Ash, maple, linden and elm are representatives of different genera of trees. What they have in common is that they are all deciduous, and each has its own fruit. All these trees get along well next to each other. Their fruits are also similar - in each tree it is a lionfish, carefully protecting the seed inside the pericarp. We will learn in this article how the fruits of the above-mentioned trees are similar and different.

What do ash fruits look like?

Common ash loves light and moderate watering. Maximum height the length to which a tree can grow is 40 meters. But life expectancy differs significantly - ash can grow up to 300 years. The branches of the tree stretch towards the sun, the crown is wide and always raised high. Ash buds are fleecy and black. The leaves are opposite, consist of 7-15 leaflets, smooth, have a dark green color. Ash blooms in May; the flowers have neither cups nor corollas. Flowering lasts until the first leaves appear. What do ash fruits look like? These are lionfish that can reach a length of up to 5 centimeters. The lionfish is initially green in color, turning brown over time. Lionfish are collected in inflorescences called panicles. Seed ripening occurs in August - the seeds become flat, wide, with a slight narrowing at the bottom.

What else can you learn about ash fruits?

Ash is considered an indispensable tree for urban landscaping - it is unpretentious and grows quickly. dense and durable, similar in quality to oak. In ancient times, ash was considered the tree of war because spears, clubs and other weapons were made from it, which were lightweight but durable.

Also, dishes, rockers, sleighs, wheels, and souvenirs were made from ash. Ash boards were widely used in shipbuilding. The fruits of the ash tree were also distinguished by their properties. Few people know, but due to the high fat content, in a number of countries the fruits of the tree are eaten. For example, in the Caucasus the following dish became widespread: unripe fruits with vinegar and salt. After ripening, they are collected, thoroughly crushed and preserved, and then served as a seasoning for meat or fish dishes.

Medicinal and other properties

Ash seeds are used to make dark green oil, which is widely used in the production of paint and soap.

It is worth knowing that this plant is considered so use the root, bark, leaves or fruits of ash in medicinal purposes only possible under the supervision of a doctor. The direction of action of decoctions and tinctures is very large - these are also diuretic properties that help remove excess fluid from the body. This is the treatment respiratory tract, even in the chronic stage. Anti-cough tinctures are excellent, and kidney disease, radiculitis and even dysentery can also be treated. For those suffering from diseases nervous system Ash tincture is prescribed as a sedative and an excellent sleeping pill. Fruits are collected for winter storage in the fall, after they are fully ripe.

Maple and linden

The fruits of ash, maple and linden are similar - they are all lionfish, differing only in the shape of the structure. Linden, like ash, loves the sun and plenty of watering. It grows up to 30 meters, and its lifespan can vary from 150 to 1200 years. Linden blooms in June and blooms for only a few weeks.

Linden fruits are small rounded nuts with a slightly elongated shape. The nut is surrounded by a dense shell, under which the seed is hidden. Linden begins to bear fruit in August-September.

Maple grows up to 15 meters tall. The lifespan of this tree is 250 years. The maple tree blooms in April-May, the flowers fly off after two weeks of flowering. Fruiting begins in September-October. Maple fruits are lionfish with elongated wings, the spread of which reaches 3.5 centimeters in length.

Beneficial properties of linden and maple fruits

We found out what kind of fruits ash, maple and linden have. Now let's talk about beneficial properties the last two. Maple infusions also have diuretic properties. The vitamin C content has a general strengthening effect on the body; maple decoctions are also known for their antiseptic, wound-healing, and anti-inflammatory effects. ABOUT medicinal properties Almost everyone knows linden trees. The collection of flowers begins at a time when they are not yet fully open - it is advisable to pick off the buds that are just beginning to unfold. Flowers that have already begun to bloom will be useless in their properties. Linden, like maple, is an excellent honey plant; its honey is extremely useful. Linden fruits have conquered highly appreciated in cosmetology. Decoctions from the fruit are used for cleansing different types skin, they soothe irritations without drying out the skin. Also, a decoction of linden fruits is good for hair - it becomes stronger, acquires shine, loses fragility and stops splitting.

We found out what the fruits of ash, maple, and linden look like. But not everyone knows what was attributed to both the fruits themselves and the corresponding trees. For example, the Slavs considered linden sacred tree. She was closely associated with the goddess of love, so it was believed that the linden tree has strong energy. Linden can absorb negative energy, restoring vitality. After contact with a tree, a person feels peace and an unprecedented surge of strength. That is why many families kept bags of dried fruits. Maple is also one of the legendary trees. There was a belief that the maple tree was a son bewitched by his mother for his disobedience. If you make a violin out of it, its sounds will resemble the cry of a person talking about his misfortune. Its fruits helped maintain peace in the family.

They also used the maple to guess the weather and the presence of a nearby water vein. Therefore, the fruits of maple, ash, elm, and linden were also endowed with magical properties.

Ash - tree of rebirth and renewal

A lot of interesting facts have been collected about ash. Our ancestors were sure that a tree was capable of connecting the worlds of people and gods. Ash tree inflorescences were compared to a bunch of keys that could be used to open any door to another world. For this purpose, ash fruits were collected in special bouquets. The Slavs were sure that such a bouquet would help “brighten” the house, protecting it from the advent of troubles and misfortunes. And you can clearly feel for yourself how light this tree is.

Ash lets in a lot of sun, ash forests are filled with light, it is always easy to breathe in them. In winter, the fruits of the ash tree were collected for craft-amulets, which not only brought good luck, but also helped to find love in life. But the soaked fruits were placed in a vessel near the patient’s bed, significantly speeding up his recovery.

A little more about ash

People call ash tree holly because of all the good neighbors (elm, maple, linden), ash gets along best with oak. The ash and oak trees were observed from early spring. If the oak blossomed first, people prepared for a dry summer. What kind of fruits do ash trees have? We learned what properties they have, too.

But the ancient Greeks were sure that a decoction of the fruits of this tree would help a man restore sexual power. The decoction was added to drinks to enhance sexual desire. Ash fruits had similar properties when dried, so they were prepared in advance and in large quantities. Ash also served as a symbol of wisdom and life. Therefore, every second Slav certainly carried with him a bag of dried fruits.

In many countries it is used as an ornamental plant. It has minimal maintenance and watering requirements. Its main feature is the serious pests that settle inside the wood. But if you plant the plant correctly, care for it and control its growth, any illness can be prevented.

Ash is a fairly common plant. It features different species that grow all over the world. Ash is used as an ornamental plant for a personal plot, and its wood is also used on the farm. The tree comes from the class Dicotyledonous and is a member of the Olive family. The ash tree has more than one root; it has branched rhizomes, stretching over vast territories, while producing many basal young seedlings.

The bark is different gray with an ashen tint. From above, the entire trunk is smooth, pleasant to the touch, going down closer to the base of the root, it acquires age-related cracks of a brown tint. The ash tree grows into a huge tree - its trunk diameter is 1 meter. The branches form a luxurious bright green ball-shaped crown. Almost all shoots, when growing, take on an arched structure, stretching upward.

The average height of the plant is 20-35 meters; in the wild, trees can stretch up to 60 meters high.

The inflorescences of the tree are represented by small panicles. They can be of different shades - burgundy, white, purple. The plant is bisexual, but flowers of different sexes bloom in different time, so there is a danger of not getting fertilized seeds.

In living nature they distinguish a large number of varieties. All of them are highly resistant to drought and are not susceptible to severe frosts. The most famous of them are:

  • Ordinary - grows up to 30 m, the crown of the tree is located high, takes on an openwork shape. Grows well in slightly alkaline soils. It can be seen in the Caucasus, Iran, and Transcaucasia.
  • Floral (white) – the crown is low. The tree takes the form of a pubescent ball. The plant grows no more than 20 m. Turkey is considered its homeland, but can also be found in Australia, Western Siberia, Spain, South Bohemia.
  • American - a tall tree reaches 40 m, takes on the appearance of a slightly elongated ovoid shape. Young leaves and petioles are covered with a little fluff; with age, the softness disappears.
  • Lanceolate (green) - a small tree up to 15 m. The branches are strongly raised, well fluffed in different directions, which form a light, well-ventilated ball shape. Withstands up to -45 C. Rejects any type of pruning.
  • Narrow-leaved. The crown of the tree is wide, oval, and dense. Used as a decoration to decorate personal plots in America and Southern Europe.
  • Fluffy - stretches up to 20 m, opening into spreading branches of an untidy shape, which can take up to 12-13 m in diameter. Long-lived - can live more than 350 years.
  • Manchurian - the diameter of its main trunk reaches 1.5 m, extends to a height of 30-35 m, the crown is raised high above the ground, with an openwork beautiful structure.
  • Black - grows well in marshy areas, as well as on the coasts of rivers and lakes. It is distinguished by the almost black color of the wood.

Thus, ash not only has a large amount different types and types, but also scattered throughout the globe. Trees differ in various categories - from the shape of the crown to the shade of the bark.

Landing: terms and rules

Planting an ash tree on your site is not difficult. To grow it you will need to fulfill several requirements:

  1. The soil must be fertile, loose, well permeable to moisture and air necessary for the root system. It is desirable that the substrate is well drained.
  2. It is best to choose a soil substrate that is neutral or slightly acidic. Strongly acidic and excessively alkaline soils are absolutely not suitable for ash. In such soils it root system will not develop, which will cause the death of the plant.
  3. You should choose a sunny site for placement, without shading by other tall trees.

Before planting, the soil should be fertilized with calcium. But before adding, the soil should be well moistened, but not brought to a swampy state. The soil should be prepared 2-3 months before the planned event. This is necessary so that the soil is saturated with micronutrients. Optimal timing for planting young seedlings - beginning autumn months. When choosing ash seedlings, you should carefully consider planting material.

The cuttings should have a healthy appearance, the bark should be free of unnecessary cracks, growths or other unusual qualities, the trunk should be smooth and straight. The root of the future tree should have elastic roots and a light, branched root system.

Landing rules:

  • When planting, a hole is dug 3 times larger than the earthen ball of the selected seedling.
  • Drainage is poured at the bottom of the pit. It can be poured using pebbles, broken bricks or expanded clay. Pour in such an amount of drainage that it fills the hole by 1/4 of the total volume.
  • A layer of humus or manure is laid on top of the drainage.
  • After this, 10-15 cm of earth is poured. Only then is a lump of earth with the root system of the seedling placed. If there is no soil on the roots, then the roots should be carefully leveled and sprinkled with soil.

For rapid growth and expansion of the crown, you should know some of the nuances of its cultivation. If you follow simple rules, then in a few years you can admire the beautiful tree.

Ash prefers abundant watering, but if it is clear that the ground no longer absorbs the supplied moisture, then irrigation should be stopped.

Excessive filling of life-giving water is required only during hot summers and severe drought. The main thing is that you should not water in the middle of the day, during the midday sun rays. They can cause burns on the leaves through droplets of water that fall on the surface of the greenery. The same effect is achieved when watering during a strong wind.

When planting a young tree, holes are laid out in the recess. They last for a maximum of 2 years. After this period, fertilizing should be done every autumn and spring:

  • Spring - a solution of urea (15 g), manure (2 kg), calcium nitrate (25 g) and ammonium nitrate (25 g), diluted in 10 liters of water (bucket).
  • Autumn - nitroammophoska, in a volume of 20 g, diluted in 20 liters of water.

Although ash does not like pruning, it is still worth doing in the spring. The procedure is carried out until budding. Sanitary and formative pruning is performed. All branches that were broken during the fall-winter period, mechanically damaged, dried out on their own, or were damaged by pests or diseases must be removed.

In addition, the crown is formed - the trunk is cut to a level above the ground of 3 meters. Afterwards, all weak and thin branches are cut off. Thus, it provides complete care for the tree. Ash is not a capricious plant, so it will live just fine without pruning or watering (if it gets to groundwater).

All problems leading to diseases and pests come from improper care and control over the condition of the plant. Most often, ash is affected by the following diseases:

  • Cytophomic cancer - if a tree is placed in swampy areas with high humidity, the plant is affected by a fungal disease. Wood suffers from it. It is necessary to cut down diseased trees and burn them quickly so that they do not have time to infect other specimens.
  • Infectious necrosis is a disease caused by a fungus. With it, entire strips of bark die off over large areas. Spraying in the spring with iron sulfate (3%), using Bordeaux mixture during the growing season (1% solution), fertilizing.
  • White butt rot, finely cracked in nature, cannot be detected without cutting down the plant. Affects the core and root system. Interior rapidly deteriorates, turning into dust. Enters wood through cracks and scratches. The disease is caused by a fungus. Fight - covering with garden varnish, monitoring the condition of the bark, pruning rotten areas to a healthy area.

Thus, if you monitor the ash tree, you can replace the appearance of diseases or pests in the first stages of identifying symptoms. Accept immediately necessary measures fight and save the plant from significant pruning or complete death.

Ash can be used in many ways. It is not only suitable for landscaping for decorative purposes on your own plot next to the house, but also for the production of wooden furniture, for protective and reclamation afforestation.

For use as decoration, ash trees are planted in park areas or on viewing platforms. It perfectly tolerates polluted air saturated with exhaust gases and vapors. Therefore, it is recommended to grow it near roads, for fencing urban gardens or parks.

The main advantages of plants for use in design are ease of care and minimal requirements for placement.

For planting in alleys they are used different varieties. Lanceolate or regular ash looks good. In addition, they look good when placed next to small bodies of water.

Looks interesting when planted alone American ash. For large-scale mixing of different tree varieties, a narrow-leaved variety is suitable. It is worth noting the quality of ash wood. It is valued for its elasticity, flexibility and original colors. The black variety of ash stands out especially.

More information can be found in the video:

When starting to get acquainted with ash, it is necessary to say that it is part of the olive family, famous representatives of which are golden forsythia, fragrant jasmines, lilacs and other plants. For many centuries, ash has been associated with a clear, light-colored tree. And this is fully true, since in ash groves there is always an excess of sun: their openwork leaves provide a sufficient influx of sunlight so that the tree is provided with the most comfortable conditions growth. Therefore, each leaf makes its contribution, opening the way for the sun at the slightest breath of breeze.


For the most part, ash is presented as a deciduous tree, although there are a few species that grow as shrubs. Usually it can be found in the Caucasus and Ukraine. In our country, it is represented only in the southern and central regions. This tree includes more than 50 species, and this list includes low specimens, as well as luxurious giants 40 m high.

One of famous representatives decorative species is the Griffith ash, whose height is limited to 1.5 m. The white ash, which can reach 12 m, differs favorably from it in its size. The most widespread within this family is the common ash, which, when created for it necessary conditions can grow up to 30 m, covering the soil around it with seeds every year.

Features of ash

A photo of a tree clearly shows how diverse it can be. Ash is one of the light-loving plants. Its main feature is the openwork, which is provided by arched branches, an elongated spreading crown and transparent leaves with extremely small gaps. Over the course of a year, the plant provides a fairly significant increase in growth; flowering time occurs in April-May, and only after that leaves begin to appear.

Ash flowers look like panicles and vary in color, which can be white, burgundy or purple. One plant can simultaneously grow male and female female flowers. But here they appear important features ash: male and female flowers grown on the same tree cannot be pollinated because they differ in ripening time. Because of this, pollen from male flowers does not have time to move to female flowers in time. Therefore, there is a risk of not waiting for the seeds.

Another feature of the tree is that flowers have no corollas, so they are of little interest to flying insect pollinators. To prevent this from affecting development, it is recommended to plant several ash trees nearby, which will allow them to cross-pollinate. However, this does not apply only to semolina ash. Pollinating insects are partial to it, since its flowers contain a corolla.

The tree also differs in its root system, which is usually associated with the growing conditions of ash. Most representatives lack a tap root, and the root system is located close to the surface. When an ash tree is grown in conditions of insufficient moisture, it grows a taproot that forms a large number of horizontal shoots that are located at the groundwater level. And if the latter are located no deeper than 1.5 m, then the ash tree will definitely be able to find the moisture it needs for normal development. Among ash trees there are specimens that can provide themselves with moisture by obtaining it at a depth of 3 meters or more.

Ash is perceived by many gardeners as one of the brightest elements of landscape gardening ensembles, which is why many choose it when creating landscape design. Decorative properties of wood are beyond doubt; in addition, it can provide for a variety of forms. Based on the type of tree, we can distinguish the following types of trees:

  • monumental. They have a lush pyramid-shaped crown;
  • weeping. Form long branches that reach the ground;
  • horizontal. As they develop, they form wide flowers, some of which can reach the ground;
  • low spherical, etc.

In ancient times, there was a belief that this tree has the ability to brighten the world around it. This is precisely what can explain the practice of planting an ash tree near the house, since this tree could maintain peace in the family and ensure its cohesion. Therefore, if you want to see this light wood on your personal plot, then it’s time to get acquainted with the features of its planting.

A photo of a tree can make many summer residents want to plant it on their site. Ash feels better in areas that have good lighting and drained fertile soil. If there are no particular problems with finding a sunny place, then to improve the quality of the soil, it may be necessary to apply special fertilizers. First of all, the soil will have to be saturated with calcium. However, you need to make sure that the soil is not over-moistened.

Also, the salinity of the soil has a bad effect on the development of the tree. It is best to choose soil with a neutral or close to it reaction. It is unacceptable to plant ash on acidic and alkaline soils, since it will not be able to grow well in them.

A suitable place for young trees may be the sunny side of the site. Then, in a few years, a beautiful hedge will appear at your dacha. You can add even more decorative value to it by planting beautiful flowering shrubs in the fall.

Ash is one of the long-lived plants and easily forms shoots as a result of seeds entering the soil. Therefore, every year it is possible to obtain planting material for planting ash trees in other places. The seeds of this tree look in the form of elongated lanceolate lionfish, which are rounded on one side. The maturity stage is reached in late September-early October. However, using the seed sowing method to grow a mature ash tree is not recommended as the process requires a lot of time and effort. It makes sense to choose a simpler and less time-consuming method - planting seedlings.

Planting seedlings

First of all, you need to dig a hole, which should be 1/3 larger in size than the size of the earthen ball on the roots of the seedling. The bottom of the hole must be filled with drainage, which can be crushed stone, small pebbles or coarse sand. Take enough drainage to filled 1/4 of the height of the hole. After planting, the seedling should be located 10-15 cm above the soil level. When the young tree begins to grow, the ground will gradually settle, as a result the root collar of the ash tree will become equal to the soil level.

Even before planting a young tree, the hole must be moistened. It is also necessary to first dig in supports along the perimeter of the hole, which are necessary to ensure the vertical position of the seedling and its tying to them. After completing these steps, you can fill the hole with the pre-prepared soil mixture. Finally, you need to lightly compact it.

  • leaf soil;
  • humus;
  • sand.

These substances are taken in a ratio of 1:2:1.

When all operations for planting an ash seedling are completed, the circum-trunk circle must be covered with mulch: it can be peat, sawdust or wood chips. It is recommended to place large plants no closer than 5 m from each other. If among the planting material you have seedlings of low-growing varieties, then they need to be placed in such a way that adult specimens do not create a shadow for each other.

After a while you will have planting material in the form of shoots. During the development process, the tree forms an anchor root system, which is located horizontally in a lying position. Over time, the main roots acquire vertical shoots, which are the basis for the formation of young shoots. Therefore, having planted an ash tree in your dacha once, you will always have your own planting material.

If you plant young ash trees in fertile soil, they will quickly increase in size and literally within a year they will become 30-40 cm taller. However, they will not require special care.

Since new branches form very quickly in a young ash tree, it can be pruned, giving the crown the required shape. It is advisable to do this in the spring before flowering. However, even when carrying out this event, you need to know when to stop, since too frequent pruning can have a negative impact and the development of the tree. It’s a completely different matter if you have to remove dry and broken branches.

Make sure that the ash seedlings are provided with all the necessary nutrients. To do this, you need to add nitrogen-containing fertilizers to the soil in the spring:

  • manure - 2 kg;
  • urea - 15 g;
  • calcium and ammonium nitrate - 25 g each. for 20 liters of water.

In the fall, use nitroammophoska (20 grams per 20 liters of water) or Kemiru-universal in the same proportion.

Preparing young trees for winter requires mulching. They will only need this operation for the first 2-3 years. Adult specimens usually easily tolerate frosts, unless, of course, weather forecasters promise an unusually cold winter. However, even in this situation, a solution can be found, since there are special varieties that can easily tolerate frosts down to -40 degrees Celsius.

Ash needs moisture during periods of drought, as well as immediately after planting. At the same time, it feels great if you do not water it for several days.

Ash diseases

Ash trees are most often affected by pine beetle (pest insect) or pine beetle(bark beetle). In this case, the fight against them is carried out using drugs such as kinmiks, urbofos or karbofos. Ash needs to be treated with them 2-3 times. Sometimes you can notice how individual branches on a tree begin to rot. In this case, you need to remove the damaged areas with a sharp knife, and treat the wounds with activated carbon. At the same time, you definitely need to understand why this happened. As possible reasons Increased soil moisture or frequent fertilization may be considered.


Our ancestors were well acquainted with such a plant as ash, since they often planted it near their home. If you want to enjoy the view of this tree, for example, on your summer cottage, then for this you will only need to get seeds or tree seedlings. However, keep in mind that it is possible to ensure high survival rate of ash seedlings only if they are planted in a well-lit area where there is fertile soil. You also need to make sure that the plants are placed at the optimal distance from each other. Otherwise, due to a lack of lighting, some plants will not be able to form a sufficiently lush crown.

Ash tree

Since ancient times, Ash has been considered a conductor between worlds. Ash resurrected lives, endowed people with magical powers, and drove away evil spirits.

The tree united opposites and was an allegory of eternal life.

Ash wood was used in fortune telling. Amulets and magic runes were made from it.

In the old days in Scandinavia they believed that the gods lived in Asgard, a country above the clouds. In the middle of the country rises a huge Ash tree, growing through the worlds. An old tree named Ygdrazil holds up the firmament and covers the sacred spring with its roots.

If the tree dies, the kingdom beyond the clouds will collapse, and sacred waters will drown all living things.

names of ash

Ash received its name due to the type of crown. Despite the lush vegetation, the leaves of the Ash tree transmit a sufficient amount of sunlight, so it is always clear and light under the tree.

This property makes it possible to sunbathe under the crown for many hours on a bright sunny day and not be afraid of getting burned.

The Latin name for Ash is Fraxinus, which means “Ashes” in Latin.

Where does Ash grow?

There are 70 species of Ash in the world. The most common in our country is Common Ash.

The tree is found throughout Russia, in Crimea and the Caucasus. Various types of plants can be found in North Africa and North America, Eurasia and the Far East.

Ash can be found in parks and gardens.

IN wildlife This tall and stately tree prefers fertile, moderately moist soils. Often Ash can be found in the middle of a field or along a sandy road.

What does Ash look like?

Ash – tall tree up to 30 meters in height with a lush crown. In the southern regions there are representatives up to 60 meters tall. The crown passes well sunlight thanks to its sharp and long leaves and sparse gnarled branches. The trunk volume reaches 1 meter.

The bark of the tree is ash-gray in color and is distinguished by its smoothness and unusual odor. The bark and leaves of this tree contain a substance called coumarin, which gives the tree the aroma of fresh hay. That is why a tired traveler can breathe easily and calmly under a tree.

In spring, Ash turns purple. After a few weeks, future fruits - lionfish - begin to form.

These flat storehouses of seeds will only fall to the ground in winter.

When Ash Blooms

Flowering begins in April-May and lasts until the leaves bloom. Thanks to the large number of flowers and pollen, Ash is an excellent honey plant.

The fruits ripen in September or October and can remain on the branches until early spring, helping small birds from hunger. These fruits contain large amounts of fats and proteins.

The tree begins to bear fruit after an average of 25 years and can live up to 300 years. Ash leaves fall in late autumn, keeping green color.


The leaves, fruits, roots and bark of the tree are used for medicinal purposes.

A decoction of the roots relieves chronic respiratory diseases.

A decoction of the leaves has a sedative effect and is used in the treatment of disorders of the nervous system of the body.

Tea made from leaves or powder from Ash seeds has a diuretic effect.

An infusion of Ash leaves is a natural means of increasing male power.

In addition, preparations from Ash have tonic, hemostatic, antimicrobial, anthelmintic and other effects.

Application of Ash

Ash wood has a number of advantages compared to other species. Durable, light, moderately drying, wood has been used as a material for a wide variety of crafts for a long time.

Due to their flexibility, Ash branches served as excellent material for Indian bows. North America. In Russia, Ash was used to make wheel rims, bend skis and rocker arms.

IN modern industry high impact strength has made it possible to use wood for various sports equipment. Ash is used to make billiard cues, baseball bats, racing oars, skis and even gymnastic bars.

Thanks to beautiful drawing Ash is used as veneer for cladding expensive furniture. When stained, veneer is difficult to distinguish from olive wood.

The high strength of wood makes it possible to produce railings, window frames, trim and furniture.

Ash is used for landscaping especially polluted areas of cities.

In the Caucasus, Ash fruits are pickled instead of capers and used as a seasoning.

Sweet Ash sap, like Maple sap, is a valuable source of sugar.


Despite all the benefits of fruits, bark and leaves, Ash is considered poisonous plant Therefore, it is necessary to use certain infusions and decoctions with great caution.

An overdose of Ash-based drugs may cause abdominal pain, hepatic colic, dizziness and nausea, so before using Ash to treat any ailments, consult a specialist.

Ash is a tree popular all over the world, its species grow in different parts the globe and have been used by people since ancient times.

Nowadays, its wood is also used on the farm, but living plantings are no less actively used in landscape design.

Ash - general description

The tree belongs to the Olive family, class Dicotyledons. It has a huge number of varieties depending on the region of growth. But they are all collected into a single group: ash belongs to the genus of the same name.

Trees of this genus are characterized by a powerful root system that does not have a tap root. The bark has an ash-gray tint, closer to the soil it is covered with small cracks, but higher up the trunk it is smooth. The trunk reaches a meter in diameter and is covered on top with a highly raised, wide, rounded crown. They are formed from thick arched, curved shoots directed upward. The height of ash is 25-35 m, but some specimens can reach 60 m.

Did you know? Exploring the etymology of the name of the tree, Vladimir Dal claims that it comes from the word “clear”, “light”. This is due to the fact that the tree’s crown is sparse, so sunlight easily passes through it.

The apical buds are formed larger than those on the side, but they are all black with small inclusions. Leaves up to 40 cm grow unequally pinnate, opposite on 7-15 leaflets 4-9 cm long. These leaflets have an entire wedge-shaped base, sessile, glabrous on top and dark green in color. Marked by a depressed vein in the middle and whitish protruding veins below. The stalk is pubescent at the top, grooved, semicircular. It sheds its leaves while still green in late autumn.

How ash blooms depends on the specific type of tree, but almost all flowers are scentless and have no perianth. Collected in bunch-shaped compressed panicles on branches without leaves. Female inflorescences grow longer than male ones and grow side by side on the same tree. It also bears bisexual flowers. Accordingly, they can have either one pistil, or two stamens, or both at the same time. Flowering occurs from April to May, before the leaves bloom. Female flowers ripen earlier than male ones, so pollination occurs at the expense of other trees.

Ash fruits are oblong, elliptical or lanceolate, rounded at the bottom and notched at the top. They grow up to 4.5 cm in length. The nut is almost half the length of the lionfish, oblong, grooved, flat. They ripen in September-October, but stay on the tree for a long time, falling off only towards the end of winter or spring. In winter, they are readily eaten by birds and rodents.

All types of ash are photophilous and frost-resistant, although they may suffer from spring frosts. Grows well in fertile soils, preferring neutral and moist soil. It can live 300 years, but bears fruit at the age of 25-40 years. It grows along roads, in plantings, parks, forests, more often in forests, less often in floodplains.

Types of ash

The tree grows in different climatic zones Worldwide. Having adapted to them, it gradually changed. Today, there are dozens of different species of ash trees. Let's look at the most common of them.

This species grows up to 30 m in height, although on particularly fertile soils it can reach 40 m. The crown is formed high and openwork. The bark of young trees is smooth gray-green, but with age it turns gray and becomes cracked. From blackish velvety buds, odd pinnate leaves grow into 7–15 small leaflets. They are lanceolate in shape, serrate along the edge, and sessile. They are light green below and bright green above.

Blooming ash is covered with small bisexual flowers, which have a bipartite stigma and two stamens. They are formed on the shoots of last year and decorated in bunches. Flowers appear before leaves, in April-May.

By autumn, winged fruits up to 5 cm in length appear in their place. At first they are green in color, then gradually turn brown and ripen by autumn, but stay on the branches all winter.

Common ash belongs to the Olive family. The homeland of this species is considered to be Transcaucasia and Europe, but it is also found in the North Caucasus and Iran. Prefers slightly alkaline fertile soils mixed and deciduous forests. After cutting the tree, abundant growth forms on the stump. It is also found in Crimea and southern parts of Ukraine, but is grown there mainly as an ornamental plant.

White ash (floral)

Appearance of this ash treeIt is distinguished by a low-set, rounded and well-branched crown. The tree sometimes reaches a height of 20 m. Its branches are greenish-gray, covered with black-brown buds with light felt pubescence, standing opposite.

Compound leaves consist of 5 – 11 leaflets up to 10 cm long and 4 cm wide. They are supported by short brownish petioles with grooves. They have an ovoid shape, pointed, serrated along the edge. The base may be unequal, wide and slightly rounded. They have a bluish-green tint on top, which becomes lighter at the bottom. Brownish hairs are observed at the base and along the main veins.

Did you know? Sweetish juice flows from the cut branches of this type of ash, which hardens in the air. This is the so-called manna, from which hard sticks are prepared, suitable for consumption as a mild laxative, which can also be used to treat coughs. It contains mannose, sugar, polyhydric alcohol beckons. Coumarins are present in the bark and flowers.

An ash tree of this species has multi-flowered inflorescences up to 12 cm in length, their typical description is a green calyx divided into four triangular lobes, a corolla with four white lanceolate petals, which is longer than the calyx.

The anthers are located on long filaments, the pistil has a bipartite stigma and a long style. Unlike most ash species, this species blooms flowers after or simultaneously with the appearance of leaves. The fruits are obovate, oblong lionfish, 0.5 cm wide and 3 cm long. Ripen by the end of August.

Did you know? Ash has a strong and elastic wood, which old times used to make hunting tools and military weapons. Clubs, spears, and bows were made from it, which were distinguished not only by their strength, but also by their elasticity. Today wood is also actively used. Baseball bats, billiard cues, skis, racing oars, gymnastic bars - that's not all that is made from ash wood.

This type can be found in Turkey, Southern Bohemia, Austria, Italy, Spain, the Balkans, sometimes in Lebanon, Western Syria, Transcaucasia. IN industrial scale it is grown only in Sicily.

A tree of this species grows up to 40 m in height, forming a wide ovoid crown. Young branches are covered with light down, have a greenish-brown color with a reddish tint, and with age they become shiny, bluish or brown, but more often light orange.

The leaves of American ash are large, up to 30 cm in length.

The leaflets that make them up (on average 7 pieces) have solid serrated edges, oblong. They are 5 cm wide and 15 cm long. Dark green above, light green below, smooth, with a cellular structure and depressed veins. Dioecious flowers have pistillate inflorescences and grow up to 10 cm. Dense with a clearly visible calyx. They appear before the leaves in April–May.

Did you know? The fruits of the tree consist of 30% fat, so it was eaten not only by birds and rodents, but also by people. Back in the 18th century in England, its unripe fruits were preserved and then used as a spicy seasoning for meat and vegetable dishes.

Ash produces fruits in the form of cylindrical lionfish, reaching a length of 3.4 cm, nuts make up almost half of its length. They ripen from August to October, spreading from September to November as they ripen.

Ash lanceolate (green)

A deciduous tree of this species, although it grows only up to 15 m in height, but forms into a powerful plant with a round, wide, light crown on high raised branches with grayish-green or gray bark. The odd-pinnate opposite leaves appear earlier than in other species and fall off early.

The characteristics of this type of ash tree are also not distinguished by the decorative nature of its flowers. They are located at the ends of shortened shoots in the form of panicles or bunches and appear before the leaves. In their place, fruits are formed - winged nuts or achenes.

Important! Ash grows quickly, reaching a height of 60 m. The average age of the tree is 300-350 years. This must be taken into account when choosing a place for planting, so that the tree does not interfere with other plants or buildings over time.

Its homeland is considered to be North America, where it was cultivated in the 18th century and spread throughout the world. Grows in damp hills, on the banks of reservoirs, in deciduous forests. It grows quickly and loves bright, open areas, moist soils with a high calcium content. In a year he can gain 45 cm in height. Frost-resistant, mature trees easily tolerate frosts down to -40°C. But at the same time, spring frosts can harm it. When planting this ash tree on your site, keep in mind that it does not like pruning.

This deciduous tree grows up to 25 m in height, forming an oval, wide crown. It is quite thick, which is not typical for ash trees in principle. The shiny green bare shoots eventually change the color of the bark to dark gray.

The leaves of this species are up to 25 cm in length, odd-pinnate, compound. They are formed from leaves of 7-15 pieces up to 8 cm long. The base is narrow, wedge-shaped, lanceolate in shape, and the apex is pointed. The edges are serrated, lighter at the bottom, darker at the top. The leaves are almost leathery, sessile, arranged in opposite pairs.

Flowers appear on last year's shoots. They have no perianth and grow in racemes from the axils of leaf scars.

They appear not in April, as ash usually blooms, judging by the descriptions of other species, but in May. That's why frost damage is extremely rare.

Important! Ash pollen is a strong allergen. It can cause contact dermatitis.

The fruits are lionfish up to 4 cm in length. They have a sharp or rounded top, oblong. The seed nest occupies more than half the length of the lionfish. The fruit is oblong, convex, ripens in September.

Grows mainly in Southern Europe and Northern Africa. It is highly decorative.

Another name for this ash is Pennsylvania ash. Grows up to 20 m in height, forming a picturesque spreading crown irregular shape. It reaches 12 meters in diameter. Young shoots of this type of tree have felt pubescence and are covered with brown-brown bark.

What does an ash leaf of this species look like? These are 5-9 separate leaves, which are painted in a dark green matte color on top, and have a grayish-green tint below. Even in autumn they practically do not turn yellow, but fall green. The flowers of the plant are yellow-green, flat, round in shape. The tree grows quickly. In a year it can add 30 cm in width and 50 cm in height. Lives approximately 350 years.

The species must be grown in light and in fertile soil. The tree is demanding of moisture, so it requires regular watering. At the same time, it is frost-resistant, but northern regions may suffer from frost. North America is considered its homeland.

It’s not hard to guess where this species came from. Manchuria, as well as Korea, China, and Japan are considered its homeland. Prefers mixed and broad-leaved forests, preferring the proximity of Japanese elm and Maksimovich poplar. Loves fertile soils where it grows very quickly. Average age- 350 years.

This is a dioecious tree, which is covered with male and female flowers, although sometimes bisexual inflorescences with 2-4 stamens are also found. It has a straight trunk, from which branches grow obliquely upward. The height can reach 35 m, the trunk diameter is up to 1.5 meters. Forms an openwork, highly raised crown.
The bark with thin cracks and longitudinal ribs is 3-5 cm thick, brown or gray in color. Thick young shoots are covered with dark brown or dark yellow bark. The buds are bare, almost black. The leaves form 7-15 leaflets up to 9 cm wide and up to 12 cm long. They have a pointed wedge-shaped base, a serrated edge and an elongated end.

But before the leaves appear on the tree, flowers bloom on it. They appear in May, and by September fruits appear in their place - these are flat lionfish 10 mm wide and 40 mm long with a flat seed. At the beginning of the ripening period they are green, and towards the end they acquire a brown tint.

Distributed in the eastern part of North America, where it abundantly covers the banks of streams and lakes. Loves mixed stands of swamps; pure stands are rarely formed. Accordingly, a slight stagnation of water is not dangerous for him. By the age of five years, the tree grows up to 1.9 m in height, with young plants growing faster. Has high winter hardiness. Does not bloom.

Usually, no matter what type of ash it is, it is valued for its durable wood with a beautiful texture. Black ash is especially valued for its unusual wood color - indeed, almost black in color. But at the same time it is lighter and less durable. Therefore, it is more often used in interior decoration.

The use of ash in landscape design

Due to its high decorative qualities, ash is used not only for reclamation or protective afforestation, but also for the use of wood in furniture production, as well as for use in landscape design. For this purpose, decorative varieties of wood are used, which look great in gardening ensembles. Since it tolerates places with polluted air and compacted soils, it is often planted along roads, in city parks and gardens.

Most often used for this ordinary ash, which looks perfect in alley planting. But in very polluted places, the lanceolate species feels best. Plus it looks very attractive. Fluffy ash is also good for urban conditions. It is easy to care for and looks great in alley plantings and when decorating ponds.

American ash is highly decorative, but it often suffers from pests. Narrowleaf is prized for its fast growth and the voluminous size it can achieve if well cared for. Used both in single planting and together with other foliage plants.

Ash has many types and forms that grow all over the world. The tree is valued for its high decorative properties, therefore it is actively used in landscape design. Some especially decorative varieties are planted not only in parks and alleys, but also alone.

Also valuable is its wood, which is durable, flexible, and in the case of black ash, highly decorative. The main advantage of wood is that it tolerates a polluted environment well and does not require maintenance.

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