Sacred trees of Slavs \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d Do we often remember the forest? Only when we are going to rest there. Do we often touch the trees? Only when they collect their fruits. And our ancestors had everything differently - they loved, respected and shouted the forest.

Our ancestors surrounded a more interesting world than us. They knew how to see the magic and soul in things that we now do not pay attention. Even to the trees, they treated as living beings capable of communication and friendship, and the forest was considered a breadwinner. We can find this confirmation in numerous vintage fairy tales, riddles, sayings, proverbs and songs of our ancestors. With the help of trees, our ancestors were able to be treated: going to the forest for mushrooms or berries, they sat for a long time under the "her" trees, talked with them, touched. Modern scientists call a similar practice of dendrotherapy, and argue that such walks normalize pressure and bring spiritual and physical relief. In general, our ancestors, like all other peoples who lived in the forest, nourished a big love for trees. And this could not affect their worldview, where the archetype of the world tree appears. The tree of life is the world tree The image of a world tree was known in the mythology of many nations. He played a significant role in the worldview also from Slavs. This tree was a symbol of life, space, and time. It was the sky on his branches, and his root was relied on his roots. Kruna Dreva symbolized the world of light spirits, the roots - the world of dark spirits, and the trunk - the earthly space where people lived. The tree shared these spaces, and while it stood, the universe was not threatened.

In the mythology of Slavs, the world tree was in the umbilical cord (that is, the center) of the whole world: on the island in the middle of all the seas, on Stone Alatyr. He was depicted with an apple tree, Jawor, but most often - oak. The roots of Tree sat the snake, the ermine or another predator, and the bird's nest in the branches was in the branches. These animals were always entrusted with each other, and their enmity symbolized the struggle of good with evil.

The image of the world tree was decorated with clothes, homemade utensils, work inventory. In some cases, it should have played a security role, in others - to lure good luck, health, wealth. Also, the tree appears in the riddles and in magical conspiractions.

Reserved forest its rites Slavs most often satisfied in the forests and groves. Each Divine should have put the sanctuary among the trees of a certain species. Sometimes they were planted specifically, and then a whole grove was obtained. That place in which the sanctuary was located, became protected. He was called "righteous forest" or "divine". The reserved grove was outside the village. It's just like this or, even more so, cutting firewood in it, it was strictly forbidden. An inconspicuous trail was led to the asset, and the sanctuary itself was a round glade, an objected frequenza of Breign. The altar was arranged in the center, most often under a big old tree, and there were wooden idols around him. On the days of the festivities in the sanctuary, the whole village was gathered, they spent the rites and brought gifts to the gods. We can now seem strange that the Slavs have a hatching of trees, no one who did not interfere with anything, or in summer the shadow, was considered a sin. Trees respected by themselves, and their aimless destruction condemned the same way as excessive cruelty of animals or a rough attitude towards people. Very old trees have enjoyed even more honorable. They were trying not to chop down without a big need and called the Tree Tree. And in the oldest times of the Magnies and tribal leaders imposed a strict ban on the cutting of certain types of trees, which were considered sacred and revered as totems - the progenitor's progenitors. With the adoption of Christianity, it was gone, but the reverence of special types of trees is left. Oak - the sacred tree of the Slavs of the Running Times was at the Slavs with a sacred tree - the king of forests. Oak on right ranks first in the Slavic Arboretum. Slavs called his king of oak, and, according to believing, the king of the birds of Eagle died on it. God-Father spoke under the name or in the form of Oak. In the people's ideas, Oak acts as a symbol of male beginnings, primacy, power, power, hardness.

The strength of this tree, oak, they chased not only our ancestors in their songs, but also Europeans. They presented her gifts, raised prayers and made it an integral attribute of a set of rites, sacraments and holidays. Oak say that his wisdom is in roots, power in the trunk, and compassion in the leaves and branches, because this tree has become a truly male symbol. If you ask a question: What kind of tree the Slavs built at home? That is definitely the answer to him will be Oak. He is a fortress and strength, the stronghold and the basis of all things, therefore it is often called the tree of the world. Our ancestors called it not just a symbol of the tree in the Slavs, and the king of trees. This element in the whole manifold is displayed in the folklore of our people, because often the Oak became a central element of legends, legends. In verses and poems, you can find the significance that our fathers endowed oak groves. The temples of our gods, in particular Perun and Veles, were built in oak woodleas. A large number of rites, which were conducted at the birth of a child or pregnancy, included oak branches, if the parents wished to have a boy. The presence of an oak planted by the Father in the courtyard of the house, caused the fortress of the kind, namely the strength, health and reliability of men. Therefore, when the oaks began to die in the courtyard, it was considered a truly bad sign that breaks for the ambulance of the death of the family. Bereza - the symbol began and freshness is one of themselves the trees themselves - it is Birch. And although the birchs are growing all over the world, they will not like them anywhere and honor them as in our homeland. So it was in all a century. After all, birch in Slavic mythology was also considered a sacred tree.

Our fathers saw purity in this tree and the beginning of all, that is, Birch embodies the Women's Beginning. For centuries in our folklore, a symbol of fine and slim birch with a mill girl is connected. Any girl in the future mother, therefore, often charms and talismans were performed from the bark and the branches of this beautiful tree, designed in the future to protect their carrier from the troubles and angry. Birch juice can be considered a real healing drug capable of cleaning the body and blood from infection. Berreta, as well as wise oak, was often used in folk rites, mainly in those who wore marriage. For example, ancient fortune telling is known when girls, hoping to find the birch wreaths by the river. In this case, according to belief, they were helped by mermaids, which, also according to Folklore, were sitting on birch, which grown off the coast of ponds, lakes and rivers. The holiday of Rusaly was the birthday of Russia. Birth - the beginning - motherhood. That is exactly the meaning of these birches of the Slavs. Pine - the tree of the road and fate Another sacred tree of Slavs - Pine. The value that our fathers endowed it is one of the most complex and mysterious.

They called the pine's axis, guiding thread, dear, fate. Of the pine woods often folded the burial fire, serving the symbol of precisely the inevitable fate, which is waiting for each of us. Data The cult of farewells with bodies refers us to the goddess of Makoshi, who again is the goddess of fate. It is one of the main figures in the universe, the goddess of space. Pine served mainly in healing and therapeutic rites. Decorations, parcears were made of resin, pollen, needles and cones. Speaking of the latter, again it is worth mentioning that the tree simultaneously grow both female and men's cones, and what can unite the man and a woman in a single start? Only fate. Combining together, pine at the same time led and supported our ancestors. Ospen - the tree of the death and death of the Aspen always blue in his sleep, and the blue color of our ancestors called the shadow of death. Despite the fact that this tree was called the death symbol, the end of the way, it was not at all negative. Aspen, being a symbol of death, simultaneously positioned as the most powerful wubble from her. The will of the gods sometimes be capricious and unstable, and the anger could be sent to those who did not have unkind merit. In order for the Kara did not comply with the innocent, people made aspen chambers that were able to hide them from anger.

Taking into account the importance and symbolism of this tree, the Slavs were made from it not only talismans, but also weapons, armor. For example, aspen spears. According to Folklore, the aspen spear could not only kill the warrior, but also to revive it. This once again says that the aspen had no negative shade at all, but a blatant, fair. That is, death rewarded aspen is timely. In the same principle, the Ospen stake in Folklore appeared as the main remedy for the unclean, such as vampires and gaps. It was believed that vampires and gaps at the same time and alive and dead, they violate the natural order of things, contradict him. Spruce - a symbol of eternal life can hardly overestimate the value of ate for Slavs. A spruce acts as one of the most important spiritual keys, being at the same time being of being, its meaning, and the most being. After all, spruce is a symbol of eternal life.

On all continents, the lives of people and trees have long connected close bonds. Humanity destroyed them, so we are so worried about our future. Anyway, if we try to take a completely real danger, which represents the disappearance of forests on the planet, then we need to, at least briefly, explore the connections that existed between people and trees up to our century.

In different parts of the earth, there is a legend of the forefather of all trees, the tree-giant, which rose to heaven from the center of the Earth and was the axis of the universe. It united three elements, his roots were deeply in the soil, and Krona rested in the heavenly sol. It gave the planet air, all terrestrial creatures - fruits poured by the sun and moisture, which it took from the soil. The tree attracted the lightning that gave people the fire, and the movement of the branches ordered the clouds that had a respected of his tops, to water the Earth with life rain. It was a source of life and update. It is not surprising that the trees cult was so common in antiquity.

In the scounded sun, Egypt reigned the saccharium sikomor, in the braced ice of Scandinavia, the Motherland of Teutons, - ash's ash iggdarasil. In India, the sacred (Ficus Religiosa) is identified with Brahman: his foot reached the enlightenment of Gautam Buddha. According to Chinese legends, in the center of the Middle Empire and the whole world grew a "rectating tree" (Kyen-Mu). In the Indians who lived on the territory of modern Mexico, the world tree rose in all its glory from the womb of the goddess earth in the fifth dimension of the space that united the highest kingdom with the lower. In Africa, until recently, the sacred was the tree of ancestors, the abode of God and man (Dogonov - Kylelen, Bambara - Baanza, from Dagomites - Aza), and in some American communities they believe that the sacred tree is a true place of birth of a person.

Usually, the deity chooses a certain tree and makes it with his earthly face. So it becomes sacred. Sometimes a deity with the help of trees communicates with people. So, Zeus rustling of oak leaves opened the future of the priests of the sanctuary in Dodon. But if the gods on the trees go to Earth, why don't people rise to their trunks to celestials, as the Siberian Shaman does, climbing on the birch, or received the dedication of the young man in the Australian desert of Arunta, who is closed to the top of the sacred pole, resembling a tree without branches ?

Some trees were traditionally associated with any specific deity, therefore they were especially read. In addition, it was believed that all trees have a soul. They served as covered, Body Dryad, Hamadriad and Caryatid in ancient Greece, Slavic peoples (by the way, if you choose something, say, ancient Greece, all about myths, then a lot of myths will be about trees). That is why it was impossible to trigger to the tree until the Spirit seduce him off. Suggest the sacred tree meant to sentence himself to the death penalty. These folk beliefs found echoes in the Gastinsky Lesoruba Elegy of the Great French Poet of the XVI century. Ronsar.

The identification of the tree and the deity naturally led to the emergence of a new image - the sacred forest, which became the attribute of religion not only the ancient Greeks, Romans and Celts, but also Persians and many other peoples of Asia, Africa and America. Traces of sacred groves and today can be found in India, China and Japan, as well as in the north of Africa, where Berbers live. Once it was the only sanctuary. The sacred forest caused reverence and fear, a whole arch of the strictest taboi was associated with him, but it was under his way that young men were going after the rite of initiation to learn from the priests of the mystery of the Universe. The forest became the prototype of the temple, where the columns served the trunks of trees, and Christian churches today remind him of their arches, twilight and soft, rainbow light, flowing through stained glass windows.

At the foot of the majestic trees, the court peaked as ancient. Sometimes the sacred tree was considered the heart and keeper of the city, and, although in the process of urbanization, traces of these belts were erased, in written sources related to the times of antiquity, it is possible to find a lot of evidence confirming their existence. In the sacred city of Erid Sumerov, who lived in the third millennium BC, worshiped by the global Tree Kiskan. Oliva grew in Athenian Acropolis, which, according to legend, was planted by Athena, Zavdaev, thus, this land and founding the city here. The figure of the forum was guarded in the Roman Forum, under the canopy of which the Wolf Kamlil Romulus and Rem. According to Tacitis, the death of a tree in 58 was perceived by citizens as a bad omen. And it's not in vain: a year later, the emperor Nero killed his mother Agrippin, after which she was betrayed by unrestrained cruelty and debauchery, a little bit of victim to the collapse of the Roman Empire.

However, trees were associated with fate not only cities, but also individuals. The tree could become a double man, guard him, passing his power and even longevity - as you know, trees live much longer than people. Previously, in many countries on the birthday of a child, a tree was planted, which was considered as if his twin. They believed that they had a common fate, so he carefully cared for a tree, believing that if it would perish, a person would be in danger. Pliny tells about how one noble Roman, seeking to improve the growth of his tree, watered His root wine.

In some traditional societies, this custom has reached the present day. In some cases, the connection between man and the tree was established during the disease. So, to cure a sick child, it was three times rushed naked through the incision made in a living tree. Former once widespread tool from Rahita and hernia, this ritual was usually done at sunrise when the tree had a lot of strength. The sick child screaming his energy, and the tree made a disease. After this ceremony, the incision was tightened and shuffled with clay. So the long proximity of the child and the tree arose. If the incision bore, then the child was cured if he remained - the disease continued. If the tree died, died and the child. When the child grew up, he began to take care of his Savior. And no one else was allowed to touch him.

The belief was also common that the trees take the souls of the deceased. In such peoples like Warramung from Central Australia, it was believed that the trees serve as a soul mate to reincarnation. The ancient Egyptians believed that the souls (BA) of the recently deceased take the form of birds and sit on the branches of the Saccorea, and the Lady of this tree, the goddess Hator appears in foliage and offers bread and water. But these souls could be evil and dangerous. For example, in Korea and many other countries, they believed that in the trees they find the soul of only those people who died for a violent death.

In a number of countries, they believed that the souls were inserted in the trees left on Earth to get their sins. In the book of French specialist in Folklur Anatoly Le Braz "Legends about death in South Brittany", written in the late XIX century, there are more interesting examples of such beliefs. Sometimes people heard the dead man, climbing on a tree, moaned there and cried. Then in the local parish church served lunch, at the end of which the dead man went down and thanked for getting rid of the torment. They also told about how at night the trees are suitable for the house and, turning into the owner's relatives, warm at the hearth.

It was very important to choose the right tree for the cemetery. For example, in Brittany on the graves, Tis was usually sazing, sprouting a man buried under him. In the countries of the Mediterranean for this purpose, Kiparis served, which was a symbol of mourning even during the times of a mineral culture: he reminds his pyramidal form to the torch stronger into the sky - a symbol of plea and immortality. In China, the cemeteries also planted cypress or some other evergreen tree, for example, pine.

To be continued.


Many cultures of the world have a special niche plant, but some of them, especially trees, could become sacred and cult. They worship, pray for them, leaving arrangements near them, they are devoted to works of art.

The deification of trees is rooted in the distant past, when people were more closely related to nature than today.

1) Baobab, Madagascar

At Madagascar, the culture of worship by trees is based on the faith that the souls of the ancestors live in these plants and forests, as well as in other living beings, which are considered peaceful. Madagascars believe that when a member of the family dies, his soul settles somewhere nearby, watching relatives, sends the messages to God, blesses, executes requests.

It is often possible to see that the base of Baobabs Madagascar lies with the form of honey, roma, coins or sweets. The inhabitants of the island also often turn the trunk and branches of a white tree or red cloth.

2) Dance Tree, Germany

The branches of a huge linden, which was called the "Dancing Tree" in the city of Steinfurt, Germany, requires support in the form of construction bridges. However, such trees can be found not only there. They carefully care for them, so that the villages and settlements can be gathered under them for various occasions. These trees are usually tested by time.

In many European villages, the trees of the dance are the center of social activity, dances or more serious events are arranged under them, such as meetings and court sessions. The bark of these trees is very strong, it can be used to produce fabrics and ropes. It is also a symbol of power of public bonds.

According to local legends, the "dance trees" represent the cosmic connection between the Earth and Heaven. These trees helped people to measure time, watching the change of seasons, they were the center of local folklore dedicated to the goddess of love. Linden leaves in the form of a heart - symbols of passion, these trees also attracted couples of couples who were looking for solitude.

3) Tree Bodhi, Thailand

In many cultures around the world, trees mentioned in legends and myths to explain the origin of man and his spiritual essence. Such trees were often represented as an axis of the universe, which connects different spheres of space, as the ecologist Nalini will be written in his book "Between heaven and land: our intimate relationship with trees". "His branches hold heaven, his barrel rests on the ground, and the deep underground world descends the roots."

This tree was called a Bodhi tree, under which, according to legends, Siddhattha Gotama reached enlightenment, becoming buddha about 2600 years ago. Bodhi trees often represent Buddha in art and literature.

4) Tree Tula, Mexico

This tree called Taxodium Mexican From the cypress satellite family, boasts the most thick barrel of all trees in the world. It fell into the UNESCO World Heritage List. The tree has a trunk circle of about 36 meters and a height - 30 meters.

This tree with a strong barrel and evergreen foliage is named after the Church of Santa Maria del Tula in the Mexican state of Oaxaca, where it is growing for many centuries. Presumably a tree about 2 thousand years old, and he planted one of the Aztec priests.

Motherland long-lived Taxodium Mexican It is the southwestern part of the United States, Mexico and Guatemala.

5) Sacred Hawthorn Glastonbury, United Kingdom

The sacred hawthorn in the city of Glastonbury is a popular place of worship of Christians. This tree once is proud to rise, like a lonely guard, in a small village in the south of England. So it was until 2010, when in one night the tree was destroyed on parts because of hatred or as revenge, as the newspaper said The Daily Mail.. All that is left from him - the trunk.

According to the legend, this lonely hawthorn reached a heyday in those times when the great follower of Jesus Joseph Arimafi traveled with a sacred grailer after the Great Christian Messiah was crucified. Joseph stopped for the night on the hill of Wyariol, stuck in the ground a wooden stick of Jesus, and when he woke up, a hawthorn tree grew instead.

Over time, it was believed that other hayrs in these places rose from the branches of the tree itself. Therefore, when a tree placed by Joseph on the hill of Wyariol was cut during the British Civil War in the 17th century, a new one has grown in its place.

Hawthorn trees that grow in the neighborhood of Glastonbury, are considered unique, as they bloom twice a year - for Easter and for Christmas. Every winter a twig of one of these trees is sent by the royal family.

6) Chendelir Tree, California

Cult tree - Sequoia Cendelir - in Underwood National Park He has a height of about 96 meters. In his trunk, a hole-tunnel was done, in which a passenger car can fit. The park is unusually popular thanks to this famous tree, through which there was already a lot of generations of cars.

North Californian Sequoiawhich are the highest trees on the planet, remain popular for tourists, many of whom come to California specifically to admire them. The oldest sequoys on the ground are growing near Square National Park, and most of all these trees can be found in National Park Redwoods. 10 years after the forests began to cut down and build cities, less than 5 percent of the virgin sequooc forest remained in California before in California.

7) Eucalyptus, Australia

The specific smell of the eucalyptus forest is typical for some areas of Australia. Hundreds of different types are growing here: from rusty to pepper eucalyptus. Motherland almost all of them is New Zealand.

Eucalyptus conciliatory - one of the highest blooming plants in the world, which is inferior except sequoire California.

Both the aborigines of these places and migrants-colonizers, used eucalyptus for their needs: Canoe and buildings were built, made weapons, tools and tools. Essential oils obtained from eucalyptus are able to get rid of different viral and fungal infections, as well as with their help treated wounds. People who live in a very dry climate of Australia, learned even to extract water from the roots of these trees.

Eucalyptus oil is used in pagan and magical practices to clean the premises from unclean power. Koala, the birthplace of which is Australia, eat the leaves of eucalyptus, which are their main food.

8) Lonely Cypress, California

Probably the most photographed tree in the world, a lonely cypress grows on the cliff on the coast of the Pacific Ocean near the city of Monterey, California.

By all winds, this cypress is one of the attractions of the so-called "17 mile road" In the north of California. For this route, more than 2 million motorists are passing along the coast of the ocean annually.

Scientists knew that this tree was very old, but did not imagine how much he really is years. This type of cypressives can live about 400 years old, but the specific conditions in this place could force the tree to look older than their years.

9) Mamvrian Oak, Palestinian Authority

The Mamvrian Oak, who was twisted during the long centuries, is located near Hebron on the West Bank of the Jordan River in Mamre Valley. This oak can be about 5 thousand years old, and he is the last tree of the forest, which once extended in these territories. According to religious legends, this tree must die before the arrival of the antichrist. The main trunk of the tree died back in 1996, but a small escape that seemed from under the earth in a few years, gave hope.

In the Hebrew of Oak - allon or elon. associated with the word El. - God. Oak played a prominent role in other religions. He was a sacred tree of Druids, Celtic caste, existing before the appearance of Christianity, whose traditions were borrowed by the first Christians.

10) Tree Arch, California

Two packaging barrels have grown together by forming a funny arch in Amusement Park Gilroy Gardens, California, where you can find a lot of other interesting plants. Rolled into the node woven in the form of a basket or growing in the form of a bench, the trees from the Park Gilroy are an example of how you can manipulate trees and give them the trunks of which form using the method called graftWhen shooting or kidney of one plants attach to the stems or trunks of the other. As a result, they begin to grow like one.

11) Pine oest, California

This pine is considered one of the oldest trees on the planet, it can be found in the West of the United States. Some representatives of more than 5 thousand years. They grow slowly and live in a dry climate of mountain areas. Their very slow speed of reproduction and regeneration, as well as a limited strip of growth at large altitudes, can significantly reduce the number of these plants in climate change.

Sacred trees of Slavs

Slavs and the world of nature are inseparable and animals are inseparable. They knew the price, they depended on them, they were empowered by special properties and qualities, they worshiped them, they prayed to be used in customs and rites. Five trees were considered symbols of the Mirozdan. They were examples of male and female began. They symbolized life and were responsible for its duration, the transition to eternal life also tied with plants.

The whole life of a person and life was not separable from the world nature of plants. Often the inexplicable and fancy world of beliefs is still a representation of wisdom and insight.

Oak - Sacred Tree of Slavs

The power of this tree, oak, messed in traditional songs not only our forefathers, but also Europeans. They presented to him the gifts, raised prayers and placed it in the center of most rituals, sacraments and holidays, as the main attribute. Oak in the parables, conversations, tales and songs indicate that, in fact, his wisdom in roots, power in the trunk, and sympathy or the power of protection of weak in the leaves and branches. Therefore, this tree was truly male.Emblem wisdom, masculinity.

If you remember, from which tree the Slavs were erected for themselves at home, then absolutely accurately, the answer to him will be - oak.

It is the strength and power, the citadel and the base of all things for the numerous family. As a result, or thanks to his qualities, Oaks are often called the tree of the world. For the ancient Slavs, it was not only the emblem, but the king of trees.

Found these beliefs and in Slavic folklore. Just oak became the central component of the Vedic legends, legends. In verses and poems it is possible to find the significance that the Slavs emphasized oak groves.

The temples of our gods, in particular Perun and Veles, were erected just in oak fields. Trees were presented as the pillars of the universe of Slavic life. Numerous rites that were conducted at the birth of a child or pregnancy, included oak branches. Did not forget about them if they made conspiracies for the birth of a boy. It was possible that the founder of the family tried to plant a young oak tree in the courtyard of the house. It became the founder of a large family, determined the strength of the family. And even shared with a male part of the family, power and reliability and fortress. If the tree is sick: they started to dry out the leaves, dying the eyelids, then they believed, it suggested the collapse of the family, was a warning sign.

Birch - a sign started and cheerful

One of the trees common on Russia themselves is birch, and the name associated with the basis of "white". The ancient Slavs challenged the purity and "beginning of all" in this tree, that is, birch embodies the feminine. Two symbols are connected in Russian folklore: two symbols are connected: thin, high, trepidate birch and a camp of a young maiden. Every woman, in the future, Mom, gladly bought idols and talismans from the bark and branches of this magnificent tree, designed in the future to protect the hostess and baby of the future from the trouble and angry. Birchy juice was considered a true medicinal drug. They drank like firming drink, prepared kvass on birch juice. They considered him a medicine capable of cleaning the body and blood from infection.

Birch, for example, as well as smart oak, was often chanting and used in ethnic rituals, mostly in those related to marriage. For example, the ancient fortune-telling, when the girls, hoping to find the birch wreaths in the direction of the flow of the river. According to the reference, they could help the mermaids, who, according to the traditions of Folklore, were sitting just on birch, they actually grow off the shores of ponds, lakes and rivers. Day

Rusalia was a festive birthday of Russia. Birth - the beginning - motherhood. Just such is the meaning of the data birch of the Slavs.

Pine - Tree of ways and fate

Another sacred tree of Slavs - Pine. The meaning of which our founders emphasized him, one of the more difficult and mysterious. They called the top of the axis of the world, guiding thread, a path, which will lead to a bright tomorrow and a cloudless future, dear to the eternal world. Of the pine wood, they often folded the burial fire, serving the emblem just an unexpected fate, which expects any of us. Such a context of farewell with the bodies of the dead refers us to the goddess of Makoshi, which Slavs considered the goddess of fate or good luck. It is considered one of the key figures in the universe, the goddess of space.

Pine was often used in medicinal and healing rituals as the central attribute. Decorations, parcears were made of resin, pollen, needles and cones. Speaking of the latter, again it is worth mentioning that, in fact, that on the tree in the same time they grow as ladies, such as men's cones. It is interesting and meaning because it is clearly possible to combine female and male began in a single whole.

Aspen - Tree of death and dying

Aspen whether it changes the color of his spike to blue. And such a tint ancient Slavs called the "shadow of death". And called the emblem of the death, the end of the way. He was often planted on cemeteries, next to the graves of the departed. Being a dead emblem, death at the same time, aspen is positioned, like a powerful idol from her.

They produced such auvers from the evil eye, punishment and wrath of the gods from aspen branches and trunk.

Given the importance and symbolism of the tree, the Slavs made not only talismans-carries, but also an instrument, armor. For example, aspen spears. According to Folklore, the aspen spear could not only destroy the spell, but also resurrect him.

In folklore, this natural object - aspen - figured as the leading remedy for the unclean, gourdalaks and the glory. According to the ideas of the ancient Slavs, Vurdalaks and Gaps at the same time and alive and dead. What is unnatural and contradicts the order of things in nature.

Spruce - sign of endless life

In Slavic mythology, Spruce occupies one of the most important places. It is not possible to overestimate it. Wheel is a symbol of eternal life. All that was considered eternal, attributed or tied with her fir. For example, music that never is still it. Therefore, musical instruments tried to make it from this tree. Home furniture, dishes, baby cradles ... used chevy and branches in the manufacture of seal and decoctions when curing the disease and the desire for long-long life.

Experts believe that this attitude towards ate, as a symbol of eternal life, was borrowed by other cultures.

For example, Egyptian pyramids are very similar to the crown of ate. The peculiarity of eternal life was trying to emphasize both the construction of the pyramids as sarcophagus that retain life for the century.