Fact one. The secret of agility is in her miracle tail

The squirrel uses its tail as a rudder: thanks to it, it can jump from tree to tree 15 meters in a curve and 4 meters in a straight line. At the same time, on the ground the squirrel does not jump so far: only 1 meter in length.

The animal's tail acts as a parachute: even if it falls from a 30-meter height, the squirrel will remain alive and unharmed.

In addition to helping with movement, the tail also plays another role important role in the life of an animal. A male squirrel will prefer a female with a bushier tail. The ponytail also serves as a warm, cozy blanket to cover yourself with on cold nights. True, this limb can cause the death of the animal: despite the fact that squirrels are excellent swimmers, a wet tail can drag the poor fellow to the bottom like an anchor.

Source: http://vse-krugom.ru

Fact two. The squirrel must chew all the time

The squirrel has four front teeth, and they are constantly growing. If the teeth are too long, the squirrel will not be able to cope with the nuts and cones and will die of hunger. Therefore, the animal constantly gnaws, grinding down the excess length of its teeth and sharpening them.

Photo source: http://life.pravda.com.ua

Fact three. The squirrel has a special technology for cracking nuts

The squirrel cracks nuts in an unusual way: from the side where it has a sharp tip, it gnaws a small hole and inserts two lower incisors there. The squirrel's lower jaw consists of two parts, between which there is an elastic and very strong muscle. When the squirrel pulls the two pieces together, the incisors move apart and the nut cracks.

The animal deals with cones just as quickly and skillfully: it extracts the seeds by touching the scale with its teeth, it bites it off, and the seed slips out. For one pine cone it takes three minutes. Over the course of a day, a squirrel can obtain seeds from 15 spruce trees and about 100 pine cones.

Source: http://ru.gde-fon.com

Fact four. Cunning squirrels know how to steal

Squirrel is not only smart, but also cunning beast. In search of food, she has adapted to life next to humans: squirrels find something nutritious for themselves in bird feeders, know how to ask passers-by for something tasty, and tear out plants planted by people in search of seeds. Nut lovers can sometimes steal something tasty from a field or garden, which they learn from each other. Sometimes, in order to get to work, they specially gather in groups of two to five animals and distribute roles. The task of some is to distract attention, while others, messengers, take away the prey they have their eye on.

Source: http://kotelna.org.ua

Fact five. Squirrel is a champion in diet diversity

Squirrels are omnivores, their diet includes about 150 seeds different trees. Its main part is the seeds of conifers: spruce, pine, cedar, fir, larch. IN oak forests the squirrel will not disappear either - it will eat acorns and hazelnuts. The squirrel menu also includes mushrooms, berries, herbs, mosses, lichens, tubers and rhizomes. If the nut harvest was not good enough, the squirrels feed on the buds and young shoots of the trees.

Squirrels can be predators. Besides plant food, they also love to feast on insects, eggs and even small birds, mammals and frogs.

The animal loves to eat: in a week, the squirrel eats an amount of food equal to its weight.

Source: http://topilche.te.ua

Fact six. The name of the animal comes from the word “white”

The etymology of the word squirrel is interesting. It comes from the common Slavic “belъ”, which means white. In the old days, the word “white” meant not only color, but also “ ghostly, invisible". Because of its speed, the squirrel could be called ghostly.

In ancient times, this animal was called “vveritsa”. In the fall, squirrels molt and their fur turns whitish. It was these squirrels that were called “bala vveritsa.” They hunted precisely these animals, with light fur. The name was mentioned often, and over time it was shortened to “bula”, later the suffix -k- was added.

There is also an assumption that in the old days there was a special breed of squirrels with white fur. Hence the name of the animal.

Source: http://kotelna.org.ua

Fact seven. Squirrel's forgetfulness benefits the forest

Like many rodents, squirrels make provisions for the winter - they hide nuts, acorns, cones and mushrooms in hollow trees, and some species bury them in the ground. But often the animal forgets where it hid its food. In this case, the poor memory of squirrels serves to benefit the forest - nuts forgotten in the ground sprout and replenish the forest with new trees.

The forgotten supply of squirrels can amount to about three kilograms of selected food. Birds, small rodents, and even a brown bear take advantage of the jumper’s forgetfulness and often feed from the squirrel’s “closets.” However, the squirrel itself often eats up the supplies of mice, chipmunks and other rodents, digging them out even under a one and a half meter layer of snow.

Source: http://probilo4ok.wordpress.com

Fact eight. Squirrels build 15 nests at once

A squirrel’s nest is called a “gayno,” and one animal usually has many, up to 15 such dwellings. Most often, the nest is built in a hollow tree or in a birdhouse, lining everything inside with dry leaves, stems, moss, and feathers. If there is no suitable hollow or birdhouse, the animals build their home between the branches of a tree, at a height of 7-12 meters.

Class: mammals.
Genus: rodents.
Family: squirrel
Habitat in nature: The common squirrel genus includes about 50 species and is the only one living in Russia. In addition to Russia, these squirrels live in Europe, Northern and South America, V temperate latitudes Asia. There are no squirrels in Australia.
Lifespan: 3-4 years in the wild and 10-12 years in captivity.
Constitution: medium-sized, squat, with a triangular-shaped body and well-developed muscles of a rectangular dog.
Average male performance:
Average female indicators: body length 20-32cm, tail 19-31cm. Weight 180-1000g.

The common squirrel is a small animal with an elongated slim body, fluffy tail with a “comb” and a rounded head, graceful and graceful. Squirrels' eyes are large and dark. The ears are long and have pronounced tufts in winter. Vibrissae grow on the muzzle, front legs and belly, special sensory organs that help animals navigate in space. The hind limbs are noticeably longer than the front ones, and the toes have tenacious, sharp claws. The hair on the sides of the tail is longer than on the body, which is why the tail has a flattened shape.

Squirrels are considered smart and quick-witted animals because they know how to hide and find hidden nuts and seeds, quickly understand that people are a source of food and learn to eat from their hands. They are aggressive, suspicious and quarrelsome. Squirrels can become tame animals, but not pets. They are not animals that can be “snuggled.” Even with friendly relations, you may sometimes be able to pat the animal on the back. It is extremely rare for a squirrel to become so tame that it allows itself to be picked up. In young animals, the degree of adaptation to new conditions is much higher than in adult animals.

Relationships with other pets
Squirrels can easily get along with dogs and cats, it all depends on the nature of the animals, but they must be introduced carefully and gradually. It should be borne in mind that a cat bite can be fatal to squirrels, since Pasturella bacteria live in cat saliva, which affects nervous system protein. Injections of special antibiotics within 12-24 hours can save the squirrel. Not good large birds The squirrel may try to catch, or at least pull out, feathers through the bars of the cage. A squirrel should not be placed in the same cage or enclosure with other rodents.

Attitude towards children
Small children should not be left alone with an animal, as even tame squirrels can bite if they get scared or try to grab them. Older children, trained in the rules of handling animals, may well offer a squirrel a nut, seeds, or treat the animal from their hand.

Squirrels cannot be trained, but they can remember their name and respond to it. To tame a squirrel, after it adapts to new conditions, you need to offer it treats from your hand, talk to it so that it gradually gets used to you. Proteins require constant attention. They have a “short” memory and quickly run wild without constant communication. Squirrels bred in captivity are tamed faster and adapt better to new conditions. Wild squirrels found or captured in the wild may never be domesticated and may remain wild for life.

Water should always be fresh, filtered or boiled. The squirrel happily eats various nuts, hawthorn or rosehip seeds, pumpkin seeds, dried fruits, dried mushrooms. Nuts should be given in shells so that the squirrel can wear down its ever-growing front teeth. The seeds should also not be peeled; let the squirrel do this itself if it wants to eat them.
The diet of an adult squirrel should include:
Hazelnuts, pine nuts, pumpkin seeds, dried hawthorn, dried rose hips, dried mushrooms, except champignons and oyster mushrooms, dried apple, dried pear, apricots or dried apricots (pitted), raisins, dried zucchini, dried carrots, dried corn, wheat, oats , fir cones with seeds, pine cones with seeds, larch cones with seeds. To your daily diet, it is advisable to add fresh apples and pears (one slice), carrots and cucumber (one slice), sour cream - 1/4 teaspoon, cottage cheese - 0.5 teaspoon, natural yogurt - 0.5 teaspoon. From May to October, you should offer your pet branches with buds, young shoots and unripe fruits - apple, cherry, oak, birch, coniferous species, fake. In summer, a squirrel may like berries. middle zone, as well as the fruits of rowan, viburnum, bird cherry and cranberry. In winter, to prevent vitamin deficiency, you can add a little bee honey to succulent food or drink (be careful, it may be an allergen), vitamins A, D, E in oil once a week per animal. The squirrel should not be given almonds, champignons, oyster mushrooms or sweets. According to latest research Squirrels do not tolerate raw peanuts and sunflower seeds very well.
The squirrel does not eat very much, but, obeying its natural instinct, it likes to hide food, so first you need to carefully monitor the animal to determine how much food it needs. An approximate daily protein diet includes 10 - 15g white bread, 15 - 20g of nuts, 20 - 25g of fruits or berries, which can be replaced with dry ones in winter. The squirrels are fed twice - in the morning and in the evening, you can leave grain sticks, fresh branches of willow, larch, hawthorn, rosehip, pumpkin seeds, slices of vegetables and fruits freely available, and give treats by hand, communicating with your pet, which is what squirrels need. In summer, squirrels can be offered caterpillars without hairline, yellow or green tint, crickets, fruit worms to make up for the deficiency of animal protein. This food should be offered no more than once every three or four days.

Care and maintenance:
Squirrels are living, active animals, they can jump and climb for hours, so to keep a squirrel in the house you need an aviary or big cage. For one squirrel you need a cage measuring 50x60cm and 150cm high. The rods must be galvanized or have a good powder coating. The gap between the bars is no more than 2 cm, so that the squirrel does not hit the bars. The cage should have a pull-out tray to make it easy to clean. It is advisable to put hay, forest moss or reeds on the pallet. The cage must have a feeder, a drinking bowl and houses where the squirrels make nests. For one squirrel you need two houses, which should be securely fixed at a sufficient height. Pieces of fabric, scraps of wool yarn, sawdust, a small amount of cotton wool, and straw should be placed in the cage, which the squirrel will use to build a nest. The owner must have access to the house (folding roof or wide entrance). For rodents the best way Stainless steel feeders and drinkers are suitable. Mineral and salt stones should be installed in a place convenient for the squirrel, preferably next to a feeder or drinking bowl. Since squirrels need movement, you should install various ladders, hammocks, swings, fairly large branches and, of course, a wheel. The cage should be installed away from drafts and direct sun rays. It is better to clean the cage every other day, but at least once a week, to protect the animal from infectious diseases, and yourself from unpleasant odor. The cage must be disinfected at least once every two weeks. When cleaning and disinfecting the cage, do not touch the nests.
The squirrel needs a lot of exercise, so it is advisable to give it the opportunity to walk freely, removing everything that could cause injury to it, hiding electric wires and locking the cabinets with a key. There is no need to bathe the squirrel: she can bathe herself if you put a bath in the cage, filling it with 2-3 cm of water. The squirrel sheds twice a year and during the shedding period it is worth installing 10cm high sides on the outside of the cage so that the fur does not fly into the room.
If a squirrel runs away, you shouldn’t chase it – it’s impossible to catch the animal. You should leave her alone and, when hungry, she will come to the cage for food.

Non-communicable diseases
Obesity, metabolic disorder bone tissue, vitamin deficiency.
Infectious diseases
Hydrophobia of squirrels, fibroma squirrels, plague, encephalomyocarditis, scabies, fungal diseases skin, Japanese encephalitis, tularemia.

Where to buy a squirrel
It is advisable to purchase squirrels, like other rodents, from a special nursery or, in as a last resort, in a pet store. Experts strongly do not recommend buying chipmunks at the poultry market, since there is a high probability of purchasing a sick animal.

The common squirrel is a forest rodent. This is an animal with a body length of 20 to 30 cm, weighing up to 1 kg. The body is long with a fluffy beautiful tail. The length of the tail is almost the same as the length of the body. The tips of the ears are decorated with tassels.

Common squirrel – description of the animal, photos and videos

In squirrels in northern habitats, in summer period The fur is red in color, and by winter it becomes light gray. Every fall, squirrels molt, after which their fur becomes thick and keeps them warm in the winter.

The common squirrel is widespread throughout Russia; it has taken root in the Tien Shan, Crimea and the Caucasus. It lives in the taiga, deciduous and mixed forests.

IN summer time is active in the evening and in the morning, and in winter time active all day. Only in very coldy sits out in a warm shelter and does not go out in search of food. She lives in the trees, and only with rare exceptions does she come down to the ground. It makes its home in hollows or builds a nest in trees, round in shape with a roof.

The entrance to the nest of the common squirrel is made from the side; such a nest is called gayno. She lines the inside with dry leaves, lichen, and moss.

In the coniferous forest, the squirrel feeds on pine nuts, seeds from cones, and in deciduous forest collects beech nuts, acorns, mushrooms and berries. Despite the fact that the squirrel is a rodent, it still feeds on caught insects, eats bird eggs and their chicks, ruining nests. She stores feed for the winter in the forest floor, hiding nuts there. She hangs mushrooms on tree branches or hides them behind loose bark.

And through pines and firs

She runs fast

He sees where the cones have ripened,

Where is the virgin mushroom soil?


The common squirrel has excellent ability to climb trees - it deftly moves along branches and tree trunks. To move from tree to tree, she makes big jumps, and her tail serves as a rudder. Once there, she moves in leaps and bounds. IN northern regions squirrels give birth 1-2 times a year and 2-3 times a year in the southern regions. The female gives birth to 3-10 naked, blind cubs.

The baby squirrels mature in a month and immediately begin to look out of the nest, and at the age of two months they become independent.

Common squirrel refers to animals of a valuable fur breed.

You and I will recognize the animal

According to two such signs:

He's wearing a fur coat in the gray winter,

And in a red fur coat - in the summer.


Let's look at the video - the common squirrel is very greedy - fighting for seeds!

The squirrel is a representative of the squirrel family, belongs to the order of rodents, the class of mammals. The official Latin designation of the genus is Sciurus. It includes 30 species living in Europe, North and South America, temperate zone Asia. You can learn everything about squirrels using the example of a species that is widespread in Russia. His representative is common squirrel, or veksha.

What does a common squirrel look like?

This is a pretty animal small size , with a slender elongated body and a very fluffy tail. The length of the body is 20–30 cm. The length of the tail is approximately 1/3 less. Average weight animal – 300 grams. The head is small, round in shape, with long erect ears decorated with tassels. Her large black eyes and rounded nose are clearly visible. The paws are very tenacious, with sharp curved claws, and hind limbs longer than the front ones. The muzzle, front paws and abdomen of the animal are covered vibrissae – hard hairs that serve as a sensory organ.

In summer, the squirrel's fur is short and stiff, in winter it changes noticeably and becomes tall and thick, acquiring softness. The squirrel “fur coat” has different colors depending on the season and habitat of the animal. In summer, it is characterized by shades of red and brown. In winter - gray, brown or black tones. Finishing external description squirrels, it should be noted that the belly of the animal, regardless of the time of year, always remains light.

Varieties (subspecies) of the common squirrel

The usual habitats of these rodents are mixed forested areas . Common squirrel populations inhabit European part Russia, Siberia, Far East, Kamchatka. They can be found on Sakhalin Island and Japanese island Hokkaido.

The appearance of the animal, its size, color directly depends on the place of residence. For example, squirrels inhabiting mountainous areas are larger than their relatives living on flat terrain. And for central regions The range is characterized by the distribution of individuals with lighter colors.

Depending on the location and external differences representatives of this species are divided into subspecies. There are about forty of them in total. Here are some of them:

Shedding periods

Twice a year, squirrel fur is renewed. There are spring and autumn periods . In spring, molting most often occurs in April and May. In autumn it begins in September and lasts almost until the end of the season. If in the first period the animals molt in the direction from the head to the base of the tail, then in the second case the molting process occurs in the opposite direction. Thus, despite the two-time change of coat, the animal’s tail sheds only once a year – in autumn.

Like all mammals, periods of squirrel molting are associated with hormonal activity, which depends on seasonal changes. The duration of this process and the quality of the new fur are influenced by both weather, and the amount of harvested feed.

Since squirrels are typical representatives of the forest population, nature has endowed them with the appropriate qualities and “skills” necessary for survival in these conditions.

Most of my life forest squirrels carried out in the trees. The animals have great dexterity and are able to easily jump from one tree to another. Sometimes their multi-meter jumps resemble flight. Well-developed hind limbs are capable of providing a strong push, and the large fluffy tail serves as a parachute and rudder at the same time.

On the ground, small creatures feel less calm and move with great caution, in short leaps. Sensing danger, they immediately climb the trees.

Home improvement

To furnish your home squirrels prefer to use tree hollows. They carefully insulate it, lining the inside with leaves, dry grass, moss or lichen. If there is no suitable hollow nearby, the squirrel builds a nest on its own, using ordinary branches. It is also carefully insulated inside. Such a house has a spherical shape and is mounted among the branches on the tops of trees.

IN winter frosts Several individuals gather in one nest, the entrance is covered with moss, and thus, by warming each other, the animals do not freeze.

Interestingly, the squirrel nest has two holes, which serve as the main and emergency exit. The second is located on the side of the trunk so that the animal can easily escape in case of danger.

The main food for squirrels is food of plant origin. Their main menu looks like this:

In early spring, when such food is lacking, the animals eat insects, frogs, bird eggs, and even the chicks themselves.

Squirrels are very thrifty. They always prepare in advance for the arrival of cold weather and collect and then hide food in hollows or crevices of trunks, between tree roots, and in specially prepared burrows. Typically, animals do not remember the location of their hiding places and can either discover them by chance or take advantage of their neighbors’ supplies.

Migration period

Under unfavorable living conditions, squirrels are forced to leave their inhabited territory and go in search of a new habitat. The reason for such migrations may be feed shortage, drought or forest fire.

Animals, as a rule, do not unite, but move separately, in a wide strip. These tiny creatures sometimes have to travel hundreds of kilometers. Sometimes squirrels are forced to cross populated areas and swim across rivers and bays. On the road, many individuals die from hunger and cold, become victims of predators, and drown.

Features of reproduction

Squirrel mating process usually occurs twice a year - in spring and autumn. But sometimes a female manages to breed three litters in a year. During mating season Up to 6 males gather near her. They strive to fully demonstrate their fighting qualities and can behave quite aggressively towards each other. The strongest gets the right to stay with the female.

After mating, the male usually disappears and does not take part in caring for the offspring. But there are cases of a more responsible attitude, when the father of the family still helps take care of the kids.

Squirrel is preparing very diligently for motherhood. After mating, she begins to equip a cozy, roomy nest for future children. Pregnancy lasts up to 38 days. Baby squirrels are born blind and without hair, their weight does not exceed 10 grams. In spring, the number of cubs is small - up to 4 individuals. In autumn, a well-fed female can bear up to 10 cubs.

For about a month and a half, newborns are fed with mother's milk, and already at the age of two months they become independent. Sexual maturity occurs at approximately 9 months.

Proteins have a pronounced maternal instinct. This manifests itself not only in relation to one’s own offspring. Observing the life of these creatures, zoologists noted interesting fact that an adult female easily takes other people’s orphaned cubs under her care and cares for them no less than for her own family.

How long does a common squirrel live?

IN natural conditions Squirrels rarely survive the four-year mark. High mortality is observed among young individuals. In the first winter, a significant part of them die. The squirrel's enemies are pine marten, sable, fox, as well as birds of prey - owls and hawks. In addition, animals often die from hunger and disease.

In captivity, common squirrels live much longer. When creating conditions close to natural and providing for animals good nutrition their age can reach 12 years.

Other types of squirrels

In addition to the common squirrel, to the genus Sciurus These include other species distributed throughout the world, with the exception of Australia. The following are widely known:

  • Persian;
  • fiery;
  • red-tailed;
  • Arizona;
  • Guiana;
  • Japanese;
  • Bolivian;
  • motley;
  • yellowthroat;
  • Allen's squirrel;
  • Richmond's squirrel;
  • Peruvian red, etc.

Squirrels are not only a decoration for our forests and parks. Making food supplies they carry seeds over long distances, which promotes the growth of new trees and forest renewal. The animals are of great interest to hunters as a source of valuable fur. Among other things, these animals are smart in their own way and are able to trust humans. You just need to be very careful and careful about these wonderful creatures, so sweet and defenseless.

Squirrels are a fairly common species of animal inhabiting our planet. Genus of this representative wild fauna has about 30 species, each of which lives in different parts Sveta. Squirrels are found in Europe, in Asia in the belt with temperate climate, North and South America. Squirrels do not live only in Australia.

All members of the squirrel family have similar distinctive features: long fluffy tail, long ears, coat color ranges from gray to dark brown with a prominent white belly. But in wildlife There are also exceptions - completely white proteins. Is not separate species, but an ordinary gray squirrel with a congenital absence of melanin pigment (albinism). In the USA, in the state of Illinois, in the small town of Olney, albino squirrels are protected by law, so in these places you can find entire colonies of squirrels with white fur.

Squirrel habitats

Each type of squirrel inhabits different flora and fauna different countries and continents.

For example, Abert's squirrel lives in the coniferous forests of Colorado, Arizona, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico and in certain areas of Mexico.

Havanese squirrel distributed only in South America: Brazil, Venezuela, French Guiana, Suriname, Guyana, as well as in northeastern Argentina. Lives in forests and parks.

Allen's squirrel lives in oak or mixed oak-pine forests in northern Mexico.

Persian or Caucasian squirrel, found in forest areas of the Caucasus and the Middle East, as well as on the Aegean islands of Lesvos and Gokceada. Lives in the following countries: Israel, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Abkhazia, Armenia, Iran, Iraq.

Arizona squirrel lives in the USA in the broadleaf and coniferous forests of Arizona in western New Mexico, where it settles in deep canyons in which oaks or black trees grow walnuts. Also common in northern Mexico, Sonora.

Area Golden-bellied squirrel located in Southern and Eastern Mexico, as well as Guatemala and the Florida Keys.

Dwarf squirrel lives in North America from west of the Mississippi River to northern Canada. Also, this species has recently become widespread in England, Ireland, Scotland and Italy.

Squirrel Collier found in tropical thickets and subtropical forests Mexico and the Pacific coast.

Squirrel Deppe – indigenous to Brazil, Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Mexico.

Fire Squirrel lives in only one country in South America, Venezuela.

Yellow-throated squirrel lives in Venezuela, Guyana, Brazil.

Red-tailed squirrel lives in Central and South America on the islands of Margarita, Trinidad, Tobago and Barro Colorado. This type of squirrel prefers to settle near water bodies and in seasonal or tropical forests. They often live next to humans in parks, near settlements and arable land.

Habitat western gray squirrel – oak-coniferous woodlands or mixed forests Mexico and USA.

Japanese squirrel lives only on the islands of Honshu and Shikoku in low-mountain forests.

Nayarit squirrel found in Mexico and southeastern Arizona, USA.

Black or fox squirrel inhabits almost all North America, ranging from southern Canada to northern Mexico.

spotted squirrel lives in Central America and Mexico. The animal lives in wet and dry forests of this area.

Yucatan squirrel inhabits the Yucatan Peninsula, also found in the tropical forests of Guatemala, Mexico and Brazil.

common squirrel, fauna of Eastern Europe, inhabits almost all of Eurasia from the coast Atlantic Ocean to the Japanese island Hokkaido.

Squirrel's home in the wild

IN natural environment Almost all types of squirrels live in trees. Most often, a hollow or nest serves as a home for a squirrel.

Nests are often built by squirrels living in coniferous forests. The squirrel builds its shelter from dry branches in the shape of a ball. Then the inside is lined with dry grass, leaves, moss and wool. The squirrel builds a hollow inside in the same way as a nest. Animals can also settle in birdhouses or on the roofs of houses.

The construction of nests is most often done by females, and males settle in hollows or abandoned nests of females, or magpies, crows, blackbirds. Each squirrel has about 15 such dwellings.

In winter, the squirrel leaves its home only for feeding time, and the rest of the time it sleeps in its cozy shelter. Sometimes in winter, from 3 to 6 squirrels can live in one nest or hollow at the same time. at this time of year with their reserves or the reserves of other small rodents.