The steppe is called the plain territory covered with herbs and shrubs. Here, hot summer and cold winter, the peculiarity of the steppes are irregular and meager precipitation. Presented by cereals, which are well transferred drought and high temperatures.

Yellowochih poloz.

These snakes differ in large size, some individuals reach 2-2.5 meters. The spinal scales are painted in dark colors, the lower part of the body has a yellow shade. The poloz feeds on rodents, birds, lizards and other snakes. From November to March falls into the hibernation. The yellowo protechy poloz does not poison, however, in case of danger, painful bites can cause. Natural enemies are copiers, foxes, eagles and cunits.


The Red Bird is a representative of the Falcony family. The length of the body is 28-34 cm, the scope of the wings - 65-75 cm. The average weight - 155 Kobchiki do not buy their own nests, but take the housing of rings, forty, crows and Korshunov. Sometimes they settled in Norah and Duples. For the winter in South. The diet consists of locusts, dragonflies, grasshoppers. If there are few insects, the bird turns into rodents and lizards. Cobchik practically lacks natural enemies.

Giant blind

The mammal from the rodent detachment refers to the relict animals. The size of an adult individual varies from 25 to 35 cm, the body weight reaches one kilogram. In the process of beasts atrophied vision. All their lives they spend in the underground hole, constantly increasing it. It feeds on platives, which pulls into the hole from the aboveground part. For the winter, he laying stocks into special storerooms. Thanks to the hidden lifestyle, the enemies and competitors have practically absent.


An animal belongs to the pet family and resembles an ordinary fox, although he is inferior to it in size. The body length is 45-65 cm, the weight does not exceed 6 kg. The wool color is gray or with a redhead. In winter, fur is longer and fluffy. Corsac runs well and climbs on trees. Does not do their shelters, but inhabit the abandoned housing of badgers, foxes and gophers. Of all the holes only one is residential. It feeds the predator with rodents, birds, insects. Due to lack of food in the snowy winter animals migrate to the south. In case of danger, fox is pretending to be dead. Natural enemies are large birds of prey and wolves.

Black lark.

Pernaya inhabit the cereal and hollow steppes. The length of the body is 19-21 cm, the weight - 40-60 g. The black lakes are arranged on earth, in any deepening. The diet consists of ants, grip, locusts, spiders, multi-ninexes and bees. The vegetable part of the power consists of wild cereals. With the beginning of the cold, small flocks begin in search of food. Danger for black lark represents foxes, ferrets, falcons, mounds and crows.


Steppe bladder has an impressive size for rodents. The size of an adult individual ranges from 50 to 70 cm, the length of the tail is 15 cm. The maximum weight of the fastened fat female can reach ten kilograms. Baybanks live with colonies in Norah. Feed soft and juicy herbs. A threat to agricultural land does not represent. By the end of the summer, the steppe crumbs fell fat, and in September they fall into the hibernation. Inventories animals do not. After waking, they dig new holes. Natural enemies are korsaki, wolves and predatory birds.


Kulana is a relative of Oslov, Zebras and wild horses. The length of the body of an adult animal can reach 2 m, weight varies from 120 to 290 kg. Kulana is able to run at a speed of 60 km / h. These lived with herds, leader in case of danger gives a signal. Kulans are unpretentious in food, they can use both fresh herbs and dried cereals. In winter, in search of the feed, they roet the snow with hooves. The kulans are well transferred thirst and can drink saltwaten water from deserted lakes. Wolves are a serious threat.

Eared hedge

These smallest representatives of the hero have huge ears, whose length can be 5 cm. They protect the animal from overheating. Eared hedgehogs reach 13-30 cm long, the weight of an adult share is 250-400. Activity has to at night. In search of food, hedgehog overcome several kilometers. The basis of the diet is small reptiles, rodents and insects. In summer, eared hedgehogs feed on fruit, berries, vegetables and greens. At the end of the summer, animals spare fat, and by October fall into hibernation. Eared hedge has a lot of natural enemies. Since the beast does not know how to turn around in the ball, he tries to escape from predators.

Toucan - a bird that is known to people all over the world due to its unique huge beak. Despite the peculiarities of their structure, ornithologists are currently these creatures to the detogue detachment. Some people are seriously discouraged. However, despite the fact that both externally and in the lifestyle of Tukanians and ordinary people of perfect universal, still these birds are representatives of one squad. These unique creatures received their name due to the fact that the sounds that they publish something resemble the "Tokano". In addition, this bird is known as Perceed or Bird Toko.

Toucan - a bird that is known to people all over the world due to its unique huge beak

Currently, it is known that Tukanans are able to imitate sounds that come from frogs, lizards and even other birds. Thus, the scream range that they publish is extremely wide. Prolonged observation of these birds made it possible to establish that Tukanans are very smart and can compete in this even with parrots. They are perfectly amenable to domestication. Despite the fact that the parrot and toucan - birds are different, their content is in many ways. Even in northern latitudes, many people have such exotic pets.

These birds with a large beak have some features that are the result of their adaptation to the natural environment. Currently described 37 varieties of Tukanov. The most characteristic differences between them are color of plumage and size. For example, the most famous large toucan has a bright orange or yellow-red beak with a black stripe at the base and stains at the ends. The plumage around the bright blue eyes is usually yellow. The bird looks very motley, since all her body is covered with blue feathers and only on the chest and the neck there is a characteristic white collar. However, other varieties of beak can be yellow, green, bright red, blue, burgundy, and sometimes include combinations of these colors. A bright feathers are usually present on the tail. At the same time, the color of the boost of the breastplate is also distinguished by a large variety. Thus, the bird always looks even too bright.

Toucan is characterized by large sizes. The length of his body, depending on the type, can vary from 25 to 50 cm. The weight of an adult bird is from 200 to 500 g. The beak, which is the most remarkable part of the body of Tukan, can reach the same length as its body. This unique food extraction device does not give a bird of special discomfort. A relatively small head of Tukanan, to which it is attached, connects with the rest of the body of a muscular flexible neck, which allows the bird to turn the head in any direction. It may seem that such a beak is too heavy, but it is not at all. Inside, the bird weapon is hollow. It makes the beak very easy, but at the same time durable. On the edge of the beak there are special jar, which do not allow food to slip. Tukanan's tongue is very long and has characteristic roughness. The tail also has a big length and serves for a counterweight, giving the bird the necessary balance.

Where does TUBU (video) live

Gallery: Bird Toucan (25 photos)

How do Tucanians live in nature?

The range of distribution of these birds is not too extensive. They are found only in warm rainforests located in South America. The big population is found on the territory from South Mexico to Northern Argentina. They can also populate flat terrain, and mountain. As a rule, these birds are not found above 3000 m above sea level. Tukanians usually lead a settling lifestyle, as their big beaks in combination with rather short wings easily allow them to move between branches in a dense rainforest, but long flights are given hard.

Only in rare cases, individual individuals of Tukanov migrate within their range. As a rule, this is due to the need to search for places with plenty of food. Usually these birds lead a collective lifestyle and only during the marriage season are kept in pairs. This is due to the increased community of these creatures. Birds have developed social ties. If one of the members of their team falls into a dangerous situation, everyone else rushes to help him. Tukanans are active only in the afternoon, as they have a very weak idea of \u200b\u200bthe night vision.

They are almost omnivorous. In their diet come in:

  • nuts;
  • fruits;
  • berries;
  • insects;
  • larvae and caterpillars;
  • snakes;
  • frogs;
  • lizards.

Among other things, some tucanis during the reproduction of other birds make everything possible to enjoy their eggs and chicks. A huge beak allows them to even steal young from the cunning arranged suspension nests of weft. Finding food, the bird throws it into the air, and then swallows entirely. In addition, with its large beak, tucanians can purify the flesh of the nut from the inedible shell.

During meals, these unique creations make extremely specific sounds. Since the flight takes too much strength from the bird, they prefer to move, deftly jumping from one branch to another. They usually go down to Earth only to quench thirst. The food that these birds find in tropical forests is nourishing, so they do not need to constantly scour in her search.

Bird behavior during reproduction

Tukanians seek to retire only when you need to engage in chicks. Usually the period of reproduction in these birds falls on the middle of spring. Tukanans are monogamous creatures, they create couples for life. To update the relationship, these birds can publish characteristic morning sounds, rub the beaks and clean each other feathers.

Caring period may take several days. During this period, Tukanians also try to find a suitable hop. Usually they prefer those that were wounded by their close relatives - Dyatuli. If necessary, they can drive out other birds that occupied the place that the pair had accounted for. Despite the presence of a huge beak, it is not capable of independently hollow out the hollows. If necessary, the bottom of the bird hollows will be milded with soft grass, moss or wood trop. As a rule, the day after mating a female is ready to postpone eggs.

It is worth noting that before the start of the reproduction period, the birds need to be well filled with food of animal origin, rich in protein. Only in this case the female will be able to postpone the maximum number of eggs. In most cases, there are only 2 eggs in the nest. Usually they are in the masonry there are from 1 to 4 pcs. Both partners are engaged.

The incubation period, depending on the variety of Tukanov, lasts from 14 to 20 days. Chicks appear on light poorly formed. They do not even have a simple fluff and they are blind. They open their eyes only at 20 days old. Inclutter in chicks less than connected. The bottom of the beak, they pick up pieces of food who throw their parents, thus using it as a scoop.

Both parents try to bring chicks as much insects as possible, frogs and lizards, so that the young nutrients can get the nutrients needed for active growth. Tukanans are engaged in the feeding of chicks for 7-8 weeks. After that, the chicks begin to eat independently, but at the same time they keep closer to their parents. Often in one voupel, even after the completion of the reproduction period, the whole family of Tukanov continues to dwell. As a rule, young people reaches puberty aged 2-3 years. After this, they leave their parents to find a suitable pair.

Toucan in the natural habitat (video)

These birds are very smart and easily adapt to life in captivity. They quickly get used to man, love attention. Big Beak strokes and scratch allow a person to quickly win the location of this creation. When maintaining at home, the birds require a spacious aviary, a large barrel and several wooden sticks. Pick up a balanced diet for Tukanov is not a great difficulty.

At home, they can be given:

  • grapes;
  • pears;
  • bananas;
  • cut carrots.
  • persimmon;
  • apricots;
  • strawberry.

In addition, to replenish the deficit of the protein, the rice porridge can be introduced into the tukan diet. These creatures love it, but do not give more than 300 g rice per day. You can enter a small amount of high quality dog \u200b\u200bfeed in water. Among other things, it is necessary to establish indoors where toucan is contained, a large pelvis with water, as these birds drink a lot and love to swim. Approximately 2-3 years of age, tucanis become capable of reproduction. In order for steam to be decided in captivity to acquire the offspring, they need very high-quality care. When time is suitable, you need to install a large log in the cage with a hollow, where birds can retire. This will bring out the young in captivity.

ATTENTION, only today!

The monkey (anthropoid, the highest primacy) is a mammal, the closest in the structure of a person belongs to the detachment of primates, a suburior of suckon primates, and monkey infrared (SimiFormes).

The origin of the Russian word "monkey" is quite interesting. Up until the 16th century, a monkey in Russia was called "Obiana" - as well as the Czechs now call it now. At the same time, the Persians were called the BUZINE monkey. According to one of the versions, this name brought with him from the travels of Athanasius Nikitin and used in his work "Going for the three seas." According to another version, the monkey received its name from the word "Abu Zina". At the same time, Ushakov's dictionary clarifies that "Abu Zina" translates from Arabic as "Father of Blud".

  • Ordinary chimpanzees ( Pan Troglodytes.)

view of monkeys, the habitat of which covers woody territories of tropics and wet savannahs of the African continent, especially its Western and central part. Half chimpanzee males reaches a growth of 140-160 cm, and weigh monkeys within 65-80 kg. The females weigh 40-50 kg with a height of 120-130 cm. Animal body covers very rough, rigid wool of a dark brown shade. Near the mouth and on the sleeper of the woolen cover is partially white, but the feet, palm and the muzzle of the monkeys are devoid of it completely. Ordinary chimpanzees are almost omnivorous, although the bulk of the diet is still vegetable food. These monkeys are happy to eat nuts and fruits, leaves and tubers of the bathata, feed on mushrooms and termites, snapped with sweet honey, bird eggs and small spinal. There are often cases when the pack of chimpanzees successfully hunts on red colobus (primates from the Martychkov family) and even on the young ungulates, felt by the lack of nutrients with meat. The monkeys of chimpanzees are the only primates capable of creating a similarity tools that facilitate the process of food production: they skillfully sharpen the ends of sticks and twigs, turning them into a spear imitation, use palm leaves as traps for insects, stones are used in the form of throwing shells.

  • Dwarf toy ( Cebuella Pygmaea.)

this is the smallest monkey in the world. Adults are growing up to 10-15 cm long and weigh from 100 to 150 g. Inhabit the forests of South America and feed in mostly wooded juice.

Breeding monkeys in nature

Monkeys - the animals are social and prefer to hold on with flocks headed by the dominant male and consistent of several females with offspring. The reproduction of monkeys occurs all year round and for each species has individual features.

The floor maturity monkeys comes to 7-8 years. Some species form strong monogamous families for life. Other types of females, such as cappuchins, mate with several males, and vice versa.

In such groups, there are cases of infanticide, when males monkeys kill the young, born female from another male, because the nursing mother is not able to become pregnant.

The monkey pregnancy, depending on the species, lasts from 6 to 8.5 months, usually appears 1 young, although the toys often bring twins.

Breastfeeding in various types of monkeys has different dates, the gorilla females are fed up with milk to 3.5 years and, accordingly, they give birth every 4 years. Although, some types of monkeys bring offspring every year.

Most of the monkeys' females are caring and loving mothers, gently guarding their cubs. While the kids will grow up, the mother occasionally leaves for hunting, leaving a cub on the care of other females-educators.

Young monkeys leave a group to achieve puberty. The individuals of certain types have long walked alone, others quickly create their own harem.

Despite the fact that monkeys are wild animals, they rather quickly get used to habitat in captivity and with proper care feel good in zoos. These cute animals are the pets of the viewers of circus performances: due to the well-developed intelligence, it is easily amenable to Dresser, despite its not very humble temper. Some crisps contain monkeys at home, although it usually continues for a short time. Funny animals are terrible fidgets and mischievous, ready to constantly be in motion and arrange chaos in the home dwelling.

If you still decide on a similar pet, please note: keep a monkey at home is preferably in a spacious cell or better to allocate a separate room for her habitat to eliminate the eternal mess in the apartment. The home monkey can be fed by fish and meat chicken or turkey, boiled eggs and grains of cereals, fresh fruits, nuts, vegetables and insects (bugs, grasshoppers, caterpillars).

Do not forget that almost all monkeys have an aggressive nature, which is associated with natural instincts, and sometimes you can not keep track of change in their mood.

And one more nuance: to teach a monkey "doing your business" in the tray you can hardly succeed, so be prepared to clean it often, using the means to remove an indous smell and disinfection.

  • The monkeys intelligence is no longer questioned. During the experiment conducted by one of the American universities, the gorilla female managed to train a certain number of words from the deaf-and-dumb language, after which the animal became quite adequate to communicate with people.
  • Some types of monkeys are very clean and fifth of the day dedicate care for their appearance.
  • For all the time of the existence of cosmonautics in space, 32 monkeys flew.
  • Night monkeys - the only family of primates leading the night lifestyle. In the afternoon, they rest in the wrappers of trees, and 15 minutes after sunset, they are actively engaged in their affairs until midnight. Then again rest about 2 hours and go back to search already before dawn.
  • Capuchins are rightfully considered the intelligent monkeys of America. Before eating the nut, they split the shell with stones or sharp bitch of trees. And before you enjoy a frog, a mucus misses her about the bark of trees.
  • Spider-like monkeys can hang on the branch only with the help of the tail, without using the limbs.

I live all my life in the steppe. In the summer we have practically no rain, everything dries out. In winter, frosts with beran, everything remarks. And, it would seem, who can live in such conditions, what kind of livestock can it take? But a lot of things are alive and in the steppe.

Small animals found in the steppe

In the steppe to hide now, so more often meet here small animals. I saw them in my life not so much, but I saw. We were more often susliki and Surki.. In the spring, they get out of minks, stand like columns, warm in the sun after winter. Susliki - pests of fields, burn in spring green shoots, and in the fall - grain. In winter, the hibernation lay, unallow them.

Surves are larger and powerful animals, such great moves and multi-chambers are rooted underground. Goures from minks pull out, waste decent holly. Then stand on these hills, as in the fighting post. They whistle, warning others about danger, and everyone is hiding in holes. Surki also sleep all winter and multiply very well.

There is still any trifle:

  • tuccans;
  • hamsters;
  • voles;
  • turtles;
  • hedgehogs.

Larger steppe animals

Sometimes you can see by road korsaka - Steppe Fox. No wonder the fairy tale about how Lisa selected the hut's hut. The Korsak is exactly what it does: takes the minks of Surkov or Suslikov, he himself is lazy to dig. Corsac - a predator, feeds on small rodents, catches birds and ruins their nests.

Foxes are resorted (especially in winter) to the roads of the road to rummage in the thruster, suddenly there is something edible. Or eat birds shot down by cars.

The korsak refers to the family of dog, so it can bark, whine, growl and yielding.

Previously, the redhead hats and collars were hunted on them. Now they hunt. But less often.

In our steppe can be found and zaitsev. In winter, they wipe off the bark on the garden trees, annoying these gardeners.

Saigas - Steppe Antelope

Oh, these animals are very stretch, peroled can do without food and water. And how did you like in the arid steppes. Can overcome without rest long distances on dusty and hot steppe. And do not catch up, it happens, they are rushing at the vehicle speed. There are saigas even bitter wormwood and poisonous plants. Live herdsIn the fall begins with their marriage, there is a struggle for females. The winner becomes the owner of the Harem (up to 50 females), and in the spring they appear offspring. Pretty such saigacles on long thin legs.