Africa is the second largest continent after Eurasia. Naturally, such an area is home to many birds, mammals, fish, reptiles and insects. The “Dark Continent” is home to 1,100 species of mammals, 2,600 species of birds, 2,000 species of fish and 100,000 species of insects.

Mammals of Africa

The world of African mammals is very diverse and interesting. Among the many species there are both large animals and very small ones. For example, the largest and smallest mammals in the world are inhabitants of this particular continent. The largest land animal is savannah elephant(7500 kg), and the smallest is the dwarf shrew (1.7 kg). Also animal world Africa is also represented by other representatives.

African predators include lions, cheetahs, and leopards. Leo is king African savannah. It can reach a height of 1 meter, and its weight reaches 200 kg. Hunting is mainly done by females, and males go for prey only in case of severe hunger.

Also, the fauna of Africa is represented by black and white rhinoceroses, zebras, buffalos and antelopes, and giraffes.

African buffalo – the only kind buffalos that live on the African continent. Of all the bulls, he is considered the largest, and his weight can reach 1000 kg.

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Africa is rich and very unusual mammals. One of them is the aardvark. This is an animal from Africa long muzzle, which ends in a heel like a pig's. At the aardvark long ears and powerful forelimbs with which it digs well. This mammal is a nocturnal animal, so its eyesight is very poor, but its sense of smell is well developed.

Rice. 1. Aardvark.

The aardvark got its name from its tube-like teeth. He has 20 of them, they are hollow and grow throughout the life of the wild animal.

Another unusual animal is pygmy hippopotamus. They live in the jungle West Africa. They differ from ordinary representatives of this species by their small stature and rounder head. These animals are loners and only pair up to mate.

Birds of Africa

Birds of Africa can be divided into two groups: species that permanently reside on the continent, and species that fly here for the winter from Europe and Asia. Such diversity is observed even despite frequent droughts and difficult climatic conditions.

The marabou bird is the most major representative ground birds. It can reach 1.5 meters and has a powerful beak. There are no feathers on the head and neck, they only cover back torso.

Lives in southern Africa spectacled penguin. This bird, like representatives of other penguin species, cannot fly at all. His height is 60-70 cm, weight 3-4 kg. This species of penguin is listed in the International Red Book.

Ostriches also live in Africa. They are capable of reaching speeds of up to 270 km. at one o'clock. These birds live only on the African continent.

One of the most unusual birds on the mainland is the sunbird. With plumage that explodes with color, this small bird is only 20cm long.

Rice. 2. Sunbird.

If the sunbird lives in dense thickets, then its color looks duller compared to its relatives who live in open areas.

Fishes and amphibians of Africa

In western and central Africa there are equatorial forests. This area has a warm climate and many rivers. Many species of frogs live here: hairy frog, goliath frog, burrowing frog.

In the Congo River basin you can find very large tiger fish. Its second name is giant hydrocin. This species is omnivorous and can gain weight up to 50 kg.

Kalamoicht – small fish, found in Central and Southern Africa. Its second name is snake fish, since in appearance it is very similar to this reptile.

The Senegalese multifin is another representative of the fish of the African continent. This elongated fish reaches a length of 40 cm and lives in lakes and rivers of the Nile.

Insects of Africa

The list of insects living on the African continent is huge. And while some are completely harmless, others carry a serious danger.

In African tropical forests Goliath beetle lives. This insect is considered one of the largest on the planet. The beetle feeds on fruits and their juice.

Africa is home to one of the most dangerous insects - malaria mosquito. He is a carrier of a very dangerous disease - malaria.

The Tsetse fly is a carrier of very terrible disease– trypanosomiasis. Every year on the territory African states About 300 thousand people die from this disease.

The fauna of Africa is extremely rich. Animals, birds, reptiles and insects are distributed throughout the continent. They all differ from each other and are adapted to those natural conditions in which they live. The report will tell you in detail about the African fauna.

Equatorial forests

The central part of the continent is occupied by moist evergreen equatorial forests. The vegetation here is so lush that not a single piece of land remains unoccupied. Plants even grow on tree trunks.

If you need to prepare a message about one of the African animals, you will find the necessary material for each of the active links below in the text.

In such conditions, animals that have adapted to live in trees survive. That's why The African jungle is the kingdom of monkeys. For monkeys, baboons, mandrills, and baboons, this is a real paradise. They are satisfied with the abundance of food, vines (monkey ladders), dense thickets, in which you can hide in case of danger.

Banana eaters, peacocks, and sunbirds live next to the monkeys. Hiding in tree branches snakes. Deadly poisonous - green mamba, very dangerous, Gaboon snake, motley snake.

There is no grass, they are difficult to pass. Therefore, everything is ground animals in the jungle are small in size, do not have branched horns, who would prevent them from making their way through the jungle, there are no herbivores among them, only those that feed on leaves, shoots and branches of plants. This is okapi wild boars, bongo antelope.

Pygmy hippos also settled along the river banks.

Most dangerous predator tropical forests black continent - . There are other predators here too - wild cats, civets.

African savanna

Almost half of Africa's territory is occupied by savannas - endless grass-covered plains with rare trees and bushes. Their fauna is unique. Nowhere on the planet can you find such an abundance of wild animals.

All large animals are nomadic Lifestyle, moving from one pasture to another. They have strong legs, are adapted to run away from predators or catch up with prey, and also cover vast distances in search of food and water. Most small animals hibernate during the dry season, and during the rainy season they lead an active lifestyle, gain fat, and reproduce.

Huge food reserves of savannas provide food for countless herds of herbivores. The plain is crossed by eland, Grant's gazelle, and buffalo. , and - decoration of African savannas.

Herbivores are hunted by predators - leopards, hyenas, servals. Carrion is picked up by savannah orderlies - jackals and vultures.

Various birds inhabit the African plains - ostriches, guinea fowl, bustards. An amazing secretary bird lives here, which eats poisonous snakes. Lapwings and graceful flamingos settled along the banks of reservoirs.

There are a lot of snakes in the savannas. Goliath beetle, locusts, huge and ruthless ants, which even elephants are afraid of, bright butterflies - representatives amazing world insects Africa. Very dangerous. Its bite causes sleeping sickness and death in animals or humans.


In the north of the black continent there is the most big desert in the world - Sahara. In southwest Africa there is the oldest desert on the planet - the Namib, and the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa is considered one of the most beautiful on Earth.
The vegetation of African deserts is very sparse, temperatures rise to +60 °C, and there is no water for many hundreds of kilometers. The endless sand dunes seem lifeless... But this is far from the case. And here life is in full swing.

Animals of African deserts have learned to survive in such extreme conditions. They lead predominantly night look life, oh deal with for a long time without water, they can self-cool, many are yellow and red in color, which allows them to camouflage perfectly, and are adapted to move quickly along the sand. These are scorpions, horned vipers, a tiny fennec fox, jerboas, and a Dorcas gazelle, which drinks only a few times in its entire life. King African desert- one-humped camel.

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Who are the most famous animals in Africa? The African continent has a rich wildlife with many unique species. Every safari traveler dreams of meeting each of these animals. Half of them are included in the so-called Big African Five. Their greatest density is observed in Eastern and Southern Africa.

The lion is the second largest cat after the tiger. Its roar in the savannah can be heard 8 km away. It is mainly active at dusk and dawn, and it can sleep up to 20 hours a day. Lions are the most social of all the felines. They live in prides, which consist of 5 to 10 adults. Lviv can be found in abundance in national parks Serengeti, Masai Mara and Kruger.

Since the elephant is the largest land animal on the planet, many tourists on safari are amazed by its size. These animals are found south of the Sahara in a wide variety of natural landscapes, including deserts, forests and savannas. Although they are peaceful animals by nature, they can be very dangerous if provoked. Elephants are herbivores; they consume about 170 kg per day plant food and drink up to 190 liters of water.

The giraffe is the tallest animal on the planet. Males reach a height of 5.5 - 6.1 m and weigh 900 - 1200 kg. Females are usually slightly smaller and lighter. They seem slow and bulky, but they can jump well over 1.85 m high barriers. You would think that it would be easy to spot on safari. But this is not so, its color blends perfectly with the surrounding landscape. In total, there are 9 subspecies of this animal.

The leopard is the most secretive of this group. The weight of males reaches 60 kg, females are slightly smaller - 40 kg. Color may vary depending on habitat. It hunts mainly at night, and during the day it usually sleeps on tree branches. Leopards are solitary animals that swim, run fast and are capable of dragging prey up to 3 times their body weight up a tree.

In Africa, there are two types of rhinoceros: black and white. They differ not in color, as one might think, but in the structural features of the body. Their numbers are rapidly declining due to poachers. Today, there are about 4,000 black rhinos left, and 17,000 white rhinos. They are among the heaviest land mammals, weight adult A white rhinoceros can reach about 4 - 4.5 tons, a black one is much less than 2 -2.2 tons.

Cheetahs are the most graceful of the big cats. The weight of an adult is 35 - 55 kg. They are the fastest land animals in the world. Their speed reaches 112 km/h. Despite their agility, cheetahs very often lose prey to more powerful predators. Their numbers are steadily declining, this moment There are about 5,000 cheetahs in the world.

Buffaloes are one of the most dangerous animals on the continent. They kill a year more people than lions. They live in herds of up to 1,000 animals. Buffaloes are resistant to domestication due to their natural aggressiveness and unpredictability. While seeing a herd of buffalo on the open savannah is undoubtedly an unforgettable sight, it is important to treat these mammals with respect.

The hippopotamus is one of the largest land animals. The weight of males can exceed 4 tons. They can be found in large quantities along the banks of fresh rivers, swamps and lakes. They usually live in groups of up to 100 individuals. They spend most of their lives in the water, where they doze or sleep in the shallows, leaving it only to feed at dusk. Hippos are territorial animals and can become aggressive if provoked. They live exclusively in sub-Saharan Africa, except for the island of Madagascar. Their greatest concentration is observed in the Luangwa Valley in Zambia.

The Nile crocodile is the most large reptile in Africa and second in the world, after saltwater crocodile. Its length can reach 4.5 - 5.5 m. It lives along the banks of rivers and lakes, as well as in freshwater swamps. These animals are perfect predators, they ambush their victims. They can often be seen sunbathing along river banks or in shallow waters. It is distributed throughout the sub-Saharan continent.

10. Zebra

There are 3 species of zebras living on the African continent: Burchell's, mountain and Grevy's. Each of them has its own unique stripe pattern. Zebras cannot be tamed; they live in small groups consisting of one stallion and several females with cubs. In some areas they form large herds that migrate in search of better pastures. During these movements they create mutually beneficial relationship with other mammals, such as wildebeest.

Africa... How many interesting and mysterious things are hidden in its tropical forests and endless savannas. Animals live here huge size and very small and unnoticeable, although it is not a fact that some insect is completely harmless in comparison, for example, with a huge elephant or a lion, with which a rare daredevil dares to be close. The African fauna is so colorful and amazing that the interest in getting closer to it and learning more about its representatives will probably never dry up. So, ZENUN will tell you who the very best animals in Africa are.

The rarest animal in Africa

Okapi. The forest giraffe, or, as it was previously called, Johnson's horse, looks like a hybrid of three animals: a horse, a giraffe and a zebra. Henry Stanley first heard about these animals from local aborigines. famous traveler and journalist. When the skin of a forest giraffe fell into the hands of researchers, it was initially mistakenly attributed to the horse family, but subsequent study of the rare and very shy animal led to the conclusion that the outlandish animal is more similar to dwarf giraffe, somehow miraculously preserved since the Ice Age.

An amazing animal with the body of a horse, long legs painted like a zebra, an elongated neck and a clearly giraffe-like face is hiding from human eyes in the Congo Basin.

The most unusual animal in Africa

Belttail. This is the kind of thing that will amaze any nature connoisseur. This lizard, which lives in rocky areas near southern borders Sugars, for the surviving child of the dragon. Reaching a length of 70 cm, the belt-tail seems to be assembled, like a construction set, from rectangular scale plates. There are up to 70 species of these spiny dragons, and each species has its own food preferences. Introducing video about these lizards:

The most dangerous animal in Africa

Probably no other continent is home to so many especially dangerous animals. Snakes, poisonous flies, scorpions, mosquitoes, not to mention obvious predators such as lions and crocodiles. Even when hunting the herbivorous giants of buffalo, you can easily turn from hunter to prey. However, the most dangerous thing for a person who decides to walk around Africa is fly tse tse.

You won’t even understand how this rather large bloodsucker will bite you and infect you with sleeping sickness. Every year, tsetse sends almost a quarter of a million unfortunate people into another world, who, due to circumstances, became targets for the flying killer.

The largest animal in Africa

Even a child can answer this question. Of course it is. The largest specimen that fell into the observation zone of the human race weighed 12 tons! Surprisingly, elephants communicate at ultra-low frequencies that are simply beyond the reach of the human ear. And one more interesting fact about African giants: elephants are capable of creating seismic waves that spread over a radius of up to 2 km!

Tallest animal in Africa

And even the kid from nursery group. Who doesn't know the handsome spotted guy? The African “Uncle Styopa” can grow up to 6 meters in height. Moreover, this giant is dangerous, rather, only to trees, because in a day he can eat 63 kg of shoots and juicy leaves! Just think, one step of this giant is 4 meters, and he can accelerate to 50 km/h!

The fastest animal in Africa

Handsome cheetah Not only is he on the list of the rarest animals, he is also the leader of the 500-meter race. This graceful cat seems specially created for speed, but is the weakest representative of its kind. His appearance can be described in just two words: feline aristocrat. However, no one will be able to catch up with this handsome guy, because he accelerates to 90 km/h!

The most terrible animal in Africa

His name Gustav. -the cannibal is still alive and instills quiet horror not only in souls local residents, because he kills people for fun and entertainment, and not at all from hunger. The Nile monster weighs a ton, is almost 60 years old and lives in Burundi, Africa. The body of this monster is covered with welts and scars from knives and bullets, but all attempts to catch the resourceful and very cunning beast have so far ended in failure. He had never fallen into any underwater trap yet. If you suddenly see a 6-meter crocodile with a dark spot on its forehead, run away if you don’t want to be another amusement for Gustav.

This is the world of the very best animals in Africa. Some of them have been known to you for a long time, and some you probably learned about for the first time. And how many more amazing and unknown things are hidden behind the stones, in the sands and on the trees of this hot continent, one can only guess.

A huge continent that passes through and provides rich diversity wildlife, and landscapes. It is the world's second largest continent. Large predators roam the wide savannas, among huge herds of herbivores, while monkeys and snakes live in dark, dense forests.

Here is the largest desert on the planet - the African Sahara, as well as the Namib and Kalahari deserts, where heat air and little precipitation forced them to adapt to harsh living conditions.

During the dry season, herds of animals travel long distances in search of water. The largest freshwater lakes in Africa are: Victoria, Tanganyika, Albert, Turkana and Nyasa. On the mainland there is also the longest river in the world, the Nile, and the rivers: Congo, Niger, Zambezi, Orange, Limpopo, Senegal, which feed an incredible amount of flora and fauna of the continent.

Of the approximately 5,500 living species of mammals, Africa is home to more than 1,100 species. Among them there is: the most small mammal- the dwarf shrew (weight up to 1.7 g), and the largest land animal - the savannah elephant (weight 7500 kg).

The continent is home to about 2,600 species of birds (of which 1,100 are representatives of the passerine order). Some species are migratory, spending the winter on the continent and flying to other countries in the summer. For example, swallows do long haul from Africa to Europe.

More than 100,000 species of insects are found in Africa, of which: 1,000 species of termites, about 17,000 of dipterans, 1,600 of bees, 2,000 of ants, and 3,607 of butterflies.

The continent's underwater life includes 3,000 species of freshwater and about 2,000 marine fish.

Africa is also home to many species of reptiles and amphibians. Below is a list of some representatives of African fauna, grouped by class.


African buffalo

On the mainland, only one species of buffalo lives - the African buffalo. These animals are relatively dangerous to humans, as they kill more than 200 people every year. The species is considered the largest among living bulls. The weight of adult individuals varies between 700-1000 kg, and body length - from 300 to 340 cm. Height at the withers ranges from 150 to 180 cm. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced, males are larger than females. Both sexes are characterized by large and inwardly curved horns, although in females they are shorter and thinner. Buffaloes are herbivores and consume an amount of food equal to 2% of their body weight per day.

African savannah hare

The African savanna hare is a medium-sized mammal, growing in length from 41 to 58 cm, with a body weight of 1.5-3 kg. The ears are long and black at the tips. The coat color of the head and body is grayish-brown, the sides and limbs are reddish-brown, and the belly is white. The tail is black above and white below. This species lives in wooded savannas throughout Africa. The hare is a solitary animal that is nocturnal and feeds on grass.

African elephant

This is a genus of animals from the elephant family, which today are considered the largest land mammals. There are two types: savanna and forest. The savannah species is larger (about 7500 kg) and its tusks are turned outward, while the forest type (weighing about 5000 kg) has a darker color and its tusks are straighter and point downward.

Elephants can live in almost any habitat that provides abundant food and water. Populations are scattered throughout Africa from the southern Sahara to the tropical forests of Central and West Africa.


common hippopotamus

Africa is also the homeland of hippos. Hippos are the third largest living land mammals, after . The hippopotamus has four webbed toes, which allows it to evenly distribute the weight of the animal and move along the ground.

Body gray color, with very thick, almost bare skin. Hippos do not have sweat or sebaceous glands, but they do secrete a viscous red fluid that protects the animal's skin from the sun and may be a healing agent. The flat, paddle-like tail is used to spread excrement to mark territory boundaries.

Big-eared fox

Lives in dry savannas and semi-deserts of the Eastern and South Africa, where its main food is widespread - termites and beetles.

The bat-eared fox has unusually large ears in relation to the size of its head. The coat color is usually yellow-brown, with a light neck and belly. The tips of the ears, paws and tail are black. The limbs are relatively short.


Bongo antelope can only be found in forests with dense undergrowth in the area tropical Africa. In particular, they are found in the lowland tropical forests of West Africa and the Congo Basin, as well as in the Central African Republic and South Sudan.

Bongos are large and heavy forest antelopes. They have a dark red or chestnut coat with 10-15 vertical white stripes that run down the sides. Females are usually brighter than males. Both sexes have spiral-shaped horns. Large ears are believed to enhance hearing, and the distinctive coloring helps the animals identify each other in dark forest habitats. They do not have any special secretion glands, so they are less likely than other antelopes to rely on scent to find each other.

Gazelle Dorcas

This is a unique animal, perfectly adapted for living in the desert, as it can do without water. This gazelle gets all the necessary liquid from what it feeds on. However, if a source of drinking is present nearby, the Dorcas gazelle will not refuse the pleasure of drinking water.

Body size ranges from 12.6-16.5 kg. They have long ears and curved horns. The coat color varies from sandy or golden to reddish brown and depends on the geographical habitat.

wild dog

Hyena or African wild dog - carnivorous mammal from the canine family. In appearance it resembles a hyena, but the red wolf is considered its close relative. Wild dogs are found in arid zones and. They can also be found in wooded area and mountainous habitats where their prey is common.

The African wild dog is sometimes called a hunting dog. She has a colorful, spotted coat, big ears, and a fluffy tail with a white tip. No other wild dogs have exactly the same appearance, making them easy to identify.


The most high mammals in the world. This animal is undoubtedly adapted to feed on vegetation inaccessible to other herbivores. The giraffe has unusually elastic blood vessels with a series of valves that help compensate for the sudden accumulation of blood (and prevent loss of consciousness) when the head is raised, lowered, or swung violently.

Giraffes are found in sub-Saharan semi-arid and dry savannas where trees grow.


The zebra subgenus belongs to the genus of horses and includes three species: Grevy's zebra ( East Africa), Burchell's zebra ( south-eastern part Africa) and mountain zebra (Namibia and South Africa). All species have characteristic black and white stripes, which are a unique pattern for each individual.

They meet in various places habitats such as grasslands, savannas, woodlands, thorny bushes, mountains and coastal hills. However, various anthropogenic factors have significant impacts on zebra populations, particularly hunting for their pelts and habitat destruction. Grevy's zebras and mountain zebras are endangered, while Burchell's zebras are of least concern.


Eland is the largest species of antelope. However, it is quite hardy, can run fast and jumps up to 2.5 m in height. Males and females have horns curled at the base, although in females they are usually longer and thinner. Coat color varies from yellow-brown to gray or bluish-gray and depends on the age of the animal - the oldest antelopes are almost black. On the chest and forehead of males there is a tuft of hair, which grows and becomes thicker as the animal matures. Elands live in mountains, deserts, forests and swamps.


Includes two subfamilies: large and small cats, representatives of which live in Africa.

From the subfamily big cats lions and leopards are found on the continent, and small cats are represented by: cheetah, caracal, sand cat, black-footed cat, forest cat, serval and golden cat.


There are two types of rhinoceroses in Africa - white and black. White rhinoceroses live mainly in South Africa, but they have also been reintroduced to Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Zambia and Ivory Coast. Most of Black rhinoceros populations are concentrated in four countries: South Africa, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Kenya.

It has a wide muzzle and a flat upper lip. The body color is gray, the muzzle is elongated, and there is a hump on the back of the head. The upper lip is prehensile and the body color ranges from dark brown to dark grey. Both species have two horns and the front one is always longer.


Baboons are a genus of primates from the monkey family. It includes five species of animals common to the African continent: the Anubis baboon, the hamadryas, the Guinea baboon, the baboon and the baboon. They are terrestrial primates found in open savannas, open forests and hills throughout Africa.

All species differ in size and body weight. The body length of the Guinea baboon is 50 cm and the weight is 14 kg, while the largest, the bear baboon, has a body length of 120 cm and weighs about 40 kg.


Aardvarks - the only representatives order of aardvarks. They have short necks, connected to a massive, almost naked body and a strongly arched back. Legs are short hind limbs longer than the front ones. The head is elongated, with a long, narrow muzzle and nostrils that can close. The long, tubular ears are usually erect, but can be folded and closed. The short but muscular tail is cone-shaped and tapers towards the end. Thick claws on the front paws are well suited for digging.

They live in all regions from dry savannas to rain forests, where there are sufficient termites to eat, access to water, and sandy or clay soil.


There are two species of the chimpanzee genus: common chimpanzee and dwarf (bonobo). Chimpanzees are distributed from southern Senegal to western Uganda and western Tanzania. National Park Gombe Stream in Tanzania is the first park in Africa specifically designed for chimpanzees.

Chimpanzees are among the closest relatives of humans, sharing about 98% of their genes. They have stocky bodies with long arms and short legs. Most of the body is covered with long black hair, but the muzzle, ears and fingers are bare.


Goliath beetle

Goliath beetle - large insect, is considered one of the largest beetles on the planet (in terms of weight and volume). These insects can be found in the tropical forests of Africa, where they feed on tree sap and fruit. The color of females varies from dark brown to white, and the color of males includes following colors: brown, black and white.

Bug Stenocara gracilipes

Its homeland is the Namib Desert, in southern Africa. It is one of the driest areas in the world, with precipitation equal to 1.4 cm/year. Bug Stenocara gracilipes has adapted well to survive in such conditions - it collects morning moisture from the fog onto its sculpted body, and then drinks droplets of water flowing down to its mouth.

Malaria mosquitoes

Malaria mosquitoes are extremely dangerous insects that feed on blood. They lay eggs in stagnant and unmaintained water sources. Millions of mosquitoes can hatch from just one source. However real threat These insects cause blood-borne diseases. The most dangerous known disease is malaria, which kills millions of people every year.

Ants Dorilus

Dorilus ants can gather in colonies with more than 20 million individuals. When food is in short supply, they go in search of it in a large group, at a speed of 20 m/hour. For some human settlements they are beneficial (destroying all kinds of pests in their path, from insects to large rats), but for others it is harmful. The bite is very painful, it is quite difficult to tear off the ant, as they have strong jaws.


This insect is a carrier of the deadly sleeping sickness. Tsetse feeds on the blood of vertebrates and carries a disease dangerous to humans - trypanosomiasis. The death toll in Africa is alarming because of them. Every year in Africa, 250-300 thousand people die due to the bites of this insect.


African white-crested kalao

The African white-crested kalao is one of the representatives of hornbills, lives in wet forests Central and Western Africa.

The body length ranges from 70-80 cm. The weight of the male is 279-315 g, the female - 276-288 g. The color of the head is white, with black splashes, the rest of the plumage is black, with a metallic sheen. Only the tail feathers have white spots at the tips.

African brilliant teal

The African glossy teal, also known as the pygmy goose, is native to sub-Saharan Africa. It is the smallest game in Africa, and one of the smallest in the world ( average weight about 285 g, and the wingspan is 142-165 mm). Inhabits water bodies, feeding on aquatic vegetation and invertebrates.

Although African glossy teals have bills like geese, they are more closely related to dabbling ducks and other Anatidae. Feather color includes the following colors: black, white, red and green.

African vulture

Lives in savannas located south of the Sahara. The African vulture has a small number of feathers on its head and neck, very wide wings, and short tail feathers. Body weight is from 4.2 to 7.2 kg, length is 78-98 cm, and the wingspan is in the range of 1.96-2.25 m.

Like other vultures, this one is a vulture, feeding mainly on the carcasses of animals it finds in the savannas. African vultures often fly in flocks.

African penguin

The African penguin, also known as the spectacled penguin, lives in the waters of southern Africa. Like other penguins, this species is flightless, with a streamlined body and wings flattened into flippers for its marine habitat. Adults weigh on average 2.2-3.5 kg and reach a height of 60-70 cm. They have distinctive pink spots (glands) above the eyes that help them cope with changes in temperature.

African penguins are excellent divers and feed mainly on fish and squid. This species is endangered and is very popular among tourists.

Wavy Astrild

The Wavy Astrild is a small bird from the order Passeriformes. Its homeland is sub-Saharan African countries. However, this species has been introduced to many other regions of the world.

The body length of the Wavy Astrild is 11-13 cm, with a wingspan of 12 to 14 cm and a weight of 7-10 g. This bird has slender body with short rounded wings and long tail. The plumage is mostly grey-brown and the bill is bright red.

Common social weaver

These birds live in the savannas of South Africa, Namibia and Botswana. They build large communal nests, which is rare among birds. Weaver nests are among the most spectacular structures built by birds.

The body length is about 14 cm, and the weight is 26-32 g. Sexual dimorphism is not pronounced. The color of the feathers is pale brown, with dark patches.


African narrow-snouted crocodile

The African narrow-snouted crocodile is one of three species of crocodiles found in Africa (the other two are the Nile crocodile and the blunt-snouted crocodile).

Narrow-snouted crocodiles live in freshwater bodies of Central and Western Africa. They have the average size bodies are usually slightly smaller than Nile crocodiles, but more than some other species. Adults are usually about 2.5 m in length, but have been known to reach 4.2 m. Body weight is 125-325 kg. Narrow-snouted crocodiles have a thin snout that is used to catch prey, hence their name.


These colorful lizards are known for their ability to change their colors and patterns, their long and sticky tongue, and their eyes that can move independently of each other.

Chameleons live in different environments habitats, from tropical forests and lowlands to deserts, semi-deserts, shrub savannas and even mountains. Many live in trees, but some live in grass, fallen leaves and dry branches.

Black Mamba

Black Mamba - poisonous snake, lives only in Africa. Color ranges from gray to dark brown, but not black. Juveniles are generally lighter in color than adults, but darken with age. Mature individuals often reach a body length of 3 m.

This snake leads a terrestrial lifestyle and lives in savannas, forest areas, rocky slopes, and sometimes in dense forests. Black mamba hunts small mammals and birds. It is capable of reaching speeds of 11 km/h over short distances. Despite its reputation as a fearsome and very aggressive snake, the black mamba generally avoids people unless threatened or attempted to lure it into a trap.

Spurred turtle

The spurred tortoise is the largest land turtle African continent and the third largest in the world, giving way to the Galapagos and giant turtles. It reaches a body length of 76 cm and a weight of 45 kg, and some males grow up to 90 kg. This species is quite common as a pet as they are curious and intelligent.


Hairy frog

The hairy frog lives in Central Africa. It gets its name from the hair-like skin on the body and thighs of males during the breeding season. The body length is about 11 cm. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced, males are much larger than females. The head is large, with a short, rounded muzzle.

The species is distributed in Cameroon, DRC, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Nigeria, and possibly Angola. Natural habitats include subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests, rivers, croplands, plantations, and highly degraded former forests.

Goliath frog

The Goliath frog is the largest frog on the planet. Some individuals grow up to 32 cm in length from muzzle to rump, and weigh up to 3.25 kg. This species has a relatively small range in Cameroon and Equatorial Guinea.

The Goliath frog is usually found in and around fast rivers, with a sandy bottom. These rivers are usually very oxygenated. The river systems in which goliath frogs live are often located in areas with relatively high temperatures.

Burrowing frog

The African burrowing frog belongs to the family Pyxicephalidae. It is distributed in Angola, Botswana, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and possibly the DRC.

Natural habitats include savannas, woody shrublands, freshwater lakes and swamps, croplands, grasslands, and canals and ditches. This big frog, males weigh about 1.4 kg, although they can easily exceed 2 kg. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced, with the female weighing half the size of the male, which is unusual among amphibians, as in most species the females are larger. Males reach 23 cm in length, while females are much smaller.


African baboon spider

The baboon spider is a spider from the family Theraphosidae, with relatively strong poison. It can inflict a painful bite; however, most of these spiders are not considered dangerous to humans. The geographical range includes the territories of South Africa.

Baboon spiders are terrestrial and build silken burrows, often under stones or in rocks. Habitats include savannah forests, grasslands and dry scrubland.

Darwin's spider

Darwin's spider belongs to the orb weaver family. As with other species of spiders, sexual dimorphism is noticeable, with females being larger than males. The body length of females varies from 18 to 22 mm, while the length of males is about 6 mm.

These spiders create a unique biological material - a web that reaches enormous sizes and is very strong.

Six-eyed sand spider

This is a medium sized spider species. The body length ranges from 8 to 15 mm, and the paw length reaches 50 mm. Six-Eyed sand spider lives in deserts and other sandy places in southern Africa. Attacks on humans are rare: there is not a single proven case. However, an experiment was conducted in which this spider bit a rabbit, the outcome was fatal (the death of the animal occurs 5-12 hours after the bite).


Big tiger fish

The great tiger fish, also known as the giant hydrocine, is a very large, freshwater, predatory fish from the family Alestidae. It is found in the Congo River basin.

This predator grows up to 1.8 m in length and weighs 50 kg. Large tiger fish is ichthyophagous, feeding on any fish that they can handle, including smaller relatives.


Kalamoikht or snake fish, lives in West and Central Africa. Mainly found in freshwater rivers and lakes. The diet consists of small animals (insects and worms).

Kalamoikht reaches a maximum total length of 37 cm. It has an eel-like, elongated body without a ventral fin. Long dorsal consists of a number of well separated spines. Kalamoicht has a pair of lungs, which allows it to breathe atmospheric air. This allows the fish to survive in water with low dissolved oxygen.

Senegalese multiply

The Senegalese polyfin is found in lakes, rivers, swamps and floodplains of tropical Africa and river system Nila.

It is an elongated fish, usually gray or beige in color, sometimes with shades of white, pink or blue. Most of the body is covered in very fine patterns with occasional dark spots or dots. The serrated dorsal fin runs along most of the body until it meets the caudal fin, which is sharp and flat. Body length is up to 35.5 cm.