabbage and several carrots. He pushed the treat through the cracks in the mesh of the pen, and Veta crunched the vegetables with pleasure.
“Thank you, Pouf,” she thanked the rabbit, “we had a great time, but it’s time for me to go home.”
- Come visit me! - Poufik asked.
- See you soon, Pouf! – Veta shouted and galloped off into the forest.

  • Why did the hare Veta run into the garden?
  • Who did Veta meet in the garden?
  • Where do hares live?
  • Where do rabbits live?
  • What do hares eat?
  • Who takes care of rabbits? What kind of food are they given?
  • What enemies do hares have?
  • Do rabbits have enemies?
  • Tell us in detail how a hare and a rabbit are similar and different?

How a starling chose his home

The children made birdhouses and hung them in the old park. In the spring, the starlings arrived and were delighted - people had given them excellent apartments. Soon, in one of the birdhouses lived a large and Friendly family starlings. Dad, mom and four kids. Caring parents flew around the park all day long, catching caterpillars and midges and bringing them to their voracious children. And the curious starlings took turns peeking out of the round window and looking around in surprise. An extraordinary, alluring world opened up to them. The spring breeze rustled the green leaves of birch and maple trees and swayed the white caps of lush inflorescences of viburnum and rowan.
When the chicks grew up and fledged, their parents began to teach them to fly. The three little birdlings turned out to be brave and capable. They quickly mastered the science of aeronautics. The fourth did not dare to get out of the house.
The starling mother decided to lure the baby out with cunning. She brought a large, delicious caterpillar and showed the delicacy to the little bird. The chick reached for a treat, and the mother moved away from him. Then the hungry son, clinging to the window with his paws, leaned out, could not resist and began to fall. He squeaked in fear, but suddenly his wings opened, and the baby, making a circle, landed on his paws. Mom immediately flew up to her son and rewarded him for his courage with a tasty caterpillar.
And everything would be fine, but just at that time the boy Ilyusha appeared on the path with his four-legged pet - the spaniel Garik.
The dog noticed a chick on the ground, barked, ran up to the birdling and touched it with his paw. Ilyusha screamed loudly, rushed to Garik and took him by the collar. The chick froze and closed his eyes in fear.
- What to do? - thought the boy. - We need to help the chick somehow!
Ilyusha took the little bird in his arms and carried it home. At home, dad carefully examined the chick and said:
- The baby's wing is damaged. Now we need to treat the squirrel. I warned you, son, not to take Garik with you to the park in the spring.

  • Why shouldn’t you take your dogs for a walk in the forest or park in spring?

Several weeks passed and the little bird, who was named Gosha, recovered and got used to people.
He lived in the house all year, and the following spring people released Gosha into the wild. The starling sat on a branch and looked around.
- Where will I live now? - he thought. “I’ll fly into the forest and find a suitable house for myself.”
In the forest, the starling noticed two cheerful finches who were carrying twigs and dry blades of grass in their beaks and were making a nest for themselves.
- Dear finches! - he turned to the birds. – Can you tell me how I can find a place to live?
“If you want, live in our house, and we’ll build ourselves a new one,” the birds kindly answered.
Gosha thanked the finches and took their nest. But it turned out to be too cramped and uncomfortable for such large bird like a starling.
- No! Your house, unfortunately, does not suit me! - said Gosha, said goodbye to the finches and flew on.
In a pine forest, he saw a smart woodpecker in a colorful vest and a red cap, which was hollowing out a hollow with its strong beak.
- Good afternoon, uncle woodpecker! - Gosha turned to him. – Tell me, is there a free house nearby?
- How not to be! Eat! - answered the woodpecker. “On that pine tree over there is my old hollow.” If you like it, you can live in it.
The starling said: “Thank you!” and flew to the pine tree that the woodpecker pointed at. Gosha looked into the hollow and saw that it was already occupied by a friendly pair of tits.
Nothing to do! And the squirrel flew on.
In a swamp near the river, a gray duck offered Gosha her nest, but it did not suit the starling either - after all, starlings do not build nests on the ground.
The day was already approaching evening when Gosha returned to the house where Ilyusha lived and sat down on a branch under the window. The boy noticed the starling, opened the window, and Gosha flew into the room.
“Dad,” Ilyusha called his father. – Our Gosha is back!
- If the starling returned, it means he did not find a suitable house in the forest. We'll have to make a birdhouse for Gosha! - said dad.
The next day, Ilyusha and his dad made a beautiful little house with a round window for the starling and tied it to an old tall birch tree.
Gaucher liked the house, he began to live in it and sing loud, cheerful songs in the morning.

  • Where did the starling family live?
  • Who taught starlings to fly?
  • How did the birdhouse manage to lure the indecisive chick out of the birdhouse?
  • What happened to the little bird on the ground?

Katya and the ladybug

This story happened to a girl Katya.
On a summer afternoon, Katya took off her shoes and ran through a flowering meadow.
The grass in the meadow was tall, fresh and pleasantly tickled the girl’s bare feet. And the meadow flowers smelled of mint and honey. Katya wanted to lie on the soft grass and admire the clouds floating in the sky. Having crushed the stems, she lay down on the grass and immediately felt that someone was crawling along her palm. It was a small ladybug with a red, lacquered back, decorated with five black dots.
Katya began to examine the red bug and suddenly heard a quiet, pleasant voice that said:
- Girl, please don’t crush the grass! If you want to run and frolic, then it’s better to run along the paths.
- oh, who is this? – Katya asked in surprise. -Who is talking to me?
- It's me, ladybug! – the same voice answered her.
_ do ladybugs talk? – the girl was even more surprised.
- Yes, I can speak. But I only talk to children, and adults don’t hear me! – answered the ladybug.
- It's clear! – Katya drawled. - But tell me why you can’t run on the grass, because there’s so much of it! – the girl asked, looking around the wide meadow.

  • What do you think the ladybug answered?

When you run on grass, its stems break, the ground becomes too hard, it does not allow air and water to reach the roots, and the plants die. In addition, the meadow is the home of many insects. You are so big, and we are small. When you ran through the meadow, the insects were very worried, an alarm sounded everywhere: “Attention, danger! Save yourself, whoever can!” - explained the ladybug.
“Sorry, please,” said the girl, “I understand everything, and I will only run along the paths.”
And then Katya noticed beautiful butterfly. She fluttered merrily over the flowers, and then sat down on a blade of grass, folded her wings and... disappeared.
-Where did the butterfly go? – the girl was surprised.
- She is here, but she has become invisible to you. This is how butterflies escape from enemies. I hope, Katyusha, that you are not going to catch butterflies and become an enemy?
- No! No! – Katya screamed and added: “I want to be a friend.”
“Well, that’s right,” the ladybug noted, “butterflies have a transparent proboscis, and through it, as if through a straw, they drink flower nectar.” And, flying from flower to flower, butterflies carry pollen and pollinate plants. Believe me, Katya, flowers really need butterflies, bees and bumblebees - after all, these are pollinating insects.
- Here comes the bumblebee! - said the girl, noticing a large striped bumblebee on the pink head of the clover. You can't touch him! He might bite!
- Certainly! – Ladybug agreed. – Bumblebees and bees have a sharp poisonous sting.
“And here’s another bumblebee, only smaller,” the girl exclaimed.
- No, Katyusha. This is not a bumblebee, but a wasp fly. It is colored in the same way as wasps and bumblebees, but it does not bite at all, and it does not have a sting. But the birds take her for an evil wasp and fly past.
- Wow! What a cunning fly! – Katya was surprised.
“Yes, all insects are very cunning,” the ladybug said proudly.
At this time, grasshoppers chirped cheerfully and loudly in the tall grass.
- Who is that chirping? – Katya asked.
“These are grasshoppers,” explained the ladybug.
- I would like to see a grasshopper!
As if hearing the girl’s words, the grasshopper jumped high in the air, and its emerald back sparkled brightly. Katya extended her hand, and the grasshopper immediately fell into the thick grass. It was impossible to see him in the green thickets.
- And the grasshopper is also a cunning one! You won't find it in green grass, like black cat in a dark room,” the girl laughed.
- Do you see the dragonfly? – the ladybug asked Katya. – What can you say about her?
- Very beautiful dragonfly! – the girl responded.
- Not only beautiful, but also useful! After all, dragonflies catch mosquitoes and flies right in the air.
Katya talked for a long time with the ladybug. She was carried away by the conversation and did not notice how evening had come.
- Katya, where are you? – the girl heard her mother’s voice.
She carefully placed the ladybug on the daisy and politely said goodbye to her:
- Thank you, dear ladybug! I learned a lot of new and interesting things.
“Come to the meadow more often, and I’ll tell you something more about its inhabitants,” the ladybug promised her.

  • Who did Katya meet in the meadow?
  • What did the ladybug ask Katya?
  • How do butterflies and bumblebees benefit plants?
  • How are dragonflies useful?
  • Why couldn't Katya see the grasshopper in the grass?
  • How do insects escape from enemies?