Many people online say that a raccoon is a bear, and some even classify it as a dog. However, this is completely incorrect information. Of course, the raccoon is a predator that belongs to the raccoon family. Which means a raccoon is a raccoon.

However, the raccoon combines the physiological and behavioral characteristics of many living creatures. Latest Research show that the raccoon's intelligence is similar to the development of a five-year-old child: just as cheerful, playful and overly curious. From foxes, the raccoon received incredible cunning when tracking down prey while hunting. Since raccoons are omnivores, it is not difficult to find food for themselves. Raccoons love sweet berries and fruits, and are not averse to stealing homemade chicken, plunder a quail nest, catch a crayfish or profit from caviar on the shoreline.

The paws are from beavers and primates.

The hands of raccoon paws are very similar to human hands and also have five fingers, few people know, but their paws are very similar to the paws of a beaver. The most dexterous limbs of all animals belong to primates and beavers. In primates, for convenient grip and fine manipulation, it is set aside thumb, and beavers have achieved amazing skill in building dams and lodges thanks to their little finger, which can easily move to the side. Raccoon paws have a combination of both of the above limbs: on their front paws both the little toe and the thumb are separate. Moreover, the hands are so similar to human ones that one of the Indian names of the raccoon is translated as “ a little bear with human hands."

But main feature steel raccoon paws, which help the raccoon navigate under water and in pitch darkness. With the help of vibrissae, the raccoon not only finds food, but also frees its eyes, which allows the raccoon to receive information about the surrounding space from both different sources: vision and vibrissae. Thus, the raccoon can look in one direction and track the approaching danger, and with its paws scan the space under water in search of food.

Swimming - from the otter .

And everything connected with it. The raccoon rinses everything in the water: prey, toys, and even itself. Like otters, raccoons live near water. Raccoons are excellent, albeit lazy, swimmers. The mother raccoon begins to teach the babies to swim in the second month of life, where the babies play on the shoreline in search of snails and frogs. By the way, if there is no lake or reservoir in the forest, then you will never meet a raccoon there. The animals spend about 3 hours a day in water.

Night vision - from a cat.

The raccoon boasts excellent eyesight and acute hearing. Raccoons are nocturnal predators, so this is absolutely necessary for survival and searching for food. Thanks to these feline skills, the raccoon leads a very active nocturnal lifestyle, for example, a raccoon can reach speeds of up to 24 km/h in complete darkness. Given the hooligan behavior of raccoons, this ability is invaluable.

Hibernation - from the bear.

Despite their thick fur, raccoons are very heat-loving creatures. In some regions, raccoons hibernate for three to three months during the cold, long winters. The raccoon's hibernation is intermittent and not deep. Often for the winter, raccoons unite in groups of up to 10 individuals. Unlike a bear, an awakened raccoon poses no danger. Since its favorite prey - small rodents and insectivores - sleep soundly in safe places, the raccoon, after wandering, returns back to the hole and falls asleep again.

Climbing - from a squirrel.

Although raccoons are very clumsy in appearance, they are excellent climbers. Developed fingers allow you to tenaciously hold on to even the thinnest branches. Joints hind legs turn 180 degrees, thanks to which raccoons can climb in any direction. The reward for dexterity is bird's nests and ripe, juicy wild berries and fruits. Raccoons climb with the help of their claws, which they do not know how to retract inside their paws. Some raccoons sharpen their claws on stones or, conversely, bite off overgrown claws.

Fat - from a groundhog

Since raccoons hibernate, they need to accumulate fat for the winter to survive. Raccoons have a feeling of fullness, but due to the rapidly accumulating subcutaneous tissue, raccoons often become obese at home. By the way, an adult animal can weigh up to 25 kg in winter.

The ability to freeze - from the opossum

Raccoons, per se, are not conflict animals. In case of danger, the animals prefer to run away, but if there is no way out, then they pretend to be dead. This type of protection is called thanatosis (imaginary death). Thanatosis lasts several minutes, during which time the animal freezes in an unnatural position and almost does not breathe; outwardly the animal is indistinguishable from a corpse. This strategy helps scare away predators that avoid carrion. By the way, domestic raccoons have lost this ability.

Stealth comes from a monkey.

You can distinguish the striped thief by his famous black mask. The animals are excellent at opening 8 out of 10 locks (zippers, latches, hooks, etc.), by the way, zoologists conducted tests in which in 30 minutes raccoons figured out how to open 10 locks to get a treat. In their ability to open anything, only monkeys are comparable to raccoons. Often raccoons climb into human houses or conduct raids on restaurant kitchens, and raccoons steal not only food, but what they like.

The raccoon is a funny and resourceful animal.

Raccoons get along well both in the forest and next to humans, aggressively and bravely repel almost any enemy, are not afraid of stinging insects and have almost the highest immunity of all animals. North America is considered the homeland of raccoons; in all other countries, the animals were introduced either accidentally or in a special way. In Russia, the striped raccoon can be found along the entire coastline of the Black Sea (Anapa, Sochi, etc.). Raccoons quickly learn and adapt to new living conditions.

Today it has become popular to have unusual, exotic pets as pets, including raccoons. Due to this, the level of poaching has also increased, where raccoons are caught and sold to unsuspecting people. Do not buy raccoons through advertisements or secondhand, most likely they are scammers or resellers!

You can learn more about domestic raccoons or chat about raccoons in our group

Once upon a time, back in ancient times, the striped raccoon was a person. Moreover, he was quite resourceful and cunning - he deceived everyone all the time, cheated, and also stole everything that was in bad shape, since he had an irresistible addiction to kleptomania. He went so far as to anger the Supreme Spirit to such an extent that he rashly turned him into a raccoon. Some time later, he relented and returned human hands to the animal, the same as before, fast and dexterous.

Perhaps this is why the Indians do not eat this animal, fearing that through food the moral qualities of the raccoon will also be passed on to them, which are far from honorable characteristics among proud Indians.

Few people will dislike this cute, fluffy, extremely curious black and white animal with a gorgeous long striped tail. Despite the fact that this seemingly harmless animal is not only an omnivore, but also a fairly successful predator and getter: if it takes a fancy to any food, be it an extremely fat chicken running around the yard, or sweet raisins left unattended or fruit - it’s unlikely that anything will distract the raccoon from its goal - and it will definitely eat it.

North and Central America are considered to be the homeland of the striped raccoon, from where they were subsequently brought to the territory of Eurasia. Thanks to his ability to quickly adapt to environment, they spread quite quickly across the continent (at the same time, raccoons can be found even on Far East).

The first memories of these animals can be found in Christopher Columbus - and from that time on, scientists began to actively debate what species these animals belong to. Some claimed that raccoons are dogs, others - badgers, others called them cats, and there were proposals to consider them bears. And only a few centuries later, at the end of the 18th century, they were allocated a special genus of raccoons (Procyon), which translated means “like a dog.”

Characteristics of the genus and species

Raccoons are predatory mammals that belong to the raccoon family, in the genus of which scientists distinguish the following species:

  • Raccoon raccoon - they were the ones who were brought to the Eurasian continent at one time. This species, in turn, is divided into 22 subspecies, one of which became extinct in the middle of the last century;
  • Raccoon-eater - lives in Central and South America;
  • Cozumel and Guadalupe raccoons are endemic animals, found only in North or Central America and live in a fairly limited area (the Guadalupe species is considered endangered).

External characteristics

Outwardly, this animal looks a little like a dog or even a fox, but has a number of unique features, which distinguish them from these beasts.

The length of the striped raccoon is from 45 to 60 cm. Weight, depending on the species and sex of the animal (males are larger than females), as well as on the season (animals living in the north hibernate in winter). On average they weigh about six kilograms. Raccoons have a wide head, a pointed muzzle and erect, rounded ears. The slightly shortened muzzle is somewhat reminiscent of a mask: the nose is black, the fur around it is white, on top there is a black stripe that goes to the forehead, around the eyes there are wide black stripes located at an angle of 45 degrees, leading to the neck, framed on top by a narrow white stripe .

The paws are short, with well-developed toes (they are a little like human ones, since they do not have membranes between them) and long claws– thanks to this, raccoons can not only grasp and manipulate small objects, but also climb and run extremely well in trees. It is interesting that when these animals move, they rely only on their toes, but when they stand in one place, they use the entire sole. They are also able to sit on their hind legs.

The raccoon's feet are extremely mobile and can rotate 180 degrees, which allows it to perform various acrobatic tricks in the trees, including moving upside down. These animals are famous for their long black and white striped tail.

The fur of raccoons, regardless of the type, is gray-brown in color, however, it differs in length. The crab beetle has the shortest, while the others are much longer and thicker. A distinctive feature of raccoon fur is that it consists of 90% very thick undercoat, the main purpose of which is to prevent the animal from freezing in the cold. cold water.

Animal sense organs

These nimble predators not only see very well, but are also capable of distinguishing shades quite well. Green colour. They have a very highly developed sense of smell and tactile sensations: even without touching an object, the animal learns a lot about it with the help of sensitive long, coarse hairs that are located all over its body - on the muzzle, between the claws, on the stomach, on the chest.

Even more data is received by the raccoon through the pads that are located on its front paws - they have a thick stratum corneum, which, softening in water, becomes extremely sensitive. If this nimble predator spends for a long time in very cold water, it will not affect its sensory abilities at all.

Methods of transportation

Thanks to its excellent vision and superbly developed tactile abilities, this nimble animal is able to gallop at night not only on the ground (escaping from danger, it can reach speeds of up to 24 km/h), but also through trees (at the same time, it feels good even on thin branches ). Not only the striped raccoon, but also other species swim very well and are not afraid to swim across narrow but stormy mountain rivers.

As for trees, a raccoon is able to move through them even upside down - the animal’s sharp claws and dexterous fingers give it the opportunity to firmly cling to both the branches themselves and the bark of the trees. In addition, if necessary, a raccoon is quite capable of jumping to the ground from a height of 8-12 meters - and doing absolutely no harm to itself.


Usually the raccoon's home is located near the water, having chosen a hollow in suitable tree– usually the diameter of the entrance to his new home ranges from 12 to 19 cm and is located 30 cm from the ground. It is not difficult to find a raccoon’s house: the bark on the trunk of such a tree is very scratched and you can see a lot of hairs on it.

In addition to the main habitat, the raccoon has several other shelters, just in case, but still prefers to sleep in the main one.

If there is no suitable hollow nearby, it is quite capable of settling in a crevice between stones, between fallen tree trunks and even in a pile of brushwood. Or it can crawl underground, finding a suitable abandoned hole (for example, badgers), since raccoons do not know how to dig them on their own.

The raccoon is extremely adaptable, so the raccoon’s home is often located near some settlement, in orchards or even in a park, of course, if they like it there. At the same time, having chosen a territory, he rarely moves more than 1.5 km away from it - and even then, very good reasons are needed for this.

The only places where you are unlikely to find a raccoon home are coniferous forests, as well as places where there are few bodies of water. These animals also do not like regions with very harsh winters.


By their nature, raccoons are extremely peaceful and friendly, active, inquisitive, resourceful and have enough high level intelligence - they are quite capable of learning and remembering the solution to a particular problem for three years.

Despite the fact that this animal is absolutely non-aggressive, it definitely cannot be called cowardly. Moreover, the animals show a desire to protect themselves already at the age of three months - in case of danger, they growl threateningly and even bite.

If you attack an adult raccoon, it will defend itself extremely actively - growl, bite, scratch. If there is an opportunity to avoid a fight, he will take advantage of it - having seen the enemy in advance, he will try to run away, and if that doesn’t work, he will fall to the ground and pretend to be dead. He fights even when this technique does not work - then claws, teeth and natural resourcefulness come into play.

Lifestyle of the animal

Despite all their friendliness, raccoons prefer to lead a solitary lifestyle (the only exception is the winter period, when they hibernate - in this case, several individuals often fall asleep in one shelter at once). Although they live alone, they try to maintain good relations with their fellow neighbors.

For example, if one striped raccoon for some reason ends up in the territory of another, they do not make a problem out of it (the main thing is that they do not lay claim to housing), so the feeding areas of raccoons often overlap. Animals communicate with each other using sounds different types– they can purr, chirp, squeal. Thanks to their tolerance towards their relatives, in places where there is a lot of food, they often create very dense settlements. For example, there are places in America where there are one hundred raccoons per 1 thousand hectares, and in protected parks there are even more - three hundred.

Since these animals lead a twilight-nocturnal lifestyle, during the day they sleep in the den, and go out to get food at dusk (at the same time, they try not to leave their area, with a radius of about 1.5 km). If necessary, a raccoon is quite capable of changing its daily routine. For example, the nutrition of raccoons that live on the coast largely depends on the ebb and flow of the tides - when the water recedes, a lot of different tasty things remain on the sand, including a lot of crabs. This kind of food makes them especially happy.

The striped raccoon that lives in northern latitudes, unlike its southern counterparts, hibernates, and before falling asleep, it literally gets fat: its weight can increase 2-3 times and reach 20 kg.

The duration of hibernation itself depends on the duration of the cold weather - Canadian raccoons sleep the longest, about 4-5 months, while in the south North America Gargles don't sleep at all. They simply wait out the snowfalls, sitting in their shelter all the time - and it is interesting that despite their love of solitude, so as not to get bored sitting in the den, they wait out the bad weather in whole companies. For example, one day a scientist found in a shelter huge size fourteen raccoons at once.


Despite the fact that raccoons are carnivorous animals, in reality they are omnivores, since they do not disdain plant foods.

In spring and early summer, the raccoon prefers to eat animal food. To do this, he, having descended from the trees in search of food, moves slowly, often stopping and looking for something edible on the ground. Reacts instantly to living small creatures. Having made several jumps and caught up with the victim, he grabs the prey and eats it with appetite, purring and slurping as he does so.

During drought, when their main food (frogs and crayfish) is rare, raccoons do not disdain mouse-like rodents, beetles, they are able to catch and eat a snake, collect bird eggs, eat chicks, and can even climb into a chicken coop.

In water, this animal hunts somewhat differently, since it is very difficult to see or smell prey in the dark, one might even say problematic. Therefore, the hunt proceeds as follows:

  1. The raccoon puts its paws into the water and moves them along the bottom, examining not only the soil, but also the snags;
  2. In the end, his hypersensitive fingers push on the prey and instantly grab it, rinsing it at the same time. Raccoon raccoons do this especially carefully;
  3. They not only wash the prey, but also determine its exact properties. In the water, its fingers are much more sensitive than outside, so they help it accurately determine whether the prey is edible and ready to eat. For example, if a raccoon manages to catch a crayfish or a crab, he pulls the catch out of the water, hits it against the rocks with all his might, and then puts it back into the water to determine whether the prey is alive or not.

At the end of summer and beginning of autumn, this animal prefers plant foods - mainly berries, fruits, nuts, and acorns. Since raccoons do not avoid visiting human settlements, they often visit gardens, orchards, and fields. If this or that year fruits and berries yielded a bad harvest, they will not disdain grains. In search of something tasty, they are quite capable of rummaging through the trash bin.

Continuation of the family line

At the end of February, beginning of March, a male raccoon feels that the time has come to have offspring, and goes to look for girlfriends - this is almost the only reason, capable of forcing him to leave his site. He detects a female ready for mating by smell, and his courtship procedure is quite short.

After mating, the male leaves the female and immediately goes in search of others, the female remains alone and bears the cubs, before the birth of which she becomes extremely aggressive, driving away absolutely all relatives that are nearby at that time.

Pregnancy lasts 60 days, the female gives birth in her den, from two to five babies are born, and it has been noted that northern raccoons are more fertile than their southern relatives.

The children of these animals are born blind and deaf, and their weight does not exceed 75 g. It is interesting that raccoon lovers still have not decided whether they have fur or not. There is no doubt that black and white markings on the face appear almost immediately, and on the tenth day they are clearly visible. The fur of babies begins to grow rapidly immediately after birth - and when the cubs are two months old, it is in no way inferior to the fur coat of their parents.

Children begin to try their first solid food no earlier than the ninth week, when their baby teeth grow in (they begin to grow when they are one month old), but they begin to leave the den a little earlier under the careful supervision of their mother.

Babies communicate with their mother using sounds - they whistle or scream, depending on what they need - milk or affection. The mother, in turn, also communicates a lot with the baby through grumbling and purring.

The older the little raccoons get, the less and quieter they speak, and then, having left their mother and entered an independent life (and this happens quite quickly - in autumn or winter), they use sounds only to find and communicate with their relatives.

Raccoon enters adult life quite early, namely at the age of four to five months. Females are ready to reproduce at a year and a half, males at two. The most ordeal For a raccoon, its first winter is considered - if it managed to survive in the cold, it means it will live for a long time. The animal itself is very healthy, various diseases hardly affect it, and under favorable circumstances it is quite capable of living from 12 to 20 years.

Before making the final decision whether or not to get a funny animal, you should weigh the pros and cons.

A raccoon will be a great pet if:

Description of the striped raccoon


  • The predatory animal from the raccoon family reaches the size of a small dog.
  • It has a wide head and a sharp muzzle with a characteristic mask.
  • The thick and warm fur of the animal has been valued since time immemorial.
  • The animal's fur is a mixture of several colors: black, gray and yellow, and after molting it becomes silvery.
  • The raccoon is famous for its long striped tail.
  • Excellent vision and excellent hearing allow the predator to hunt at night.
  • Possessing tenacious paws, the animal can easily climb a tree. It walks slowly on the ground, but when it senses danger, it can accelerate to 30 km/h.

In natural conditions

  • The animal is native to Central and North America. The charming animal immediately won the hearts of tourists, who took the animal all over the world. Now the striped raccoon can be found in most countries of Europe and Asia.
  • The animal quickly adapts to new environment habitat, but prefers a forest, next to which there must be a body of water.
  • A raccoon settles in the hollows of trees, however, having found a hole dug by another animal, it will not refuse to live in it. Usually the animal secures a certain territory with a radius of 1.5 km, preventing competitors from hunting there.


  • The male tirelessly searches for brides throughout the mating season. The female brings on average 4 babies once a year.
  • Born blind and helpless, raccoon puppies require maternal care for 3 months. But, even having matured a little, they hunt and live not far from their mother until they fully mature.
  • On the 20th day after birth, babies begin to develop teeth. The female teaches her babies how to climb trees, hunt and swim. Males do not participate in rearing and live separately.
  • The raccoon's enemies are wolves, foxes and coyotes, and young animals often suffer from snake attacks.

Those who intend to raise raccoons as pets should closely monitor the female and cubs. The clean-loving animal often rinses babies in water. There is a risk that they may choke. To prevent this from happening, the new mother needs to place a vessel with a small amount of water. Animals reproduce readily in captivity.

Raccoon character

What to feed a raccoon

  • Finding something to feed the animal will not be difficult.
  • The raccoon is omnivorous. Despite the fact that he is a predator, his food should be varied.
  • Your pet's menu may include fish, meat, seafood, nuts, fruits, and eggs.
  • Special cat or dog food will help cope with the lack of vitamins and minerals in the animal’s body.
  • By offering different dishes, you can learn the raccoon's eating preferences.
  • The animal loves fruits and is ready at any time to steal something tasty left unattended.
  • The animal eats 3-4 times a day.
  • Despite the raccoon's omnivorous nature, flour, salted, spicy, smoked and sweet foods (honey does not count) are strictly prohibited.

Where to keep the animal

Raccoon training

  • Bring up raccoon gargle possible and necessary. But without physical strength. Otherwise, the owner risks finding a sworn enemy in the animal.
  • For a raccoon, physical punishment will be a call to attack.
  • However, from the first day it is necessary to show who is boss in the house, otherwise the pet will become a commander.
  • Females especially love to take power into their paws (no surprise).
  • Education is based on the behavior of the animal. Exemplary behavior is rewarded with treats and affection. The more clearly this strategy is developed, the more effective it is.
  • Other methods either do not produce results or do not have the desired effect.

So, a little raccoon appeared in the house. You shouldn’t hope that he will have a sweet and angelic character, like a character from a Soviet cartoon. The first six months are a test of the strength of not only the property, but also the nerves of the owner. It will be easiest with babies under 4 months of age. If the pet lives in an apartment without an enclosure, it will require constant care. You especially need to make sure that a curious baby does not swallow something inedible.


  • As in nutrition, the animal is unpretentious in care.
  • They bathe the raccoon as needed, 2-3 times a year without special means.
  • Once you get a pet, you need to show it to a veterinarian and get vaccinations.
  • The raccoon has excellent health. At home, he can live 12–16 years.
  • Caring for health comes down to the destruction of fleas and ticks, the prevention of worms and daily cleaning of the enclosure.
  • Clean water in a bowl is a must.
  • In summer, you need to try to protect the animal from the bright sun, as it can develop heatstroke. But even without sun rays This also cannot be done, otherwise the animal will develop rickets. The best option- walks in the shade of trees.

What to expect from a raccoon at home

  • The raccoon is sociable and loves games. He is especially delighted with rattles. But the pet is completely out of control and is ready to start fighting and biting at any moment.
  • Prohibitions do not apply to animals; having a stubborn character, the raccoon will do whatever it sets out to do.
  • You will have to come to terms with another instinct - to mark territory.
  • The animal is a real Othello when it comes to other pets. To ensure that no one gets hurt, it is better not to have anyone other than a raccoon.
  • The animal will enjoy indoor plants.
  • A recently affectionate and sweet baby suddenly shows aggression? Probably, a transitional age has set in.
  • Females mature by the age of one year, and males at the beginning of the second year of life. The first two years are the most difficult time for the owners. You need to be vigilant, and when you sense a change in the animal’s mood, protect yourself from possible bites.

Where to buy a raccoon

  • Animals are sold by both resellers and nurseries. The price for the animals varies, ranging from 15 to 30 thousand rubles.
  • A small animal will get used to people faster, but up to one and a half months better than a baby Do not separate him from his mother; he may die without mother's milk.

Animal lovers appreciated the animal's cheerful disposition and cheerfulness. Those who like the animal, but are afraid of the wild nature of the raccoon, should take a closer look at the raccoon dog. Possessing a more docile character, similar in appearance to a wild animal, the pet will become a faithful friend.

The striped raccoon is a predator that belongs to the raccoon family and is known for its extraordinary dexterity and cunning. For a long time, debates among biologists continued about which family to include representatives of this species: felines, canines or mustelids, but in the end, without reaching a consensus, the animal was nevertheless classified as a raccoon.

The name of the raccoon is translated from Sanskrit as “one who scratches with his own hands,” and with Latin language- “similar to a dog.” The prefix "Poloskun" was attached to this species raccoons for their habit of dipping it in water and rubbing it with their paws before eating. From the outside it seems that raccoon washes clothes linen.

Features and habitat of the striped raccoon

The striped raccoon has a stocky and dense build. The total length of his body usually does not exceed sixty centimeters, and his height is thirty-five centimeters.

The weight of such raccoons varies from five to ten kilograms, although some individuals can significantly exceed this figure. Looking at photo of striped raccoon, you can notice that the animal’s fur is thick and fluffy, and the undercoat is dense and matted.

The color of most individuals has gray-yellow shades, the back and sides are usually darker. The tail of raccoons has several light and dark stripes that alternate with each other, forming a beautiful, unique pattern.

The striped raccoon has a kind of “mask”, which is its distinctive feature and sets it apart from other animals. It usually looks like two relatively symmetrical spots directly around the animal’s eyes.

The ears have a pointed shape. The paws of the striped raccoon are extremely mobile. On them the animal is able to both move and skillfully climb trees. The striped raccoon is an indigenous inhabitant of both Northern and Central America, of which it was introduced to Europe and some Asian countries.

To date, this species has managed to acclimatize in countries such as Azerbaijan, Belarus, Germany, France and the Netherlands. On the territory of Russia you can also find raccoons, especially within the Far East.

Representatives of this species of raccoons prefer to settle directly among deciduous or mixed forests, mainly on plains or lowlands.

There must be some kind of body of water nearby: a stream, a swamp, a lake or a river. Striped raccoons living in southern areas can make their homes right on the coast.

The animal is not afraid of humans, and can settle in close proximity to cities and towns. They are often found in city squares, on the outskirts of parks and plantings, as well as among botanical gardens.

In North America, farmers are forced to wage real wars with raccoons, since they often raid chicken coops and fruit and vegetable gardens. vegetable crops.

Character and lifestyle

The striped raccoon is a predator and is predominantly nocturnal. During the day, the animal prefers to hide in a convenient hollow or other den, leaving there to hunt simultaneously with the onset of dusk.

Each raccoon has its own territory, the radius of which usually reaches one and a half to two kilometers. Directly in this area, the animal has several shelters that are not occupied by other representatives of the species.

Sometimes the border possessions of different raccoons intersect, then they have a kind of competition for “control” over the disputed area. in winter raccoon gargle hibernates unlike other members of its family. True, this applies only to those individuals that live in northern regions.

The duration of hibernation for gargle raccoons ranges from four to five months, but the sleep itself cannot be called deep enough, because vital processes do not slow down during sleep, and body temperature does not fall.

On particularly warm days, the animal may even leave the shelter for several hours and take a walk. Raccoon striper in winter shows definitely less activity than in the warm season.

Feeding of raccoons during hibernation carried out due to fatty deposits, which are deposited under the animal’s fur in a layer of up to three centimeters. Up to ten individuals can simultaneously cram into a particularly large hollow or large shelter for the winter.

The vision of raccoons is extremely well developed, which in turn allows them to see perfectly even in the dark. Their hearing is no worse than their sight, so why is the raccoon a gargler? is an excellent predator.

With the help of their very tenacious paws, representatives of the species are able to quickly move along tree trunks. Moreover, they can do this while upside down or sagging like sloths.

The striped raccoon is different high degree resistance to the effects of various viruses and infections, and the fur and dense skin of the animal allows it to protect itself from the bites of all kinds of insects, the nests of which it quite often raids.

Raccoons living in natural natural conditions, in turn, can themselves become victims of wolves, owls, and alligators. They may pose a certain threat to young individuals.


The main search for food among raccoons is usually concentrated around water sources. They can catch fish, arthropods, frogs and some species of turtles.

Raccoons also love turtle eggs, hamsters, and musk rats. When hunting in the forest, the animal feeds mainly on insects, larvae, earthworms, fruits, berries, nuts and bird eggs.

Some regions suffer some damage due to the fact that raccoons in them regularly raid chicken coops and places industrial cultivation birds.

Raccoons, being predators, are not averse to eating snails and squirrels. However, their diet also includes numerous berries, cherries, gooseberries, grapes, vegetables, grains and much more.

Reproduction and life expectancy of the striped raccoon

Male striped raccoons are polygamous. This means that directly during the mating season (which usually occurs in the cold season, but can last until the beginning of summer), they try to fertilize the maximum possible number of females.

Raccoon puppies Females are born after nine weeks of pregnancy. Usually three to four cubs are born at a time. Much less often – one or more than seven.

During the first three weeks of life, raccoon cubs are helpless and blind, but after a few weeks they become completely independent and stop feeding on their mother’s milk.

How long do raccoons live?? Raccoon gargle at home able to live more than eleven years. In conditions wildlife The average recorded life expectancy is five to six years.

For those who want buy raccoon gargle, you should take into account the fact that the animal is a predator and prefers to be nocturnal, which in turn can cause certain inconvenience. If you want to know the features of the content, read our article.

It is now fashionable to keep raccoons at home - they have become an exotic alternative to domestic dogs, but few people know that the animal is still a predator, and it is almost impossible to tame a pet. Animals from the raccoon family are known for their cunning, dexterity and intelligence. They are not as kind as the cartoon character who sings about smiling. You can have them at home, but you need to know what you need to be prepared for, in what conditions to keep the striped raccoon and what to feed.

Who is a raccoon

This carnivorous mammal the size of a medium breed dog, belongs to the raccoon family. The striped raccoon (Procyon lotor) is native to Central and North America and came to Europe at the beginning of the 20th century. The nimble animal is found in many parts of the planet, including the North Caucasus and the Far East. The animal is nocturnal and hides during the day. For housing, raccoons choose hollows, other people's holes, or small structures made from tree branches, which they “steal” from other animals. Reproduce in early spring.

What does it look like

The striped raccoon (or American raccoon) is a touching creature that looks like a dog or a fox. A medium-sized predator (weight from 6 to 9 kg, a well-fed animal reaches 16 kg), body length: 50–60 cm, tail on average 25 cm. Males are larger than females, with a strong and stocky body. Appearance has the following features:

  • Head. The muzzle is wide, pointed, reminiscent of a mask (the illusion is created by the color: there is white fur around the black nose, the area of ​​the eye sockets and forehead is also black, around the eyes there are wide black lines with a white edging that stretch to the neck), the ears are small and rounded.
  • Limbs. Short, but the fingers are well developed. The paw is similar to a human hand: there are no partitions between the fingers and fine motor skills are well developed. These properties help the animal handle small parts well. There are videos on the Internet of how cunning people open cans of beer and sneak into refrigerators. The toe ends in a pointed long claw so that they can climb trees to the top.
  • Feet. Movable, rotate 180 degrees. This physiological feature allows the animals to somersault and perform tricks in trees.
  • Wool. Dense, varies in length by different areas body, on both sides of the head - longer ("tanks" are formed). Color: gray-brown. The undercoat is dense.
  • Tail. Fluffy, with dark brown or black rings, of which there are up to 10 pieces.


The striped raccoon prefers to settle in a mixed forest (avoids conifers). Animals cannot survive without water, so there will definitely be a river, swamp or lake near their habitat. The striped raccoon likes to make its “homes” at a height of 20-30 meters above the ground, in hollows. Individuals living in the southern regions often make their home on the coast. The animal is not shy, so it settles near the city. In the US, predators raid farms in the suburbs, and this is a problem for local residents who fight with animals.

Distribution area

The striped raccoon comes from North America, where it still lives from the Isthmus of Panama to the southern provinces of Canada. Predators were introduced to Europe and Asia in the 20th century. The striper has acclimatized in the forests of Azerbaijan, Belarus (Polesie), on the islands of the East Indies, Germany, France and the Netherlands. Baby stripers were brought to the USSR in 1936, where they took root. Animals are found in the Far East and the Caucasus.

Character and lifestyle

The striped raccoon, as a predator, is nocturnal, preferring to hide in a den during the day. After sunset the animal goes hunting. They are loners and need personal space. The radius of the territory reaches two kilometers; if another representative of the species appears in the possessions of a furry animal, then a “war” begins - everyone defends the right to control the territory.

In winter, the striped raccoon, which lives in the northern regions, hibernates, this sole representative the raccoon family, which has this feature. Hibernation lasts up to five months, but vital processes do not slow down, since the animals have shallow sleep. The animal often wakes up and goes for a short walk when it is warm, but physical activity low in winter. The animal does not starve during hibernation; the body uses up its reserve of fat deposits, and the animal has about three centimeters of it under its fur. Up to ten individuals can winter in a hollow.

Stripers prefer to settle in mixed, hollow forests, next to a pond. They often fall prey large predators: wolves, lynxes, alligators. Snakes are also dangerous for puppies. Animals are able to stand up for themselves - when they find themselves in a critical situation, they make throws, try to bite the enemy and growl intimidatingly. When an animal senses danger, it can run away at speeds of up to 30 km/h. If the situation is hopeless, the animal falls as if dead, deceiving the enemy.

Relationships with a person

Stripers are brave and courageous, they are ready to fight predators and destroy other people's nests, but when communicating with humans, the animal becomes friendly and welcoming. He goes to such cunning purposely to charm, hoping to get something tasty. Striped dogs are kept as pets because they easily get used to people, but owners should not relax or be deceived by their pet’s cute antics, because furry predators are stubborn and curious, causing problems. Mature individuals often become aggressive and unsociable.

Features of behavior in the natural environment

A raccoon lives a long time in the wild, up to 20 years (in captivity - about 16 years). Having good vision, animals distinguish the smallest details in the dark. Their hearing is no worse, which makes them excellent predators. Animals can quickly climb trees, helped by tenacious paws with long claws. The striped raccoon is resistant to viruses, and its thick skin and fur protect against insect bites.

When danger is brewing, the furry animal shows dexterity; it flees or pretends to be dead. The striped raccoon is a nocturnal mammal; it sees in the dark and its whiskers help it navigate. During the day, the predator sleeps in a hollow or climbs into someone else's hole. The striped raccoon can climb trees, climbing to the tops, and loves to perform acrobatic tricks on branches, jumping upside down even from a 12-meter height.

Why is a raccoon called a striper?

The name of the animal is translated from Sanskrit as “Scratching with its own hands,” but the prefix “gargle” was attached to the species for a reason. They dip pieces of food into the water, fiddling with their paws, giving the impression that the animal is washing clothes. The reflex is not associated with the desire to consume clean food. The behavior is explained by the fact that the omnivorous animal in the wild catches prey in the water, sorting through mud and algae with its dexterous paws. This is a nocturnal animal, the sense of touch helps to search for food, the search for food is done by touch.

What do raccoons eat?

The furry animal is omnivorous: it prefers animals and plant foods. In spring and summer, small rodents and beetles become prey. Cleverly climbing trees, they rob nests, eating chicks and eggs. Animals can eat a small snake, but they will not refuse chickens. Crayfish and frogs are also included in the diet, if you can catch them. The mammal puts its paws into the water and begins to “scan” the bottom of the reservoir.

Having stumbled upon the treasured prey, the “hunter” grabs it and begins to rinse it. If a crayfish is caught, it splits it: it hits the rocks, and then puts it in the water to determine whether the prey is alive. In autumn, animals feast on nuts, berries, and love acorns. Gargles are impudent animals; they can climb inside a person’s house and eat supplies. Animals do not disdain waste; to do this, they rummage through garbage cans.

Reproduction and raising offspring

Females reach puberty by the age of one year; males take longer; they become fathers by the age of two. The mating season occurs during cold weather. Males try to fertilize maximum amount females because they are polygamous. Pregnancy lasts 9 weeks, 3-4 babies are born at a time. The first time after birth, the puppies are helpless and blind; it takes them several weeks to become independent, then they stop feeding on their mother’s milk.

Owning exotic and wild animals has now become fashionable. The raccoon often appears in ordinary apartments, replacing the dog and delighting people with his spontaneous behavior. You can keep an animal at home, but you must be prepared for the appearance of a predator. When you decide to acquire an unusual family member, study the animal’s character, nutrition and maintenance requirements, and assess your readiness for such a step.

  • Unpretentious. Eating natural products or dry food.
  • Smart, inventive, quick-witted. They copy a person’s habits, imitate them, which amuses and touches them.
  • Sociable and curious. The owners will not be bored; the pets are ready to play and have fun, being delighted with ordinary rattles.
  • Clean. They take care of themselves and don’t smell like dogs.
  • Long-lived. The animal has good health, on average lives up to 16 years.
  • Night look life. The beast will disturb the owner's sleep.
  • Need to rinse. This feature backfires if the raccoon comes across technical devices, valuable items and papers.
  • Almost impossible to train. This is a wild beast whose instincts prevail.
  • Not always friendly. Animals may start fighting, biting and scratching.
  • Stubborn. They don’t like prohibitions; they do as they please.
  • Aggressive during mating season.
  • It will not be possible to keep it with other small pets: rodents, birds. They will become the prey of the beast.
  • Difficulties with litter box training - marking territory.

How to arrange your home

A furry pet needs its own space, and it needs to create conditions and arrange its home. The cage should be high and spacious. The pet will not like a small and cramped house; the animal’s mood may deteriorate, even to the point of displaying aggression. Housing should have several floors, each tier filled with toys or swings. Make the sleeping area soft. We also need to create an improvised hollow from driftwood where the animal will hide.

Place the cage in a bright room, but not on the balcony, so that the animal does not die from the heat. Attributes for the house: a container for food, a drinking bowl and a bowl of water where the pet will rinse its food. It is better to give rubber toys, because he will “bathe” them in the basin. The animal will have to be locked in a cage at night, as it becomes active. During the day, the pet can roam freely around the apartment. If he lives in a private house, then the enclosure can be built on the street.

What to feed a striped raccoon at home

Since the animal is omnivorous, the diet should be varied and include: dairy products (cottage cheese), meat, fish, seafood, eggs, cereals, vegetables and fruits, nuts, berries (raspberries, currants, cherries, strawberries), even cookies. Natural homemade food is preferable, but you should not exclude ready-made granules if the animal lacks vitamins and minerals. Suitable for both dog and cat food. The furry animal eats 3-4 times a day.

Caring for the animal

These are unpretentious animals and do not require special care. They need to be fed regularly, bathed occasionally, and walked periodically. They are clean, take care of their fur themselves, so you need to bathe the animal 2-3 times a year. You can use shampoo for cats or dogs. You will often have to clean the inside of the cage. Raccoons love walks, but only walk him on a leash, otherwise he will run away. There are a number of rules for care:

Stripes are cheerful and funny, but do not be deceived, they always remain predators. Playing with furry pets can result in scratches or bites. The animal attacks not out of aggressiveness, but out of play, because it does not perceive a person as a master, so it is important to be careful. During the mating season, the animal can become unsociable, even aggressive.

Wild animal practically impossible to train, it is difficult to force him to do something unless he himself shows curiosity and becomes interested in the task at hand. Be prepared that raccoons may not get along with other pets. Raccoons can still get used to having a cat or dog at home, but a parrot or guinea pig become prey, the striper will find an opportunity to get to the victim.

The striper is clean and prefers to relieve itself in the tray, but during the mating season it is ready to mark its territory everywhere, which will add to the mistress’s troubles. The nocturnal resident will wake up the owner for any reason, so during the day the furry pet needs to be exhausted with games. The raccoon is very restless, so it is better to keep an eye on it. He is always ready to make a mess and even ruin things, he will find many exciting activities: he can open the taps and start washing equipment or documents, flooding his neighbors, he is ready to ruin furniture, break dishes, tear off wallpaper.

Where can I buy

There are nuances when buying an exotic animal. It is important not to purchase an animal that has been “kidnapped” by poachers from the wild; up to one and a half months, puppies need mother’s milk, without which they will die. There is also a chance of getting a sick animal or not a gargle dog, but a raccoon dog. In order not to be deceived, it is better to purchase a puppy from a nursery (there are guarantees of getting a healthy animal), or demand from a private seller all the documents for the individual. Special nurseries breed black-silver, gray-silver and white breeds.

How much does a striped raccoon cost?

Animals are sold by both resellers and nurseries. On the market, a puppy costs 5,000-10,000 rubles, but there is a chance of getting a sick and aggressive animal; in a pet store or nursery, the price of a puppy varies from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles. Individuals of black and silver color are more expensive.

Photo of a striped raccoon
